
Merge branch 'master' of git.curseforge.net:wow/ouf_lanerra/mainline

lanerra [12-28-11 - 23:55]
Merge branch 'master' of git.curseforge.net:wow/ouf_lanerra/mainline

diff --git a/oUF_Lanerra.lua b/oUF_Lanerra.lua
index 50aa57c..be8d278 100644
--- a/oUF_Lanerra.lua
+++ b/oUF_Lanerra.lua
@@ -1606,4 +1606,1545 @@ partyToggle:SetScript('OnEvent', function(self)
\ No newline at end of file
+    Copyright  2010-2011 Lanerra. See LICENSE file for license terms.
+	Special thanks to P3lim for inspiration, Neav for textures and inspiration,
+    Game92 for inspiration, and Phanx for inspiration and an inline border method
+---- Lazy Stuff Goes Here!
+-- Disable Blizzard options that are rendered useless by having a unit frame addon
+for _, button in pairs({
+    'UnitFramePanelPartyBackground',
+    'UnitFramePanelPartyPets',
+	'UnitFramePanelFullSizeFocusFrame',
+    'CombatPanelTargetOfTarget',
+    'CombatPanelTOTDropDown',
+    'CombatPanelTOTDropDownButton',
+    'CombatPanelEnemyCastBarsOnPortrait',
+    'DisplayPanelShowAggroPercentage',
+    'FrameCategoriesButton9',
+}) do
+    _G['InterfaceOptions'..button]:SetAlpha(0.35)
+    _G['InterfaceOptions'..button]:Disable()
+    _G['InterfaceOptions'..button]:EnableMouse(false)
+    for k, v in pairs(UnitPopupMenus) do
+        for x, i in pairs(UnitPopupMenus[k]) do
+            if (i == 'SET_FOCUS' or i == 'CLEAR_FOCUS') then
+                table.remove(UnitPopupMenus[k],x)
+            end
+        end
+    end
+-- Variables for defining colors and appearance
+local colors = oUF.colors
+local playerClass = select(2, UnitClass('player'))
+local isHealer = (playerClass == 'DRUID' or playerClass == 'PALADIN' or playerClass == 'PRIEST' or playerClass == 'SHAMAN')
+-- A little backdrop local to save us some typing...because I'm lazy
+local backdrop = {
+	bgFile = [[Interface\Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Background]],
+	insets = {top = -1, left = -1, bottom = -1, right = -1},
+local PlayerUnits = { player = true, pet = true, vehicle = true }
+-- Dummy function
+local noop = function() return end
+fontstrings = { }
+-- Custom power colors
+local PowerBarColor = PowerBarColor
+PowerBarColor['MANA'] = { r = 0/255, g = 0.55, b = 1 }
+PowerBarColor['RAGE'] = { r = 240/255, g = 45/255, b = 75/255 }
+PowerBarColor['FOCUS'] = { r = 255/255, g = 175/255, b = 0 }
+PowerBarColor['ENERGY'] = { r = 1, g = 1, b = 35/255 }
+PowerBarColor['RUNIC_POWER'] = { r = 0.45, g = 0.85, b = 1 }
+-- Threat color handling
+oUF.colors.threat = { }
+for i = 1, 3 do
+	local r, g, b = GetThreatStatusColor(i)
+	oUF.colors.threat[i] = { r, g, b }
+-- Debuff color handling
+colors.Debuff = { }
+for type, color in pairs(DebuffTypeColor) do
+	if (type ~= 'none') then
+		colors.Debuff[type] = { color.r, color.g, color.b }
+	end
+-- Color conversion function
+function hex(r, g, b)
+	if(type(r) == 'table') then
+		if(r.r) then r, g, b = r.r, r.g, r.b else r, g, b = unpack(r) end
+	end
+	return ('|cff%02x%02x%02x'):format(r * 255, g * 255, b * 255)
+---- No More Lazy Stuff!
+-- Border update function
+local function UpdateBorder(self)
+	local Threat, Debuff, Dispellable = self.threatLevel, self.debuffType, self.debuffDispellable
+	local color
+	if Debuff and Dispellable then
+		color = colors.Debuff[Debuff]
+    elseif Debuff and Threat then
+        color = colors.Debuff[Debuff]
+    elseif Threat and Threat > 1 then
+        color = colors.threat[Threat]
+	elseif Debuff then
+		color = colors.Debuff[Debuff]
+    elseif Threat and Threat > 0 then
+        color = colors.threat[Threat]
+    end
+	if color then
+		self:SetBackdropBorderColor(color[1], color[2], color[3], 1)
+	else
+		self:SetBackdropBorderColor(0, 0, 0, 0)
+	end
+-- Formatting function for the display of health and power text
+local function ShortValue(value)
+	if value >= 1e7 then
+		return ('%.1fm'):format(value / 1e6):gsub('%.?0+([km])$', '%1')
+	elseif value >= 1e6 then
+		return ('%.2fm'):format(value / 1e6):gsub('%.?0+([km])$', '%1')
+	elseif value >= 1e5 then
+		return ('%.0fk'):format(value / 1e3)
+	elseif value >= 1e3 then
+		return ('%.1fk'):format(value / 1e3):gsub('%.?0+([km])$', '%1')
+	else
+		return value
+	end
+-- Functions used to build Unit Frames
+-- Build dropdown menus
+local dropdown = CreateFrame('Frame', 'oUF_LanerraDropDown', UIParent, 'UIDropDownMenuTemplate')
+UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(dropdown, function(self)
+	local unit = self:GetParent().unit
+	if not unit then return end
+	local menu, name, id
+	if UnitIsUnit(unit, 'player') then
+		menu = 'SELF'
+	elseif UnitIsUnit(unit, 'vehicle') then
+		menu = 'VEHICLE'
+	elseif UnitIsUnit(unit, 'pet') then
+		menu = 'PET'
+	elseif UnitIsPlayer(unit) then
+		id = UnitInRaid(unit)
+		if id then
+			menu = 'RAID_PLAYER'
+			name = GetRaidRosterInfo(id)
+		elseif UnitInParty(unit) then
+			menu = 'PARTY'
+		else
+			menu = 'PLAYER'
+		end
+	else
+		menu = 'TARGET'
+	end
+	if menu then
+		UnitPopup_ShowMenu(self, menu, unit, name, id)
+	end
+end, 'MENU')
+local function CreateDropDown(self)
+	dropdown:SetParent(self)
+    ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, dropdown, 'cursor', 15, -15)
+local Interrupt = 'Interface\\Addons\\oUF_Lanerra\\Media\\BorderInterrupt'
+local Normal = 'Interface\\Addons\\oUF_Lanerra\\Media\\BorderNormal'
+local function PostCastStart(Castbar, unit)
+    self.Castbar.SafeZone:SetDrawLayer('BORDER')
+    self.Castbar.SafeZone:ClearAllPoints()
+    self.Castbar.SafeZone:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT', self.Castbar)
+    self.Castbar.SafeZone:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', self.Castbar)
+    if (unit == 'target') then
+        if (self.Castbar.interrupt) then
+            self.Castbar.Border:SetBorderTexture(Interrupt)
+            print('Changed the border, chief!')
+            self.Castbar.Border:SetBorderColor(1, 0, 1)
+            self.Castbar.Border:SetBorderShadowColor(1, 0, 1)
+        else
+            self.Castbar.Border:SetBorderTexture(Normal)
+            self.Castbar.Border:SetBorderColor(1, 1, 1)
+            self.Castbar.Border:SetBorderShadowColor(0, 0, 0)
+        end
+    end
+local function PostChannelStart(Castbar, unit)
+    self.Castbar.SafeZone:SetDrawLayer('ARTWORK')
+    self.Castbar.SafeZone:ClearAllPoints()
+    self.Castbar.SafeZone:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', self.Castbar)
+    self.Castbar.SafeZone:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', self.Castbar)
+    if (unit == 'target') then
+        if (self.interrupt) then
+            self.Castbar.Border:SetBorderTexture(Interrupt)
+            self.Castbar.Border:SetBorderColor(1, 0, 1)
+            self.Castbar.Border:SetBorderShadowColor(1, 0, 1)
+        else
+            self.Castbar.Border:SetBorderTexture(Normal)
+            self.Castbar.Border:SetBorderColor(1, 1, 1)
+            self.Castbar.Border:SetBorderShadowColor(0, 0, 0)
+        end
+    end
+-- Health update function of doom!
