
* Updated .toc to remove DongleFrames

James Whitehead Ii [09-15-07 - 01:11]
* Updated .toc to remove DongleFrames
* Added TomTom_Minimap.lua for the start of the TomTom refactor.
diff --git a/TomTom.toc b/TomTom.toc
index 8b85a5c..d8b704c 100755
--- a/TomTom.toc
+++ b/TomTom.toc
@@ -5,6 +5,5 @@
 ## OptionalDeps: Dongle

diff --git a/TomTom_Minimap.lua b/TomTom_Minimap.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a568ff3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TomTom_Minimap.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+local MinimapPoint = {}
+-- Import Astrolabe
+local Astrolabe = DongleStub("Astrolabe-0.4")
+-- Create tooltip
+if not self.tooltip then
+	self.tooltip = CreateFrame("GameTooltip", "TomTomTooltip", nil, "GameTooltipTemplate")
+local OnEnter,OnLeave,OnClick,OnUpdate
+local Tooltip_OnUpdate
+function MinimapPoint:New(c,z,x,y,title,note)
+	if not self.pool then self.pool = {} end
+	-- Try to acquire an icon from the frame pool
+	local point = table.remove(self.pool)
+	if not point then
+		point = CreateFrame("Button", nil, Minimap)
+		point:SetHeight(12)
+		point:SetWidth(12)
+		point:RegisterForClicks("RightButtonUp")
+		point.icon = point:CreateTexture()
+		point.icon:SetTexture("Interface\\Minimap\\ObjectIcons")
+		point.icon:SetTexCoord(0.5, 0.75, 0, 0.25)
+		point.icon:SetAllPoints()
+		-- Add the behavior scripts
+		point:SetScript("OnEnter", OnEnter)
+		point:SetScript("OnLeave", OnLeave)
+		point:SetScript("OnUpdate", OnUpdate)
+		point:SetScript("OnClick", OnClick)
+		point.arrow = CreateFrame("Model", nil, point)
+		point.arrow:SetHeight(140.8)
+		point.arrow:SetWidth(140.8)
+		point.arrow:SetPoint("CENTER", Minimap, "CENTER", 0, 0)
+		point.arrow:SetModel("Interface\\Minimap\\Rotating-MinimapArrow.mdx")
+		point.arrow:SetModelScale(.600000023841879)
+		point.arrow:Hide()
+		-- Copy all methods into the table
+		for k,v in pairs(self) do
+			point[k] = v
+		end
+	end
+	-- Set the data for this waypoint
+	point.c = c
+	point.z = z
+	point.x = x
+	point.y = y
+	point.title = title
+	point.note = note
+	-- Use Astrolabe to place the waypoint
+	-- TODO: Place the waypoint via astrolabe
+	return point
+function MinimapPoint:Arrive()
+function MinimapPoint:Clear()
+	function OnEnter(self, motion)
+		local tooltip = TomTomTooltip
+		tooltip:SetParent(self)
+		tooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_CURSOR")
+		-- Display the title, and add the note if it exists
+		tooltip:SetTitle(title or "TomTom Waypoint")
+		tooltip:AddLine(self.note or "No note for this waypoint")
+		local dist,x,y = Astrolabe:GetDistanceToIcon(self)
+		tooltip:AddLine(format("%.2f, %.2f", self.x, self.y), 1, 1, 1)
+		tooltip:AddLine(("%s yards away"):format(math.floor(dist)), 1, 1 ,1)
+		tooltip:AddLine(TomTom:GetZoneText(self.zone), 0.7, 0.7, 0.7)
+		tooltip:Show()
+		tooltip:SetScript("OnUpdate", Tooltip_OnUpdate)
+	end
+	function OnLeave(self, motion)
+		TomTomTooltip:Hide()
+	end
+	function OnClick(self, button, down)
+		--TODO: Implement dropdown
+	end
+	function OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
+		local edge = Astrolabe:IsIconOnEdge(self)
+		if edge and not self.arrow:IsShown() then
+			self.arrow:Show()
+			self.icon:Hide()
+			self.edge = true
+		elseif not edge and not self.icon:IsShown() then
+			self.icon:Show()
+			self.arrow:Hide()
+			self.edge = false
+		end
+		local dist,x,y = Astrolabe:GetDistanceToIcon(self)
+		local cleardist = TomTom.profile.options.cleardist
+		if dist <= cleardist then
+			self:Arrive()
+		end
+	end
+	local count = 0
+	function Tooltip_OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
+		count = count + elapsed
+		if count >= 0.1 then
+			local dist,x,y = Astrolabe:GetDistanceToIcon(self:GetParent())
+			TomTomTooltipTextLeft4:SetText(("%s yards away"):format(math.floor(dist)), 1, 1, 1)
+		end
+	end