Enabled frame unregistration
James Whitehead II [10-16-10 - 16:27]
Enabled frame unregistration
Addons that are registering using ClickCastFrames should run
ClickCastFrames[frame] = nil or ClickCastFrames[frame] = false.
Addons that are using the group header, and are registering using
the secure snippet method should do the following:
local header = self:GetFrameref("clickcast_header")
header:SetAttribute("clickcast_button", button)
This code expect to be run on the header, but needs access to the
button. This can probably be passed into your header via a frame
reference, i.e:
MyGroupHeader:SetFrameRef("foo", MyGroupHeaderUnitButton1)
local button = self:GetFrameRef("foo");
local header = self:GetFrameRef("clickcast_header")
header:SetAttribute("clickcast_button", button)
diff --git a/Clique.lua b/Clique.lua
index cb2a9ba..eb9f894 100755
--- a/Clique.lua
+++ b/Clique.lua
@@ -71,13 +71,17 @@ function addon:Initialize()
- -- OnEnter bootstrap script for group-header frames
+ -- This snippet is executed from the SecureHandlerEnterLeaveTemplate
+ -- _onenter and _onleave attributes. The 'self' attribute will contain
+ -- the unit frame itself.
self.header:SetAttribute("clickcast_onenter", [===[
local header = self:GetParent():GetFrameRef("clickcast_header")
header:RunFor(self, header:GetAttribute("setup_onenter"))
- -- OnLeave bootstrap script for group-header frames
+ -- This snippet is executed from the SecureHandlerEnterLeaveTemplate
+ -- _onenter and _onleave attributes. The 'self' attribute will contain
+ -- the unit frame itself.
self.header:SetAttribute("clickcast_onleave", [===[
local header = self:GetParent():GetFrameRef("clickcast_header")
header:RunFor(self, header:GetAttribute("setup_onleave"))
@@ -86,17 +90,49 @@ function addon:Initialize()
local setup, remove = self:GetClickAttributes()
self.header:SetAttribute("setup_clicks", setup)
self.header:SetAttribute("remove_clicks", remove)
- self.header:SetAttribute("clickcast_register", ([===[
+ -- This snippet is executed from within the initialConfigFunction secure
+ -- snippet. The unit frame button is passed in the 'clickcast_button'
+ -- attribute, which can only be accomplished in a restricted environment.
+ self.header:SetAttribute("clickcast_register", [===[
local button = self:GetAttribute("clickcast_button")
+ -- Export this frame so we can display it in the insecure environment
+ self:SetAttribute("export_register", button)
button:SetAttribute("clickcast_onenter", self:GetAttribute("clickcast_onenter"))
button:SetAttribute("clickcast_onleave", self:GetAttribute("clickcast_onleave"))
ccframes[button] = true
self:RunFor(button, self:GetAttribute("setup_clicks"))
- ]===]):format(self.attr_setup_clicks))
+ ]===])
+ -- This snippet is executed from the Clique:UnregisterFrame() function, or
+ -- possibly from some other restricted environment. The unit frame is passed
+ -- in the 'clickcast_button' attribute, which can only be accomplished
+ -- in a restricted environment.
+ self.header:SetAttribute("clickcast_unregister", [===[
+ local button = self:GetAttribute("clickcast_button")
+ -- Export this frame so it can be removed from the blacklist editor
+ self:SetAttribute("export_unregister", button)
+ -- Remove any click and binding attributes that have already been set
+ self:RunFor(button, self:GetAttribute("clickcast_onleave"))
+ self:RunFor(button, self:GetAttribute("remove_clicks"))
+ button:SetAttribute("clickcast_onenter", nil)
+ button:SetAttribute("clickcast_onleave", nil)
+ ccframes[button] = nil
+ ]===])
+ -- We need to track frame registrations so we can display secure frames in
+ -- the frame blacklist editor. This is done via the 'export_register' and
+ -- 'export_unregister' attributes.
self.header:SetScript("OnAttributeChanged", function(frame, name, value)
- if name == "clickcast_button" and type(value) ~= nil then
+ if name == "export_register" and type(value) ~= nil then
self.hccframes[value] = true
+ elseif name == "export_unregister" and type(value) ~= nil then
+ self.hccframes[value] = nil
@@ -112,7 +148,7 @@ function addon:Initialize()
local oldClickCastFrames = ClickCastFrames
ClickCastFrames = setmetatable({}, {__newindex = function(t, k, v)
- if v == nil then
+ if v == nil or v == false then
self:RegisterFrame(k, v)
@@ -140,15 +176,14 @@ function addon:Initialize()
--- This function may be called during combat. When that is the case, the
+-- These tables are a queue for frame registration/unregistration
+addon.regqueue = {}
+addon.unregqueue = {}
+-- these function may be called during combat. When that is the case, the
-- request must be queued until combat ends, and then we can attempt to
-- register those frames. This is mainly due to integration with the
-- Blizzard raid frames, which we cannot 'register' while in combat.
--- TODO: There may be a way, with a handle to the blizzard headers to
--- find these new frames within a secure snippet, but I'm not sure how
--- that would be possible
-addon.regqueue = {}
function addon:RegisterFrame(button)
if InCombatLockdown() then
table.insert(self.regqueue, button)
@@ -172,6 +207,27 @@ function addon:RegisterFrame(button)
self.header:Execute(self.header:GetAttribute("setup_clicks"), button)
+function addon:UnregisterFrame(button)
+ if InCombatLockdown() then
+ table.insert(self.unregqueue, button)
+ return
+ end
+ -- Clear any click/bind attributes
+ self.header:SetFrameRef("cliquesetup_button", button)
+ self.header:Execute([[
+ local button = self:GetFrameRef("cliquesetup_button")
+ self:RunFor(button, self:GetAttribute("setup_onleave"))
+ self:RunAttribute("remove_clicks")
+ ]])
+ self.ccframes[button] = nil
+ -- Unwrap the OnEnter/OnLeave scripts, if they were set
+ addon.header:UnwrapScript(button, "OnEnter")
+ addon.header:UnwrapScript(button, "OnLeave")
function addon:Enable()
-- Make the options window a pushable panel window
UIPanelWindows["CliqueConfig"] = {