
Function calls bugs fixed and colours changed. Sorting 1-st element in table fixed

Petr Grabovoy [05-31-16 - 01:24]
Function calls bugs fixed and colours changed. Sorting 1-st element in table fixed
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index ccb1fc2..c1291ad 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Main (and the only) function you can use is **ViragDevTool_AddData(data, "some s
 --- Adds data to ViragDevTool UI list to monitor
 -- @param data (any type)- is object you would like to track.
--- Default behavior is shallow copy
+-- Default behavior is reference and not object copy
 -- @param dataName (string or nil) - name tag to show in UI for you variable.
 -- Main purpose is to give readable names to objects you want to track.
 function ViragDevTool_AddData(data, dataName)
@@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ ViragDevTool is in beta (probably even early alpha) so there is lots of stuff to
 5. Add object deep copy option
 6. Add predefined buttons for every WoW API (just like _G)
 7. Add close frame button and /slash cmd
-8. Add row delimiters so we can resize tows in table
-9. Add function args info and description from from mapping file
+8. Add row delimiters so we can resize rows in table
+9. Add function args info and description from mapping file

 ### How to contribute
 For now this addon will be updated only when i need certain feature in my other addon's development
diff --git a/ViragDevTool.lua b/ViragDevTool.lua
index 483bd28..c92d117 100644
--- a/ViragDevTool.lua
+++ b/ViragDevTool.lua
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ local HybridScrollFrame_CreateButtons, HybridScrollFrame_GetOffset, HybridScroll

 local ViragDevToolLinkedList = { size = 0; first = nil, last = nil }
 ViragDevTool.METATABLE_NAME = "$metatable"
+ViragDevTool.tArgs = {  }
 function ViragDevToolLinkedList:GetInfoAtPosition(position)
     if self.size < position or self.first == nil then
         return nil
@@ -129,7 +130,7 @@ function ViragDevTool_ExpandCell(info)

     local nodeList = {}
     local padding = info.padding + 1
-    local couner = 0
+    local couner = 1
     for k, v in pairs(info.value) do
         if type(v) ~= "userdata" then
             nodeList[couner] = ViragDevToolLinkedList:NewNode(v, tostring(k), padding, info)
@@ -144,13 +145,12 @@ function ViragDevTool_ExpandCell(info)

     table.sort(nodeList, function(a, b)
-        if a.name == ViragDevTool.METATABLE_NAME then return true
-        elseif b.name == ViragDevTool.METATABLE_NAME then return false
+        if a.name == "__index" then return true
+        elseif b.name == "__index" then return false
         else return a.name < b.name

     ViragDevToolLinkedList:AddNodesAfter(nodeList, info)
     info.expanded = true
@@ -285,12 +285,13 @@ end

 function ViragDevTool_TryCallFunction(info)
     -- info.value is just our function to call
+    local parent, ok
     local fn = info.value
-    local parent
-    local args
+    local args = ViragDevTool_shallowcopyargs(ViragDevTool.tArgs)
+    local results = {}

     -- lets try safe call first
-    local ok, result = pcall(fn)
+    ok, results[1], results[2], results[3], results[4], results[5] = pcall(fn, unpack(args, 1, 10))

     if not ok then
         -- if safe call failed we probably could try to find self and call self:fn()
@@ -309,53 +310,117 @@ function ViragDevTool_TryCallFunction(info)
                 parent = parent.parent
             fn = parent.value[info.name]
-            args = parent.value
-            ok, result = pcall(fn, args)
+            table.insert(args, 1, parent.value)
+            ok, results[1], results[2], results[3], results[4], results[5] = pcall(fn, unpack(args, 1, 10))

