
cleaned up comments a bit

Jason Greer [09-29-10 - 23:07]
cleaned up comments a bit
diff --git a/tullaCC/config.lua b/tullaCC/config.lua
index d058272..47cf6b7 100644
--- a/tullaCC/config.lua
+++ b/tullaCC/config.lua
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ C.fontFace = STANDARD_TEXT_FONT  --what font to use
 C.fontSize = 18  --the base font size to use at a scale of 1

 --display settings
-C.minScale = 0.6  --the minimum duration to show cooldown text for
-C.minDuration = 3 --the minimum number of seconds a cooldown must be to use to display in the expiring format
-C.expiringDuration = 5  --the minimum number of seconds a cooldown must be to use to display in the expiring format
+C.minScale = 0.6 --the minimum scale we want to show cooldown counts at, anything below this will be hidden
+C.minDuration = 3 --the minimum number of seconds a cooldown's duration must be to display text
+C.expiringDuration = 5  --the minimum number of seconds a cooldown must be to display in the expiring format

 --text format strings
 C.expiringFormat = '|cffff0000%d|r' --format for timers that are soon to expire