diff --git a/TitanClassic/TitanClassic.toc b/TitanClassic/TitanClassic.toc index a02e1d4..9037687 100644 --- a/TitanClassic/TitanClassic.toc +++ b/TitanClassic/TitanClassic.toc @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ ## Interface: 20501 -## Title: Titan Panel Classic |cff00aa001.3.1.20501|r +## Title: Titan Panel Classic |cff00aa001.3.2.20501|r ## Author: Titan Panel Development Team -## Version: +## Version: ## SavedVariables: TitanAll, TitanSettings, TitanSkins, ServerTimeOffsets, ServerHourFormat ## OptionalDeps: Ace3, AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets, LibSharedMedia-3.0, LibQTip-1.0, !LibUIDropDownMenu ## Notes: Adds a display bar on the top and/or bottom of the screen. Allows users to show and control information/launcher plugins. @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ ## X-Category: Interface Enhancements ## X-Website: http://www.titanpanel.org ## X-Email: honorgog@gmail.com -## X-Localizations: enUS, ptBR, zhCN, deDE, esES, frFR, itIT, koKR, ruRU, zhTW +## X-Localizations: enUS, ptBR, zhCN, deDE, esES, frFR, itIT, koKR, esMX, ruRU, zhTW ## X-License: All rights reserved (See license.txt) ## X-WoWI-ID: 24955 diff --git a/TitanClassic/license.txt b/TitanClassic/license.txt index b9d7fbe..1a84d7e 100644 --- a/TitanClassic/license.txt +++ b/TitanClassic/license.txt @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -Copyright (c) 2018, Titan Panel Development Team +Copyright (c) 2021, Titan Panel Development Team All rights reserved. diff --git a/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.BR.lua b/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.BR.lua index ce30ff3..90dda11 100644 --- a/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.BR.lua +++ b/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.BR.lua @@ -502,9 +502,10 @@ L["REPAIR_LOCALE"] = { pvp = "Repair Cost (PVP Rank 3): ", combined = "Repair Cost (Combined): ", buttonNormal = "Exibir Normal", + buttonFriendly = "Exibir Respeitado (5%)", buttonHonored = "Exibir Honrado (10%)", - buttonPVP = "Show PVP Rank 3 (10%)", - buttonCombined = "Show Combined (20%)", + buttonRevered = "Exibir Reverenciado (15%)", + buttonExalted = "Exibir Exaltado (20%)", percentage = "Exibir como Porcentagem", itemnames = "Exibir Nome dos Itens", mostdamaged = "Exibir o Mais Danificado", diff --git a/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.CN.lua b/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.CN.lua index 430e669..287ab24 100644 --- a/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.CN.lua +++ b/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.CN.lua @@ -500,9 +500,10 @@ L["REPAIR_LOCALE"] = { pvp = "Repair Cost (PVP Rank 3): ", combined = "Repair Cost (Combined): ", buttonNormal = "显示正常费用", + buttonFriendly = "显示(声望友善)费用 (5%折扣)", buttonHonored = "显示(声望尊敬)费用 (10%折扣)", - buttonPVP = "Show PVP Rank 3 (10%)", - buttonCombined = "Show Combined (20%)", + buttonRevered = "显示(声望崇敬)费用 (15%折扣)", + buttonExalted = "显示(声望崇拜)费用 (20%折扣)", percentage = "显示为百分比", itemnames = "显示物品名称", mostdamaged = "耐久度最低的", diff --git a/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.DE.lua b/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.DE.lua index 8945549..142ad22 100644 --- a/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.DE.lua +++ b/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.DE.lua @@ -500,9 +500,10 @@ L["REPAIR_LOCALE"] = { pvp = "Repair Cost (PVP Rank 3): ", combined = "Repair Cost (Combined): ", buttonNormal = "Zeige normal", + buttonFriendly = "Zeige freundlich (5%)", buttonHonored = "Zeige wohlwollend (10%)", - buttonPVP = "Show PVP Rank 3 (10%)", - buttonCombined = "Show Combined (20%)", + buttonRevered = "Zeige respektvoll (15%)", + buttonExalted = "Zeige ehrf\195\188rchtig (20%)", percentage = "Prozent anzeigen", itemnames = "Zeige Gegenstandsnamen an", mostdamaged = "Zeige die am meisten besch\195\164digten an", diff --git a/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.ES.lua b/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.ES.lua index 8860ac6..baf592a 100644 --- a/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.ES.lua +++ b/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.ES.lua @@ -516,9 +516,10 @@ L["REPAIR_LOCALE"] = { pvp = "Repair Cost (PVP Rank 3): ", combined = "Repair Cost (Combined): ", buttonNormal = "Mostrar neutral", + buttonFriendly = "Mostrar amistoso (5%)", buttonHonored = "Mostrar honorable (10%)", - buttonPVP = "Show PVP Rank 3 (10%)", - buttonCombined = "Show Combined (20%)", + buttonRevered = "Mostrar venerado (15%)", + buttonExalted = "Mostrar exaltado (20%)", percentage = "Mostrar como porcentaje", itemnames = "Mostrar nombres de objetos", mostdamaged = "Mostrar el más dañado", diff --git a/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.FR.lua b/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.FR.lua index f374e43..275896f 100644 --- a/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.FR.lua +++ b/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.FR.lua @@ -502,9 +502,10 @@ L["REPAIR_LOCALE"] = { pvp = "Repair Cost (PVP Rank 3): ", combined = "Repair Cost (Combined): ", buttonNormal = "Afficher normal", + buttonFriendly = "Afficher amical (5%)", buttonHonored = "Afficher honoré (10%)", - buttonPVP = "Show PVP Rank 3 (10%)", - buttonCombined = "Show Combined (20%)", + buttonRevered = "Afficher révéré (15%)", + buttonExalted = "Afficher exalté (20%)", percentage = "Afficher en pourcentage", itemnames = "Afficher le nom des objets", mostdamaged = "Afficher le plus endommagé", diff --git a/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.IT.lua b/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.IT.lua index 891e94d..3f8b8c3 100644 --- a/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.IT.lua +++ b/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.IT.lua @@ -500,9 +500,10 @@ L["REPAIR_LOCALE"] = { pvp = "Repair Cost (PVP Rank 3): ", combined = "Repair Cost (Combined): ", buttonNormal = "Mostra Normale", + buttonFriendly = "Mostra Amichevole (5%)", buttonHonored = "Mostra Onorato (10%)", - buttonPVP = "Show PVP Rank 3 (10%)", - buttonCombined = "Show Combined (20%)", + buttonRevered = "Mostra Riverito (15%)", + buttonExalted = "Mostra Osannato (20%)", percentage = "Mostra come percentuale", itemnames = "Mostra nomi oggetti", mostdamaged = "Mostra più danneggiato", diff --git a/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.KR.lua b/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.KR.lua index b0cac1b..5872f91 100644 --- a/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.KR.lua +++ b/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.KR.lua @@ -499,9 +499,10 @@ L["REPAIR_LOCALE"] = { pvp = "Repair Cost (PVP Rank 3): ", combined = "Repair Cost (Combined): ", buttonNormal = "중립적 표시", + buttonFriendly = "약간 우호적 표시 (5%)", buttonHonored = "우호적 표시 (10%)", - buttonPVP = "Show PVP Rank 3 (10%)", - buttonCombined = "Show Combined (20%)", + buttonRevered = "매우 우호적 표시 (15%)", + buttonExalted = "확고한 동맹 표시 (20%)", percentage = "백분율로 표시", itemnames = "아이템 이름 표시", mostdamaged = "최대 공격력 표시", diff --git a/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.MX.lua b/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.MX.lua index 1da1d91..750546b 100644 --- a/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.MX.lua +++ b/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.MX.lua @@ -516,9 +516,10 @@ L["REPAIR_LOCALE"] = { pvp = "Repair Cost (PVP Rank 3): ", combined = "Repair Cost (Combined): ", buttonNormal = "Mostrar neutral", + buttonFriendly = "Mostrar amistoso (5%)", buttonHonored = "Mostrar honorable (10%)", - buttonPVP = "Show PVP Rank 3 (10%)", - buttonCombined = "Show Combined (20%)", + buttonRevered = "Mostrar venerado (15%)", + buttonExalted = "Mostrar exaltado (20%)", percentage = "Mostrar como porcentaje", itemnames = "Mostrar nombres de objetos", mostdamaged = "Mostrar el más dañado", diff --git a/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.RU.lua b/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.RU.lua index 330d9fd..8787785 100644 --- a/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.RU.lua +++ b/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.RU.lua @@ -500,9 +500,10 @@ L["REPAIR_LOCALE"] = { pvp = "Repair Cost (PVP Rank 3): ", combined = "Repair Cost (Combined): ", buttonNormal = "Показать обычное", + buttonFriendly = "Показать Дружелюбие (5%)", buttonHonored = "Показать Уважение (10%)", - buttonPVP = "Show PVP Rank 3 (10%)", - buttonCombined = "Show Combined (20%)", + buttonRevered = "Показать Почтение (15%)", + buttonExalted = "Показать Превознесение (20%)", percentage = "Показывать в процентах", itemnames = "Показывать название предмета", mostdamaged = "Показывать наибольше повреждённую", diff --git a/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.TW.lua b/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.TW.lua index cd47508..8111d52 100644 --- a/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.TW.lua +++ b/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.TW.lua @@ -500,9 +500,10 @@ L["REPAIR_LOCALE"] = { pvp = "Repair Cost (PVP Rank 3): ", combined = "Repair Cost (Combined): ", buttonNormal = "顯示正常", + buttonFriendly = "顯示友善 (5%)", buttonHonored = "顯示尊敬 (10%)", - buttonPVP = "Show PVP Rank 3 (10%)", - buttonCombined = "Show Combined (20%)", + buttonRevered = "顯示崇敬 (15%)", + buttonExalted = "顯示崇拜 (20%)", percentage = "顯示百分比", itemnames = "顯示物品的名稱", mostdamaged = "損壞最多的", diff --git a/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.lua b/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.lua index 5ed816e..b393b1e 100644 --- a/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.lua +++ b/TitanClassic/locale/Localization.lua @@ -505,9 +505,10 @@ L["REPAIR_LOCALE"] = { pvp = "Repair Cost (PVP Rank 3): ", combined = "Repair Cost (Combined): ", buttonNormal = "Show Normal", + buttonFriendly = "Show Friendly (5%)", buttonHonored = "Show Honored (10%)", - buttonPVP = "Show PVP Rank 3 (10%)", - buttonCombined = "Show Combined (20%)", + buttonRevered = "Show Revered (15%)", + buttonExalted = "Show Exalted (20%)", percentage = "Show as Percentage", itemnames = "Show Item Names", mostdamaged = "Show Most Damaged", diff --git a/TitanClassicAmmo/TitanClassicAmmo.toc