diff --git a/config/configuration.lua b/config/configuration.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 67f9e60..0000000
--- a/config/configuration.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-local _, ns = ...
-local LSM = LibStub('LibSharedMedia-3.0')
-local OBJECTS = {
- Zone = 'MinimapZoneTextButton',
- Difficulty = 'MiniMapInstanceDifficulty',
- Battlefield = 'MiniMapBattlefieldFrame',
- Dungeon = 'MiniMapLFGFrame',
- Tracking = 'MiniMapTracking',
- Clock = 'TimeManagerClockButton',
- Mail = 'MiniMapMailFrame',
-function ns.UpdateObjects()
- for name, setting in pairs(pMinimapDB.objects) do
- local object = _G[OBJECTS[name]]
- if(setting.shown) then
- object:SetAlpha(1)
- object:EnableMouse(true)
- else
- object:SetAlpha(0)
- object:EnableMouse(false)
- end
- object:ClearAllPoints()
- object:SetPoint(setting.point)
- end
-function ns.UpdateCore()
- Minimap:SetScale(pMinimapDB.minimap.scale)
- Minimap:SetFrameStrata(pMinimapDB.minimap.strata)
- Minimap:SetFrameLevel(pMinimapDB.minimap.level)
- local size = pMinimapDB.minimap.borderSize
- Minimap:SetBackdrop({bgFile = [=[Interface\ChatFrame\ChatFrameBackground]=], insets = {left = -size, right = -size, top = -size, bottom = -size}})
- Minimap:SetBackdropColor(unpack(pMinimapDB.minimap.borderColors))
-function ns.UpdateFont()
- local font, size = LSM:Fetch('font', pMinimapDB.font.name), pMinimapDB.font.size
- local flag = pMinimapDB.font.shadow .. (pMinimapDB.font.monochrome and 'MONOCHROME' or '')
- MinimapZoneText:SetFont(font, size, flag)
- TimeManagerClockTicker:SetFont(font, size, flag)
-function ns.UpdatePosition(save)
- if(save) then
- local point, _, _, x, y = Minimap:GetPoint()
- pMinimapDB.minimap.position = string.format('%s\031%d\031%d', point, x, y)
- else
- local point, x, y = string.split('\031', pMinimapDB.minimap.position)
- Minimap:ClearAllPoints()
- Minimap:SetPoint(point, UIParent, point, x, y)
- end
-local function AddConfig(name, func)
- local group = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, InterfaceOptionsFramePanelContainer)
- group.name = name
- group:SetScript('OnShow', func)
- group:HookScript('OnShow', function(self) self:SetScript('OnShow', nil) end)
- if(name ~= 'pMinimap') then
- group.parent = 'pMinimap'
- group.addonname = 'pMinimap'
- end
- InterfaceOptions_AddCategory(group)
-AddConfig('pMinimap', function(self)
- local scale = ns.slider(self, 'Scale', '%.1f', pMinimapDB.minimap.scale, 0.5, 2.5, 0.1, 'TOPLEFT', 30, -30)
- scale:HookScript('OnValueChanged', function(frame, value)
- pMinimapDB.minimap.scale = value
- ns.UpdateCore()
- end)
- local unlock = ns.checkbox(self, 'Unlocked', 'TOPLEFT', 30, -80)
- unlock:SetChecked(ns.UNLOCKED)
- unlock:SetScript('OnClick', function()
- unlock:SetChecked(ns.UNLOCKED)
- end)
- local level = ns.slider(self, 'Frame Level', '%d', pMinimapDB.minimap.level, 0, 10, 1, 'TOPRIGHT', -30, -30)
- level:HookScript('OnValueChanged', function(frame, value)
- pMinimapDB.minimap.level = value
- ns.UpdateCore()
- end)
- local strata = ns.dropdown(self, 'Frame Strata', pMinimapDB.minimap.strata, {'HIGH', 'MEDIUM', 'LOW', 'BACKGROUND'},
- function(self)
- pMinimapDB.minimap.strata = self.value
- ns.UpdateCore()
- end)
- strata:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT', -10, -80)
- local background1 = self:CreateTexture(nil, 'BACKGROUND')
- background1:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', scale, -20, 20)
- background1:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', strata, 0, -5)
- background1:SetTexture(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
- local borderSize = ns.slider(self, 'Border Thickness', '%d', pMinimapDB.minimap.borderSize, 0, 10, 1, 'LEFT', 30, 0)
- borderSize:HookScript('OnValueChanged', function(frame, value)
- pMinimapDB.minimap.borderSize = value
- ns.UpdateCore()
- end)
- local borderColor = ns.palette(self, 'Border Color', pMinimapDB.minimap.borderColors, 'RIGHT', -130, 0)
- local background2 = self:CreateTexture(nil, 'BACKGROUND')
- background2:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', borderSize, -20, 20)
- background2:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', borderColor, 120, -20)
- background2:SetTexture(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
- ns.dropdown(self, 'Font', pMinimapDB.font.name, LSM:List('font'),
- function(self)
- pMinimapDB.font.name = self.value
- ns.UpdateFont()
- end
- ):SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', 10, 20)
- local size = ns.slider(self, 'Font Size', '%d', pMinimapDB.font.size, 6, 36, 1, 'BOTTOMLEFT', 30, 80)
