Check every requirement instead of only the first matched requirement.
Johnny C. Lam [07-16-14 - 18:40]
Check every requirement instead of only the first matched requirement.
When checking whether requirements for a spell are met for it to be
usable, check every requirement instead of allowing the first met
requirement and falling through.
diff --git a/OvaleBestAction.lua b/OvaleBestAction.lua
index aac04fd..8336648 100644
--- a/OvaleBestAction.lua
+++ b/OvaleBestAction.lua
@@ -263,14 +263,16 @@ local function GetActionSpellInfo(element, state, target)
if si.stance and not OvaleStance:IsStance(si.stance) then
Ovale:Logf("Spell ID '%s' requires the player to be in stance '%s'", spellId, si.stance)
meetsRequirements = false
- elseif si.combo then
+ end
+ if meetsRequirements and si.combo then
-- Spell requires combo points.
local cost = state:ComboPointCost(spellId)
if cost > 0 and state.combo < cost then
Ovale:Logf("Spell ID '%s' requires at least %d combo points.", spellId, cost)
meetsRequirements = false
- else
+ end
+ if meetsRequirements then
for powerType in pairs(OvalePower.SECONDARY_POWER) do
if si[powerType] then
-- Spell requires "secondary" resources, e.g., chi, focus, rage, etc.,