
Merge branch 'master' into classic

Jim Whitehead [08-11-19 - 13:18]
Merge branch 'master' into classic
diff --git a/BindConfig.lua b/BindConfig.lua
index 9f096b7..20c6826 100755
--- a/BindConfig.lua
+++ b/BindConfig.lua
@@ -187,9 +187,13 @@ function CliqueConfig:Spellbook_OnBinding(button, key)

     local slot = SpellBook_GetSpellBookSlot(button:GetParent());
-    local name, subtype = GetSpellBookItemName(slot, SpellBookFrame.bookType)
+    local name, spellSubName, subtype = GetSpellBookItemName(slot, SpellBookFrame.bookType)
     local texture = GetSpellBookItemTexture(slot, SpellBookFrame.bookType)

+    if spellSubName == "" then
+        spellSubName = nil
+    end
     local key = addon:GetCapturedKey(key)
     if not key then
@@ -199,6 +203,7 @@ function CliqueConfig:Spellbook_OnBinding(button, key)
         key = key,
         type = "spell",
         spell = name,
+        spellSubName = spellSubName,
         icon = texture

@@ -550,6 +555,20 @@ function CliqueConfig:Row_OnClick(frame, button)

+    if binding.type == "spell" and binding.spellSubName then
+        -- Enable a 'Remove Rank' option
+        table.insert(menu, {
+            text = L["Remove spell rank"],
+            func = function()
+                local binding = frame.binding
+                binding.spellSubName = null
+                self:UpdateList()
+                addon:FireMessage("BINDINGS_CHANGED")
+            end,
+            notCheckable = true,
+        })
+    end
     if binding.type == "macro" then
         -- Replace 'Change Binding' with 'Edit macro'
         menu[2] = {
diff --git a/Clique.lua b/Clique.lua
index de2c0d9..a9d10da 100755
--- a/Clique.lua
+++ b/Clique.lua
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ local addonName, addon = ...
 local L = addon.L

 function addon:Initialize()
-    -- Are we running on release or classic?
-    self.compatRelease = not not GetSpecialization
+    -- Are we running on release rather than classic?
+    self.compatRelease = WOW_PROJECT_ID == WOW_PROJECT_MAINLINE

     -- Create an AceDB, but it needs to be cleared first
     self.db = LibStub("AceDB-3.0"):New("CliqueDB3", self.defaults)
@@ -385,20 +385,6 @@ local function correctSpec(entry)
     return true

-local function getEntryString(entry)
-	local bits = {}
-	bits[#bits+1] = "type"
-	bits[#bits+1] = tostring(entry.type)
-	if entry.type == "spell" then
-		bits[#bits+1] = tostring(entry.spell)
-	elseif entry.type == "macro" and entry.macrotext then
-		bits[#bits+1] = tostring(entry.macrotext)
-	end
-	return table.concat(bits, ":")
 -- This function takes a single argument indicating if the attributes being
 -- computed are for the special 'global' button used by Clique.  It then
 -- computes the set of attributes necessary for the player's bindings to be
@@ -408,13 +394,13 @@ end
 function addon:GetClickAttributes(global)
     -- In these scripts, 'self' should always be the header
     local bits = {
-		"local inCombat = control:GetAttribute('inCombat')",
+        "local inCombat = control:GetAttribute('inCombat')",
         "local setupbutton = self:GetFrameRef('cliquesetup_button')",
         "local button = setupbutton or self",

     local rembits = {
-		"local inCombat = control:GetAttribute('inCombat')",
+        "local inCombat = control:GetAttribute('inCombat')",
         "local setupbutton = self:GetFrameRef('cliquesetup_button')",
         "local button = setupbutton or self",
@@ -430,7 +416,7 @@ function addon:GetClickAttributes(global)

     -- Sort the bindings so they are applied in order. This sort ensures that
-	-- any 'ooc' bindings are applied first.
+    -- any 'ooc' bindings are applied first.
     table.sort(self.bindings, ApplicationOrder)

     -- Build a small table of ooc keys that are 'taken' so we can check for
@@ -458,24 +444,24 @@ function addon:GetClickAttributes(global)
             local indent = ""
             local oocmask = oocKeys[entry.key]

-			-- This code needs to set/clear a binding depending on combat
-			-- state. We do both in this function to ensure that we don't have
-			-- to run remove_clicks every single time the combat status
-			-- changes.
+            -- This code needs to set/clear a binding depending on combat
+            -- state. We do both in this function to ensure that we don't have
+            -- to run remove_clicks every single time the combat status
+            -- changes.

