
Rename files to remove over-namespacing

James Whitehead II [10-03-10 - 20:42]
Rename files to remove over-namespacing
diff --git a/BindConfig.lua b/BindConfig.lua
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5b7aad2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BindConfig.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+local addonName, addon = ...
+local L = addon.L
+local MAX_ROWS = 12
+function CliqueConfig:OnShow()
+    if not self.initialized then
+        self:SetupGUI()
+        self:HijackSpellbook()
+        self.initialized = true
+    end
+    self:UpdateList()
+    self:EnableSpellbookButtons()
+function CliqueConfig:SetupGUI()
+    self.rows = {}
+    for i = 1, MAX_ROWS do
+        self.rows[i] = CreateFrame("Button", "CliqueRow" .. i, self.page1, "CliqueRowTemplate")
+    end
+    self.rows[1]:ClearAllPoints()
+    self.rows[1]:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "CliqueConfigPage1Column1", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -3)
+    self.rows[1]:SetPoint("RIGHT", CliqueConfigPage1Column2, "RIGHT", 0, 0)
+    for i = 2, MAX_ROWS do
+        self.rows[i]:ClearAllPoints()
+        self.rows[i]:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self.rows[i - 1], "BOTTOMLEFT")
+        self.rows[i]:SetPoint("RIGHT", CliqueConfigPage1Column2, "RIGHT", 0, 0)
+    end
+    -- Set text elements using localized values
+    _G[self:GetName() .. "TitleText"]:SetText(L["Clique Binding Configuration"])
+    self.dialog = _G["CliqueDialog"]
+    self.dialog.title = _G["CliqueDialogTitleText"]
+    self.dialog.title:SetText(L["Clique: Set binding"])
+    self.dialog.button_accept:SetText(L["Accept"])
+    self.dialog.bindText:SetText(L["Alt-Control-Shift-F"])
+    self.dialog.button_binding:SetText(L["Set binding"])
+    local desc = L["In order to specify a binding, move your mouse over the button labelled 'Set binding' and either click with your mouse or press a key on your keyboard. You can modify the binding by holding down a combination of the alt, control and shift keys on your keyboard."]
+    self.dialog.desc:SetText(desc)
+    self.page1.column1:SetText(L["Action"])
+    self.page1.column2:SetText(L["Binding"])
+    -- Set columns up to handle sorting
+    self.page1.column1.sortType = "name"
+    self.page1.column2.sortType = "key"
+    self.page1.sortType = self.page1.column2.sortType
+    self.page1.button_spell:SetText(L["Bind spell"])
+    self.page1.button_other:SetText(L["Bind other"])
+    self.page1.button_options:SetText(L["Options"])
+    self.page2.button_save:SetText(L["Save"])
+    self.page2.button_cancel:SetText(L["Cancel"])
+    self.page1:Show()
+function CliqueConfig:Column_OnClick(frame, button)
+    self.page1.sortType = frame.sortType
+    self:UpdateList()
+function CliqueConfig:HijackSpellbook()
+    self.spellbookButtons = {}
+    for idx = 1, 12 do
+        local parent = getglobal("SpellButton" .. idx)
+        local button = CreateFrame("Button", "CliqueSpellbookButton" .. idx, parent, "CliqueSpellbookButtonTemplate")
+        button.spellbutton = parent
+        button:EnableKeyboard(false)
+        button:EnableMouseWheel(true)
+        button:RegisterForClicks("AnyDown")
+        button:SetID(parent:GetID())
+        self.spellbookButtons[idx] = button
+    end
+    local function showHideHandler(frame)
+        self:EnableSpellbookButtons()
+    end
+    SpellBookFrame:HookScript("OnShow", showHideHandler)
+    SpellBookFrame:HookScript("OnHide", showHideHandler)
+    -- TODO: This isn't a great way to do this, but for now
+    hooksecurefunc("SpellBookSkillLineTab_OnClick", showHideHandler)
+    self:EnableSpellbookButtons()
+function CliqueConfig:EnableSpellbookButtons()
+    local enabled;
+    if self.page1:IsVisible() and SpellBookFrame:IsVisible() then
+        enabled = true
+        self:SetNotification("Your spellbook is open.  You can mouse over a spell in your spellbook and click or press a key conbination to add it to your bindings configuration")
+    else
+        method = false
+        self:ClearNotification()
+    end
+    if self.spellbookButtons then
+        for idx, button in ipairs(self.spellbookButtons) do
+            if enabled and button.spellbutton:IsEnabled() == 1 then
+                button:Show()
+            else
+                button:Hide()
+            end
+        end
+    end
+-- Spellbook button functions
+function CliqueConfig:Spellbook_EnableKeyboard(button, motion)
+    button:EnableKeyboard(true)
+function CliqueConfig:Spellbook_DisableKeyboard(button, motion)
+    button:EnableKeyboard(false)
+invalidKeys = {
+    ["UNKNOWN"] = true,
+    ["LSHIFT"] = true,
+    ["RSHIFT"] = true,
+    ["LCTRL"] = true,
+    ["RCTRL"] = true,
+    ["LALT"] = true,
+    ["RALT"] = true,
+function CliqueConfig:Spellbook_OnBinding(button, key)
+    -- We can't bind modifiers or invalid keys
+    if invalidKeys[key] then
+        return
+    elseif key == "ESCAPE" then
+        HideUIPanel(CliqueConfig)
+        return
+    end
+    -- Remap any mouse buttons
+    if key == "LeftButton" then
+        key = "BUTTON1"
+    elseif key == "RightButton" then
+        key = "BUTTON2"
+    elseif key == "MiddleButton" then
+        key = "BUTTON3"
+    else
+        buttonNum = key:match("Button(%d+)")
+        if buttonNum and tonumber(buttonNum) <= 31 then
+            key = "BUTTON" .. buttonNum
+        end
+    end
+    -- TODO: Support NOT splitting the modifier keys
+    local prefix = addon:GetPrefixString(true)
+    local slot = SpellBook_GetSpellBookSlot(button:GetParent());
+    local name, subtype = GetSpellBookItemName(slot, SpellBookFrame.bookType)