- size:HookScript('OnValueChanged', function(frame, value)
- pMinimapDB.font.size = value
- ns.UpdateFont()
- end)
- local shadow = ns.dropdown(self, 'Font Shadow', pMinimapDB.font.shadow, {'OUTLINE', 'THICKOUTLINE', 'NONE'},
- function(self)
- pMinimapDB.font.shadow = self.value
- ns.UpdateFont()
- end)
- shadow:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', -10, 20)
- local monochrome = ns.checkbox(self, 'Monochrome', 'BOTTOMRIGHT', -140, 75)
- monochrome:SetChecked(pMinimapDB.font.monochrome)
- monochrome:SetScript('OnClick', function()
- pMinimapDB.font.monochrome = not pMinimapDB.font.monochrome
- ns.UpdateFont()
- end)
- local background3 = self:CreateTexture(nil, 'BACKGROUND')
- background3:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', size, -20, 20)
- background3:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', shadow, 0, -5)
- background3:SetTexture(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
-AddConfig('Objects', function(self)
- local offset = 25
- for name, setting in pairs(pMinimapDB.objects) do
- local shown = ns.checkbox(self, name, 'TOPLEFT', 25, -offset)
- shown:SetChecked(setting.shown)
- shown:SetScript('OnClick', function()
- setting.shown = not setting.shown
- ns.UpdateObjects()
- end)
- local position = ns.dropdown(self, name..' Position', setting.point, points,
- function(self)
- setting.point = self.value
- ns.UpdateObjects()
- end)
- position:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT', -10, -offset)
- local background = self:CreateTexture(nil, 'BACKGROUND')
- background:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', shown, -15, 15)
- background:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', position)
- background:SetTexture(0, 0, 0, 0.4)
- offset = offset + 60
- end
diff --git a/config/module.checkbox.lua b/config/module.checkbox.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 8be23f9..0000000
--- a/config/module.checkbox.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-local _, ns = ...
-local NORMAL = [=[Interface\Buttons\UI-CheckBox-Up]=]
-local PUSHED = [=[Interface\Buttons\UI-CheckBox-Down]=]
-local CHECKED = [=[Interface\Buttons\UI-CheckBox-Check]=]
-local HIGHLIGHT = [=[Interface\Buttons\UI-CheckBox-Highlight]=]
-function ns.checkbox(parent, str, ...)
- local button = CreateFrame('CheckButton', nil, parent)
- button:SetPoint(...)
- button:SetSize(26, 26)
- button:SetHitRectInsets(0, -100, 0, 0)
- button:SetNormalTexture(NORMAL)
- button:SetPushedTexture(PUSHED)
- button:SetCheckedTexture(CHECKED)
- button:SetHighlightTexture(HIGHLIGHT)
- local label = button:CreateFontString(nil, 'ARTWORK', 'GameFontHighlight')
- label:SetPoint('LEFT', button, 'RIGHT', 0, 1)
- label:SetText(str)
- return button
diff --git a/config/module.dropdown.lua b/config/module.dropdown.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 0687bce..0000000
--- a/config/module.dropdown.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-local _, ns = ...
-local GLUE = [=[Interface\Glues\CharacterCreate\CharacterCreate-LabelFrame]=]
-local NORMAL = [=[Interface\ChatFrame\UI-ChatIcon-ScrollDown-Up]=]
-local PUSHED = [=[Interface\ChatFrame\UI-ChatIcon-ScrollDown-Down]=]
-local HIGHLIGHT = [=[Interface\Buttons\UI-Common-MouseHilight]=]
-function ns.dropdown(parent, str, default, values, func)
- local container = CreateFrame('Button', nil, parent)
- container:SetSize(180, 30)
- local frame = CreateFrame('Frame', 'pMinimapDropDown'..str, parent, 'UIDropDownMenuTemplate')
- frame:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', container)
- frame:EnableMouse(true)
- UIDropDownMenu_SetWidth(frame, 130)
- UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(frame, function()
- local info = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo()
- info.notCheckable = true
- info.func = function(self)
- _G[frame:GetName()..'Text']:SetText(self.value)
- func(self)
- end
- for _, value in pairs(values) do
- info.text = value
- info.value = value
- UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info)
- end
- end)
- local label = container:CreateFontString(nil, 'BACKGROUND', 'GameFontNormalSmall')
- label:SetPoint('BOTTOM', container, 'TOP')
- label:SetText(str)
- _G['pMinimapDropDown'..str..'Text']:SetText(default)
- return container
diff --git a/config/module.palette.lua b/config/module.palette.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fb7c96..0000000
--- a/config/module.palette.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-local _, ns = ...