+local UpdateHealth = function(Health, unit, min, max)
+    if (Health:GetParent().unit ~= unit) then
+        return
+	end
+	if (not unit == 'pet' or unit == 'focus' or unit == 'targettarget' or unit == 'player') then
+		if (UnitIsDead(unit) or UnitIsGhost(unit) or not UnitIsConnected(unit)) then
+            Health:SetValue(0)
+            Health:SetStatusBarColor(.5, .5, .5)
+        end
+	end
+	if (unit == 'player') then
+		if (Settings.Units.Player.Health.Percent) then
+			Health.Value:SetText((min / max * 100 and format('%d%%', min / max * 100)) or '')
+		elseif (Settings.Units.Player.Health.Deficit) then
+			Health.Value:SetText((min ~= max) and format('%d', min - max) or '')
+		elseif (Settings.Units.Player.Health.Current) then
+			Health.Value:SetText((min ~= max) and format('%d', min) or '')
+		else
+			Health.Value:SetText()
+		end
+	elseif (unit == 'target') then
+		if (Settings.Units.Target.Health.Percent) then
+			Health.Value:SetText((min / max * 100 and format('%d%%', min / max * 100)) or '')
+		elseif (Settings.Units.Target.Health.Deficit) then
+			Health.Value:SetText((min ~= max) and format('%d', min - max) or '')
+		elseif (Settings.Units.Target.Health.Current) then
+			Health.Value:SetText(ShortValue(min))
+		elseif (Settings.Units.Target.Health.PerCur) then
+            Health.Value:SetText((min/max * 100 and format('%s - %d%%', ShortValue(min), min/max * 100)))
+        else
+			Health.Value:SetText()
+		end
+	elseif (unit == 'targettarget') then
+		if (Settings.Units.ToT.Health.Percent) then
+			Health.Value:SetText((min / max * 100 < 100 and format('%d%%', min / max * 100)) or '')
+		elseif (Settings.Units.ToT.Health.Deficit) then
+			Health.Value:SetText((min ~= max) and format('%d', min - max) or '')
+		elseif (Settings.Units.ToT.Health.Current) then
+			Health.Value:SetText((min ~= max) and format('%d', min) or '')
+		else
+			Health.Value:SetText()
+		end
+	elseif (unit == 'pet') then
+		if (Settings.Units.Pet.Health.Percent) then
+			Health.Value:SetText((min / max * 100 < 100 and format('%d%%', min / max * 100)) or '')
+		elseif (Settings.Units.Pet.Health.Deficit) then
+			Health.Value:SetText((min ~= max) and format('%d', min - max) or '')
+		elseif (Settings.Units.Pet.Health.Current) then
+			Health.Value:SetText((min ~= max) and format('%d', min) or '')
+		else
+			Health.Value:SetText()
+		end
+	elseif (unit == 'focus') then
+		if (Settings.Units.Focus.Health.Percent) then
+			Health.Value:SetText((min / max * 100 < 100 and format('%d%%', min / max * 100)) or '')
+		elseif (Settings.Units.Focus.Health.Deficit) then
+			Health.Value:SetText((min ~= max) and format('%d', min - max) or '')
+		elseif (Settings.Units.Focus.Health.Current) then
+			Health.Value:SetText((min ~= max) and format('%d', min) or '')
+		else
+			Health.Value:SetText()
+		end
+	end
+	-- Bar Color Stuff
+	Health:SetStatusBarColor(.25, .25, .25)
+-- Group update health function
+local function UpdateGroupHealth(Health, unit, min, max)
+	if (Health:GetParent().unit ~= unit) then
+		return
+	end
+	if (UnitIsDead(unit) or UnitIsGhost(unit) or not UnitIsConnected(unit)) then
+        Health:SetValue(0)
+        Health:SetStatusBarColor(.5, .5, .5)
+    end
+    if (Settings.Units.Party.Health.Percent) then
+        Health.Value:SetText((min / max * 100 < 100 and format('%d%%', min / max * 100)) or '')
+    elseif (Settings.Units.Party.Health.Deficit) then
+        Health.Value:SetText((min ~= max) and format('%d', min - max) or '')
+    elseif (Settings.Units.Party.Health.Current) then
+        Health.Value:SetText((min ~= max) and format('%d', min) or '')
+    else
+        Health.Value:SetText()
+    end
+    local color = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[select(2, UnitClass(unit))]
+    if (Settings.Units.Party.Health.ClassColor) then
+        Health.colorClass = true
+    else
+        Health:SetStatusBarColor(.25, .25, .25)
+    end
+-- Raid update health function
+local function UpdateRaidHealth(Health, unit, min, max)
+	if (Health:GetParent().unit ~= unit) then
+		return
+	end
+	if (UnitIsDead(unit) or UnitIsGhost(unit) or not UnitIsConnected(unit)) then
+		Health:SetValue(0)
+        Health:SetStatusBarColor(.5, .5, .5)
+	else
+		if (Settings.Units.Raid.Health.Percent) then
+			Health.Value:SetText((min / max * 100 and format('%d%%', min / max * 100)) or '')
+		elseif (Settings.Units.Raid.Health.Deficit) then
+			Health.Value:SetText((min ~= max) and format('%d', min - max) or '')
+		elseif (Settings.Units.Raid.Health.Current) then
+			Health.Value:SetText((min ~= max) and format('%d', min) or '')
+		else
+			Health.Value:SetText()
+		end
+		local color = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[select(2, UnitClass(unit))]
+		if (Settings.Units.Raid.Health.ClassColor) then
+			Health.colorClass = true
+		else
+			Health:SetStatusBarColor(.25, .25, .25)
+		end
+	end
+-- Custom Power Updating Function
+local function UpdatePower(Power, unit, min, max)
+    local self = Power:GetParent()
+	local _, PowerType, altR, altG, altB = UnitPowerType(unit)
+	local UnitPower = PowerBarColor[PowerType]
+    if (UnitIsDeadOrGhost(unit) or not UnitIsConnected(unit)) then
+        Power:SetValue(0)
+        Power.Value:SetText('')
+    elseif (unit == 'player' and Settings.Units.Player.ShowPowerText or unit == 'target' and Settings.Units.Target.ShowPowerText) then
+        if (unit == 'target' and max == 0) then
+            Power.Value:SetText('')
+        else
+            Power.Value:SetText((min/max * 100 and format('%d%%', min/max * 100)))
+        end
+    else
+        Power.Value:SetText()
+    end
+    if (UnitPower) then
+        Power.Value:SetTextColor(UnitPower.r, UnitPower.g, UnitPower.b)
+	else
+        Power.Value:SetTextColor(altR, altG, altB)
+	end
+-- Add DruidPower support
+local function UpdateDruidPower(self, event, unit)
+    if (unit and unit ~= self.unit) then
+        return
+    end
+	local unitPower = PowerBarColor['MANA']
+    local mana = UnitPowerType('player') == 0
+    local index = GetShapeshiftForm()
+    if (index == 1 or index == 3) then
+        if (unitPower) then
+            self.Druid.Power:SetStatusBarColor(unitPower.r, unitPower.g, unitPower.b)
+        end
+        self.Druid.Power:SetAlpha(1)
+        local min, max = UnitPower('player', 0), UnitPowerMax('player', 0)
+        self.Druid.Power:SetMinMaxValues(0, max)
+        self.Druid.Power:SetValue(min)
+    else
+        self.Druid.Power:SetAlpha(0)
+    end
+-- Aura Icons for our unit frames
+-- Aura Icon Show
+local AuraIconCD_OnShow = function(cd)
+	local button = cd:GetParent()
+	button:SetBorderParent(cd)
+	button.count:SetParent(cd)
+-- Aura Icon Hide
+local AuraIconCD_OnHide = function(cd)
+	local button = cd:GetParent()
+	button:SetBorderParent(button)
+	button.count:SetParent(button)
+-- Aura Icon Overlay
+local AuraIconOverlay_SetBorderColor = function(overlay, r, g, b)
+	if not r or not g or not b then
+		r, g, b = unpack(Settings.Media.BorderColor)
+	end
+	overlay:GetParent():SetBorderColor(r, g, b)
+-- Aura Icon Creation Function
+local function PostCreateAuraIcon(iconframe, button)
+	AddBorder(button, Settings.Media.BorderSize, Settings.Media.BorderPadding)
+	button.cd:SetReverse(true)
+	button.cd:SetScript('OnHide', AuraIconCD_OnHide)
+	button.cd:SetScript('OnShow', AuraIconCD_OnShow)
+	if button.cd:IsShown() then
+        AuraIconCD_OnShow(button.cd)
+    end
+	button.icon:SetTexCoord(0.03, 0.97, 0.03, 0.97)
+	button.overlay:Hide()
+	button.overlay.Hide = AuraIconOverlay_SetBorderColor
+	button.overlay.SetVertexColor = AuraIconOverlay_SetBorderColor
+	button.overlay.Show = noop
+-- Aura Icon Update Function
+local function PostUpdateAuraIcon(iconframe, unit, button, index, offset)
+	local name, _, texture, count, type, duration, timeLeft, caster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellID = UnitAura(unit, index, button.filter)
+	if PlayerUnits[caster] then
+		button.icon:SetDesaturated(false)
+	else
+		button.icon:SetDesaturated(true)
+	end
+	if button.timer then return end
+	if OmniCC then
+		for i = 1, button:GetNumChildren() do
+			local child = select(i, button:GetChildren())
+			if child.text and (child.icon == button.icon or child.cooldown == button.cd) then
+				-- found it!
