Better Sizing courtesy of Blaze.
Azilroka [11-02-14 - 04:14]
Better Sizing courtesy of Blaze.
diff --git a/ElvUI_SLE/modules/AddOnSkins.lua b/ElvUI_SLE/modules/AddOnSkins.lua
index c3e203a..cc55b90 100644
--- a/ElvUI_SLE/modules/AddOnSkins.lua
+++ b/ElvUI_SLE/modules/AddOnSkins.lua
@@ -5,45 +5,30 @@ local E = unpack(ElvUI)
function AS:EmbedSystem_WindowResize()
if UnitAffectingCombat('player') or not AS.EmbedSystemCreated then return end
local ChatPanel = AS:CheckOption('EmbedRightChat') and RightChatPanel or LeftChatPanel
- local ChatTabSize = AS:CheckOption('EmbedBelowTop') and RightChatTab:GetHeight() + (E.Border * 2) or 0
+ local ChatTab = AS:CheckOption('EmbedRightChat') and RightChatTab or LeftChatTab
+ local ChatData = AS:CheckOption('EmbedRightChat') and RightChatDataPanel or LeftChatDataPanel
+ local TopLeft = ChatData == RightChatDataPanel and (E.db.datatexts.rightChatPanel and 'TOPLEFT' or 'BOTTOMLEFT') or ChatData == LeftChatDataPanel and (E.db.datatexts.leftChatPanel and 'TOPLEFT' or 'BOTTOMLEFT')
+ local yOffset = (ChatData == RightChatDataPanel and E.db.datatexts.rightChatPanel and (E.PixelMode and 1 or 0)) or (ChatData == LeftChatDataPanel and E.db.datatexts.leftChatPanel and (E.PixelMode and 1 or 0)) or (E.PixelMode and 0 or -1)
- local DataTextSize = 0
- if not E.db.sle.datatext.chathandle then
- if AS:CheckOption('EmbedRightChat') and E.db.datatexts.rightChatPanel then
- DataTextSize = RightChatDataPanel:GetHeight() + (E.PixelMode and 1 or 2)
- elseif not AS:CheckOption('EmbedRightChat') and E.db.datatexts.leftChatPanel then
- DataTextSize = LeftChatDataPanel:GetHeight() + (E.Border * 2)
- end
- end
- local Width, Height, X, Y
+ EmbedSystem_MainWindow:SetParent(ChatPanel)
+ EmbedSystem_MainWindow:ClearAllPoints()
- if E.PixelMode then
- Width = 6
- Height = (E.Border * 3) + ChatTabSize + DataTextSize + 3
- X = 0
- Y = E.Border + DataTextSize + 2
+ if E.db.sle.datatext.chathandle then
+ EmbedSystem_MainWindow:SetInside(ChatPanel, 4, 4)
- Width = 10
- Height = (E.Border * 3) + ChatTabSize + DataTextSize + 3
- X = 0
- Y = E.Border + DataTextSize + 2
+ EmbedSystem_MainWindow:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', ChatData, TopLeft, 0, yOffset)
+ EmbedSystem_MainWindow:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT', ChatTab, AS:CheckOption('EmbedBelowTop') and 'BOTTOMRIGHT' or 'TOPRIGHT', 0, AS:CheckOption('EmbedBelowTop') and -1 or 0)
- EmbedSystem_MainWindow:SetParent(ChatPanel)
- EmbedSystem_MainWindow:SetSize(ChatPanel:GetWidth() - Width, ChatPanel:GetHeight() - Height)
EmbedSystem_LeftWindow:SetSize(AS:CheckOption('EmbedLeftWidth'), EmbedSystem_MainWindow:GetHeight())
EmbedSystem_RightWindow:SetSize((EmbedSystem_MainWindow:GetWidth() - AS:CheckOption('EmbedLeftWidth')) - 1, EmbedSystem_MainWindow:GetHeight())
EmbedSystem_LeftWindow:SetPoint('LEFT', EmbedSystem_MainWindow, 'LEFT', 0, 0)
EmbedSystem_RightWindow:SetPoint('RIGHT', EmbedSystem_MainWindow, 'RIGHT', 0, 0)
- EmbedSystem_MainWindow:SetPoint('BOTTOM', ChatPanel, 'BOTTOM', X, Y)
-- Dynamic Range
if IsAddOnLoaded('ElvUI_Config') then
E.Options.args.addonskins.args.embed.args.EmbedLeftWidth.min = floor(EmbedSystem_MainWindow:GetWidth() * .25)
E.Options.args.addonskins.args.embed.args.EmbedLeftWidth.max = floor(EmbedSystem_MainWindow:GetWidth() * .75)
\ No newline at end of file