diff --git a/Libs/LibJostle-3.0.lua b/Libs/LibJostle-3.0.lua
index 0cc12a4..bdf465b 100644
--- a/Libs/LibJostle-3.0.lua
+++ b/Libs/LibJostle-3.0.lua
@@ -1,554 +1,555 @@
-Name: LibJostle-3.0
-Revision: $Rev: 50 $
-Author(s): ckknight (ckknight@gmail.com)
-Website: http://ckknight.wowinterface.com/
-Documentation: http://www.wowace.com/addons/libjostle-3-0/
-SVN: svn://svn.wowace.com/wow/libjostle-3-0/mainline/trunk
-Description: A library to handle rearrangement of blizzard's frames when bars are added to the sides of the screen.
-License: LGPL v2.1
-local MAJOR_VERSION = "LibJostle-3.0"
-local MINOR_VERSION = tonumber(("$Revision: 50 $"):match("(%d+)")) + 90000
-if not LibStub then error(MAJOR_VERSION .. " requires LibStub") end
-local oldLib = LibStub:GetLibrary(MAJOR_VERSION, true)
-local Jostle = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION)
-if not Jostle then
- return
-local blizzardFrames = {
- 'PlayerFrame',
- 'TargetFrame',
- 'MinimapCluster',
- 'PartyMemberFrame1',
- 'TicketStatusFrame',
- 'WorldStateAlwaysUpFrame',
- 'MainMenuBar',
- 'MultiBarRight',
- 'CT_PlayerFrame_Drag',
- 'CT_TargetFrame_Drag',
- 'Gypsy_PlayerFrameCapsule',
- 'Gypsy_TargetFrameCapsule',
- 'ConsolidatedBuffs',
- 'ChatFrame2',
- 'GroupLootFrame1',
- 'TutorialFrameParent',
- 'FramerateLabel',
- 'DurabilityFrame',
- 'CastingBarFrame',
-local blizzardFramesData = {}
-local _G = _G
-Jostle.hooks = oldLib and oldLib.hooks or {}
-Jostle.topFrames = oldLib and oldLib.topFrames or {}
-Jostle.bottomFrames = oldLib and oldLib.bottomFrames or {}
-Jostle.topAdjust = oldLib and oldLib.topAdjust
-Jostle.bottomAdjust = oldLib and oldLib.bottomAdjust
-if Jostle.topAdjust == nil then
- Jostle.topAdjust = true
-if Jostle.bottomAdjust == nil then
- Jostle.bottomAdjust = true
-if not Jostle.hooks.WorldMapFrame_Hide then
- Jostle.hooks.WorldMapFrame_Hide = true
- hooksecurefunc(WorldMapFrame, "Hide", function()
- if Jostle.WorldMapFrame_Hide then
- Jostle:WorldMapFrame_Hide()
- end
- end)
-if not Jostle.hooks.TicketStatusFrame_OnEvent then
- Jostle.hooks.TicketStatusFrame_OnEvent = true
- hooksecurefunc("TicketStatusFrame_OnEvent", function()
- if Jostle.TicketStatusFrame_OnEvent then
- Jostle:TicketStatusFrame_OnEvent()
- end
- end)
-if not Jostle.hooks.FCF_UpdateDockPosition then
- Jostle.hooks.FCF_UpdateDockPosition = true
- hooksecurefunc("FCF_UpdateDockPosition", function()
- if Jostle.FCF_UpdateDockPosition then
- Jostle:FCF_UpdateDockPosition()
- end
- end)
-if FCF_UpdateCombatLogPosition and not Jostle.hooks.FCF_UpdateCombatLogPosition then
- Jostle.hooks.FCF_UpdateCombatLogPosition = true
- hooksecurefunc("FCF_UpdateCombatLogPosition", function()
- if Jostle.FCF_UpdateCombatLogPosition then
- Jostle:FCF_UpdateCombatLogPosition()
- end
- end)
-if not Jostle.hooks.UIParent_ManageFramePositions then
- Jostle.hooks.UIParent_ManageFramePositions = true
- hooksecurefunc("UIParent_ManageFramePositions", function()
- if Jostle.UIParent_ManageFramePositions then
- Jostle:UIParent_ManageFramePositions()
- end
- end)
-if not Jostle.hooks.PlayerFrame_SequenceFinished then
- Jostle.hooks.PlayerFrame_SequenceFinished = true
- hooksecurefunc("PlayerFrame_SequenceFinished", function()
- if Jostle.PlayerFrame_SequenceFinished then
- Jostle:PlayerFrame_SequenceFinished()
- end
- end)
-Jostle.frame = oldLib and oldLib.frame or CreateFrame("Frame")
-local JostleFrame = Jostle.frame
-local start = GetTime()
-local nextTime = 0
-local fullyInitted = false
-JostleFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(this, elapsed)
- local now = GetTime()
- if now - start >= 3 then
- fullyInitted = true
- for k,v in pairs(blizzardFramesData) do
- blizzardFramesData[k] = nil
- end
- this:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(this, elapsed)
- if GetTime() >= nextTime then
- Jostle:Refresh()
- this:Hide()
- end
- end)
- end
-function JostleFrame:Schedule(time)
- time = time or 0
- nextTime = GetTime() + time
- self:Show()
-JostleFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(this, event, ...)
