Enabled checking of FlameShockBehaviour Flag in rotation
BillLive [01-31-16 - 03:21]
Enabled checking of FlameShockBehaviour Flag in rotation
Renamed doFS to boostFSpriority
Signed-off-by: BillLive <bill@live.com.au>
diff --git a/Elementarist.toc b/Elementarist.toc
index 82f3b4a..63a35f1 100755
--- a/Elementarist.toc
+++ b/Elementarist.toc
@@ -6,9 +6,6 @@
## SavedVariables: ElementaristDB
## OptionalDeps: OmniCC, SpellFlash
## Dependencies:
-## X-Curse-Project-Name: Elementarist
-## X-Curse-Project-ID: elementarist
-## X-Curse-Repository-ID: wow/elementarist/mainline
diff --git a/modules/elemental.lua b/modules/elemental.lua
index 97a4960..eeccd37 100755
--- a/modules/elemental.lua
+++ b/modules/elemental.lua
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ Elementarist.elemental = {
local s,d,e
local haveFireTotem,fireTotemName,fireTotemStart,fireTotemDuration
local lastSpell
- local doFS = false
+ local boostFSpriority = false
local _
local EBTalent = (Elementarist.tier6Talent == 19267)
local UFTalent = (Elementarist.tier6Talent == 21773)
@@ -198,10 +198,10 @@ Elementarist.elemental = {
-- Determine if Flameshock is to be boosted in Priority
-- which occurs if the Boosting checking based on configuration and if they have the relevant talent to boost the DOT,
-- boost if any available boost is missing or if the time remaining is less than the configured threshold
- if (ElementaristDB.maximizeFS) and (UFTalent) and (Elementarist.auraCooldowns[tguid] and Elementarist.auraCooldowns[tguid]["BuffCount1"] ~= 1 ) then doFS = true end
- if (ElementaristDB.maximizeFS) and (EFTalent) and (Elementarist.auraCooldowns[tguid] and Elementarist.auraCooldowns[tguid]["BuffCount2"] ~= 2 ) then doFS = true end
- if ElementaristDB.doFSThreshold > (fsExpiration - currentTime - timeshift) then doFS = true end
- if doFS then Elementarist:Debug("doFS ufCount:" .. ufCount, " efCount"..efCount) else Elementarist:Debug("----- ufCount:" .. ufCount, " efCount"..efCount) end
+ if (ElementaristDB.maximizeFS) and (UFTalent) and (Elementarist.auraCooldowns[tguid] and Elementarist.auraCooldowns[tguid]["BuffCount1"] ~= 1 ) then boostFSpriority = true end
+ if (ElementaristDB.maximizeFS) and (EFTalent) and (Elementarist.auraCooldowns[tguid] and Elementarist.auraCooldowns[tguid]["BuffCount2"] ~= 2 ) then boostFSpriority = true end
+ if ElementaristDB.doFSThreshold > (fsExpiration - currentTime - timeshift) then boostFSpriority = true end
+ if boostFSpriority then Elementarist:Debug("boostFSpriority ufCount:" .. ufCount, " efCount"..efCount) else Elementarist:Debug("----- ufCount:" .. ufCount, " efCount"..efCount) end
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ Elementarist.elemental = {
-- Only allow this if we are not boosting Flameshock priority
if (Elementarist:ZeroCount(Elementarist.SpellList["Flame Shock"],spellInCast,exspell1,exspell2) and
Elementarist:ZeroCount(Elementarist.SpellList["Earth Shock"],spellInCast,exspell1,exspell2)) and
- not (doFS) then
+ not (boostFSpriority) then
if ( (fsExpiration - GetTime() - timeshift) > Elementarist.lastShockCD ) then
d = Elementarist:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(Elementarist.SpellList["Earth Shock"])
if (
@@ -331,16 +331,17 @@ Elementarist.elemental = {
-- Priority 6
-- Flameshock if not present or at less than 30% duration
-- lame_shock,cycle_targets=1,if=dot.flame_shock.remains<=(dot.flame_shock.duration*0.3)
- if (Elementarist:ZeroCount(Elementarist.SpellList["Flame Shock"],spellInCast,exspell1,exspell2) ) and
- (Elementarist:ZeroCount(Elementarist.SpellList["Earth Shock"],spellInCast,exspell1,exspell2) ) then
- d = Elementarist:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(Elementarist.SpellList["Flame Shock"])
- if ((d - timeshift) <= 0) then
- if ((fsExpiration - GetTime() - timeshift) < (9) ) then
- return Elementarist.SpellList["Flame Shock"]
+ if (ElementaristDB.Behavior == Elementarist.Behaviors["1"]) or (lvbCharges > 0) then
+ if (Elementarist:ZeroCount(Elementarist.SpellList["Flame Shock"],spellInCast,exspell1,exspell2) ) and
+ (Elementarist:ZeroCount(Elementarist.SpellList["Earth Shock"],spellInCast,exspell1,exspell2) ) then
+ d = Elementarist:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(Elementarist.SpellList["Flame Shock"])
+ if ((d - timeshift) <= 0) then
+ if ((fsExpiration - GetTime() - timeshift) < (9) ) then
+ return Elementarist.SpellList["Flame Shock"]
+ end
-- Priority 6b
-- Lava Burst if Ascendance but not able to flame shock..you should never get here!!.. Flameshock before you Assend!
if ( (ascendanceExp-GetTime()-timeshift) > 0) and
@@ -364,7 +365,7 @@ Elementarist.elemental = {
-- Priority 8
-- If Tier6 talent is Unleashed Fury cast Unleash Flame or (buffs & cooldowns & reamaining time are correct)
-- Unleash_flame,if=talent.unleashed_fury.enabled&!buff.ascendance.up|(talent.elemental_fusion.enabled&buff.elemental_fusion.stack=2&(dot.flame_shock.remains)<(dot.flame_shock.duration*(0.3+t18_class_trinket*(0.48+talent.unleashed_fury.enabled*0.22)))&cooldown.flame_shock.remains<gcd)
- if ((UFTalent) and not (doFS))or
+ if ((UFTalent) and not (boostFSpriority))or
(efCount==2 and ( (fsExpiration - currentTime - timeshift) < (fsDuration * fsRefreshPercentage ) and (fsExpiration - currentTime - timeshift) > Elementarist.lastShockCD) ) then
if (Elementarist:ZeroCount(Elementarist.SpellList["Unleash Flame"],spellInCast,exspell1,exspell2) ) then
d = Elementarist:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(Elementarist.SpellList["Unleash Flame"])