
Update testesMX.lua

ackis [06-03-09 - 20:01]
Update testesMX.lua
diff --git a/ARLDatamine.lua b/ARLDatamine.lua
index b9aec20..306416f 100644
--- a/ARLDatamine.lua
+++ b/ARLDatamine.lua
@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ function addon:TooltipScanDatabase()
-			addon:Print("Missing RecipeLink for ID "..i.." - "..name)
+			addon:Print("Missing RecipeLink for ID " .. i .. " - " .. name .. " (If these are DK abilities, don't worry, that's normal.")

diff --git a/Locals/testesMX.lua b/Locals/testesMX.lua
index f5475f7..6783692 100644
--- a/Locals/testesMX.lua
+++ b/Locals/testesMX.lua
@@ -10,1739 +10,1692 @@ local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("Ackis Recipe List", "esMX", false)

 if not L then return end

--- General strings
-L["Filters"]				= true
-L["Ok"]						= true
--- Command line options
-L["Profile"]				= true
-L["Filter"]					= true
--- Config Options
-L["About"]					= true
-L["Main Options"]			= true
-L["General Options"]		= true
-L["Display Options"]		= true
-L["Main Filter Options"]	= true
-L["Sorting Options"]		= true
-L["Profile Options"]		= true
-L["Tooltip Options"]		= true
-L["Map Options"]			= true
-L["ARL Documentation"]		= true
-L["Documentation"]			= true
--- Config UI Elements and their associated descriptions
-L["MAIN_OPTIONS_DESC"]		= "Main configuration options"
-L["Scan"]					= true
-L["SCAN_RECIPES_DESC"]		= [[Scans an open tradeskill for missing recipes.
-Shift-click to generate a text dump.
-Alt-click to remove all waypoints from the mini-map and world map.]]
-L["Text Dump"]				= true
-L["TEXT_DUMP_DESC"]			= "Displays all recipes in a comma separated value format which can be copied and pasted into another client."
-L["View Exclusion List"]	= true
-L["Clear Exclusion List"]	= true
-L["Reset All Filters"]		= true
-L["Scan Button Position"]	= true
-L["SCANBUTTONPOSITION_DESC"] = "Allows you to customize where the scan button is placed on the tradeskill frame."
-L["VIEW_EXCLUSION_LIST_DESC"] = "Prints out a list of all recipes on the exclusion list."
-L["CLEAR_EXCLUSION_LIST_DESC"] = "Removes all recipes from the exclusion list."
-L["MAINFILTER_OPTIONS_DESC"] = "Allows you to specify how ARL handles different filters."
-L["DISPLAY_OPTIONS_DESC"]	= "Allows you to customize how the GUI behaves."
-L["SORTING_OPTIONS_DESC"]	= "Allows you to customize the way displayed recipes are sorted."
-L["ARL_DOC_DESC"]			= "Documentation for Ackis Recipe List"
--- UI Documentation
-L["Using Filters"]			= true
-L["USING_FILTERS_DESC"]		= [[Filters may be toggled on or off.  There are two types of filters: one which will prevent the recipe from showing up at all, and one which will prevent a specific type of acquire information from showing up.
-With the first type of filter, these match the proprieties of the recipe (ie: binding).  If you toggle ARL to not show BoP recipes, no recipes that are BoP will show up in the scan.  The second type of filter deals with acquire information.  If a recipe is available as a mob drop, or from a vendor and you toggle to not show vendor recipes, the recipe will still show up but vendor information will be hidden for it.  The reason is that there is still another way to acquire this recipe (mob drop) so it should still be included in the scan.
-Please note that the tooltips will always hide the opposite faction methods of acquiring a recipe.  This has been done to save space in the tooltip since they can get quite large.]]
-L["Reporting Bugs"]			= true
-L["REPORTING_BUGS_DESC"]	= [[When reporting a bug, please make sure you do the following:
-1) Download the latest version, available from http://www.wowace.com/projects/arl/files/
-2) Make sure there is not a bug report filed for your issue already.  You can check these at http://www.wowace.com/projects/arl/tickets/
-3) Disable addons such as Skillet or ATSW.
-4) Read the bug reporting documentation at http://www.wowace.com/projects/arl/pages/feedback-and-bug-reporting/
-5) If your problem is not listed and you are using the latest version verify your addon settings.  Verify filters, profiles, etc.
-6) You have found a bug that no one has reported before.  Create a new ticket at http://www.wowace.com/projects/arl/tickets/ with a descriptive heading about the problem.  In the ticket make sure you include the error message that you received (just the error message, I don't need a listing of the addons you use), the recipe/profession you were working with, and any other info that you think may help.
-When posting a bug report, do NOT include all of the addons from swatter.  This just makes it difficult to read.  If you want a good error reporting mod, get BugSack.  Do not post errors/missing recipes in the comments, or send them to me via a PM.  Post them as a ticket which I can address and track easily.]]
-L["Common Issues"]			= true
-L["COMMON_ISSUES_DESC"]		= [[Please refer to these common issues before submitting a bug report.
-1) Recipe X does not show up! - Check your filter settings to make sure that the recipe is not being filtered.
-2) Inscription is missing so many glyphs! Why aren't they listed?  Turn off your 'classes' filter.  By default (and due to popular request) ARL will only show recipes which your class can use and most glpyhs are not usable by your class.
-3) I don't want to see opposite faction recipes! Turn on the factions filter.  This will set it up to only display your factions obtainable recipes.  If something still shows up and it shouldn't, please submit a bug report.]]
-L["Exclusion Issues"]		= true
-L["EXCLUSION_ISSUES_DESC"]	= "To add a recipe to the exclusion (ignore) list, just alt-click on it from the recipe window.  To get this recipe back, open up the ARL options and set the toggle of \"Show Excluded Recipes\" to be on.  This will show all the recipes you've excluded in your scan during your next scan.  Once you have done this, Alt Click on the recipe again to remove it from the exclusion list."
-L["Map Issues"]				= true
-L["MAP_ISSUES_DESC"]		= "ARL relies on TomTom to add icons and waypoints to the World Map and the Mini-map.  You can customize these by going to the ARL configuration menu and scrolling to the display options.  If you do not have TomTom installed, nothing will be added.  Auto-adding icons is disabled by default."
-L["Game Commands"]			= true
-L["GAME_COMMANDS_DESC"]		= [[Command Line:
-Ackis Recipe List has recently changed to use a GUI for change parameters.  Type /arl to open up the GUI.  Acceptable commands include:
+L["40 Tickets - Schematic: Steam Tonk Controller"] = "40 vales: esquema (mando de tonque de vapor)"
+L["Aaron Hollman"] = "Aaron Hollman"
+L["Aayndia Floralwind"] = "Aayndia Vientofloral"
+L["Abigail Shiel"] = "Abigail Shiel"
+L["A Binding Contract"] = "Un contrato vinculante"
+L["Abomination"] = "Abominación"
+L["About"] = "Acerca de"
+L["Abyssal Flamebringer"] = "Clamallamas abisal"
+L["ACQUIRETOOLTIPPOSITION_DESC"] = "Cambia la ubicación de la ayuda contextual que contiene la información de adquisición."
+L["Acquisition"] = "Adquisición"
+L["Adele Fielder"] = "Adele Fielder"
+L["Adelene Sunlance"] = "Adelene Lanzasol"
+L["Aendel Windspear"] = "Aendel Lanzavento"
+L["Aged Dalaran Wizard"] = "Zahorí de Dalaran envejecido"
+L["A Good Head On Your Shoulders"] = "La cabeza sobre los hombros"
+L["Ainderu Summerleaf"] = "Ainderu Hojestival"
+L["Ainethil"] = "Ainethil"
+L["Akham"] = "Akham"
+L["Alanna Raveneye"] = "Alanna Cuervojo"
+L["Alard Schmied"] = "Alard Schmied"
+L["Alchemist Gribble"] = "Alquimista Gribble"
+L["Alchemist Mallory"] = "Alquimista Mallory"
+L["Alchemist Pestlezugg"] = "Alquimista Morterozugg"
+L["Aldraan"] = "Aldraan"
+L["Alegorn"] = "Alegorn"
+L["Aleinia"] = "Aleinia"
+L["Alestos"] = "Alestos"
+L["Alestus"] = "Alestus"
+L["Alexandra Bolero"] = "Alexandra Bolero"
+L["Alexandra McQueen"] = "Alexandra McQueen"
+L["Alexis Marlowe"] = "Alexis Marlowe"
+L["Algernon"] = "Algernon"
+L["ALL_FILTERED"] = "A pesar de que ya has escaneado esta profesión, tus filtros están impidiendo que se muestre ninguna receta. Por favor cambia tus filtros y prueba de nuevo."
+L["Almaador"] = "Almaador"
+L["Altaa"] = "Altaa"
+L["ALT_CLICK"] = "Alt-Click para añadir/eliminar esta receta a tu lista de ignoradas"
+L["ALT_TRADESKILL_DESC"] = "Esto mostrará una lista de alternativos que han explorado las habilidades de comercio. Al hacer click en el nombre del alternativo enviará la habilidad de comercio a el chat."
+L["Alt-Tradeskills"] = "Alt-Habilidades de Comercio"
+L["Alurmi"] = "Alurmi"
+L["Alys Vol'tyr"] = "Alys Vol'tyr"
+L["Amal'thazad"] = "Amal'thazad"
+L["Amani'shi Beast Tamer"] = "Domador de bestias Amani'shi"
+L["Amani'shi Flame Caster"] = "Lanzallamas Amani'shi"
+L["Amani'shi Guardian"] = "Guardián Amani'shi"
+L["Amani'shi Handler"] = "Cuidador Amani'shi"
+L["Amani'shi Protector"] = "Protector Amani'shi"
+L["Amani'shi Scout"] = "Explorador Amani'shi"
+L["Amani'shi Tribesman"] = "Miembro de tribu Amani'shi"
+L["Amani'shi Warbringer"] = "Belisario Amani'shi"
+L["Amani'shi Wind Walker"] = "Surcador del viento Amani'shi"
+L["Amin"] = "Amin"
+L["Ammo"] = "Munición"
+L["AMMO_DESC"] = "Recetas de municiones que deben incluirse en el análisis."
+L["Amy Davenport"] = "Amy Davenport"
+L["Anchorite Ensham"] = "Anacoreta Ensham"
+L["Anchorite Fateema"] = "Anacoreta Fateema"
+L["Anchorite Paetheus"] = "Anacoreta Paetheus"
+L["Anchorite Yazmina"] = "Anacoreta Yazmina"
+L["Ancient Female Vrykul"] = "Antigua vrykul"
+L["Andellion"] = "Andelion"
+L["Andre Firebeard"] = "Andre Barbafuego"
+L["Andrew Hilbert"] = "Andrew Hilbert"
+L["Andrion Darkspinner"] = "Andrion Giroscuro"
+L["Androd Fadran"] = "Androd Fadran"
+L["Angerclaw Grizzly"] = "Pardo Zarpira"
+L["Anger Guard"] = "Guardia de inquina"
+L["Anguished Dead"] = "Muerto angustioso"
+L["Anguished Highborne"] = "Altonato angustioso"
+L["Annora"] = "Annora"
+L["Anub'ar Guardian"] = "Guardián Anub'ar"
+L["Anub'ar Prime Guard"] = "Guardia principal Anub'ar"
+L["Anub'ar Venomancer"] = "Venomante Anub'ar"
+L["Anuur"] = "Anuur"
+L["Anvilrage Captain"] = "Capitán Yunque Colérico"
+L["Anvilrage Enforcer"] = "Déspota Yunque Colérico"
+L["Anvilrage Marshal"] = "Alguacil Yunque Colérico"
+L["Apothecary Antonivich"] = "Boticario Antonivich"
+L["Apothecary Bressa"] = "Boticaria Bressa"
+L["Apothecary Helbrim"] = "Boticario Helbrim"
+L["Apothecary Wormwick"] = "Boticario Mechagusano"
+L["Apply"] = "Aplicar"
+L["APPLY_DESC"] = "Aplicar los filtros seleccionados a la lista de recetas"
+L["Apprentice Darius"] = "Aprendiz Darius"
+L["Apprentice's Duties"] = "Deberes de aprendiz"
+L["Arathel Sunforge"] = "Arathel Forjasol"
+L["Arcane Anomaly"] = "Anomalía Arcana"
+L["Arcane Protector"] = "Protector Arcano"
+L["Arcanist Sheynathren"] = "Arcanista Sheynathren"
+L["Arcatraz Sentinel"] = "Centinela de Arcatraz"
+L["Archmage Alvareaux"] = "Archimago Alvareaux"
+L["Aresella"] = "Aresella"
+L["Are We There, Yeti?"] = "Yeti... ¿ya hemos llegado?"
+L["Argent Quartermaster Hasana"] = "Intendente Argenta Hasana"
+L["Argent Quartermaster Lightspark"] = "Intendente Argenta Destello de Luz"
+L["Argo Strongstout"] = "Argo Robusforte"
+L["Arikara"] = "Arikara"
+L["Arkkoran Oracle"] = "Oráculo Arkkoran"
+L["ARL_ALLEXCLUDED"] = "A pesar de que ya has escaneado esta profesión, tus exclusiones están impidiendo que se muestre ninguna receta. Por favor cambia tus exclusiones y prueba de nuevo."
+L["ARL_ALLKNOWN"] = "Conoces todas las recetas para esta profesión."
+L["ARL_DOC_DESC"] = "Documentación de Ackis Recipe List"
+L["ARL Documentation"] = "Documentación ARL"
+L["ARL_SEARCHFILTERED"] = "Su búsqueda no tiene resultados."
+L["Armor"] = "Armadura"
+L["Armor Filtering Options"] = "Opciones de Filtrado de Armaduras"
+L["ARMOR_TEXT_DESC"] = [=[Click-izquierdo aquí para seleccionar todos los filtros de armaduras.
+Click-derecho aquí para deseleccionar todos los filtros de armaduras.]=]
+L["Arnok"] = "Arnok"
+L["Arras"] = "Arras"
+L["Arred"] = "Arred"
+L["Arrond"] = "Arrond"
+L["Arthur Denny"] = "Arthur Denny"
+L["Arthur Henslowe"] = "Arthur Henslowe"
+L["Arthur Moore"] = "Arthur Moore"
+L["Artificer Daelo"] = "Artificiero Daelo"
+L["Asarnan"] = "Asarnan"
+L["Ashmane Boar"] = "Jabalí Cenicrín"
+L["Ashtongue Warrior"] = "Guerrero Lengua de ceniza"
+L["Aska Mistrunner"] = "Aska Correbruma"
+L["Atal'ai Deathwalker"] = "Caminamuerte Atal'ai"
+L["Atal'ai Warrior"] = "Guerrero Atal'ai"
+L["Atal'ai Witch Doctor"] = "Médico brujo Atal'ai"
+L["Auchenai Monk"] = "Monje Auchenai"
+L["AUTOLOAD_DB_DESC"] = "Carga automáticamente todas las bases de datos de recetas de ARL al hacer una exploración de los datos recolectados."
+L["Auto Load Recipe Database"] = "AutoCargar Base de Datos de Recetas"
+L["Auto Scan Map"] = "AutoExplorar Mapa"
+L["AUTOSCANMAP_DESC"] = "Muestra automáticamente todos los puntos de ruta cuando se hace una exploración de recetas."
+L["Auto Scan Trainers"] = "AutoExplorar Entrenadores"
+L["AUTOSCAN_TRAINERS_DESC"] = "Activa la exploración en los entrenadores para comparar los niveles de habilidad, y los métodos de adquisición de recetas."
+L["Awan Iceborn"] = "Awan Hielonato"
+L["Awilo Lon'gomba"] = "Awilo Lon'gomba"
+L["Axe"] = "Hacha"
+L["AXE_DESC"] = "Se incluirán en el escaneo las recetas que hagan hachas."
+L["Badlands Reagent Run II"] = "Componentes de Tierras Inhóspitas II"
+L["Balai Lok'Wein"] = "Balai Lok'Wein"
+L["Bale"] = "Fardo"
+L["Balgaras the Foul"] = "Balgaras el Hediondo"
+L["Banalash"] = "Banatralla"
+L["Banshee"] = "Alma en pena"
+L["Barbaric Battlements"] = "Almenas barbáricas"
+L["Barbecued Buzzard Wings"] = "Alas de águila ratonera a la parrilla"
+L["Barim Spilthoof"] = "Barim Pezuña Partida"
+L["Bash'ir Spell-Thief"] = "Ladrón de hechizos Bash'ir"
+L["Basil Frye"] = "Basil Frye"
+L["Baxter"] = "Baxter"
+L["BC_WOW_DESC"] = "Recetas disponibles con La Cruzada Ardiente."
+L["Beer Basted Boar Ribs"] = "Costillas de jabalí a la cerveza"
+L["Belil"] = "Belil"
+L["Bemarrin"] = "Bemarrin"
+L["Bena Winterhoof"] = "Bena Pezuña Invernal"
+L["Bengus Deepforge"] = "Bengus Forjahonda"
+L["Benjamin Clegg"] = "Benjamin Clegg"
+L["Bernadette Dexter"] = "Bernadette Dexter"
+L["Bethany Cromwell"] = "Bethany Cromwell"
+L["Betty Quin"] = "Betty Quin"
+L["Binding"] = "Ligado"
+L["Binding Filtering Options"] = "Opciones de Filtrado de Ligados"
+L["Binkie Brightgear"] = "Binkie Brillaengranaje"
+L["Black Broodling"] = "Estirpe negra"
+L["Black Dragonspawn"] = "Dragauro negro"
+L["Blackened Ancient"] = "Anciano ennegrecido"
+L["Blackhand Elite"] = "Élite Puño Negro"
+L["Blackrock Battlemaster"] = "Maestro de batalla Roca Negra"
+L["Blackrock Slayer"] = "Destripador Roca Negra"
+L["Blackrock Soldier"] = "Soldado Roca Negra"
+L["Blackrock Worg"] = "Huargo Roca Negra"
+L["Blacksmith Calypso"] = "Herrera Calypso"
+L["Bleeding Hollow Darkcaster"] = "Taumaturgo oscuro Foso Sangrante"
+L["Blighted Proto-Drake"] = "Protodraco contagiado"
+L["Blimo Gadgetspring"] = "Blimo Cacharretio"
+L["Blisterpaw Hyena"] = "Hiena Llagapata"
+L["Blizrik Buckshot"] = "Blizrik Machobala"
+L["Bliztik"] = "Bliztik"
+L["Bloodaxe Raider"] = "Asaltante Hacha de Sangre"
+L["Bloodhound"] = "Can de sangre"
+L["Bloodmaul Dire Wolf"] = "Lobo temible Machacasangre"
+L["Bloodmaul Geomancer"] = "Geomántico Machacasangre"
+L["Bloodsail Raider"] = "Asaltante Velasangre"
+L["Bloodwarder Legionnaire"] = "Legionario Depositario de Sangre"
+L["Bloodwarder Vindicator"] = "Vindicador Depositario de Sangre"
+L["BOA_DESC"] = "Las recetas de objetos que se Ligan a la Cuenta serán incluidas en la exploración."
+L["BOAFilter"] = "Objeto Ligado a la Cuenta"
+L["BOE_DESC"] = "Las recetas 'LaE' serán incluidas en la exploración."
+L["BOEFilter"] = "Se Liga al Equiparlo (LaE)"
+L["Bog Giant"] = "Gigante de la marisma"
+L["Bombus Finespindle"] = "Bombus Bueneje"
+L["Bonechewer Backbreaker"] = "Partedorsales Mascahuesos"
+L["Bonechewer Devastator"] = "Devastador Mascahuesos"
+L["Booker Kells"] = "Booker Kells"
+L["BOP_DESC"] = "Las recetas 'LaR' serán incluidas en la exploración."
+L["BOPFilter"] = "Se Liga al Recogerlo (LaR)"
+L["Borgosh Corebender"] = "Borgosh Ramagma"
+L["Borgus Steelhand"] = "Borgus Mano de Acero"
+L["Borto"] = "Borto"
+L["Borus Ironbender"] = "Borus Doblahierro"
+L["Borya"] = "Borya"
+L["Bottom"] = "Inferior"
+L["Bottom Left"] = "Inferior Izquierda"
+L["Bottom Right"] = "Inferior Derecha"
+L["Boulderfist Warrior"] = "Guerrero Puño de Roca"
+L["Bow"] = "Arco"
+L["BOW_DESC"] = "Las recetas de arcos serán incluidas en la exploración."
+L["Bowen Brisboise"] = "Bowen Bribuesa"
+L["Bradley Towns"] = "Bradley Villas"
+L["Braeg Stoutbeard"] = "Braeg Barbarrobusta"
+L["Brandig"] = "Brandig"
+L["Brawn"] = "Mole"
+L["Brek Stonehoof"] = "Brek Pezuñapétrea"
+L["Brienna Starglow"] = "Brienna Brillastrella"
+L["Brikk Keencraft"] = "Brikk Finoficio"
+L["Brittle Revenant"] = "Aparecido frágil"
+L["Brock Stoneseeker"] = "Brock Buscapiedras"
+L["Bro'kin"] = "Bro'kin"
+L["Brom Brewbaster"] = "Brom Aliño"
+L["Brom Killian"] = "Brom Killian"
+L["Bronk"] = "Bronk"
+L["Bronk Guzzlegear"] = "Bronk Comengranaje"
+L["Brumeran"] = "Brumerán"
+L["Brumman"] = "Brumman"
+L["Brumn Winterhoof"] = "Brumm Pezuña Invernal"
+L["Brunna Ironaxe"] = "Brunna Hachaferro"
+L["Bryan Landers"] = "Bryan Landers"
+L["Brynna Wilson"] = "Brynna Wilson"
+L["Burbik Gearspanner"] = "Burbik Trazagranaje"
+L["Burko"] = "Burko"
+L["Burning Crusade"] = "La Cruzada Ardiente"
+L["Burning Crusade Rep. Filtering Options"] = "Opciones de Filtrado de Rep. de La Cruzada Ardiente"
+L["Burrowing Thundersnout"] = "Cavador Morrotrueno"
+L["Buzzek Bracketswing"] = "Buzzek Giracorchete"
+L["Byancie"] = "Byancie"
+L["Cabal Acolyte"] = "Acólito de la Cábala"
+L["Cabal Cultist"] = "Cultor de la Cábala"
+L["Cabal Fanatic"] = "Fanático de la Cábala"
+L["Cabal Spellbinder"] = "Vinculahechizos de la Cábala"
+L["Camberon"] = "Camberon"
+L["Captain Halyndor"] = "Capitán Halyndor"
+L["Captain O'Neal"] = "Capitán O'Neal"
+L["Captured Gnome"] = "Gnomo capturado"
+L["Carolai Anise"] = "Carolai Anís"
+L["Carter Tiffens"] = "Carter Tiffens"
+L["Caryssia Moonhunter"] = "Caryssia Cazaluna"
+L["Caster DPS"] = "Conjurador DPS"
+L["CASTER_DPS_DESC"] = "Las recetas que utiliza el Conjurador DPS serán incluidas en la exploración."
+L["Catarina Stanford"] = "Catarina Stanford"
+L["Catherine Leland"] = "Catherine Leland"
+L["Cave Yeti"] = "Yeti de cuevas"
+L["Celie Steelwing"] = "Celie Alacerada"
+L["Centipaar Sandreaver"] = "Atracador de arena Centipaar"
+L["Charles Worth"] = "Charles Valor"
+L["Charred Ancient"] = "Anciano carbonizado"
+L["Chaw Stronghide"] = "Chaw Pellejofuerte"
+L["Chief Engineer Leveny"] = "Ingeniero jefe Leveny"
+L["Chillwind Chimaera"] = "Quimera Viento Gélido"
+L["Chillwind Ravager"] = "Devastador Viento Gélido"
+L["Christoph Jeffcoat"] = "Christoph Yabrigo"
+L["Cielstrasza"] = "Cielstrasza"
+L["Clamlette Surprise"] = "Sorpresa de almejate"
+L["Clarise Gnarltree"] = "Clarise Nudárbol"
+L["CLASS_DESC"] = "Incluir esta clase en la exploración. Esto filtrará en dos factores: 1) ¿Puede la clase utilizar la receta? y 2) ¿puede la clase aprender la receta?."
+L["Classes"] = "Clases"
+L["CLASS_TEXT_DESC"] = [=[Click-izquierdo aquí para seleccionar todas las clases.
+Click-derecho aquí para seleccionar tu propia clase.]=]
+L["CLEAR_DESC"] = "Borra el texto de la caja de búsqueda."
+L["Clear Exclusion List"] = "Borrar Lista de Exclusión"
+L["CLEAR_EXCLUSION_LIST_DESC"] = "Elimina todas las recetas de la lista de exclusión."