- return Jostle[event](Jostle, ...)
-function Jostle:PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED()
- JostleFrame:Schedule()
-function Jostle:WorldMapFrame_Hide()
- JostleFrame:Schedule()
-function Jostle:TicketStatusFrame_OnEvent()
- self:Refresh(TicketStatusFrame, ConsolidatedBuffs)
-function Jostle:FCF_UpdateDockPosition()
- self:Refresh(DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME)
-function Jostle:FCF_UpdateCombatLogPosition()
- self:Refresh(ChatFrame2)
-function Jostle:UIParent_ManageFramePositions()
- self:Refresh(GroupLootFrame1, TutorialFrameParent, FramerateLabel, DurabilityFrame)
-function Jostle:PlayerFrame_SequenceFinished()
- self:Refresh(PlayerFrame)
-function Jostle:GetScreenTop()
- local bottom = GetScreenHeight()
- for _,frame in ipairs(self.topFrames) do
- if frame.IsShown and frame:IsShown() and frame.GetBottom and frame:GetBottom() and frame:GetBottom() < bottom then
- bottom = frame:GetBottom()
- end
- end
- return bottom
-function Jostle:GetScreenBottom()
- local top = 0
- for _,frame in ipairs(self.bottomFrames) do
- if frame.IsShown and frame:IsShown() and frame.GetTop and frame:GetTop() and frame:GetTop() > top then
- top = frame:GetTop()
- end
- end
- return top
-function Jostle:RegisterTop(frame)
- for k,f in ipairs(self.bottomFrames) do
- if f == frame then
- table.remove(self.bottomFrames, k)
- break
- end
- end
- for _,f in ipairs(self.topFrames) do
- if f == frame then
- return
- end
- end
- table.insert(self.topFrames, frame)
- JostleFrame:Schedule()
- return true
-function Jostle:RegisterBottom(frame)
- for k,f in ipairs(self.topFrames) do
- if f == frame then
- table.remove(self.topFrames, k)
- break
- end
- end
- for _,f in ipairs(self.bottomFrames) do
- if f == frame then
- return
- end
- end
- table.insert(self.bottomFrames, frame)
- JostleFrame:Schedule()
- return true
-function Jostle:Unregister(frame)
- for k,f in ipairs(self.topFrames) do
- if f == frame then
- table.remove(self.topFrames, k)
- JostleFrame:Schedule()
- return true
- end
- end
- for k,f in ipairs(self.bottomFrames) do
- if f == frame then
- table.remove(self.bottomFrames, k)
- JostleFrame:Schedule()
- return true
- end
- end
-function Jostle:IsTopAdjusting()
- return self.topAdjust
-function Jostle:EnableTopAdjusting()
- if not self.topAdjust then
- self.topAdjust = not self.topAdjust
- JostleFrame:Schedule()
- end
-function Jostle:DisableTopAdjusting()
- if self.topAdjust then
- self.topAdjust = not self.topAdjust
- JostleFrame:Schedule()
- end
-function Jostle:IsBottomAdjusting()
- return self.bottomAdjust
-function Jostle:EnableBottomAdjusting()
- if not self.bottomAdjust then
- self.bottomAdjust = not self.bottomAdjust
- JostleFrame:Schedule()
- end
-function Jostle:DisableBottomAdjusting()
- if self.bottomAdjust then
- self.bottomAdjust = not self.bottomAdjust
- JostleFrame:Schedule()
- end
-local tmp = {}
-local queue = {}
-local inCombat = false
-function Jostle:ProcessQueue()
- if not inCombat and HasFullControl() then
- for k in pairs(queue) do
- self:Refresh(k)
- queue[k] = nil
- end
- end
-function Jostle:PLAYER_CONTROL_GAINED()
- self:ProcessQueue()
-function Jostle:PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED()
- inCombat = false
- self:ProcessQueue()
-function Jostle:PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED()
- inCombat = true
-local function isClose(alpha, bravo)
- return math.abs(alpha - bravo) < 0.1
-function Jostle:Refresh(...)
- if not fullyInitted then
- return
- end
- local screenHeight = GetScreenHeight()
- local topOffset = self:IsTopAdjusting() and self:GetScreenTop() or screenHeight
- local bottomOffset = self:IsBottomAdjusting() and self:GetScreenBottom() or 0
- if topOffset ~= screenHeight or bottomOffset ~= 0 then
- JostleFrame:Schedule(10)
- end
- local frames
- if select('#', ...) >= 1 then
- for k in pairs(tmp) do
- tmp[k] = nil
- end
- for i = 1, select('#', ...) do
- tmp[i] = select(i, ...)