+    local texture = GetSpellBookItemTexture(slot, SpellBookFrame.bookType)
+    local succ, err = addon:AddBinding{
+        key = prefix .. key,
+        type = "spell",
+        spell = name,
+        icon = texture
+    }
+    if not succ then
+        CliqueConfig:SetNotification(err)
+    else
+        CliqueConfig:UpdateList()
+    end
+function CliqueConfig:Button_OnClick(button)
+    -- Click handler for "Bind spell" button
+    if button == self.page1.button_spell then
+        if SpellBookFrame and not SpellBookFrame:IsVisible() then
+            ShowUIPanel(SpellBookFrame)
+        end
+    -- Click handler for "Bind other" button
+    elseif button == self.page1.button_other then
+        local config = CliqueConfig
+        local menu = {
+            {
+                text = L["Select a binding type"],
+                isTitle = true
+            },
+            {
+                text = L["Target clicked unit"],
+                func = function()
+                    config.page1:Hide()
+                    config.page2.bindType = "target"
+                    config.page2:Show()
+                end,
+            },
+            {
+                text = L["Open unit menu"],
+                func = function()
+                    config.page1:Hide()
+                    config.page2.bindType = "menu"
+                    config.page2:Show()
+                end,
+            },
+            {
+                text = L["Run custom macro"],
+                func = function()
+                    config.page1:Hide()
+                    config.page2.bindType = "macro"
+                    config.page2:Show()
+                end,
+            },
+        }
+        UIDropDownMenu_SetAnchor(self.dropdown, 0, 0, "BOTTOMLEFT", self.page1.button_other, "TOP")
+        EasyMenu(menu, self.dropdown, nil, 0, 0, nil, nil)
+    -- Click handler for "Edit" button
+    elseif button == self.page1.button_options then
+        InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory("Clique")
+    elseif button == self.page2.button_cancel then
+        self.page2:Hide()
+        self.page1:Show()
+    elseif button == self.page2.button_cancel then
+        self.page2:Hide()
+        self.page1:Show()
+    end
+function CliqueConfig:SetNotification(text)
+function CliqueConfig:ClearNotification()
+local memoizeBindings = setmetatable({}, {__index = function(t, k, v)
+    local binbits = addon:GetBinaryBindingKey(k)
+    rawset(t, k, binbits)
+    return binbits
+local compareFunctions;
+compareFunctions = {
+    name = function(a, b)
+        local texta = addon:GetBindingActionText(a)
+        local textb = addon:GetBindingActionText(b)
+        if texta == textb then
+            return compareFunctions.key(a, b)
+        end
+        return texta < textb
+    end,
+    key = function(a, b)
+        local keya = addon:GetBindingKey(a)
+        local keyb = addon:GetBindingKey(b)
+        if keya == keyb then
+            return memoizeBindings[a] < memoizeBindings[b]
+        else
+            return keya < keyb
+        end
+    end,
+    binding = function(a, b)
+        local mem = memoizeBindings
+        return mem[a] < mem[b]
+    end,
+CliqueConfig.binds = {}
+function CliqueConfig:UpdateList()
+    local page = self.page1
+    local binds = Clique.profile.binds
+    -- GUI not created yet
+    if not page then
+        return
+    end
+    -- Sort the bindings
+    local sort = {}
+    for uid, entry in pairs(binds) do
+        sort[#sort + 1] = entry
+    end
+    if page.sortType then
+        table.sort(sort, compareFunctions[page.sortType])
+    else
+        table.sort(sort, compareFunctions.key)
+    end
+    -- Enable or disable the scroll bar
+    if #sort > MAX_ROWS - 1 then
+        -- Set up the scrollbar for the item list
+        page.slider:SetMinMaxValues(0, #sort - MAX_ROWS)
+        -- Adjust and show
+        if not page.slider:IsShown() then
+            -- Adjust column positions
+            for idx, row in ipairs(self.rows) do
+                row.bind:SetWidth(90)
+            end
+            page.slider:SetValue(0)
+            page.slider:Show()
+        end
+    elseif page.slider:IsShown() then
+        -- Move column positions back and hide the slider
+        for idx, row in ipairs(self.rows) do
+            row.bind:SetWidth(105)
+        end
+        page.slider:Hide()
+    end
+    -- Update the rows in the list
+    local offset = page.slider:GetValue() or 0
+    for idx, row in ipairs(self.rows) do
+        local offsetIndex = offset + idx
+        if sort[offsetIndex] then
+            local bind = sort[offsetIndex]
+            row.icon:SetTexture(addon:GetBindingIcon(bind))
+            row.name:SetText(addon:GetBindingActionText(bind))
+            --row.type:SetText(bind.type)
+            row.bind:SetText(addon:GetBindingKeyComboText(bind))
+            row:Show()
+        else
+            row:Hide()
+        end
+    end
+function CliqueConfig:ClearEditPage()
+function CliqueConfig:ShowEditPage()
+    self:ClearEditPage()
+    self.page1:Hide()
+    self.page3:Show()
+function CliqueConfig:Save_OnClick(button, button, down)
+function CliqueConfig:Cancel_OnClick(button, button, down)
+    self:ClearEditPage()
+    self.page3:Hide()
+    self.page1:Show()
diff --git a/Clique.toc b/Clique.toc
index a432574..0942c8c 100755
--- a/Clique.toc
+++ b/Clique.toc
@@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ ClickCastTemplate.xml




diff --git a/CliqueConfig.lua b/CliqueConfig.lua
deleted file mode 100755
index 5b7aad2..0000000
--- a/CliqueConfig.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,351 +0,0 @@
-local addonName, addon = ...