+L["Clear Waypoints"] = "Limpiar Puntos de Ruta"
+L["CLEAR_WAYPOINTS_DESC"] = "Quitar todos los puntos de ruta de ARL para TomTom."
+L["Cliff Breaker"] = "Rompedor del risco"
+L["Clintar Dreamwalker"] = "Clintar Caminasueños"
+L["Cloak"] = "Capa"
+L["CLOAK_DESC"] = "Las recetas de capas serán incluidas en la exploración."
+L["Cloned Ooze"] = "Moco clonado"
+L["Close"] = "Cerrar"
+L["CLOSE_DESC"] = "Cerrar la Ventana de Ackis Recipe List."
+L["Close GUI"] = "Cerrar el GUI"
+L["CLOSEGUI_DESC"] = "Cierra la ventana de ARL cuando la ventana de fabricación es cerrada."
+L["Cloth"] = "Tela"
+L["CLOTH_DESC"] = "Las recetas que hacen elementos de tela serán incluidas en la exploración."
+L["Cloud Serpent"] = "Serpiente nubosa"
+L["Clyde Ranthal"] = "Clyde Ranthal"
+L["Cobalt Broodling"] = "Estirpe de cobalto"
+L["Cobalt Mageweaver"] = "Tejemagia de cobalto"
+L["Cobalt Scalebane"] = "Horrocrusto de cobalto"
+L["Cobalt Serpent"] = "Serpiente cobalto"
+L["Cobalt Whelp"] = "Cría de cobalto"
+L["Cobalt Wyrmkin"] = "Verminte de cobalto"
+L["Coilfang Champion"] = "Campeón Colmillo Torcido"
+L["Coilfang Hate-Screamer"] = "Divulgadora de miedo Colmillo Torcido"
+L["Coilfang Myrmidon"] = "Mirmidón Colmillo Torcido"
+L["Coilfang Oracle"] = "Oráculo Colmillo Torcido"
+L["Coilfang Serpentguard"] = "Guardia serpiente Colmillo Torcido"
+L["Coilfang Shatterer"] = "Macarra Colmillo Torcido"
+L["Coilfang Siren"] = "Sirena Colmillo Torcido"
+L["Coilfang Sorceress"] = "Hechicera Colmillo Torcido"
+L["Coilfang Technician"] = "Técnico Colmillo Torcido"
+L["Coilskar Sea-Caller"] = "Clamamares Cicatriz Espiral"
+L["Coilskar Siren"] = "Sirena Cicatriz Espiral"
+L["Cold Eye Basilisk"] = "Basilisco Ojogélido"
+L["Commander Malgor"] = "Comandate Malgor"
+L["Commander Mulfort"] = "Comandante Mulfort"
+L["Common Issues"] = "Problemas comunes"
+L["COMMON_ISSUES_DESC"] = [=["Por favor, diríjase a estas cuestiones de interés común antes de presentar un informe de error.
+1) ¡La receta X no aparece! - Verifique su configuración de filtros para asegurarse de que la receta no está siendo filtrada.
+2) ¡En inscripción faltan muchos glifos! ¿Por qué no aparecen? Desactive su filtro de 'clases'. Por defecto (y por petición popular) ARL sólo mostrará las recetas que su clase puede usar y la mayoría de glifos no son utilizables por su clase.
+3) ¡No quiero ver recetas de la facción opuesta! Active el filtro de las facciones. Esto lo configurará para mostrar solamente las recetas de su facción. Si todavía aparece algo y no debiera, por favor envíe un informe de error."]=]
+L["Compare Trainer Acquire"] = "Comparar Adquirir Entrenador"
+L["COMPARE_TRAINER_ACQUIRE_DESC"] = "Comparar métodos de adquirir del entrenador seleccionado con los de la base de datos de ARL."
+L["COMPARE_TRAINER_SKILL_DESC"] = "Comparar niveles de habilidades del entrenador seleccionado con los de la base de datos de ARL."
+L["Compare Trainer Skills"] = "Comparar Habilidades de Entrenador"
+L["Constance Brisboise"] = "Constanza Brisboise"
+L["CONTRACTALL"] = "- Todo"
+L["CONTRACTALL_DESC"] = "Minimiza todas las recetas listadas a continuación."
+L["Cook Ghilm"] = "Cocinero Ghilm"
+L["\"Cookie\" McWeaksauce"] = "\"Cocinitas\" MacSalsafloja"
+L["Cookie One-Eye"] = "Listillo el Tuerto"
+L["Coreiel"] = "Coreiel"
+L["Corporal Bluth"] = "Cabo Bluth"
+L["Corruption"] = "Corrupción"
+L["Costly Menace"] = "Una amenaza costosa"
+L["Cowardly Crosby"] = "Blandengue Crosby"
+L["Crazed Ancient"] = "Anciano enloquecido"
+L["Crazed Murkblood Foreman"] = "Supervisor Sangreoscura enloquecido"
+L["Crazk Sparks"] = "Craz Chispaz"
+L["Crimson Inquisitor"] = "Inquisidor Carmesí"
+L["Crimson Sorcerer"] = "Hechicero Carmesí"
+L["Crocolisk Hunting"] = "La caza de crocoliscos"
+L["Crog Steelspine"] = "Crog Espinacerada"
+L["Crossbow"] = "Ballesta"
+L["CROSSBOW_DESC"] = "Se incluirán en el escaneo las recetas que hagan ballestas."
+L["Cro Threadstrong"] = "Cro Hilofuerte"
+L["Crypt Crawler"] = "Reptador de la cripta"
+L["Crypt Fiend"] = "Maligno de cripta"
+L["Crystal Boughman"] = "Ramacho de cristal"
+L["Crystal Brightspark"] = "Crystal Chispabrillante"
+L["Crystalcore Mechanic"] = "Mecánico Núcleo de Cristal"
+L["CTRL_CLICK"] = "Ctrl-Click para añadir un enlace a esta receta en tu chat"
+L["CTRL_SHIFT_CLICK"] = "Ctrl-Shift-Click para añadir el objeto en el mapa y el minimapa."
+L["Culinary Crunch"] = "Texturas crujientes"
+L["Cult Alchemist"] = "Alquimista de culto"
+L["Cultist Shard Watcher"] = "Vigía de fragmento de cultor"
+L["Custom1"] = "Descubierto al hacer elixires o frascos utilizando ingredientes de Burning Crusade o superiores."
+L["Custom10"] = "Misión para obtener la receta se abre después de convertir en la Cabeza de Onyxia."
+L["Custom11"] = "Obtenido al hacer clic en una tablilla en Zul'Gurub en el Borde de la Locura."
+L["Custom12"] = "Descubierto haciendo trasmutaciones usando componentes de Ira del Rey Exánime."
+L["Custom13"] = "Obtenido al hablar con Henry Stern en Zahúrda Rajacieno."
+L["Custom14"] = "Obtenido aleatoriamente realizando investigaciones de inscripciones menores."
+L["Custom15"] = "Obtenido al azar al realizar la investigación de inscripción en Rasganorte."
+L["Custom16"] = "Obtenido al azar por la renovación de su pertenencia de ingeniería."
+L["Custom17"] = "El esquema se puede encontrar en el suelo cerca del Señor Gólem Argelmach en Profundidades de Roca Negra. Sólo ingenieros con 300 de habilidad pueden aprender el esquema después de hacer click sobre el."
+L["Custom18"] = "Obtenidos al azar al llevar a cabo la investigación de alquimia de Rasganorte."
+L["Custom19"] = "Descubierto al tranmutar utilizando ingredientes de Rasganorte o superiores (la ayuda de transmutar menciona que hay una oportunidad de descubrir algo)."
+L["Custom2"] = "Descubierto al hacer pociones utilizando ingredientes de Burning Crusade o superiores."
+L["Custom20"] = "Transporte goblin."
+L["Custom21"] = "Transporte gnomo."
+L["Custom22"] = "Soltado aleatoriamente (Se Liga al Recoger) en AQ40."
+L["Custom23"] = "Obtenido aleatoriamente en La Masacre (Norte) en Alijo de Knot Thimblejack."
+L["Custom24"] = "Soltado aleatoriamente en Fuente del Sol."
+L["Custom25"] = "Existe la posibilidad de encontrarlo en 5 salas diferentes de Profundidades de Roca Negra, la aparición es aleatoria, sin embargo no siempre aparece en todos."
+L["Custom26"] = "Soltado aleatoriamente por los jefes del Núcleo de Magma."
+L["Custom27"] = "Maestro de los elementos Formacio Krixix en Guarida Alanegra."
+L["Custom28"] = "Soltado aleatoriamente en El Templo Oscuro/Cima Hyjal/jefes."
+L["Custom29"] = "Soltado aleatoriamente por jefes de Zul'Aman."
+L["Custom3"] = "Descubierto al hacer transmutación utilizando ingredientes de Burning Crusade o superiores."
+L["Custom30"] = "Jandice en el libro que aparece en Scholomance"
+L["Custom31"] = "Diseños de herrería en Stratholme"
+L["Custom32"] = "La Masacre - Tribute run - Pecho"
+L["Custom33"] = "Dragones del Mundo"
+L["Custom34"] = "Aleatorio en Templo Oscuro / soltado en Cima Hyjal "
+L["Custom35"] = "Jefes Invocados de Montañas Filospada"
+L["Custom36"] = "De un NPC en las alcantarillas de Dalaran después de hacer La Prueba de la Cata"
+L["Custom37"] = "Soltado aleatoriamente en Caverna Santuario Serpiente / El Castillo de la Tempestad"
+L["Custom38"] = "Obtenido aleatoriamente al completar la misión de cocina diaria en Dalaran."
+L["Custom39"] = "Soltado aleatoriamente por los jefes de Ulduar."
+L["Custom4"] = "Descubierto con Pociones de Protección Mayor utilizando ingredientes de Burning Crusade o superiores."
+L["Custom40"] = "Descubierto aleatoriamente al leer el Libro Sobre Maestría en Glifos"
+L["Custom41"] = "Eliminado del juego cuando Naxx 40 fue sacado."
+L["Custom5"] = "Obtenido aleatoriamente al completar la misión de cocina diaria en Shattrath y seleccionando la caja de carne."
+L["Custom6"] = "Obtenido aleatoriamente al completar la misión de cocina diaria en Shattrath y seleccionando el barril de pescado."
+L["Custom7"] = "Obtenido aleatoriamente al completar la misión de pesca diaria en Shattrath."
+L["Custom8"] = "Aprendido por defecto al aprender la profesión."
+L["Custom9"] = "Esta receta es creada por los ingenieros."
+L["Cyndra Kindwhisper"] = "Cyndra Suavesusurro"
+L["Daedal"] = "Daedal"
+L["Daga Ramba"] = "Daga Ramba"
+L["Dagger"] = "Daga"
+L["DAGGER_DESC"] = "Se incluirán en el escaneo las recetas que hagan dagas."
+L["Daggle Ironshaper"] = "Afilador Daggle"
+L["Dalinna"] = "Dalinna"
+L["Dalria"] = "Dalria"
+L["Damned Apothecary"] = "Boticario maldito"
+L["Dane Lindgren"] = "Dane Lindgren"
+L["Dan Golthas"] = "Dan Golthas"
+L["Daniel Bartlett"] = "Daniel Bartlett"
+L["Danielle Zipstitch"] = "Danielle Puntillas"
+L["Dank Drizzlecut"] = "Dank Cortefiel"
+L["Dannelor"] = "Dannelor"
+L["Danwe"] = "Danwe"
+L["Darianna"] = "Darianna"
+L["Darin Goodstitch"] = "Darin Cortefino"
+L["Dark Adept"] = "Adepto oscuro"
+L["Dark Conclave Shadowmancer"] = "Sombramántico del cónclave oscuro"
+L["Dark Iron Demolitionist"] = "Demoledor Hierro Negro"
+L["Dark Iron Dwarf"] = "Enano Hierro Negro"
+L["Dark Iron Saboteur"] = "Saboteador Hierro Negro"
+L["Dark Iron Slaver"] = "Esclavista Hierro Negro"
+L["Dark Iron Taskmaster"] = "Capataz Hierro Negro"
+L["Dark Iron Tunneler"] = "Tunelador Hierro Negro"
+L["Dark Iron Watchman"] = "Velador Hierro Negro"
+L["Dark Screecher"] = "Estridador sombrío"
+L["Darkspine Myrmidon"] = "Mirmidón Espina Siniestra"
+L["Darkspine Siren"] = "Sirena Espina Siniestra"
+L["Dark Strand Voidcaller"] = "Clamavacío de la Facción Oscura"
+L["Darkwater Crocolisk"] = "Crocolisco Aguaoscura"
+L["Darmari"] = "Darmari"
+L["Darnall"] = "Darnall"
+L["Daryl Riknussun"] = "Daryl Riknussun"
+L["Daryl Stack"] = "Daryl Stack"
+L["Datamine Options"] = "Opciones Recolección Datos"
+L["DATAMINE_OPTIONS_DESC"] = "Permite personalizar en el juego la recolección de datos de ARL."
+L["DATAMINER_NODB_ERROR"] = "Base de datos de recetas no cargada. Por favor examine primero las habilidades de comercio y luego intente la recolección de datos."
+L["DATAMINER_SKILLELVEL"] = [=[Nivel de receta diferente!
+    Nombre: %s
+    Nivel ARL: %s
+    Nivel Entrenador: %s]=]
+L["DATAMINER_SKILLLEVEL_ERROR"] = "Esto sólo puede ser utilizado para un entrenador de habilidades comerciales. Por favor, abra el entrenador y vuelva a intentarlo."
+L["DATAMINER_TRAINER_INFO"] = [=[Nombre Entrenador: %s
+ID Entrenador: %s]=]
+L["DATAMINER_TRAINER_NOTTARGETTED"] = "Debe tener como objetivo el entrenador cuando se ejecuta este comando."
+L["DATAMINER_TRAINER_NOTTEACH"] = "%s (%s) - Extra"
+L["DATAMINER_TRAINER_TEACH"] = "%s (%s) - Desaparecido"
+L["DATAMINER_VENDOR_NOTTARGETTED"] = "Debe tener como objetivo el vendedor cuando se ejecuta este comando."
+L["DATAMINE_WARNING_DESC"] = "Tenga en cuenta que habilitar la Carga Automática de la Base de datos de Recetas aumentará la cantidad de memoria usada por la ARL. Habilitar la Exploración Automática de Entrenadores puede causar un ligero retraso cuando se abre el entrenador. Esto será más notable en la primera exploración de un entrenador."
+L["Dawnblade Marksman"] = "Tirador Hojalba"
+L["Deadwind Warlock"] = "Brujo Vientomuerto"
+L["Deadwood Shaman"] = "Chamán Muertobosque"
+L["Dealer Malij"] = "Tratante Malij"
+L["Deathforge Guardian"] = "Guardián Forja Muerta"
+L["Deathforge Imp"] = "Diablillo Forja Muerta"
+L["Deathforge Smith"] = "Herrero Forja Muerta"
+L["Deathforge Tinkerer"] = "Manitas Forja Muerta"
+L["Deathlash Scorpid"] = "Escórpido Latimorte"
+L["Decaying Horror"] = "Horror putrefacto"
+L["Deek Fizzlebizz"] = "Deek Malnegocio"
+L["Deep Stinger"] = "Aguijonero profundo"
+L["Defias Enchanter"] = "Encantador Defias"
+L["Defias Looter"] = "Despojador Defias"
+L["Defias Pirate"] = "Pirata Defias"
+L["Defias Profiteer"] = "Especulador Defias"
+L["Defias Renegade Mage"] = "Mago renegado Defias"
+L["Defias Squallshaper"] = "Formarrasca Defias"
+L["Delfrum Flintbeard"] = "Delfrum Barbasílex"
+L["Deneb Walker"] = "Deneb Camino"
+L["Derak Nightfall"] = "Derak Ocaso"
+L["Derek Odds"] = "Derek Cosillas"
+L["Deriz"] = "Deriz"
+L["Desert Recipe"] = "Receta del Desierto"
+L["Deviate Eradication"] = "Erradicación de descarriados"
+L["Deynna"] = "Deynna"
+L["Diane Cannings"] = "Diane Latas"
+L["Didi the Wrench"] = "Didi la Llave Grifa"
+L["Diemetradon"] = "Diemetradón"
+L["Dig Rat Stew"] = "Estofado de ratas de madriguera"
+L["Dirge Quikcleave"] = "Dirge Hojágil"
+L["Dirge's Kickin' Chimaerok Chops"] = "Fabulosos solomillos de quimerok de Dirge"
+L["Discovery"] = "Descubierto"
+L["DISCOVERY_DESC"] = "Las recetas obtenidas a través de Descubierto serán incluidas en la exploración."
+L["Disembodied Protector"] = "Protector incorpóreo"
+L["Disembodied Vindicator"] = "Vindicador incorpóreo"
+L["Display"] = "Visualización"
+L["DISPLAY_EXCLUSION_DESC"] = "Mostrar recetas que estan en la lista de exclusiones."
+L["Display Exclusions"] = "Mostrar Exclusiones"
+L["Display Options"] = "Opciones Visualización"
+L["DISPLAY_OPTIONS_DESC"] = "Permite personalizar cómo se comporta el GUI."
+L["Doba"] = "Doba"
+L["Doctor Gregory Victor"] = "Doctor Gregory Victor"
+L["Doctor Gustaf VanHowzen"] = "Doctor Gustaf VanHowzen"
+L["Doctor Herbert Halsey"] = "Doctor Herbert Halsey"
+L["Doctor Marsh"] = "Doctor Marsh"
+L["Doctor Martin Felben"] = "Doctor Martin Felben"
+L["Documentation"] = "Documentación"
+L["Dolothos"] = "Dolothos"
+L["Don Carlos"] = "Don Carlos"
+L["Doomforge Craftsman"] = "Artesano de la Forja Maldita"
+L["Doomforge Dragoon"] = "Deagolo de la Forja Maldita"
+L["Doomforge Engineer"] = "Ingeniero de la Forja Maldita"
+L["Drac Roughcut"] = "Drac Roughcut"
+L["Dragonmaw Wind Reaver"] = "Atracador del viento Faucedraco"
+L["Drake Lindgren"] = "Draco Lindgren"
+L["Drakk Stonehand"] = "Drakk Petramano"
+L["Drovnar Strongbrew"] = "Drovanar Brevaforte"
+L["Drywallow Crocolisk"] = "Crocolisco secorrón"
+L["Drywallow Snapper"] = "Sacudidor secorrón"
+L["Duchess Mynx"] = "Duquesa Mynx"
+L["Duhng"] = "Duhng"
+L["Dulvi"] = "Dulvi"
+L["Durnholde Lookout"] = "Vigía de Durnholde"
+L["Durnholde Rifleman"] = "Fusilero de Durnholde"
+L["Durnholde Sentry"] = "Avizor de Durnholde"
+L["Durnholde Tracking Hound"] = "Sabueso de Durnholde"
+L["Dusky Crab Cakes"] = "Los pasteles de cangrejo oscuro"
+L["Dustin Vail"] = "Dustin Vail"
+L["Dwukk"] = "Dwukk"
+L["Easy Strider Living"] = "Guiso de zancudo"
+L["Eclipsion Archmage"] = "Archimago eclipsiano"
+L["Eclipsion Blood Knight"] = "Caballero de sangre eclipsiano"
+L["Eclipsion Bloodwarder"] = "Depositario de sangre eclipsiano"
+L["Eclipsion Cavalier"] = "Hidalgo eclipsiano"
+L["Eclipsion Centurion"] = "Centurión eclipsiano"
+L["Eclipsion Dragonhawk"] = "Dracohalcón eclipsiano"
+L["Eclipsion Soldier"] = "Soldado eclipsiano"
+L["Eclipsion Spellbinder"] = "Vinculahechizos eclipsiano"
+L["Edna Mullby"] = "Edna Mullby"
+L["Edrem"] = "Edrem"
+L["Eebee Jinglepocket"] = "Eebee Calderilla"
+L["Egomis"] = "Egomis"
+L["Eiin"] = "Eiin"
+L["Eldara Dawnrunner"] = "Eldara Correalba"
+L["Elder Diemetradon"] = "Diemetradón viejo"
+L["Elder Mistvale Gorilla"] = "Gorila del Valle Velo de Bruma viejo"
+L["Elder Shardtooth"] = "Ancestro Dentoesquirla"
+L["Elder Stranglethorn Tiger"] = "Tigre de Tuercespina mayor"
+L["Eldrin"] = "Eldrin"
+L["Elise Brightletter"] = "Elise Letrabella"
+L["Elixir of Pain"] = "Elixir de dolor"
+L["Elizabeth Jackson"] = "Elizabeth Jackson"
+L["Elynna"] = "Elynna"
+L["Emil Autumn"] = "Emil Otoño"
+L["Emrul Riknussun"] = "Emrul Riknussun"
+L["Enchanted Thorium Platemail: Volume I"] = "Las mallas de placas en torio encantado: volumen I"
+L["Enchanted Thorium Platemail: Volume II"] = "Las mallas de placas en torio encantado: volumen II"
+L["Enchanted Thorium Platemail: Volume III"] = "Las mallas de placas en torio encantado: volumen III"
+L["Enchanter Aeldron"] = "Encantador Aeldron"
+L["Enchanter Nalthanis"] = "Encantador Nalthanis"
+L["Enchanter Salias"] = "Encantador Salias"
+L["Enchanting Trainer"] = "Entrenador Encantamiento"
+L["Enchantress Metura"] = "Encantadora Metura"
+L["Enchantress Volali"] = "Encantadora Volali"
+L["Enraged Air Spirit"] = "Espíritu de aire iracundo"
+L["Enraged Crusher"] = "Triturador iracundo"
+L["Enraged Earth Spirit"] = "Espíritu de tierra iracundo"
+L["Enraged Fire Spirit"] = "Espíritu de fuego iracundo"
+L["Enraged Mammoth"] = "Mamut enfurecido"
+L["Enraged Water Spirit"] = "Espíritu de agua iracundo"
+L["Enslaved Proto-Drake"] = "Protodraco esclavizado"
+L["Eorain Dawnstrike"] = "Eorain Golpe del Amanecer"
+L["Eredar Deathbringer"] = "Libramorte Eredar"
+L["Eriden"] = "Eriden"
+L["Erika Tate"] = "Erika Tate"
+L["Erilia"] = "Erilia"
+L["Erin Kelly"] = "Erin Kelly"
+L["Ethereal Priest"] = "Sacerdote etéreo"
+L["Ethereal Spellbinder"] = "Vinculahechizos etéreo"
+L["Ethereal Thief"] = "Ladrón etéreo"
+L["Ethereum Nullifier"] = "Nulificador de El Etereum"
+L["Ethereum Smuggler"] = "Contrabandista de El Etereum"
+L["Eunice Burch"] = "Eunice Burch"
+L["EXCLUDECOUNT_DESC"] = "Incluír recetas excluídas en la cuenta total de recetas."
+L["Exclusion Issues"] = "Problemas de Exclusión"
+L["EXCLUSION_ISSUES_DESC"] = "Para añadir una receta a la lista de exclusión (ignorar), haga alt-click en esto desde la ventana de recetas. Para obtener esta receta de nuevo, abrir opciones de ARL y activar \"Mostrar la Exclusión de Recetas\". Esto le mostrará todas las recetas que ha excluido de su exploración durante su próxima exploración. Una vez hecho esto, haga Alt-click en la receta de nuevo para quitarla de la lista de exclusión."
+L["EXPANDALL"] = "+ Todo"
+L["EXPANDALL_DESC"] = "Expande todas las recetas listadas a continuación."
+L["Faction"] = "Facción"
+L["FACTION_DESC"] = "Las Recetas de ambas facciones (horda y alianza) serán incluidas en la exploración."
+L["Fael Morningsong"] = "Fael Canción de la Mañana"
+L["Faldron"] = "Faldron"
+L["Falorn Nightwhisper"] = "Falorn Noctusurro"
+L["Fariel Starsong"] = "Fariel Cantostelar"
+L["Farii"] = "Farii"
+L["Fazu"] = "Fazu"
+L["Fedryen Swiftspear"] = "Fedryen Lanzapresta"
+L["Feera"] = "Feera"
+L["Felannia"] = "Felannia"
+L["Felguard Annihilator"] = "Aniquilador guardia vil"
+L["Felicia Doan"] = "Felicia Doan"
+L["Felika"] = "Felika"
+L["Fel Orc Convert"] = "Orco vil converso"
+L["Felpaw Ravager"] = "Devastador Zarpayel"
+L["Felpaw Wolf"] = "Lobo Zarpayel"
+L["Fel Rager"] = "Fel Rager"
+L["Fel Stalker"] = "Acechador vil"
+L["Fendrig Redbeard"] = "Fendrig Barbarroja"
+L["Fera Palerunner"] = "Fera Correpálido"
+L["Ferocious Yeti"] = "Yeti feroz"
+L["Feruul"] = "Feruul"
+L["Festive Recipes"] = "Recetas de Fiesta"
+L["Feyden Darkin"] = "Feyden Oscurino"
+L["Fiery Plate Gauntlets"] = "Guanteletes de placas ígneas"
+L["Filter"] = "Filtro"
+L["FILTER_CLOSE"] = "<<< Filtro"
+L["FILTER_CLOSE_DESC"] = "Cerrar panel de opciones de filtro."