- end
- frames = tmp
- else
- frames = blizzardFrames
- end
- if inCombat or not HasFullControl() and not UnitHasVehicleUI("player") then
- for _,frame in ipairs(frames) do
- if type(frame) == "string" then
- frame = _G[frame]
- end
- if frame then
- queue[frame] = true
- end
- end
- return
- end
- local screenHeight = GetScreenHeight()
- for _,frame in ipairs(frames) do
- if type(frame) == "string" then
- frame = _G[frame]
- end
- local framescale = frame and frame.GetScale and frame:GetScale() or 1
- if frame and not blizzardFramesData[frame] and frame.GetTop and frame:GetCenter() and select(2, frame:GetCenter()) then
- if select(2, frame:GetCenter()) <= screenHeight / 2 or frame == MultiBarRight then
- blizzardFramesData[frame] = {y = frame:GetBottom(), top = false}
- else
- blizzardFramesData[frame] = {y = frame:GetTop() - screenHeight / framescale, top = true}
- end
- if frame == MinimapCluster then
- blizzardFramesData[frame].lastX = GetScreenWidth() - MinimapCluster:GetWidth()
- blizzardFramesData[frame].lastY = GetScreenHeight()
- blizzardFramesData[frame].lastScale = 1
- end
- end
- end
- for _,frame in ipairs(frames) do
- if type(frame) == "string" then
- frame = _G[frame]
- end
- local framescale = frame and frame.GetScale and frame:GetScale() or 1
- if ((frame and frame.IsUserPlaced and not frame:IsUserPlaced()) or ((frame == DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME or frame == ChatFrame2) and SIMPLE_CHAT == "1") or frame == FramerateLabel) and (frame ~= ChatFrame2 or SIMPLE_CHAT == "1") then
- local frameData = blizzardFramesData[frame]
- if (select(2, frame:GetPoint(1)) ~= UIParent and select(2, frame:GetPoint(1)) ~= WorldFrame) then
- -- do nothing
- elseif frame == PlayerFrame and (CT_PlayerFrame_Drag or Gypsy_PlayerFrameCapsule) then
- -- do nothing
- elseif frame == TargetFrame and (CT_TargetFrame_Drag or Gypsy_TargetFrameCapsule) then
- -- do nothing
- elseif frame == PartyMemberFrame1 and (CT_MovableParty1_Drag or Gypsy_PartyFrameCapsule) then
- -- do nothing
- elseif frame == MainMenuBar and Gypsy_HotBarCapsule then
- -- do nothing
- elseif frame == MinimapCluster and select(3, frame:GetPoint(1)) ~= "TOPRIGHT" then
- -- do nothing
- elseif frame == DurabilityFrame and DurabilityFrame:IsShown() and (DurabilityFrame:GetLeft() > GetScreenWidth() or DurabilityFrame:GetRight() < 0 or DurabilityFrame:GetBottom() > GetScreenHeight() or DurabilityFrame:GetTop() < 0) then
- DurabilityFrame:Hide()
- elseif frame == FramerateLabel and ((frameData.lastX and not isClose(frameData.lastX, frame:GetLeft())) or not isClose(WorldFrame:GetHeight() * WorldFrame:GetScale(), UIParent:GetHeight() * UIParent:GetScale())) then
- -- do nothing
- elseif frame == PlayerFrame or frame == MainMenuBar or frame == ConsolidatedBuffs or frame == CastingBarFrame or frame == TutorialFrameParent or frame == FramerateLabel or frame == DurabilityFrame or frame == WatchFrame or not (frameData.lastScale and frame.GetScale and frameData.lastScale == frame:GetScale()) or not (frameData.lastX and frameData.lastY and (not isClose(frameData.lastX, frame:GetLeft()) or not isClose(frameData.lastY, frame:GetTop()))) then
- local anchor
- local anchorAlt
- local width, height = GetScreenWidth(), GetScreenHeight()
- local x
- if frame:GetRight() and frame:GetLeft() then
- local anchorFrame = UIParent
- if frame == MainMenuBar or frame == GroupLootFrame1 or frame == FramerateLabel then
- x = 0
- anchor = ""
- elseif frame:GetRight() / framescale <= width / 2 then
- x = frame:GetLeft() / framescale
- anchor = "LEFT"
- else
- x = frame:GetRight() - width / framescale
- anchor = "RIGHT"
- end
- local y = blizzardFramesData[frame].y
- local offset = 0
- if blizzardFramesData[frame].top then
- anchor = "TOP" .. anchor
- offset = ( topOffset - height ) / framescale
- else
- anchor = "BOTTOM" .. anchor
- offset = bottomOffset / framescale
- end
- if frame == MinimapCluster and not MinimapBorderTop:IsShown() then
- offset = offset + MinimapBorderTop:GetHeight() * 3/5
- elseif frame == ConsolidatedBuffs and TicketStatusFrame:IsShown() then
- offset = offset - TicketStatusFrame:GetHeight() * TicketStatusFrame:GetScale()
- elseif frame == DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME then