-    -- adds call result to our UI list
-    local resultNode = ViragDevToolLinkedList:NewNode(result,
-        (ok and "|cFF00FF00OK" or "|cFFFF0000ERROR") .." "..
-            info.name  .. date("() returns at %X"),
-        info.padding + 1)
+    ViragDevTool_ProcessCallFunctionData(ok, info, parent, args, results)
+-- this function is kinda hard to read but it just adds new items to list and prints log in chat.
+-- will add 1 row for call result(ok or error) and 1 row for each return value
+function ViragDevTool_ProcessCallFunctionData(ok, info, parent, args, results)
+    local nodes = {}
+    --constract full function call name
+    local fnNameWitArgs = ViragDevTool_FNNameToString(info.name, args)
+    -- add parrent info so it will be MyFrame:function() instead of just function()
+    if parent then
+        fnNameWitArgs = " |cFFBEB9B5" .. parent.name .. ":" .. "|cFFFFFFFF" .. fnNameWitArgs
+    else
+        fnNameWitArgs = " |cFFFFFFFF" .. fnNameWitArgs
+    end
+    local statusTextColor = (ok and "|cFF00FF00" or "|cFFC25B56")
+    local statusStr = (ok and ("|cFF00FF00OK") or "|cFFFF0000ERROR") -- ok is green error is red
+    local returnFormatedStr = ""
+    if not ok then
+        -- if function call was unsuccessful
+        nodes[1] = ViragDevToolLinkedList:NewNode(tostring(results[1]), statusStr .. statusTextColor.."function call failed",
+            info.padding + 1)
+        returnFormatedStr = " |cFFFFFFFF" ..tostring(results[1])
+    else
+        -- itterate backwords because we want to include every meaningfull nil result
+        -- for example 1, 2, nil, 4 should return only this 4 values nothing more nothing less.
+        local found = false
+        for i = 10, 1, -1 do
+            if results[i] ~= nil then found = true end
+            if found or i == 1 then
+                nodes[i] = ViragDevToolLinkedList:NewNode(results[i], "   ret: " .. i, info.padding + 1)
+                returnFormatedStr = " |cFFFFFFFF" .. tostring(results[i]) ..
+                        " |cFF96C0CE(" .. type(results[i]) .. ")"  .. returnFormatedStr
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    -- create fist node of result info no need for now. will use debug
+    local titleNode = ViragDevToolLinkedList:NewNode(statusStr .. " - " .. fnNameWitArgs, -- node value
+        statusTextColor .. date("%X") .. " function call results:", -- node name
+        info.padding + 1) -- node padding
+    table.insert(nodes, 1, titleNode)

-    ViragDevToolLinkedList:AddNodesAfter({resultNode}, info)
+    -- adds call result to our UI list

+    ViragDevToolLinkedList:AddNodesAfter(nodes, info)

     --print info to chat
-    ViragDevTool_PrintCallFunctionInfo(ok, info.name .. "()", result, parent)
+    local resultInfoStr = statusStr .. fnNameWitArgs .. " |cFFBEB9B5returns:" .. returnFormatedStr
+    print("|cFFC25B56[Virag's DT]:|cFFFFFFFF " .. resultInfoStr)

     -- if everything faild, just show default Blizzard error
-    if not ok then
-        fn(args)
-    end
+    -- if not ok then
+    --     fn(args)
+    -- end

---todo create generic print output with multiple args
-function ViragDevTool_PrintCallFunctionInfo(ok, functionName, result, parent)
-    ViragDevToolPRINT((ok and "|cFF00FF00OK" or "|cFFFF0000ERROR") ..
-            (parent and (" |cFFBEB9B5" .. parent.name .. ":") or " ") ..
-            "|cFFFFFFFF" .. functionName ..
-            " |cFFBEB9B5returns:" ..
-            " |cFFFFFFFF" .. tostring(result) ..
-            (ok and (" |cFF96C0CE(" .. type(result) .. ")") or ""))
+function ViragDevTool_FNNameToString(name, args)
+    -- Create function call string like myFunction(arg1, arg2, arg3)
+    local fnNameWitArgs = ""
+    local delimiter = ""
+    local found = false
+    for i = 10, 1, -1 do
+        if args[i] ~= nil then found = true end
+        if found then
+            fnNameWitArgs = tostring(args[i]) .. delimiter .. fnNameWitArgs
+            delimiter = ", "
+        end
+    end

+    return name .. "(" .. fnNameWitArgs .. ")"

-function ViragDevToolPRINT(text)
-    print("|cFFC25B56[Virag's DT]:|cFFFFFFFF " .. text)
+function ViragDevTool_TestFNwithMultipleArgs(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)
+    return { a, b, c, d, e, f, g }, 2, 3, nil, 5

 -- Util function
-function ViragDevTool_PrintTable(self, table)
-    for k, v in pairs(table) do
+function ViragDevTool_PrintTable(table)
+    print(tostring(table))
+    for k, v in pairs(table or {}) do
         print(k .. ": " .. v.name)

+function ViragDevTool_shallowcopyargs(orig)
+    local copy = {}
+    for i=1,10 do
+        copy[i] = orig[i]
+    end
+    return copy

 -- register slash cmd