-local SWATCH = [=[Interface\ChatFrame\ChatFrameColorSwatch]=]
-local CHECKERS = [=[Tileset\Generic\Checkers]=]
-local function OnClick(self)
- HideUIPanel(ColorPickerFrame)
- local origR, origG, origB, origA = unpack(pMinimapDB.minimap.borderColors)
- ColorPickerFrame:SetFrameStrata('FULLSCREEN_DIALOG')
- ColorPickerFrame.func = function()
- local r, g, b = ColorPickerFrame:GetColorRGB()
- local a = 1 - OpacitySliderFrame:GetValue()
- self.swatch:SetVertexColor(r, g, b, a)
- pMinimapDB.minimap.borderColors = {r, g, b, a}
- ns.UpdateCore()
- end
- ColorPickerFrame.hasOpacity = true
- ColorPickerFrame.opacityFunc = function()
- local r, g, b = ColorPickerFrame:GetColorRGB()
- local a = 1 - OpacitySliderFrame:GetValue()
- self.swatch:SetVertexColor(r, g, b, a)
- pMinimapDB.minimap.borderColors = {r, g, b, a}
- ns.UpdateCore()
- end
- ColorPickerFrame.cancelFunc = function()
- self.swatch:SetVertexColor(origR, origG, origB, origA)
- pMinimapDB.minimap.borderColors = {origR, origG, origB, origA}
- ns.UpdateCore()
- end
- ColorPickerFrame.opacity = 1 - origA
- ColorPickerFrame:SetColorRGB(origR, origG, origB)
- ShowUIPanel(ColorPickerFrame)
-function ns.palette(parent, str, default, ...)
- local container = CreateFrame('Button', nil, parent)
- container:SetPoint(...)
- container:SetSize(22, 22)
- container:SetHitRectInsets(0, -100, 0, 0)
- container:SetScript('OnClick', OnClick)
- container:EnableMouse(true)
- local swatch = container:CreateTexture(nil, 'OVERLAY')
- swatch:SetAllPoints()
- swatch:SetTexture(SWATCH)
- swatch:SetVertexColor(unpack(default))
- container.swatch = swatch
- local background = container:CreateTexture(nil, 'BACKGROUND')
- background:SetPoint('CENTER')
- background:SetSize(18, 18)
- background:SetTexture(1, 1, 1)
- local checkers = container:CreateTexture(nil, 'BACKGROUND')
- checkers:SetPoint('CENTER')
- checkers:SetSize(17, 17)
- checkers:SetTexture(CHECKERS)
- checkers:SetTexCoord(0.25, 0, 0.5, 0.25)
- checkers:SetDesaturated(true)
- checkers:SetVertexColor(1, 1, 1, 0.75)
- local label = container:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY', 'GameFontHighlight')
- label:SetPoint('LEFT', swatch, 'RIGHT', 2, 0)
- label:SetHeight(24)
- label:SetJustifyH('LEFT')
- label:SetText(str)
- return container
diff --git a/config/module.slider.lua b/config/module.slider.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 71a918b..0000000
--- a/config/module.slider.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-local _, ns = ...
-local THUMB = [=[Interface\Buttons\UI-SliderBar-Button-Horizontal]=]
-local SLIDER = {
- bgFile = [=[Interface\Buttons\UI-SliderBar-Background]=],
- edgeFile = [=[Interface\Buttons\UI-SliderBar-Border]=],
- edgeSize = 8, tile = true, tileSize = 8,
- insets = {left = 3, right = 3, top = 6, bottom = 6},
-local EDITBOX = {
- bgFile = [=[Interface\ChatFrame\ChatFrameBackground]=],
- edgeFile = [=[Interface\ChatFrame\ChatFrameBackground]=],
- tile = true, edgeSize = 1, tileSize = 5,
-local function OnEnterPressed(self)
- local value = tonumber(self:GetText())
- if(value) then
- PlaySound('igMainMenuOptionCheckBoxOn')
- self:GetParent():SetValue(value)
- end
-local function OnEnter(self)
- self:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1)
-local function OnLeave(self)
- self:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.8)
-function ns.slider(parent, str, formatting, cur, min, max, step, ...)
- local slider = CreateFrame('Slider', nil, parent)
- slider:SetPoint(...)
- slider:SetSize(144, 16)
- slider:SetBackdrop(SLIDER)
- slider:SetThumbTexture(THUMB)
- slider:SetOrientation('HORIZONTAL')
- slider:SetMinMaxValues(min, max)
- slider:SetValueStep(step)
- slider:SetValue(cur)
- local left = slider:CreateFontString(nil, 'ARTWORK', 'GameFontHighlightSmall')
- left:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', slider, 'BOTTOMLEFT', -4, 3)
- left:SetText(min)
- local right = slider:CreateFontString(nil, 'ARTWORK', 'GameFontHighlightSmall')
- right:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT', slider, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', 4, 3)
- right:SetText(max)
- local label = slider:CreateFontString(nil, 'ARTWORK', 'GameFontNormal')
- label:SetPoint('BOTTOM', slider, 'TOP')
- label:SetText(str)
- local editbox = CreateFrame('EditBox', nil, slider)
- editbox:SetPoint('TOP', slider, 'BOTTOM')
- editbox:SetSize(40, 14)
- editbox:SetAutoFocus(false)
- editbox:SetFontObject(GameFontHighlightSmall)
- editbox:SetBackdrop(EDITBOX)
- editbox:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
- editbox:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.8)
- editbox:EnableMouse(true)
- editbox:SetScript('OnEnter', OnEnter)
- editbox:SetScript('OnLeave', OnLeave)
- editbox:SetScript('OnEnterPressed', OnEnterPressed)
- editbox:SetScript('OnEscapePressed', editbox.ClearFocus)
- editbox:SetJustifyH('CENTER')
- editbox:SetText(string.format(formatting, cur))
- slider:SetScript('OnValueChanged', function(self, value)
- editbox:SetText(string.format(formatting, value))
- end)
- return slider
diff --git a/libs/LibConfig-1.0.lua b/libs/LibConfig-1.0.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f54ca1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/LibConfig-1.0.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+local LibConfig = LibStub:NewLibrary('LibConfig-1.0', 40000.1)
+local panels, lib, args = {}, {}, {}
+LibConfig.panels = panels
+LibConfig.lib = lib
+local function getArgs(...)