- y = MainMenuBar:GetHeight() * MainMenuBar:GetScale() + 32
- if PetActionBarFrame:IsShown() or ShapeshiftBarFrame:IsShown() then
- offset = offset + ShapeshiftBarFrame:GetHeight() * ShapeshiftBarFrame:GetScale()
- end
- if MultiBarBottomLeft:IsShown() then
- offset = offset + MultiBarBottomLeft:GetHeight() * MultiBarBottomLeft:GetScale() - 21
- end
- elseif frame == ChatFrame2 then
- y = MainMenuBar:GetHeight() * MainMenuBar:GetScale() + 32
- if MultiBarBottomRight:IsShown() then
- offset = offset + MultiBarBottomRight:GetHeight() * MultiBarBottomRight:GetScale() - 21
- end
- elseif frame == CastingBarFrame then
- y = MainMenuBar:GetHeight() * MainMenuBar:GetScale() + 17
- if PetActionBarFrame:IsShown() or ShapeshiftBarFrame:IsShown() then
- offset = offset + ShapeshiftBarFrame:GetHeight() * ShapeshiftBarFrame:GetScale()
- end
- if MultiBarBottomLeft:IsShown() or MultiBarBottomRight:IsShown() then
- offset = offset + MultiBarBottomLeft:GetHeight() * MultiBarBottomLeft:GetScale()
- end
- elseif frame == GroupLootFrame1 or frame == TutorialFrameParent or frame == FramerateLabel then
- if MultiBarBottomLeft:IsShown() or MultiBarBottomRight:IsShown() then
- offset = offset + MultiBarBottomLeft:GetHeight() * MultiBarBottomLeft:GetScale()
- end
- elseif frame == DurabilityFrame or frame == WatchFrame then
- anchorFrame = MinimapCluster
- x = 0
- y = 0
- offset = 0
- if frame == WatchFrame and DurabilityFrame:IsShown() then
- y = y - DurabilityFrame:GetHeight() * DurabilityFrame:GetScale()
- end
- if frame == DurabilityFrame then
- x = -20
- end
- anchor = "TOPRIGHT"
- anchorAlt = "BOTTOMRIGHT"
- if MultiBarRight:IsShown() then
- x = x - MultiBarRight:GetWidth() * MultiBarRight:GetScale()
- if MultiBarLeft:IsShown() then
- x = x - MultiBarLeft:GetWidth() * MultiBarLeft:GetScale()
- end
- end
- end
- if frame == FramerateLabel then
- anchorFrame = WorldFrame
- end
- frame:ClearAllPoints()
- frame:SetPoint(anchor, anchorFrame, anchorAlt or anchor, x, y + offset)
- blizzardFramesData[frame].lastX = frame:GetLeft()
- blizzardFramesData[frame].lastY = frame:GetTop()
- blizzardFramesData[frame].lastScale = framescale
- end
- end
- end
- end
-local function compat()
- local Jostle20 = {}
- function Jostle20:RegisterTop(...)
- Jostle:RegisterTop(...)
- end
- function Jostle20:RegisterBottom(...)
- Jostle:RegisterBottom(...)
- end
- function Jostle20:GetScreenTop(...)
- Jostle:GetScreenTop(...)
- end
- function Jostle20:GetScreenBottom(...)
- Jostle:GetScreenBottom(...)
- end
- function Jostle20:Unregister(...)
- Jostle:Unregister(...)
- end
- function Jostle20:IsTopAdjusting(...)
- Jostle:IsTopAdjusting(...)
- end
- function Jostle20:EnableTopAdjusting(...)
- Jostle:EnableTopAdjusting(...)
- end
- function Jostle20:DisableTopAdjusting(...)
- Jostle:DisableTopAdjusting(...)
- end
- function Jostle20:IsBottomAdjusting(...)
- Jostle:IsBottomAdjusting(...)
- end
- function Jostle20:EnableBottomAdjusting(...)
- Jostle:EnableBottomAdjusting(...)
- end
- function Jostle20:DisableBottomAdjusting(...)
- Jostle:DisableBottomAdjusting(...)
- end
- function Jostle20:Refresh(...)
- Jostle:Refresh(...)
- end
- local function activate(self, oldLib)
- Jostle20 = self
- if oldLib and oldLib.topFrames and oldLib.bottomFrames then
- for i,v in ipairs(oldLib.topFrames) do
- Jostle:RegisterTop(v)
- end
- for i,v in ipairs(oldLib.bottomFrames) do
- Jostle:RegisterBottom(v)
- end
- end
- end
- local function external(self, instance, major)
- if major == "AceEvent-2.0" then
- instance:embed(self)
- self:UnregisterAllEvents()
- self:CancelAllScheduledEvents()
- end
- end
- AceLibrary:Register(Jostle20, "Jostle-2.0", MINOR_VERSION*1000, activate, external)
- Jostle20 = AceLibrary("Jostle-2.0")
-if AceLibrary then
- compat()
-elseif Rock then
- function Jostle:OnLibraryLoad(major, version)
- if major == "AceLibrary" then
- compat()
- end
- end
+Name: LibJostle-3.0
+Revision: $Rev: 52 $
+Author(s): ckknight (ckknight@gmail.com)
+Website: http://ckknight.wowinterface.com/
+Documentation: http://www.wowace.com/addons/libjostle-3-0/
+SVN: svn://svn.wowace.com/wow/libjostle-3-0/mainline/trunk
+Description: A library to handle rearrangement of blizzards frames when bars are added to the sides of the screen.
