
Rename DeadlyWhispers

Scott Sibley [08-07-10 - 12:21]
Rename DeadlyWhispers
diff --git a/Modules/DeadlyAnnounce.lua b/Modules/DeadlyAnnounce.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b7c151
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Modules/DeadlyAnnounce.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+if not DBM and not BigWigs then return end
+local mod = StarTip:NewModule("DeadlyAnnounce")
+mod.name = "DeadlyAnnounce"
+mod.toggled = true
+mod.desc = "Show the last DBM announcements."
+local _G = _G
+local StarTip = _G.StarTip
+local GameTooltip = _G.GameTooltip
+local ShoppingTooltip1 = _G.ShoppingTooltip1
+local ShoppingTooltip2 = _G.ShoppingTooltip2
+local self = mod
+local defaults = {
+	profile = {
+		delay = 3
+	},
+local options = {
+	delay = {
+		name = "Hide Delay",
+		desc = "Enter the time to delay before hiding DeadlyAnnounce",
+		type = "input",
+		get = function()
+			return mod.db.profile.delay
+		end,
+		set = function(info, v)
+			mod.db.profile.delay = v
+		end,
+		pattern = "%d",
+		order = 5
+	}
+local history = {}
+-- Borrowed from BosModTTS
+function mod:InitializeDBM()
+	local sound = nil
+	local timer = nil
+	local text = nil
+	local function ShowAnnounce(t)
+	end
+	local function NewAnnounce(announce, _, spellId, ...)
+	if announce == nil then
+		local spellName = spellId
+		text = self.localization.warnings[spellId]
+	else
+		local spellName = GetSpellInfo(spellId) or "unknown"
+		if announce == "move" or announce == "you" or announce == "warningspell" then
+			if announce == "warningspell" then
+				announce = "spell"
+			end
+			text = DBM_CORE_AUTO_SPEC_WARN_TEXTS[announce]:format(spellName)
+		else
+            local spellHaste = select(7, GetSpellInfo(53142)) / 10000 -- 53142 = Dalaran Portal, should have 10000 ms cast time
+            local timer = (select(7, GetSpellInfo(spellId)) or 1000) / spellHaste
+            text = DBM_CORE_AUTO_ANNOUNCE_TEXTS[announce]:format(spellName, (timer / 1000))
+		end
+	end
+	tinsert(history, text)
+	end
+	local function HookAnnounce(boss)
+		local mod = DBM:GetModByName(boss)
+		local announces = mod.announces
+		for i=1, #announces do
+			StarTip:Hook(announces[i], "Show", ShowAnnounce)
+		end
+	end
+	local function NewMod(_, boss, ...)
+		local mod = DBM:GetModByName(boss)
+		self.localization = DBM:GetModLocalization(boss)
+		StarTip:SecureHook(mod, "NewTargetAnnounce", function(...) NewAnnounce("target", ...) end)
+		StarTip:SecureHook(mod, "NewSpellAnnounce", function(...) NewAnnounce("spell", ...) end)
+		StarTip:SecureHook(mod, "NewCastAnnounce", function(...) NewAnnounce("cast", ...) end)
+		StarTip:SecureHook(mod, "NewAnnounce", function(...) NewAnnounce(nil, ...) end)
+		StarTip:SecureHook(mod, "NewSpecialWarningMove", function(...) NewAnnounce("move", ...) end)
+		StarTip:SecureHook(mod, "NewSpecialWarningYou", function(...) NewAnnounce("you", ...) end)
+		StarTip:SecureHook(mod, "NewSpecialWarningSpell", function(...) NewAnnounce("warningspell", ...) end)
+		timer = StarTip:ScheduleTimer(function() HookAnnounce(boss) end, 1)
+	end
+	StarTip:SecureHook(DBM, "NewMod", NewMod)
+function mod:OnInitialize()
+	self.db = StarTip.db:RegisterNamespace(self:GetName(), defaults)
+	StarTip:SetOptionsDisabled(options, true)
+function mod:OnEnable()
+	if DBM then
+		self:InitializeDBM()
+	elseif BigWigs then
+		local mod = BigWigs:GetBossModule(module)
+		local function NewBoss(module, ...)
