
Enhance some methods for checking weapons to allow for Titan's Grip.

Johnny C. Lam [05-22-14 - 12:37]
Enhance some methods for checking weapons to allow for Titan's Grip.

Titan's Grip allows for a 2H weapon to be equipped in the off-hand.  Add
extra parameters to HasOneHandedWeapon() and HasTwoHandedWeapon() to allow
checking in a specific weapon slot, and to HasMainHandWeapon() and
HasOffHandWeapon() to allow checking explicitly for either a 1H or 2H

Give HasWeapon() condition an extra paramter "type=value" where value is
"1h" or "2h" to allow checking explicitly for a 1H or 2H weapon in the
given hand.

git-svn-id: svn://svn.curseforge.net/wow/ovale/mainline/trunk@1490 d5049fe3-3747-40f7-a4b5-f36d6801af5f
diff --git a/OvaleEquipement.lua b/OvaleEquipement.lua
index a4296c1..761b891 100644
--- a/OvaleEquipement.lua
+++ b/OvaleEquipement.lua
@@ -73,7 +73,6 @@ local OVALE_SLOTNAME = {
 	LegsSlot = true,
 	MainHandSlot = true,
 	NeckSlot = true,
-	RangedSlot = true,
 	SecondaryHandSlot = true,
 	ShirtSlot = true,
 	ShoulderSlot = true,
@@ -83,6 +82,11 @@ local OVALE_SLOTNAME = {
 	WaistSlot = true,
 	WristSlot = true,
+	for slotName in pairs(OVALE_SLOTNAME) do
+		OVALE_SLOTNAME[slotName] = API_GetInventorySlotInfo(slotName)
+	end
 -- slots that can contain pieces from armor sets
 -- database of armor set items: OVALE_ARMORSET[itemId] = armorSetName
@@ -457,27 +461,28 @@ do

 function OvaleEquipement:GetEquippedItem(slotId)
-	if type(slotId) ~= "number" then
-		if not OVALE_SLOTNAME[slotId] then return nil end
-		slotId = API_GetInventorySlotInfo(slotId)
-		if not slotId then return nil end
+	if slotId and type(slotId) ~= "number" then
+		slotId = OVALE_SLOTNAME[slotId]
-	return self.equippedItems[slotId]
+	if slotId then
+		return self.equippedItems[slotId]
+	end
+	return nil

 function OvaleEquipement:GetEquippedItemLevel(slotId)
-	if type(slotId) ~= "number" then
-		if not OVALE_SLOTNAME[slotId] then return nil end
-		slotId = API_GetInventorySlotInfo(slotId)
-		if not slotId then return nil end
+	if slotId and type(slotId) ~= "number" then
+		slotId = OVALE_SLOTNAME[slotId]
-	return self.equippedItemLevels[slotId]
+	if slotId then
+		return self.equippedItemLevels[slotId]
+	end
+	return nil

 function OvaleEquipement:HasEquippedItem(itemId, slotId)
 	if slotId and type(slotId) ~= "number" then
-		if not OVALE_SLOTNAME[slotId] then return nil end
-		slotId = API_GetInventorySlotInfo(slotId)
+		slotId = OVALE_SLOTNAME[slotId]
 	if slotId then
 		if self.equippedItems[slotId] == itemId then
@@ -493,15 +498,38 @@ function OvaleEquipement:HasEquippedItem(itemId, slotId)
 	return nil

-function OvaleEquipement:HasMainHandWeapon()
-	return self.mainHandItemType == "INVTYPE_WEAPON"
-		or self.mainHandItemType == "INVTYPE_WEAPONMAINHAND"
-		or self.mainHandItemType == "INVTYPE_2HWEAPON"
+function OvaleEquipement:HasMainHandWeapon(handedness)
+	if handedness then
+		if handedness == 1 then
+			return self.mainHandItemType == "INVTYPE_WEAPON"
+				or self.mainHandItemType == "INVTYPE_WEAPONMAINHAND"
+		elseif handedness == 2 then
+			return self.mainHandItemType == "INVTYPE_2HWEAPON"
+		end
+	else
+		return self.mainHandItemType == "INVTYPE_WEAPON"
+			or self.mainHandItemType == "INVTYPE_WEAPONMAINHAND"
+			or self.mainHandItemType == "INVTYPE_2HWEAPON"
+	end
+	return false

