Support the new GUID format in WoD
Adrian L Lange [08-19-14 - 15:07]
Support the new GUID format in WoD
diff --git a/QuickQuest.lua b/QuickQuest.lua
index a4063a0..77f07cb 100644
--- a/QuickQuest.lua
+++ b/QuickQuest.lua
@@ -101,8 +101,18 @@ local function IsGossipQuestTrivial(index)
return not not select(((index * 6) - 6) + 3, GetGossipAvailableQuests())
-local function GetCreatureID()
- return tonumber(string.sub(UnitGUID('npc') or '', -12, -9), 16)
+local GetCreatureID
+if(WoD) then
+ function GetCreatureID()
+ local type, _, _, _, _, id = string.split(':', UnitGUID('npc') or '')
+ if(type == 'Creature' and id and tonumber(id)) then
+ return tonumber(id)
+ end
+ end
+ function GetCreatureID()
+ return tonumber(string.sub(UnitGUID('npc') or '', -12, -9), 16)
+ end
QuickQuest:Register('GOSSIP_SHOW', function()