+				child.SetAlpha = noop
+				child.SetScale = noop
+				child.text:ClearAllPoints()
+				child.text:SetPoint('CENTER', button, 'TOP', 0, 2)
+				child.text:SetFont(Settings.Media.Font, unit:match('^party') and 14 or 18)
+				child.text.SetFont = noop
+				child.text:SetTextColor(1, 0.8, 0)
+                child.text:SetShadowOffset(1, -1)
+				child.text.SetTextColor = noop
+				child.text.SetVertexColor = noop
+				tinsert(fontstrings, child.text)
+				button.timer = child.text
+				return
+			end
+		end
+	else
+		button.timer = true
+	end
+-- Dispel highlighting function
+local function UpdateDispelHighlight(self, event, unit, debuffType, canDispel)
+	if (self.unit ~= unit) then
+        return
+    end
+	if (self.debuffType == debuffType) then
+        return
+    end
+	self.debuffType = debuffType
+	self.debuffDispellable = canDispel
+    self:UpdateBorder()
+-- Threat highlighting function
+local function UpdateThreatHighlight(self, unit, status)
+	if self.threatLevel == status then return end
+	self.threatLevel = status
+	self:UpdateBorder()
+-- Time to give our solo unit frames some style!
+local Stylish = function(self, unit, isSingle)
+	self.menu = CreateDropDown
+    self:SetScript("OnEnter", UnitFrame_OnEnter)
+    self:SetScript("OnLeave", UnitFrame_OnLeave)
+	self.ignoreHealComm = true
+	self:EnableMouse(true)
+	self:RegisterForClicks('AnyUp')
+    -- Health Bar-specific stylings
+	self.Health = CreateFrame('StatusBar', '$parentHealthBar', self)
+	self.Health:SetHeight(Settings.Units.Player.Height * .75)
+	self.Health:SetStatusBarTexture(Settings.Media.StatusBar)
+	-- Turn on the smoothness
+	self.Health.Smooth = true
+	self.Health.frequentUpdates = 0.2
+	self.Health:SetParent(self)
+	self.Health:SetPoint('TOP')
+	self.Health:SetPoint('LEFT')
+	self.Health:SetPoint('RIGHT')
+	self:SetBackdrop(backdrop)
+	self:SetBackdropColor(unpack(Settings.Media.BackdropColor))
+	if (unit == 'player') then
+		local info = self.Health:CreateFontString('$parentInfo', 'OVERLAY', 'GameFontHighlightSmall')
+		info:SetPoint('CENTER', self.Health)
+		info.frequentUpdates = .25
+		self:Tag(info, '[LanThreat] |cffff0000[LanPvPTime]|r')
+	end
+	-- Setup our health text
+	self.Health.Value = self.Health:CreateFontString('$parentHealthValue', 'OVERLAY')
+	self.Health.Value:SetFont(Settings.Media.Font, Settings.Media.FontSize)
+	self.Health.Value:SetShadowOffset(1, -1)
+	self.Health.Value:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+	self.Health.PostUpdate = UpdateHealth
+	-- And now for the power bar and text stuff
+	self.Power = CreateFrame('StatusBar', '$parentPowerBar', self)
+	self.Power:SetHeight(Settings.Units.Player.Height * .22)
+	self.Power:SetStatusBarTexture(Settings.Media.StatusBar)
+	self.Power.colorClass = true
+	self.Power.colorTapping = true
+    self.Power.colorReaction = true
+	-- We like to keep things smooth around here
+    self.Power.frequentUpdates = 0.2
+    self.Power.Smooth = true
+	self.Power:SetParent(self)
+	self.Power:SetPoint('BOTTOM')
+	self.Power:SetPoint('LEFT', .2, 0)
+	self.Power:SetPoint('RIGHT', -.2, 0)
+	-- Now, the power bar's text
+	self.Power.Value = self.Power:CreateFontString('$parentPowerValue', 'OVERLAY')
+	self.Power.Value:SetFont(Settings.Media.Font, Settings.Media.FontSize)
+	self.Power.Value:SetShadowOffset(1, -1)
+    if (unit == 'target') then
+        self.Power.Value:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT', self.Power, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', 0, -5)
+    elseif (unit == 'player') then
+        self.Power.Value:SetPoint('LEFT', self.Health.Value, 'RIGHT', -195, 0)
+    end
+	self.Power.Value:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+    self.Power.Value:SetJustifyH('LEFT')
+    self.Power.Value.frequentUpdates = 0.1
+	if (unit == 'targettarget') then
+		self.Power:Hide()
+		self.Power.Show = self.Power.Hide
+		self.Health:SetAllPoints(self)
+	end
+    if (unit == 'focus' and Settings.Units.Focus.VerticalHealth) then
+		self.Power:Hide()
+		self.Power.Show = self.Power.Hide
+		self.Health:SetAllPoints(self)
+		self.Health:SetOrientation('VERTICAL')
+	else
+		self.Health:SetOrientation('HORIZONTAL')
+	end
+    self.Power.PostUpdate = UpdatePower
+    -- Improve border drawing
+    self.Overlay = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, self)
+	self.Overlay:SetAllPoints(self)
+	self.Overlay:SetFrameLevel(self.Health:GetFrameLevel() + (self.Power and 3 or 2))
+	-- Now, to hammer out our castbars
+	if (Settings.Show.CastBars) then
+        if (unit == 'player') then
+			self.Castbar = CreateFrame('StatusBar', '$parentCastBar', self)
+            self.Castbar:SetStatusBarTexture(Settings.Media.StatusBar)
+			self.Castbar:SetScale(Settings.CastBars.Player.Scale)
+			self.Castbar:SetStatusBarColor(unpack(Settings.CastBars.Player.Color))
+            self.Castbar.Border = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, self.Castbar)
+            self.Castbar.Border:SetAllPoints(self.Castbar)
+            self.Castbar.Border:SetFrameLevel(self.Castbar:GetFrameLevel() + 2)
+			AddBorder(self.Castbar.Border, Settings.Media.BorderSize, Settings.Media.BorderPadding)
+			self.Castbar:SetHeight(Settings.CastBars.Player.Height)
+			self.Castbar:SetWidth(Settings.CastBars.Player.Width)
+			self.Castbar:SetParent(self)
+			self.Castbar:SetPoint(unpack(Settings.CastBars.Player.Position))
+			self.Castbar.Bg = self.Castbar:CreateTexture('$parentCastBarBackground', 'BACKGROUND')
+			self.Castbar.Bg:SetAllPoints(self.Castbar)
+			self.Castbar.Bg:SetTexture(Settings.Media.StatusBar)
+			self.Castbar.Bg:SetVertexColor(.1, .1, .1, .7)
+			self.Castbar.Text = self.Castbar:CreateFontString('$parentCastBarText', 'OVERLAY')
+			self.Castbar.Text:SetFont(Settings.Media.Font, 13)
+			self.Castbar.Text:SetShadowOffset(1, -1)
+			self.Castbar.Text:SetPoint('LEFT', self.Castbar, 'LEFT', 2, 0)
+			self.Castbar.Text:SetHeight(Settings.Media.FontSize)
+			self.Castbar.Text:SetWidth(130)
+			self.Castbar.Text:SetJustifyH('LEFT')
+			self.Castbar.Text:SetParent(self.Castbar)
+			self.Castbar.CustomTimeText = function(self, duration)
+				self.Time:SetFormattedText('%.1f/%.1f', duration, self.max)
+			end
+			self.Castbar.Time = self.Castbar:CreateFontString('$parentCastBarTime', 'OVERLAY')
+			self.Castbar.Time:SetFont(Settings.Media.Font, 13)
+			self.Castbar.Time:SetShadowOffset(1, -1)
+			self.Castbar.Time:SetPoint('RIGHT', self.Castbar, 'RIGHT', -2, 0)
+			self.Castbar.Time:SetParent(self.Castbar)
+			self.Castbar.Time:SetJustifyH('RIGHT')
+			self.Castbar.CustomDelayText = function(self, duration)
+				self.Time:SetFormattedText('[|cffff0000-%.1f|r] %.1f/%.1f', self.delay, duration, self.max)
+			end
+			self.Castbar.SafeZone = self.Castbar:CreateTexture('$parentCastBarSafeZone', 'OVERLAY')
+			self.Castbar.SafeZone:SetTexture('Interface\\Buttons\\WHITE8x8')
+			self.Castbar.SafeZone:SetVertexColor(1, .5, 0, .25)
+			self.PostChannelStart = UpdateChannelStart
+			self.PostCastStart = UpdateCastStart
+		elseif (unit == 'target') then
+			self.Castbar = CreateFrame('StatusBar', '$parentCastBar', self)
+			self.Castbar:SetStatusBarTexture(Settings.Media.StatusBar)
