
New database function: addon:AddRecipeWorldDrop()

James D. Callahan III [03-28-10 - 02:15]
New database function: addon:AddRecipeWorldDrop()
diff --git a/ARL.lua b/ARL.lua
index a4d5f67..95f0a55 100644
--- a/ARL.lua
+++ b/ARL.lua
@@ -1062,18 +1062,29 @@ do

 			acquire[id_num] = true

-			if not unit_list[id_num] then
+			if unit_list and not unit_list[id_num] then
 				self:Printf("Spell ID %d: %s ID %d does not exist in the database.", spell_id, type_string, id_num)
-				local unit = unit_list[id_num]
+				if not unit_list then
+					location = type(id_num) == "string" and BZ[id_num] or nil

-				affiliation = unit.faction
-				location = unit.location
+					if location then
+						affiliation = "world_drop"
+						addon:Debug("GenericAddRecipeAcquire(): location set as \"%s\".", location)
+					else
+						addon:Debug("WORLD_DROP with no location: %d %s", spell_id, private.recipe_list[spell_id].name)
+					end
+				else
+					local unit = unit_list[id_num]
+					affiliation = unit.faction
+					location = unit.location

-				unit.item_list = unit.item_list or {}
-				unit.item_list[spell_id] = true
+					unit.item_list = unit.item_list or {}
+					unit.item_list[spell_id] = true
+				end
 			acquire_list[acquire_type] = acquire_list[acquire_type] or {}
 			acquire_list[acquire_type].recipes = acquire_list[acquire_type].recipes or {}
@@ -1103,6 +1114,10 @@ do
 		GenericAddRecipeAcquire(spell_id, A.VENDOR, "Vendor", private.vendor_list, ...)

+	function addon:AddRecipeWorldDrop(spell_id, ...)
+		GenericAddRecipeAcquire(spell_id, A.WORLD_DROP, nil, nil, ...)
+	end
 	-- This function can NOT use GenericAddRecipeAcquire() - reputation vendors are more complicated than the other acquire types.
 	function addon:AddRecipeRepVendor(spell_id, faction_id, rep_level, ...)
 		local num_vars = select('#', ...)
diff --git a/Datamine.lua b/Datamine.lua
index 77d8a4d..2ec832e 100644
--- a/Datamine.lua
+++ b/Datamine.lua
@@ -1477,6 +1477,7 @@ do
 		[A.TRAINER]	= "self:AddRecipeTrainer(%d, %s)",
 		[A.VENDOR]	= "self:AddRecipeVendor(%d, %s)",
 		[A.MOB_DROP]	= "self:AddRecipeMobDrop(%d, %s)",
+		[A.WORLD_DROP]	= "self:AddRecipeWorldDrop(%d, %s)",

 	local function RecipeDump(id, single)
@@ -1532,7 +1533,8 @@ do
 				local values

 				for id_num in pairs(acquire_info) do
-					values = values and (values..", "..id_num) or id_num
+					local saved_id = (type(id_num) == "string" and ("\""..id_num.."\"") or id_num)
+					values = values and (values..", "..saved_id) or saved_id
 				tinsert(output, string.format(FUNCTION_FORMATS[acquire_type], recipe.spell_id, values))