diff --git a/AddonComm.lua b/AddonComm.lua
index db449d9..06b72c4 100644
--- a/AddonComm.lua
+++ b/AddonComm.lua
@@ -196,6 +196,8 @@ function AC:Receive(msgType, msg, channel, sender)
function AC:Send(msgType, msg, channel, target)
+ -- Don't send version update notices if this is a dev version
+ if msgType == self.Type.VersionUpdate and C.Version:lower() == "dev" and not C.OverrideACUpdateNotice then return end
channel = channel or "RAID"
if channel == "RAID" and not GT:IsRaid() then
if not GT:IsGroup() then return end
diff --git a/Command.lua b/Command.lua
index d6206b0..f3a92a7 100644
--- a/Command.lua
+++ b/Command.lua
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ local assert = assert
Command = {
Name = "Command",
Version = GetAddOnMetadata("Command", "Version"),
- VersionNum = 7, -- Increment on every release
+ VersionNum = 8, -- Increment on every release
VersionChecked = false, -- Prevent spam of "New Version" notice
Loaded = false,
VarVersion = 2,
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ local PM
local RM
local AC
local DM
+local SM
local log
--- Initialize Command.
@@ -70,6 +71,7 @@ function C:Init()
RM = self.RollManager
AC = self.AddonComm
DM = self.DeathManager
+ SM = self.SummonManager
log = self.Logger
@@ -112,6 +114,7 @@ function C:LoadSavedVars()
+ SM:Init()
self.Global.VERSION = self.VarVersion
diff --git a/CommandManager.lua b/CommandManager.lua
index 3e8d938..92fb740 100644
--- a/CommandManager.lua
+++ b/CommandManager.lua
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ local LM = C.LootManager
local GT = C.GroupTools
local AM = C.AuthManager
local DM = C.DeathManager
+local SM = C.SummonManager
local Chat
local CES = C.Extensions.String
local CET = C.Extensions.Table
@@ -238,58 +239,83 @@ CM:Register({"set", "s"}, PM.Access.Groups.Admin.Level, function(args, sender, i
if #args <= 0 then
return false, "CM_SET_USAGE"
- args[1] = args[1]:lower()
- if args[1]:match("^c") then -- Command Char setting
+ local mod = args[1]:lower()
+ if mod:match("^c") then -- Command Char setting
if #args < 2 then
return false, "CM_ERR_NOCMDCHAR"
return Chat:SetCmdChar(args[2])
- elseif args[1]:match("^g") then -- Group invite (announce)
+ elseif mod:match("^g") then -- Group invite (announce)
if #args < 2 then
args[2] = args[2]:lower()
- local time = tonumber(args[2])
- if time then
- return C:SetGroupInviteDelay(time)
+ local delay = tonumber(args[2])
+ if delay then
+ return C:SetGroupInviteDelay(delay)
elseif args[2]:match("^[eay]") then -- Enable
return C:EnableGroupInvite()
elseif args[2]:match("^[dn]") then -- Disable
return C:DisableGroupInvite()
- elseif args[1]:match("^d") then -- DeathManager
+ elseif mod:match("^d") then -- DeathManager
if #args < 2 then
if C.DeathManager:IsEnabled() then
- else
if isChat then -- Players are only allowed to check status of DeathManager
return false, "CM_ERR_NOCHAT"
- args[2] = args[2]:lower()
- if args[2]:match("^[eay].*rel") then -- Enable release
+ local setting = args[2]:lower()
+ if setting:match("^[eay].*rel") then -- Enable release
return C.DeathManager:EnableRelease()
- elseif args[2]:match("^[dn].*rel") then -- Disable release
+ elseif setting:match("^[dn].*rel") then -- Disable release
return C.DeathManager:DisableRelease()
- elseif args[2]:match("^[eay].*r") then -- Enable ress
+ elseif setting:match("^[eay].*r") then -- Enable ress
return C.DeathManager:EnableResurrect()
- elseif args[2]:match("^[dn].*r") then -- Disable ress