-local L = addon.L
-local MAX_ROWS = 12
-function CliqueConfig:OnShow()
-    if not self.initialized then
-        self:SetupGUI()
-        self:HijackSpellbook()
-        self.initialized = true
-    end
-    self:UpdateList()
-    self:EnableSpellbookButtons()
-function CliqueConfig:SetupGUI()
-    self.rows = {}
-    for i = 1, MAX_ROWS do
-        self.rows[i] = CreateFrame("Button", "CliqueRow" .. i, self.page1, "CliqueRowTemplate")
-    end
-    self.rows[1]:ClearAllPoints()
-    self.rows[1]:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "CliqueConfigPage1Column1", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -3)
-    self.rows[1]:SetPoint("RIGHT", CliqueConfigPage1Column2, "RIGHT", 0, 0)
-    for i = 2, MAX_ROWS do
-        self.rows[i]:ClearAllPoints()
-        self.rows[i]:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self.rows[i - 1], "BOTTOMLEFT")
-        self.rows[i]:SetPoint("RIGHT", CliqueConfigPage1Column2, "RIGHT", 0, 0)
-    end
-    -- Set text elements using localized values
-    _G[self:GetName() .. "TitleText"]:SetText(L["Clique Binding Configuration"])
-    self.dialog = _G["CliqueDialog"]
-    self.dialog.title = _G["CliqueDialogTitleText"]
-    self.dialog.title:SetText(L["Clique: Set binding"])
-    self.dialog.button_accept:SetText(L["Accept"])
-    self.dialog.bindText:SetText(L["Alt-Control-Shift-F"])
-    self.dialog.button_binding:SetText(L["Set binding"])
-    local desc = L["In order to specify a binding, move your mouse over the button labelled 'Set binding' and either click with your mouse or press a key on your keyboard. You can modify the binding by holding down a combination of the alt, control and shift keys on your keyboard."]
-    self.dialog.desc:SetText(desc)
-    self.page1.column1:SetText(L["Action"])
-    self.page1.column2:SetText(L["Binding"])
-    -- Set columns up to handle sorting
-    self.page1.column1.sortType = "name"
-    self.page1.column2.sortType = "key"
-    self.page1.sortType = self.page1.column2.sortType
-    self.page1.button_spell:SetText(L["Bind spell"])
-    self.page1.button_other:SetText(L["Bind other"])
-    self.page1.button_options:SetText(L["Options"])
-    self.page2.button_save:SetText(L["Save"])
-    self.page2.button_cancel:SetText(L["Cancel"])
-    self.page1:Show()
-function CliqueConfig:Column_OnClick(frame, button)
-    self.page1.sortType = frame.sortType
-    self:UpdateList()
-function CliqueConfig:HijackSpellbook()
-    self.spellbookButtons = {}
-    for idx = 1, 12 do
-        local parent = getglobal("SpellButton" .. idx)
-        local button = CreateFrame("Button", "CliqueSpellbookButton" .. idx, parent, "CliqueSpellbookButtonTemplate")
-        button.spellbutton = parent
-        button:EnableKeyboard(false)
-        button:EnableMouseWheel(true)
-        button:RegisterForClicks("AnyDown")
-        button:SetID(parent:GetID())
-        self.spellbookButtons[idx] = button
-    end
-    local function showHideHandler(frame)
-        self:EnableSpellbookButtons()
-    end
-    SpellBookFrame:HookScript("OnShow", showHideHandler)
-    SpellBookFrame:HookScript("OnHide", showHideHandler)
-    -- TODO: This isn't a great way to do this, but for now
-    hooksecurefunc("SpellBookSkillLineTab_OnClick", showHideHandler)
-    self:EnableSpellbookButtons()
-function CliqueConfig:EnableSpellbookButtons()
-    local enabled;
-    if self.page1:IsVisible() and SpellBookFrame:IsVisible() then
-        enabled = true
-        self:SetNotification("Your spellbook is open.  You can mouse over a spell in your spellbook and click or press a key conbination to add it to your bindings configuration")
-    else
-        method = false
-        self:ClearNotification()
-    end
-    if self.spellbookButtons then
-        for idx, button in ipairs(self.spellbookButtons) do
-            if enabled and button.spellbutton:IsEnabled() == 1 then
-                button:Show()
-            else
-                button:Hide()
-            end
-        end
-    end
--- Spellbook button functions
-function CliqueConfig:Spellbook_EnableKeyboard(button, motion)
-    button:EnableKeyboard(true)
-function CliqueConfig:Spellbook_DisableKeyboard(button, motion)
-    button:EnableKeyboard(false)
-invalidKeys = {
-    ["UNKNOWN"] = true,
-    ["LSHIFT"] = true,
-    ["RSHIFT"] = true,
-    ["LCTRL"] = true,
-    ["RCTRL"] = true,
-    ["LALT"] = true,
-    ["RALT"] = true,
-function CliqueConfig:Spellbook_OnBinding(button, key)
-    -- We can't bind modifiers or invalid keys
