Add help text for /wayb
Ludovicus [12-10-20 - 18:45]
diff --git a/TomTom.lua b/TomTom.lua
index 278385b..926cd77 100755
--- a/TomTom.lua
+++ b/TomTom.lua
@@ -1130,9 +1130,10 @@ function TomTom:DebugListAllWaypoints()
local function usage()
- ChatFrame1:AddMessage(L["|cffffff78TomTom |r/way /tway /tomtomway /cway /tomtom |cffffff78Usage:|r"])
+ ChatFrame1:AddMessage(L["|cffffff78TomTom |r/way /tway /tomtomway /cway /wayb /wayback/tomtom |cffffff78Usage:|r"])
ChatFrame1:AddMessage(L["|cffffff78/tomtom |r - Open the TomTom options panel"])
ChatFrame1:AddMessage(L["|cffffff78/cway |r - Activate the closest waypoint"])
+ ChatFrame1:AddMessage(L["|cffffff78/wayb [desc] |r - Save the current position with optional description"])
ChatFrame1:AddMessage(L["|cffffff78/way /tway /tomtomway |r - Commands to set a waypoint: one should work."])
ChatFrame1:AddMessage(L["|cffffff78/way <x> <y> [desc]|r - Adds a waypoint at x,y with descrtiption desc"])
ChatFrame1:AddMessage(L["|cffffff78/way <zone> <x> <y> [desc]|r - Adds a waypoint at x,y in zone with description desc"])