+ elseif setting:match("^[dn].*r") then -- Disable ress
return C.DeathManager:DisableResurrect()
- elseif args[2]:match("^[eay]") then -- Enable
+ elseif setting:match("^[eay]") then -- Enable
return C.DeathManager:Enable()
- elseif args[2]:match("^[dn]") then -- Disable
+ elseif setting:match("^[dn]") then -- Disable
return C.DeathManager:Disable()
- elseif args[2]:match("^t.*rel") then -- Toggle release
+ elseif setting:match("^t.*rel") then -- Toggle release
return C.DeathManager:ToggleRelease()
- elseif args[2]:match("^t.*r") then -- Toggle resurrect
+ elseif setting:match("^t.*r") then -- Toggle resurrect
return C.DeathManager:ToggleResurrect()
- elseif args[2]:match("^t") then -- Toggle
+ elseif setting:match("^t") then -- Toggle
return C.DeathManager:Toggle()
return false, "CM_SET_DM_USAGE"
+ elseif mod:match("^s") then -- SummonManager
+ if #args < 2 then
+ if SM:IsEnabled() then
+ end
+ end
+ if isChat then -- Players are only allowed to check status of SummonManager
+ return false, "CM_ERR_NOCHAT"
+ end
+ local setting = args[2]:lower()
+ if setting:match("^[eay]") then -- Enable
+ return SM:Enable()
+ elseif setting:match("^di") or setting:match("^n") then -- Disable
+ return SM:Disable()
+ elseif setting:match("^to") then -- Toggle
+ return SM:Toggle()
+ elseif setting:match("^[std]") then -- (Set) Delay
+ if #args < 3 then
+ return "CM_SET_SM_DELAY_CURRENT", {SM:GetDelay()}
+ end
+ local newDelay = tonumber(args[3])
+ if not newDelay then return false, "CM_SET_SM_DELAY_USAGE" end
+ return SM:SetDelay(newDelay)
+ end
+ return false, "CM_SET_SM_USAGE"
return false, "CM_SET_USAGE"
end, "CM_SET_HELP")
@@ -922,6 +948,20 @@ CM:Register({"resurrect", "ressurrect", "ress", "res"}, PM.Access.Groups.User.Le
return DM:Resurrect()
+CM:Register({"acceptsummon", "as", "acceptsumm", "asumm"}, PM.Access.Groups.User.Level, function(args, sender, isChat)
+ if not SM:IsEnabled() then
+ return false, "CM_ERR_DISABLED"
+ end
+ return SM:AcceptSummon()
+CM:Register({"declinesummon", "ds", "declinesumm", "dsumm", "cancelsummon", "csumm"}, PM.Access.Groups.User.Level, function(args, sender, isChat)
+ if not SM:IsEnabled() then
+ return false, "CM_ERR_DISABLED"
+ end
+ return SM:DeclineSummon()
for i,v in ipairs(CM.Slash) do
_G["SLASH_" .. C.Name:upper() .. i] = "/" .. v
diff --git a/Events.lua b/Events.lua
index c3993df..53ce87f 100644
--- a/Events.lua
+++ b/Events.lua
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ local CM = C.ChatManager
local QM = C.QueueManager
local AC = C.AddonComm
local DM = C.DeathManager
+local SM = C.SummonManager
--- Event handler for ADDON_LOADED
-- @name Command.Events.ADDON_LOADED
@@ -157,3 +158,7 @@ function C.Events.PLAYER_UNGHOST(self, ...)
DM.Dead = false
DM.Resurrection = false
+function C.Events.CONFIRM_SUMMON(self, ...)
+ SM:OnSummon()
diff --git a/LocaleManager.lua b/LocaleManager.lua
index 9489553..e12205d 100644
--- a/LocaleManager.lua
+++ b/LocaleManager.lua
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ local function l_index(self, k)
k = tostring(k):upper()
master = LM:GetMaster()
if self == master then -- Prevent recursion
- return ("%%%s%%"):format(k)
+ return ("%s"):format(k)
local val = master[k]
if val then return val end
diff --git a/SummonManager.lua b/SummonManager.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea7c972
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SummonManager.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2011-2012 by Adam Hellberg.
+ *
+ * This file is part of Command.
