
Add new encounters in 5.4

p3lim [09-12-13 - 15:46]
Add new encounters in 5.4
diff --git a/Encounters.lua b/Encounters.lua
index 39d95be..a4c4650 100644
--- a/Encounters.lua
+++ b/Encounters.lua
@@ -6,6 +6,11 @@ local encounters = {
     [132206] = 725, -- Salyis' Warband
     [136381] = 814, -- Nalak, The Storm God
     [137554] = 826, -- Oondasta
+    [148317] = 857, -- Chi-Ji, The Red Crane
+    [148317] = 858, -- Yu'lon, The Jade Serpent
+    [148317] = 859, -- Niuzao, The Black Ox
+    [148317] = 860, -- Xuen, The White Tiger
+    [148316] = 861, -- Ordos, Fire-God of the Yaungol

     -- Mogu'Shan Vaults
     [125144] = 679, -- The Stone Guard
@@ -30,7 +35,6 @@ local encounters = {
     [132202] = 729, -- Lei Shi
     [132203] = 709, -- Sha of Fear

     -- Throne of Thunder
     [139674] = 827, -- Jin'rokh the Breaker
     [139677] = 819, -- Horridon
@@ -45,6 +49,21 @@ local encounters = {
     [139690] = 829, -- Twin Consorts
     [139691] = 832, -- Lei Shen, The Thunder King
     [139692] = 831, -- Ra-den
+    [145909] = 852, -- Immerseus
+    [145910] = 849, -- The Fallen Protectors
+    [145911] = 866, -- Norushen
+    [145912] = 867, -- Sha of Pride
+    [145913] = 868, -- Galakras
+    [145914] = 864, -- Iron Juggernaut
+    [145915] = 856, -- Kor'kron Dark Shaman
+    [145916] = 850, -- General Nazgrim
+    [145917] = 846, -- Malkorok
+    [145919] = 870, -- Spoils of Pandaria
+    [145920] = 851, -- Thok the Bloodthirsty
+    [145918] = 865, -- Siegecrafter Blackfuse
+    [145921] = 853, -- Paragons of the Klaxxi
+    [145922] = 869, -- Garrosh Hellscream

 function ns.GetEncounterID(spellID)