+L["FILTERCOUNT_DESC"] = "Incluye recetas filtradas en el contador total de recetas."
+L["FILTERING_Armor_DESC"] = "Configuración de los tipos de armadura que son incluidas en la exploración."
+L["FILTERING_BC_DESC"] = "Configuración de las recetas de recompensa de Reputación de La Cruzada Ardiente que se incluyen en la exploración."
+L["FILTERING_BINDING_DESC"] = "Configuración de los tipos de ligados que se incluyen en la exploración."
+L["FILTERING_GENERAL_DESC"] = "Configuración para varios tipos de filtro más generales."
+L["FILTERING_ITEM_DESC"] = "Configuración de tipos de elementos que se incluyen en la exploración."
+L["FILTERING_MISC_DESC"] = "Configuración de opciones varias que también están presentes en las opciones de visualización."
+L["FILTERING_OBTAIN_DESC"] = "Configuración de los métodos de obtención de recetas que se incluyen en la exploración."
+L["FILTERING_OLDWORLD_DESC"] = "Configuración de las recetas de recompensa de Reputación Del Viejo Mundo que se incluyen en la exploración."
+L["Filtering Options"] = "Opciones de Filtrado"
+L["FILTERING_OPTIONS_DESC"] = "Le permite personalizar las recetas que se filtran."
+L["FILTERING_PLAYERTYPE_DESC"] = "Configuración para los objetos que coinciden con los tipos de jugador que se incluyen en la exploración."
+L["FILTERING_REP_DESC"] = "Configuración de recetas de recompensa de reputación que se incluyen en la exploración."
+L["FILTERING_WEAPONS_DESC"] = "Configuración de tipos de armas que se incluyen en la exploración."
+L["FILTERING_WOTLK_DESC"] = "Configuración de recompensas de Reputacion en La Ira del rey Lich que se incluyen en la exploración."
+L["FILTER_OPEN"] = "Filtro >>>"
+L["FILTER_OPEN_DESC"] = "Abrir panel de opciones de filtro."
+L["Filters"] = "Filtrar"
+L["Fimble Finespindle"] = "Fimble Bueneje"
+L["Finbus Geargrind"] = "Finbus Rompegranajes"
+L["Findle Whistlesteam"] = "Findle Vaporchifla"
+L["Firebrand Grunt"] = "Bruto Pirotigma"
+L["Firebrand Invoker"] = "Convocador Pirotigma"
+L["Firebrand Legionnaire"] = "Legionario Pirotigma"
+L["Firebrand Pyromancer"] = "Piromántico Pirotigma"
+L["Firegut Brute"] = "Tosco Pirontraña"
+L["First Aid Trainer"] = "Entrenador Primeros Auxilios"
+L["Fist"] = "Puño"
+L["FIST_DESC"] = "Se incluirán en el escaneo las recetas que hagan armas de puño."
+L["Flash Bomb Recipe"] = "Receta de Bomba Cegadora"
+L["Fledgling Chillwind"] = "Fugalante Viento Gélido"
+L["Fleshbeast"] = "Bestia de carne"
+L["Fletcher's Lost and Found"] = "Objetos Perdidos de Flechero"
+L["Font Size"] = "Tamaño Fuente"
+L["FONT_SIZE_DESC"] = "Cambia el tamaño de las fuentes para ARL."
+L["Foreman Marcrid"] = "Supervisor Marcrid"
+L["Forgotten One"] = "El Olvidado"
+L["Fradd Swiftgear"] = "Fradd Cambioveloz"
+L["Franklin Lloyd"] = "Franklin Lloyd"
+L["Fremal Doohickey"] = "Fremal Tornichup"
+L["Frenzied Pterrordax"] = "Pterrordáctilo demenciado"
+L["Frostbrood Spawn"] = "Engendradora Razaescaracha"
+L["Frostfeather Screecher"] = "Estridador Plumaescarcha"
+L["Frostfeather Witch"] = "Bruja Plumaescarcha"
+L["Frostmaul Giant"] = "Gigante Machacahielo"
+L["Frost Wyrm"] = "Vermis de escarcha"
+L["Furywing"] = "Alafuria"
+L["Fyldan"] = "Fyldan"
+L["Gagsprocket"] = "Dentolio"
+L["Galana"] = "Galana"
+L["Gambarinka"] = "Gambarinka"
+L["Game Commands"] = "Comandos de Juego"
+L["GAME_COMMANDS_DESC"] = [=["Línea de comandos:
+Ackis Recipe List ha cambiado recientemente para utilizar un GUI para cambiar parámetros. Teclee /arl para abrir el GUI. Los comandos incluidos son:
 - /arl about
-  Opens up the about panel, listing information about the mod.
-- /arl sort or /arl sorting
-  Opens up the sorting options.
+ Abre el panel acerca de, enumerando la información sobre el MOD.
+- /arl sort o /arl sorting
+ Abre las opciones de clasificación.
 - /arl documentation
-  Opens up in-game documentation regarding ARL.
+ Abre la documentación en-juego con respecto a ARL.
 - /arl display
-  Opens up display options.
+ Abre las opciones de la visualización.
 - /arl profile
-  Opens up profile options.
+ Abre las opciones del perfil.
 - /arl filter
-  Opens up filtering options.
+ Abre las opciones de filtración.
 - /arl scan
-  Performs a scan for missing recipes.  This is in place for those times when you cannot access the scan button.
+ Realiza una exploración para las recetas que faltan. Esto es para cuando no puede tener acceso al botón de exploración.

-Ackis Recipe List will behave differently depending on which modifying keys you use to click.
+Al hacer click:
+Ackis Recipe List se comporta de forma distinta dependiendo de que tecla de modificación utiliza para hacer click.

-Scan Button:
-This is the functionality that occurs when you are clicking the scan button.
+Botón de Exploración:
+Esta es la funcionalidad que se produce cuando se haga click en el botón de exploración.

-- Normal Click
-  Performs a scan of the current tradeskill displaying recipes in a new window.
+- Click Normal
+ Realiza un análisis de las habilidades de comercio actuales mostrando recetas en una nueva ventana.
 - Shift Click
-  Generates a text dumping of the current tradeskill in CSV format.
+ Genera un volcado de texto de las habilidades de comercio actuales en formato CSV.
 - Alt Click
-  Removes all waypoints on the World Map and Mini-map generated by ARL.
+ Elimina todos los puntos de ruta en el mapa del mundo y el minimapa generados por ARL.

-This is the functionality that occurs when you click on a recipe.
+Esta es la funcionalidad que se produce al hacer click en una receta.

-- Normal Click
-  Expands or contracts the recipe acquire information.
+- Click Normal
+ Expande o contrae la información de adquisición de la receta.
 - Shift Click
-  Generates an item link of the item that the recipe will make into your default chat box.
+ Genera un enlace del objeto que la receta hará dentro de su caja de chat predeterminada.
 - Ctrl Click
-  Genereates a spell link for the recipe you clicked.
+ Genera un enlace del hechizo para la receta que seleccionó.
 - Alt Click
-  Adds or removes a recipe from the exclusion list.
+ Agrega o quita una receta de la lista de exclusión.
 - Ctrl-Shift Click
-  Adds the specific recipe acquire methods to the World Map and Mini-map.]]
--- Config UI Elements and their associated descriptions
-L["Include Filtered"]		= true
-L["FILTERCOUNT_DESC"]		= "Include filtered recipes in the count of total recipes."
-L["Include Excluded"]		= true
-L["EXCLUDECOUNT_DESC"]		= "Include excluded recipes in the count of total recipes."
-L["Close GUI"]				= "Close with Tradeskill UI"
-L["CLOSEGUI_DESC"]			= "Close the ARL window when the crafting window is closed."
-L["Display Exclusions"]		= true
-L["DISPLAY_EXCLUSION_DESC"]	= "Display recipes that are in the exclusion list."
-L["Reset Window Position"]	= true
-L["RESET_WINDOW_DESC"]		= "Resets the ARL GUI to default position."
-L["UI Scale"]				= true
-L["UI_SCALE_DESC"]			= "Changes the scale of the UI. Ranges from .5 to 1.5 (1 is default)"
-L["Tooltip Scale"]			= true
-L["TOOLTIP_SCALE_DESC"]		= "Changes the scale of the ARL tooltip. Ranges from .5 to 1.5 (.9 is default)"
-L["Tooltip (Recipe) Position"] = true
-L["SPELLTOOLTIPPOSITION_DESC"] = "Changes the location of the tooltip containing the recipe information."
-L["Tooltip (Acquire) Position"] = true
-L["ACQUIRETOOLTIPPOSITION_DESC"] = "Changes the location of the tooltip containing the acquire information."
-L["Font Size"]				= true
-L["FONT_SIZE_DESC"]			= "Changes the size of the fonts for ARL."
-L["Sorting"]				= true
-L["Sort"]					= true
-L["Display"]				= true
-L["SORTING_DESC"]			= "Change the way in which displayed recipes are sorted."
-L["TOOLTIP_OPTIONS_DESC"]	= "Allows you to specify how the tooltips for ARL behave.  The acquire tooltip lists the different information on how to acquire the recipe, whereas the spell tooltip lists the recipe information itself."
-L["MAP_OPTIONS_DESC"]		= "Allows you to change how ARL integrates into the world map and into the mini-map."
-L["Version"]				= "Version: "
-L["Right"]					= true
-L["Left"]					= true
-L["Off"]					= true
-L["Top"]					= true
-L["Bottom"]					= true
-L["Top Right"]				= true
-L["Top Left"]				= true
-L["Bottom Right"]			= true
-L["Bottom Left"]			= true
-L["Mouse"]					= true
-L["Name"]					= true
-L["Skill (Asc)"]			= true
-L["Skill (Desc)"]			= true
-L["Location"]				= true
-L["Acquisition"]			= true
-L["Unhandled Recipe"]		= true
-L["World Map"]				= true
-L["Mini Map"]				= true
-L["WORLDMAP_DESC"]			= "Do you want missing vendor recipes to appear on the world map."
-L["MINIMAP_DESC"]			= "Do you want missing vendor recipes to appear on the mini map."
-L["Clear Waypoints"]		= true
-L["CLEAR_WAYPOINTS_DESC"]	= "Remove all ARL waypoints from TomTom."
-L["Hide Pop-Up"]			= true
-L["HIDEPOPUP_DESC"]			= "Prevents pop-ups notifying you why the scan window is empty from showing.  Pop-ups will always show for the first time after a new version has been added."
-L["Auto Scan Map"]			= true
-L["AUTOSCANMAP_DESC"]		= "Auto show all waypoints when doing a recipe scan."
--- Filter Config Options
-L["Filtering Options"]		= true
-L["General"]				= true
-L["Obtain"]					= true
-L["Binding"]				= true
-L["Item"]					= true
-L["Armor"]					= true
-L["Weapon"]					= true
-L["Player Type"]			= true
-L["Reputation"]				= true
-L["Old World"]				= true
-L["Burning Crusade"]		= true
-L["Wrath of the Lich King"]	= true
-L["Misc"]					= true
--- Filter Configuration Descriptions
-L["FILTERING_OPTIONS_DESC"]					= "Allows you to customize which recipes are filtered."
-L["General Filtering Options"]				= true
-L["FILTERING_GENERAL_DESC"]					= "Configuration for several more general filter types."
-L["Obtain Filtering Options"]				= true
-L["FILTERING_OBTAIN_DESC"]					= "Configuration for which methods of obtaining recipes are included in the scan."
-L["Binding Filtering Options"]				= true
-L["FILTERING_BINDING_DESC"]					= "Configuration for which types of binding are included in the scan."
-L["Item Filtering Options"]					= true
-L["FILTERING_ITEM_DESC"]					= "Configuration for which item types are included in the scan."
-L["Armor Filtering Options"]				= true
-L["FILTERING_Armor_DESC"]					= "Configuration for which types of armor are included in the scan."
-L["Weapon Filtering Options"]				= true
-L["FILTERING_WEAPONS_DESC"]					= "Configuration for which types of weapons are included in the scan."
-L["Player Type Filtering Options"]			= true
-L["FILTERING_PLAYERTYPE_DESC"]				= "Configuration for items matching which player types are included in the scan."
-L["Reputation Filtering Options"]			= true
-L["FILTERING_REP_DESC"]						= "Configuration for which reputation reward recipes are included in the scan."
-L["Old World Rep. Filtering Options"]		= true
-L["FILTERING_OLDWORLD_DESC"]				= "Configuration for which Old World Reputation reward recipes are included in the scan."
-L["Burning Crusade Rep. Filtering Options"]	= true
-L["FILTERING_BC_DESC"]						= "Configuration for which Burning Crusade Reputation reward recipes are included in the scan."
-L["Lich King Rep. Filtering Options"]		= true
-L["FILTERING_WOTLK_DESC"]					= "Configuration for which Wrath of the Lich King Reputation reward recipes are included in the scan."
-L["REP_TEXT_DESC"]							= [[Left-click here to select all reputation filters.
-Right-click here to deselect all reputation filters.]]
-L["Miscellaneous"]							= true
-L["FILTERING_MISC_DESC"]					= "Configuration for miscellaneous options which are also present in the display options."
--- General Filter UI Elements and their associated descriptions
-L["Faction"]				= true
-L["FACTION_DESC"]			= "Include both horde and alliance faction recipes in the scan."
-L["Classes"]				= true
-L["CLASS_DESC"]				= "Include this class in the scan.  This will filter on two factors: 1) Can the class use the recipe and 2) can the class learn the recipe."
-L["CLASS_TEXT_DESC"]		= [[Left-click here to select all classes.
-Right-click here to select your own class.]]
-L["Specialties"]			= true
-L["SPECIALTY_DESC"]			= "Include all trade-skill specialties in the scan."
-L["Skill"]					= true
-L["SKILL_DESC"]				= "Include all recipes in the scan, regardless of your current skill level."
-L["Known"]					= true
-L["KNOWN_DESC"]				= "Include all known recipes in the scan."
-L["Unknown"]				= true
-L["UNKNOWN_DESC"]			= "Include all unknown recipes in the scan."
--- Obtain Filter UI Elements and their associated descriptions
-L["Instance"]				= true
-L["INSTANCE_DESC"]			= "Recipes obtained from (5 man) instances should be included in the scan."
-L["Raid"]					= true
-L["RAID_DESC"]				= "Recipes obtained in raids (ie: Molten Core, Serpent Shrine Cavern, etc.) should be included in the scan."
-L["Quest"]					= true
-L["QUEST_DESC"]				= "Recipes obtained as quest rewards should be included in the scan."
-L["SEASONAL_DESC"]			= "Recipes obtained in world events should be included in the scan."
-L["Trainer"]				= true
-L["TRAINER_DESC"]			= "Recipes learned from trainers should be included in the scan."
-L["Vendor"]					= true
-L["VENDOR_DESC"]			= "Recipes purchased from vendors should be included in the scan."
-L["PVP"]					= true
-L["PVP_DESC"]				= "Recipes obtained through PVP should be included in the scan."
-L["Discovery"]				= true
-L["DISCOVERY_DESC"]			= "Recipes obtained through Discovery should be included in the scan."
-L["World Drop"]				= true
-L["WORLD_DROP_DESC"]		= "Recipes that are World Drops should be included in the scan."
-L["Mob Drop"]				= true
-L["MOB_DROP_DESC"]			= "Recipes that are Mob Drops should be included in the scan."
--- Binding Filter UI Elements and their associated descriptions
-L["BOEFilter"]				= "Item Bind on Equip"
-L["BOE_DESC"]				= "Recipes that make Bind on Equip items should be included in the scan."
-L["BOPFilter"]				= "Item Bind on Pickup"
-L["BOP_DESC"]				= "Recipes that make Bind on Pickup items should be included in the scan."
-L["BOAFilter"]				= "Item Bind to Account"
-L["BOA_DESC"]				= "Recipes that make Bind to Account items should be included in the scan."
-L["RecipeBOEFilter"]		= "Recipe Bind on Equip"
-L["RECIPE_BOE_DESC"]		= "Recipes that are Bind on Equip should be included in the scan."
-L["RecipeBOPFilter"]		= "Recipe Bind on Pickup"
-L["RECIPE_BOP_DESC"]		= "Recipes that are Bind on Pickup should be included in the scan."
-L["RecipeBOAFilter"]		= "Recipe Bind to Account"
-L["RECIPE_BOA_DESC"]		= "Recipes that are Bind to Account should be included in the scan."
--- Item - Armor UI Elements and their associated descriptions
-L["ARMOR_TEXT_DESC"]		= [[Left-click here to select all armor filters.
-Right-click here to deselect all armor filters.]]
-L["Cloth"]					= true
-L["CLOTH_DESC"]				= "Recipes that make cloth items should be included in the scan."
-L["Leather"]				= true
-L["LEATHER_DESC"]			= "Recipes that make leather items should be included in the scan."
-L["Mail"]					= true
-L["MAIL_DESC"]				= "Recipes that make mail items should be included in the scan."
-L["Plate"]					= true
-L["PLATE_DESC"]				= "Recipes that make plate items should be included in the scan."
-L["Cloak"]					= true
-L["CLOAK_DESC"]				= "Recipes that make cloaks should be included in the scan."
-L["Ring"]					= true
-L["RING_DESC"]				= "Recipes that make rings should be included in the scan."
-L["Trinket"]				= true
-L["TRINKET_DESC"]			= "Recipes that make trinkets should be included in the scan."
-L["Necklace"]				= true
-L["NECKLACE_DESC"]			= "Recipes that make necklaces should be included in the scan."
-L["Shield"]					= true
-L["SHIELD_DESC"]			= "Recipes that make shields should be included in the scan."
--- Item - Weapon UI Elements and their associated descriptions
-L["WEAPON_TEXT_DESC"]		= [[Left-click here to select all weapon filters.
-Right-click here to deselect all weapon filters.]]
-L["One Hand"]				= true
-L["ONEHAND_DESC"]			= "Recipes that make one handed items should be included in the scan."
-L["Two Hand"]				= true
-L["TWOHAND_DESC"]			= "Recipes that make two handed items should be included in the scan."
-L["Axe"]					= true
-L["AXE_DESC"]				= "Recipes that make axes should be included in the scan."
-L["Sword"]					= true
-L["SWORD_DESC"]				= "Recipes that make swords should be included in the scan."
-L["Mace"]					= true
-L["MACE_DESC"]				= "Recipes that make maces should be included in the scan."
-L["Polearm"]				= true
-L["POLEARM_DESC"]			= "Recipes that make polearms should be included in the scan."
-L["Dagger"]					= true
-L["DAGGER_DESC"]			= "Recipes that make daggers should be included in the scan."
-L["Fist"]					= true
-L["FIST_DESC"]				= "Recipes that make fist weapons should be included in the scan."
-L["Staff"]					= true
-L["STAFF_DESC"]				= "Recipes that make stave's should be included in the scan."
-L["Wand"]					= true
-L["WAND_DESC"]				= "Recipes that make wands should be included in the scan."
-L["Thrown"]					= true
-L["THROWN_DESC"]			= "Recipes that make thrown weapons should be included in the scan."
-L["Bow"]					= true
-L["BOW_DESC"]				= "Recipes that make bows should be included in the scan."
-L["Crossbow"]				= true
-L["CROSSBOW_DESC"]			= "Recipes that make crossbows should be included in the scan."
-L["Ammo"]					= true
-L["AMMO_DESC"]				= "Recipes that make ammunition should be included in the scan."
--- Player Type Filtering UI Elements and their associated descriptions
-L["Melee DPS"]				= true
-L["MELEE_DPS_DESC"]			= "Recipes that are used by melee dps players should be included in the scan."
-L["Tanks"]					= true
-L["TANKS_DESC"]				= "Recipes that are used by tank players should be included in the scan."
-L["Caster DPS"]				= true
-L["CASTER_DPS_DESC"]		= "Recipes that are used by casting dps players should be included in the scan."
-L["Healers"]				= true
-L["HEALERS_DESC"]			= "Recipes that are used by healer players should be included in the scan."
--- Reputation Filtering UI Elements and their associated description
-L["SPECIFIC_REP_DESC"]		= "Include %s faction."
--- ZJUI UI Elements (when different from the above ones) and their associated descriptions
-L["FILTER_OPEN"]			= "Filter >>>"
-L["FILTER_OPEN_DESC"]		= "Open filter option panel."
-L["FILTER_CLOSE"]			= "<<< Filter"
-L["FILTER_CLOSE_DESC"]		= "Close filter option panel."
-L["EXPANDALL"]				= "+ All"
-L["EXPANDALL_DESC"]			= "Expand all recipes listed below."
-L["CONTRACTALL"]			= "- All"
-L["CONTRACTALL_DESC"]		= "Minimize all recipes listed below."
-L["Search"]					= true
-L["SEARCH_DESC"]			= "Filter to recipes that contain text at left."
-L["SEARCH_BOX_DESC"]		= "Enter text to search"
-L["CLEAR_DESC"]				= "Clear the search text box."
-L["Close"]					= "Exit"
-L["CLOSE_DESC"]				= "Close the Ackis Recipe List Window."
-L["Reset"]					= true
-L["RESET_DESC"]				= "Reset All Filters to default values."
-L["Apply"]					= true
-L["APPLY_DESC"]				= "Apply the above selected filters to the recipe list"
-L["NOT_YET_SCANNED"]		= "Not yet scanned!"
--- Common Tool tip Strings (where different from above)
-L["CTRL_CLICK"]			= "Ctrl-Click to add this recipe's link to your chat."
-L["ALT_CLICK"]			= "Alt-Click to add/remove this recipe to your ignore list."
-L["SHIFT_CLICK"]		= "Shift-Click to add the item crafted by this recipe's link to your chat."
-L["CTRL_SHIFT_CLICK"]	= "Ctrl-Shift-Click to add the item to the map and mini-map."
-L["Obtained From"]		= true
-L["RECIPE_EXCLUDED"]	= "Recipe is in Exclusion list"
-L["Required Skill"]		= true
--- Popup Strings
-L["NOTSCANNED"]		= "You have not yet scanned this profession. Please open this profession and click on Scan."
-L["ALL_FILTERED"]	= "Although you have already scanned this profession, your filters are currently preventing any recipes from being displayed. Please change your filters and try again."
-L["ARL_ALLKNOWN"]	= "You know all the recipes for this profession."
-L["ARL_ALLEXCLUDED"] = "Although you have already scanned this profession, your exclusions are currently preventing any recipes from being displayed. Please change your exclusions and try again."
-L["ARL_SEARCHFILTERED"] = "Your search has no results."
-L["NO_DISPLAY"] 	= "No recipes to display.  If you get this message please submit a ticket at http://www.wowace.com/projects/arl/tickets listing what filters you have, what is in your exclusion list, which profession, and the number of known/unknown recipes."
--- Error/warning Text
-L["MissingFromDB"] = [[": is missing from the database.
-Please inform the author of the add-on about this recipe."]]
-L["UnknownTradeSkill"] = "You have opened up a trade skill window which is not supported by this add-on.  The trade skill is %s.  Please provide the author of the add-on with this information."
-L["OpenTradeSkillWindow"] = "Please open trade skill window to scan."
-L["SpellIDCache"] = "Spell ID: %s is not in your local cache.  Please submit a ticket at http://wow.curseforge.com/projects/ackis-recipe-list/tickets/ and include the spell ID and the profession in which you were scanning."
-L["NoItemLink"] = "This item does not have an item link or it was not in your cache."
-L["MISSING_LIBRARY"] = "%s is missing.  Addon cannot run."
--- Drop Obtain Info
-L["Unknown Zone"] = true
--- Custom database strings (Need way better descriptions, just filler right now):
-L["Custom1"] = "Discovered by making elixirs or flasks using Burning Crusade or higher ingredients."
-L["Custom2"] = "Discovered by making potions using Burning Crusade or higher ingredients."
-L["Custom3"] = "Discovered by doing transmutes using Burning Crusade or higher ingredients."
-L["Custom4"] = "Discovered by Major Protection Potions using Burning Crusade or higher ingredients."
-L["Custom5"] = "Randomly obtained by completing the cooking daily quest in Shattrath and selecting the meat crate."
-L["Custom6"] = "Randomly obtained by completing the cooking daily quest in Shattrath and selecting the fish barrel."
-L["Custom7"] = "Randomly obtained by completing the fishing daily quest in Shattrath."
-L["Custom8"] = "Learnt by default when learning the profession."