-    if invalidKeys[key] then
-        return
-    elseif key == "ESCAPE" then
-        HideUIPanel(CliqueConfig)
-        return
-    end
-    -- Remap any mouse buttons
-    if key == "LeftButton" then
-        key = "BUTTON1"
-    elseif key == "RightButton" then
-        key = "BUTTON2"
-    elseif key == "MiddleButton" then
-        key = "BUTTON3"
-    else
-        buttonNum = key:match("Button(%d+)")
-        if buttonNum and tonumber(buttonNum) <= 31 then
-            key = "BUTTON" .. buttonNum
-        end
-    end
-    -- TODO: Support NOT splitting the modifier keys
-    local prefix = addon:GetPrefixString(true)
-    local slot = SpellBook_GetSpellBookSlot(button:GetParent());
-    local name, subtype = GetSpellBookItemName(slot, SpellBookFrame.bookType)
-    local texture = GetSpellBookItemTexture(slot, SpellBookFrame.bookType)
-    local succ, err = addon:AddBinding{
-        key = prefix .. key,
-        type = "spell",
-        spell = name,
-        icon = texture
-    }
-    if not succ then
-        CliqueConfig:SetNotification(err)
-    else
-        CliqueConfig:UpdateList()
-    end
-function CliqueConfig:Button_OnClick(button)
-    -- Click handler for "Bind spell" button
-    if button == self.page1.button_spell then
-        if SpellBookFrame and not SpellBookFrame:IsVisible() then
-            ShowUIPanel(SpellBookFrame)
-        end
-    -- Click handler for "Bind other" button
-    elseif button == self.page1.button_other then
-        local config = CliqueConfig
-        local menu = {
-            {
-                text = L["Select a binding type"],
-                isTitle = true
-            },
-            {
-                text = L["Target clicked unit"],
-                func = function()
-                    config.page1:Hide()
-                    config.page2.bindType = "target"
-                    config.page2:Show()
-                end,
-            },
-            {
-                text = L["Open unit menu"],
-                func = function()
-                    config.page1:Hide()
-                    config.page2.bindType = "menu"
-                    config.page2:Show()
-                end,
-            },
-            {
-                text = L["Run custom macro"],
-                func = function()
-                    config.page1:Hide()
-                    config.page2.bindType = "macro"
-                    config.page2:Show()
-                end,
-            },
-        }
-        UIDropDownMenu_SetAnchor(self.dropdown, 0, 0, "BOTTOMLEFT", self.page1.button_other, "TOP")
-        EasyMenu(menu, self.dropdown, nil, 0, 0, nil, nil)
-    -- Click handler for "Edit" button
-    elseif button == self.page1.button_options then
-        InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory("Clique")
-    elseif button == self.page2.button_cancel then
-        self.page2:Hide()
-        self.page1:Show()
-    elseif button == self.page2.button_cancel then
-        self.page2:Hide()
-        self.page1:Show()
-    end
-function CliqueConfig:SetNotification(text)
-function CliqueConfig:ClearNotification()
-local memoizeBindings = setmetatable({}, {__index = function(t, k, v)
-    local binbits = addon:GetBinaryBindingKey(k)
-    rawset(t, k, binbits)
-    return binbits
-local compareFunctions;
-compareFunctions = {
-    name = function(a, b)
-        local texta = addon:GetBindingActionText(a)
-        local textb = addon:GetBindingActionText(b)
-        if texta == textb then
-            return compareFunctions.key(a, b)
-        end
-        return texta < textb
-    end,
-    key = function(a, b)
-        local keya = addon:GetBindingKey(a)
-        local keyb = addon:GetBindingKey(b)
-        if keya == keyb then
-            return memoizeBindings[a] < memoizeBindings[b]
-        else
-            return keya < keyb
-        end
-    end,
-    binding = function(a, b)
-        local mem = memoizeBindings
-        return mem[a] < mem[b]
-    end,
-CliqueConfig.binds = {}
-function CliqueConfig:UpdateList()
-    local page = self.page1
-    local binds = Clique.profile.binds
-    -- GUI not created yet
-    if not page then
-        return
-    end
-    -- Sort the bindings
-    local sort = {}
-    for uid, entry in pairs(binds) do
-        sort[#sort + 1] = entry
-    end
-    if page.sortType then
-        table.sort(sort, compareFunctions[page.sortType])
-    else
-        table.sort(sort, compareFunctions.key)
-    end
-    -- Enable or disable the scroll bar