+License: LGPL v2.1
+local MAJOR_VERSION = "LibJostle-3.0"
+local MINOR_VERSION = tonumber(("$Revision: 52 $"):match("(%d+)")) + 90000
+if not LibStub then error(MAJOR_VERSION .. " requires LibStub") end
+local oldLib = LibStub:GetLibrary(MAJOR_VERSION, true)
+local Jostle = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION)
+if not Jostle then
+ return
+local blizzardFrames = {
+ 'PlayerFrame',
+ 'TargetFrame',
+ 'MinimapCluster',
+ 'PartyMemberFrame1',
+ 'TicketStatusFrame',
+ 'WorldStateAlwaysUpFrame',
+ 'MainMenuBar',
+ 'MultiBarRight',
+ 'CT_PlayerFrame_Drag',
+ 'CT_TargetFrame_Drag',
+ 'Gypsy_PlayerFrameCapsule',
+ 'Gypsy_TargetFrameCapsule',
+ 'ConsolidatedBuffs',
+ 'BuffFrame',
+ 'ChatFrame2',
+ 'GroupLootFrame1',
+ 'TutorialFrameParent',
+ 'FramerateLabel',
+ 'DurabilityFrame',
+ 'CastingBarFrame',
+local blizzardFramesData = {}
+local _G = _G
+Jostle.hooks = oldLib and oldLib.hooks or {}
+Jostle.topFrames = oldLib and oldLib.topFrames or {}
+Jostle.bottomFrames = oldLib and oldLib.bottomFrames or {}
+Jostle.topAdjust = oldLib and oldLib.topAdjust
+Jostle.bottomAdjust = oldLib and oldLib.bottomAdjust
+if Jostle.topAdjust == nil then
+ Jostle.topAdjust = true
+if Jostle.bottomAdjust == nil then
+ Jostle.bottomAdjust = true
+if not Jostle.hooks.WorldMapFrame_Hide then
+ Jostle.hooks.WorldMapFrame_Hide = true
+ hooksecurefunc(WorldMapFrame, "Hide", function()
+ if Jostle.WorldMapFrame_Hide then
+ Jostle:WorldMapFrame_Hide()
+ end
+ end)
+if not Jostle.hooks.TicketStatusFrame_OnEvent then
+ Jostle.hooks.TicketStatusFrame_OnEvent = true
+ hooksecurefunc("TicketStatusFrame_OnEvent", function()
+ if Jostle.TicketStatusFrame_OnEvent then
+ Jostle:TicketStatusFrame_OnEvent()
+ end
+ end)
+if not Jostle.hooks.FCF_UpdateDockPosition then
+ Jostle.hooks.FCF_UpdateDockPosition = true
+ hooksecurefunc("FCF_UpdateDockPosition", function()
+ if Jostle.FCF_UpdateDockPosition then
+ Jostle:FCF_UpdateDockPosition()
+ end
+ end)
+if FCF_UpdateCombatLogPosition and not Jostle.hooks.FCF_UpdateCombatLogPosition then
+ Jostle.hooks.FCF_UpdateCombatLogPosition = true
+ hooksecurefunc("FCF_UpdateCombatLogPosition", function()
+ if Jostle.FCF_UpdateCombatLogPosition then
+ Jostle:FCF_UpdateCombatLogPosition()
+ end
+ end)
+if not Jostle.hooks.UIParent_ManageFramePositions then
+ Jostle.hooks.UIParent_ManageFramePositions = true
+ hooksecurefunc("UIParent_ManageFramePositions", function()
+ if Jostle.UIParent_ManageFramePositions then
+ Jostle:UIParent_ManageFramePositions()
+ end
+ end)
+if not Jostle.hooks.PlayerFrame_SequenceFinished then
+ Jostle.hooks.PlayerFrame_SequenceFinished = true
+ hooksecurefunc("PlayerFrame_SequenceFinished", function()
+ if Jostle.PlayerFrame_SequenceFinished then
+ Jostle:PlayerFrame_SequenceFinished()
+ end
+ end)
+Jostle.frame = oldLib and oldLib.frame or CreateFrame("Frame")
+local JostleFrame = Jostle.frame
+local start = GetTime()
+local nextTime = 0
+local fullyInitted = false
+JostleFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(this, elapsed)
+ local now = GetTime()
+ if now - start >= 3 then
+ fullyInitted = true
+ for k,v in pairs(blizzardFramesData) do
+ blizzardFramesData[k] = nil
+ end
+ this:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(this, elapsed)
+ if GetTime() >= nextTime then
+ Jostle:Refresh()
+ this:Hide()
+ end
+ end)
+ end
+function JostleFrame:Schedule(time)
+ time = time or 0
+ nextTime = GetTime() + time
+ self:Show()
+JostleFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(this, event, ...)
+ return Jostle[event](Jostle, ...)
