
Trying new approach to cross-realm guild issue.

Xruptor [09-27-16 - 14:45]
Trying new approach to cross-realm guild issue.
diff --git a/BagSync.lua b/BagSync.lua
index d061db8..b85257c 100644
--- a/BagSync.lua
+++ b/BagSync.lua
@@ -229,6 +229,7 @@ function BSYC:StartupDB()

 	BagSync_REALMKEY = BagSync_REALMKEY or {}
 	BagSync_REALMKEY[self.currentRealm] = GetRealmName()
+	BagSync_REALMKEY[0] = BagSync_REALMKEY[0] or {} --this will maintain a list of connected realms
 	self.db.realmkey = BagSync_REALMKEY

@@ -442,6 +443,8 @@ function BSYC:GetRealmTags(srcName, srcRealm, isGuild)

 	local fullRealmName = srcRealm --default to shortened realm first

+	if self.db.realmkey[srcRealm] then fullRealmName = self.db.realmkey[srcRealm] end --second, if we have a realmkey with a true realm name then use it
 	if not isGuild then
 		--check just in case!  we only want the name not the realm
 		local yName, yRealm  = strsplit("^", srcName)
@@ -459,15 +462,15 @@ function BSYC:GetRealmTags(srcName, srcRealm, isGuild)
 		--sometimes a person has characters on multiple connected servers joined to the same guild.
 		--the guild information is saved twice because although the guild is on the connected server, the characters themselves are on different servers.
 		--too compensate for this, lets check the connected server and return only the guild name.  So it doesn't get processed twice.
-		--This is because it will be caught by previousGuilds{}
-		if srcRealm == self.currentRealm or self.crossRealmNames[srcRealm] then
-			--return non-modified guild name
-			return srcName
+		for k, v in pairs(self.crossRealmNames) do
+			--check to see if the guild exists already on a connected realm
+			if k ~= srcRealm and self.db.guild[k] and self.db.guild[k][srcName] then
+				--return non-modified guild name, we only want the guild listed once for the cross-realm
+				return srcName
+			end

-	if self.db.realmkey[srcRealm] then fullRealmName = self.db.realmkey[srcRealm] end --second, if we have a realmkey with a true realm name then use it
 	--add Cross-Realm and BNet identifiers to Characters not on same realm
 	local crossString = ""
 	local bnetString = ""
@@ -1014,6 +1017,7 @@ function BSYC:AddItemToTooltip(frame, link) --workaround

 	--this is so we don't scan the same guild multiple times
 	local previousGuilds = {}
+	local previousGuildsXRList = {}
 	local grandTotal = 0
 	local first = true

@@ -1070,7 +1074,13 @@ function BSYC:AddItemToTooltip(frame, link) --workaround
 					--check for XR/B.Net support, you can have multiple guilds with same names on different servers
 					local gName = self:GetRealmTags(guildN, v.realm, true)

-					if not previousGuilds[gName] then
+					--check to make sure we didn't already add a guild from a connected-realm
+					local trueRealmList = self.db.realmkey[0][v.realm] --get the connected realms
+					table.sort(trueRealmList, function(a,b) return (a < b) end) --sort them alphabetically
+					trueRealmList = table.concat(trueRealmList, "|") --concat them together
+					trueRealmList = guildN.."-"..trueRealmList --add the guild name in front of concat realm list
+					if not previousGuilds[gName] and not previousGuildsXRList[trueRealmList] then
 						--we only really need to see this information once per guild
 						local tmpCount = 0
 						for q, r in pairs(self.db.guild[v.realm][guildN]) do
@@ -1085,6 +1095,7 @@ function BSYC:AddItemToTooltip(frame, link) --workaround
 						previousGuilds[gName] = tmpCount
+						previousGuildsXRList[trueRealmList] = true
@@ -1401,12 +1412,16 @@ function BSYC:OnEnable()
 	--strip realm of whitespace and special characters, alternative to UnitFullName, since UnitFullName does not work on OnInitialize()

+	local realmList = {} --we are going to use this to store a list of connected realms, including the current realm
 	local autoCompleteRealms = GetAutoCompleteRealms() or { self.currentRealm }
+	table.insert(realmList, self.currentRealm)
 	self.crossRealmNames = {}
 	for k, v in pairs(autoCompleteRealms) do
 		if v ~= self.currentRealm then
 			self.crossRealmNames[v] = true
+			table.insert(realmList, v)

@@ -1418,7 +1433,10 @@ function BSYC:OnEnable()
 		self.options.dbversion = ver
+	--save the connected realm list, if there is any
+	self.db.realmkey[0][self.currentRealm] = realmList
 	--save the current user money (before bag update)
 	self.db.player.gold = GetMoney()

diff --git a/modules/search.lua b/modules/search.lua
index ee39be7..620b0e6 100644
--- a/modules/search.lua
+++ b/modules/search.lua
@@ -162,6 +162,7 @@ function Search:DoSearch(searchStr)
 	local searchTable = {}
 	local tempList = {}
 	local previousGuilds = {}
+	local previousGuildsXRList = {}
 	local count = 0
 	local playerSearch = false
 	local countWarning = 0
@@ -239,7 +240,13 @@ function Search:DoSearch(searchStr)
 						--check for XR/B.Net support
 						local gName = BSYC:GetRealmTags(guildN, v.realm, true)

-						if not previousGuilds[gName] then
+						--check to make sure we didn't already add a guild from a connected-realm
+						local trueRealmList = BSYC.db.realmkey[0][v.realm] --get the connected realms
+						table.sort(trueRealmList, function(a,b) return (a < b) end) --sort them alphabetically
+						trueRealmList = table.concat(trueRealmList, "|") --concat them together
+						trueRealmList = guildN.."-"..trueRealmList --add the guild name in front of concat realm list
+						if not previousGuilds[gName] and not previousGuildsXRList[trueRealmList] then
 							--we only really need to see this information once per guild
 							for q, r in pairs(BSYC.db.guild[v.realm][guildN]) do
 								local dblink, dbcount = strsplit(",", r)
@@ -262,6 +269,7 @@ function Search:DoSearch(searchStr)
 							previousGuilds[gName] = true
+							previousGuildsXRList[trueRealmList] = true