+ wipe(args)
+ for index = 1, select('#', ...), 2 do
+ local k, v = select(index, ...)
+ args[k] = v
+ end
+ return args
+ -- XXX: fix/control
+ local function _okay(self)
+ for control in pairs(self.controls) do
+ control.oldValue = control.value
+ if(control.okayFunc) then
+ control.okayFunc()
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- XXX: fix/control
+ local function _cancel(self)
+ for control in pairs(self.controls) do
+ control.value = control.oldValue
+ control.setValue(control)
+ if(control.cancelFunc) then
+ control.cancelFunc()
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- XXX: fix/control
+ local function _default(self)
+ for control in pairs(self.controls) do
+ control.value = control.default
+ control.setValue(control)
+ if(control.defaultFunc) then
+ control.defaultFunc()
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ function LibConfig.AddConfig(name, parent, func, globalName)
+ if(parent) then
+ globalName = parent .. 'Config' .. name
+ else
+ globalName = name .. 'Configa'
+ end
+ local group = CreateFrame('Frame', globalName, InterfaceOptionsFramePanelContainer)
+ group.name = name
+ group.parent = parent
+ group.addonname = parent
+ group.controls = {}
+ group.okay = _okay
+ group.cancel = _cancel
+ group.default = _default
+ group:SetScript('OnShow', func)
+ group:HookScript('OnShow', function(self)
+ self:SetScript('OnShow', nil)
+ end)
+ InterfaceOptions_AddCategory(group)
+ panels[group] = true
+ for type, func in pairs(lib) do
+ group[type] = func
+ end
+ return group
+ end
+ function LibConfig.AddCommand(name, ...)
+ for index = 1, select('#', ...) do
+ _G['SLASH_'.. name .. index] = select(index, ...)
+ end
+ SlashCmdList[name] = function()
+ InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory(name)
+ end
+ end
+ local function _onClick(self)
+ self.setFunc(self.value)
+ self:SetChecked(self.value)
+ end
+ local function _onClickWrapper(self)
+ self.value = not self.value
+ _onClick(self)
+ end
+ function lib:CreateCheckBox(...)
+ local args = getArgs(...)
+ local i, globalName = 0
+ repeat
+ i = i + 1
+ globalName = self:GetName() .. 'CheckButton' .. i
+ until not _G[globalName]
+ local object = CreateFrame('CheckButton', globalName, self, 'InterfaceOptionsCheckButtonTemplate')
+ local text = _G[globalName .. 'Text']
+ text:SetText(args.name)
+ object:SetHitRectInsets(0, - text:GetWidth() - 1, 0, 0)
+ object:SetScript('OnClick', _onClickWrapper)
+ object.default = args.default
+ object.value = args.getFunc()
+ object.oldValue = object.value or object.default
+ object.getFunc = args.getFunc
+ object.setFunc = args.setFunc
+ object.okayFunc = args.okayFunc
+ object.cancelFunc = args.cancelFunc
+ object.defaultFunc = args.defaultFunc
+ object:SetChecked(args.getFunc())
+ object.setValue = _onClick
+ self.controls[object] = true
+ return object
+ end
+ local function dummy() end
+ local function _onClick(self)
+ self.setFunc()
+ end
+ function lib:CreateButton(...)
+ local args = getArgs(...)
+ local i, globalName = 0
+ repeat
+ i = i + 1
+ globalName = self:GetName() .. 'Button' .. i
+ until not _G[globalName]
+ local object = CreateFrame('Button', globalName, self, 'UIPanelButtonTemplate2')
+ object:SetSize(90, 22)
+ object:SetScript('OnClick', _onClick)
+ object:SetText(args.name)
+ object.setFunc = args.setFunc
+ object.getFunc = dummy
+ object.setValue = dummy
+ self.controls[object] = true
+ return object
+ end
+ local function _value(self)
+ UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedValue(self, self.value)
+ self.setFunc(self.value)
+ end
+ local function _valueWrapper(button, self, value)
+ self.value = value
+ _value(self)
+ end
+ local function _menu(self)
+ for value, text in pairs(self.values) do
+ local info = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo()
+ info.text = text
+ info.value = value
+ info.checked = self.value == value
+ info.func = _valueWrapper
+ info.arg1 = self
+ info.arg2 = value
+ UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info)
+ end
+ end
+ function lib:CreateDropDown(...)
