
working on config stil

Xruptor [10-01-18 - 14:08]
working on config stil
diff --git a/XanChat.lua b/XanChat.lua
index 0e0cc6b..2c9b649 100644
--- a/XanChat.lua
+++ b/XanChat.lua
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 --Sharing it with the world in case anybody wants to actually use this.

 local ADDON_NAME, addon = ...
-if not _G[ADDON_NAME] then _G[ADDON_NAME] = addon
+if not _G[ADDON_NAME] then _G[ADDON_NAME] = addon end

 addon.eventFrame = CreateFrame("frame","xanChatEvent_Frame",UIParent)
 local eFrame = addon.eventFrame
@@ -812,13 +812,15 @@ function eFrame:PLAYER_LOGIN()

-		DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(L.SlashSocialInfo)
-		DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(L.SlashScrollInfo)
-		DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(L.SlashShortNamesInfo)
-		DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(L.SlashEditBoxInfo)
-		DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(L.SlashTabsInfo)
-		DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(L.SlashShadowInfo)
-		DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(L.SlashVoiceInfo)
+		local preText = "/xanchat "
+		DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(preText..L.SlashSocial.." - "..L.SlashSocialInfo)
+		DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(preText..L.SlashScroll.." - "..L.SlashScrollInfo)
+		DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(preText..L.SlashShortNames.." - "..L.SlashShortNamesInfo)
+		DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(preText..L.SlashEditBox.." - "..L.SlashEditBoxInfo)
+		DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(preText..L.SlashTabs.." - "..L.SlashTabsInfo)
+		DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(preText..L.SlashShadow.." - "..L.SlashShadowInfo)
+		DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(preText..L.SlashVoice.." - "..L.SlashVoiceInfo)

 	local ver = GetAddOnMetadata("xanChat","Version") or '1.0'
diff --git a/config.lua b/config.lua
index 7f4c246..ec16104 100644
--- a/config.lua
+++ b/config.lua
@@ -1,18 +1,32 @@
 local ADDON_NAME, addon = ...
-if not _G[ADDON_NAME] then _G[ADDON_NAME] = addon
+if not _G[ADDON_NAME] then _G[ADDON_NAME] = addon end

 local chkBoxIndex = 1

-function createCheckbutton(parentFrame, xPos, yPos, displayText)
+function createCheckbutton(parentFrame, displayText)
 	chkBoxIndex = chkBoxIndex + 1

 	local checkbutton = CreateFrame("CheckButton", ADDON_NAME.."_config_chkbtn_" .. chkBoxIndex, parentFrame, "ChatConfigCheckButtonTemplate")
-	checkbutton:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", xPos, yPos)
-	getglobal(checkbutton:GetName() .. 'Text'):SetText(displayText)
+	getglobal(checkbutton:GetName() .. 'Text'):SetText(" "..displayText)

 	return checkbutton

+local yModifer = 30
+local startY = -150
+local currY = 0
+local function addConfigEntry(objEntry)
+	if currY == 0 then
+		currY = startY
+	else
+		currY = currY - yModifer
+	end
+	objEntry:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 20, currY)
 local function LoadAboutFrame()

 	--Code inspired from tekKonfigAboutPanel
@@ -63,4 +77,19 @@ local function LoadAboutFrame()
 	return about

-addon.aboutPanel = LoadAboutFrame()
\ No newline at end of file
+addon.aboutPanel = LoadAboutFrame()
+myCheckButton = createCheckbutton(addon.aboutPanel, "A Checkbox")
+myCheckButton:SetScript("OnClick", function()
+		print('click')
+myCheckButton2 = createCheckbutton(addon.aboutPanel, "A Checkbox")
+myCheckButton2:SetScript("OnClick", function()
+		print('click')
diff --git a/locale/enUS.lua b/locale/enUS.lua
index 2b95594..13cc0df 100644
--- a/locale/enUS.lua
+++ b/locale/enUS.lua
@@ -53,41 +53,34 @@ L.CHAT_RAID_WARNING_GET 			= [[|Hchannel:RaidWarning|h[RW|TInterface\GroupFrame\
 L.SlashSocial = "social"
 L.SlashSocialOn = "xanChat: Social buttons are now [|cFF99CC33ON|r]"
 L.SlashSocialOff = "xanChat: Social buttons are now [|cFF99CC33OFF|r]"
-L.SlashSocialInfoShort = "Toggles the chat social buttons"
-L.SlashSocialInfo = "/xanchat "..L.SlashSocial.." - "..L.SlashSocialInfoShort
+L.SlashSocialInfo = "Toggles the chat social buttons"