-L["Custom9"] = "Recipe is created by Engineers."
-L["Custom10"] = "Quest to obtain the recipe opens up after turning in the Head of Onyxia."
-L["Custom11"] = "Obtained by clicking on a tablet in Zul'Gurub in the Edge of Madness."
-L["Custom12"] = "Discovered by doing transmutes using Wrath of the Lich King ingredients."
-L["Custom13"] = "Obtained by talking to Henry Stern in Razorfen Downs."
-L["Custom14"] = "Obtained randomly by conducting minor inscription research."
-L["Custom15"] = "Obtained randomly by conducting Northrend inscription research."
-L["Custom16"] = "Obtained randomly by renewing your engineering membership."
-L["Custom17"] = "The schematic can be found on the floor near Golem Lord Argelmach in Blackrock Depths. Only engineers with 300 skill may learn the schematic after clicking on it."
-L["Custom18"] = "Obtained randomly by conducting Northrend alchemy research."
-L["Custom19"] = "Discovered by doing transmutes using Northrend or higher ingredients (transmute tooltip mentions that there is a chance to discovery something)."
-L["Custom20"] = "Goblin transport." -- Update
-L["Custom21"] = "Gnome transport." -- Update
-L["Custom22"] = "Random BoP drop off of bosses in AQ40."
-L["Custom23"] = "Randomly obtained in Dire Maul (North) in Knot Thimblejack's cache."
-L["Custom24"] = "Random Sunwell trash drop."
-L["Custom25"] = "There is a chance that you find it in 5 different rooms in blackrock depths, its random spawn though, and sometimes it doesnt even spawn at all."
-L["Custom26"] = "Random drop off of Molten Core bosses."
-L["Custom27"] = "Learned from Goblin's Guide to Elementium book - dropped by Master Elemental Shaper Krixix in Blackwing Lair."
-L["Custom28"] = "Random drop from Black Temple/Hyjal Summit trash/bosses."
-L["Custom29"] = "Random drop off of Zul'Aman bosses."
-L["Custom30"] = "Jandice in Scholo book appears" -- Update
-L["Custom31"] = "Blacksmith plans in Stratholme" -- Update
-L["Custom32"] = "DM Tribute Run - Chest" -- Update
-L["Custom33"] = "World Dragons" -- Update
-L["Custom34"] = "Random Black Temple / Hyjal Summit trash drop"
-L["Custom35"] = "Blade's Edge Mountains Summon Bosses" -- Update
-L["Custom36"] = "From a NPC in Dalaran sewers after doing The Taste Test" -- Update
-L["Custom37"] = "Random SSC / TK trash drop"
-L["Custom38"] = "Randomly obtained by completing the cooking daily quest in Dalaran."
-L["Custom39"] = "Random drop off of Ulduar bosses."
-L["Custom40"] = "Discovered randomly by reading the Book of Glyph Mastery."
--- Monster/Quest/Trainer/Vendor strings:
--- Do not translate anything below this line without talking to Ackis first please.
-L["40 Tickets - Schematic: Steam Tonk Controller"] = true
-L["A Binding Contract"] = true
-L["Aaron Hollman"] = true
-L["Aayndia Floralwind"] = true
-L["Abigail Shiel"] = true
-L["Abomination"] = true
-L["Abyssal Flamebringer"] = true
-L["Adele Fielder"] = true
-L["Adelene Sunlance"] = true
-L["Aendel Windspear"] = true
-L["Aged Dalaran Wizard"] = true
-L["Ainderu Summerleaf"] = true
-L["Ainethil"] = true
-L["Akham"] = true
-L["Alanna Raveneye"] = true
-L["Alard Schmied"] = true
-L["Alchemist Gribble"] = true
-L["Alchemist Mallory"] = true
-L["Alchemist Pestlezugg"] = true
-L["Aldraan"] = true
-L["Alegorn"] = true
-L["Aleinia"] = true
-L["Alestos"] = true
-L["Alestus"] = true
-L["Alexandra Bolero"] = true
-L["Alexandra McQueen"] = true
-L["Alexis Marlowe"] = true
-L["Algernon"] = true
-L["Almaador"] = true
-L["Altaa"] = true
-L["Alurmi"] = true
-L["Alys Vol'tyr"] = true
-L["Amal'thazad"] = true
-L["Amani'shi Beast Tamer"] = true
-L["Amani'shi Flame Caster"] = true
-L["Amani'shi Guardian"] = true
-L["Amani'shi Handler"] = true
-L["Amani'shi Protector"] = true
-L["Amani'shi Scout"] = true
-L["Amani'shi Tribesman"] = true
-L["Amani'shi Warbringer"] = true
-L["Amani'shi Wind Walker"] = true
-L["Amin"] = true
-L["Amy Davenport"] = true
-L["Anchorite Ensham"] = true
-L["Anchorite Fateema"] = true
-L["Anchorite Paetheus"] = true
-L["Anchorite Yazmina"] = true
-L["Ancient Female Vrykul"] = true
-L["Andre Firebeard"] = true
-L["Andrew Hilbert"] = true
-L["Andrion Darkspinner"] = true
-L["Androd Fadran"] = true
-L["Anger Guard"] = true
-L["Angerclaw Grizzly"] = true
-L["Anguished Dead"] = true
-L["Anguished Highborne"] = true
-L["Annora"] = true
-L["Anub'ar Guardian"] = true
-L["Anub'ar Prime Guard"] = true
-L["Anub'ar Venomancer"] = true
-L["Anvilrage Captain"] = true
-L["Anvilrage Enforcer"] = true
-L["Anvilrage Marshal"] = true
-L["Apothecary Antonivich"] = true
-L["Apothecary Bressa"] = true
-L["Apothecary Helbrim"] = true
-L["Apothecary Wormwick"] = true
-L["Apprentice Darius"] = true
-L["Apprentice's Duties"] = true
-L["Arathel Sunforge"] = true
-L["Arcane Anomaly"] = true
-L["Arcane Protector"] = true
-L["Arcanist Sheynathren"] = true
-L["Arcatraz Sentinel"] = true
-L["Archmage Alvareaux"] = true
-L["Are We There, Yeti?"] = true
-L["Aresella"] = true
-L["Argent Quartermaster Hasana"] = true
-L["Argent Quartermaster Lightspark"] = true
-L["Argo Strongstout"] = true
-L["Arikara"] = true
-L["Arkkoran Oracle"] = true
-L["Arnok"] = true
-L["Arras"] = true
-L["Arred"] = true
-L["Arrond"] = true
-L["Arthur Henslowe"] = true
-L["Arthur Moore"] = true
-L["Artificer Daelo"] = true
-L["Asarnan"] = true
-L["Ashmane Boar"] = true
-L["Ashtongue Warrior"] = true
-L["Aska Mistrunner"] = true
-L["Atal'ai Deathwalker"] = true
-L["Atal'ai Warrior"] = true
-L["Atal'ai Witch Doctor"] = true
-L["Auchenai Monk"] = true
-L["Awan Iceborn"] = true
-L["Awilo Lon'gomba"] = true
-L["Badlands Reagent Run II"] = true
-L["Balai Lok'Wein"] = true
-L["Bale"] = true
-L["Balgaras the Foul"] = true
-L["Banalash"] = true
-L["Banshee"] = true
-L["Barbaric Battlements"] = true
-L["Barbecued Buzzard Wings"] = true
-L["Barim Spilthoof"] = true
-L["Bash'ir Spell-Thief"] = true
-L["Basil Frye"] = true
-L["Baxter"] = true
-L["Beer Basted Boar Ribs"] = true
-L["Belil"] = true
-L["Bemarrin"] = true
-L["Bena Winterhoof"] = true
-L["Bengus Deepforge"] = true
-L["Benjamin Clegg"] = true
-L["Bernadette Dexter"] = true
-L["Betty Quin"] = true
-L["Black Broodling"] = true
-L["Black Dragonspawn"] = true
-L["Blackened Ancient"] = true
-L["Blackhand Elite"] = true
-L["Blackrock Battlemaster"] = true
-L["Blackrock Slayer"] = true
-L["Blackrock Soldier"] = true
-L["Blackrock Worg"] = true
-L["Blacksmith Calypso"] = true
-L["Bleeding Hollow Darkcaster"] = true
-L["Blighted Proto-Drake"] = true
-L["Blisterpaw Hyena"] = true
-L["Blizrik Buckshot"] = true
-L["Bliztik"] = true
-L["Bloodaxe Raider"] = true
-L["Bloodhound"] = true
-L["Bloodmaul Dire Wolf"] = true
-L["Bloodmaul Geomancer"] = true
-L["Bloodsail Raider"] = true
-L["Bloodwarder Legionnaire"] = true
-L["Bloodwarder Vindicator"] = true
-L["Bog Giant"] = true
-L["Bonechewer Backbreaker"] = true
-L["Bonechewer Devastator"] = true
-L["Booker Kells"] = true
-L["Borgosh Corebender"] = true
-L["Borgus Steelhand"] = true
-L["Borto"] = true
-L["Borus Ironbender"] = true
-L["Borya"] = true
-L["Boulderfist Warrior"] = true
-L["Bowen Brisboise"] = true
-L["Bradley Towns"] = true
-L["Braeg Stoutbeard"] = true
-L["Brandig"] = true
-L["Brawn"] = true
-L["Brek Stonehoof"] = true
-L["Brikk Keencraft"] = true
-L["Brittle Revenant"] = true
-L["Bro'kin"] = true
-L["Brock Stoneseeker"] = true
-L["Brom Brewbaster"] = true
-L["Brom Killian"] = true
-L["Bronk"] = true
-L["Bronk Guzzlegear"] = true
-L["Brumeran"] = true
-L["Brumman"] = true
-L["Brumn Winterhoof"] = true
-L["Brunna Ironaxe"] = true
-L["Brynna Wilson"] = true
-L["Burbik Gearspanner"] = true
-L["Burko"] = true
-L["Burrowing Thundersnout"] = true
-L["Buzzek Bracketswing"] = true
-L["Byancie"] = true
-L["Cabal Acolyte"] = true
-L["Cabal Cultist"] = true
-L["Cabal Fanatic"] = true
-L["Cabal Spellbinder"] = true
-L["Camberon"] = true
-L["Captain Halyndor"] = true
-L["Captain O'Neal"] = true
-L["Captured Gnome"] = true
-L["Carolai Anise"] = true
-L["Carter Tiffens"] = true
-L["Caryssia Moonhunter"] = true
-L["Catarina Stanford"] = true
-L["Catherine Leland"] = true
-L["Cave Yeti"] = true
-L["Celie Steelwing"] = true
-L["Centipaar Sandreaver"] = true
-L["Charles Worth"] = true
-L["Charred Ancient"] = true
-L["Chaw Stronghide"] = true
-L["Chief Engineer Leveny"] = true
-L["Chillwind Chimaera"] = true
-L["Chillwind Ravager"] = true
-L["Christoph Jeffcoat"] = true
-L["Cielstrasza"] = true
-L["Clarise Gnarltree"] = true
-L["Cliff Breaker"] = true
-L["Clintar Dreamwalker"] = true
-L["Cloned Ooze"] = true
-L["Cloud Serpent"] = true
-L["Cluster Launcher"] = true
-L["Clyde Ranthal"] = true
-L["Cobalt Broodling"] = true
-L["Cobalt Mageweaver"] = true
-L["Cobalt Scalebane"] = true
-L["Cobalt Serpent"] = true
-L["Cobalt Whelp"] = true
-L["Cobalt Wyrmkin"] = true
-L["Coilfang Champion"] = true
-L["Coilfang Hate-Screamer"] = true
-L["Coilfang Myrmidon"] = true
-L["Coilfang Oracle"] = true
-L["Coilfang Serpentguard"] = true
-L["Coilfang Shatterer"] = true
-L["Coilfang Siren"] = true
-L["Coilfang Sorceress"] = true
-L["Coilfang Technician"] = true
-L["Coilskar Sea-Caller"] = true
-L["Coilskar Siren"] = true
-L["Cold Eye Basilisk"] = true
-L["Commander Malgor"] = true
-L["Commander Mulfort"] = true
-L["Constance Brisboise"] = true
-L["Cook Ghilm"] = true
-L["Cookie One-Eye"] = true
-L["Coreiel"] = true
-L["Corporal Bluth"] = true
-L["Corruption"] = true
-L["Costly Menace"] = true
-L["Crazed Ancient"] = true
-L["Crazed Murkblood Foreman"] = true
-L["Crazk Sparks"] = true
-L["Crimson Inquisitor"] = true
-L["Crimson Sorcerer"] = true
-L["Cro Threadstrong"] = true
-L["Crocolisk Hunting"] = true
-L["Crog Steelspine"] = true
-L["Crypt Crawler"] = true
-L["Crypt Fiend"] = true
-L["Crystal Boughman"] = true
-L["Crystalcore Mechanic"] = true
-L["Culinary Crunch"] = true
-L["Cult Alchemist"] = true
-L["Cultist Shard Watcher"] = true
-L["Cyndra Kindwhisper"] = true
-L["Daedal"] = true
-L["Daga Ramba"] = true
-L["Daggle Ironshaper"] = true
-L["Dalinna"] = true
-L["Dalria"] = true
-L["Damned Apothecary"] = true
-L["Dan Golthas"] = true
-L["Dane Lindgren"] = true
-L["Daniel Bartlett"] = true
-L["Danielle Zipstitch"] = true
-L["Dank Drizzlecut"] = true
-L["Dannelor"] = true
-L["Danwe"] = true
-L["Darianna"] = true
-L["Darin Goodstitch"] = true
-L["Dark Adept"] = true
-L["Dark Conclave Shadowmancer"] = true
-L["Dark Iron Demolitionist"] = true
-L["Dark Iron Dwarf"] = true
-L["Dark Iron Saboteur"] = true
-L["Dark Iron Slaver"] = true
-L["Dark Iron Taskmaster"] = true
-L["Dark Iron Tunneler"] = true
-L["Dark Iron Watchman"] = true
-L["Dark Screecher"] = true
-L["Dark Strand Voidcaller"] = true
-L["Darkspine Myrmidon"] = true
-L["Darkspine Siren"] = true
-L["Darkwater Crocolisk"] = true
-L["Darmari"] = true
-L["Darnall"] = true
-L["Daryl Riknussun"] = true
-L["Daryl Stack"] = true
-L["Dawnblade Marksman"] = true
-L["Deadwind Warlock"] = true
-L["Deadwood Shaman"] = true
-L["Dealer Malij"] = true
-L["Deathforge Guardian"] = true
-L["Deathforge Imp"] = true
-L["Deathforge Smith"] = true
-L["Deathforge Tinkerer"] = true
-L["Deathlash Scorpid"] = true
-L["Decaying Horror"] = true
-L["Deek Fizzlebizz"] = true
-L["Deep Stinger"] = true
-L["Defias Enchanter"] = true
-L["Defias Looter"] = true
-L["Defias Pirate"] = true
-L["Defias Profiteer"] = true
-L["Defias Renegade Mage"] = true
-L["Defias Squallshaper"] = true
-L["Delfrum Flintbeard"] = true
-L["Deneb Walker"] = true
-L["Derak Nightfall"] = true
-L["Derek Odds"] = true
-L["Deriz"] = true
-L["Deviate Eradication"] = true
-L["Deynna"] = true
-L["Diane Cannings"] = true
-L["Didi the Wrench"] = true
-L["Diemetradon"] = true
-L["Dig Rat Stew"] = true
-L["Dirge Quikcleave"] = true
-L["Dirge's Kickin' Chimaerok Chops"] = true
-L["Disembodied Protector"] = true
-L["Disembodied Vindicator"] = true
-L["Doba"] = true
-L["Doctor Gregory Victor"] = true
-L["Doctor Gustaf VanHowzen"] = true
-L["Doctor Herbert Halsey"] = true
-L["Doctor Marsh"] = true
-L["Doctor Martin Felben"] = true
-L["Dolothos"] = true
-L["Don Carlos"] = true
-L["Doomforge Craftsman"] = true
-L["Doomforge Dragoon"] = true
-L["Doomforge Engineer"] = true
-L["Drac Roughcut"] = true
-L["Dragonmaw Wind Reaver"] = true
-L["Drake Lindgren"] = true
-L["Drakk Stonehand"] = true
-L["Drovnar Strongbrew"] = true
-L["Drywallow Crocolisk"] = true
-L["Drywallow Snapper"] = true
-L["Duchess Mynx"] = true
-L["Duhng"] = true
-L["Dulvi"] = true
-L["Durnholde Lookout"] = true
-L["Durnholde Rifleman"] = true
-L["Durnholde Sentry"] = true
-L["Durnholde Tracking Hound"] = true
-L["Dusky Crab Cakes"] = true
-L["Dwukk"] = true
-L["Easy Strider Living"] = true
-L["Eclipsion Archmage"] = true
-L["Eclipsion Blood Knight"] = true
-L["Eclipsion Bloodwarder"] = true
-L["Eclipsion Cavalier"] = true
-L["Eclipsion Centurion"] = true
-L["Eclipsion Dragonhawk"] = true
-L["Eclipsion Soldier"] = true
-L["Eclipsion Spellbinder"] = true
-L["Edna Mullby"] = true
-L["Edrem"] = true
-L["Eebee Jinglepocket"] = true
-L["Egomis"] = true
-L["Eiin"] = true
-L["Eldara Dawnrunner"] = true
-L["Elder Diemetradon"] = true
-L["Elder Mistvale Gorilla"] = true
-L["Elder Shardtooth"] = true
-L["Elder Stranglethorn Tiger"] = true
-L["Eldrin"] = true
-L["Elise Brightletter"] = true
-L["Elixir of Pain"] = true
-L["Elizabeth Jackson"] = true
-L["Elynna"] = true
-L["Emil Autumn"] = true
-L["Emrul Riknussun"] = true
-L["Enchanted Thorium Platemail: Volume I"] = true
-L["Enchanted Thorium Platemail: Volume II"] = true
-L["Enchanted Thorium Platemail: Volume III"] = true
-L["Enchanter Aeldron"] = true
-L["Enchanter Nalthanis"] = true
-L["Enchanter Salias"] = true
-L["Enchantress Metura"] = true
-L["Enchantress Volali"] = true
-L["Enraged Crusher"] = true
-L["Enraged Mammoth"] = true
-L["Enslaved Proto-Drake"] = true
-L["Eorain Dawnstrike"] = true
-L["Eredar Deathbringer"] = true
-L["Eriden"] = true
-L["Erika Tate"] = true
-L["Erilia"] = true
-L["Erin Kelly"] = true
-L["Ethereal Priest"] = true
-L["Ethereal Spellbinder"] = true
-L["Ethereal Thief"] = true
-L["Ethereum Nullifier"] = true
-L["Ethereum Smuggler"] = true
-L["Eunice Burch"] = true
-L["Faldron"] = true
-L["Falorn Nightwhisper"] = true
-L["Fariel Starsong"] = true
-L["Farii"] = true
-L["Fazu"] = true
-L["Fedryen Swiftspear"] = true
-L["Feera"] = true
-L["Fel Orc Convert"] = true
-L["Fel Rager"] = true
-L["Fel Stalker"] = true
-L["Felannia"] = true
-L["Felguard Annihilator"] = true
-L["Felicia Doan"] = true
-L["Felika"] = true
-L["Felpaw Ravager"] = true
-L["Felpaw Wolf"] = true
-L["Fendrig Redbeard"] = true
-L["Fera Palerunner"] = true
-L["Ferocious Yeti"] = true
-L["Feruul"] = true
-L["Festive Recipes"] = true
-L["Feyden Darkin"] = true
-L["Fiery Plate Gauntlets"] = true
-L["Fimble Finespindle"] = true
-L["Finbus Geargrind"] = true
-L["Firebrand Grunt"] = true
-L["Firebrand Invoker"] = true
-L["Firebrand Legionnaire"] = true
-L["Firebrand Pyromancer"] = true
-L["Firegut Brute"] = true
-L["Firework Launcher"] = true
-L["Flash Bomb Recipe"] = true
-L["Fledgling Chillwind"] = true
-L["Fleshbeast"] = true
-L["Foreman Marcrid"] = true
-L["Forgotten One"] = true
-L["Fradd Swiftgear"] = true
-L["Franklin Lloyd"] = true
-L["Fremal Doohickey"] = true
-L["Frenzied Pterrordax"] = true
-L["Frost Wyrm"] = true
-L["Frostbrood Spawn"] = true
-L["Frostfeather Screecher"] = true
-L["Frostfeather Witch"] = true
-L["Frostmaul Giant"] = true
-L["Furywing"] = true
-L["Fyldan"] = true
-L["Gagsprocket"] = true
-L["Galana"] = true
-L["Gambarinka"] = true
-L["Gara Skullcrush"] = true
-L["Gargantuan Abyssal"] = true
-L["Gargoyle"] = true
-L["Gaston"] = true
-L["Gazlowe"] = true
-L["Gearcutter Cogspinner"] = true
-L["Gearing Redridge"] = true
-L["Geba'li"] = true
-L["Geen"] = true
-L["Gelanthis"] = true
-L["Gelman Stonehand"] = true
-L["Geofram Bouldertoe"] = true
-L["George Candarte"] = true
-L["Georgio Bolero"] = true
-L["Ghak Healtouch"] = true
-L["Gharash"] = true
-L["Ghermas"] = true
-L["Ghostly Steward"] = true
-L["Ghoul"] = true
-L["Giant Infernal"] = true
-L["Gidge Spellweaver"] = true
-L["Gikkix"] = true
-L["Gimble Thistlefuzz"] = true
-L["Gina MacGregor"] = true
-L["Glasshide Basilisk"] = true
-L["Glasshide Gazer"] = true
-L["Gloresse"] = true
-L["Gloria Femmel"] = true
-L["Glutinous Ooze"] = true
-L["Glyx Brewright"] = true
-L["Gnaz Blunderflame"] = true
-L["Godan"] = true
-L["Goli Krumn"] = true
-L["Gordunni Back-Breaker"] = true
-L["Gordunni Elementalist"] = true
-L["Gordunni Head-Splitter"] = true
-L["Gordunni Soulreaper"] = true
-L["Goretusk"] = true
-L["Goretusk Liver Pie"] = true
-L["Gorgolon the All-seeing"] = true
-L["Gorishi Reaver"] = true
-L["Graham Van Talen"] = true
-L["Grand Crusader Dathrohan"] = true
-L["Grarnik Goodstitch"] = true
-L["Great Goretusk"] = true
-L["Great-father Winter"] = true
-L["Great-father Winter's Helper"] = true
-L["Greater Bogstrok"] = true
-L["Greater Fleshbeast"] = true
-L["Greatfather Winter"] = true
-L["Gremlock Pilsnor"] = true
-L["Gretta Finespindle"] = true
-L["Gretta Ganter"] = true
-L["Grikka"] = true
-L["Grimtak"] = true
-L["Grimtotem Geomancer"] = true
-L["Grondal Moonbreeze"] = true
-L["Groum Stonebeard"] = true
-L["Grumbol Stoutpick"] = true
-L["Grumnus Steelshaper"] = true
-L["Grutah"] = true
-L["Guillaume Sorouy"] = true
-L["Gundrak Savage"] = true
-L["Gunter Hansen"] = true
-L["Haalrun"] = true
-L["Haferet"] = true
-L["Hagrus"] = true
-L["Hahrana Ironhide"] = true
-L["Hama"] = true
-L["Hamanar"] = true
-L["Hammered Patron"] = true
-L["Hammon Karwn"] = true
-L["Harklan Moongrove"] = true
-L["Harlown Darkweave"] = true
-L["Harn Longcast"] = true
-L["Hatefury Shadowstalker"] = true
-L["Haughty Modiste"] = true
-L["Hch'uu"] = true
-L["Helboar"] = true
-L["Heldan Galesong"] = true
-L["Helenia Olden"] = true
-L["Hgarth"] = true
-L["High Enchanter Bardolan"] = true
-L["Highlord Darion Mograine"] = true
-L["Hillsbrad Tailor"] = true
-L["Himmik"] = true
-L["Homunculus"] = true
-L["Horns of Frenzy"] = true
-L["Hotoppik Copperpinch"] = true
-L["Hulking Mountain Lion"] = true
-L["Humphry"] = true
-L["Hurnak Grimmord"] = true
-L["Ice Thistle Matriarch"] = true
-L["Ice Thistle Patriarch"] = true
-L["Ice Thistle Yeti"] = true
-L["Icemane Yeti"] = true
-L["Ildine Sorrowspear"] = true
-L["Illidari Defiler"] = true
-L["Illidari Shocktrooper"] = true
-L["Illidari Watcher"] = true
-L["Imperial Plate Belt"] = true
-L["Imperial Plate Boots"] = true
-L["Imperial Plate Bracer"] = true
-L["Imperial Plate Chest"] = true
-L["Imperial Plate Helm"] = true
-L["Imperial Plate Leggings"] = true
-L["Imperial Plate Shoulders"] = true
-L["Incandescent Fel Spark"] = true
-L["Incendosaur"] = true
-L["Indormi"] = true
-L["Innkeeper Biribi"] = true
-L["Innkeeper Fizzgrimble"] = true
-L["Innkeeper Grilka"] = true
-L["Innkeeper Gryshka"] = true
-L["Insidion"] = true
-L["Iron Rune-Shaper"] = true
-L["Ironbark Protector"] = true
-L["Ironus Coldsteel"] = true
-L["Ironwool Mammoth"] = true
-L["Jabbey"] = true
-L["Jack Trapper"] = true
-L["Jadefire Felsworn"] = true
-L["Jadefire Rogue"] = true
-L["Jaedenar Warlock"] = true
-L["Jalane Ayrole"] = true
-L["James Van Brunt"] = true
-L["Jamesina Watterly"] = true
-L["Jandia"] = true
-L["Janet Hommers"] = true
-L["Jangdor Swiftstrider"] = true
-L["Jannos Ironwill"] = true
