Johnny C. Lam [11-10-13 - 00:31]
diff --git a/OvaleState.lua b/OvaleState.lua
index 64151b7..daa3de5 100644
--- a/OvaleState.lua
+++ b/OvaleState.lua
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ local floor = math.floor
local pairs = pairs
local select = select
local tostring = tostring
+local type = type
local wipe = table.wipe
local API_GetEclipseDirection = GetEclipseDirection
local API_GetRuneCooldown = GetRuneCooldown
@@ -71,9 +72,9 @@ OvaleState.lastSpellId = nil
-local function ApplySpell(spellId, startCast, endCast, nextCast, nocd, targetGUID, stats)
+local function ApplySpell(spellId, startCast, endCast, nextCast, nocd, targetGUID, spellcast)
local self = OvaleState
- self:ApplySpell(spellId, startCast, endCast, nextCast, nocd, targetGUID, stats)
+ self:ApplySpell(spellId, startCast, endCast, nextCast, nocd, targetGUID, spellcast)
-- Track a new Eclipse buff that starts at timestamp.
@@ -180,81 +181,142 @@ function OvaleState:ApplyActiveSpells()
OvaleFuture:ApplyInFlightSpells(self.maintenant, ApplySpell)
--- Cast a spell in the simulator
--- spellId : the spell id
--- startCast : temps du cast
--- endCast : fin du cast
--- nextCast : temps auquel le prochain sort peut tre lanc (>=endCast, avec le GCD)
--- nocd : le sort ne dclenche pas son cooldown
--- spellcast : snapshot of player stats at the time the spell was cast
-function OvaleState:ApplySpell(spellId, startCast, endCast, nextCast, nocd, targetGUID, stats)
+ Cast a spell in the simulator and advance the state of the simulator.
+ Parameters:
+ spellId The ID of the spell to cast.
+ startCast The time at the start of the spellcast.
+ endCast The time at the end of the spellcast.
+ nextCast The earliest time at which the next spell can be cast (nextCast >= endCast).
+ nocd The spell's cooldown is not triggered.
+ targetGUID The GUID of the target of the spellcast.
+ spellcast (optional) Table of spellcast information, including a snapshot of player's stats.
+function OvaleState:ApplySpell(spellId, startCast, endCast, nextCast, nocd, targetGUID, spellcast)
if not spellId or not targetGUID then
- local si = OvaleData.spellInfo[spellId]
- self.lastSpellId = spellId
- --On enregistre les infos sur le sort en cours
+ -- Update the latest spell cast in the simulator.
self.attenteFinCast = nextCast
self.currentSpellId = spellId
self.startCast = startCast
self.endCast = endCast
- --Temps actuel de la simulation : un peu aprs le dernier cast (ou maintenant si dans le pass)
- if startCast>=self.maintenant then
- self.currentTime = startCast+0.1
+ self.lastSpellId = spellId
+ -- Set the current time in the simulator to a little after the start of the current cast,
+ -- or to now if in the past.
+ if startCast >= self.maintenant then
+ self.currentTime = startCast + 0.1
self.currentTime = self.maintenant
- Ovale:Logf("add spell %d at %f currentTime = %f nextCast=%f endCast=%f targetGUID=%s", spellId, startCast, self.currentTime, self.attenteFinCast, endCast, targetGUID)
- --Effet du sort au moment du dbut du cast
- --(donc si cast dj commenc, on n'en tient pas compte)
+ Ovale:Logf("Apply spell %d at %f currentTime=%f nextCast=%f endCast=%f targetGUID=%s", spellId, startCast, self.currentTime, self.attenteFinCast, endCast, targetGUID)
+ --[[
+ Apply the effects of the spellcast in three phases.
+ 1. Spell effects at the beginning of the cast.
+ 2. Spell effects on player assuming the cast completes.
+ 3. Spell effects on target when it lands.
+ --]]
+ self:ApplySpellStart(spellId, startCast, endCast, nextCast, nocd, targetGUID, spellcast)
+ self:ApplySpellOnPlayer(spellId, startCast, endCast, nextCast, nocd, targetGUID, spellcast)
+ self:ApplySpellOnTarget(spellId, startCast, endCast, nextCast, nocd, targetGUID, spellcast)
+-- Apply the effects of the spell at the start of the spellcast.
+function OvaleState:ApplySpellStart(spellId, startCast, endCast, nextCast, nocd, targetGUID, spellcast)
+ local si = OvaleData.spellInfo[spellId]
+ --[[
+ If the spellcast has already started, then the effects have already occurred,
+ so only consider spells that are cast in the future in the simulator.