+			local mod = BigWigs:GetBossModule(module)
+			-StarTip:SecureHook(mod, "DelayedMessage", function(key, delay, text, ...) tinsert(history, text) end)
+		end
+		StarTip:SecureHook(BigWigs, "NewBoss", NewBoss)
+	end
+	history[1] = "Test"
+	history[2] = "foo"
+function mod:OnDisable()
+	local mod = BigWigs:GetBossModule(module)
+	StarTip:RemoveHook(mod, "DelayMessage")
+function mod:GetOptions()
+	return options
+local skip
+local function hideDW()
+	skip = true
+	GameTooltip:SetUnit("mouseover")
+	skip = nil
+	mod.shown = false
+function mod:SetUnit()
+	if #history == 0 or skip then return end
+	if #history > 10 then
+		tremove(history, #history)
+	end
+	GameTooltip:ClearLines()
+	GameTooltip:AddLine("--- DeadlyAnnounce ---")
+	for i = 1, #history do
+		GameTooltip:AddLine(history[i], 1, 1, 1)
+	end
+	StarTip:ScheduleTimer(hideDW, self.db.profile.delay)
+	self.shown = true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Modules/DeadlyWhispers.lua b/Modules/DeadlyWhispers.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ef9a74..0000000
--- a/Modules/DeadlyWhispers.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-if not DBM and not BigWigs then return end
-local mod = StarTip:NewModule("DeadlyWhispers")
-mod.name = "DeadlyWhispers"
-mod.toggled = true
-mod.desc = "Show last DBM messages, such as whispers, announces, etc... You can filter out unwanted messages."
-local _G = _G
-local StarTip = _G.StarTip
-local GameTooltip = _G.GameTooltip
-local ShoppingTooltip1 = _G.ShoppingTooltip1
-local ShoppingTooltip2 = _G.ShoppingTooltip2
-local self = mod
-local defaults = {
-	profile = {
-		delay = 3
-	}
-local options = {
-	delay = {
-		name = "Hide Delay",
-		desc = "Enter the time to delay before hiding DeadlyWhispers",
-		type = "input",
-		get = function()
-			return mod.db.profile.delay
-		end,
-		set = function(info, v)
-			mod.db.profile.delay = v
-		end,
-		pattern = "%d",
-		order = 5
-	}
-local history = {}
--- Borrowed from BosModTTS
-function mod:InitializeDBM()
-	local sound = nil
-	local timer = nil
-	local text = nil
-	local function ShowAnnounce(t)
-	end
-	local function NewAnnounce(announce, _, spellId, ...)
-	if announce == nil then
-		local spellName = spellId
-		text = self.localization.warnings[spellId]
-	else
-		local spellName = GetSpellInfo(spellId) or "unknown"
-		if announce == "move" or announce == "you" or announce == "warningspell" then
-			if announce == "warningspell" then
-				announce = "spell"
-			end
-			text = DBM_CORE_AUTO_SPEC_WARN_TEXTS[announce]:format(spellName)
-		else
-            local spellHaste = select(7, GetSpellInfo(53142)) / 10000 -- 53142 = Dalaran Portal, should have 10000 ms cast time
-            local timer = (select(7, GetSpellInfo(spellId)) or 1000) / spellHaste
-            text = DBM_CORE_AUTO_ANNOUNCE_TEXTS[announce]:format(spellName, (timer / 1000))
-		end
-	end
-	tinsert(history, text)
-	end
-	local function HookAnnounce(boss)
-		local mod = DBM:GetModByName(boss)
-		local announces = mod.announces
-		for i=1, #announces do
-			StarTip:Hook(announces[i], "Show", ShowAnnounce)
-		end
-	end
-	local function NewMod(_, boss, ...)