-function OvaleEquipement:HasOffHandWeapon()
-	return self.offHandItemType == "INVTYPE_WEAPON"
-		or self.offHandItemType == "INVTYPE_WEAPONOFFHAND"
+function OvaleEquipement:HasOffHandWeapon(handedness)
+	if handedness then
+		if handedness == 1 then
+			return self.offHandItemType == "INVTYPE_WEAPON"
+				or self.offHandItemType == "INVTYPE_WEAPONOFFHAND"
+				or self.offHandItemType == "INVTYPE_WEAPONMAINHAND"
+		elseif handedness == 2 then
+			return self.offHandItemType == "INVTYPE_2HWEAPON"
+		end
+	else
+		return self.offHandItemType == "INVTYPE_WEAPON"
+			or self.offHandItemType == "INVTYPE_WEAPONOFFHAND"
+			or self.offHandItemType == "INVTYPE_WEAPONMAINHAND"
+			or self.offHandItemType == "INVTYPE_2HWEAPON"
+	end
+	return false

 function OvaleEquipement:HasShield()
@@ -513,13 +541,37 @@ function OvaleEquipement:HasTrinket(itemId)
 		or self:HasEquippedItem(itemId, INVSLOT_TRINKET2)

-function OvaleEquipement:HasTwoHandedWeapon()
-	return self.mainHandItemType == "INVTYPE_2HWEAPON"
+function OvaleEquipement:HasTwoHandedWeapon(slotId)
+	if slotId and type(slotId) ~= "number" then
+		slotId = OVALE_SLOTNAME[slotId]
+	end
+	if slotId then
+		if slotId == INVSLOT_MAINHAND then
+			return self.mainHandItemType == "INVTYPE_2HWEAPON"
+		elseif slotId == INVSLOT_OFFHAND then
+			return self.offHandItemType == "INVTYPE_2HWEAPON"
+		end
+	else
+		return self.mainHandItemType == "INVTYPE_2HWEAPON" or self.offHandItemType == "INVTYPE_2HWEAPON"
+	end
+	return false

-function OvaleEquipement:HasOneHandedWeapon()
-	return self.mainHandItemType == "INVTYPE_WEAPON"
-		or self.mainHandItemType == "INVTYPE_WEAPONMAINHAND"
+function OvaleEquipement:HasOneHandedWeapon(slotId)
+	if slotId and type(slotId) ~= "number" then
+		slotId = OVALE_SLOTNAME[slotId]
+	end
+	if slotId then
+		if slotId == INVSLOT_MAINHAND then
+			return self.mainHandItemType == "INVTYPE_WEAPON" or self.mainHandItemType == "INVTYPE_WEAPONMAINHAND"
+		elseif slotId == INVSLOT_OFFHAND then
+			return self.offHandItemType == "INVTYPE_WEAPON" or self.offHandItemType == "INVTYPE_WEAPONMAINHAND"
+		end
+	else
+		return self.mainHandItemType == "INVTYPE_WEAPON" or self.mainHandItemType == "INVTYPE_WEAPONMAINHAND"
+			or self.offHandItemType == "INVTYPE_WEAPON" or self.offHandItemType == "INVTYPE_WEAPONMAINHAND"
+	end
+	return false

 function OvaleEquipement:UpdateArmorSetCount()
diff --git a/conditions/HasWeapon.lua b/conditions/HasWeapon.lua
index 5227dcf..c2d59c7 100644
--- a/conditions/HasWeapon.lua
+++ b/conditions/HasWeapon.lua
@@ -23,17 +23,26 @@ do
 	-- @param yesno Optional. If yes, then return true if the weapon is equipped. If no, then return true if it isn't equipped.
 	--     Default is yes.
 	--     Valid values: yes, no.
+	-- @param type Optional. If set via type=value, then specify whether the weapon must be one-handed or two-handed.
+	--     Default is unset.
+	--     Valid values: 1h, 2h
 	-- @return A boolean value.
 	-- @usage
 	-- if HasWeapon(offhand) and BuffStacks(killing_machine) Spell(frost_strike)

 	local function HasWeapon(condition)
 		local hand, yesno = condition[1], condition[2]
+		local weaponType = condition.type
 		local boolean = false
+		if weaponType == "1h" then
+			weaponType = 1
+		elseif weaponType == "2h" then
+			weaponType = 2
+		end
 		if hand == "offhand" or hand == "off" then
-			boolean = OvaleEquipement:HasOffHandWeapon()
+			boolean = OvaleEquipement:HasOffHandWeapon(weaponType)
 		elseif hand == "mainhand" or hand == "main" then
-			boolean = OvaleEquipement:HasMainHandWeapon()
+			boolean = OvaleEquipement:HasMainHandWeapon(weaponType)
 		return TestBoolean(boolean, yesno)