diff --git a/Clique.lua b/Clique.lua
index 7bde352..28bc2be 100644
--- a/Clique.lua
+++ b/Clique.lua
@@ -77,7 +77,19 @@ function Clique:Enable()
ClickCastFrames[getglobal(name.."ClearButton")] = true
+ local oldotsu = GameTooltip:GetScript("OnTooltipSetUnit")
+ if oldotsu then
+ GameTooltip:SetScript("OnTooltipSetUnit", function(...)
+ Clique:AddTooltipLines()
+ return oldotsu(...)
+ end)
+ else
+ GameTooltip:SetScript("OnTooltipSetUnit", function(...)
+ Clique:AddTooltipLines()
+ end)
+ end
hooksecurefunc("CreateFrame", raidFunc)
-- Create our slash command
@@ -174,7 +186,8 @@ function Clique:UpdateClicks()
local harm = self.clicksets[L.CLICKSET_HARMFUL]
local help = self.clicksets[L.CLICKSET_HELPFUL]
- self.ooc = {}
+ self.ooc = self.ooc or {}
+ for k,v in pairs(self.ooc) do self.ooc[k] = nil end
for modifier,entry in pairs(harm) do
local button = string.gsub(entry.button, "harmbutton", "")
@@ -211,6 +224,8 @@ function Clique:UpdateClicks()
for modifier,entry in pairs(ooc) do
table.insert(self.ooc, entry)
+ self:UpdateTooltip()
function Clique:RegisterFrame(frame)
@@ -523,3 +538,80 @@ function Clique:ShowAttributes()
+local tt_ooc = {}
+local tt_help = {}
+local tt_harm = {}
+local tt_default = {}
+function Clique:UpdateTooltip()
+ local ooc = self.ooc
+ local default = self.clicksets[L.CLICKSET_DEFAULT]
+ local harm = self.clicksets[L.CLICKSET_HARMFUL]
+ local help = self.clicksets[L.CLICKSET_HELPFUL]
+ -- Build the ooc lines, which includes both helpful and harmful
+ for k,v in pairs(ooc) do
+ local button = self:GetButtonText(v.button)
+ local line = string.format("%s%s - %s (%s)", v.modifier or "", button, v.arg1 or "", v.type)
+ table.insert(tt_ooc, line)
+ end
+ -- Build the default lines
+ for k,v in pairs(default) do
+ local button = self:GetButtonText(v.button)
+ local line = string.format("%s%s - %s (%s)", v.modifier or "", button, v.arg1 or "", v.type)
+ table.insert(tt_default, line)
+ end
+ -- Build the harm lines
+ for k,v in pairs(harm) do
+ local button = self:GetButtonText(v.button)
+ local line = string.format("%s%s - %s (%s)", v.modifier or "", button, v.arg1 or "", v.type)
+ table.insert(tt_harm, line)
+ end
+ -- Build the help lines
+ for k,v in pairs(help) do
+ local button = self:GetButtonText(v.button)
+ local line = string.format("%s%s - %s (%s)", v.modifier or "", button, v.arg1 or "", v.type)
+ table.insert(tt_help, line)
+ end
+ table.sort(tt_ooc)
+ table.sort(tt_default)
+ table.sort(tt_harm)
+ table.sort(tt_help)
+function Clique:AddTooltipLines()
+ if UnitAffectingCombat("player") then
+ if #tt_default ~= 0 then
+ GameTooltip:AddLine("Default bindings:")
+ for k,v in ipairs(tt_default) do
+ GameTooltip:AddLine(v)
+ end
+ end
+ if #tt_help ~= 0 and not UnitCanAttack("player", "mouseover") then
+ GameTooltip:AddLine("Helpful bindings:")
+ for k,v in ipairs(tt_help) do
+ GameTooltip:AddLine(v)
+ end
+ end
+ if #tt_harm ~= 0 and UnitCanAttack("player", "mouseover") then
+ GameTooltip:AddLine("Hostile bindings:")
+ for k,v in ipairs(tt_harm) do
+ GameTooltip:AddLine(v)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ if #tt_ooc ~= 0 then
+ GameTooltip:AddLine("Out of combat bindings:")
+ for k,v in ipairs(tt_ooc) do
+ GameTooltip:AddLine(v)
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/CliqueUtils.lua b/CliqueUtils.lua
index 59ba81e..c0c14e3 100644
--- a/CliqueUtils.lua
+++ b/CliqueUtils.lua
@@ -34,6 +34,10 @@ end
function Clique:GetButtonText(num)
if not num then return "" end
+ if type(num) == "string" then
+ num = num:gsub("helpbutton", "")
+ num = num:gsub("harmbutton", "")
+ end
num = tonumber(num) and tonumber(num) or num
return buttonMap[num] or ""