 L.SlashScroll = "scroll"
 L.SlashScrollOn = "xanChat: Scroll buttons are now [|cFF99CC33ON|r]"
 L.SlashScrollOff = "xanChat: Scroll buttons are now [|cFF99CC33OFF|r]"
-L.SlashScrollInfoShort = "Toggles the chat scroll bars"
-L.SlashScrollInfo = "/xanchat "..L.SlashScroll.." - "..L.SlashScrollInfoShort
+L.SlashScrollInfo = "Toggles the chat scroll bars"

 L.SlashShortNames = "shortnames"
 L.SlashShortNamesOn = "xanChat: Short channel names are now [|cFF99CC33ON|r]"
 L.SlashShortNamesOff = "xanChat: Short channel names are now [|cFF99CC33OFF|r]"
-L.SlashShortNamesInfoShort = "Toggles short channels names"
-L.SlashShortNamesInfo = "/xanchat "..L.SlashShortNames.." - "..L.SlashShortNamesInfoShort
+L.SlashShortNamesInfo = "Toggles short channels names"

 L.SlashEditBox = "editbox"
 L.SlashEditBoxBottom = "xanChat: The edit box is now at the [|cFF99CC33BOTTOM|r]"
 L.SlashEditBoxTop = "xanChat: The edit box is now at the [|cFF99CC33TOP|r]"
-L.SlashEditBoxInfoShort = "Toggles editbox to show at the top or the bottom"
-L.SlashEditBoxInfo = "/xanchat "..L.SlashEditBox.." - "..L.SlashEditBoxInfoShort
+L.SlashEditBoxInfo = "Toggles editbox to show at the top or the bottom"

 L.SlashTabs = "tabs"
 L.SlashTabsOn = "xanChat: The chat tabs are now [|cFF99CC33ON|r]"
 L.SlashTabsOff = "xanChat: The chat tabs are now [|cFF99CC33OFF|r]"
-L.SlashTabsInfoShort = "Toggles the chat tabs on or off"
-L.SlashTabsInfo = "/xanchat "..L.SlashTabs.." - "..L.SlashTabsInfoShort
+L.SlashTabsInfo = "Toggles the chat tabs on or off"

 L.SlashShadow = "shadow"
 L.SlashShadowOn = "xanChat: Chat font shadows are now [|cFF99CC33ON|r]"
 L.SlashShadowOff = "xanChat: Chat font shadows are now [|cFF99CC33OFF|r]"
-L.SlashShadowInfoShort = "Toggles text shadows for chat fonts on or off"
-L.SlashShadowInfo = "/xanchat "..L.SlashShadow.." - "..L.SlashShadowInfoShort
+L.SlashShadowInfo= "Toggles text shadows for chat fonts on or off"

 L.SlashVoice = "voice"
 L.SlashVoiceOn = "xanChat: Voice chat buttons are now [|cFF99CC33ON|r]"
 L.SlashVoiceOff = "xanChat: Voice chat buttons are now [|cFF99CC33OFF|r]"
-L.SlashVoiceInfoShort = "Toggles voice chat buttons on or off"
-L.SlashVoiceInfo = "/xanchat "..L.SlashVoice.." - "..L.SlashVoiceInfoShort
+L.SlashVoiceInfo = "Toggles voice chat buttons on or off"