-			local startbits
+            local startbits
             if oocmask and not entry.sets.ooc then
-				-- This means that the binding will mask the 'ooc' binding
-				-- with the same key, so we must ensure this is only set when
-				-- we are in combat.
+                -- This means that the binding will mask the 'ooc' binding
+                -- with the same key, so we must ensure this is only set when
+                -- we are in combat.
                 bits[#bits + 1] = "if inCombat then      -- non-ooc that is masking"
                 indent = indent .. "  "
-			elseif entry.sets.ooc then
-				-- This is a standard 'ooc' binding, so we want to ensure its
-				-- only applied when out of combat, and cleared otherwise.
-				bits[#bits + 1] = "if not inCombat then  -- ooc binding"
-				indent = indent .. "  "
-				startbits = #rembits + 1
+            elseif entry.sets.ooc then
+                -- This is a standard 'ooc' binding, so we want to ensure its
+                -- only applied when out of combat, and cleared otherwise.
+                bits[#bits + 1] = "if not inCombat then  -- ooc binding"
+                indent = indent .. "  "
+                startbits = #rembits + 1

             local prefix, suffix = addon:GetBindingPrefixSuffix(entry, global)
@@ -534,26 +520,28 @@ function addon:GetClickAttributes(global)
                 set_text = ATTR(indent, prefix, "type", suffix, "togglemenu")
                 bits[#bits + 1] = string.gsub(set_text, '"togglemenu"', 'button:GetAttribute("*type2") == "menu" and "menu" or "togglemenu"')
                 rembits[#rembits + 1] = REMATTR(prefix, "type", suffix)
-			elseif entry.type == "spell" and self.settings.stopcastingfix then
-				-- Implement the 'stop casting'f ix
-				local macrotext
-				if entry.sets.global then
-					-- Do not include @mouseover
-					macrotext = string.format("/click %s\n/cast %s", self.stopbutton.name, entry.spell)
-				else
-					macrotext = string.format("/click %s\n/cast [@mouseover] %s", self.stopbutton.name, entry.spell)
-				end
+            elseif entry.type == "spell" and self.settings.stopcastingfix then
+                -- Implement the 'stop casting' fix
+                local macrotext
+                local spellText = addon:SpellTextWithSubName(entry)
+                if entry.sets.global then
+                    -- Do not include @mouseover
+                    macrotext = string.format("/click %s\n/cast %s", self.stopbutton.name, spellText)
+                else
+                    macrotext = string.format("/click %s\n/cast [@mouseover] %s", self.stopbutton.name, entry.spell)
+                end
                 bits[#bits + 1] = ATTR(indent, prefix, "type", suffix, "macro")
                 bits[#bits + 1] = ATTR(indent, prefix, "macrotext", suffix, macrotext)
                 rembits[#rembits + 1] = REMATTR(prefix, "type", suffix)
                 rembits[#rembits + 1] = REMATTR(prefix, "macrotext", suffix)
-           elseif entry.type == "spell" then
+            elseif entry.type == "spell" then
+                local spellText = addon:SpellTextWithSubName(entry)
                 bits[#bits + 1] = ATTR(indent, prefix, "type", suffix, entry.type)
-                bits[#bits + 1] = ATTR(indent, prefix, "spell", suffix, entry.spell)
+                bits[#bits + 1] = ATTR(indent, prefix, "spell", suffix, spellText)
                 rembits[#rembits + 1] = REMATTR(prefix, "type", suffix)
                 rembits[#rembits + 1] = REMATTR(prefix, "spell", suffix)
-			elseif entry.type == "macro" and self.settings.stopcastingfix then
-				local macrotext = string.format("/click %s\n%s", self.stopbutton.name, entry.macrotext)
+            elseif entry.type == "macro" and self.settings.stopcastingfix then
+                local macrotext = string.format("/click %s\n%s", self.stopbutton.name, entry.macrotext)
                 bits[#bits + 1] = ATTR(indent, prefix, "type", suffix, entry.type)
                 bits[#bits + 1] = ATTR(indent, prefix, "macrotext", suffix, macrotext)
                 rembits[#rembits + 1] = REMATTR(prefix, "type", suffix)
@@ -569,21 +557,21 @@ function addon:GetClickAttributes(global)