+			self.Castbar:SetStatusBarColor(unpack(Settings.CastBars.Target.Color))
+			self.Castbar:SetWidth(Settings.CastBars.Target.Width)
+			self.Castbar:SetScale(Settings.CastBars.Target.Scale)
+            self.Castbar.Border = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, self.Castbar)
+            self.Castbar.Border:SetAllPoints(self.Castbar)
+            self.Castbar.Border:SetFrameLevel(self.Castbar:GetFrameLevel() + 2)
+			AddBorder(self.Castbar.Border, Settings.Media.BorderSize, Settings.Media.BorderPadding)
+			self.Castbar:SetHeight(Settings.CastBars.Target.Height)
+			self.Castbar:SetParent(self)
+			self.Castbar:SetPoint(unpack(Settings.CastBars.Target.Position))
+			self.Castbar.Bg = self.Castbar:CreateTexture('$parentCastBarBackground', 'BORDER')
+			self.Castbar.Bg:SetAllPoints(self.Castbar)
+			self.Castbar.Bg:SetTexture(.1, .1, .1, .7)
+			self.Castbar.Text = self.Castbar:CreateFontString('$parentCastBarText', 'OVERLAY')
+			self.Castbar.Text:SetFont(Settings.Media.Font, 13)
+			self.Castbar.Text:SetShadowOffset(1, -1)
+			self.Castbar.Text:SetPoint('LEFT', self.Castbar, 'LEFT', 2, 0)
+			self.Castbar.Text:SetHeight(Settings.Media.FontSize)
+			self.Castbar.Text:SetWidth(130)
+			self.Castbar.Text:SetJustifyH('LEFT')
+			self.Castbar.Time = self.Castbar:CreateFontString('$parentCastBarTime', 'OVERLAY')
+			self.Castbar.Time:SetFont(Settings.Media.Font, 13)
+			self.Castbar.Time:SetShadowOffset(1, -1)
+			self.Castbar.Time:SetPoint('RIGHT', self.Castbar, 'RIGHT', -2, 0)
+			self.Castbar.CustomTimeText = function(self, duration)
+				if (self.casting) then
+					self.Time:SetFormattedText('%.1f', self.max - duration)
+				elseif (self.channeling) then
+					self.Time:SetFormattedText('%.1f', duration)
+				end
+			end
+			self.PostChannelStart = PostChannelStart
+			self.PostCastStart = PostCastStart
+		end
+	end
+	-- Now to skin and setup our Mirror Timers
+	for _, bar in pairs({
+		'MirrorTimer1',
+		'MirrorTimer2',
+		'MirrorTimer3',
+	}) do
+		for i, region in pairs({_G[bar]:GetRegions()}) do
+			if (region.GetTexture and region:GetTexture() == 'SolidTexture') then
+				region:Hide()
+			end
+		end
+        MirrorBorder = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, _G[bar])
+        MirrorBorder:SetAllPoints(_G[bar])
+        MirrorBorder:SetFrameLevel(_G[bar]:GetFrameLevel() + 2)
+		AddBorder(MirrorBorder, Settings.Media.BorderSize, Settings.Media.BorderPadding)
+		_G[bar..'Border']:Hide()
+		_G[bar]:SetParent(UIParent)
+		_G[bar]:SetScale(1.135)
+		_G[bar]:SetHeight(18)
+		_G[bar]:SetWidth(200)
+		_G[bar..'Background'] = _G[bar]:CreateTexture(bar..'Background', 'BACKGROUND', _G[bar])
+		_G[bar..'Background']:SetTexture('Interface\\Buttons\\WHITE8x8')
+		_G[bar..'Background']:SetAllPoints(bar)
+		_G[bar..'Background']:SetVertexColor(0, 0, 0, .5)
+		_G[bar..'Text']:SetFont(CastingBarFrameText:GetFont(), 13)
+		_G[bar..'Text']:ClearAllPoints()
+		_G[bar..'Text']:SetPoint('CENTER', MirrorTimer1StatusBar, 0, 1)
+		_G[bar..'StatusBar']:SetAllPoints(_G[bar])
+	end
+	-- Display the names
+	if (unit ~= 'player') then
+		local name = self.Health:CreateFontString('$parentName', 'OVERLAY')
+		name:SetFont(Settings.Media.Font, Settings.Media.FontSize)
+		name:SetShadowOffset(1, -1)
+		name:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+		name:SetWidth(130)
+        name:SetParent(self.Overlay)
+		name:SetHeight(Settings.Media.FontSize)
+        name.frequentUpdates = 0.2
+        self.Health.Value:SetParent(self.Overlay)
+        self.Info = name
+        self:Tag(self.Info, '[LanShortName]')
+        if (unit == 'targettarget') then
+            self.Health.Value:SetPoint('BOTTOM', self.Health, 0, 1)
+            self.Health.Value:Hide()
+            if (Settings.Units.ToT.Health.Percent or Settings.Units.ToT.Health.Deficit or Settings.Units.ToT.Health.Current) then
+                name:SetPoint('TOP', self.Health, 0, -1)
+                self.Health.Value:Show()
+            else
+                name:SetPoint('CENTER', self.Health)
+                name:Show()
+                self.Health.Value:Hide()
+            end
+		elseif (unit == 'pet' and Settings.Units.Pet.ShowPowerText) then
+            name:Hide()
+            if (Settings.Units.Pet.Health.Percent or Settings.Units.Pet.Health.Deficit or Settings.Units.Pet.Health.Current) then
+                self.Power.Value:SetPoint('RIGHT', self.Health, -2, 0)
+                self.Health.Value:SetPoint('LEFT', self.Health, 2, -1)
+            end
+        elseif (unit == 'pet' and not Settings.Units.Pet.ShowPowerText) then
+            name:SetPoint('CENTER', self.Health)
+            self:Tag(self.Info, '[LanName]')
+        elseif (unit == 'focus') then
+            name:SetText()
+        elseif (unit == 'target') then
+            name:SetPoint('LEFT', self.Health, 'LEFT', 1, 0)
+			name:SetJustifyH('LEFT')
+            self:Tag(self.Info, '[LanLevel][LanClassification] [LanName]')
+            self.Health.Value:SetPoint('RIGHT', self.Health, -2, -1)
+        else
+			name:SetPoint('LEFT', self.Health, 'LEFT', 1, 0)
+			name:SetJustifyH('LEFT')
+            self:Tag(self.Info, '[LanName]')
+		end
+    else
+        self.Health.Value:SetPoint('RIGHT', self.Health, -2, -1)
+    end
+    if (isHealer) then
+        if (unit == 'target') then
+            local MHPB = CreateFrame('StatusBar', nil, self.Health)
+            MHPB:SetOrientation('HORIZONTAL')
+            MHPB:SetPoint('LEFT', self.Health:GetStatusBarTexture(), 'RIGHT', 0, 0)
+            MHPB:SetStatusBarTexture(Settings.Media.StatusBar)
+            MHPB:SetWidth(200)
+            MHPB:SetHeight(22)
+            MHPB:SetStatusBarColor(0, 1, 0.5, 0.25)
+            local OHPB = CreateFrame('StatusBar', nil, self.Health)
+            OHPB:SetOrientation('HORIZONTAL')
+            OHPB:SetPoint('LEFT', MHPB:GetStatusBarTexture(), 'RIGHT', 0, 0)
+            OHPB:SetStatusBarTexture(Settings.Media.StatusBar)
+            OHPB:SetWidth(200)
+            OHPB:SetHeight(22)
+            OHPB:SetStatusBarColor(0, 1, 0, 0.25)
+            self.HealPrediction = {
+                myBar = MHPB,
+                otherBar = OHPB,
+                maxOverflow = 1,
+            }
+        end
+	end
+	-- Display icons
+	if (unit == 'player') then
+		self.Status = self.Health:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+        self.Status:SetParent(self.Overlay)
+        self.Status:SetFont(Settings.Media.Font, Settings.Media.FontSize)
+		self.Status:SetPoint('LEFT', self.Health, 'TOPLEFT', 2, 2)
+		self:Tag(self.Status, '[LanLeader][LanMaster]')
+        self.Resting = self.Overlay:CreateTexture(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+        self.Resting:SetParent(self.Overlay)
+		self.Resting:SetPoint('CENTER', self.Health, 'BOTTOMLEFT', 0, -4)
+		self.Resting:SetSize(20, 20)
+		self.Combat = self.Health:CreateTexture(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+        self.Combat:SetParent(self.Overlay)
+		self.Combat:SetPoint('CENTER', self.Health, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', 0, -4)
+		self.Combat:SetSize(24, 24)
+    end
+    -- Aura/buff/debuff handling, update those suckers!