b/TitanClassicAmmo/TitanClassicAmmo.toc index 8fb84f4..e3272ab 100644 --- a/TitanClassicAmmo/TitanClassicAmmo.toc +++ b/TitanClassicAmmo/TitanClassicAmmo.toc @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ ## Interface: 20501 -## Title: Titan Panel Classic [|cffeda55fAmmo|r] |cff00aa001.3.1.20501|r +## Title: Titan Panel Classic [|cffeda55fAmmo|r] |cff00aa001.3.2.20501|r ## Notes: Adds an ammo monitor to Titan Panel ## Author: Titan Panel Development Team (http://www.titanpanel.org) ## SavedVariables: ## OptionalDeps: ## Dependencies: TitanClassic -## Version: +## Version: ## X-Child-Of: TitanClassic TitanClassicAmmo.xml \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/TitanClassicBag/TitanClassicBag.toc b/TitanClassicBag/TitanClassicBag.toc index 99e8e25..8335cbb 100644 --- a/TitanClassicBag/TitanClassicBag.toc +++ b/TitanClassicBag/TitanClassicBag.toc @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ ## Interface: 20501 -## Title: Titan Panel Classic [|cffeda55fBag|r] |cff00aa001.3.1.20501|r +## Title: Titan Panel Classic [|cffeda55fBag|r] |cff00aa001.3.2.20501|r ## Notes: Adds bag and free slot information to Titan Panel ## Author: Titan Panel Development Team (http://www.titanpanel.org) ## SavedVariables: ## OptionalDeps: ## Dependencies: TitanClassic -## Version: +## Version: ## X-Child-Of: TitanClassic TitanClassicBag.xml diff --git a/TitanClassicClock/TitanClassicClock.toc b/TitanClassicClock/TitanClassicClock.toc index 31bb3d9..dfb8f2d 100644 --- a/TitanClassicClock/TitanClassicClock.toc +++ b/TitanClassicClock/TitanClassicClock.toc @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ ## Interface: 20501 -## Title: Titan Panel Classic [|cffeda55fClock|r] |cff00aa001.3.1.20501|r +## Title: Titan Panel Classic [|cffeda55fClock|r] |cff00aa001.3.2.20501|r ## Notes: Adds a clock to Titan Panel ## Author: Titan Panel Development Team (http://www.titanpanel.org) ## SavedVariables: ## OptionalDeps: ## Dependencies: TitanClassic -## Version: +## Version: ## X-Child-Of: TitanClassic TitanClassicClock.xml diff --git a/TitanClassicGold/TitanClassicGold.toc b/TitanClassicGold/TitanClassicGold.toc index e8a436f..335e558 100644 --- a/TitanClassicGold/TitanClassicGold.toc +++ b/TitanClassicGold/TitanClassicGold.toc @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ ## Interface: 20501 -## Title: Titan Panel Classic [|cffeda55fGold|r] |cff00aa001.3.1.20501|r +## Title: Titan Panel Classic [|cffeda55fGold|r] |cff00aa001.3.2.20501|r ## Notes: Keeps track of all gold held by a player's toons on a per server/faction basis. ## Author: Titan Panel Development Team (http://www.titanpanel.org) ## SavedVariables: GoldSave ## OptionalDeps: ## Dependencies: TitanClassic -## Version: +## Version: ## X-Child-Of: TitanClassic TitanClassicGold.xml diff --git a/TitanClassicLocation/TitanClassicLocation.toc b/TitanClassicLocation/TitanClassicLocation.toc index 208d5f4..70daaa9 100644 --- a/TitanClassicLocation/TitanClassicLocation.toc +++ b/TitanClassicLocation/TitanClassicLocation.toc @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ ## Interface: 20501 -## Title: Titan Panel Classic [|cffeda55fLocation|r] |cff00aa001.3.1.20501|r +## Title: Titan Panel Classic [|cffeda55fLocation|r] |cff00aa001.3.2.20501|r ## Notes: Adds coordinates and location information to Titan Panel ## Author: Titan Panel Development Team (http://www.titanpanel.org) ## SavedVariables: ## OptionalDeps: ## Dependencies: TitanClassic -## Version: +## Version: ## X-Child-Of: TitanClassic TitanClassicLocation.xml diff --git a/TitanClassicLootType/TitanClassicLootType.toc b/TitanClassicLootType/TitanClassicLootType.toc index 000583b..af404db 100644 --- a/TitanClassicLootType/TitanClassicLootType.toc +++ b/TitanClassicLootType/TitanClassicLootType.toc @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ ## Interface: 20501 -## Title: Titan Panel Classic [|cffeda55fLootType|r] |cff00aa001.3.1.20501|r +## Title: Titan Panel Classic [|cffeda55fLootType|r] |cff00aa001.3.2.20501|r ## Notes: Adds group loot and instance difficulty information to Titan Panel ## Author: Titan Panel Development Team (http://www.titanpanel.org) ## SavedVariables: TitanClassicLootTypeSaved ## OptionalDeps: ## Dependencies: TitanClassic -## Version: +## Version: ## X-Child-Of: TitanClassic TitanClassicLootType.xml diff --git a/TitanClassicPerformance/TitanClassicPerformance.toc b/TitanClassicPerformance/TitanClassicPerformance.toc index ec262a1..4e057cb 100644 --- a/TitanClassicPerformance/TitanClassicPerformance.toc +++ b/TitanClassicPerformance/TitanClassicPerformance.toc @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ ## Interface: 20501 -## Title: Titan Panel Classic [|cffeda55fPerformance|r] |cff00aa001.3.1.20501|r +## Title: Titan Panel Classic [|cffeda55fPerformance|r] |cff00aa001.3.2.20501|r ## Notes: Adds FPS and Garbage collection information to Titan Panel ## Author: Titan Panel Development Team (http://www.titanpanel.org) ## SavedVariables: ## OptionalDeps: ## Dependencies: TitanClassic -## Version: +## Version: ## X-Child-Of: TitanClassic TitanClassicPerformance.xml diff --git a/TitanClassicRegen/TitanClassicRegen.toc b/TitanClassicRegen/TitanClassicRegen.toc index 0572815..8fe51f2 100644 --- a/TitanClassicRegen/TitanClassicRegen.toc +++ b/TitanClassicRegen/TitanClassicRegen.toc @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ ## Interface: 20501 -## Title: Titan Panel Classic [|cffeda55fRegen|r] |cff00aa001.3.1.20501|r +## Title: Titan Panel Classic [|cffeda55fRegen|r] |cff00aa001.3.2.20501|r ## Notes: Adds a regen monitor to Titan panel to show HP/MANA regen ## Author: Titan Panel Development Team (http://www.titanpanel.org) ## SavedVariables: ## OptionalDeps: ## Dependencies: TitanClassic -## Version: +## Version: ## X-Child-Of: TitanClassic TitanClassicRegen.xml \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/TitanClassicRepair/TitanClassicRepair.lua b/TitanClassicRepair/TitanClassicRepair.lua index e256f74..062e006 100644 --- a/TitanClassicRepair/TitanClassicRepair.lua +++ b/TitanClassicRepair/TitanClassicRepair.lua @@ -1032,9 +1032,10 @@ function TitanPanelRepairButton_GetTooltipText() if (sum > 0) then out = out..TitanUtils_GetGoldText(L["REPAIR_LOCALE"]["Discounts"])..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText("") local costStr = TitanPanelRepair_GetTextGSC(sum); + local costfrStr = TitanPanelRepair_GetTextGSC(sum * 0.95); local costhonStr = TitanPanelRepair_GetTextGSC(sum * 0.90); - local costpvpStr = TitanPanelRepair_GetTextGSC(sum * 0.90); - local costcomStr = TitanPanelRepair_GetTextGSC(sum * 0.80); + local costrevStr = TitanPanelRepair_GetTextGSC(sum * 0.85); + local costexStr = TitanPanelRepair_GetTextGSC(sum * 0.80); if (costStr) then if TPR.MerchantisOpen then out = out .. "\n" .. TitanUtils_GetHighlightText(REPAIR_COST) .. " " .. costStr; @@ -1047,9 +1048,10 @@ function