+ local args = getArgs(...)
+ local i, globalName = 0
+ repeat
+ i = i + 1
+ globalName = self:GetName() .. 'DropDown' .. i
+ until not _G[globalName]
+ local object = CreateFrame('Frame', globalName, self, 'UIDropDownMenuTemplate')
+ object:EnableMouse(true)
+ local label = object:CreateFontString(nil, 'BACKGROUND', 'GameFontNormal')
+ label:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', object, 'TOPLEFT', 16, 3)
+ label:SetText(args.name)
+ object.values = args.values
+ object.default = args.default
+ object.value = args.getFunc()
+ object.oldValue = object.value or object.default
+ object.getFunc = args.getFunc
+ object.setFunc = args.setFunc
+ object.okayFunc = args.okayFunc
+ object.cancelFunc = args.cancelFunc
+ object.defaultFunc = args.defaultFunc
+ UIDropDownMenu_SetWidth(object, args.width or 130)
+ UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(object, _menu)
+ UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedValue(object, args.getFunc())
+ object.setValue = _value
+ self.controls[object] = true
+ return object
+ end
+ local _backdrop = {
+ bgFile = [=[Interface\ChatFrame\ChatFrameBackground]=],
+ edgeFile = [=[Interface\ChatFrame\ChatFrameBackground]=],
+ tile = true, edgeSize = 1, tileSize = 5,
+ }
+ local function _value(self)
+ self.setFunc(self.value)
+ _G[self:GetName() .. 'EditBox']:SetText(self.currentTextFunc(self.value))
+ end
+ local function _onValueChanged(self)
+ self.value = self:GetValue()
+ _value(self)
+ end
+ local function _onEnterPressed(self)
+ local object = self:GetParent()
+ local value = tonumber(self:GetText())
+ local min, max = object:GetMinMaxValues()
+ if(value and (value <= max and value >= min)) then
+ object.value = value
+ end
+ _value(object)
+ end
+ local function _onEnter(self)
+ self:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1)
+ end
+ local function _onLeave(self)
+ self:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.8)
+ end
+ function lib:CreateSlider(...)
+ local args = getArgs(...)
+ local i, globalName = 0
+ repeat
+ i = i + 1
+ globalName = self:GetName() .. 'Slider' .. i
+ until not _G[globalName]
+ local object = CreateFrame('Slider', globalName, self, 'OptionsSliderTemplate')
+ object.currentTextFunc = args.currentTextFunc
+ object.default = args.default
+ object.value = args.getFunc()
+ object.oldValue = object.value or object.default
+ object.getFunc = args.getFunc
+ object.setFunc = args.setFunc
+ object.okayFunc = args.okayFunc
+ object.cancelFunc = args.cancelFunc
+ object.defaultFunc = args.defaultFunc
+ object:SetScript('OnValueChanged', _onValueChanged)
+ object:SetMinMaxValues(args.minValue, args.maxValue)
+ object:SetValueStep(args.step)
+ _G[globalName .. 'Text']:SetText(args.name)
+ _G[globalName .. 'High']:SetText(tostring(args.maxValue))
+ _G[globalName .. 'Low']:SetText(tostring(args.minValue))
+ local editbox = CreateFrame('EditBox', globalName .. 'EditBox', object)
+ editbox:SetPoint('TOP', object, 'BOTTOM')
+ editbox:SetSize(40, 14)
+ editbox:SetAutoFocus(false)
+ editbox:SetFontObject(GameFontHighlightSmall)
+ editbox:SetBackdrop(_backdrop)
+ editbox:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
+ editbox:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.8)
+ editbox:EnableMouse(true)
+ editbox:SetScript('OnEnter', _onEnter)
+ editbox:SetScript('OnLeave', _onLeave)
+ editbox:SetScript('OnEnterPressed', _onEnterPressed)
+ editbox:SetScript('OnEscapePressed', editbox.ClearFocus)
+ editbox:SetJustifyH('CENTER')
+ editbox:SetText(args.currentTextFunc(args.getFunc()))
+ object:SetValue(args.getFunc())
+ object.setValue = _value
+ self.controls[object] = true
+ return object
+ end
+ local function _value(self)
+ local r, g, b, a = unpack(self.value)
+ if(not self.hasAlpha) then
+ a = 1
+ else
+ self.info.opacity = a
+ end
+ self.info.r, self.info.g, self.info.b = r, g, b
+ self.color:SetTexture(r, g, b, a)
+ self.value = {r, g, b, a}
+ self.setFunc(r, g, b, a)
+ end
+ local function _onClick(self)
+ OpenColorPicker(self.info)
+ end
+ local function _swatchFunc(self)
+ local r, g, b = ColorPickerFrame:GetColorRGB()
+ local a = 1 - OpacitySliderFrame:GetValue()
+ self.value = {r, g, b, a}
+ _value(self)
+ end
+ local function _cancelFunc(self)
+ local prev = ColorPickerFrame.previousValues
+ local r, g, b, a = prev.r, prev.g, prev.b, 1 - prev.opacity
+ self.value = {r, g, b, a}
+ _value(self)
+ end
+ function lib:CreatePalette(...)