+    if (unit == 'player' and Settings.Units.Player.ShowBuffs) then
+		local GAP = 6
+		self.Buffs = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, self)
+		self.Buffs:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', self, 'TOPLEFT', 0, 10)
+		self.Buffs:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', self, 'TOPRIGHT', 0, 10)
+		self.Buffs:SetHeight(30)
+		self.Buffs['growth-x'] = 'LEFT'
+		self.Buffs['growth-y'] = 'UP'
+		self.Buffs['initialAnchor'] = 'BOTTOMRIGHT'
+		self.Buffs['num'] = math.floor((Settings.Units.Player.Width - 4 + GAP) / (30 + GAP))
+		self.Buffs['size'] = Settings.Units.Player.Height
+		self.Buffs['spacing-x'] = GAP
+		self.Buffs['spacing-y'] = GAP
+		self.Buffs.CustomFilter   = CustomAuraFilter
+		self.Buffs.PostCreateIcon = PostCreateAuraIcon
+		self.Buffs.PostUpdateIcon = PostUpdateAuraIcon
+		self.Buffs.parent = self
+	elseif (unit == 'target') then
+		local GAP = 6
+        local MAX_ICONS = math.floor((Settings.Units.Target.Width + GAP) / (Settings.Units.Target.Height + GAP)) - 1
+        local NUM_BUFFS = math.max(1, math.floor(MAX_ICONS * 0.2))
+        local NUM_DEBUFFS = math.min(MAX_ICONS - 1, math.floor(MAX_ICONS * 0.8))
+		if (isHealer) then
+            local debuff = NUM_DEBUFFS - 1
+            local buff = NUM_BUFFS + 1
+        else
+            local debuff = NUM_DEBUFFS - 1
+            local buff = NUM_BUFFS + 1
+        end
+        self.Debuffs = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, self)
+        self.Debuffs:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", self, "TOPLEFT", 0, 24)
+		self.Debuffs:SetWidth((Settings.Units.Target.Height * NUM_DEBUFFS - 1) + (GAP * (NUM_DEBUFFS - 1)))
+		self.Debuffs:SetHeight((Settings.Units.Target.Height * 2) + (GAP * 2))
+		self.Debuffs['growth-x'] = 'RIGHT'
+		self.Debuffs['growth-y'] = 'UP'
+		self.Debuffs['initialAnchor'] = 'BOTTOMLEFT'
+		self.Debuffs['num'] = debuffs
+		self.Debuffs['showType'] = false
+		self.Debuffs['size'] = Settings.Units.Target.Height
+		self.Debuffs['spacing-x'] = GAP
+		self.Debuffs['spacing-y'] = GAP * 2
+		self.Debuffs.CustomFilter   = CustomAuraFilter
+		self.Debuffs.PostCreateIcon = PostCreateAuraIcon
+		self.Debuffs.PostUpdateIcon = PostUpdateAuraIcon
+		self.Debuffs.parent = self
+		self.Buffs = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, self)
+        self.Buffs:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', self, 'TOPRIGHT', 2, 24)
+		self.Buffs:SetWidth((Settings.Units.Target.Height * NUM_BUFFS + 1) + (GAP * (NUM_BUFFS - 1)))
+		self.Buffs:SetHeight((Settings.Units.Target.Height * 2) + (GAP * 2))
+		self.Buffs['growth-x'] = 'LEFT'
+		self.Buffs['growth-y'] = 'UP'
+		self.Buffs['initialAnchor'] = 'BOTTOMRIGHT'
+		self.Buffs['num'] = buffs
+		self.Buffs['showType'] = false
+		self.Buffs['size'] = Settings.Units.Target.Height
+		self.Buffs['spacing-x'] = GAP
+		self.Buffs['spacing-y'] = GAP * 2
+		self.Buffs.CustomFilter   = CustomAuraFilter
+		self.Buffs.PostCreateIcon = PostCreateAuraIcon
+		self.Buffs.PostUpdateIcon = PostUpdateAuraIcon
+		self.Buffs.parent = self
+	end
+	-- DebuffHighlight Support
+	self.DebuffHighlightBackdrop = false
+	self.DebuffHighlightFilter = true
+	-- Various oUF plugins support
+	if (unit == 'player') then
+		-- oUF_RuneBar support
+		if (IsAddOnLoaded('oUF_RuneBar') and class == 'DEATHKNIGHT') then
+			self.RuneBar = {}
+			for i = 1, 6 do
+				self.RuneBar[i] = CreateFrame('StatusBar', '$parentRuneBar', self)
+				if(i == 1) then
+					self.RuneBar[i]:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', self, 'BOTTOMLEFT', 0, -1)
+				else
+					self.RuneBar[i]:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', self.RuneBar[i-1], 'TOPRIGHT', 1, 0)
+				end
+				self.RuneBar[i]:SetStatusBarTexture(Settings.Media.StatusBar)
+				self.RuneBar[i]:SetHeight(5)
+				self.RuneBar[i]:SetWidth(200/6 - .85)
+				self.RuneBar[i]:SetBackdrop(backdrop)
+				self.RuneBar[i]:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, .5)
+				self.RuneBar[i]:SetMinMaxValues(0, 1)
+				self.RuneBar[i].bg = self.RuneBar[i]:CreateTexture('$parentRuneBackground', 'BORDER')
+				self.RuneBar[i].bg:SetAllPoints(self.RuneBar[i])
+				self.RuneBar[i].bg:SetTexture(.1, .1, .1)
+			end
+		end
+    end
+    -- DruidPower Support
+    if (unit == 'player' and select(2, UnitClass('player')) == 'DRUID') then
+        self.Druid = CreateFrame('Frame')
+        self.Druid:SetParent(self)
+        self.Druid:SetFrameStrata('LOW')
+        self.Druid.Power = CreateFrame('StatusBar', nil, self)
+        self.Druid.Power:SetPoint('TOP', self.Power, 'BOTTOM', 0, -7)
+        self.Druid.Power:SetStatusBarTexture(Settings.Media.StatusBar)
+        self.Druid.Power:SetFrameStrata('LOW')
+        self.Druid.Power:SetFrameLevel(self.Druid:GetFrameLevel() - 1)
+        self.Druid.Power:SetHeight(10)
+        self.Druid.Power:SetWidth(200)
+        self.Druid.Power:SetBackdrop(backdrop)
+        self.Druid.Power:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
+        self.DruidBorder = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, self.Druid.Power)
+        self.DruidBorder:SetAllPoints(self.Druid.Power)
+        self.DruidBorder:SetFrameLevel(self.Druid.Power:GetFrameLevel() + 2)
+        AddBorder(self.DruidBorder, Settings.Media.BorderSize, 5)
+        table.insert(self.__elements, UpdateDruidPower)
+        self:RegisterEvent('UNIT_MANA', UpdateDruidPower)
+        self:RegisterEvent('UNIT_RAGE', UpdateDruidPower)
+        self:RegisterEvent('UNIT_ENERGY', UpdateDruidPower)
+        self:RegisterEvent('UPDATE_SHAPESHIFT_FORM', UpdateDruidPower)
+    end
+    -- Eclipse Bar Support
+    if (select(2, UnitClass('player')) == 'DRUID') then
+        local EclipseBar = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, self)
+        EclipseBar:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', self, 'BOTTOMLEFT', 0, -10)
+        EclipseBar:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT', self, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', 0, -10)
+        EclipseBar:SetSize(200, 10)
+        EclipseBar:SetBackdrop(backdrop)
+        EclipseBar:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 0.6)
+        local EclipseBarBorder = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, EclipseBar)
+        EclipseBarBorder:SetAllPoints(EclipseBar)
+        EclipseBarBorder:SetFrameLevel(EclipseBar:GetFrameLevel() + 2)
+        AddBorder(EclipseBarBorder, Settings.Media.BorderSize, Settings.Media.BorderPadding)
+        local LunarBar = CreateFrame('StatusBar', nil, EclipseBar)
+        LunarBar:SetPoint('LEFT', EclipseBar, 'LEFT', 0, 0)
+        LunarBar:SetSize(200, 10)
+        LunarBar:SetStatusBarTexture(Settings.Media.StatusBar)
+        LunarBar:SetStatusBarColor(1, 1, 1)
+        EclipseBar.LunarBar = LunarBar
+        local SolarBar = CreateFrame('StatusBar', nil, EclipseBar)
+        SolarBar:SetPoint('LEFT', LunarBar:GetStatusBarTexture(), 'RIGHT', 0, 0)
+        SolarBar:SetSize(200, 10)
+        SolarBar:SetStatusBarTexture(Settings.Media.StatusBar)
+        SolarBar:SetStatusBarColor(1, 3/5, 0)
+        EclipseBar.SolarBar = SolarBar
+        local EclipseBarText = EclipseBarBorder:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+        EclipseBarText:SetPoint('CENTER', EclipseBarBorder, 'CENTER', 0, 0)
+        EclipseBarText:SetFont(Settings.Media.Font, Settings.Media.FontSize, 'OUTLINE')
+        self:Tag(EclipseBarText, '[pereclipse]%')
+        self.EclipseBar = EclipseBar
+    end
+    -- Soul Shard Support
+	if (select(2, UnitClass('player')) == 'WARLOCK') then
+        local Shards = self:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+        Shards:SetPoint('CENTER', self, 'RIGHT', 17, -2)
+        Shards:SetFont(Settings.Media.Font, 24, 'OUTLINE')
+        Shards:SetJustifyH('CENTER')
+        self:Tag(Shards, '[LanShards]')
+    end
+    -- Holy Power Support
+    if (select(2, UnitClass('player')) == 'PALADIN') then
+        local HolyPower = self:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+        HolyPower:SetPoint('CENTER', self, 'RIGHT', 17, -2)
+        HolyPower:SetFont(Settings.Media.Font, 24, 'OUTLINE')
+        HolyPower:SetJustifyH('CENTER')
+        self:Tag(HolyPower, '[LanHolyPower]')
+    end
+    -- Combo points display
+	if (select(2, UnitClass('player')) == 'ROGUE') or (select(2, UnitClass('player')) == 'DRUID') then
+        local ComboPoints = self:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+        ComboPoints:SetPoint('CENTER', self, 'RIGHT', 17, -2)
+        ComboPoints:SetFont(Settings.Media.Font, 24, 'OUTLINE')
+        ComboPoints:SetJustifyH('CENTER')
+        self:Tag(ComboPoints, '[LanCombo]')
+    end
+    -- Raid Icons
+    if (unit == 'target') then
+        self.RaidIcon = self.Overlay:CreateTexture('$parentRaidIcon', 'ARTWORK')
+        self.RaidIcon:SetHeight(18)
+        self.RaidIcon:SetWidth(18)
+        self.RaidIcon:SetPoint('CENTER', self.Overlay, 'TOP')
+        self.RaidIcon:SetTexture('Interface\\TargettingFrame\\UI-RaidTargetingIcons')
+    end
+	-- Custom sizes for our frames
+    if (isSingle) then
+        if (unit == 'player') then
+            self:SetSize(Settings.Units.Player.Width, Settings.Units.Player.Height)
+        elseif (unit == 'target') then
+            self:SetSize(Settings.Units.Target.Width, Settings.Units.Target.Height)
+        elseif (unit == 'pet') then
+            self:SetSize(Settings.Units.Pet.Width, Settings.Units.Pet.Height)
+        end
+        if (Settings.Show.ToT) then
+            if (unit == 'targettarget') then
+                self:SetSize(Settings.Units.ToT.Width, Settings.Units.ToT.Height)
+            end
+        end
+        if (Settings.Show.Focus) then
+            if (unit == 'focus') then
+                self:SetSize(Settings.Units.Focus.Width, Settings.Units.Focus.Height)
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    -- Hardcore border action!