-L["Jaquilina Dramet"] = true
-L["Jase Farlane"] = true
-L["Jaxin Chong"] = true
-L["Jazdalaad"] = true
-L["Jazzrik"] = true
-L["Jedidiah Handers"] = true
-L["Jeeda"] = true
-L["Jemma Quikswitch"] = true
-L["Jenna Lemkenilli"] = true
-L["Jennabink Powerseam"] = true
-L["Jessara Cordell"] = true
-L["Jhag"] = true
-L["Jim Saltit"] = true
-L["Jo'mah"] = true
-L["Johan Barnes"] = true
-L["Johan Focht"] = true
-L["Jonathan Garrett"] = true
-L["Jonathan Lewis"] = true
-L["Jormund Stonebrow"] = true
-L["Josef Gregorian"] = true
-L["Joseph Moore"] = true
-L["Josephine Lister"] = true
-L["Josric Fame"] = true
-L["Joys of Omosh"] = true
-L["Jubie Gadgetspring"] = true
-L["Juno Dufrain"] = true
-L["Justin Oshenko"] = true
-L["Jutak"] = true
-L["K. Lee Smallfry"] = true
-L["Kaita Deepforge"] = true
-L["Kalaen"] = true
-L["Kalinda"] = true
-L["Kalldan Felmoon"] = true
-L["Kamari"] = true
-L["Kanaria"] = true
-L["Kania"] = true
-L["Karaaz"] = true
-L["Karn Stonehoof"] = true
-L["Karolek"] = true
-L["Katherine Lee"] = true
-L["Kayaart"] = true
-L["Keelen Sheets"] = true
-L["Keena"] = true
-L["Kelgruk Bloodaxe"] = true
-L["Kelsey Yance"] = true
-L["Kendor Kabonka"] = true
-L["Khara Deepwater"] = true
-L["Khole Jinglepocket"] = true
-L["Kiknikle"] = true
-L["Kil'hala"] = true
-L["Killian Sanatha"] = true
-L["Kilxx"] = true
-L["Kireena"] = true
-L["Kithas"] = true
-L["Kitta Firewind"] = true
-L["Klaven's Tower"] = true
-L["Knaz Blunderflame"] = true
-L["Knight Dameron"] = true
-L["Kodo Hide Bag"] = true
-L["Kor'geld"] = true
-L["Koren"] = true
-L["Kradu Grimblade"] = true
-L["Kray"] = true
-L["Krek Cragcrush"] = true
-L["Kriggon Talsone"] = true
-L["Kristen Smythe"] = true
-L["Krugosh"] = true
-L["Krulmoo Fullmoon"] = true
-L["Krunn"] = true
-L["Kudrii"] = true
-L["Kulwia"] = true
-L["Kurdram Stonehammer"] = true
-L["Kurzen Commando"] = true
-L["Kylanna"] = true
-L["Kylanna Windwhisper"] = true
-L["Kylene"] = true
-L["Kzixx"] = true
-L["Lady Alistra"] = true
-L["Lady Palanseer"] = true
-L["Laird"] = true
-L["Lalina Summermoon"] = true
-L["Lalla Brightweave"] = true
-L["Landraelanis"] = true
-L["Lanolis Dewdrop"] = true
-L["Lardan"] = true
-L["Lavinia Crowe"] = true
-L["Lawrence Schneider"] = true
-L["Lebowski"] = true
-L["Leeli Longhaggle"] = true
-L["Legashi Rogue"] = true
-L["Leo Sarn"] = true
-L["Leonard Porter"] = true
-L["Lesser Infernal"] = true
-L["Librarian Erickson"] = true
-L["Lieutenant General Andorov"] = true
-L["Lieutenant Mancuso"] = true
-L["Lillehoff"] = true
-L["Lilliam Sparkspindle"] = true
-L["Lilly"] = true
-L["Lilyssia Nightbreeze"] = true
-L["Lindea Rabonne"] = true
-L["Linna Bruder"] = true
-L["Linzy Blackbolt"] = true
-L["Liquid Stone"] = true
-L["Lizbeth Cromwell"] = true
-L["Logannas"] = true
-L["Logistics Officer Brighton"] = true
-L["Logistics Officer Silverstone"] = true
-L["Logistics Officer Ulrike"] = true
-L["Lokhtos Darkbargainer"] = true
-L["Loolruna"] = true
-L["Lord Thorval"] = true
-L["Lorelae Wintersong"] = true
-L["Lorokeem"] = true
-L["Lucan Cordell"] = true
-L["Lucc"] = true
-L["Lyna"] = true
-L["Lynalis"] = true
-L["Mack Diver"] = true
-L["Madame Ruby"] = true
-L["Magar"] = true
-L["Mageslayer"] = true
-L["Magical Horror"] = true
-L["Magistrix Eredania"] = true
-L["Magnus Frostwake"] = true
-L["Mahani"] = true
-L["Mahu"] = true
-L["Mak"] = true
-L["Makaru"] = true
-L["Malcomb Wynn"] = true
-L["Mallen Swain"] = true
-L["Malygen"] = true
-L["Mana Warp"] = true
-L["Manaclaw"] = true
-L["Margaux Parchley"] = true
-L["Mari Stonehand"] = true
-L["Maria Lumere"] = true
-L["Martine Tramblay"] = true
-L["Mary Edras"] = true
-L["Masat T'andr"] = true
-L["Master Chef Mouldier"] = true
-L["Master Craftsman Omarion"] = true
-L["Master Elemental Shaper Krixix"] = true
-L["Master of the Wild Leather"] = true
-L["Mathar G'ochar"] = true
-L["Matt Johnson"] = true
-L["Mavralyn"] = true
-L["Mazk Snipeshot"] = true
-L["Me'lynn"] = true
-L["Meilosh"] = true
-L["Melaris"] = true
-L["Miall"] = true
-L["Miao'zan"] = true
-L["Micha Yance"] = true
-L["Michael Schwan"] = true
-L["Michelle Belle"] = true
-L["Mildred Fletcher"] = true
-L["Milla Fairancora"] = true
-L["Millie Gregorian"] = true
-L["Mindri Dinkles"] = true
-L["Mire Lord"] = true
-L["Mirvedon"] = true
-L["Misensi"] = true
-L["Mishta"] = true
-L["Mission: Possible But Not Probable"] = true
-L["Mixie Farshot"] = true
-L["Mo'arg Incinerator"] = true
-L["Mo'arg Weaponsmith"] = true
-L["Modoru"] = true
-L["Mok'Nathal Treats"] = true
-L["Montarr"] = true
-L["Moonglow Vest"] = true
-L["Moonrage Tailor"] = true
-L["Moordo"] = true
-L["Morgan Day"] = true
-L["Mossflayer Shadowhunter"] = true
-L["Mot Dawnstrider"] = true
-L["Muaat"] = true
-L["Muculent Ooze"] = true
-L["Mudduk"] = true
-L["Muheru the Weaver"] = true
-L["Mukdrak"] = true
-L["Mumman"] = true
-L["Murk Spitter"] = true
-L["Murk Worm"] = true
-L["Murkblood Putrifier"] = true
-L["Murkblood Raider"] = true
-L["Mutant Horror"] = true
-L["Muuran"] = true
-L["Mycah"] = true
-L["Mythrin'dir"] = true
-L["Naal Mistrunner"] = true
-L["Nadyia Maneweaver"] = true
-L["Nahogg"] = true
-L["Naka"] = true
-L["Nakodu"] = true
-L["Nandar Branson"] = true
-L["Nardstrum Copperpinch"] = true
-L["Narj Deepslice"] = true
-L["Narv Hidecrafter"] = true
-L["Nascent Val'kyr"] = true
-L["Nasmara Moonsong"] = true
-L["Nata Dawnstrider"] = true
-L["Neal Allen"] = true
-L["Neferatti"] = true
-L["Neii"] = true
-L["Nergal"] = true
-L["Nerrist"] = true
-L["Nessa Shadowsong"] = true
-L["Nethergarde Engineer"] = true
-L["Nexus Stalker"] = true
-L["Nightmare Scalebane"] = true
-L["Nimar the Slayer"] = true
-L["Nina Lightbrew"] = true
-L["Niobe Whizzlespark"] = true
-L["Nioma"] = true
-L["Nissa Firestone"] = true
-L["Nixx Sprocketspring"] = true
-L["Nogg"] = true
-L["Nula the Butcher"] = true
-L["Nurse Applewood"] = true
-L["Nurse Neela"] = true
-L["Nus"] = true
-L["Nyoma"] = true
-L["Obsidia"] = true
-L["Ockil"] = true
-L["Ogg'marr"] = true
-L["Oglethorpe Obnoticus"] = true
-L["Okothos Ironrager"] = true
-L["Okuno"] = true
-L["Olisarra the Kind"] = true
-L["On Iron Pauldrons"] = true
-L["Onslaught Bloodhound"] = true
-L["Onslaught Mason"] = true
-L["Ontuvo"] = true
-L["Onyxian Warder"] = true
-L["Ormer's Revenge"] = true
-L["Orn Tenderhoof"] = true
-L["Otho Moji'ko"] = true
-L["Ounhulo"] = true
-L["Outfitter Eric"] = true
-L["Padaar"] = true
-L["Pand Stonebinder"] = true
-L["Paulsta'ats"] = true
-L["Penney Copperpinch"] = true
-L["Peter Galen"] = true
-L["Phantom Attendant"] = true
-L["Phantom Guardsman"] = true
-L["Phantom Guest"] = true
-L["Phantom Stagehand"] = true
-L["Phantom Valet"] = true
-L["Phea"] = true
-L["Phoenix-Hawk"] = true
-L["Phoenix-Hawk Hatchling"] = true
-L["Pikkle"] = true
-L["Plains Mammoth"] = true
-L["Poshken Hardbinder"] = true
-L["Pratt McGrubben"] = true
-L["Primal Ooze"] = true
-L["Primordial Drake"] = true
-L["Professor Pallin"] = true
-L["Prospector Nachlan"] = true
-L["Provisioner Lorkran"] = true
-L["Pterrordax"] = true
-L["Pyall Silentstride"] = true
-L["Pyrewood Tailor"] = true
-L["Qia"] = true
-L["Quarelestra"] = true
-L["Quartermaster Davian Vaclav"] = true
-L["Quartermaster Endarin"] = true
-L["Quartermaster Enuril"] = true
-L["Quartermaster Jaffrey Noreliqe"] = true
-L["Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock"] = true
-L["Quartermaster Urgronn"] = true
-L["Quelis"] = true
-L["Rabid Shardtooth"] = true
-L["Rabid Warhound"] = true
-L["Raenah"] = true
-L["Rage Talon Dragon Guard"] = true
-L["Raging Skeleton"] = true
-L["Randal Worth"] = true
-L["Ranik"] = true
-L["Rann Flamespinner"] = true
-L["Rathis Tomber"] = true
-L["Ravaged Cadaver"] = true
-L["Rawrk"] = true
-L["Razia"] = true
-L["Recipe of the Kaldorei"] = true
-L["Redridge Goulash"] = true
-L["Redstone Basilisk"] = true
-L["Refik"] = true
-L["Rhiannon Davis"] = true
-L["Rhonsus"] = true
-L["Ribbly's Crony"] = true
-L["Rift Keeper"] = true
-L["Rift Lord"] = true
-L["Rikqiz"] = true
-L["Rin'wosho the Trader"] = true
-L["Risen Bonewarder"] = true
-L["Risen Construct"] = true
-L["Risen Drakkari Death Knight"] = true
-L["Rivendark"] = true
-L["Rogue Ice Thistle"] = true
-L["Rogvar"] = true
-L["Rohok"] = true
-L["Rollick MacKreel"] = true
-L["Ronald Burch"] = true
-L["Rosemary Bovard"] = true
-L["Rosina Rivet"] = true
-L["Rotgath Stonebeard"] = true
-L["Rotting Behemoth"] = true
-L["Roxxik"] = true
-L["Rungor"] = true
-L["Sable Jaguar"] = true
-L["Saenorion"] = true
-L["Sairuk"] = true
-L["Sally Tompkins"] = true
-L["Saltstone Basilisk"] = true
-L["Sandfury Blood Drinker"] = true
-L["Sandfury Shadowcaster"] = true
-L["Sarah Tanner"] = true
-L["Saru Steelfury"] = true
-L["Sassa Weldwell"] = true
-L["Sathein"] = true
-L["Savage Worg"] = true
-L["Scargil"] = true
-L["Scarlet Adept"] = true
-L["Scarlet Archmage"] = true
-L["Scarlet Cavalier"] = true
-L["Scarlet Centurion"] = true
-L["Scarlet Defender"] = true
-L["Scarlet Gallant"] = true
-L["Scarlet Monk"] = true
-L["Scarlet Myrmidon"] = true
-L["Scarlet Protector"] = true
-L["Scarlet Smith"] = true
-L["Scarlet Spellbinder"] = true
-L["Scarlet Tracking Hound"] = true
-L["Scarlet Warder"] = true
-L["Scholomance Adept"] = true
-L["Scholomance Necromancer"] = true
-L["Sock Brightbolt"] = true
-L["Scorpid Hunter"] = true
-L["Scorpid Tail Lasher"] = true
-L["Se'Jib"] = true
-L["Seasoned Wolf Kabobs"] = true
-L["Sebastian Crane"] = true
-L["Sedana"] = true
-L["Seer Janidi"] = true
-L["Seersa Copperpinch"] = true
-L["Sellandus"] = true
-L["Selling Fish"] = true
-L["Sempstress Ambershine"] = true
-L["Serge Hinott"] = true
-L["Serpentshrine Sporebat"] = true
-L["Sethekk Prophet"] = true
-L["Sethekk Ravenguard"] = true
-L["Sewa Mistrunner"] = true
-L["Shaani"] = true
-L["Shadi Mistrunner"] = true
-L["Shadow Council Warlock"] = true
-L["Shadow Pillager"] = true
-L["Shadowforge Peasant"] = true
-L["Shadowmage"] = true
-L["Shadowmoon Reaver"] = true
-L["Shadowsworn Thug"] = true
-L["Shadowy Necromancer"] = true
-L["Shaina Fuller"] = true
-L["Shandrina"] = true
-L["Shankys"] = true
-L["Shardtooth Bear"] = true
-L["Shardtooth Mauler"] = true
-L["Shattered Hand Centurion"] = true
-L["Shattered Hand Champion"] = true
-L["Shattertusk Bull"] = true
-L["Shattertusk Mammoth"] = true
-L["Shayis Steelfury"] = true
-L["Sheendra Tallgrass"] = true
-L["Shelene Rhobart"] = true
-L["Shen'dralar Provisioner"] = true
-L["Sheri Zipstitch"] = true
-L["Shrike Bat"] = true
-L["Sid Limbardi"] = true
-L["Silvermane Stalker"] = true
-L["Simon Tanner"] = true
-L["Simon Unit"] = true
-L["Sister of Torment"] = true
-L["Skeletal Flayer"] = true
-L["Skeletal Runesmith"] = true
-L["Skettis Soulcaller"] = true
-L["Skreah"] = true
-L["Skullsplitter Mystic"] = true
-L["Slagg"] = true
-L["Slave Worker"] = true
-L["Slavering Ghoul"] = true
-L["Smelt On, Smelt Off"] = true
-L["Smith Argus"] = true
-L["Smooth as Butter"] = true
-L["Smudge Thunderwood"] = true
-L["Snakestone of the Shadow Huntress"] = true
-L["Snang"] = true
-L["Snarl"] = true
-L["Son of Arkkoroc"] = true
-L["Soolie Berryfizz"] = true
-L["Soothing Turtle Bisque"] = true
-L["Soran"] = true
-L["Sorcerous Shade"] = true
-L["Southsea Pirate"] = true
-L["Sovik"] = true
-L["Sparkleshell Snapper"] = true
-L["Spawn of Hakkar"] = true
-L["Spectral Apprentice"] = true
-L["Spectral Charger"] = true
-L["Spectral Chef"] = true
-L["Spectral Researcher"] = true
-L["Spectral Servant"] = true
-L["Spectral Stable Hand"] = true
-L["Spectral Stallion"] = true
-L["Spell Eater"] = true
-L["Spell Shade"] = true
-L["Spellmaw"] = true
-L["Spirestone Warlord"] = true
-L["Splinterbone Centurion"] = true
-L["Springspindle Fizzlegear"] = true
-L["Sprite Jumpsprocket"] = true
-L["Starving Blisterpaw"] = true
-L["Stephen Ryback"] = true
-L["Stoic Mammoth"] = true
-L["Stone Guard Mukar"] = true
-L["Stonevault Oracle"] = true
-L["Stonevault Pillager"] = true
-L["Storm Fury"] = true
-L["Stormforged Ambusher"] = true
-L["Stormforged Artificer"] = true
-L["Stormforged Champion"] = true
-L["Stormforged Giant"] = true
-L["Stormforged Infiltrator"] = true
-L["Strashaz Myrmidon"] = true
-L["Strashaz Warrior"] = true
-L["Stuart Fleming"] = true
-L["Subterranean Diemetradon"] = true
-L["Sunfury Arcanist"] = true
-L["Sunfury Arch Mage"] = true
-L["Sunfury Archer"] = true
-L["Sunfury Bloodwarder"] = true
-L["Sunfury Bowman"] = true
-L["Sunfury Researcher"] = true
-L["Sunscale Scytheclaw"] = true
-L["Sunseeker Astromage"] = true
-L["Sunseeker Botanist"] = true
-L["Sunseeker Harvester"] = true
-L["Super-Seller 680"] = true
-L["Supply Officer Mills"] = true
-L["Supplying the Front"] = true
-L["Swampwalker"] = true
-L["Swampwalker Elder"] = true
-L["Sweet Serenity"] = true
-L["Sylann"] = true
-L["Sylvanna Forestmoon"] = true
-L["Syndicate Assassin"] = true
-L["Syndicate Mercenary"] = true
-L["Syndicate Pathstalker"] = true
-L["Syndicate Spy"] = true
-L["Syphoner"] = true
-L["Taladan"] = true
-L["Tally Berryfizz"] = true
-L["Talmar"] = true
-L["Tamar"] = true
-L["Tanaika"] = true
-L["Tanak"] = true
-L["Tangled Horror"] = true
-L["Tansy Puddlefizz"] = true
-L["Tar Lurker"] = true
-L["Tarban Hearthgrain"] = true
-L["Tari'qa"] = true
-L["Tarn"] = true
-L["Tatiana"] = true
-L["Teg Dawnstrider"] = true
-L["Tel'Athir"] = true
-L["Telonis"] = true
-L["Tempered War Golem"] = true
-L["Tepa"] = true
-L["Terrormaster"] = true
-L["Thaddeus Webb"] = true
-L["Thamner Pol"] = true
-L["Tharynn Bouden"] = true
-L["Thaurissan Firewalker"] = true
-L["The Art of the Imbue"] = true
-L["The Demon Forge"] = true
-L["The Gordok Ogre Suit"] = true
-L["The Great Moongraze Hunt"] = true
-L["The Great Silver Deceiver"] = true
-L["The Journey Has Just Begun"] = true
-L["The Old Ways"] = true
-L["The Origins of Smithing"] = true
-L["The Rescue"] = true
-L["The Spectral Chalice"] = true
-L["The Undermarket"] = true
-L["The Zapthrottle Mote Extractor!"] = true
-L["Thelsamar Blood Sausages"] = true
-L["Theramore Infiltrator"] = true
-L["Theramore Marine"] = true
-L["Theramore Preserver"] = true
-L["Therum Deepforge"] = true
-L["Thomas Kolichio"] = true
-L["Thomas Yance"] = true
-L["Thonys Pillarstone"] = true
-L["Thorkaf Dragoneye"] = true
-L["Thoth"] = true
-L["Thrag Stonehoof"] = true
-L["Thund"] = true
-L["Thuzadin Shadowcaster"] = true
-L["Tiffany Cartier"] = true
-L["Tilli Thistlefuzz"] = true
-L["Timber Worg Alpha"] = true
-L["Time-Lost Shadowmage"] = true
-L["Timothy Jones"] = true
-L["Timothy Worthington"] = true
-L["Tink Brightbolt"] = true
-L["Tinkerwiz"] = true
-L["Tinkmaster Overspark"] = true
-L["Tisha Longbridge"] = true
-L["Tognus Flintfire"] = true
-L["Tomas"] = true
-L["Torloth the Magnificent"] = true
-L["Torn Fin Coastrunner"] = true
-L["Torn Fin Muckdweller"] = true
-L["Torn Fin Oracle"] = true
-L["Torn Fin Tidehunter"] = true
-L["Trader Narasu"] = true
-L["Trampled Under Foot"] = true
-L["Traugh"] = true
-L["Triage"] = true
-L["Trianna"] = true
-L["Trixie Quikswitch"] = true
-L["True Believers"] = true
-L["Truk Wildbeard"] = true
-L["Tunkk"] = true
-L["Twilight Dark Shaman"] = true
-L["Twilight Emissary"] = true
-L["Twilight Fire Guard"] = true
-L["Twilight Geomancer"] = true
-L["Ug'thok"] = true
-L["Ulthaan"] = true
-L["Ulthir"] = true
-L["Un'Goro Stomper"] = true
-L["Una"] = true
-L["Unchained Doombringer"] = true
-L["Underbat"] = true
-L["Unliving Atal'ai"] = true
-L["Uriku"] = true
-L["Ursius"] = true
-L["Uthok"] = true
-L["Uthrar Threx"] = true
-L["Vaean"] = true
-L["Valdaron"] = true
-L["Vance Undergloom"] = true
-L["Vanessa Sellers"] = true
-L["Vargus"] = true
-L["Vazario Linkgrease"] = true
-L["Veenix"] = true
-L["Vekh'nir Dreadhawk"] = true
-L["Vendor-Tron 1000"] = true
-L["Venture Co. Excavator"] = true
-L["Venture Co. Strip Miner"] = true
-L["Veteran Crusader Aliocha Segard"] = true
-L["Vhan"] = true
-L["Victor Ward"] = true
-L["Viggz Shinesparked"] = true
-L["Vilebranch Hideskinner"] = true
-L["Vilebranch Raiding Wolf"] = true
-L["Vir'aani Arcanist"] = true
-L["Vira Younghoof"] = true
-L["Vivianna"] = true
-L["Vix Chromeblaster"] = true
-L["Vizzklick"] = true
-L["Vodesiin"] = true
-L["Voidshrieker"] = true
-L["Voidwalker Minion"] = true
-L["Volchan"] = true
-L["Vosur Brakthel"] = true
-L["Waldor"] = true
-L["Warmaul Shaman"] = true
-L["Warped Peon"] = true
-L["Wastewander Assassin"] = true
-L["Wastewander Bandit"] = true
-L["Wastewander Rogue"] = true
-L["Wastewander Scofflaw"] = true
-L["Wastewander Shadow Mage"] = true
-L["Wastewander Thief"] = true
-L["Weapon Technician"] = true
-L["Wenna Silkbeard"] = true
-L["Werg Thickblade"] = true
-L["Westfall Stew"] = true
-L["Whuut"] = true
-L["Wik'Tar"] = true
-L["Wild Hearts"] = true
-L["Wild Leather Boots"] = true
-L["Wild Leather Helmet"] = true
-L["Wild Leather Leggings"] = true
-L["Wild Leather Shoulders"] = true
-L["Wild Leather Vest"] = true
-L["Wilhelmina Renel"] = true
-L["Wind Trader Lathrai"] = true
-L["Winter Reveler"] = true
-L["Winterfall Den Watcher"] = true
-L["Winterfall Totemic"] = true
-L["Winterfall Ursa"] = true
-L["Witherbark Axe Thrower"] = true
-L["Witherbark Berserker"] = true
-L["Witherbark Headhunter"] = true
-L["Witherbark Shadow Hunter"] = true
-L["Withered Ancient"] = true
-L["Wolgren Jinglepocket"] = true
-L["Wrahk"] = true
-L["Wrath Hammer Construct"] = true
-L["Wrathwalker"] = true
-L["Wretched Devourer"] = true
-L["Wretched Fiend"] = true
-L["Wulan"] = true
-L["Wulmort Jinglepocket"] = true
-L["Wunna Darkmane"] = true
-L["Xandar Goodbeard"] = true
-L["Xen'to"] = true
-L["Xerintha Ravenoak"] = true
-L["Xizk Goodstitch"] = true
-L["Xizzer Fizzbolt"] = true
-L["Xylinnia Starshine"] = true
-L["Xyrol"] = true
-L["Yarr Hammerstone"] = true
-L["Yatheon"] = true
-L["Yelmak"] = true
-L["Yonada"] = true
-L["Young Black Ravager"] = true
-L["Young Diemetradon"] = true
-L["Ythyar"] = true
-L["Yuka Screwspigot"] = true
-L["Yurial Soulwater"] = true
-L["Zamja"] = true
-L["Zan Shivsproket"] = true
-L["Zannok Hidepiercer"] = true
-L["Zansoa"] = true
-L["Zantasia"] = true
-L["Zanzil Zombie"] = true
-L["Zaralda"] = true
-L["Zarena Cromwind"] = true
-L["Zargh"] = true
-L["Zarrin"] = true
-L["Zebig"] = true
-L["Zixil"] = true
-L["Zorbin Fandazzle"] = true
-L["Zula Slagfury"] = true
-L["Zulian Tiger"] = true
-L["Zurai"] = true
-L["\"Cookie\" McWeaksauce"] = true
-L["Krinkle Goodsteel"] = true
-L["A Good Head On Your Shoulders"] = true
-L["The World At Your Feet"] = true
-L["The Mithril Kid"] = true
-L["Strashaz Serpent Guard"] = true
-L["Enraged Earth Spirit"] = true
-L["Enraged Water Spirit"] = true
-L["Enraged Air Spirit"] = true
-L["Enraged Fire Spirit"] = true
-L["Namdo Bizzfizzle"] = true
-L["Rizz Loosebolt"] = true
-L["Ruppo Zipcoil"] = true
-L["Jinky Twizzlefixxit"] = true
-L["Harggan"] = true
-L["Findle Whistlesteam"] = true
-L["Narkk"] = true
-L["Jun'ha"] = true
-L["Brienna Starglow"] = true
-L["Cowardly Crosby"] = true
-L["Sacred Cloth"] = true
-L["Vengeful Ancient"] = true
-L["Molt Thorn"] = true
-L["Fletcher's Lost and Found"] = true
-L["Gigget Zipcoil"] = true
-L["Blimo Gadgetspring"] = true
-L["Hula'mahi"] = true
-L["Bombus Finespindle"] = true
-L["Rartar"] = true
-L["Bryan Landers"] = true
-L["Prospector Khazgorm"] = true
-L["Northern Cooking"] = true
-L["Clamlette Surprise"] = true
-L["DATAMINER_SKILLELVEL"] = [[Recipe level different!