+function Jostle:PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED()
+ JostleFrame:Schedule()
+function Jostle:WorldMapFrame_Hide()
+ JostleFrame:Schedule()
+function Jostle:TicketStatusFrame_OnEvent()
+ self:Refresh(TicketStatusFrame, ConsolidatedBuffs)
+function Jostle:FCF_UpdateDockPosition()
+ self:Refresh(DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME)
+function Jostle:FCF_UpdateCombatLogPosition()
+ self:Refresh(ChatFrame2)
+function Jostle:UIParent_ManageFramePositions()
+ self:Refresh(GroupLootFrame1, TutorialFrameParent, FramerateLabel, DurabilityFrame)
+function Jostle:PlayerFrame_SequenceFinished()
+ self:Refresh(PlayerFrame)
+function Jostle:GetScreenTop()
+ local bottom = GetScreenHeight()
+ for _,frame in ipairs(self.topFrames) do
+ if frame.IsShown and frame:IsShown() and frame.GetBottom and frame:GetBottom() and frame:GetBottom() < bottom then
+ bottom = frame:GetBottom()
+ end
+ end
+ return bottom
+function Jostle:GetScreenBottom()
+ local top = 0
+ for _,frame in ipairs(self.bottomFrames) do
+ if frame.IsShown and frame:IsShown() and frame.GetTop and frame:GetTop() and frame:GetTop() > top then
+ top = frame:GetTop()
+ end
+ end
+ return top
+function Jostle:RegisterTop(frame)
+ for k,f in ipairs(self.bottomFrames) do
+ if f == frame then
+ table.remove(self.bottomFrames, k)
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ for _,f in ipairs(self.topFrames) do
+ if f == frame then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ table.insert(self.topFrames, frame)
+ JostleFrame:Schedule()
+ return true
+function Jostle:RegisterBottom(frame)
+ for k,f in ipairs(self.topFrames) do
+ if f == frame then
+ table.remove(self.topFrames, k)
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ for _,f in ipairs(self.bottomFrames) do
+ if f == frame then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ table.insert(self.bottomFrames, frame)
+ JostleFrame:Schedule()
+ return true
+function Jostle:Unregister(frame)
+ for k,f in ipairs(self.topFrames) do
+ if f == frame then
+ table.remove(self.topFrames, k)
+ JostleFrame:Schedule()
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ for k,f in ipairs(self.bottomFrames) do
+ if f == frame then
+ table.remove(self.bottomFrames, k)
+ JostleFrame:Schedule()
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+function Jostle:IsTopAdjusting()
+ return self.topAdjust
+function Jostle:EnableTopAdjusting()
+ if not self.topAdjust then
+ self.topAdjust = not self.topAdjust
+ JostleFrame:Schedule()
+ end
+function Jostle:DisableTopAdjusting()
+ if self.topAdjust then
+ self.topAdjust = not self.topAdjust
+ JostleFrame:Schedule()
+ end
+function Jostle:IsBottomAdjusting()
+ return self.bottomAdjust
+function Jostle:EnableBottomAdjusting()
+ if not self.bottomAdjust then
+ self.bottomAdjust = not self.bottomAdjust
+ JostleFrame:Schedule()
+ end
+function Jostle:DisableBottomAdjusting()
+ if self.bottomAdjust then
+ self.bottomAdjust = not self.bottomAdjust
+ JostleFrame:Schedule()
+ end
+local tmp = {}
+local queue = {}
+local inCombat = false
+function Jostle:ProcessQueue()
+ if not inCombat and HasFullControl() then
+ for k in pairs(queue) do
+ self:Refresh(k)
+ queue[k] = nil
+ end
+ end
+function Jostle:PLAYER_CONTROL_GAINED()
+ self:ProcessQueue()
+function Jostle:PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED()
+ inCombat = false
+ self:ProcessQueue()
+function Jostle:PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED()
+ inCombat = true
+local function isClose(alpha, bravo)
+ return math.abs(alpha - bravo) < 0.1
+function Jostle:Refresh(...)
+ if not fullyInitted then
+ return
+ end
+ local screenHeight = GetScreenHeight()
+ local topOffset = self:IsTopAdjusting() and self:GetScreenTop() or screenHeight
+ local bottomOffset = self:IsBottomAdjusting() and self:GetScreenBottom() or 0
+ if topOffset ~= screenHeight or bottomOffset ~= 0 then
+ JostleFrame:Schedule(10)
+ end
+ local frames
+ if select('#', ...) >= 1 then
+ for k in pairs(tmp) do
+ tmp[k] = nil
+ end
+ for i = 1, select('#', ...) do
+ tmp[i] = select(i, ...)