+ local args = getArgs(...)
+ local i, globalName = 0
+ repeat
+ i = i + 1
+ globalName = self:GetName() .. 'Palette' .. i
+ until not _G[globalName]
+ local object = CreateFrame('Button', globalName, self)
+ object:SetScript('OnClick', _onClick)
+ object:RegisterForClicks('LeftButtonUp')
+ object:SetSize(26, 26)
+ local label = object:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY', 'GameFontHighlight')
+ label:SetPoint('LEFT', object, 'RIGHT', 0, 1)
+ label:SetText(args.name)
+ object:SetHitRectInsets(0, - label:GetWidth() - 1, 0, 0)
+ local currentR, currentG, currentB, currentA = args.getFunc()
+ object.hasAlpha = args.hasAlpha
+ object.default = {unpack(args.default)}
+ object.value = {currentR, currentG, currentB, defaultA}
+ object.oldValue = object.value or object.default
+ object.getFunc = args.getFunc
+ object.setFunc = args.setFunc
+ object.okayFunc = args.okayFunc
+ object.cancelFunc = args.cancelFunc
+ object.defaultFunc = args.defaultFunc
+ local color = object:CreateTexture(nil, 'ARTWORK')
+ color:SetPoint('CENTER')
+ color:SetSize(14, 14)
+ color:SetTexture(currentR, currentG, currentB, currentA)
+ local background = object:CreateTexture(nil, 'BORDER')
+ background:SetPoint('CENTER')
+ background:SetSize(14, 14)
+ background:SetTexture([=[Tileset\Generic\Checkers]=])
+ background:SetTexCoord(0, 0.5, 0, 0.5)
+ local border = object:CreateTexture(nil, 'BACKGROUND')
+ border:SetAllPoints()
+ border:SetTexture([=[Interface\ChatFrame\ChatFrameColorSwatch]=])
+ local function swatchFunc_wrapper()
+ _swatchFunc(object)
+ end
+ local function cancelFunc_wrapper()
+ _cancelFunc(object)
+ end
+ object.color = color
+ object.info = {
+ swatchFunc = swatchFunc_wrapper,
+ cancelFunc = cancelFunc_wrapper,
+ hasOpacity = args.hasAlpha,
+ r = currentR,
+ g = currentG,
+ b = currentB,
+ }
+ if(not args.hasAlpha) then
+ args.defaultA = 1
+ args.currentA = 1
+ else
+ object.info.opacityFunc = swatchFunc_wrapper
+ object.info.opacity = 1 - currentA
+ end
+ object.setValue = _value
+ self.controls[object] = true
+ return object
+ end
+-- XXX: fix/control
+function lib:Refresh()
+ for control in pairs(self.controls) do
+ control.value = control.getFunc()
+ control.setValue(control)
+ end
+for name, func in pairs(lib) do
+ LibConfig[name] = func
+-- for panel in pairs(panels) do
+-- panel[name] = func
+-- end
diff --git a/pMinimap.lua b/pMinimap.lua
index 8d4b573..ab136a4 100644
--- a/pMinimap.lua
+++ b/pMinimap.lua
@@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
-local _, ns = ...
+local LibConfig = LibStub('LibConfig-1.0')
+local LibSharedMedia = LibStub('LibSharedMedia-3.0')
local pMinimap = CreateFrame('Frame')
pMinimap:SetScript('OnEvent', function(self, event, ...) self[event](self, ...) end)
+local PLAYER = GetRealmName() .. ' - ' .. UnitName('player')
local DEFAULTS = {
minimap = {
scale = 0.9,
@@ -14,24 +19,82 @@ local DEFAULTS = {
position = 'TOPRIGHT\031-15\031-15',
objects = {
- Zone = {point = 'TOP', shown = false},
- Difficulty = {point = 'BOTTOM', shown = false},
- Battlefield = {point = 'TOPRIGHT', shown = true},
- Dungeon = {point = 'TOPRIGHT', shown = true},
- Tracking = {point = 'TOPLEFT', shown = true},
- Clock = {point = 'BOTTOM', shown = true},
- Mail = {point = 'BOTTOMRIGHT', shown = true},
+ Zone = {shown = false, point = 'TOP'},
+ Difficulty = {shown = false, point = 'BOTTOM'},
+ Battlefield = {shown = true, point = 'TOPRIGHT'},
+ Dungeon = {shown = true, point = 'TOPRIGHT'},
+ Tracking = {shown = true, point = 'TOPLEFT'},
+ Clock = {shown = true, point = 'BOTTOM'},
+ Mail = {shown = true, point = 'BOTTOMRIGHT'},
font = {
- name = LibStub('LibSharedMedia-3.0'):GetDefault('font'),
+ index = 2,
size = 12,
shadow = 'OUTLINE',
monochrome = false,
+local OBJECTS = {
+ Zone = 'MinimapZoneTextButton',