-    if #sort > MAX_ROWS - 1 then
-        -- Set up the scrollbar for the item list
-        page.slider:SetMinMaxValues(0, #sort - MAX_ROWS)
-        -- Adjust and show
-        if not page.slider:IsShown() then
-            -- Adjust column positions
-            for idx, row in ipairs(self.rows) do
-                row.bind:SetWidth(90)
-            end
-            page.slider:SetValue(0)
-            page.slider:Show()
-        end
-    elseif page.slider:IsShown() then
-        -- Move column positions back and hide the slider
-        for idx, row in ipairs(self.rows) do
-            row.bind:SetWidth(105)
-        end
-        page.slider:Hide()
-    end
-    -- Update the rows in the list
-    local offset = page.slider:GetValue() or 0
-    for idx, row in ipairs(self.rows) do
-        local offsetIndex = offset + idx
-        if sort[offsetIndex] then
-            local bind = sort[offsetIndex]
-            row.icon:SetTexture(addon:GetBindingIcon(bind))
-            row.name:SetText(addon:GetBindingActionText(bind))
-            --row.type:SetText(bind.type)
-            row.bind:SetText(addon:GetBindingKeyComboText(bind))
-            row:Show()
-        else
-            row:Hide()
-        end
-    end
-function CliqueConfig:ClearEditPage()
-function CliqueConfig:ShowEditPage()
-    self:ClearEditPage()
-    self.page1:Hide()
-    self.page3:Show()
-function CliqueConfig:Save_OnClick(button, button, down)
-function CliqueConfig:Cancel_OnClick(button, button, down)
-    self:ClearEditPage()
-    self.page3:Hide()
-    self.page1:Show()
diff --git a/CliqueOptionsPanel.lua b/CliqueOptionsPanel.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 27f067b..0000000
--- a/CliqueOptionsPanel.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-local addonName, addon = ...
-local panel = CreateFrame("Frame")
-panel.name = "Clique"
-panel:SetScript("OnShow", function(self)
-    if not panel.initialized then
-        panel:CreateOptions()
-    end
-function panel:CreateOptions()
diff --git a/CliqueTest.lua b/CliqueTest.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 74d286a..0000000
--- a/CliqueTest.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-local addonName, addon = ...
-function addon:RunTest()
-    function CliqueTest_Unit_OnShow(self)
-        local unit = self:GetAttribute("unit")
-        if not unit or not UnitExists(unit) then
-            return
-        end
-        local name = UnitName(unit)
-        self.name:SetText(name)
-        self.healthBar:SetMinMaxValues(0, UnitHealthMax(unit))
-        self.powerBar:SetMinMaxValues(0, UnitPowerMax(unit))
-        self.healthBar:SetValue(UnitHealth(unit))
-        self.powerBar:SetValue(UnitPower(unit))
-    end
-    -- Create a fake "group header" to test things properly
-    local groupheader = CreateFrame("Button", "MyGroupHeader", UIParent, "SecureGroupHeaderTemplate")
-    SecureHandler_OnLoad(groupheader)
-    -- Ensure the group header has a reference to the click-cast header
-    groupheader:SetFrameRef("clickcast_header", addon.header)
-    -- Set header attributes
-    groupheader:SetAttribute("showParty", true)
-    groupheader:SetAttribute("showRaid", true)
-    groupheader:SetAttribute("showPlayer", true)
-    groupheader:SetAttribute("showSolo", true)
-    groupheader:SetAttribute("maxColumns", 8)
-    groupheader:SetAttribute("unitsPerColumn", 5)
-    groupheader:SetAttribute("columnAnchorPoint", "TOP")
-    groupheader:SetAttribute("point", "LEFT")
-    groupheader:SetAttribute("template", "CliqueTest_UnitTemplate")
-    groupheader:SetAttribute("templateType", "Button")
-    groupheader:SetAttribute("xOffset", -1)
-    groupheader:SetAttribute("yOffset", -1)
-    -- Set up the group header to display a solo/party/raid frame
-    groupheader:SetAttribute("initialConfigFunction", [==[
-        self:SetAttribute("shift-type1", "spell")
-        self:SetAttribute("shift-spell1", "Regrowth")
-        self:SetAttribute("type-cliquebutton1", "spell")
-        self:SetAttribute("spell-cliquebutton1", "Lifebloom")
-        -- Register this frame with the global click-cast header
-        local header = self:GetParent():GetFrameRef("clickcast_header")
-        header:SetAttribute("clickcast_button", self)
-        header:RunAttribute("clickcast_register")
-    ]==])
-    groupheader:SetPoint("CENTER", UIParent, "CENTER", 0, 0)
-    groupheader:Show()
diff --git a/CliqueTest.xml b/CliqueTest.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 615f47e..0000000
