diff --git a/CastingBar.lua b/CastingBar.lua
index bede0a5..8364f42 100644
--- a/CastingBar.lua
+++ b/CastingBar.lua
@@ -68,18 +68,42 @@ local function updateVisibility(source, ...)
+local function setStatusBarColor()
+ local useClassColors = addon.db.profile.useClassColors
+ if not useClassColors:find("None") then
+ local _, class
+ if useClassColors:find("or") then
+ _, class = UnitClass("target")
+ if not class then
+ _, class = UnitClass("player")
+ end
+ elseif useClassColors:find("Target") then
+ _, class = UnitClass("target")
+ elseif useClassColors:find("Player") then
+ _, class = UnitClass("player")
+ end
+ if class then
+ local color = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[class]
+ castingBar.frame:SetStatusBarColor(color.r, color.g, color.b)
+ end
+ end
local function setIconAndTimePositions(frame, position)
local parent, x, y = castingBar.frame, -10, 3
- if position:find("Inner") then
- x, y = addon.db.profile.hideTotalTime and 30 or 60, 20
- elseif not addon.db.profile.hideIcon then
- local isTime = frame == parent.time
- local isPosEqual = addon.db.profile.timePosition:find(addon.db.profile.iconPosition)
- if isTime and isPosEqual then
- parent, x, y = parent.icon, -5, 0
+ local isTime = frame == parent.time
+ if isTime then
+ if not position:find("Outer") then
+ x = addon.db.profile.hideTotalTime and 30 or 60
+ y = position:find("Bottom") and -18 or position:find("Top") and 20 or y
+ elseif not addon.db.profile.hideIcon and not addon.db.profile.hideTime then
+ local isPosEqual = addon.db.profile.timePosition:find(addon.db.profile.iconPosition)
+ if isPosEqual then
+ parent, x, y = parent.icon, -5, 0
+ end
@@ -90,16 +114,39 @@ local function setIconAndTimePositions(frame, position)
+local function setIcon(castingBar, texture)
+ if texture and not addon.db.profile.hideIcon then
+ castingBar.icon:SetTexture(texture)
+ setIconAndTimePositions(castingBar.icon, addon.db.profile.iconPosition)
+ castingBar.icon:Show()
+ else
+ castingBar.icon:Hide()
+ end
+local function setTime(castingBar)
+ if not addon.db.profile.hideTime then
+ setIconAndTimePositions(castingBar.time, addon.db.profile.timePosition)
+ castingBar.time:Show()
+ else
+ castingBar.time:Hide()
+ end
local function getWidth()
return addon.db.profile.width, addon.db.profile.width - CUT_WIDTH/2
-local function onEvent(self, event, ...)
+local function setWidth(castingBar)
local width, textWidth = getWidth()
- self.border:SetWidth(textWidth)
- self.barFlash:SetWidth(textWidth)
- self:SetWidth(width)
+ castingBar.border:SetWidth(textWidth)
+ castingBar.barFlash:SetWidth(textWidth)
+ castingBar:SetWidth(width)
+local function onEvent(self, event, ...)
+ setWidth(self)
@@ -108,6 +155,10 @@ local function onEvent(self, event, ...)
updateVisibility(self.border, self.border.left, self.border.right)
updateVisibility(self.barFlash, self.barFlash.left, self.barFlash.right)
+ if self.casting or self.channeling then
+ setStatusBarColor()
+ end
if self.unit then
local texture
if self.casting then
@@ -115,19 +166,8 @@ local function onEvent(self, event, ...)
elseif self.channeling then
texture = select(4, UnitChannelInfo(self.unit))
- if texture and not addon.db.profile.hideIcon then
- self.icon:SetTexture(texture)
- setIconAndTimePositions(self.icon, addon.db.profile.iconPosition)
- self.icon:Show()
- else
- self.icon:Hide()
- end
- if not addon.db.profile.hideTime then
- setIconAndTimePositions(self.time, addon.db.profile.timePosition)
- self.time:Show()
- else
- self.time:Hide()
- end
+ setIcon(self, texture)
+ setTime(self)
diff --git a/Core.lua b/Core.lua
index 0d7ee5d..b63b6fc 100644
--- a/Core.lua
+++ b/Core.lua
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ local defaults = {
profile = {
width = 195,
position = {"CENTER", "CENTER", 0, 0},
+ useClassColors = "Target",
iconPosition = "Left",
hideIcon = false,
timePosition = "Outer Right",
diff --git a/Options.lua b/Options.lua
index a4f30b4..d5e9fa3 100644
--- a/Options.lua
+++ b/Options.lua
@@ -34,6 +34,22 @@ function options:OnInitialize()
type = "Dropdown",
+ text = L["Use Class Colors"],
+ get = function()
+ return addon.db.profile.useClassColors
+ end,
+ set = function(_, value)
+ addon.db.profile.useClassColors = value
+ end,
+ menuList = {
+ "None",
+ "Target",
+ "Player",
+ "Target or Player"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ type = "Dropdown",
text = L["Icon Position"],
get = function()
return addon.db.profile.iconPosition
@@ -69,7 +85,11 @@ function options:OnInitialize()
"Outer Left",
"Outer Right",
"Inner Left",
- "Inner Right"
+ "Inner Right",
+ "Top Left",
+ "Top Right",
+ "Bottom Left",
+ "Bottom Right"
diff --git a/loc/enUS.lua b/loc/enUS.lua
index 1e63483..5ec4085 100644
--- a/loc/enUS.lua
+++ b/loc/enUS.lua
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
local addonName = ...
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale(addonName, "enUS", true, false)
+L["Use Class Colors"] = true
L["Icon Position"] = true
L["Hide Icon"] = true
L["Time Position"] = true
@@ -31,4 +32,6 @@ L["Hide Total Time"] = true
L["Hide Time"] = true
L["Profiles"] = true
-L["You can change the active database profile, so you can have different settings for every character."] = true
\ No newline at end of file
+L["You can change the active database profile, so you can have different settings for every character."] = true
+-- todo: Add localization for dropdown options.
\ No newline at end of file