+ --]]
if startCast >= self.maintenant then
if si then
+ -- Increment and reset spell counters.
if si.inccounter then
local id = si.inccounter
- self.state.counter[id] = self:GetCounterValue(id) + 1
+ local value = self.state.counter[id] and self.state.counter[id] or 0
+ self.state.counter[id] = value + 1
if si.resetcounter then
- self.state.counter[si.resetcounter] = 0
+ local id = si.resetcounter
+ self.state.counter[id] = 0
- --Effet du sort au moment o il est lanc
- --(donc si il est dj lanc, on n'en tient pas compte)
+-- Apply the effects of the spell on the player's state, assuming the spellcast completes.
+function OvaleState:ApplySpellOnPlayer(spellId, startCast, endCast, nextCast, nocd, targetGUID, spellcast)
+ local si = OvaleData.spellInfo[spellId]
+ --[[
+ If the spellcast has already ended, then the effects have already occurred,
+ so only consider spells that have not yet finished casting in the simulator.
+ --]]
if endCast > self.maintenant then
+ -- Adjust the spell's cooldown.
+ self:ApplySpellCooldown(spellId, startCast, endCast, nocd)
+ -- Adjust the player's resources.
self:ApplySpellCost(spellId, startCast, endCast)
+ -- Apply the auras on the player.
+ if si and si.aura and si.aura.player then
+ self:ApplySpellAuras(spellId, startCast, endCast, OvaleGUID:GetGUID("player"), si.aura.player, spellcast)
+ end
+ end
+-- Apply the effects of the spell on the target's state when it lands on the target.
+function OvaleState:ApplySpellOnTarget(spellId, startCast, endCast, nextCast, nocd, targetGUID, spellcast)
+ local si = OvaleData.spellInfo[spellId]
+ if si and si.aura and then
+ -- Apply the auras on the target.
+ self:ApplySpellAuras(spellId, startCast, endCast, targetGUID,, spellcast)
+-- Adjust a spell cooldown in the simulator.
+function OvaleState:ApplySpellCooldown(spellId, startCast, endCast, nocd)
+ local si = OvaleData.spellInfo[spellId]
if si then
- -- Cooldown du sort
local cd = self:GetCD(spellId)
if cd then
cd.start = startCast
- cd.duration =
- --Pas de cooldown
+ cd.duration = or 0
+ -- Test for no cooldown.
if nocd then
cd.duration = 0
- --On vrifie si le buff "buffnocd" est prsent, auquel cas le CD du sort n'est pas dclench
+ -- There is no cooldown if the buff named by "buffnocd" parameter is present.
if si.buffnocd then
local start, ending, stacks = self:GetAura("player", si.buffnocd)
- if start then
+ if start and stacks and stacks > 0 then
Ovale:Logf("buffnocd stacks = %s, start = %s, ending = %s, startCast = %f", stacks, start, ending, startCast)
- if stacks and stacks > 0 and start <= startCast and (not ending or ending > startCast) then
+ -- XXX Shouldn't this be (not ending or ending > endCast)?
+ -- XXX The spellcast needs to finish before the buff expires.
+ if start <= startCast and (not ending or ending > startCast) then
cd.duration = 0
+ -- There is no cooldown if the target's health percent is below what's specified
+ -- with the "targetlifenocd" parameter.
if si.targetlifenocd then
- if API_UnitHealth("target") / API_UnitHealthMax("target") * 100 < si.targetlifenocd then
+ local healthPercent = API_UnitHealth("target") / API_UnitHealthMax("target") * 100
+ if healthPercent < si.targetlifenocd then
cd.duration = 0
+ -- Adjust cooldown duration if it is affected by haste: "cd_haste=melee" or "cd_haste=spell".
if cd.duration > 0 and si.cd_haste then
if si.cd_haste == "melee" then
cd.duration = cd.duration / OvalePaperDoll:GetMeleeHasteMultiplier()
@@ -262,110 +324,17 @@ function OvaleState:ApplySpell(spellId, startCast, endCast, nextCast, nocd, targ
cd.duration = cd.duration / OvalePaperDoll:GetSpellHasteMultiplier()
cd.enable = 1
if si.toggle then
cd.toggled = 1
- Ovale:Logf("%d cd.start=%f, cd.duration=%f", spellId, cd.start, cd.duration)
- end
- end
- -- Effets du sort au moment o il atteint sa cible
- if si then
- --Auras causs par le sort
- if si.aura then
- for target, targetInfo in pairs(si.aura) do
- if not (target == "player" and endCast <= self.maintenant) then
- -- If the spell has already finished casting, then player auras match the game
- -- state already, so no need to account for traveling spells. Update auras
- -- affected by the spell in all other cases.