--- a/CliqueTest.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-  xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/"
-  xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
-  xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/
-  http://wowprogramming.com/FrameXML/UI.xsd">
-  <Button name="CliqueTest_UnitTemplate" inherits="ClickCastUnitTemplate,SecureActionButtonTemplate" virtual="true">
-      <Size x="34" y="34"/>
-      <Anchors>
-          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
-              <Offset x="1" y="-1"/>
-          </Anchor>
-      </Anchors>
-      <Layers>
-          <Layer level="OVERLAY">
-              <FontString name="$parent_Name" parentKey="name"
-                  inherits="GameFontHighlight" setAllPoints="true"/>
-              <Texture name="$parent_Selected" parentKey="selected" setAllPoints="true"
-                  file="Interface\Buttons\CheckButtonHilight" alphaMode="ADD" hidden="true"/>
-          </Layer>
-      </Layers>
-      <Frames>
-          <StatusBar name="$parent_HealthBar" parentKey="healthBar">
-              <Size x="34" y="30"/>
-              <Anchors>
-                  <Anchor point="TOPLEFT"/>
-              </Anchors>
-              <BarTexture file="Interface\Buttons\UI-Listbox-Highlight2"/>
-              <BarColor r="1.0" g="1.0" b="1.0" a="0.6"/>
-          </StatusBar>
-          <StatusBar name="$parent_PowerBar" parentKey="powerBar">
-              <Size x="34" y="3"/>
-              <Anchors>
-                  <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parent_HealthBar"
-                      relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
-                      <Offset x="0" y="-1"/>
-                  </Anchor>
-              </Anchors>
-              <BarTexture file="Interface\TargetingFrame\UI-TargetingFrame-BarFill"/>
-              <BarColor r="1.0" g="1.0" b="1.0" a="0.6"/>
-          </StatusBar>
-      </Frames>
-      <Scripts>
-          <OnShow>
-              CliqueTest_Unit_OnShow(self)
-          </OnShow>
-          <PostClick>
-              print("post-click:", self, button)
-          </PostClick>
-      </Scripts>
-      <HighlightTexture file="Interface\Buttons\ButtonHilight-Square" alphaMode="ADD"/>
-  </Button>
diff --git a/CliqueUtils.lua b/CliqueUtils.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index e7b29ac..0000000
--- a/CliqueUtils.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-local addonName, addon = ...
-local L = addon.L
--- Returns the prefix string for the current keyboard state.
--- Arguments:
---   split - Whether or not to split the modifier keys into left and right components
-function addon:GetPrefixString(split)
-    shift, lshift, rshift = IsShiftKeyDown(), IsLeftShiftKeyDown(), IsRightShiftKeyDown()
-    ctrl, lctrl, rctrl = IsControlKeyDown(), IsLeftControlKeyDown(), IsRightControlKeyDown()
-    alt, lalt, ralt = IsAltKeyDown(), IsLeftAltKeyDown() IsRightAltKeyDown()
-    if not extended then
-        shift = shift or lshift or rshift
-        ctrl = ctrl or lctrl or rctrl
-        alt = alt or lalt or ralt
-        lshift, rshift = false, false
-        lctrl, rctrl = false, false
-        lalt, ralt = false, false
-    end
-    local prefix = ""
-    if shift then
-        prefix = ((lshift and "LSHIFT-") or (rshift and "RSHIFT-") or "SHIFT-") .. prefix
-    end
-    if ctrl then
-        prefix = ((lctrl and "LCTRL-") or (rctrl and "RCTRL-") or "CTRL-") .. prefix
-    end
-    if alt then
-        prefix = ((lalt and "LALT-") or (ralt and "RALT-") or "ALT-") .. prefix
-    end
-    return prefix
-local convertMap = setmetatable({
-    LSHIFT = L["LShift"],
-    RSHIFT = L["RShift"],
-    SHIFT = L["Shift"],
-    LCTRL = L["LCtrl"],
-    RCTRL = L["RCtrl"],
-    CTRL = L["Ctrl"],
-    LALT = L["LAlt"],
-    RALT = L["RAlt"],
-    ALT = L["Alt"],
-    BUTTON1 = L["LeftButton"],
-    BUTTON2 = L["RightButton"],
-    BUTTON3 = L["MiddleButton"],
-}, {
-    __index = function(t, k, v)
-        if k:match("^BUTTON(%d+)$") then
-            return k:gsub("^BUTTON(%d+)$", "Button%1")
-        else
-            return k:sub(1,1) .. k:sub(2, -1):lower()
-        end
-    end,
-local function convert(item, ...)
-    if not item then
-        return ""
-    else
-        local mapItem = convertMap[item]
-        item = mapItem and mapItem or item
-        if select("#", ...) > 0 then
-            return item, "-", convert(...)
-        else
-            return item, convert(...)