+ Difficulty = 'MiniMapInstanceDifficulty',
+ Battlefield = 'MiniMapBattlefieldFrame',
+ Dungeon = 'MiniMapLFGFrame',
+ Tracking = 'MiniMapTracking',
+ Clock = 'TimeManagerClockButton',
+ Mail = 'MiniMapMailFrame',
+function UpdateObjects()
+ for name, setting in pairs(DB.objects) do
+ local object = _G[OBJECTS[name]]
+ if(setting.shown) then
+ object:SetAlpha(1)
+ object:EnableMouse(true)
+ else
+ object:SetAlpha(0)
+ object:EnableMouse(false)
+ end
+ object:ClearAllPoints()
+ object:SetPoint(setting.point)
+ end
+function UpdateCore()
+ Minimap:SetScale(DB.minimap.scale)
+ Minimap:SetFrameStrata(DB.minimap.strata)
+ Minimap:SetFrameLevel(DB.minimap.level)
+ local size = DB.minimap.borderSize
+ Minimap:SetBackdrop({bgFile = [=[Interface\ChatFrame\ChatFrameBackground]=], insets = {left = -size, right = -size, top = -size, bottom = -size}})
+ Minimap:SetBackdropColor(unpack(DB.minimap.borderColors))
+function UpdateFont()
+ local fonts = LibSharedMedia:List('font')
+ local font, size = LibSharedMedia:Fetch('font', fonts[DB.font.index]), DB.font.size
+ local flag = DB.font.shadow .. (DB.font.monochrome and 'MONOCHROME' or '')
+ MinimapZoneText:SetFont(font, size, flag)
+ TimeManagerClockTicker:SetFont(font, size, flag)
+function UpdatePosition(save)
+ if(save) then
+ local point, _, _, x, y = Minimap:GetPoint()
+ DB.minimap.position = string.format('%s\031%d\031%d', point, x, y)
+ else
+ local point, x, y = string.split('\031', DB.minimap.position)
+ Minimap:ClearAllPoints()
+ Minimap:SetPoint(point, UIParent, point, x, y)
+ end
function pMinimap:PLAYER_LOGIN()
- pMinimapDB = setmetatable(pMinimapDB or {}, {__index = DEFAULTS})
+ pMinimapProfiles = pMinimapProfiles or {}
+ DB = pMinimapProfiles[PLAYER] or DEFAULTS
@@ -49,13 +112,12 @@ function pMinimap:PLAYER_LOGIN()
Minimap:SetScript('OnDragStart', function(self)
- if(not ns.UNLOCKED) then return end
+ if(not UNLOCKED) then return end
Minimap:SetScript('OnDragStop', function(self)
- if(not ns.UNLOCKED) then return end
+ if(not UNLOCKED) then return end
- ns.UpdatePosition(true)
@@ -94,20 +156,132 @@ function pMinimap:PLAYER_LOGIN()
TimeManagerClockTicker:SetPoint('CENTER', TimeManagerClockButton)
TimeManagerClockTicker:SetShadowOffset(0, 0)
- ns.UNLOCKED = false
- ns.UpdatePosition()
- ns.UpdateObjects()
- ns.UpdateCore()
- ns.UpdateFont()
+ UNLOCKED = false
+ UpdatePosition()
+ UpdateObjects()
+ UpdateCore()
+ UpdateFont()
- SLASH_pMinimap1 = '/pmm'
- SLASH_pMinimap2 = '/pminimap'
- SlashCmdList.pMinimap = function()
- InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory('pMinimap')
- end
+function pMinimap:PLAYER_LOGOUT()
+ pMinimapProfiles = pMinimapProfiles or {}
+ pMinimapProfiles[PLAYER] = DB
-- http://wowwiki.com/GetMinimapShape
function GetMinimapShape()
return 'SQUARE'
+LibConfig.AddConfig('pMinimap', nil, function(self)
+ self:CreateSlider(
+ 'name', 'Scale', 'step', 0.1,
+ 'minValue', 0.5, 'maxValue', 2.5,
+ 'default', DEFAULTS.minimap.scale,
+ 'currentTextFunc', function(value) return string.format('%.1f', value) end,
+ 'getFunc', function() return DB.minimap.scale end,
+ 'setFunc', function(value) DB.minimap.scale = value; UpdateCore() end
+ ):SetPoint('TOPLEFT', 30, -30)
+ self:CreateCheckBox(
+ 'name', 'Unlock',
+ 'default', false,
+ 'getFunc', function() return UNLOCKED end,
+ 'setFunc', function() UNLOCKED = not UNLOCKED end,
+ 'okayFunc', function() UpdatePosition(true) end,
+ 'cancelFunc', function() UpdatePosition() end,
+ 'defaultFunc', function() DB.minimap.position = DEFAULTS.minimap.position; UpdatePosition() end
+ ):SetPoint('TOPLEFT', 30, -80)
+ self:CreateSlider(
+ 'name', 'Frame Level', 'step', 1,
+ 'minValue', 0, 'maxValue', 10,
+ 'default', DEFAULTS.minimap.level,
+ 'currentTextFunc', function(value) return value end,
+ 'getFunc', function() return DB.minimap.level end,