+    AddBorder(self, Settings.Media.BorderSize, Settings.Media.BorderPadding + 2)
+    self:SetBorderParent(self.Overlay)
+    self.UpdateBorder = UpdateBorder
+    -- Dispel highlight support
+    self.DispelHighlight = UpdateDispelHighlight
+    -- Threat highlight support
+    self.threatLevel = 0
+	self.ThreatHighlight = UpdateThreatHighlight
+    return self
+-- First build the group style
+local function StylishGroup(self, unit)
+	self.menu = CreateDropDown
+    self:SetScript("OnEnter", UnitFrame_OnEnter)
+    self:SetScript("OnLeave", UnitFrame_OnLeave)
+	self.ignoreHealComm = true
+	self:EnableMouse(true)
+	self:RegisterForClicks('AnyUp')
+	if (Settings.Show.Party) then
+		if (Settings.Units.Party.Healer) then
+			self:SetSize(100, 35)
+		else
+			self:SetSize(Settings.Units.Party.Width, Settings.Units.Party.Height)
+		end
+    else
+        return
+	end
+	-- Health bar display for group frames
+	self.Health = CreateFrame('StatusBar', '$parentHealthBar', self)
+	self.Health:SetStatusBarTexture(Settings.Media.StatusBar, 'ARTWORK')
+	self.Health:SetParent(self)
+	self.Health:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT')
+	self.Health:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', 0, -1)
+	self:SetBackdrop(backdrop)
+	self:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, .5)
+	self.Health.PostUpdate = UpdateGroupHealth
+	if (Settings.Units.Party.Health.ClassColor) then
+		self.Health.colorClass = true
+	end
+	self.Health.Smooth = true
+    self.Health.frequentUpdates = 0.3
+	-- Health bar background display for group frames
+	self.Health.Background = self.Health:CreateTexture('$parentHealthBackground', 'BORDER')
+	self.Health.Background:SetAllPoints(self.Health)
+	-- Background Color
+	self.Health.Background:SetTexture(.08, .08, .08)
+	-- Health value settings
+	self.Health.Value = self.Health:CreateFontString('$parentHealthValue', 'OVERLAY')
+	self.Health.Value:SetFont(Settings.Media.Font, Settings.Media.FontSize)
+    -- Improve border drawing
+    self.Overlay = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, self)
+	self.Overlay:SetAllPoints(self)
+	self.Overlay:SetFrameLevel(self.Health:GetFrameLevel() + (self.Power and 3 or 2))
+	-- Display group names
+	self.Name = self.Health:CreateFontString('$parentName', 'OVERLAY')
+	self.Name:SetPoint('LEFT', self.Health, 5, 1)
+	self.Name:SetFont(Settings.Media.Font, 13)
+	self.Name:SetShadowOffset(1, -1)
+    self.Name.frequentUpdates = 0.3
+    self:Tag(self.Name, '|cffffffff[LanName]|r')
+	if (Settings.Units.Party.Healer) then
+		self.Name:SetPoint('CENTER', self.Health)
+	end
+    if isHealer then
+		local MHPB = CreateFrame('StatusBar', nil, self.Health)
+		MHPB:SetOrientation('HORIZONTAL')
+		MHPB:SetPoint('LEFT', self.Health:GetStatusBarTexture(), 'RIGHT', 0, 0)
+		MHPB:SetStatusBarTexture(Settings.Media.StatusBar)
+		MHPB:SetWidth(100)
+		MHPB:SetHeight(35)
+		MHPB:SetStatusBarColor(0, 1, 0.5, 0.25)
+		local OHPB = CreateFrame('StatusBar', nil, self.Health)
+		OHPB:SetOrientation('HORIZONTAL')
+		OHPB:SetPoint('LEFT', MHPB:GetStatusBarTexture(), 'RIGHT', 0, 0)
+		OHPB:SetStatusBarTexture(Settings.Media.StatusBar)
+		OHPB:SetWidth(100)
+		OHPB:SetHeight(35)
+		OHPB:SetStatusBarColor(0, 1, 0, 0.25)
+		self.HealPrediction = {
+			myBar = MHPB,
+			otherBar = OHPB,
+			maxOverflow = 1,
+		}
+	end
+	if unit == 'party' or unit == 'target' then
+		self.Status = self.Overlay:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+        self.Status:SetFont(Settings.Media.Font, Settings.Media.FontSize)
+		self.Status:SetPoint('RIGHT', self.Health, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', -2, 0)
+		self:Tag(self.Status, '[LanMaster][LanLeader]')
+	end
+	-- Raid Icons
+	self.RaidIcon = self.Overlay:CreateTexture('$parentRaidIcon', 'ARTWORK')
+	self.RaidIcon:SetHeight(18)
+	self.RaidIcon:SetWidth(18)
+	self.RaidIcon:SetPoint('CENTER', self.Overlay, 'TOP')
+	self.RaidIcon:SetTexture('Interface\\TargettingFrame\\UI-RaidTargetingIcons')
+    -- LFD Role
+    self.LFDRole = self.Overlay:CreateTexture(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+    self.LFDRole:SetPoint('CENTER', self, 'RIGHT', 2, 0)
+    self.LFDRole:SetSize(16, 16)
+    -- Buffs
+    local GAP = 6
+    self.Buffs = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, self)
+    self.Buffs:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', self, 'TOPRIGHT', 0, 10)
+    self.Buffs:SetHeight(Settings.Units.Party.Height)
+    self.Buffs:SetWidth((Settings.Units.Party.Height * 4) + (GAP * 3))
+    self.Buffs['growth-x'] = 'LEFT'
+    self.Buffs['growth-y'] = 'DOWN'
+    self.Buffs['initialAnchor'] = 'TOPRIGHT'
+    self.Buffs['num'] = 4
+    self.Buffs['size'] = Settings.Units.Party.Height
+    self.Buffs['spacing-x'] = GAP
+    self.Buffs['spacing-y'] = GAP
+    self.Buffs.CustomFilter   = CustomAuraFilter
+    self.Buffs.PostCreateIcon = PostCreateAuraIcon
+    self.Buffs.PostUpdateIcon = PostUpdateAuraIcon
+    self.Buffs.parent = self
+	-- Range-finding support
+	self.Range = {
+		insideAlpha = 1,
+		outsideAlpha = .3,
+	}
+	self.SpellRange = true
+    -- Hardcore border action!