-        end
-    end
-function addon:GetBindingIcon(binding)
-    local btype = binding.type
-    if btype == "menu" then
-        --return "Interface\\Icons\\Trade_Engineering"
-        return nil
-    elseif btype == "target" then
-        --return "Interface\\Icons\\Ability_Mage_IncantersAbsorbtion"
-        return nil
-    else
-        return binding.icon or "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_QuestionMark"
-    end
-function addon:GetBindingKeyComboText(binding)
-    return strconcat(convert(strsplit("-", binding.key)))
-function addon:GetBindingActionText(binding)
-    local btype = binding.type
-    if btype == "menu" then
-        return L["Show unit menu"]
-    elseif btype == "target" then
-        return L["Target clicked unit"]
-    elseif btype == "spell" then
-        if binding.rank then
-            return L["Cast %s (Rank %d)"]:format(binding.spell, binding.rank)
-        end
-        return L["Cast %s"]:format(binding.spell)
-    else
-        for k,v in pairs(binding) do
-            print("binding", k, v)
-        end
-        return L["Unknown binding type '%s'"]:format(tostring(btype))
-    end
-function addon:GetBindingKey(binding)
-    local key = binding.key:match("[^%-]+$")
-    return key
-local binMap = {
-    ALT = 1,
-    LALT = 2,
-    RALT = 3,
-    CTRL = 4,
-    LCTRL = 5,
-    LCTRL = 6,
-    SHIFT = 7,
-    LSHIFT = 8,
-    RSHIFT = 9,
-function addon:GetBinaryBindingKey(binding)
-    ret = {"0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0"}
-    splits = {strsplit("-", binding.key)}
-    for idx, modifier in ipairs(splits) do
-        local bit = binMap[modifier]
-        if bit then
-            ret[bit] = "1"
-        else
-            ret[10] = modifier
-        end
-    end
-    return table.concat(ret)
diff --git a/HeaderTest.lua b/HeaderTest.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74d286a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HeaderTest.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+local addonName, addon = ...
+function addon:RunTest()
+    function CliqueTest_Unit_OnShow(self)
+        local unit = self:GetAttribute("unit")
+        if not unit or not UnitExists(unit) then
+            return
+        end
+        local name = UnitName(unit)
+        self.name:SetText(name)
+        self.healthBar:SetMinMaxValues(0, UnitHealthMax(unit))
+        self.powerBar:SetMinMaxValues(0, UnitPowerMax(unit))
+        self.healthBar:SetValue(UnitHealth(unit))
+        self.powerBar:SetValue(UnitPower(unit))
+    end
+    -- Create a fake "group header" to test things properly
+    local groupheader = CreateFrame("Button", "MyGroupHeader", UIParent, "SecureGroupHeaderTemplate")
+    SecureHandler_OnLoad(groupheader)
+    -- Ensure the group header has a reference to the click-cast header
+    groupheader:SetFrameRef("clickcast_header", addon.header)
+    -- Set header attributes
+    groupheader:SetAttribute("showParty", true)
+    groupheader:SetAttribute("showRaid", true)
+    groupheader:SetAttribute("showPlayer", true)
+    groupheader:SetAttribute("showSolo", true)
+    groupheader:SetAttribute("maxColumns", 8)
+    groupheader:SetAttribute("unitsPerColumn", 5)
+    groupheader:SetAttribute("columnAnchorPoint", "TOP")
+    groupheader:SetAttribute("point", "LEFT")
+    groupheader:SetAttribute("template", "CliqueTest_UnitTemplate")
+    groupheader:SetAttribute("templateType", "Button")
+    groupheader:SetAttribute("xOffset", -1)
+    groupheader:SetAttribute("yOffset", -1)
+    -- Set up the group header to display a solo/party/raid frame
+    groupheader:SetAttribute("initialConfigFunction", [==[
+        self:SetAttribute("shift-type1", "spell")
+        self:SetAttribute("shift-spell1", "Regrowth")
+        self:SetAttribute("type-cliquebutton1", "spell")
+        self:SetAttribute("spell-cliquebutton1", "Lifebloom")
+        -- Register this frame with the global click-cast header
+        local header = self:GetParent():GetFrameRef("clickcast_header")
+        header:SetAttribute("clickcast_button", self)
+        header:RunAttribute("clickcast_register")
+    ]==])
+    groupheader:SetPoint("CENTER", UIParent, "CENTER", 0, 0)
+    groupheader:Show()
diff --git a/HeaderTest.xml b/HeaderTest.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..615f47e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HeaderTest.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+  xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/"
+  xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+  xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/
+  http://wowprogramming.com/FrameXML/UI.xsd">
+  <Button name="CliqueTest_UnitTemplate" inherits="ClickCastUnitTemplate,SecureActionButtonTemplate" virtual="true">
+      <Size x="34" y="34"/>
+      <Anchors>
+          <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
+              <Offset x="1" y="-1"/>
+          </Anchor>
+      </Anchors>
+      <Layers>
+          <Layer level="OVERLAY">
+              <FontString name="$parent_Name" parentKey="name"
+                  inherits="GameFontHighlight" setAllPoints="true"/>
+              <Texture name="$parent_Selected" parentKey="selected" setAllPoints="true"
+                  file="Interface\Buttons\CheckButtonHilight" alphaMode="ADD" hidden="true"/>
+          </Layer>
+      </Layers>
+      <Frames>
+          <StatusBar name="$parent_HealthBar" parentKey="healthBar">
+              <Size x="34" y="30"/>
+              <Anchors>
+                  <Anchor point="TOPLEFT"/>
+              </Anchors>
+              <BarTexture file="Interface\Buttons\UI-Listbox-Highlight2"/>
+              <BarColor r="1.0" g="1.0" b="1.0" a="0.6"/>
+          </StatusBar>
+          <StatusBar name="$parent_PowerBar" parentKey="powerBar">
+              <Size x="34" y="3"/>
+              <Anchors>
+                  <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parent_HealthBar"
+                      relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
+                      <Offset x="0" y="-1"/>
+                  </Anchor>
+              </Anchors>
+              <BarTexture file="Interface\TargetingFrame\UI-TargetingFrame-BarFill"/>
+              <BarColor r="1.0" g="1.0" b="1.0" a="0.6"/>
+          </StatusBar>
+      </Frames>
+      <Scripts>
+          <OnShow>
+              CliqueTest_Unit_OnShow(self)
+          </OnShow>
+          <PostClick>
+              print("post-click:", self, button)
+          </PostClick>
+      </Scripts>
+      <HighlightTexture file="Interface\Buttons\ButtonHilight-Square" alphaMode="ADD"/>
+  </Button>
diff --git a/OptionsPanel.lua b/OptionsPanel.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27f067b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/OptionsPanel.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+local addonName, addon = ...
