
Refactor icon handling into an external class file

KyrosKrane [06-07-18 - 07:48]
Refactor icon handling into an external class file
Declare constants before using them
Bugfixes and cleanup
diff --git a/Broker_RaidMakeup.lua b/Broker_RaidMakeup.lua
index 330ffaf..58792b4 100644
--- a/Broker_RaidMakeup.lua
+++ b/Broker_RaidMakeup.lua
@@ -39,6 +39,28 @@ BRM.Frame, BRM.Events = CreateFrame("Frame"), {}

+--# Constants
+-- The strings that define the addon
+BRM.ADDON_NAME="Broker_RaidMakeup" -- the internal addon name for LibStub and other addons
+BRM.USER_ADDON_NAME="Broker_RaidMakeup" -- the name displayed to the user
+-- The strings used by the game to represent the roles. I don't think these are localized in the game.
+-- The faction strings. Again, probably not localized
+-- The version of this add-on
+BRM.Version = "@project-version@"
 --# Slash command options and settings

@@ -164,106 +186,6 @@ end

---# Icon class setup
--- The normal way of handling icons is to create a texture, load the icon file into that, set the region you want, and done.
--- However, we need to embed icons into a text string for display in the LDB label.
--- So, we create a custom object to hold icon information, and give it a method to create a text string to display that icon.
--- That text string can then be embedded in the LDB label to show the icon.
--- Create the object class
--- Adapted from http://lua-users.org/wiki/ObjectOrientationTutorial
-local IconClass = {}
-IconClass.__index = IconClass
-setmetatable(IconClass, {
-	__call = function (cls, ...)
-		return cls.new(...)
-	end,
--- Create the constructor
-function IconClass.new(iconfile, IconFileX, IconFileY, StartX, EndX, StartY, EndY)
-	local self = setmetatable({}, IconClass)
-	-- The caller has to specify an iconfile before actually using the class, or the results will not be what is expected.
-	self.IconFile = iconfile or ""	-- the game file that has the icon we want
-	-- The initial values are sane defaults, but they should be updated for each icon.
-	-- These settings control the display of the icon
-	self.SizeOne = 0	-- SizeOne and SizeTwo jointly control the size of the icon. The logic is not intuitive.
-	self.SizeTwo = nil	-- For more details on the SizeOne and SizeTwo parameters, see http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/UI_escape_sequences#Textures
-						-- For the purposes of our icons, they should always be 0 and nil (indicating a square sized to the height of the text).
-	self.OffsetX = 0	-- This moves the image n pixels horizontally in the final display. For our icons, it's always 0.
-	self.OffsetY = 0	-- This moves the image n pixels vertically in the final display. For our icons, it's always 0.
-	-- These settings control the extraction of the icon from a bigger texture file
-	self.IconFileX = IconFileX or 0	-- the total X (horizontal) pixels in the image file - not just the icon we want
-	self.IconFileY = IconFileY or 0	-- the total Y (vertical) pixels in the image file
-	self.StartX = StartX or 0		-- The starting point in the file where the icon begins, counted from the left border, in pixels
-	self.EndX = EndX or 0			-- The ending point in the file where the icon ends, counted from the left border, in pixels
-	self.StartY = StartY or 0		-- The starting point in the file where the icon begins, counted from the top border, in pixels
-	self.EndY = EndY or 0			-- The ending point in the file where the icon ends, counted from the top border, in pixels
-	return self
-end -- IconClass.new()
-function IconClass:GetIconStringInner()
-	-- Icon strings effectively have to be built right to left, since if the rightmost parameters are required, then the ones to the left are also required.
-	-- This function constructs the inner part of the icon string, without the control codes to cause it to display as an actual icon.
-	-- This is mostly useful for debugging. In actual use, you'd want the GetIconString() function.
-	local required = false -- tells us whether the remaining parameters are required
-	local OutputString = "";
-	if required or self.StartX > 0 or self.StartY > 0 or self.EndX > 0 or self.EndY > 0 then
-		required = true
-		OutputString = string.format(":%d:%d:%d:%d", self.StartX, self.EndX, self.StartY, self.EndY)
-	end
-	if required or self.IconFileX > 0 or self.IconFileY > 0 then
-		required = true
-		OutputString = string.format(":%d:%d%s", self.IconFileX, self.IconFileY, OutputString)
-	end
-	if required or self.OffsetX > 0 or self.OffsetY > 0 then
-		required = true
-		OutputString = string.format(":%d:%d%s", self.OffsetX, self.OffsetY, OutputString)
-	end
-	-- Size2 can be nil, so to avoid comparing or concatenating a nil, we have some special handling
-	local localsizetwo = self.SizeTwo or ""
-	if required or (self.SizeTwo and self.SizeTwo >= 0) then
-		OutputString = string.format(":%s%s", localsizetwo, OutputString)
-	end
-	-- Size1 and the icon path are required.
-	OutputString = string.format("%s:%d%s", self.IconFile, self.SizeOne, OutputString)
-	return OutputString
-end -- IconClass:GetIconStringInner()
-function IconClass:GetIconString()
-	-- This function wraps the icon string in the control code that causes it to display as an icon
-	return string.format("\124T%s\124t", self:GetIconStringInner())
-end -- IconClass:GetIconString()
--- @TODO: Add method to get the TexCoords of an icon for inclusion in the LDB object's iconCoords parameter.
--- See:
---	https://wow.gamepedia.com/API_Texture_SetTexCoord
---	https://github.com/tekkub/libdatabroker-1-1/wiki/Data-Specifications
 --# Select the actual icons used

