diff --git a/AutoTurnIn.lua b/AutoTurnIn.lua
index f429c30..cff47bc 100644
--- a/AutoTurnIn.lua
+++ b/AutoTurnIn.lua
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ local TOCVersion = GetAddOnMetadata(addonName, "Version")
AutoTurnIn = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("AutoTurnIn", "AceEvent-3.0", "AceConsole-3.0")
AutoTurnIn.defaults = {enabled = true, all = false, lootreward = 1, tournament = 2,
- darkmoonteleport=true, togglekey=2, darkmoonautostart=true, showrewardtext=true, version=TOCVersion, autoequip = false,
+ darkmoonteleport=true, togglekey=4, darkmoonautostart=true, showrewardtext=true, version=TOCVersion, autoequip = false, debug=false,
armor = {}, weapon = {}, stat = {}, secondary = {}}
AutoTurnIn.ldb, AutoTurnIn.allowed = nil, nil
AutoTurnIn.caption = addonName ..' [%s]'
@@ -303,8 +303,17 @@ function AutoTurnIn:TurnInQuest(rewardIndex)
self.delayFrame.delay = time() + 2
- self:Print(GetQuestItemLink("choice", rewardIndex))
- --GetQuestReward(rewardIndex)
+ if (AutoTurnInCharacterDB.debug) then
+ local link = GetQuestItemLink("choice", rewardIndex)
+ if (link) then
+ self:Print("Debug: item to loot=", GetQuestItemLink("choice", rewardIndex))
+ elseif (GetNumQuestChoices() == 0) then
+ self:Print("Debug: turning quest in")
+ end
+ else
+ GetQuestReward(rewardIndex)
+ end
function AutoTurnIn:Greed()
@@ -338,7 +347,7 @@ function AutoTurnIn:Need()
for i=1, GetNumQuestChoices() do
local link = GetQuestItemLink("choice", i)
if ( link == nil ) then
return true
@@ -349,20 +358,21 @@ function AutoTurnIn:Need()
if ( 'INVTYPE_TRINKET' == equipSlot )then
return true
- end
- -- item is suitable is there are no type cpecified at all or item type is required
+ end
+ local itemCandidate = {index=i, points=0, type="", stat="NOTCHOSEN", secondary={}}
+ -- TYPE: item is suitable if there are no type specified at all or item type is chosen
local OkByType = false
if class == C.WEAPONLABEL then
OkByType = (not next(AutoTurnInCharacterDB.weapon)) or (AutoTurnInCharacterDB.weapon[subclass] or
- self:IsRangedAndRequired(subclass))
+ self:IsRangedAndRequired(subclass))
OkByType = ( not next(AutoTurnInCharacterDB.armor) ) or ( AutoTurnInCharacterDB.armor[subclass] or
AutoTurnInCharacterDB.armor[equipSlot] or self:IsJewelryAndRequired(equipSlot) )
- --Same here: if no stat specified or item stat is chosen then item is wanted
- local itemCandidate = {index=i, hits=0}
+ itemCandidate.type=subclass .. ((not not OkByType) and "=>OK" or "=>FAIL")
+ --STAT+SECONDARY: Same here: if no stat specified or item stat is chosen then item is wanted
local OkByStat = not next(AutoTurnInCharacterDB.stat) -- true if table is empty
local OkBySecondary = not next(AutoTurnInCharacterDB.secondary) -- true if table is empty
if (not (OkByStat and OkBySecondaryStat)) then
@@ -371,29 +381,41 @@ function AutoTurnIn:Need()
for stat, value in pairs(self.stattable) do
if ( AutoTurnInCharacterDB.stat[stat] ) then
OkByStat = true
+ itemCandidate.stat=_G[stat].."=>OK"
if ( AutoTurnInCharacterDB.secondary[stat] ) then
OkBySecondary = true
- itemCandidate.hits = itemCandidate.hits + 1
+ itemCandidate.points = itemCandidate.points + 1
+ tinsert(itemCandidate.secondary, _G[stat])
-- User may not choose any options hence any item became 'ok'. That situation is undoubtly incorrect.
local SettingsExists = (class == C.WEAPONLABEL and next(AutoTurnInCharacterDB.weapon) or next(AutoTurnInCharacterDB.armor))
- or next(AutoTurnInCharacterDB.stat)
+ or next(AutoTurnInCharacterDB.stat)
-- OK means that particular options section is empty or item meets requirements
if (OkByType and OkByStat and OkBySecondary and SettingsExists) then
tinsert(self.found, itemCandidate)
+ if (AutoTurnInCharacterDB.debug) then
+ local secondaryDebug = ""
+ for _, sec in pairs(itemCandidate.secondary) do
+ secondaryDebug = sec..","..secondaryDebug
+ end
+ self:Print("Debug:", GetQuestItemLink("choice", itemCandidate.index), " type:", itemCandidate.type,
+ " stat:", itemCandidate.stat, " secondary:[", secondaryDebug, "]=>", itemCandidate.points)
+ end
local foundCount = #self.found
if foundCount > 1 then
-- sorting found items by relevance (count of attributes that concidence)
- table.sort(self.found, function(a,b) return a.hits > b.hits end)
- if (self.found[1].hits == self.found[2].hits) then
+ table.sort(self.found, function(a,b) return a.points > b.points end)
+ if (self.found[1].points == self.found[2].points) then
for _, reward in pairs(self.found) do
self:Print(GetQuestItemLink("choice", reward.index))
diff --git a/ui/main_options.lua b/ui/main_options.lua
index e0884d9..778b7a1 100644
--- a/ui/main_options.lua
+++ b/ui/main_options.lua
@@ -124,6 +124,13 @@ EquipReward:SetScript("OnClick", function(self)
ptable.TempConfig.autoequip = self:GetChecked() == 1
+-- 'Equip Reward Text' CheckBox
+local Debug = CreateFrame("CheckButton", O.."Debug", OptionsPanel, "OptionsCheckButtonTemplate")
+Debug:SetScript("OnClick", function(self)
+ ptable.TempConfig.debug = self:GetChecked() == 1
-- Auto toggle key
local ToggleKeyLabel = OptionsPanel:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", "GameFontNormal")
@@ -159,6 +166,7 @@ DarkMoonCannon:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", LootDropDown, "BOTTOMLEFT", 16, -16)
DarkMoonAutoStart:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", DarkMoonCannon, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -16)
ShowRewardText:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", DarkMoonAutoStart, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -16)
EquipReward:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", ShowRewardText, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -16)
+Debug:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", ResetButton, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -16)
ToggleKeyLabel:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", ToggleKeyDropDown, "TOPLEFT", 18, 0)
ToggleKeyDropDown:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", EquipReward, "BOTTOMLEFT", -15, -30)
@@ -185,6 +193,7 @@ OptionsPanel.refresh = function()
+ Debug:SetChecked(ptable.TempConfig.debug)
UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(ToggleKeyDropDown, ptable.TempConfig.togglekey)
UIDropDownMenu_SetText(ToggleKeyDropDown, ToggleKeyConst[ptable.TempConfig.togglekey])