+ 'setFunc', function(value) DB.minimap.level = value; UpdateCore() end
+ ):SetPoint('TOPRIGHT', -30, -30)
+ self:CreateDropDown(
+ 'name', 'Frame Strata',
+ 'default', DEFAULTS.minimap.strata,
+ 'getFunc', function() return DB.minimap.strata end,
+ 'setFunc', function(value) DB.minimap.strata = value; UpdateCore() end,
+ 'values', {HIGH = 'High', MEDIUM = 'Medium', LOW = 'Low', BACKGROUND = 'Background'}
+ ):SetPoint('TOPRIGHT', -10, -80)
+ self:CreateSlider(
+ 'name', 'Border Thickness', 'step', 1,
+ 'minValue', 0, 'maxValue', 10,
+ 'default', DEFAULTS.minimap.borderSize,
+ 'currentTextFunc', function(value) return value end,
+ 'getFunc', function() return DB.minimap.borderSize end,
+ 'setFunc', function(value) DB.minimap.borderSize = value; UpdateCore() end
+ ):SetPoint('LEFT', 30, 0)
+ self:CreatePalette(
+ 'name', 'Border Color', 'hasAlpha', true,
+ 'default', DEFAULTS.minimap.borderColors,
+ 'getFunc', function() return unpack(DB.minimap.borderColors) end,
+ 'setFunc', function(r, g, b, a) DB.minimap.borderColors = {r, g, b, a}; UpdateCore() end
+ ):SetPoint('RIGHT', -130, 0)
+ self:CreateDropDown(
+ 'name', 'Font',
+ 'default', DEFAULTS.font.index,
+ 'getFunc', function() return DB.font.index end,
+ 'setFunc', function(value) DB.font.index = value; UpdateFont() end,
+ 'values', LibSharedMedia:List('font')
+ ):SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', 10, 20)
+ self:CreateSlider(
+ 'name', 'Font Size', 'step', 1,
+ 'minValue', 6, 'maxValue', 36,
+ 'default', DEFAULTS.font.size,
+ 'currentTextFunc', function(value) return value end,
+ 'getFunc', function() return DB.font.size end,
+ 'setFunc', function(value) DB.font.size = value; UpdateFont() end
+ ):SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', 30, 80)
+ self:CreateDropDown(
+ 'name', 'Font Shadow',
+ 'default', DEFAULTS.font.shadow,
+ 'getFunc', function() return DB.font.shadow end,
+ 'setFunc', function(value) DB.font.shadow = value; UpdateFont() end,
+ 'values', {OUTLINE = 'Outline', THICKOUTLINE = 'Thick Outline', NONE = 'None'}
+ ):SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', -10, 20)
+ self:CreateCheckBox(
+ 'name', 'Monochrome',
+ 'default', DEFAULTS.font.monochrome,
+ 'getFunc', function() return DB.font.monochrome end,
+ 'setFunc', function(value) DB.font.monochrome = value; UpdateFont() end
+ ):SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', -140, 75)
+LibConfig.AddConfig('Objects', 'pMinimap', function(self)
+ local points = {TOPLEFT = 'Top Left', TOP = 'Top', TOPRIGHT = 'Top Right', LEFT = 'Left', RIGHT = 'Right', BOTTOMLEFT = 'Bottom Left', BOTTOM = 'Bottom', BOTTOMRIGHT = 'Bottom Right'}
+ local offset = 25
+ for name, default in pairs(DEFAULTS.objects) do
+ self:CreateCheckBox(
+ 'name', name,
+ 'default', default.shown,
+ 'getFunc', function() local o = DB.objects[name]; return o.shown end,
+ 'setFunc', function(value) local o = DB.objects[name]; o.shown = value; DB.objects[name] = o; UpdateObjects() end
+ ):SetPoint('TOPLEFT', 25, -offset)
+ self:CreateDropDown(
+ 'name', name..' Position',
+ 'default', default.point,
+ 'getFunc', function() local o = DB.objects[name]; return o.point end,
+ 'setFunc', function(value) local o = DB.objects[name]; o.point = value; DB.objects[name] = o; UpdateObjects() end,
+ 'values', points
+ ):SetPoint('TOPRIGHT', -10, -offset)
+ offset = offset + 60
+ end
+LibConfig.AddCommand('pMinimap', '/pmm', '/pminimap')
diff --git a/pMinimap.toc b/pMinimap.toc
index 03ed650..2cf0ef7 100644
--- a/pMinimap.toc
+++ b/pMinimap.toc
@@ -3,17 +3,12 @@
## Version: Alpha
## Title: pMinimap
## Notes: Yet another square minimap addon
-## SavedVariablesPerChar: pMinimapDB
-## OptionalDeps: LibSharedMedia-3.0, SharedMedia
+## SavedVariables: pMinimapProfiles
+## OptionalDeps: LibConfig-1.0, LibSharedMedia-3.0, SharedMedia