-		local mod = DBM:GetModByName(boss)
-		self.localization = DBM:GetModLocalization(boss)
-		StarTip:SecureHook(mod, "NewTargetAnnounce", function(...) NewAnnounce("target", ...) end)
-		StarTip:SecureHook(mod, "NewSpellAnnounce", function(...) NewAnnounce("spell", ...) end)
-		StarTip:SecureHook(mod, "NewCastAnnounce", function(...) NewAnnounce("cast", ...) end)
-		StarTip:SecureHook(mod, "NewAnnounce", function(...) NewAnnounce(nil, ...) end)
-		StarTip:SecureHook(mod, "NewSpecialWarningMove", function(...) NewAnnounce("move", ...) end)
-		StarTip:SecureHook(mod, "NewSpecialWarningYou", function(...) NewAnnounce("you", ...) end)
-		StarTip:SecureHook(mod, "NewSpecialWarningSpell", function(...) NewAnnounce("warningspell", ...) end)
-		timer = StarTip:ScheduleTimer(function() HookAnnounce(boss) end, 1)
-	end
-	StarTip:SecureHook(DBM, "NewMod", NewMod)
-function mod:OnInitialize()
-	self.db = StarTip.db:RegisterNamespace(self:GetName(), defaults)
-	StarTip:SetOptionsDisabled(options, true)
-function mod:OnEnable()
-	if DBM then
-		self:InitializeDBM()
-	elseif BigWigs then
-		local mod = BigWigs:GetBossModule(module)
-		local function NewBoss(module, ...)
-			local mod = BigWigs:GetBossModule(module)
-			-StarTip:SecureHook(mod, "DelayedMessage", function(key, delay, text, ...) tinsert(history, text) end)
-		end
-		StarTip:SecureHook(BigWigs, "NewBoss", NewBoss)
-	end
-	history[1] = "Test"
-	history[2] = "foo"
-function mod:OnDisable()
-	local mod = BigWigs:GetBossModule(module)
-	StarTip:RemoveHook(mod, "DelayMessage")
-function mod:GetOptions()
-	return options
-local skip
-local function hideDW()
-	skip = true
-	GameTooltip:SetUnit("mouseover")
-	skip = nil
-function mod:SetUnit()
-	if #history == 0 or skip then return end
-	if #history > 10 then
-		tremove(history, #history)
-	end
-	GameTooltip:ClearLines()
-	GameTooltip:AddLine("--- DeadlyWhispers ---")
-	for i = 1, #history do
-		GameTooltip:AddLine(history[i], 1, 1, 1)
-	end
-	StarTip:ScheduleTimer(hideDW, self.db.profile.delay)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Modules/Talents.lua b/Modules/Talents.lua
index cbabaec..242ba98 100644
--- a/Modules/Talents.lua
+++ b/Modules/Talents.lua
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ local linesToAddRightB = {}
 local TalentQuery = LibStub:GetLibrary("LibTalentQuery-1.0", true)
 local spec = setmetatable({}, {__mode='v'})
 local timer, talentTimer
+local dw = StarTip:GetModule("DeadlyAnnounce", true)

 local talentTrees = {
 	["Druid"] = {"Balance", "Feral Combat", "Restoration"},
@@ -96,6 +97,8 @@ function expireQuery()

 local updateTalents = function()
+	if dw and dw.shown then return end
 	if not UnitExists("mouseover") or not UnitIsPlayer("mouseover") then
@@ -200,6 +203,11 @@ end

 function mod:SetUnit()
 	if not TalentQuery or not UnitIsPlayer("mouseover") then return end
+	if dw and dw.shown then
+		return
+	end
 	if UnitIsUnit("mouseover", "player") then
 		self:TalentQuery_Ready(_, UnitName("player"))
diff --git a/StarTip.toc b/StarTip.toc
index ae84898..0809c4f 100644
--- a/StarTip.toc
+++ b/StarTip.toc
@@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ Modules\PvP.lua