-    Name: %s
-	ARL Level: %s
-	Trainer Level: %s]]
-L["DATAMINER_SKILLLEVEL_ERROR"] = "This can only be used for a trade skill trainer.  Please open up the trainer and try again."
-L["DATAMINER_TRAINER_NOTTARGETTED"] = "You must target the trainer when you run this command."
-L["DATAMINER_VENDOR_NOTTARGETTED"] = "You must target the vendor when you run this command."
-L["DATAMINER_TRAINER_INFO"] = [[Trainer Name: %s
-Trainer ID: %s]]
-L["DATAMINER_TRAINER_TEACH"] = "%s (%s) - Missing"
-L["DATAMINER_TRAINER_NOTTEACH"] = "%s (%s) - Extra"
-L["Auto Scan Trainers"] = true
-L["Datamine Options"] = true
-L["DATAMINE_OPTIONS_DESC"] = "Allows you to customize in-game ARL datamining."
-L["AUTOSCAN_TRAINERS_DESC"] = "Turns on scanning at trainers to compare skill levels, and recipe acquire methods."
-L["Generate Tradeskill Links"] = true
-L["GENERATE_LINKS_DESC"] = "Generate complete profession links."
-L["Compare Trainer Skills"] = true
-L["COMPARE_TRAINER_SKILL_DESC"] = "Compare skill levels of selected trainer with those in ARL database."
-L["Compare Trainer Acquire"] = true
-L["COMPARE_TRAINER_ACQUIRE_DESC"] = "Compare selected trainer acquire methods with those in the ARL database."
-L["DATAMINER_NODB_ERROR"] = "Recipe database not loaded.  Please scan the tradeskill first then try the datamining."
-L["Dustin Vail"] = true
-L["Kul'de"] = true
-L["Fael Morningsong"] = true
-L["Binkie Brightgear"] = true
-L["Bethany Cromwell"] = true
-L["Crystal Brightspark"] = true
-L["Joseph Wilson"] = true
-L["Oluros"] = true
-L["Rekka the Hammer"] = true
-L["Arthur Denny"] = true
-L["Desert Recipe"] = true
-L["Manfred Staller"] = true
-L["Andellion"] = true
-L["Namha Moonwater"] = true
-L["Custom41"] = "Removed from the game when Naxx 40 was taken out."
-L["AUTOLOAD_DB_DESC"] = "Automatically loads all of the ARL recipe databases when doing a datamining scan."
-L["Auto Load Recipe Database"] = true
-L["Orland Schaeffer"] = true
-L["Imindril Spearsong"] = true
-L["First Aid Trainer"] = true
-L["Enchanting Trainer"] = true
-L["Alt-Tradeskills"] = true
-L["ORIGINAL_WOW_DESC"] = "Recipes available with the original game."
-L["BC_WOW_DESC"] = "Recipes available with the Burning Crusade."
-L["LK_WOW_DESC"] = "Recipes available with the Wrath of the Lich King."
-L["Lich King"] = true
-L["Silverbrook Trapper"] = true
-L["Silverbrook Villager"] = true
-L["Silverbrook Hunter"] = true
-L["Silverbrook Defender"] = true
-L["ALT_TRADESKILL_DESC"] = "This will display a list of alts which have had trade skills scanned.  Clicking on the alt's name will output the tradeskill to chat."
-L["Other Realms"] = true
-L["DATAMINE_WARNING_DESC"] = "Please note that enabling Auto Load Recipe Database will increase the amount of memory used by ARL.  Enabling Auto Scan Trainers may cause a slight bit of lag when the trainer is opened.  This will be more noticeable on the first scan of a trainer."
+ Agrega el método de adquisición de una receta específica en el mapa del mundo y el minimapa."]=]
+L["Gara Skullcrush"] = "Gara Craneaplastado"
+L["Gargantuan Abyssal"] = "Abissal inmenso"
+L["Gargoyle"] = "Gárgola"
+L["Gaston"] = "Gaston"
+L["Gazlowe"] = "Gazlowe"
+L["Gearcutter Cogspinner"] = "Cortallave Volopiñón"
+L["Gearing Redridge"] = "Equipar Crestagrana"
+L["Geba'li"] = "Geba'li"
+L["Geen"] = "Geen"
+L["Gelanthis"] = "Gelanthis"
+L["Gelman Stonehand"] = "Gelman Petramano"
+L["General"] = "General"
+L["General Filtering Options"] = "Opciones Generales de Filtros"
+L["General Options"] = "Opciones Generales"
+L["GENERATE_LINKS_DESC"] = "Generar enlaces de profesión completos."
+L["Generate Tradeskill Links"] = "Generar Enlaces de Habilidades de Comercio"
+L["Geofram Bouldertoe"] = "Geofram Dedorroca"
+L["George Candarte"] = "George Candarte"
+L["Georgio Bolero"] = "Georgio Bolero"
+L["Ghak Healtouch"] = "Ghak Sanadón"
+L["Gharash"] = "Gharash"
+L["Ghermas"] = "Ghermas"
+L["Ghostly Steward"] = "Administrador fantasmal"
+L["Ghoul"] = "Necrófago"
+L["Giant Infernal"] = "Infernal gigante"
+L["Gidge Spellweaver"] = "Gidge Tejehechizos"
+L["Gigget Zipcoil"] = "Gigget Retramuelle"
+L["Gikkix"] = "Gikkix"
+L["Gimble Thistlefuzz"] = "Gimble Cardopelusa"
+L["Gina MacGregor"] = "Gina MacGregor"
+L["Glasshide Basilisk"] = "Basilisco Cristaldermo"
+L["Glasshide Gazer"] = "Observador Cristaldermo"
+L["Gloresse"] = "Gloresse"
+L["Gloria Femmel"] = "Gloria Femmel"
+L["Glutinous Ooze"] = "Moco pegajoso"
+L["Glyx Brewright"] = "Glyx Bonatrama"
+L["Gnaz Blunderflame"] = "Gnaz Flamerrada"
+L["Godan"] = "Godan"
+L["Goli Krumn"] = "Goli Krumn"
+L["Gordunni Back-Breaker"] = "Partespinas Gordunni"
+L["Gordunni Elementalist"] = "Elementalista Gordunni"
+L["Gordunni Head-Splitter"] = "Divisor de cabezas Gordunni"
+L["Gordunni Soulreaper"] = "Revientalmas Gordunni"
+L["Goretusk"] = "Dentosangre"
+L["Goretusk Liver Pie"] = "Pastel de hígado de dentosangre"
+L["Gorgolon the All-seeing"] = "Gorgolon El que todo lo ve"
+L["Gorishi Reaver"] = "Atracador Gorishi"
+L["Graham Van Talen"] = "Graham Van Talen"
+L["Grand Crusader Dathrohan"] = "Gran Cruzado Dathrohan"
+L["Grarnik Goodstitch"] = "Grarnik Cortefino"
+L["Greater Bogstrok"] = "Maristrok superior"
+L["Greater Fleshbeast"] = "Bestia de carne superior"
+L["Great-father Winter"] = "Gran Padre Invierno"
+L["Greatfather Winter"] = "Gran Padre Invierno"
+L["Great-father Winter's Helper"] = "Ayudante del Gran Padre Invierno"
+L["Great Goretusk"] = "Gran dentosangre"
+L["Gremlock Pilsnor"] = "Gremlock Pilsnor"
+L["Gretta Finespindle"] = "Gretta Bueneje"
+L["Gretta Ganter"] = "Gretta Ganter"
+L["Grikka"] = "Grikka"
+L["Grimtak"] = "Grimtak"
+L["Grimtotem Geomancer"] = "Geomántico Tótem Siniestro"
+L["Grondal Moonbreeze"] = "Grondal Brisaluna"
+L["Groum Stonebeard"] = "Groum Barbapétrea"
+L["Grumbol Stoutpick"] = "Grumbol Picorrecio"
+L["Grumnus Steelshaper"] = "Grumnus Forjacero"
+L["Grutah"] = "Grutah"
+L["Guillaume Sorouy"] = "Guillaume Sorouy"
+L["Gundrak Savage"] = "Salvaje de Gundrak"
+L["Gunter Hansen"] = "Gunter Hansen"
+L["Haalrun"] = "Haalrun"
+L["Haferet"] = "Haferet"
+L["Hagrus"] = "Hagrus"
+L["Hahrana Ironhide"] = "Hahrana Pielférrea"
+L["Hama"] = "Hama"
+L["Hamanar"] = "Hamanar"
+L["Hammered Patron"] = "Parroquiano beodo"
+L["Hammon Karwn"] = "Hammon Karwn"
+L["Harggan"] = "Harggan"
+L["Harklan Moongrove"] = "Harklan Arboluna"
+L["Harlown Darkweave"] = "Harlown Tejeoscuro"
+L["Harn Longcast"] = "Harn Tiralejo"
+L["Hatefury Shadowstalker"] = "Acechasombras Odio Feroz"
+L["Haughty Modiste"] = "Modista Jonti"
+L["Hch'uu"] = "Hch'uu"
+L["Healers"] = "Curación"
+L["HEALERS_DESC"] = "Las recetas que se utilizan para la curación serán incluidas en la exploración."
+L["Helboar"] = "Jabinferno"
+L["Heldan Galesong"] = "Heldan Vendasón"
+L["Helenia Olden"] = "Helenia Olden"
+L["Hgarth"] = "Hgarth"
+L["Hide Pop-Up"] = "Ocultar Emergente"
+L["HIDEPOPUP_DESC"] = "Evita mostrar ventanas emergentes notificando el por qué está vacía la ventana de exploración. Siempre se mostrarán ventanas emergentes por primera vez tras una nueva versión."
+L["High Enchanter Bardolan"] = "Sumo encantador Bardolan"
+L["Highlord Darion Mograine"] = "Alto señor Darion Mograine"
+L["Hillsbrad Tailor"] = "Sastre de Trabalomas"
+L["Himmik"] = "Himmik"
+L["Homunculus"] = "Homunculus"
+L["Horns of Frenzy"] = "Cuernos de frenesí"
+L["Hotoppik Copperpinch"] = "Hotoppik Cobrellizco"
+L["Hula'mahi"] = "Hula'mahi"
+L["Hulking Mountain Lion"] = "León de montaña descomunal"
+L["Humphry"] = "Humphry"
+L["Hurnak Grimmord"] = "Hurnak Grimmord"
+L["Icemane Yeti"] = "Yeti Pelohielo"
+L["Ice Thistle Matriarch"] = "Matriarca Cardo Nevado"
+L["Ice Thistle Patriarch"] = "Patriarca Cardo Nevado"
+L["Ice Thistle Yeti"] = "Yeti Cardo Nevado"
+L["Ildine Sorrowspear"] = "Ildine Lanzapena"
+L["Illidari Defiler"] = "Rapiñador Illidari"
+L["Illidari Shocktrooper"] = "Soldado de choque Illidari"
+L["Illidari Watcher"] = "Vigía Illidari"
+L["Imindril Spearsong"] = "Imindril Cantolanza"
+L["Imperial Plate Belt"] = "Cinturón de placas imperiales"
+L["Imperial Plate Boots"] = "Botas de placas imperiales"
+L["Imperial Plate Bracer"] = "Brazales de placas imperiales"
+L["Imperial Plate Chest"] = "Peto de placas imperiales"
+L["Imperial Plate Helm"] = "Yelmo de placas imperiales"
+L["Imperial Plate Leggings"] = "Leotardos de placas imperiales"
+L["Imperial Plate Shoulders"] = "Sobrehombros de placas imperiales"
+L["Incandescent Fel Spark"] = "Chispa vil incandescente"
+L["Incendosaur"] = "Incendosaurio"
+L["Include Excluded"] = "Incluir Excluidos"
+L["Include Filtered"] = "Incluir filtradas"
+L["Indormi"] = "Indormi"
+L["Innkeeper Biribi"] = "Tabernera Biribi"
+L["Innkeeper Fizzgrimble"] = "Tabernero Fizzgrimble"
+L["Innkeeper Grilka"] = "Tabernera Grilka"
+L["Innkeeper Gryshka"] = "Tabernera Gryshka"
+L["Insidion"] = "Insidion"
+L["Instance"] = "Instancia"
+L["INSTANCE_DESC"] = "Las recetas que se obtienen de las instancias (5 hombres) serán incluidas en la exploración."
+L["Ironbark Protector"] = "Protector Cortezaférrea"
+L["Iron Rune-Shaper"] = "Modelador Runaférrea"
+L["Ironus Coldsteel"] = "Ironus Acero Frío"
+L["Ironwool Mammoth"] = "Mamut de lana férrea"
+L["Item"] = "Objeto"
+L["Item Filtering Options"] = "Opciones de Filtrado de Objetos"
+L["Jabbey"] = "Jabbey"
+L["Jack Trapper"] = "Jack Trampero"
+L["Jadefire Felsworn"] = "Jurapenas Fuego de Jade"
+L["Jadefire Rogue"] = "Pícaro Fuego de Jade"
+L["Jaedenar Warlock"] = "Brujo Jaedenar"
+L["Jalane Ayrole"] = "Jalane Ayrole"
+L["Jamesina Watterly"] = "Jamesina Acuosa"
+L["James Van Brunt"] = "James Van Brunt"
+L["Jandia"] = "Jandia"
+L["Janet Hommers"] = "Janet Hommers"
+L["Jangdor Swiftstrider"] = "Jangdor Zancoveloz"
+L["Jannos Ironwill"] = "Jannos Dolocerado"
+L["Jaquilina Dramet"] = "Jaquilina Dramet"
+L["Jase Farlane"] = "Jase Farlane"
+L["Jaxin Chong"] = "Jaxin Chong"
+L["Jazdalaad"] = "Jazdalaad"
+L["Jazzrik"] = "Jazzrik"
+L["Jedidiah Handers"] = "Jedidiah Handers"
+L["Jeeda"] = "Jeeda"
+L["Jemma Quikswitch"] = "Jemma Clicveloz"
+L["Jennabink Powerseam"] = "Jennabink Costura Potente"
+L["Jenna Lemkenilli"] = "Jenna Lemkenilli"
+L["Jessara Cordell"] = "Jessara Cordell"
+L["Jhag"] = "Jhag"
+L["Jim Saltit"] = "Jim Saltit"
+L["Jinky Twizzlefixxit"] = "Jinky Arreglatodo"
+L["Johan Barnes"] = "Johan Barnes"
+L["Johan Focht"] = "Johan Focht"
+L["Jo'mah"] = "Jo'mah"
+L["Jonathan Garrett"] = "Jonathan Garrett"
+L["Jonathan Lewis"] = "Jonathan Lewis"
+L["Jormund Stonebrow"] = "Jormund Petrocejas"
+L["Josef Gregorian"] = "Josef Gregorian"
+L["Josephine Lister"] = "Josephine Lister"
+L["Joseph Moore"] = "Joseph Moore"
+L["Joseph Wilson"] = "Joseph Wilson"
+L["Josric Fame"] = "Jorsric Fama"
+L["Joys of Omosh"] = "Las alegrías de los Omosh"
+L["Jubie Gadgetspring"] = "Jubie Cacharretio"
+L["Jun'ha"] = "Jun'ha"
+L["Juno Dufrain"] = "Juno Dufrain"
+L["Justin Oshenko"] = "Justin Oshenko"
+L["Jutak"] = "Jutak"
+L["Kaita Deepforge"] = "Kaita Forjahonda"
+L["Kalaen"] = "Kalaen"
+L["Kalinda"] = "Kalinda"
+L["Kalldan Felmoon"] = "Kalldan Lunavil"
+L["Kamari"] = "Kamari"
+L["Kanaria"] = "Kanaria"
+L["Kania"] = "Kania"
+L["Karaaz"] = "Karaaz"
+L["Karn Stonehoof"] = "Karn Pezuñapétrea"
+L["Karolek"] = "Karolek"
+L["Katherine Lee"] = "Katherine Lee"
+L["Kayaart"] = "Kayaart"
+L["Keelen Sheets"] = "Keelen Capas"
+L["Keena"] = "Keena"
+L["Kelgruk Bloodaxe"] = "Kelgruk Hacha de Sangre"
+L["Kelsey Yance"] = "Kelsey Yance"
+L["Kendor Kabonka"] = "Kendor Kabonka"
+L["Khara Deepwater"] = "Khara Aguahonda"
+L["Khole Jinglepocket"] = "Khole Calderilla"
+L["Kiknikle"] = "Kiknikle"
+L["Kil'hala"] = "Kil'hala"
+L["Killian Sanatha"] = "Killian Sanatha"
+L["Kilxx"] = "Kilxx"
+L["Kireena"] = "Kireena"
+L["Kithas"] = "Kithas"
+L["Kitta Firewind"] = "Kitta Vientofuego"
+L["Klaven's Tower"] = "La torre de Klaven"
+L["K. Lee Smallfry"] = "K. Lee Fritito"
+L["Knaz Blunderflame"] = "Knaz Flamerrada"
+L["Knight Dameron"] = "Caballero Dameron"
+L["Known"] = "Conocido"
+L["KNOWN_DESC"] = "Incluir todas las recetas aprendidas en la exploración."
+L["Kodo Hide Bag"] = "Bolsa de pellejo de kodo"
+L["Koren"] = "Koren"
+L["Kor'geld"] = "Kor'geld"
+L["Kradu Grimblade"] = "Kradu Filosiniestro"
+L["Kray"] = "Kray"
+L["Krek Cragcrush"] = "Krek Peñazo"
+L["Kriggon Talsone"] = "Kriggon Talsone"
+L["Krinkle Goodsteel"] = "Krinkle Buenacero"
+L["Kristen Smythe"] = "Kristen Smythe"
+L["Krugosh"] = "Krugosh"
+L["Krulmoo Fullmoon"] = "Krulmoo Lunallena"
+L["Krunn"] = "Krunn"
+L["Kudrii"] = "Kudrii"
+L["Kul'de"] = "Kul'de"
+L["Kulwia"] = "Kulwia"
+L["Kurdram Stonehammer"] = "Kurdram Rocamartillo"
+L["Kurzen Commando"] = "Comando Kurzen"
+L["Kylanna"] = "Kylanna"
+L["Kylanna Windwhisper"] = "Kylanna Vientosusurro"
+L["Kylene"] = "Kylene"
+L["Kzixx"] = "Kzixx"
+L["Lady Alistra"] = "Lady Alistra"
+L["Lady Palanseer"] = "Lady Palanseer"
+L["Laird"] = "Laird"
+L["Lalina Summermoon"] = "Lalina Luna de Verano"
+L["Lalla Brightweave"] = "Lalla Hilargénteo"
+L["Landraelanis"] = "Landraelanis"
+L["Lanolis Dewdrop"] = "Lanolis Rocío"
+L["Lardan"] = "Lardan"
+L["Lavinia Crowe"] = "Lavinia Crowe"
+L["Lawrence Schneider"] = "Lawrence Schneider"
+L["Leather"] = "Cuero"
+L["LEATHER_DESC"] = "Las recetas que hacen elementos de cuero serán incluidas en la exploración."
+L["Lebowski"] = "Lebowski"
+L["Leeli Longhaggle"] = "Leeli Regateo"
+L["Left"] = "Izquierda"
+L["Legashi Rogue"] = "Pícaro Legashi"
+L["Leonard Porter"] = "Leonard Porter"
+L["Leo Sarn"] = "Leo Sarn"
+L["Lesser Infernal"] = "Infernal inferior"
+L["Librarian Erickson"] = "Bibliotecaria Erickson"
+L["Lich King"] = "Rey Lich"
+L["Lich King Rep. Filtering Options"] = "Opciones de Filtrado de Reputación en La Ira del rey Lich"
+L["Lieutenant General Andorov"] = "General Andorov"
+L["Lieutenant Mancuso"] = "Teniente Mancuso"
+L["Lillehoff"] = "Lillehoff"
+L["Lilliam Sparkspindle"] = "Lilliam Chispeje"
+L["Lilly"] = "Lilly"
+L["Lilyssia Nightbreeze"] = "Lilyssia Brisa Nocturna"
+L["Lindea Rabonne"] = "Lindea Rabonne"
+L["Linna Bruder"] = "Linna Bruder"
+L["Linzy Blackbolt"] = "Linzy Pernonegro"
+L["Liquid Stone"] = "Piedra líquida"
+L["Lizbeth Cromwell"] = "Lizbeth Cromwell"
+L["LK_WOW_DESC"] = "Recetas disponibles con Wrath of the Lich King."
+L["Location"] = "Localización"
+L["Logannas"] = "Logannas"
+L["Logistics Officer Brighton"] = "Oficial de logística Brighton"
+L["Logistics Officer Silverstone"] = "Oficial de logística Platapiedra"
+L["Logistics Officer Ulrike"] = "Oficial de logística Ulrike"
+L["Lokhtos Darkbargainer"] = "Lokhtos Tratoscuro"
+L["Loolruna"] = "Loolruna"
+L["Lord Thorval"] = "Lord Thorval"
+L["Lorelae Wintersong"] = "Lorelae Cantinvernal"
+L["Lorokeem"] = "Lorokeem"
+L["Lucan Cordell"] = "Lucan Cordell"
+L["Lucc"] = "Lucc"
+L["Lyna"] = "Lyna"
+L["Lynalis"] = "Lynalis"
+L["Mace"] = "Maza"
+L["MACE_DESC"] = "Las recetas de mazas serán incluidas en la exploración."
+L["Mack Diver"] = "Mack Diver"
+L["Madame Ruby"] = "Madame Rubí"
+L["Magar"] = "Magar"
+L["Mageslayer"] = "Matamagos"
+L["Magical Horror"] = "Horror mágico"
+L["Magistrix Eredania"] = "Magistrix Eredania"
+L["Magnus Frostwake"] = "Magnus Vespescarcha"
+L["Mahani"] = "Mahani"
+L["Mahu"] = "Mahu"
+L["Mail"] = "Malla"
+L["MAIL_DESC"] = "Las recetas que hacen elementos de malla serán incluidas en la exploración."