TitanPanelRepairButton_GetTooltipText() out = out .. "\n" .. TitanUtils_GetHighlightText(L["REPAIR_LOCALE"]["normal"]) .. "\t" .. costStr; end if (not TPR.MerchantisOpen) and (not TPR.WholeScanInProgress) then + out = out .. "\n" .. TitanUtils_GetHighlightText(L["REPAIR_LOCALE"]["friendly"]) .. "\t" .. costfrStr; out = out .. "\n" .. TitanUtils_GetHighlightText(L["REPAIR_LOCALE"]["honored"]) .. "\t" .. costhonStr; - out = out .. "\n" .. TitanUtils_GetHighlightText(L["REPAIR_LOCALE"]["pvp"]) .. "\t" .. costpvpStr; - out = out .. "\n" .. TitanUtils_GetHighlightText(L["REPAIR_LOCALE"]["combined"]) .. "\t" .. costcomStr; + out = out .. "\n" .. TitanUtils_GetHighlightText(L["REPAIR_LOCALE"]["revered"]) .. "\t" .. costrevStr; + out = out .. "\n" .. TitanUtils_GetHighlightText(L["REPAIR_LOCALE"]["exalted"]) .. "\t" .. costexStr; end end out = out.."\n\n" @@ -1125,12 +1127,26 @@ local info; info = {}; info.text = L["REPAIR_LOCALE"]["buttonNormal"]; - info.checked = not TitanGetVar(TITAN_REPAIR_ID,"DiscountHonored") and not TitanGetVar(TITAN_REPAIR_ID,"DiscountPVP") and not TitanGetVar(TITAN_REPAIR_ID,"DiscountCombined"); + info.checked = not TitanGetVar(TITAN_REPAIR_ID,"DiscountFriendly") and not TitanGetVar(TITAN_REPAIR_ID,"DiscountHonored") and not TitanGetVar(TITAN_REPAIR_ID,"DiscountRevered") and not TitanGetVar(TITAN_REPAIR_ID,"DiscountExalted"); info.disabled = TPR.MerchantisOpen; info.func = function() + TitanSetVar(TITAN_REPAIR_ID,"DiscountFriendly", nil) TitanSetVar(TITAN_REPAIR_ID,"DiscountHonored", nil) - TitanSetVar(TITAN_REPAIR_ID,"DiscountPVP", nil) - TitanSetVar(TITAN_REPAIR_ID,"DiscountCombined", nil) + TitanSetVar(TITAN_REPAIR_ID,"DiscountRevered", nil) + TitanSetVar(TITAN_REPAIR_ID,"DiscountExalted", nil) + TitanPanelButton_UpdateButton(TITAN_REPAIR_ID) + end + L_UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, _G["L_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL"]); + + info = {}; + info.text = L["REPAIR_LOCALE"]["buttonFriendly"]; + info.checked = TitanGetVar(TITAN_REPAIR_ID,"DiscountFriendly"); + info.disabled = TPR.MerchantisOpen; + info.func = function() + TitanSetVar(TITAN_REPAIR_ID,"DiscountFriendly", 1) + TitanSetVar(TITAN_REPAIR_ID,"DiscountHonored", nil) + TitanSetVar(TITAN_REPAIR_ID,"DiscountRevered", nil) + TitanSetVar(TITAN_REPAIR_ID,"DiscountExalted", nil) TitanPanelButton_UpdateButton(TITAN_REPAIR_ID) end L_UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, _G["L_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL"]); @@ -1140,33 +1156,36 @@ local info; info.checked = TitanGetVar(TITAN_REPAIR_ID,"DiscountHonored"); info.disabled = TPR.MerchantisOpen; info.func = function() + TitanSetVar(TITAN_REPAIR_ID,"DiscountFriendly", nil) TitanSetVar(TITAN_REPAIR_ID,"DiscountHonored", 1) - TitanSetVar(TITAN_REPAIR_ID,"DiscountPVP", nil) - TitanSetVar(TITAN_REPAIR_ID,"DiscountCombined", nil) + TitanSetVar(TITAN_REPAIR_ID,"DiscountRevered", nil) + TitanSetVar(TITAN_REPAIR_ID,"DiscountExalted", nil) TitanPanelButton_UpdateButton(TITAN_REPAIR_ID) end L_UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, _G["L_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL"]); info = {}; - info.text = L["REPAIR_LOCALE"]["buttonPVP"]; - info.checked = TitanGetVar(TITAN_REPAIR_ID,"DiscountPVP"); + info.text = L["REPAIR_LOCALE"]["buttonRevered"]; + info.checked = TitanGetVar(TITAN_REPAIR_ID,"DiscountRevered"); info.disabled = TPR.MerchantisOpen; info.func = function() + TitanSetVar(TITAN_REPAIR_ID,"DiscountFriendly", nil) TitanSetVar(TITAN_REPAIR_ID,"DiscountHonored", nil) - TitanSetVar(TITAN_REPAIR_ID,"DiscountPVP", 1) - TitanSetVar(TITAN_REPAIR_ID,"DiscountCombined", nil) + TitanSetVar(TITAN_REPAIR_ID,"DiscountRevered", 1) + TitanSetVar(TITAN_REPAIR_ID,"DiscountExalted", nil) TitanPanelButton_UpdateButton(TITAN_REPAIR_ID) end L_UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, _G["L_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL"]); info = {}; - info.text = L["REPAIR_LOCALE"]["buttonCombined"]; - info.checked = TitanGetVar(TITAN_REPAIR_ID,"DiscountCombined"); + info.text = L["REPAIR_LOCALE"]["buttonExalted"]; + info.checked = TitanGetVar(TITAN_REPAIR_ID,"DiscountExalted"); info.disabled = TPR.MerchantisOpen; info.func = function() + TitanSetVar(TITAN_REPAIR_ID,"DiscountFriendly", nil) TitanSetVar(TITAN_REPAIR_ID,"DiscountHonored", nil) - TitanSetVar(TITAN_REPAIR_ID,"DiscountPVP", nil) - TitanSetVar(TITAN_REPAIR_ID,"DiscountCombined", 1) + TitanSetVar(TITAN_REPAIR_ID,"DiscountRevered", nil) + TitanSetVar(TITAN_REPAIR_ID,"DiscountExalted", 1) TitanPanelButton_UpdateButton(TITAN_REPAIR_ID) end L_UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, _G["L_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL"]); diff --git a/TitanClassicRepair/TitanClassicRepair.toc b/TitanClassicRepair/TitanClassicRepair.toc index b952595..ea27eb0 100644 --- a/TitanClassicRepair/TitanClassicRepair.toc +++ b/TitanClassicRepair/TitanClassicRepair.toc @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ ## Interface: 20501 -## Title: Titan Panel Classic [|cffeda55fRepair|r] |cff00aa001.3.1.20501|r +## Title: Titan Panel Classic [|cffeda55fRepair|r] |cff00aa001.3.2.20501|r ## Notes: Provides a configurable durability display. Also adds the ability to auto repair items and inventory at vendors ## Author: Titan Panel Development Team (http://www.titanpanel.org) ## SavedVariables: ## OptionalDeps: ## Dependencies: TitanClassic -## Version: +## Version: ## X-Child-Of: TitanClassic TitanClassicRepair.xml diff --git a/TitanClassicVolume/TitanClassicVolume.toc b/TitanClassicVolume/TitanClassicVolume.toc index 0b24a9d..8e2776f 100644 --- a/TitanClassicVolume/TitanClassicVolume.toc +++ b/TitanClassicVolume/TitanClassicVolume.toc @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ ## Interface: 20501 -## Title: Titan Panel Classic [|cffeda55fVolume|r] |cff00aa001.3.1.20501|r +## Title: Titan Panel Classic [|cffeda55fVolume|r] |cff00aa001.3.2.20501|r ## Notes: Adds a volume control icon on your Titan Bar ## Author: Titan Panel Development Team (http://www.titanpanel.org) ## SavedVariables: ## OptionalDeps: ## Dependencies: TitanClassic -## Version: +## Version: ## X-Child-Of: TitanClassic TitanClassicVolume.xml diff --git a/TitanClassicXP/TitanClassicXP.toc b/TitanClassicXP/TitanClassicXP.toc index 697e52d..322e062 100644 --- a/TitanClassicXP/TitanClassicXP.toc +++ b/TitanClassicXP/TitanClassicXP.toc @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ ## Interface: 20501 -## Title: Titan Panel Classic [|cffeda55fXP|r] |cff00aa001.3.1.20501|r +## Title: Titan Panel Classic [|cffeda55fXP|r] |cff00aa001.3.2.20501|r ## Notes: Adds information to Titan Panel about XP earned and time to level ## Author: Titan Panel Development Team (http://www.titanpanel.org) ## SavedVariables: ## OptionalDeps: ## Dependencies: TitanClassic -## Version: +## Version: ## X-Child-Of: TitanClassic TitanClassicXP.xml