+ *
+ * Command is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Command is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with Command. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+-- Upvalues
+local type = type
+local floor = floor
+local tostring = tostring
+-- API Upvalues
+local CreateFrame = CreateFrame
+local CancelSummon = CancelSummon
+local ConfirmSummon = ConfirmSummon
+local PlayerCanTeleport = PlayerCanTeleport
+local GetSummonConfirmSummoner = GetSummonConfirmSummoner
+local GetSummonConfirmAreaName = GetSummonConfirmAreaName
+local GetSummonConfirmTimeLeft = GetSummonConfirmTimeLeft
+local C = Command
+C.SummonManager = {}
+local L = C.LocaleManager
+local SM = C.SummonManager
+local CM
+local MAX_TIME = 110 -- 1 minute 50 seconds, summons expire after 2 minutes (usually)
+local LastSummoner
+function SM:Init()
+ CM = C.ChatManager
+ LastSummoner = L("UNKNOWN")
+ self:LoadSavedVars()
+function SM:LoadSavedVars()
+ if type(C.Global["SUMMON_MANAGER"]) ~= "table" then
+ C.Global["SUMMON_MANAGER"] = {}
+ end
+ self.Settings = C.Global["SUMMON_MANAGER"]
+ if type(self.Settings.ENABLED) ~= "boolean" then
+ self.Settings.ENABLED = true
+ end
+ if type(self.Settings.TIME) ~= "number" then
+ self.Settings.TIME = 0
+ end
+function SM:OnSummon()
+ if self.DelayActive then return end
+ if self.Settings.TIME > 0 then
+ self.DelayActive = true
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Frame")
+ frame.Time = 0 -- Current time
+ frame.Delay = self.Settings.TIME -- Delay to wait
+ frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(self, elapsed)
+ self.Time = self.Time + elapsed
+ if self.Time >= self.Delay then
+ self:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
+ SM.DelayActive = false
+ if SM:HasSummon() then SM:Announce() end
+ end
+ end)
+ else
+ self:Announce()
+ end
+function SM:Announce()
+ if not self:HasSummon() then return end
+ local name = GetSummonConfirmSummoner()
+ local area = GetSummonConfirmAreaName()
+ local left = GetSummonConfirmTimeLeft()
+ if left >= 60 then -- Convert to m:s format
+ local minutes = floor(left / 60)
+ local seconds = tostring(left - minutes * 60)
+ if not seconds:match("%d%d") then
+ seconds = "0" .. seconds
+ end
+ left = ("%d:%s"):format(minutes, seconds)
+ else
+ left = ("%d %s"):format(left, L("SECONDS"):lower())
+ end
+ if not name or not area or not left then return end
+ LastSummoner = name
+ CM:SendMessage(L("SM_ONSUMMON"):format(area, name, left), "SMART")
+function SM:AcceptSummon()
+ if not self:HasSummon() then
+ return false, "SM_ERR_NOSUMMON"
+ end
+ ConfirmSummon()
+ return "SM_ACCEPTED", {LastSummoner}
+function SM:DeclineSummon()
+ if not self:HasSummon() then
+ return false, "SM_ERR_NOSUMMON"
+ end
+ CancelSummon()
+ return "SM_DECLINED", {LastSummoner}
+function SM:HasSummon()
+ return PlayerCanTeleport()
+function SM:IsEnabled()
+ return self.Settings.ENABLED
+function SM:Enable()
+ self.Settings.ENABLED = true
+ return "SM_ENABLED"
+function SM:Disable()
+ self.Settings.ENABLED = false
+ return "SM_DISABLED"
+function SM:Toggle()
+ if self:IsEnabled() then
+ return self:Disable()
+ end
+ return self:Enable()
+function SM:GetDelay()
+ local total = self:GetRawDelay()
+ if total >= 60 then
+ local minutes = floor(total / 60)
+ local seconds = tostring(total - minutes * 60)
+ if not seconds:match("%d%d") then
+ seconds = "0" .. seconds
+ end