+ end
+ frames = tmp
+ else
+ frames = blizzardFrames
+ end
+ if inCombat or not HasFullControl() and not UnitHasVehicleUI("player") then
+ for _,frame in ipairs(frames) do
+ if type(frame) == "string" then
+ frame = _G[frame]
+ end
+ if frame then
+ queue[frame] = true
+ end
+ end
+ return
+ end
+ local screenHeight = GetScreenHeight()
+ for _,frame in ipairs(frames) do
+ if type(frame) == "string" then
+ frame = _G[frame]
+ end
+ local framescale = frame and frame.GetScale and frame:GetScale() or 1
+ if frame and not blizzardFramesData[frame] and frame.GetTop and frame:GetCenter() and select(2, frame:GetCenter()) then
+ if select(2, frame:GetCenter()) <= screenHeight / 2 or frame == MultiBarRight then
+ blizzardFramesData[frame] = {y = frame:GetBottom(), top = false}
+ else
+ blizzardFramesData[frame] = {y = frame:GetTop() - screenHeight / framescale, top = true}
+ end
+ if frame == MinimapCluster then
+ blizzardFramesData[frame].lastX = GetScreenWidth() - MinimapCluster:GetWidth()
+ blizzardFramesData[frame].lastY = GetScreenHeight()
+ blizzardFramesData[frame].lastScale = 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ for _,frame in ipairs(frames) do
+ if type(frame) == "string" then
+ frame = _G[frame]
+ end
+ local framescale = frame and frame.GetScale and frame:GetScale() or 1
+ if ((frame and frame.IsUserPlaced and not frame:IsUserPlaced()) or ((frame == DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME or frame == ChatFrame2) and SIMPLE_CHAT == "1") or frame == FramerateLabel) and (frame ~= ChatFrame2 or SIMPLE_CHAT == "1") then
+ local frameData = blizzardFramesData[frame]
+ if (select(2, frame:GetPoint(1)) ~= UIParent and select(2, frame:GetPoint(1)) ~= WorldFrame) then
+ -- do nothing
+ elseif frame == PlayerFrame and (CT_PlayerFrame_Drag or Gypsy_PlayerFrameCapsule) then
+ -- do nothing
+ elseif frame == TargetFrame and (CT_TargetFrame_Drag or Gypsy_TargetFrameCapsule) then
+ -- do nothing
+ elseif frame == PartyMemberFrame1 and (CT_MovableParty1_Drag or Gypsy_PartyFrameCapsule) then
+ -- do nothing
+ elseif frame == MainMenuBar and Gypsy_HotBarCapsule then
+ -- do nothing
+ elseif frame == MinimapCluster and select(3, frame:GetPoint(1)) ~= "TOPRIGHT" then
+ -- do nothing
+ elseif frame == DurabilityFrame and DurabilityFrame:IsShown() and (DurabilityFrame:GetLeft() > GetScreenWidth() or DurabilityFrame:GetRight() < 0 or DurabilityFrame:GetBottom() > GetScreenHeight() or DurabilityFrame:GetTop() < 0) then
+ DurabilityFrame:Hide()
+ elseif frame == FramerateLabel and ((frameData.lastX and not isClose(frameData.lastX, frame:GetLeft())) or not isClose(WorldFrame:GetHeight() * WorldFrame:GetScale(), UIParent:GetHeight() * UIParent:GetScale())) then
+ -- do nothing
+ elseif frame == PlayerFrame or frame == MainMenuBar or frame == ConsolidatedBuffs or frame == CastingBarFrame or frame == TutorialFrameParent or frame == FramerateLabel or frame == DurabilityFrame or frame == WatchFrame or not (frameData.lastScale and frame.GetScale and frameData.lastScale == frame:GetScale()) or not (frameData.lastX and frameData.lastY and (not isClose(frameData.lastX, frame:GetLeft()) or not isClose(frameData.lastY, frame:GetTop()))) then
+ local anchor
+ local anchorAlt
+ local width, height = GetScreenWidth(), GetScreenHeight()
+ local x
+ if frame:GetRight() and frame:GetLeft() then
+ local anchorFrame = UIParent
+ if frame == MainMenuBar or frame == GroupLootFrame1 or frame == FramerateLabel then
+ x = 0
+ anchor = ""
+ elseif frame:GetRight() / framescale <= width / 2 then
+ x = frame:GetLeft() / framescale
+ anchor = "LEFT"
+ else
+ x = frame:GetRight() - width / framescale
+ anchor = "RIGHT"
+ end
+ local y = blizzardFramesData[frame].y
+ local offset = 0
+ if blizzardFramesData[frame].top then
+ anchor = "TOP" .. anchor
+ offset = ( topOffset - height ) / framescale
+ else
+ anchor = "BOTTOM" .. anchor
+ offset = bottomOffset / framescale
+ end
+ if frame == MinimapCluster and not MinimapBorderTop:IsShown() then
+ offset = offset + MinimapBorderTop:GetHeight() * 3/5
+ elseif frame == ConsolidatedBuffs and TicketStatusFrame:IsShown() then