@@ -296,28 +218,6 @@ BRM.UnknownIcon = IconClass("Interface\\LFGFRAME\\UI-LFG-ICON-ROLES.blp", 256, 2

---# Constants
--- The strings that define the addon
-BRM.ADDON_NAME="Broker_RaidMakeup" -- the internal addon name for LibStub and other addons
-BRM.USER_ADDON_NAME="Broker_RaidMakeup" -- the name displayed to the user
--- The strings used by the game to represent the roles. I don't think these are localized in the game.
--- The faction strings. Again, probably not localized
--- The version of this add-on
-BRM.Version = "@project-version@"
 --# Variables for tracking raid members

diff --git a/Broker_RaidMakeup.toc b/Broker_RaidMakeup.toc
index 0b0e0b3..43cbbe7 100644
--- a/Broker_RaidMakeup.toc
+++ b/Broker_RaidMakeup.toc
@@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ Libs\LibStub\LibStub.lua

diff --git a/IconClass.lua b/IconClass.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a414d05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IconClass.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+--# Icon class setup
+-- The normal way of handling icons is to create a texture, load the icon file into that, set the region you want, and done.
+-- However, we need to embed icons into a text string for display in the LDB label.
+-- So, we create a custom object to hold icon information, and give it a method to create a text string to display that icon.
+-- That text string can then be embedded in the LDB label to show the icon.
+-- Create the object class
+-- Adapted from http://lua-users.org/wiki/ObjectOrientationTutorial
+IconClass = {}
+IconClass.__index = IconClass
+setmetatable(IconClass, {
+	__call = function (cls, ...)
+		return cls.new(...)
+	end,
+-- Create the constructor
+function IconClass.new(iconfile, IconFileX, IconFileY, StartX, EndX, StartY, EndY)
+	local self = setmetatable({}, IconClass)
+	-- The caller has to specify an iconfile before actually using the class, or the results will not be what is expected.
+	self.IconFile = iconfile or ""	-- the game file that has the icon we want
+	-- The initial values are sane defaults, but they should be updated for each icon.
+	-- These settings control the display of the icon
+	self.SizeOne = 0	-- SizeOne and SizeTwo jointly control the size of the icon. The logic is not intuitive.
+	self.SizeTwo = nil	-- For more details on the SizeOne and SizeTwo parameters, see http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/UI_escape_sequences#Textures
+						-- For the purposes of our icons, they should always be 0 and nil (indicating a square sized to the height of the text).
+	self.OffsetX = 0	-- This moves the image n pixels horizontally in the final display. For our icons, it's always 0.
+	self.OffsetY = 0	-- This moves the image n pixels vertically in the final display. For our icons, it's always 0.
+	-- These settings control the extraction of the icon from a bigger texture file
+	self.IconFileX = IconFileX or 0	-- the total X (horizontal) pixels in the image file - not just the icon we want
+	self.IconFileY = IconFileY or 0	-- the total Y (vertical) pixels in the image file
+	self.StartX = StartX or 0		-- The starting point in the file where the icon begins, counted from the left border, in pixels
+	self.EndX = EndX or 0			-- The ending point in the file where the icon ends, counted from the left border, in pixels
+	self.StartY = StartY or 0		-- The starting point in the file where the icon begins, counted from the top border, in pixels
+	self.EndY = EndY or 0			-- The ending point in the file where the icon ends, counted from the top border, in pixels
+	return self
+end -- IconClass.new()
+function IconClass:GetIconStringInner()
+	-- Icon strings effectively have to be built right to left, since if the rightmost parameters are required, then the ones to the left are also required.
+	-- This function constructs the inner part of the icon string, without the control codes to cause it to display as an actual icon.
+	-- This is mostly useful for debugging. In actual use, you'd want the GetIconString() function.
+	local required = false -- tells us whether the remaining parameters are required
+	local OutputString = "";
+	if required or self.StartX > 0 or self.StartY > 0 or self.EndX > 0 or self.EndY > 0 then
+		required = true
+		OutputString = string.format(":%d:%d:%d:%d", self.StartX, self.EndX, self.StartY, self.EndY)
+	end
+	if required or self.IconFileX > 0 or self.IconFileY > 0 then
+		required = true
+		OutputString = string.format(":%d:%d%s", self.IconFileX, self.IconFileY, OutputString)
+	end
+	if required or self.OffsetX > 0 or self.OffsetY > 0 then
+		required = true
+		OutputString = string.format(":%d:%d%s", self.OffsetX, self.OffsetY, OutputString)
+	end
+	-- Size2 can be nil, so to avoid comparing or concatenating a nil, we have some special handling
+	local localsizetwo = self.SizeTwo or ""
+	if required or (self.SizeTwo and self.SizeTwo >= 0) then
+		OutputString = string.format(":%s%s", localsizetwo, OutputString)
+	end
+	-- Size1 and the icon path are required.
+	OutputString = string.format("%s:%d%s", self.IconFile, self.SizeOne, OutputString)
+	return OutputString
+end -- IconClass:GetIconStringInner()
+function IconClass:GetIconString()
+	-- This function wraps the icon string in the control code that causes it to display as an icon
+	return string.format("\124T%s\124t", self:GetIconStringInner())
+end -- IconClass:GetIconString()
+-- @TODO: Add method to get the TexCoords of an icon for inclusion in the LDB object's iconCoords parameter.
+-- See:
+--	https://wow.gamepedia.com/API_Texture_SetTexCoord
+--	https://github.com/tekkub/libdatabroker-1-1/wiki/Data-Specifications