+ return ("%d:%s"):format(minutes, seconds)
+ end
+ return ("%d %s"):format(total, L("SECONDS"))
+function SM:GetRawDelay()
+ return self.Settings.DELAY
+function SM:SetDelay(amount)
+ if amount < 0 then
+ amount = 0
+ elseif amount > MAX_DELAY then
+ amount = MAX_DELAY
+ end
+ self.Settings.DELAY = amount
+ if amount > 0 then
+ if amount >= 60 then
+ local minutes = floor(amount / 60)
+ local seconds = tostring(amount - minutes * 60)
+ if not seconds:match("%d%d") then
+ seconds = "0" .. seconds
+ end
+ return "SM_SETDELAY_SUCCESS", {("%d:%s"):format(minutes, seconds)}
+ else
+ return "SM_SETDELAY_SUCCESS", {("%d %s"):format(amount, L("SECONDS"))}
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/load.xml b/load.xml
index 0bb4fa8..da850fb 100644
--- a/load.xml
+++ b/load.xml
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
<Script file="LootManager.lua" />
<Script file="AddonComm.lua" />
<Script file="DeathManager.lua" />
+ <Script file="SummonManager.lua" />
<Script file="CommandManager.lua" />
<Script file="ChatManager.lua" />
<Script file="Events.lua" />
diff --git a/locales/enUS.lua b/locales/enUS.lua
index e198fce..2537e7a 100644
--- a/locales/enUS.lua
+++ b/locales/enUS.lua
@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ local L = {
YES = "Yes",
NO = "No",
+ UNKNOWN = "Unknown",
+ SECONDS = "Second(s)",
-- WoW Specific --
@@ -115,10 +117,15 @@ local L = {
CM_SET_HELP = "Control the settings of Command.",
CM_SET_USAGE = "Usage: set cmdchar|groupinvite",
- CM_SET_GROUPINVITE_USAGE = "Usage: set groupinvite enable|disable|<time>",
+ CM_SET_GROUPINVITE_USAGE = "Usage: set groupinvite enable|disable|<delay>",
CM_SET_DM_ISENABLED = "DeathManager is enabled.",
CM_SET_DM_ISDISABLED = "DeathManager is disabled.",
- CM_SET_DM_USAGE = "Usage: set dm [enable|disable]",
+ CM_SET_DM_USAGE = "Usage: set dm [enable|disable|toggle|enableress|disableress|toggleress|enablerel|disablerel|togglerel]",
+ CM_SET_SM_ISENABLED = "SummonManager is enabled.",
+ CM_SET_SM_ISDISABLED = "SummonManager is disabled.",
+ CM_SET_SM_DELAY_CURRENT = "The current delay for summon announcements is %s.",
+ CM_SET_SM_DELAY_USAGE = "Usage: set sm delay <delay>"
+ CM_SET_SM_USAGE = "Usage: set sm [enable|disable|toggle|delay]",
CM_LOCALE_HELP = "Change locale settings.",
CM_LOCALE_USAGE ="Usage: locale [set|reset|usemaster|playerindependent]",
@@ -274,6 +281,10 @@ local L = {
CM_RESURRECT_HELP = "Player will accept pending resurrect request.",
+ CM_ACCEPTSUMMON_HELP = "Player will accept a pending summon request.",
+ CM_DECLINESUMMON_HELP = "Player will decline a pending summon request.",
-- Events --
@@ -336,7 +347,7 @@ local L = {
LOOT_SM_SUCCESS = "Successfully set the loot method to %s!",
LOOT_SM_SUCCESSMASTER = "Successfully set the loot method to %s (%s)!",
- LOOT_SLM_NOLOEAD = "Unable to change master looter, not group leader.",
+ LOOT_SLM_NOLEAD = "Unable to change master looter, not group leader.",
LOOT_SLM_METHOD = "Cannot set master looter when loot method is set to %s.",
LOOT_SLM_SPECIFY = "Master looter not specified.",
LOOT_SLM_SUCCESS = "Successfully set %s as the master looter!",
@@ -469,6 +480,25 @@ local L = {
DM_RESURRECTED_CARD = "Resurrected with Darkmoon Card: Twisting Nether proc!",
DM_RESURRECTED_PLAYER = "Accepted resurrect from %s!",
+ -------------------
+ -- SummonManager --
+ -------------------
+ SM_ERR_NOSUMMON = "I do not have an active summon request.",