             -- Finish the conditional statements started above
             if oocmask and not entry.sets.ooc then
-				-- This means that the binding will mask the 'ooc' binding
-				-- with the same key, so we must ensure this is only set when
-				-- we are in combat.
-				bits[#bits + 1] = "end"
+                -- This means that the binding will mask the 'ooc' binding
+                -- with the same key, so we must ensure this is only set when
+                -- we are in combat.
+                bits[#bits + 1] = "end"
+                indent = indent:sub(1, -3)
+            elseif entry.sets.ooc then
+                -- This is a standard 'ooc' binding, so we want to ensure its
+                -- only applied when out of combat, and cleared otherwise.
+                local endbits = #rembits
+                bits[#bits + 1] = "else                  -- clear ooc binding"
+                for i = startbits, endbits, 1 do
+                    bits[#bits + 1] = indent .. rembits[i]
+                end
+                bits[#bits + 1] = "end"
                 indent = indent:sub(1, -3)
-			elseif entry.sets.ooc then
-				-- This is a standard 'ooc' binding, so we want to ensure its
-				-- only applied when out of combat, and cleared otherwise.
-				local endbits = #rembits
-				bits[#bits + 1] = "else                  -- clear ooc binding"
-				for i = startbits, endbits, 1 do
-					bits[#bits + 1] = indent .. rembits[i]
-				end
-				bits[#bits + 1] = "end"
-				indent = indent:sub(1, -3)
@@ -724,7 +712,7 @@ local function bindingeq(a, b)
     elseif a.type == "menu" then
         return a.key == b.key
     elseif a.type == "spell" then
-        return a.spell == b.spell and a.key == b.key
+        return a.spell == b.spell and a.key == b.key and a.spellSubName == b.spellSubName
     elseif a.type == "macro" then
         return a.macrotext == b.macrotext and a.key == b.key
diff --git a/Localization.enUS.lua b/Localization.enUS.lua
index 9eb6368..5ff0553 100755
--- a/Localization.enUS.lua
+++ b/Localization.enUS.lua
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ local baseLocale = {
 	["Options"] = "Options",
 	["Out-of-combat (ONLY)"] = "Out-of-combat (ONLY)",
 	["Profile Management:"] = "Profile Management:",
+	["Remove spell rank"] = "Remove spell rank",
 	["Run custom macro"] = "Run custom macro",
 	["Save"] = "Save",
 	["Select a binding type"] = "Select a binding type",
diff --git a/Utils.lua b/Utils.lua
index 56003ff..62f0fb1 100755
--- a/Utils.lua
+++ b/Utils.lua
@@ -148,13 +148,21 @@ function addon:GetBindingKeyComboText(binding)

+function addon:SpellTextWithSubName(binding)
+    if binding.spellSubName then
+        return string.format("%s(%s)", binding.spell, binding.spellSubName)
+    else
+        return binding.spell
+    end
 function addon:GetBindingActionText(btype, binding)
     if btype == "menu" then
         return L["Show unit menu"]
     elseif btype == "target" then
         return L["Target clicked unit"]
     elseif btype == "spell" then
-        return L["Cast %s"]:format(tostring(binding.spell))
+        return L["Cast %s"]:format(addon:SpellTextWithSubName(binding))
     elseif btype == "macro" and type(binding) == "table" then
         return L["Run macro '%s'"]:format(tostring(binding.macrotext))
     elseif btype == "macro" then