- for filter, filterInfo in pairs(targetInfo) do
- for auraSpellId, spellData in pairs(filterInfo) do
- local auraSpellInfo = OvaleData.spellInfo[auraSpellId]
- -- An aura is treated as a periodic aura if it sets "tick" explicitly in SpellInfo.
- local isDoT = auraSpellInfo and auraSpellInfo.tick
- local duration = spellData
- local stacks = duration
- local auraGUID
- if target == "target" then
- auraGUID = targetGUID
- else
- auraGUID = OvaleGUID:GetGUID(target)
- end
- -- Set the duration to the proper length if it's a DoT.
- if auraSpellInfo and auraSpellInfo.duration then
- duration = self:GetDuration(auraSpellId)
- end
- -- If aura is specified with a duration, then assume stacks == 1.
- if type(stacks) == "number" and stacks > 0 then
- stacks = 1
- end
- local oldStart, oldEnding, oldStacks, oldTick = self:GetAuraByGUID(auraGUID, auraSpellId, filter, true, target)
- local newAura = self:NewAura(auraGUID, auraSpellId, filter)
- newAura.mine = true
- if type(stacks) == "number" and stacks == 0 then
- Ovale:Logf("Aura %d is completely removed", auraSpellId)
- newAura.stacks = 0
- newAura.ending = 0 -- self.currentTime?
- elseif oldEnding and oldEnding >= endCast then
- if stacks == "refresh" or stacks > 0 then
- if stacks == "refresh" then
- Ovale:Logf("Aura %d is refreshed", auraSpellId)
- newAura.stacks = oldStacks
- else -- if stacks > 0
- Ovale:Logf("Aura %d gains stacks (ending was %s)", auraSpellId, newAura.ending)
- newAura.stacks = oldStacks + stacks
- end
- newAura.start = oldStart
- if isDoT and oldEnding > newAura.start and oldTick and oldTick > 0 then
- -- Add new duration after the next tick is complete.
- local remainingTicks = floor((oldEnding - endCast) / oldTick)
- newAura.ending = (oldEnding - oldTick * remainingTicks) + duration
- newAura.tick = OvaleAura:GetTickLength(auraSpellId)
- -- Re-snapshot stats for the DoT.
- OvalePaperDoll:SnapshotStats(newAura, stats)
- newAura.damageMultiplier = self:GetDamageMultiplier(auraSpellId)
- else
- newAura.ending = endCast + duration
- end
- Ovale:Logf("Aura %d ending is now %f", auraSpellId, newAura.ending)
- elseif stacks < 0 then
- Ovale:Logf("Aura %d loses stacks", auraSpellId)
- newAura.stacks = oldStacks + stacks
- Ovale:Logf("removing %d stack(s) of %d because of %d to %d", stacks, auraSpellId, spellId, newAura.stacks)
- newAura.start = oldStart
- newAura.ending = oldEnding
- if newAura.stacks <= 0 then
- Ovale:Log("Aura is completely removed")
- newAura.stacks = 0
- newAura.ending = 0 -- self.currentTime?
- end
- end
- elseif type(stacks) == "number" and type(duration) == "number" then
- Ovale:Logf("New aura %d at %f on %s %s", auraSpellId, endCast, target, auraGUID)
- newAura.stacks = stacks
- newAura.start = endCast
- newAura.ending = endCast + duration
- if isDoT then
- newAura.tick = OvaleAura:GetTickLength(auraSpellId)
- OvalePaperDoll:SnapshotStats(newAura, stats)
- newAura.damageMultiplier = self:GetDamageMultiplier(auraSpellId)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
+ Ovale:Logf("Spell %d cooldown info: start=%f, duration=%f", spellId, cd.start, cd.duration)
+-- Adjust the player's resources in the simulator from casting the given spell.
function OvaleState:ApplySpellCost(spellId, startCast, endCast)
local si = OvaleData.spellInfo[spellId]
local _, _, _, cost, _, powerType = API_GetSpellInfo(spellId)
@@ -491,39 +460,115 @@ function OvaleState:ApplySpellCost(spellId, startCast, endCast)
- --Runes
- if si.frost then
- self:AddRune(startCast, 3, si.frost)
- end
- if si.death then
- self:AddRune(startCast, 4, si.death)
- end
- if si.blood then
+ -- Runes
+ if si.blood and si.blood < 0 then
self:AddRune(startCast, 1, si.blood)
- if si.unholy then
+ if si.unholy and si.unholy < 0 then
self:AddRune(startCast, 2, si.unholy)
+ if si.frost and si.frost < 0 then
+ self:AddRune(startCast, 3, si.frost)
+ end
+ if si.death and si.death < 0 then
+ self:AddRune(startCast, 4, si.death)
+ end
-function OvaleState:AddRune(time, type, value)
- if value<0 then
- for i=1,6 do
- if (self.state.rune[i].type == type or self.state.rune[i].type==4)and self.state.rune[i].cd<=time then
- self.state.rune[i].cd = time + 10
- end
+-- XXX The way this function updates the rune state looks completely wrong.
