
Mark tradeskills from the guild roster as linked, so they aren't considered known by the player. Also, make sure it's not in the SavedVariables if not actually known.

James D. Callahan III [12-15-10 - 05:03]
Mark tradeskills from the guild roster as linked, so they aren't considered known by the player. Also, make sure it's not in the SavedVariables if not actually known.
diff --git a/core.lua b/core.lua
index ad190db..bc0c6e3 100644
--- a/core.lua
+++ b/core.lua
@@ -812,26 +812,23 @@ do
 	local GetTradeSkillListLink = _G.GetTradeSkillListLink
 	local UnitName = _G.UnitName
 	local GetRealmName = _G.GetRealmName
-	local IsTradeSkillLinked = _G.IsTradeSkillLinked

 	function addon:TRADE_SKILL_SHOW()
-		-- If this is our own skill, save it, if not don't save it
-		if not IsTradeSkillLinked() then
-			local tradelink = GetTradeSkillListLink()
+		local is_linked = _G.IsTradeSkillLinked() or _G.IsTradeSkillGuild()
+		local tradelink = GetTradeSkillListLink()

-			if tradelink then
-				local pname = UnitName("player")
-				local prealm = GetRealmName()
-				local tradename = GetTradeSkillLine()
+		local pname = UnitName("player")
+		local prealm = GetRealmName()
+		local tradename = GetTradeSkillLine()

-				-- Actual alt information saved here. -Torhal
-				addon.db.global.tradeskill = addon.db.global.tradeskill or {}
-				addon.db.global.tradeskill[prealm] = addon.db.global.tradeskill[prealm] or {}
-				addon.db.global.tradeskill[prealm][pname] = addon.db.global.tradeskill[prealm][pname] or {}
+		-- Actual alt information saved here. -Torhal
+		addon.db.global.tradeskill = addon.db.global.tradeskill or {}
+		addon.db.global.tradeskill[prealm] = addon.db.global.tradeskill[prealm] or {}
+		addon.db.global.tradeskill[prealm][pname] = addon.db.global.tradeskill[prealm][pname] or {}
+		-- If this is our own skill, save it. Otherwise, make sure it's gone.
+		addon.db.global.tradeskill[prealm][pname][tradename] = (not is_linked) and tradelink or nil

-				addon.db.global.tradeskill[prealm][pname][tradename] = tradelink
-			end
-		end
 		local scan_button = self.scan_button
 		local scan_parent = scan_button:GetParent()

@@ -1557,7 +1554,7 @@ do
 		Player["ProfessionLevel"] = prof_level

 		-- Make sure we're only updating a profession the character actually knows - this could be a scan from a tradeskill link.
-		local is_linked = IsTradeSkillLinked()
+		local is_linked = _G.IsTradeSkillLinked() or _G.IsTradeSkillGuild()

 		if not is_linked and Player.professions[current_prof] then
 			Player.professions[current_prof] = prof_level