+local panel = CreateFrame("Frame")
+panel.name = "Clique"
+panel:SetScript("OnShow", function(self)
+    if not panel.initialized then
+        panel:CreateOptions()
+    end
+function panel:CreateOptions()
diff --git a/Utils.lua b/Utils.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7b29ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utils.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+local addonName, addon = ...
+local L = addon.L
+-- Returns the prefix string for the current keyboard state.
+-- Arguments:
+--   split - Whether or not to split the modifier keys into left and right components
+function addon:GetPrefixString(split)
+    shift, lshift, rshift = IsShiftKeyDown(), IsLeftShiftKeyDown(), IsRightShiftKeyDown()
+    ctrl, lctrl, rctrl = IsControlKeyDown(), IsLeftControlKeyDown(), IsRightControlKeyDown()
+    alt, lalt, ralt = IsAltKeyDown(), IsLeftAltKeyDown() IsRightAltKeyDown()
+    if not extended then
+        shift = shift or lshift or rshift
+        ctrl = ctrl or lctrl or rctrl
+        alt = alt or lalt or ralt
+        lshift, rshift = false, false
+        lctrl, rctrl = false, false
+        lalt, ralt = false, false
+    end
+    local prefix = ""
+    if shift then
+        prefix = ((lshift and "LSHIFT-") or (rshift and "RSHIFT-") or "SHIFT-") .. prefix
+    end
+    if ctrl then
+        prefix = ((lctrl and "LCTRL-") or (rctrl and "RCTRL-") or "CTRL-") .. prefix
+    end
+    if alt then
+        prefix = ((lalt and "LALT-") or (ralt and "RALT-") or "ALT-") .. prefix
+    end
+    return prefix
+local convertMap = setmetatable({
+    LSHIFT = L["LShift"],
+    RSHIFT = L["RShift"],
+    SHIFT = L["Shift"],
+    LCTRL = L["LCtrl"],
+    RCTRL = L["RCtrl"],
+    CTRL = L["Ctrl"],
+    LALT = L["LAlt"],
+    RALT = L["RAlt"],
+    ALT = L["Alt"],
+    BUTTON1 = L["LeftButton"],
+    BUTTON2 = L["RightButton"],
+    BUTTON3 = L["MiddleButton"],
+}, {
+    __index = function(t, k, v)
+        if k:match("^BUTTON(%d+)$") then
+            return k:gsub("^BUTTON(%d+)$", "Button%1")
+        else
+            return k:sub(1,1) .. k:sub(2, -1):lower()
+        end
+    end,
+local function convert(item, ...)
+    if not item then
+        return ""
+    else
+        local mapItem = convertMap[item]
+        item = mapItem and mapItem or item
+        if select("#", ...) > 0 then
+            return item, "-", convert(...)
+        else
+            return item, convert(...)
+        end
+    end
+function addon:GetBindingIcon(binding)
+    local btype = binding.type
+    if btype == "menu" then
+        --return "Interface\\Icons\\Trade_Engineering"
+        return nil
+    elseif btype == "target" then
+        --return "Interface\\Icons\\Ability_Mage_IncantersAbsorbtion"
+        return nil
+    else
+        return binding.icon or "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_QuestionMark"
+    end
+function addon:GetBindingKeyComboText(binding)
+    return strconcat(convert(strsplit("-", binding.key)))
+function addon:GetBindingActionText(binding)
+    local btype = binding.type
+    if btype == "menu" then
+        return L["Show unit menu"]
+    elseif btype == "target" then
+        return L["Target clicked unit"]
+    elseif btype == "spell" then
+        if binding.rank then
+            return L["Cast %s (Rank %d)"]:format(binding.spell, binding.rank)
+        end
+        return L["Cast %s"]:format(binding.spell)
+    else
+        for k,v in pairs(binding) do
+            print("binding", k, v)
+        end
+        return L["Unknown binding type '%s'"]:format(tostring(btype))
+    end
+function addon:GetBindingKey(binding)
+    local key = binding.key:match("[^%-]+$")
+    return key
+local binMap = {
+    ALT = 1,
+    LALT = 2,
+    RALT = 3,
+    CTRL = 4,
+    LCTRL = 5,
+    LCTRL = 6,
+    SHIFT = 7,
+    LSHIFT = 8,
+    RSHIFT = 9,
+function addon:GetBinaryBindingKey(binding)
+    ret = {"0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0"}
+    splits = {strsplit("-", binding.key)}
+    for idx, modifier in ipairs(splits) do
+        local bit = binMap[modifier]
+        if bit then
+            ret[bit] = "1"
+        else
+            ret[10] = modifier
+        end
+    end
+    return table.concat(ret)