-Updated TOC for patch 4.1
Xruptor [05-03-11 - 11:59]
-Updated TOC for patch 4.1
-Now also includes World ping as well. (Special thanks to Comix1234 from wowinterface.com)
diff --git a/LagBar.lua b/LagBar.lua
index f9ae78d..8b4873f 100644
--- a/LagBar.lua
+++ b/LagBar.lua
@@ -135,13 +135,28 @@ function LagBar:DrawGUI()
-- LagBar_Text:SetText("Ping: "..latency.." ms");
- local framerate = floor(GetFramerate() + 0.5)
- local framerate_text = format("|cff%s%d|r fps", LagBar_GetThresholdHexColor(framerate / 60), framerate)
+ -- local framerate = floor(GetFramerate() + 0.5)
+ -- local framerate_text = format("|cff%s%d|r fps", LagBar_GetThresholdHexColor(framerate / 60), framerate)
+ -- local latency = select(3, GetNetStats())
+ -- local latency_text = format("|cff%s%d|r ms", LagBar_GetThresholdHexColor(latency, 1000, 500, 250, 100, 0), latency)
+ -- LagBarFrameText:SetText(framerate_text.." | "..latency_text);
- local latency = select(3, GetNetStats())
- local latency_text = format("|cff%s%d|r ms", LagBar_GetThresholdHexColor(latency, 1000, 500, 250, 100, 0), latency)
- LagBarFrameText:SetText(framerate_text.." | "..latency_text);
+ --thanks to comix1234 on wowinterface.com for the update.
+ local framerate = floor(GetFramerate() + 0.5)
+ local framerate_text = format("|cff%s%d|r fps", LagBar_GetThresholdHexColor(framerate / 60), framerate)
+ local latencyHome = select(3, GetNetStats())
+ local latency_text = format("|cff%s%d|r ms", LagBar_GetThresholdHexColor(latencyHome, 1000, 500, 250, 100, 0), latencyHome)
+ local latencyWorld = select(4, GetNetStats())
+ local latency_text_server = format("|cff%s%d|r ms", LagBar_GetThresholdHexColor(latencyWorld, 1000, 500, 250, 100, 0), latencyWorld)
+ LagBarFrameText:SetText(framerate_text.." | "..latency_text.." | "..latency_text_server);
diff --git a/LagBar.toc b/LagBar.toc
index 8e88633..fb48a57 100644
--- a/LagBar.toc
+++ b/LagBar.toc
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-## Interface: 40000
+## Interface: 40100
## Title: LagBar
## Author: Xruptor
-## Version: 2.1
+## Version: 2.2
## Notes: Displays a simple bar with some Latency Information.
## SavedVariables: LagBar_DB