
Fix nil error.

ackis [07-14-09 - 20:42]
Fix nil error.
diff --git a/ARLDatamine.lua b/ARLDatamine.lua
index 605f905..7e18985 100644
--- a/ARLDatamine.lua
+++ b/ARLDatamine.lua
@@ -1008,19 +1008,19 @@ function addon:ScanVendor()
 			local name,_,_,_,numAvailable = GetMerchantItemInfo(i)

 			if (name) then
 				-- Lets scan recipes only on vendors
-				local matchtext = strlower(strmatch(name,"%a+: "))
+				local matchtext = strmatch(name,"%a+: ")
 				-- Check to see if we're dealing with a recipe
-				if (RECIPE_NAMES[matchtext]) then
+				if (matchtext) and (RECIPE_NAMES[strlower(matchtext)]) then
 					-- Get rid of the first part of the item
 					local recipename = gsub(name,"%a+\: ","")
 					-- Find out what spell ID we're using
 					local spellid = reverse_lookup[recipename]
 					-- Do the scan if we have the spell ID
 					if (spellid) then
 						added = true
 						-- Ok now we know it's a vendor,lets check the database to see if the vendor is listed as an acquire method.