+ offset = offset - TicketStatusFrame:GetHeight() * TicketStatusFrame:GetScale()
+ elseif frame == DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME then
+ y = MainMenuBar:GetHeight() * MainMenuBar:GetScale() + 32
+ if PetActionBarFrame:IsShown() or ShapeshiftBarFrame:IsShown() then
+ offset = offset + ShapeshiftBarFrame:GetHeight() * ShapeshiftBarFrame:GetScale()
+ end
+ if MultiBarBottomLeft:IsShown() then
+ offset = offset + MultiBarBottomLeft:GetHeight() * MultiBarBottomLeft:GetScale() - 21
+ end
+ elseif frame == ChatFrame2 then
+ y = MainMenuBar:GetHeight() * MainMenuBar:GetScale() + 32
+ if MultiBarBottomRight:IsShown() then
+ offset = offset + MultiBarBottomRight:GetHeight() * MultiBarBottomRight:GetScale() - 21
+ end
+ elseif frame == CastingBarFrame then
+ y = MainMenuBar:GetHeight() * MainMenuBar:GetScale() + 17
+ if PetActionBarFrame:IsShown() or ShapeshiftBarFrame:IsShown() then
+ offset = offset + ShapeshiftBarFrame:GetHeight() * ShapeshiftBarFrame:GetScale()
+ end
+ if MultiBarBottomLeft:IsShown() or MultiBarBottomRight:IsShown() then
+ offset = offset + MultiBarBottomLeft:GetHeight() * MultiBarBottomLeft:GetScale()
+ end
+ elseif frame == GroupLootFrame1 or frame == TutorialFrameParent or frame == FramerateLabel then
+ if MultiBarBottomLeft:IsShown() or MultiBarBottomRight:IsShown() then
+ offset = offset + MultiBarBottomLeft:GetHeight() * MultiBarBottomLeft:GetScale()
+ end
+ elseif frame == DurabilityFrame or frame == WatchFrame then
+ anchorFrame = MinimapCluster
+ x = 0
+ y = 0
+ offset = 0
+ if frame == WatchFrame and DurabilityFrame:IsShown() then
+ y = y - DurabilityFrame:GetHeight() * DurabilityFrame:GetScale()
+ end
+ if frame == DurabilityFrame then
+ x = -20
+ end
+ anchor = "TOPRIGHT"
+ anchorAlt = "BOTTOMRIGHT"
+ if MultiBarRight:IsShown() then
+ x = x - MultiBarRight:GetWidth() * MultiBarRight:GetScale()
+ if MultiBarLeft:IsShown() then
+ x = x - MultiBarLeft:GetWidth() * MultiBarLeft:GetScale()
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if frame == FramerateLabel then
+ anchorFrame = WorldFrame
+ end
+ frame:ClearAllPoints()
+ frame:SetPoint(anchor, anchorFrame, anchorAlt or anchor, x, y + offset)
+ blizzardFramesData[frame].lastX = frame:GetLeft()
+ blizzardFramesData[frame].lastY = frame:GetTop()
+ blizzardFramesData[frame].lastScale = framescale
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+local function compat()
+ local Jostle20 = {}
+ function Jostle20:RegisterTop(...)
+ Jostle:RegisterTop(...)
+ end
+ function Jostle20:RegisterBottom(...)
+ Jostle:RegisterBottom(...)
+ end
+ function Jostle20:GetScreenTop(...)
+ Jostle:GetScreenTop(...)
+ end
+ function Jostle20:GetScreenBottom(...)
+ Jostle:GetScreenBottom(...)
+ end
+ function Jostle20:Unregister(...)
+ Jostle:Unregister(...)
+ end
+ function Jostle20:IsTopAdjusting(...)
+ Jostle:IsTopAdjusting(...)
+ end
+ function Jostle20:EnableTopAdjusting(...)
+ Jostle:EnableTopAdjusting(...)
+ end
+ function Jostle20:DisableTopAdjusting(...)
+ Jostle:DisableTopAdjusting(...)
+ end
+ function Jostle20:IsBottomAdjusting(...)
+ Jostle:IsBottomAdjusting(...)
+ end
+ function Jostle20:EnableBottomAdjusting(...)
+ Jostle:EnableBottomAdjusting(...)
+ end
+ function Jostle20:DisableBottomAdjusting(...)
+ Jostle:DisableBottomAdjusting(...)
+ end
+ function Jostle20:Refresh(...)
+ Jostle:Refresh(...)
+ end
+ local function activate(self, oldLib)
+ Jostle20 = self
+ if oldLib and oldLib.topFrames and oldLib.bottomFrames then
+ for i,v in ipairs(oldLib.topFrames) do
+ Jostle:RegisterTop(v)
+ end
+ for i,v in ipairs(oldLib.bottomFrames) do
+ Jostle:RegisterBottom(v)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local function external(self, instance, major)
+ if major == "AceEvent-2.0" then
+ instance:embed(self)
+ self:UnregisterAllEvents()
+ self:CancelAllScheduledEvents()
+ end
+ end
+ AceLibrary:Register(Jostle20, "Jostle-2.0", MINOR_VERSION*1000, activate, external)
+ Jostle20 = AceLibrary("Jostle-2.0")
+if AceLibrary then
+ compat()
+elseif Rock then
+ function Jostle:OnLibraryLoad(major, version)
+ if major == "AceLibrary" then
+ compat()
+ end
+ end