+ SM_ENABLED = "Summon Manager has been enabled!",
+ SM_DISABLED = "Summon Manager has been disabled!",
+ SM_ONSUMMON = "I have received a summon to %s from %s, expires in %s! Type !acceptsummon or !declinesummon to make me accept or decline the request.",
+ SM_ACCEPTED = "Accepted summon request from %s!",
+ SM_DECLINED = "Declined summon request from %s!",
+ SM_SETDELAY_SUCCESS = "Summon announce delay successfully set to %s!",
+ SM_SETDELAY_INSTANT = "Summons will now announce instantly when received.",
-- AuthManager --
diff --git a/locales/svSE.lua b/locales/svSE.lua
index af5ee9c..240b73a 100644
--- a/locales/svSE.lua
+++ b/locales/svSE.lua
@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ local L = {
YES = "Ja",
NO = "Nej",
+ UNKNOWN = "Okänd",
+ SECONDS = "Sekund(er)",
-- WoW Specific --
@@ -115,10 +117,15 @@ local L = {
CM_SET_HELP = "Ändra inställningarna i Command.",
CM_SET_USAGE = "Användning: set cmdchar|groupinvite",
- CM_SET_GROUPINVITE_USAGE = "Användning: set groupinvite enable|disable|<tid>",
+ CM_SET_GROUPINVITE_USAGE = "Användning: set groupinvite enable|disable|<fördröjning>",
CM_SET_DM_ISENABLED = "DeathManager is enabled.",
CM_SET_DM_ISDISABLED = "DeathManager is disabled.",
- CM_SET_DM_USAGE = "Usage: set dm [enable|disable]",
+ CM_SET_DM_USAGE = "Användning: set dm [enable|disable|toggle|enableress|disableress|toggleress|enablerel|disablerel|togglerel]",
+ CM_SET_SM_ISENABLED = "SummonManager is enabled.",
+ CM_SET_SM_ISDISABLED = "SummonManager is disabled.",
+ CM_SET_SM_DELAY_CURRENT = "The current delay for summon announcements is %s.",
+ CM_SET_SM_DELAY_USAGE = "Usage: set sm delay <delay>"
+ CM_SET_SM_USAGE = "Användning: set sm [enable|disable|toggle|delay]",
CM_LOCALE_HELP = "Change locale settings.",
CM_LOCALE_USAGE ="Användning: locale [set|reset|usemaster|playerindependent]",
@@ -274,6 +281,10 @@ local L = {
CM_RESURRECT_HELP = "Player will accept pending resurrect request.",
+ CM_ACCEPTSUMMON_HELP = "Player will accept a pending summon request.",
+ CM_DECLINESUMMON_HELP = "Player will decline a pending summon request.",
-- Events --
@@ -336,7 +347,7 @@ local L = {
LOOT_SM_SUCCESS = "Successfully set the loot method to %s!",
LOOT_SM_SUCCESSMASTER = "Successfully set the loot method to %s (%s)!",
- LOOT_SLM_NOLOEAD = "Unable to change master looter, not group leader.",
+ LOOT_SLM_NOLEAD = "Unable to change master looter, not group leader.",
LOOT_SLM_METHOD = "Cannot set master looter when loot method is set to %s.",
LOOT_SLM_SPECIFY = "Master looter not specified.",
LOOT_SLM_SUCCESS = "Successfully set %s as the master looter!",
@@ -469,6 +480,25 @@ local L = {
DM_RESURRECTED_CARD = "Resurrected with Darkmoon Card: Twisting Nether proc!",
DM_RESURRECTED_PLAYER = "Accepted resurrect from %s!",
+ -------------------
+ -- SummonManager --
+ -------------------
+ SM_ERR_NOSUMMON = "I do not have an active summon request.",
+ SM_ENABLED = "Summon Manager has been enabled!",
+ SM_DISABLED = "Summon Manager has been disabled!",
+ SM_ONSUMMON = "I have received a summon to %s from %s, expires in %s! Type !acceptsummon or !declinesummon to make me accept or decline the request.",
+ SM_ACCEPTED = "Accepted summon request from %s!",
+ SM_DECLINED = "Declined summon request from %s!",
+ SM_SETDELAY_SUCCESS = "Summon announce delay successfully set to %s!",
+ SM_SETDELAY_INSTANT = "Summons will now announce instantly when received.",
-- AuthManager --