+function OvaleState:AddRune(atTime, runeType, value)
+ for i = 1, 6 do
+ local rune = self.state.rune[i]
+ if (rune.type == runeType or rune.type == 4) and <= atTime then
+ = atTime + 10
- else
-function OvaleState:GetCounterValue(id)
- if self.state.counter[id] then
- return self.state.counter[id]
- else
- return 0
+-- Apply the auras caused by the given spell in the simulator.
+function OvaleState:ApplySpellAuras(spellId, startCast, endCast, guid, auraList, spellcast)
+ for filter, filterInfo in pairs(auraList) do
+ for auraId, spellData in pairs(filterInfo) do
+ local si = OvaleData.spellInfo[auraId]
+ -- An aura is treated as a periodic aura if it sets "tick" explicitly in SpellInfo.
+ local isDoT = (si and si.tick)
+ local duration = spellData
+ local stacks = spellData
+ -- If aura is specified with a duration, then assume stacks == 1.
+ if type(duration) == "number" and duration > 0 then
+ stacks = 1
+ end
+ -- Set the duration to the proper length if it's a DoT.
+ if si and si.duration then
+ duration = self:GetDuration(auraId)
+ end
+ local start, ending, currentStacks, tick = self:GetAuraByGUID(guid, auraId, filter, true, target)
+ local newAura = self:NewAura(guid, auraId, filter)
+ newAura.mine = true
+ --[[
+ auraId=N, N > 0 N is duration, auraID is applied, add one stack
+ auraId=0 aura is removed
+ auraId=N, N < 0 N is number of stacks of aura removed
+ auraId=refresh auraId is refreshed, no change to stacks
+ --]]
+ if type(stacks) == "number" and stacks == 0 then
+ Ovale:Logf("Aura %d is completely removed", auraId)
+ newAura.stacks = 0
+ newAura.start = start
+ newAura.ending = endCast
+ elseif ending and endCast <= ending then
+ -- Spellcast ends before the aura expires.
+ if stacks == "refresh" or stacks > 0 then
+ if stacks == "refresh" then
+ Ovale:Logf("Aura %d is refreshed", auraId)
+ newAura.stacks = currentStacks
+ else -- if stacks > 0 then
+ newAura.stacks = currentStacks + stacks
+ Ovale:Logf("Aura %d gains a stack to %d because of spell %d (ending was %s)", auraId, newAura.stacks, spellId, ending)
+ end
+ newAura.start = start
+ if isDoT and ending > newAura.start and tick and tick > 0 then
+ -- Add new duration after the next tick is complete.
+ local remainingTicks = floor((ending - endCast) / tick)
+ newAura.ending = (ending - tick * remainingTicks) + duration
+ newAura.tick = OvaleAura:GetTickLength(auraId)
+ -- Re-snapshot stats for the DoT.
+ -- XXX This is not quite right because it uses the current player stats instead of the simulator's state.
+ OvalePaperDoll:SnapshotStats(newAura, spellcast)
+ newAura.damageMultiplier = self:GetDamageMultiplier(auraId)
+ else
+ newAura.ending = endCast + duration
+ end
+ Ovale:Logf("Aura %d ending is now %f", auraId, newAura.ending)
+ elseif stacks < 0 then
+ newAura.stacks = currentStacks + stacks
+ newAura.start = start
+ newAura.ending = ending
+ Ovale:Logf("Aura %d loses %d stack(s) to %d because of spell %d", auraId, -1 * stacks, newAura.stacks, spellId)
+ if newAura.stacks <= 0 then
+ Ovale:Logf("Aura %d is completely removed", auraId)
+ newAura.stacks = 0
+ newAura.ending = endCast
+ end
+ end
+ elseif type(stacks) == "number" and type(duration) == "number" and stacks > 0 and duration > 0 then
+ Ovale:Logf("New aura %d at %f on %s", auraId, endCast, guid)
+ newAura.stacks = stacks
+ newAura.start = endCast
+ newAura.ending = endCast + duration
+ if isDoT then
+ newAura.tick = OvaleAura:GetTickLength(auraId)
+ -- Snapshot stats for the DoT.
+ -- XXX This is not quite right because it uses the current player stats instead of the simulator's state.
+ OvalePaperDoll:SnapshotStats(newAura, spellcast)
+ newAura.damageMultiplier = self:GetDamageMultiplier(auraId)
+ end
+ end
+ end