+L["Main Filter Options"] = "Opciones Filtro Principal"
+L["MAINFILTER_OPTIONS_DESC"] = "Permite especificar cómo ARL maneja diferentes filtros."
+L["Main Options"] = "Opciones Principales"
+L["MAIN_OPTIONS_DESC"] = "Opciones configuración principal"
+L["Mak"] = "Mak"
+L["Makaru"] = "Makaru"
+L["Malcomb Wynn"] = "Malcomb Wynn"
+L["Mallen Swain"] = "Mallen Swain"
+L["Malygen"] = "Malygen"
+L["Manaclaw"] = "Zarpamaná"
+L["Mana Warp"] = "Distorsión de maná"
+L["Manfred Staller"] = "Manfred Tendero"
+L["Map Issues"] = "Problemas de Mapa"
+L["MAP_ISSUES_DESC"] = "ARL se basa en TomTom para añadir iconos y puntos de ruta en el mapa del mundo y el mini-mapa. Puede personalizarlo yendo al menú de configuración de ARL y desplazándose a la pantalla de opciones. Si no tiene instalado TomTom, nada será añadido. Auto-añadir iconos está desactivado por defecto."
+L["Map Options"] = "Opciones Mapa"
+L["MAP_OPTIONS_DESC"] = "Permite cambiar la forma en que ARL se integra en el mapa del mundo y en el minimapa."
+L["Margaux Parchley"] = "Margaux Pastoseco"
+L["Maria Lumere"] = "Maria Lumere"
+L["Mari Stonehand"] = "Mari Petramano"
+L["Martine Tramblay"] = "Martine Tramblay"
+L["Mary Edras"] = "Mary Edras"
+L["Masat T'andr"] = "Masat T'andr"
+L["Master Chef Mouldier"] = "Maestro cocinero Mouldier"
+L["Master Craftsman Omarion"] = "Maestro Artesano Omarion"
+L["Master Elemental Shaper Krixix"] = "Maestro de los elementos Formacio Krixix"
+L["Master of the Wild Leather"] = "Maestro de cuero salvaje"
+L["Mathar G'ochar"] = "Mathar G'ochar"
+L["Matt Johnson"] = "Matt Johnson"
+L["Mavralyn"] = "Mavralyn"
+L["Mazk Snipeshot"] = "Mazk Tirocertero"
+L["Meilosh"] = "Meilosh"
+L["Melaris"] = "Melaris"
+L["Melee DPS"] = "Cuerpo a cuerpo"
+L["MELEE_DPS_DESC"] = "Las recetas que se utilizan para el cuerpo a cuerpo/DPS físico serán incluidas en la exploración."
+L["Me'lynn"] = "Me'lynn"
+L["Miall"] = "Miall"
+L["Miao'zan"] = "Miao'zan"
+L["Michael Schwan"] = "Michael Schwan"
+L["Micha Yance"] = "Micha Yance"
+L["Michelle Belle"] = "Michelle Belle"
+L["Mildred Fletcher"] = "Mildred Kuinn"
+L["Milla Fairancora"] = "Milla Fairancora"
+L["Millie Gregorian"] = "Millie Gregorian"
+L["Mindri Dinkles"] = "Mindri Dinkles"
+L["Mini Map"] = "MiniMapa"
+L["MINIMAP_DESC"] = "Desea que las recetas de vendedores que faltan aparezcan en el mini-mapa."
+L["Mire Lord"] = "Señor del Lodo"
+L["Mirvedon"] = "Mirvedon"
+L["Misc"] = "Varios"
+L["Miscellaneous"] = "Varios"
+L["Misensi"] = "Misensi"
+L["Mishta"] = "Mishta"
+L["MissingFromDB"] = [=[: no se encuentra en la base de datos.
+Por favor, informe al autor del add-on sobre esta receta.]=]
+L["MISSING_LIBRARY"] = "Falta %s. El complemento no se puede ejecutar."
+L["Mission: Possible But Not Probable"] = "Misión: posible, pero no probable"
+L["Mixie Farshot"] = "Mixie Tirolejano"
+L["Mo'arg Incinerator"] = "Incinerador Mo'arg"
+L["Mo'arg Weaponsmith"] = "Forjador de armas Mo'arg"
+L["Mob Drop"] = "Soltado por Monstruo"
+L["MOB_DROP_DESC"] = "Las recetas que son Soltadas por un Monstruo serán incluidas en la exploración."
+L["Modoru"] = "Modoru"
+L["Mok'Nathal Treats"] = "Regalos de Mok'Nathal"
+L["Molt Thorn"] = "Fundespino"
+L["Montarr"] = "Montarr"
+L["Moonglow Vest"] = "El jubón resplandor lunar"
+L["Moonrage Tailor"] = "Sastre Furia Lunar"
+L["Moordo"] = "Moordo"
+L["Morgan Day"] = "Morgan Day"
+L["Mossflayer Shadowhunter"] = "Cazasombras Fustamusgo"
+L["Mot Dawnstrider"] = "Mot Caminalba"
+L["Mouse"] = "Ratón"
+L["Muaat"] = "Muaat"
+L["Muculent Ooze"] = "Moco muculento"
+L["Mudduk"] = "Mudduk"
+L["Muheru the Weaver"] = "Muheru el Tejedor"
+L["Mukdrak"] = "Mukdrak"
+L["Mumman"] = "Mumman"
+L["Murkblood Putrifier"] = "Putrefactor Sangreoscura"
+L["Murkblood Raider"] = "Asaltante Sangreoscura"
+L["Murk Spitter"] = "Escupidor de la oscuridad"
+L["Murk Worm"] = "Gusano de la oscuridad"
+L["Mutant Horror"] = "Horror mutante"
+L["Muuran"] = "Muuran"
+L["Mycah"] = "Mycah"
+L["Mythrin'dir"] = "Mythrin'dir"
+L["Naal Mistrunner"] = "Naal Correbruma"
+L["Nadyia Maneweaver"] = "Nadyia Tejecrín"
+L["Nahogg"] = "Nahogg"
+L["Naka"] = "Naka"
+L["Nakodu"] = "Nakodu"
+L["Namdo Bizzfizzle"] = "Namdo Silvabín"
+L["Name"] = "Nombre"
+L["Namha Moonwater"] = "Namha Agualuna"
+L["Nandar Branson"] = "Nandar Branson"
+L["Nardstrum Copperpinch"] = "Nardstrum Cobrellizco"
+L["Narj Deepslice"] = "Narj Tajofondo"
+L["Narkk"] = "Narkk"
+L["Narv Hidecrafter"] = "Narv Pielartesani"
+L["Nascent Val'kyr"] = "Val'kyr naciente"
+L["Nasmara Moonsong"] = "Nasmara Canción de Luna"
+L["Nata Dawnstrider"] = "Nata Caminalba"
+L["Neal Allen"] = "Neal Allen"
+L["Necklace"] = "Collar"
+L["NECKLACE_DESC"] = "Las recetas de collares serán incluidas en la exploración."
+L["Neferatti"] = "Neferatti"
+L["Neii"] = "Neii"
+L["Nergal"] = "Nergal"
+L["Nerrist"] = "Nerrist"
+L["Nessa Shadowsong"] = "Nessa Cantosombrío"
+L["Nethergarde Engineer"] = "Ingeniero de Nethergarde"
+L["Nexus Stalker"] = "Acechador de El Nexo"
+L["Nightmare Scalebane"] = "Horrocrusto pesadilla"
+L["Nimar the Slayer"] = "Nimar el Destripador"
+L["Nina Lightbrew"] = "Nina Burbuluz"
+L["Niobe Whizzlespark"] = "Niobe Chisporroteo"
+L["Nioma"] = "Nioma"
+L["Nissa Firestone"] = "Nissa Piedra de fuego"
+L["Nixx Sprocketspring"] = "Nixx Muellepiñón"
+L["NO_DISPLAY"] = "No hay recetas para mostrar. Si obtiene este mensaje abra una incidencia en http://www.wowace.com/projects/arl/tickets indicando los filtros que tiene, lo que está en su lista de exclusión, que profesión y el número de recetas conocidas y desconocidas."
+L["Nogg"] = "Nogg"
+L["NoItemLink"] = "Este objeto no tiene un enlace o no está en tu caché."
+L["Northern Cooking"] = "Cocina Norteña"
+L["NOTSCANNED"] = "Aún no has explorado esta profesión. Por favor abre esta profesión y haz click en Explorar."
+L["NOT_YET_SCANNED"] = "¡Aún no explorada!"
+L["Nula the Butcher"] = "Nula la Carnicera"
+L["Nurse Applewood"] = "Enfermera Corteza Manzano"
+L["Nurse Neela"] = "Enfermera Neela"
+L["Nus"] = "Nus"
+L["Nyoma"] = "Nyoma"
+L["Obsidia"] = "Obsidia"
+L["Obtain"] = "Obtener"
+L["Obtained From"] = "Obtenido De"
+L["Obtain Filtering Options"] = "Opciones de Filtrado de Obtener"
+L["Ockil"] = "Ockil"
+L["Off"] = "Apagado"
+L["Ogg'marr"] = "Ogg'marr"
+L["Oglethorpe Obnoticus"] = "Oglethorpe Obnoticus"
+L["Ok"] = "Aceptar"
+L["Okothos Ironrager"] = "Okothos Ferrofurecedor"
+L["Okuno"] = "Okuno"
+L["Old World"] = "Viejo Mundo"
+L["Old World Rep. Filtering Options"] = "Opciones de Filtrado de Reputación en El Viejo Mundo"
+L["Olisarra the Kind"] = "Olisarra la Amable"
+L["Oluros"] = "Oluros"
+L["One Hand"] = "Una mano"
+L["ONEHAND_DESC"] = "Se incluirán en el escaneo las recetas que hagan objetos a una mano."
+L["On Iron Pauldrons"] = "Espaldares de hierro"
+L["Onslaught Bloodhound"] = "Can de sangre del Embate"
+L["Onslaught Mason"] = "Mampostero del Embate"
+L["Ontuvo"] = "Ontuvo"
+L["Onyxian Warder"] = "Guarda de Onyxia"
+L["OpenTradeSkillWindow"] = "Por favor abra la ventana de Habilidades de Comercio para explorar."
+L["ORIGINAL_WOW_DESC"] = "Recetas disponibles con el juego original."
+L["Orland Schaeffer"] = "Orland Schaeffer"
+L["Ormer's Revenge"] = "La venganza de Ormer"
+L["Orn Tenderhoof"] = "Orn Pezuña Tierna"
+L["Other Realms"] = "Otros Reinos"
+L["Otho Moji'ko"] = "Otho Moji'ko"
+L["Ounhulo"] = "Ounhulo"
+L["Outfitter Eric"] = "Proveedor Eric"
+L["Padaar"] = "Padaar"
+L["Pand Stonebinder"] = "Pand Amarrapiedra"
+L["Paulsta'ats"] = "Paulsta'ats"
+L["Penney Copperpinch"] = "Penney Cobrellizco"
+L["Peter Galen"] = "Peter Galen"
+L["Phantom Attendant"] = "Aparición de guardia"
+L["Phantom Guardsman"] = "Aparición de custodio"
+L["Phantom Guest"] = "Aparición de invitado"
+L["Phantom Stagehand"] = "Aparición de tramoyista"
+L["Phantom Valet"] = "Aparición de ayuda de cámara"
+L["Phea"] = "Phea"
+L["Phoenix-Hawk"] = "Fénix-halcón"
+L["Phoenix-Hawk Hatchling"] = "Prole de fénix-halcón"
+L["Pikkle"] = "Pikkle"
+L["Plains Mammoth"] = "Mamut de las llanuras"
+L["Plate"] = "Placas"
+L["PLATE_DESC"] = "Las recetas que hacen elementos de placas serán incluidas en la exploración."
+L["Player Type"] = "Tipo de Jugador"
+L["Player Type Filtering Options"] = "Opciones de Filtrado de Tipo de Jugador"
+L["Polearm"] = "Armas de Asta"
+L["POLEARM_DESC"] = "Las recetas de armas de asta serán incluidas en la exploración."
+L["Poshken Hardbinder"] = "Poshken Legajos"
+L["Pratt McGrubben"] = "Pratt McGrubben"
+L["Primal Ooze"] = "Moco primigenio"
+L["Primordial Drake"] = "Draco primordial"
+L["Professor Pallin"] = "Profesor Palin"
+L["Profile"] = "Perfil"
+L["Profile Options"] = "Opciones de Perfil"
+L["Prospector Khazgorm"] = "Prospector Khazgorm"
+L["Prospector Nachlan"] = "Prospector Nachlan"
+L["Provisioner Lorkran"] = "Proveedor Lorkran"
+L["Pterrordax"] = "Pterrordáctilo"
+L["PVP"] = "JcJ"
+L["PVP_DESC"] = "Las Recetas obtenidas de JcJ serán incluidas en la exploración."
+L["Pyall Silentstride"] = "Pyall Trancosilencio"
+L["Pyrewood Tailor"] = "Sastre Piroleña"
+L["Qia"] = "Qia"
+L["Quarelestra"] = "Quarelestra"
+L["Quartermaster Davian Vaclav"] = "Intendente Davian Vaclav"
+L["Quartermaster Endarin"] = "Intendente Endarin"
+L["Quartermaster Enuril"] = "Intendente Enuril"
+L["Quartermaster Jaffrey Noreliqe"] = "Intendente Jaffrey Noreliqe"
+L["Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock"] = "Intendente Miranda Cerrobrecha"
+L["Quartermaster Urgronn"] = "Intendente Urgronn"
+L["Quelis"] = "Quelis"
+L["Quest"] = "Misión"
+L["QUEST_DESC"] = "Las recetas obtenidas como recompesa de misión serán incluidas en la exploración."
+L["Rabid Shardtooth"] = "Dentoesquirla rabioso"
+L["Rabid Warhound"] = "Can de guerra rabioso"
+L["Raenah"] = "Raenah"
+L["Rage Talon Dragon Guard"] = "Guardia Dragón Garra de Furia"
+L["Raging Skeleton"] = "Esqueleto enfurecido"
+L["Raid"] = "Jefe"
+L["RAID_DESC"] = "Las recetas Difíciles de obtener de Jefes serán incluidas en la exploración."
+L["Randal Worth"] = "Randal Valor"
+L["Ranik"] = "Ranik"
+L["Rann Flamespinner"] = "Rann Flamejes"
+L["Rartar"] = "Rartar"
+L["Rathis Tomber"] = "Rathis Tumbero"
+L["Ravaged Cadaver"] = "Cadáver devastado"
+L["Rawrk"] = "Rawrk"
+L["Razia"] = "Razia"
+L["RECIPE_BOA_DESC"] = "Las recetas que se Ligan a la Cuenta serán incluidas en la exploración."
+L["RecipeBOAFilter"] = "Receta Ligada a la Cuenta"
+L["RECIPE_BOE_DESC"] = "Las recetas que se Ligan al Equipar serán incluidas en la exploración."
+L["RecipeBOEFilter"] = "Receta Ligada al Equipar"
+L["RECIPE_BOP_DESC"] = "Las recetas que se Ligan al Recoger serán incluidas en la exploración."
+L["RecipeBOPFilter"] = "Receta Ligada al Recoger"
+L["RECIPE_EXCLUDED"] = "Esta receta está en la lista de exclusiones"
+L["Recipe of the Kaldorei"] = "Receta de los Kaldorei"
+L["Redridge Goulash"] = "Estofado Crestagrana"
+L["Redstone Basilisk"] = "Basilisco Rocarroja"
+L["Refik"] = "Refik"
+L["Rekka the Hammer"] = "Rekka la Martillo"
+L["Reporting Bugs"] = "Informar de Errores"
+L["REPORTING_BUGS_DESC"] = [=["Al informar sobre un error, por favor, asegúrese de hacer lo siguiente:
+1) Descarga la última versión, disponible en http://www.wowace.com/projects/arl/files/
+2) Asegúrese de que no se presentó un informe de error para el mismo problema. Puede comprobarlo en http://www.wowace.com/projects/arl/tickets/
+3) Deshabilitar addons como Skillet o ATSW.
+4) Leer en la documentación el informe de fallos en http://www.wowace.com/projects/arl/pages/feedback-and-bug-reporting/
+5) Si su problema no está en la lista y está utilizando la versión más reciente comprobar la configuración de su addon. Compruebe los filtros, perfiles, etc.
+6) Usted ha encontrado un error que nadie ha informado antes. Crear un nuevo ticket en http://www.wowace.com/projects/arl/tickets/ con un título descriptivo sobre el problema. En el ticket asegúrese de incluir el mensaje de error que ha recibido (sólo el mensaje de error, no necesito una lista de los addons que utiliza), la receta / profesión que la que estaba trabajando, y cualquier otra información que usted piense que puede ayudar.
+Al publicar un informe de error, no incluir la totalidad de los addons de swatter. Esto sólo hace que sea difícil de leer. Si quieres un buen modelo de informe de errores, utiliza BugSack. No publiques errores/faltan recetas en los comentarios, o enviarlas a mí a través de un PM. Publicar como un ticket que yo pueda abordar y realizar un seguimiento fácilmente."]=]
+L["REP_TEXT_DESC"] = [=[Click-izquierdo aquí para seleccionar todos los filtros de reputación.
+Click-derecho aquí para deseleccionar todos los filtros de reputación.]=]
+L["Reputation"] = "Reputación"
+L["Reputation Filtering Options"] = "Opciones de Filtrado de Reputación"
+L["Required Skill"] = "Habilidad requerida"
+L["Reset"] = "Reiniciar"
+L["Reset All Filters"] = "Restablecer Todos los Filtros"
+L["RESET_DESC"] = "Resetear todos los filtros a sus valores por defecto."
+L["RESET_WINDOW_DESC"] = "Resetea el interface de ARL a su posición por defecto."
+L["Reset Window Position"] = "Restablecer Posición de la Ventana"
+L["Rhiannon Davis"] = "Rhiannon Davis"
+L["Rhonsus"] = "Rhonsus"
+L["Ribbly's Crony"] = "Compinche de Ribbly"
+L["Rift Keeper"] = "Vigilante de la falla"
+L["Rift Lord"] = "Señor de la falla"
+L["Right"] = "Derecha"
+L["Rikqiz"] = "Rikqiz"
+L["Ring"] = "Anillo"
+L["RING_DESC"] = "Se incluirán en el escaneo las recetas que hagan anillos."
+L["Rin'wosho the Trader"] = "Rin'wosho el Comerciante"
+L["Risen Bonewarder"] = "Guardahuesos resucitado"
+L["Risen Construct"] = "Ensamblaje resucitado"
+L["Risen Drakkari Death Knight"] = "Caballero de la Muerte Drakkari resucitado"
+L["Rivendark"] = "Desgarro Oscuro"
+L["Rizz Loosebolt"] = "Rizz Tornillosuelto"
+L["Rogue Ice Thistle"] = "Pícaro Cardo Nevado"
+L["Rogvar"] = "Rogvar"
+L["Rohok"] = "Rohok"
+L["Rollick MacKreel"] = "Rollick MacKreel"
+L["Ronald Burch"] = "Ronald Burch"
+L["Rosemary Bovard"] = "Rosemary Bovard"
+L["Rosina Rivet"] = "Rosina Roblón"
+L["Rotgath Stonebeard"] = "Rotgath Barbapétrea"
+L["Rotting Behemoth"] = "Behemoth en podredumbre"
+L["Roxxik"] = "Roxxik"
+L["Rungor"] = "Rungor"
+L["Ruppo Zipcoil"] = "Rupo Brirrollo"
+L["Sable Jaguar"] = "Jaguar sable"
+L["Sacred Cloth"] = "Tela sagrada"
+L["Saenorion"] = "Saenorion"
+L["Sairuk"] = "Sairuk"
+L["Sally Tompkins"] = "Sally Tompkins"
+L["Saltstone Basilisk"] = "Basilisco Gapo Salino"
+L["Sandfury Blood Drinker"] = "Bebesangre Furiarena"
+L["Sandfury Shadowcaster"] = "Taumaturgo umbrío Furiarena"
+L["Sarah Tanner"] = "Sarah Peletero"
+L["Saru Steelfury"] = "Saru Furiacerada"
+L["Sassa Weldwell"] = "Sassa Soldabien"
+L["Sathein"] = "Sathein"
+L["Savage Worg"] = "Huargo salvaje"
+L["Scan"] = "Explorar"
+L["Scan Button Position"] = "Posición del Botón Explorar"
+L["SCANBUTTONPOSITION_DESC"] = "Permite personalizar donde se coloca el botón de Explorar en el marco habilidad de comercio."
+L["SCAN_RECIPES_DESC"] = [=["Explora una habilidad de comercio abierta en busca de recetas desconocidas.
+Shift-click para generar un volcado de texto.
+Alt-click para quitar todos los puntos de ruta del minimapa y del mapa del mundo."]=]
+L["Scargil"] = "Scargil"
+L["Scarlet Adept"] = "Adepto Escarlata"
+L["Scarlet Archmage"] = "Archimago Escarlata"
+L["Scarlet Cavalier"] = "Hidalgo Escarlata"
+L["Scarlet Centurion"] = "Centurión Escarlata"
+L["Scarlet Defender"] = "Defensor Escarlata"
+L["Scarlet Gallant"] = "Gallardo Escarlata"
+L["Scarlet Monk"] = "Monje Escarlata"
+L["Scarlet Myrmidon"] = "Mirmidón Escarlata"
+L["Scarlet Protector"] = "Protector Escarlata"
+L["Scarlet Smith"] = "Herrero Escarlata"
+L["Scarlet Spellbinder"] = "Vinculahechizos escarlata"
+L["Scarlet Tracking Hound"] = "Sabueso Escarlata"
+L["Scarlet Warder"] = "Guarda Escarlata"
+L["Scholomance Adept"] = "Adepto de Scholomance"
+L["Scholomance Necromancer"] = "Nigromante de Scholomance"
+L["Scorpid Hunter"] = "Cazador escórpido"
+L["Scorpid Tail Lasher"] = "Colazote escórpido"
+L["Search"] = "Buscar"
+L["SEARCH_BOX_DESC"] = "Introducir texto a buscar"
+L["SEARCH_DESC"] = "Filtrar recetas que contienen texto a la izquierda."
+L["SEASONAL_DESC"] = "Las recetas de Temporada obtenidas serán incluidas en la exploración."
+L["Seasoned Wolf Kabobs"] = "Kebab de lobo sazonado"
+L["Sebastian Crane"] = "Sebastian Grúa"
+L["Sedana"] = "Sedana"
+L["Seer Janidi"] = "Vidente Janidi"
+L["Seersa Copperpinch"] = "Seersa Cobrellizco"
+L["Se'Jib"] = "Se'Jib"
+L["Sellandus"] = "Sellandus"
+L["Selling Fish"] = "Pescado a la venta"
+L["Sempstress Ambershine"] = "Zurzidora Brilloámbar"
+L["Serge Hinott"] = "Serge Hinott"
+L["Serpentshrine Sporebat"] = "Esporiélago del Santuario Serpiente"
+L["Sethekk Prophet"] = "Profeta Sethekk"
+L["Sethekk Ravenguard"] = "Guardia cuervo Sethekk"
+L["Sewa Mistrunner"] = "Seua Correbruma"
+L["Shaani"] = "Shaani"
+L["Shadi Mistrunner"] = "Shadi Correbruma"
+L["Shadow Council Warlock"] = "Brujo del Consejo de la Sombra"
+L["Shadowforge Peasant"] = "Campesino Forjatiniebla"
+L["Shadowmage"] = "Mago oscuro"
+L["Shadowmoon Reaver"] = "Atracador de Sombraluna"
+L["Shadow Pillager"] = "Saqueador de las sombras"
+L["Shadowsworn Thug"] = "Matón Sombra Jurada"
+L["Shadowy Necromancer"] = "Nigromante sombrío"
+L["Shaina Fuller"] = "Shaina Fuller"
+L["Shandrina"] = "Shandrina "
+L["Shankys"] = "Shankys"
+L["Shardtooth Bear"] = "Oso Dentoesquirla"
+L["Shardtooth Mauler"] = "Aplastador Dentoesquirla"
+L["Shattered Hand Centurion"] = "Centurión Mano Destrozada"
+L["Shattered Hand Champion"] = "Campeón Mano Destrozada"
+L["Shattertusk Bull"] = "Macho dominante Partecolmillos"
+L["Shattertusk Mammoth"] = "Mamut Partecolmillos"
+L["Shayis Steelfury"] = "Shayis Furiacerada"
+L["Sheendra Tallgrass"] = "Sheendra Pastoalto"
+L["Shelene Rhobart"] = "Shelene Rhobart"
+L["Shen'dralar Provisioner"] = "Proveedor Shen'dralar"
+L["Sheri Zipstitch"] = "Sheri Puntillas"
+L["Shield"] = "Escudo"
+L["SHIELD_DESC"] = "Las recetas de escudos serán incluidas en la exploración."