+    AddBorder(self, Settings.Media.BorderSize, Settings.Media.BorderPadding + 2)
+    self:SetBorderParent(self.Overlay)
+    self.UpdateBorder = UpdateBorder
+    -- Dispel highlight support
+    self.DispelHighlight = UpdateDispelHighlight
+    -- Threat highlight support
+    self.threatLevel = 0
+	self.ThreatHighlight = UpdateThreatHighlight
+    return self
+-- Now the raid style
+local function StylishRaid(self, unit)
+	self.menu = CreateDropDown
+    self:SetScript("OnEnter", UnitFrame_OnEnter)
+    self:SetScript("OnLeave", UnitFrame_OnLeave)
+	self.ignoreHealComm = true
+	self:EnableMouse(true)
+	self:RegisterForClicks('AnyUp')
+	if (Settings.Show.Raid) then
+		if (Settings.Units.Raid.Healer) then
+			self:SetSize(75, 35)
+		else
+			self:SetSize(Settings.Units.Raid.Width, Settings.Units.Raid.Height)
+		end
+    else
+        return
+	end
+	-- Health bar display for group frames
+	self.Health = CreateFrame('StatusBar', '$parentHealthBar', self)
+	self.Health:SetStatusBarTexture(Settings.Media.StatusBar, 'ARTWORK')
+	self.Health:SetParent(self)
+	self.Health:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT')
+	self.Health:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', 0, -1)
+	self:SetBackdrop(backdrop)
+	self:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, .5)
+	self.Health.PostUpdate = UpdateRaidHealth
+	if (Settings.Units.Raid.Health.ClassColor) then
+		self.Health.colorClass = true
+	end
+	self.Health.Smooth = true
+    self.Health.frequentUpdates = 0.3
+	-- Health bar background display for group frames
+	self.Health.Background = self.Health:CreateTexture('$parentHealthBackground', 'BORDER')
+	self.Health.Background:SetAllPoints(self.Health)
+	-- Background Color
+	self.Health.Background:SetTexture(.08, .08, .08)
+	-- Health value settings
+	self.Health.Value = self.Health:CreateFontString('$parentHealthValue', 'OVERLAY')
+	self.Health.Value:SetFont(Settings.Media.Font, Settings.Media.FontSize)
+    -- Improve border drawing
+    self.Overlay = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, self)
+	self.Overlay:SetAllPoints(self)
+	self.Overlay:SetFrameLevel(self.Health:GetFrameLevel() + (self.Power and 3 or 2))
+	-- Display group names
+    if (Settings.Units.Raid.Healer) then
+		self.Name = self.Health:CreateFontString('$parentName', 'OVERLAY')
+		self.Name:SetPoint('TOP', 0, -2)
+		self.Name:SetFont(Settings.Media.Font, 13)
+		self.Name:SetShadowOffset(1, -1)
+		self.Name:SetJustifyH('CENTER')
+		self:Tag(self.Name, '|cffffffff[LanRaidName]|r')
+	else
+		self.Name = self.Health:CreateFontString('$parentName', 'OVERLAY')
+		self.Name:SetPoint('LEFT', self.Health, 5, 1)
+		self.Name:SetFont(Settings.Media.Font, 13)
+		self.Name:SetShadowOffset(1, -1)
+		self:Tag(self.Name, '|cffffffff[LanName]|r')
+		self.Health:SetOrientation('HORIZONTAL')
+	end
+    self.Name.frequentUpdates = 0.3
+    if isHealer then
+		local MHPB = CreateFrame('StatusBar', nil, self.Health)
+		MHPB:SetPoint('BOTTOM', self.Health:GetStatusBarTexture(), 'TOP', 0, 0)
+		MHPB:SetStatusBarTexture(Settings.Media.StatusBar)
+		MHPB:SetWidth(75)
+		MHPB:SetHeight(35)
+		MHPB:SetStatusBarColor(0, 1, 0.5, 0.25)
+		local OHPB = CreateFrame('StatusBar', nil, self.Health)
+		OHPB:SetPoint('BOTTOM', MHPB:GetStatusBarTexture(), 'TOP', 0, 0)
+		OHPB:SetStatusBarTexture(Settings.Media.StatusBar)
+		OHPB:SetWidth(75)
+		OHPB:SetHeight(35)
+		OHPB:SetStatusBarColor(0, 1, 0, 0.25)
+		self.HealPrediction = {
+			myBar = MHPB,
+			otherBar = OHPB,
+			maxOverflow = 1,
+		}
+	end
+	-- Status Icons Display
+    self.Status = self.Overlay:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+    self.Status:SetFont(Settings.Media.Font, Settings.Media.FontSize)
+    self.Status:SetPoint('RIGHT', self.Health, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', -2, 0)
+    self:Tag(self.Status, '[LanMaster][LanLeader]')
+	-- Raid Icons
+	self.RaidIcon = self.Overlay:CreateTexture('$parentRaidIcon', 'ARTWORK')
+	self.RaidIcon:SetHeight(18)
+	self.RaidIcon:SetWidth(18)
+	self.RaidIcon:SetPoint('CENTER', self.Overlay, 'TOP')
+	self.RaidIcon:SetTexture('Interface\\TargettingFrame\\UI-RaidTargetingIcons')
+    -- Range-finding support
+	self.Range = {
+		insideAlpha = 1,
+		outsideAlpha = .3,
+	}
+	self.SpellRange = true
+    -- Hardcore border action!
+    AddBorder(self, Settings.Media.BorderSize, Settings.Media.BorderPadding + 2)
+    self:SetBorderParent(self.Overlay)
+    self.UpdateBorder = UpdateBorder
+    -- Dispel highlight support
+    self.DispelHighlight = UpdateDispelHighlight
+    -- Threat highlight support
+    self.threatLevel = 0
+	self.ThreatHighlight = UpdateThreatHighlight
+    return self
+-- Now, actually bring it all together by actually spawning the frames
+-- First spawn the group and raid stuff
+oUF:RegisterStyle('oUF_Lanerra_Group', StylishGroup)
+oUF:RegisterStyle('oUF_Lanerra_Raid', StylishRaid)
+-- First up are the group frames
+	if (Settings.Units.Party.Healer) then
+		local group = oUF:SpawnHeader('oUF_Lanerra_Group', nil, nil, 'showParty', true, 'showFocus', true, 'columnSpacing', 10, 'unitsPerColumn', 1, 'maxColumns', 5, 'columnAnchorPoint', 'LEFT', 'groupFilter', i)
+		group:SetPoint('CENTER', UIParent, 0, -240)
+	else
+		local group = oUF:SpawnHeader('oUF_Lanerra_Group', nil, nil, 'showParty', true, 'showPlayer', true, 'showFocus', true, 'yOffset', -10)
+		if (IsAddOnLoaded('Skada')) then
+			group:SetPoint(unpack(Settings.Units.Party.TinyPosition))
+		else
+			group:SetPoint(unpack(Settings.Units.Party.Position))
+		end
+	end
+-- Now for the raid frames
+    self:SetActiveStyle('oUF_Lanerra_Raid')
+    if (Settings.Units.Raid.Healer) then
+        raid = oUF:SpawnHeader('oUF_Lanerra_Raid', nil, nil, 'showPlayer', true, 'showRaid', true, 'xOffset', 10, 'yOffset', -5, 'point', 'LEFT', 'groupFilter', '1,2,3,4,5', 'groupingOrder', '1,2,3,4,5', 'groupBy', 'GROUP', 'maxColumns', 10, 'unitsPerColumn', 5, 'columnSpacing', 10, 'columnAnchorPoint', 'TOP')
+        raid:SetPoint('CENTER', UIParent, 0, -310)
+        if (Settings.Units.Raid.Healer) then
+            local RaidShift, raid = false
+            do
+                local UpdateRaid = CreateFrame('Frame')
+                UpdateRaid:RegisterEvent('RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE')
+                UpdateRaid:SetScript('OnEvent', function(self)
+                    if RaidShift == false then return end
+                    if(InCombatLockdown()) then
+                        self:RegisterEvent('PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED')
+                    else
+                        self:UnregisterEvent('PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED')
+                        if (GetNumRaidMembers() < 26 and GetNumRaidMembers() > 10) then
+                            raid:SetPoint('CENTER', UIParent, -105, -200)
+                        elseif (GetNumRaidMembers() < 11) then
+                            raid:SetPoint('CENTER', UIParent, -21, -200)
+                        end
+                    end
+                end)
+            end
+        end
+    else
+        raid = {}
+        for i = 1, 5 do
+            raid[i] = oUF:SpawnHeader('oUF_Lanerra_Raid'..i, nil, nil, 'groupFilter', i, 'showRaid', true, 'showParty', true, 'showFocus', true, 'yOffset', -10)
+            table.insert(raid, raid[i])
+            if (i == 1) then
+                if (IsAddOnLoaded('TinyDPS')) then
+                    raid[i]:SetPoint(unpack(Settings.Units.Raid.TinyPosition))
+                else
+                    raid[i]:SetPoint(unpack(Settings.Units.Raid.Position))
+                end
+            else
+                raid[i]:SetPoint('TOP', raid[i-1], 'BOTTOM', 0, -10)
+            end
+            raid[i]:Show()
+        end
+    end
+-- Killin' those pesky raid frames
+for _, frame in pairs({
+	CompactPartyFrame,
+	CompactRaidFrameManager,
+	CompactRaidFrameContainer,
+}) do
+	frame:UnregisterAllEvents()
+    hooksecurefunc(frame, 'Show', function(self)
+        self:Hide()
+    end)
+for _, button in pairs({
+	'OptionsButton',
+    'LockedModeToggle',
+	'HiddenModeToggle',
+}) do
+    _G['CompactRaidFrameManagerDisplayFrame'..button]:Hide()
+    _G['CompactRaidFrameManagerDisplayFrame'..button]:Disable()
+    _G['CompactRaidFrameManagerDisplayFrame'..button]:EnableMouse(false)
+-- Now all the solo stuff
+oUF:RegisterStyle('oUF_Lanerra', Stylish)
+	self:SetActiveStyle('oUF_Lanerra')
+	self:Spawn('player', 'oUF_Lanerra_Player'):SetPoint(unpack(Settings.Units.Player.Position))
+	self:Spawn('target', 'oUF_Lanerra_Target'):SetPoint(unpack(Settings.Units.Target.Position))
+	self:Spawn('targettarget', 'oUF_Lanerra_ToT'):SetPoint(unpack(Settings.Units.ToT.Position))
+	self:Spawn('pet', 'oUF_Lanerra_Pet'):SetPoint(unpack(Settings.Units.Pet.Position))
+	self:Spawn('focus', 'oUF_Lanerra_Focus'):SetPoint(unpack(Settings.Units.Focus.Position))
+-- Handling, whether the Raid- or the Party-frame is shown
+-- FIX: Quick'n'dirty fix until the oUF-conditions work again
+local partyToggle = CreateFrame('Frame')
+partyToggle:SetScript('OnEvent', function(self)
+    if(InCombatLockdown()) then
+        self:RegisterEvent('PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED')
+    else
+        self:UnregisterEvent('PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED')
+        --[[ This results in the following behavior: If you're in a raid, the party frame will be hidden, no matter how many members
+        your raid already has. This means, the party will be hidden if the party leader clicks the button to create a raid.
