Removed rogue debugging line
Ahmil Jilani [10-16-14 - 07:21]
Removed rogue debugging line
diff --git a/SuperDuperMacro/SuperDuperMacro_Core.lua b/SuperDuperMacro/SuperDuperMacro_Core.lua
index 13e0729..fbd5842 100644
--- a/SuperDuperMacro/SuperDuperMacro_Core.lua
+++ b/SuperDuperMacro/SuperDuperMacro_Core.lua
@@ -412,7 +412,6 @@ function sdm_UpgradeMacro(index) -- Upgrades the given standard macro to a Super
EditMacro(index, nil, nil, "#sdm"..sdm_numToChars(sdm_GetEmptySlot()).."\n#placeholder") -- let SDM know that this is the macro to edit
local _, texture = GetMacroInfo(index) -- This must be done AFTER the macro body is edited, or the question mark could show up as something else.
texture = texture:sub(17) -- remove the "INTERFACE\\ICONS\\"
- print(texture)
local newMacro = sdm_CreateNew("b", name, character)
newMacro.icon = texture
sdm_Edit(newMacro, body)