+L["SHIFT_CLICK"] = "Shift-Click para añadir el objeto creado por el enlace de esta receta a su chat."
+L["Shrike Bat"] = "Alcaudociélago"
+L["Sid Limbardi"] = "Sid Limbardi"
+L["Silverbrook Defender"] = "Defensor de Arroyoplata"
+L["Silverbrook Hunter"] = "Cazador de Arroyoplata"
+L["Silverbrook Trapper"] = "Trampero de Arroyoplata"
+L["Silverbrook Villager"] = "Habitante de Arroyoplata"
+L["Silvermane Stalker"] = "Acechador melenargenta"
+L["Simon Tanner"] = "Simon Peletero"
+L["Simon Unit"] = "Unidad Simon"
+L["Sister of Torment"] = "Hermana del Tormento"
+L["Skeletal Flayer"] = "Despellejador esquelético"
+L["Skeletal Runesmith"] = "Forjador de runas esquelético"
+L["Skettis Soulcaller"] = "Conjurador de almas Skettis"
+L["Skill"] = "Habilidad"
+L["Skill (Asc)"] = "Habilidad (Asc)"
+L["Skill (Desc)"] = "Habilidad (Desc)"
+L["SKILL_DESC"] = "Incluye todas las recetas, independientemente de su nivel actual de habilidad."
+L["Skreah"] = "Skreah"
+L["Skullsplitter Mystic"] = "Místico Machacacráneos"
+L["Slagg"] = "Eskoria"
+L["Slavering Ghoul"] = "Necrófago esclavizante"
+L["Slave Worker"] = "Trabajador esclavo"
+L["Smelt On, Smelt Off"] = "Funde o no funde"
+L["Smith Argus"] = "Herrero Argus"
+L["Smooth as Butter"] = "Suave como una pluma"
+L["Smudge Thunderwood"] = "Smudge Truenedera"
+L["Snakestone of the Shadow Huntress"] = "Piedra culebra de la cazadora de las Sombras"
+L["Snang"] = "Snang"
+L["Snarl"] = "Gruños"
+L["Sock Brightbolt"] = "Sock Rayoluz"
+L["Son of Arkkoroc"] = "Hijo de Arkkoroc"
+L["Soolie Berryfizz"] = "Soolie Burbubaya"
+L["Soothing Turtle Bisque"] = "Sopa de tortuga reconfortante"
+L["Soran"] = "Soran"
+L["Sorcerous Shade"] = "Sombra hechicera"
+L["Sort"] = "Ordenar"
+L["Sorting"] = "Clasificación"
+L["SORTING_DESC"] = "Le permite personalizar la forma en que se ordenan y se muestran la recetas que faltan."
+L["Sorting Options"] = "Opciones Ordenación"
+L["SORTING_OPTIONS_DESC"] = "Permite personalizar la forma en que las recetas mostradas se ordenan."
+L["Southsea Pirate"] = "Pirata de los Mares del Sur"
+L["Sovik"] = "Sovik"
+L["Sparkleshell Snapper"] = "Sacudidor caparallante"
+L["Spawn of Hakkar"] = "Engendro de Hakkar"
+L["Specialties"] = "Especialidades"
+L["SPECIALTY_DESC"] = "Todas las especialidades de las Habilidades de Comercio serán incluidas en la exploración."
+L["SPECIFIC_REP_DESC"] = "Incluir facción %s."
+L["Spectral Apprentice"] = "Aprendiz espectral"
+L["Spectral Charger"] = "Destrero espectral"
+L["Spectral Chef"] = "Chef espectral"
+L["Spectral Researcher"] = "Investigador espectral"
+L["Spectral Servant"] = "Sirviente espectral"
+L["Spectral Stable Hand"] = "Mano de establo espectral"
+L["Spectral Stallion"] = "Semental espectral"
+L["Spell Eater"] = "Zampaconjuros"
+L["SpellIDCache"] = "Hechizo ID: %s no está en su caché local. Por favor, envíe un ticket en http://wow.curseforge.com/projects/ackis-recipe-list/tickets/ e incluya el ID del hechizo y la profesión en la que se exploró."
+L["Spellmaw"] = "Hechifauces"
+L["Spell Shade"] = "Sombra de hechizo"
+L["SPELLTOOLTIPPOSITION_DESC"] = "Cambia la ubicación de la ayuda contextual que contiene la información de la receta."
+L["Spirestone Warlord"] = "Señor de la guerra Cumbrerroca"
+L["Splinterbone Centurion"] = "Centurión Astillóseo"
+L["Springspindle Fizzlegear"] = "Muello Saltarín"
+L["Sprite Jumpsprocket"] = "Duendy Ruedadentada"
+L["Staff"] = "Bastón"
+L["STAFF_DESC"] = "Las recetas que hacen bastones serán incluidas en la exploración."
+L["Starving Blisterpaw"] = "Llagapata famélico"
+L["Stephen Ryback"] = "Stephen Lomocenteno"
+L["Stoic Mammoth"] = "Mamut estoico"
+L["Stone Guard Mukar"] = "Guardia de piedra Mutaha"
+L["Stonevault Oracle"] = "Oráculo Grutacanto"
+L["Stonevault Pillager"] = "Saqueador Grutacanto"
+L["Stormforged Ambusher"] = "Emboscador Tronaforjado"
+L["Stormforged Artificer"] = "Artificiero Tronaforjado"
+L["Stormforged Champion"] = "Campeón Tronaforjado"
+L["Stormforged Giant"] = "Gigante Tronaforjado"
+L["Stormforged Infiltrator"] = "Infiltrado Tronaforjado"
+L["Storm Fury"] = "Furia de tormenta"
+L["Strashaz Myrmidon"] = "Mirmidón Strashaz"
+L["Strashaz Serpent Guard"] = "Guardia serpiente Strashaz"
+L["Strashaz Warrior"] = "Guerrero Strashaz"
+L["Stuart Fleming"] = "Stuart Fleming"
+L["Subterranean Diemetradon"] = "Diemetradón subterráneo"
+L["Sunfury Arcanist"] = "Arcanista Furia del Sol"
+L["Sunfury Archer"] = "Arquero Furia del Sol"
+L["Sunfury Arch Mage"] = "Archimago Furia del Sol"
+L["Sunfury Bloodwarder"] = "Depositario de sangre Furia del Sol"
+L["Sunfury Bowman"] = "Asaeteador Furia del Sol"
+L["Sunfury Researcher"] = "Investigador Furia del Sol"
+L["Sunscale Scytheclaw"] = "Segador solescama"
+L["Sunseeker Astromage"] = "Astromago Buscasol"
+L["Sunseeker Botanist"] = "Botánica Buscasol"
+L["Sunseeker Harvester"] = "Cosechador Buscasol"
+L["Super-Seller 680"] = "Supervendedor 680"
+L["Supplying the Front"] = "Abastecer al frente"
+L["Supply Officer Mills"] = "Oficial Avituallador Mills"
+L["Swampwalker"] = "Caminalodo"
+L["Swampwalker Elder"] = "Viejo caminalodo"
+L["Sweet Serenity"] = "Dulce serenidad"
+L["Sword"] = "Espada"
+L["SWORD_DESC"] = "Se incluirán en el escaneo las recetas que hagan espadas."
+L["Sylann"] = "Sylann"
+L["Sylvanna Forestmoon"] = "Sylvanna Bosqueluna"
+L["Syndicate Assassin"] = "Asesino de la Hermandad"
+L["Syndicate Mercenary"] = "Mercenario de la Hermandad"
+L["Syndicate Pathstalker"] = "Acechacaminos de la Hermandad"
+L["Syndicate Spy"] = "Espía de la Hermandad"
+L["Syphoner"] = "Succionador"
+L["Taladan"] = "Taladan"
+L["Tally Berryfizz"] = "Tally Burbubaya"
+L["Talmar"] = "Talmar"
+L["Tamar"] = "Tamar"
+L["Tanaika"] = "Tanaika"
+L["Tanak"] = "Tanak"
+L["Tangled Horror"] = "Horror enredado"
+L["Tanks"] = "Tanquear"
+L["TANKS_DESC"] = "Las recetas que se utilizan para el tanqueo serán incluidas en la exploración."
+L["Tansy Puddlefizz"] = "Tansy Burbajea"
+L["Tarban Hearthgrain"] = "Tarban Granogar"
+L["Tari'qa"] = "Tari'qa"
+L["Tar Lurker"] = "Rondador de alquitrán"
+L["Tarn"] = "Tarn"
+L["Tatiana"] = "Tatiana"
+L["Teg Dawnstrider"] = "Teg Caminalba"
+L["Tel'Athir"] = "Tel'Athir"
+L["Telonis"] = "Telonis"
+L["Tempered War Golem"] = "Gólem de guerra templado"
+L["Tepa"] = "Tepa"
+L["Terrormaster"] = "Maestro de terror"
+L["Text Dump"] = "Volcado de Texto"
+L["TEXT_DUMP_DESC"] = "Muestra todas las recetas en un formato de valores separados por comas que se puede copiar y pegar en otro cliente."
+L["Thaddeus Webb"] = "Thaddeus Webb"
+L["Thamner Pol"] = "Thamner Pol"
+L["Tharynn Bouden"] = "Tharynn Bouden"
+L["Thaurissan Firewalker"] = "Caminafuego Thaurissan"
+L["The Art of the Imbue"] = "El arte de imbuir"
+L["The Demon Forge"] = "La forja demoníaca"
+L["The Gordok Ogre Suit"] = "El traje de ogro Gordok"
+L["The Great Moongraze Hunt"] = "La caza de venados lunares"
+L["The Great Silver Deceiver"] = "La veraplata no es verídica"
+L["The Journey Has Just Begun"] = "El viaje acaba de empezar"
+L["Thelsamar Blood Sausages"] = "Morcillas de Thelsamar"
+L["The Mithril Kid"] = "El chico de mitril"
+L["The Old Ways"] = "Los viejos hábitos"
+L["The Origins of Smithing"] = "El Origen de la Herrería"
+L["Theramore Infiltrator"] = "Infiltrado de Theramore"
+L["Theramore Marine"] = "Marino de Theramore"
+L["Theramore Preserver"] = "Valedora de Theramonte"
+L["The Rescue"] = "El rescate"
+L["Therum Deepforge"] = "Therum Forjahonda"
+L["The Spectral Chalice"] = "El cáliz espectral"
+L["The Undermarket"] = "El Mercado Negro"
+L["The World At Your Feet"] = "El mundo a tus pies"
+L["The Zapthrottle Mote Extractor!"] = "¡El extractor de motas Zapacelerador!"
+L["Thomas Kolichio"] = "Thomas Kolichio"
+L["Thomas Yance"] = "Thomas Yance"
+L["Thonys Pillarstone"] = "Thonys Piedrapilar"
+L["Thorkaf Dragoneye"] = "Thorkaf Dragonojo"
+L["Thoth"] = "Thoth"
+L["Thrag Stonehoof"] = "Thrag Pezuñapétrea"
+L["Thrown"] = "Arrojadiza"
+L["THROWN_DESC"] = "Se incluirán en el escaneo las recetas que hagan armas arrojadizas."
+L["Thund"] = "Thund"
+L["Thuzadin Shadowcaster"] = "Taumaturgo umbrío Thuzadin"
+L["Tiffany Cartier"] = "Tiffany Cartier"
+L["Tilli Thistlefuzz"] = "Tilli Cardopelusa"
+L["Timber Worg Alpha"] = "Huargo gris alfa"
+L["Time-Lost Shadowmage"] = "Mago de las Sombras Tiempo Perdido"
+L["Timothy Jones"] = "Timothy Jones"
+L["Timothy Worthington"] = "Timoteo Valión"
+L["Tink Brightbolt"] = "Tink Rayoluz"
+L["Tinkerwiz"] = "Manitas de Oro"
+L["Tinkmaster Overspark"] = "Maestro manitas Sobrechispa"
+L["Tisha Longbridge"] = "Tisha Puentelargo"
+L["Tognus Flintfire"] = "Tognus Fuegosílex"
+L["Tomas"] = "Tomas"
+L["Tooltip (Acquire) Position"] = "Posición Ayuda Contextual (Adquirir)"
+L["Tooltip Options"] = "Opciones Ayuda Contextual"
+L["TOOLTIP_OPTIONS_DESC"] = "Permite especificar la forma en que la ayuda contextual de ARL se comportar. La ayuda contextual de adquisición muestra la diferente información de cómo adquirir la receta, mientras que la ayuda contextual de hechizos muestra información de la propia receta."
+L["Tooltip (Recipe) Position"] = "Posición Ayuda Contextual (Receta)"
+L["Tooltip Scale"] = "Escala de Ayuda Contextual"
+L["TOOLTIP_SCALE_DESC"] = "Cambia la escala de la Ayuda Contextual de ARL. Oscila desde .5 a 1.5 (por defecto es .9)"
+L["Top"] = "Superior"
+L["Top Left"] = "Superior Izquierda"
+L["Top Right"] = "Superior Derecha"
+L["Torloth the Magnificent"] = "Torloth el Magnificente"
+L["Torn Fin Coastrunner"] = "Correcostas Rompeanca"
+L["Torn Fin Muckdweller"] = "Habitabosta Rompeanca"
+L["Torn Fin Oracle"] = "Oráculo Rompeanca"
+L["Torn Fin Tidehunter"] = "Cazamareas Rompeanca"
+L["Trader Narasu"] = "Comerciante Narasu"
+L["Trainer"] = "Entrenador"
+L["TRAINER_DESC"] = "Las recetas que se aprenden en los instructores serán incluidas en la exploración."
+L["Trampled Under Foot"] = "¡Aplástalos!"
+L["Traugh"] = "Traugh"
+L["Triage"] = "Orden de gravedad"
+L["Trianna"] = "Trianna"
+L["Trinket"] = "Abalorio"
+L["TRINKET_DESC"] = "Las recetas de abalorios serán incluidas en la exploración."
+L["Trixie Quikswitch"] = "Trixie Clicveloz"
+L["True Believers"] = "El creyente verdadero"
+L["Truk Wildbeard"] = "Truk Barbaje"
+L["Tunkk"] = "Tunkk"
+L["Twilight Dark Shaman"] = "Chamán Oscuro Crepuscular"
+L["Twilight Emissary"] = "Emisario Crepuscular"
+L["Twilight Fire Guard"] = "Guardia de Fuego Crepuscular"
+L["Twilight Geomancer"] = "Geomántico Crespuscular"
+L["Two Hand"] = "Dos Manos"
+L["TWOHAND_DESC"] = "Recetas de objetos de dos manos deben incluirse en la exploración."
+L["Ug'thok"] = "Ug'thok"
+L["UI Scale"] = "Escala del interface"
+L["UI_SCALE_DESC"] = "Cambia la escala del interface. Oscila de .5 a 1.5 (1 es lo normal)"
+L["Ulthaan"] = "Ulthaan"
+L["Ulthir"] = "Ulthir"
+L["Una"] = "Una"
+L["Unchained Doombringer"] = "Fatídico desencadenado"
+L["Underbat"] = "Submurciélago"
+L["Un'Goro Stomper"] = "Vapuleador de Un'Goro"
+L["Unhandled Recipe"] = "Receta no controlada"
+L["Unknown"] = "Desconocido"
+L["UNKNOWN_DESC"] = "Incluir todas las recetas no aprendidas en la exploración."
+L["UnknownTradeSkill"] = "Tiene abierta una ventana de Habilidades de Comercio que no es soportada por este add-on.  La ventana es %s.  Por favor envíe al autor del add-on esta información."
+L["Unknown Zone"] = "Zona desconocida"
+L["Unliving Atal'ai"] = "Atal'ai sin vida"
+L["Uriku"] = "Uriku"
+L["Ursius"] = "Ursius"
+L["Using Filters"] = "Usando filtros"
+L["USING_FILTERS_DESC"] = [=["Los filtros pueden activarse o desactivarse. Hay dos tipos de filtros: uno que impide que la receta se muestre en todo, y que evitará que se muestre un tipo específico de información.
+Con el primer tipo de filtro, éstos se ajustan a las propiedades de la receta (es decir, vinculante). Si activa ARL para no mostrar recetas LaR(BoP), este tipo de  recetas no se mostrarán en la exploración. El segundo tipo de filtro se ocupa de adquirir información. Si una receta es soltada por un monstruo, o de un vendedor y activa no mostrar recetas de vendedores, la receta sigue apareciendo, pero la información de vendedores se oculta para esto. La razón es que todavía hay otra manera de adquirir esta receta (soltado por monstruo) por lo que debería incluirse en la exploración.
+Tenga en cuenta que la ayuda contextual siempre oculta los métodos para adquirir recetas de la facción opuesta. Esto se ha hecho para ahorrar espacio en la descripción, ya que puede ser bastante grande."]=]
+L["Uthok"] = "Uthok"
+L["Uthrar Threx"] = "Uthrar Threx"
+L["Vaean"] = "Vaean"
+L["Valdaron"] = "Valdaron"
+L["Vance Undergloom"] = "Vance Bajopenumbra"
+L["Vanessa Sellers"] = "Vanessa Comercios"
+L["Vargus"] = "Vargus"
+L["Vazario Linkgrease"] = "Vazario Grasenlace"
+L["Veenix"] = "Veenix"
+L["Vekh'nir Dreadhawk"] = "Halcón temible Vekh'nir"
+L["Vendor"] = "Vendedor"
+L["VENDOR_DESC"] = "Las recetas que se compran en los vendedores serán incluidas en la exploración."
+L["Vendor-Tron 1000"] = "Vende-Tron 1000"
+L["Vengeful Ancient"] = "Ancestro vengativo"
+L["Venture Co. Excavator"] = "Excavador de Ventura y Cía."
+L["Venture Co. Strip Miner"] = "Cantero de Ventura y Cía."
+L["Version"] = "Version: "
+L["Veteran Crusader Aliocha Segard"] = "Cruzada veterana Aliocha Segard"
+L["Vhan"] = "Vhan"
+L["Victor Ward"] = "Víctor Tutor"
+L["View Exclusion List"] = "Ver lista de exclusión"
+L["VIEW_EXCLUSION_LIST_DESC"] = "Muestra una lista de todas las recetas en la lista de exclusión."
+L["Viggz Shinesparked"] = "Viggz Brillochispa"
+L["Vilebranch Hideskinner"] = "Desollador Vilrama"
+L["Vilebranch Raiding Wolf"] = "Lobo de montar Vilrama"
+L["Vir'aani Arcanist"] = "Arcanista Vir'aani"
+L["Vira Younghoof"] = "Vira Jovenpezuña"
+L["Vivianna"] = "Vivianna"
+L["Vix Chromeblaster"] = "Vix Chromeblaster"
+L["Vizzklick"] = "Vizzklick"
+L["Vodesiin"] = "Vodesiin"
+L["Voidshrieker"] = "Chillón del vacío"
+L["Voidwalker Minion"] = "Esbirro abisario"
+L["Volchan"] = "Volchan"
+L["Vosur Brakthel"] = "Vosur Brakthel"
+L["Waldor"] = "Waldor"
+L["Wand"] = "Varita"
+L["WAND_DESC"] = "Se incluirán en el escaneo las recetas que hagan varitas."
+L["Warmaul Shaman"] = "Chamán Mazo de Guerra"
+L["Warped Peon"] = "Peón distorsionado"
+L["Wastewander Assassin"] = "Asesino Deambulador"
+L["Wastewander Bandit"] = "Bandido Deambulador"
+L["Wastewander Rogue"] = "Pícaro Deambulador"
+L["Wastewander Scofflaw"] = "Revuelvebasura Deambulador"
+L["Wastewander Shadow Mage"] = "Mago oscuro Deambulador"
+L["Wastewander Thief"] = "Ladrón Deambulador"
+L["Weapon"] = "Arma"
+L["Weapon Filtering Options"] = "Opciones de Filtrado de Armas"
+L["Weapon Technician"] = "Técnico de armas"
+L["WEAPON_TEXT_DESC"] = [=[Click-izquierdo aquí para seleccionar todos los filtros de armas.
+Click-derecho aquí para deseleccionar todos los filtros de armas.]=]
+L["Wenna Silkbeard"] = "Wenna Barbasedosa"
+L["Werg Thickblade"] = "Werg Filospeso"
+L["Westfall Stew"] = "Estofado de los Páramos de Poniente"
+L["Whuut"] = "Whuut"
+L["Wik'Tar"] = "Wik'Tar"
+L["Wild Hearts"] = "Corazones salvajes"
+L["Wild Leather Boots"] = "Botas de cuero salvaje"
+L["Wild Leather Helmet"] = "Casco de cuero salvaje"
+L["Wild Leather Leggings"] = "Leotardos de cuero salvaje"
+L["Wild Leather Shoulders"] = "Sobrehomrbos de cuero salvaje"
+L["Wild Leather Vest"] = "El Jubon de cuero salvaje"
+L["Wilhelmina Renel"] = "Wilhelmina Renel"
+L["Wind Trader Lathrai"] = "Comerciante de viento Lathrai"
+L["Winterfall Den Watcher"] = "Vigía del cubil Nevada"
+L["Winterfall Totemic"] = "Totémico Nevada"
+L["Winterfall Ursa"] = "Ursa Nevada"
+L["Winter Reveler"] = "Juerguista invernal"
+L["Witherbark Axe Thrower"] = "Lanzahachas Secacorteza"
+L["Witherbark Berserker"] = "Rabioso Secacorteza"
+L["Witherbark Headhunter"] = "Rebanacabezas Secacorteza"
+L["Witherbark Shadow Hunter"] = "Cazador de las Sombras Secacorteza"
+L["Withered Ancient"] = "Anciano marchito"
+L["Wolgren Jinglepocket"] = "Wolgren Calderilla"
+L["World Drop"] = "Soltado en el Mundo"
+L["WORLD_DROP_DESC"] = "Las recetas que son Soltadas en el Mundo serán incluidas en la exploración."
+L["World Map"] = "Mapa del Mundo"
+L["WORLDMAP_DESC"] = "Desea que las recetas de vendedores que faltan aparezcan en el mapa del mundo."
+L["Wrahk"] = "Wrahk"
+L["Wrath Hammer Construct"] = "Ensamblaje Martillo de cólera"
+L["Wrath of the Lich King"] = "La Ira del rey Lich"
+L["Wrathwalker"] = "Caminante de cólera"
+L["Wretched Devourer"] = "Devorador desdichado"
+L["Wretched Fiend"] = "Maligno desdichado"
+L["Wulan"] = "Wulan"
+L["Wulmort Jinglepocket"] = "Wulmort Calderilla"
+L["Wunna Darkmane"] = "Wunna Crinoscuro"
+L["Xandar Goodbeard"] = "Xandar Bonbarba"
+L["Xen'to"] = "Xen'to"
+L["Xerintha Ravenoak"] = "Xerintha Roblecuervo"
+L["Xizk Goodstitch"] = "Xizk Cortefino"
+L["Xizzer Fizzbolt"] = "Xizzer Raybuja"
+L["Xylinnia Starshine"] = "Xylinnia Brillestelar"
+L["Xyrol"] = "Xyrol"
+L["Yarr Hammerstone"] = "Yarr Martillal"
+L["Yatheon"] = "Yatheon"
+L["Yelmak"] = "Yelmak"
+L["Yonada"] = "Yonada"
+L["Young Black Ravager"] = "Devastador negro joven"
+L["Young Diemetradon"] = "Diemetradón joven"
+L["Ythyar"] = "Ythyar"
+L["Yuka Screwspigot"] = "Yuka Llavenrosca"
+L["Yurial Soulwater"] = "Yurial Agua de Alma"
+L["Zamja"] = "Zamja"
+L["Zannok Hidepiercer"] = "Zannok Perforapieles"
+L["Zan Shivsproket"] = "Zan Sivadento"
+L["Zansoa"] = "Zansoa"
+L["Zantasia"] = "Zantasia"
+L["Zanzil Zombie"] = "Zombi Zanzil"
+L["Zaralda"] = "Zaralda"
+L["Zarena Cromwind"] = "Zarena Cromvento"
+L["Zargh"] = "Zargh"
+L["Zarrin"] = "Zarrin"
+L["Zebig"] = "Zebig"
+L["Zixil"] = "Zixil"
+L["Zorbin Fandazzle"] = "Zorbin Ventipnotizador"
+L["Zula Slagfury"] = "Zula Furiascoria"
+L["Zulian Tiger"] = "Tigre Zulian"
+L["Zurai"] = "Zurai"