+        If you want to switch to raid view later (meaning, if the members no longer fit into the party frame), you may change the following line accordingly.--]]
+        if (Settings.Units.Raid.Healer) and (Settings.Units.Party.Healer) then
+	        if(GetNumRaidMembers() > 0) then
+	            _G['oUF_Lanerra_Group']:Hide()
+	            _G['oUF_Lanerra_Raid']:Show()
+	        else
+	            _G['oUF_Lanerra_Group']:Show()
+	            _G['oUF_Lanerra_Raid']:Hide()
+	        end
+	     else
+	        if(GetNumRaidMembers() > 0) then
+	            _G['oUF_Lanerra_Group']:Hide()
+	            _G['oUF_Lanerra_Raid1']:Show()
+	            _G['oUF_Lanerra_Raid2']:Show()
+	            _G['oUF_Lanerra_Raid3']:Show()
+	            _G['oUF_Lanerra_Raid4']:Show()
+	            _G['oUF_Lanerra_Raid5']:Show()
+	        else
+	            _G['oUF_Lanerra_Group']:Show()
+	            _G['oUF_Lanerra_Raid1']:Hide()
+	            _G['oUF_Lanerra_Raid2']:Hide()
+	            _G['oUF_Lanerra_Raid3']:Hide()
+	            _G['oUF_Lanerra_Raid4']:Hide()
+	            _G['oUF_Lanerra_Raid5']:Hide()
+	        end
+	     end
+    end
diff --git a/oUF_Lanerra.toc b/oUF_Lanerra.toc
index 2a1d5f9..24f70e6 100644
--- a/oUF_Lanerra.toc
+++ b/oUF_Lanerra.toc
@@ -4,7 +4,28 @@
 ## Title: oUF_Lanerra
 ## Notes: oUF layout by Lanerra
 ## Author: Lanerra
-## X-Copyright: Copyright © 2010 Lanerra.
+## X-Copyright: Copyright  2010 Lanerra.
+## X-License: See LICENSE file for license terms.
+## RequiredDeps: oUF
+## OptionalDeps: oUF_DebuffHighlight, oUF_RuneBar
+## Interface: 40200
+## Version: 1.2
+## Title: oUF_Lanerra
+## Notes: oUF layout by Lanerra
+## Author: Lanerra
+## X-Copyright: Copyright  2010 Lanerra.
 ## X-License: See LICENSE file for license terms.
 ## RequiredDeps: oUF
 ## OptionalDeps: oUF_DebuffHighlight, oUF_RuneBar
diff --git a/oUF_Lanerra_Config.lua b/oUF_Lanerra_Config.lua
index c59b7b0..dfe0471 100644
--- a/oUF_Lanerra_Config.lua
+++ b/oUF_Lanerra_Config.lua
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
--- Copyright © 2010-2011 Lanerra. See LICENSE file for license terms.
+-- Copyright  2010-2011 Lanerra. See LICENSE file for license terms.
 Settings = {
     Show = {
         CastBars = true,
@@ -127,4 +127,133 @@ Settings = {
             InterruptColor = {1, 0, 1},
+-- Copyright  2010-2011 Lanerra. See LICENSE file for license terms.
+Settings = {
+    Show = {
+        CastBars = true,
+        Focus = true,
+        ToT = true,
+        Party = true,
+        Raid = true,
+    },
+    Media = {
+        Border = 'Interface\\Addons\\oUF_Lanerra\\media\\borderTexture.tga',
+        StatusBar = 'Interface\\Addons\\oUF_Lanerra\\media\\statusbarTexture.tga',
+        Font = 'Interface\\Addons\\oUF_Lanerra\\media\\font.ttf',
+        FontSize = 15,
+        BorderSize = 14,
+        BorderColor = { 0.65, 0.65, 0.65 },
+        BackdropColor = { 0, 0, 0, 0.75 },
+        BorderPadding = 4
+    },
+    Units = {
+        Player = {
+            Height = 30,
+            Width = 200,
+            Position = {'CENTER', UIParent, -325, -175},
+            Health = {
+                Percent = false,
+                Deficit = false,
+                Current = true,
+            },
+            ShowPowerText = true,
+            ShowBuffs = false,
+        },
+        Pet = {
+            Height = 30,
+            Width = 80,
+            Position = {'CENTER', UIParent, -485, -175},
+            Health = {
+                Percent = false,
+                Deficit = false,
+                Current = false,
+            },
+        },
+        Target = {
+            Height = 30,
+            Width = 200,
+            Position = {'CENTER', UIParent, 325, -175},
+            Health = {
+                Percent = true,
+                Deficit = false,
+                Current = false,
+                PerCur = false,
+            },
+            ShowPowerText = true,
+        },
+        ToT = {
+            Height = 30,
+            Width = 80,
+            Position = {'CENTER', UIParent, 485, -175},
+            Health = {
+                Percent = false,
+                Deficit = false,
+                Current = false,
+            },
+        },
+        Focus = {
+            Height = 30,
+            Width = 30,
+            Position = {'CENTER', UIParent, 0, -175},
+            Health = {
+                Percent = false,
+                Deficit = false,
+                Current = false,
+            },
+            VerticalHealth = true,
+        },
+        Party = {
+            Height = 20,
+            Width = 100,
+            TinyPosition = {'TOPLEFT', UIParent, 25, -210},
+            Position = {'TOPLEFT', UIParent, 25, -25},
+            Health = {
+                Percent = true,
+                Deficit = false,
+                Current = false,
+                ClassColor = true,
+            },
+            HidePower = true, -- Reserved for future use
+            Healer = true,
+        },
+        Raid = {
+            Height = 18,
+            Width = 100,
+            TinyPosition = {'TOPLEFT', UIParent, 25, -210},
+            Position = {'TOPLEFT', UIParent, 25, -25},
+            Health = {
+                Percent = false,
+                Deficit = true,
+                Current = false,
+                ClassColor = true,
+            },
+            HidePower = true, -- Reserved for future use
+            Healer = true, -- If true, overrides height and width in this section and gets set to a static amount
+        },
+    },
+    CastBars = {
+        Player = {
+            Show = true,
+            Height = 25,
+            Width = 200,
+            Scale = 1,
+            Position = {'CENTER', UIParent, -325, -232},
+            ClassColor = false,
+            SafeZone = true,
+            Latency = false,
+            Color = {.25, .25, .25},
+        },
+        Target = {
+            Show = true,
+            Height = 25,
+            Width = 200,
+            Scale = 1,
+            Position = {'CENTER', UIParent, 325, -232},
+            ClassColor = false,
+            Color = {.25, .25, .25},
+            InterruptHighlight = false,
+            InterruptColor = {1, 0, 1},
+        },
+    },
\ No newline at end of file