Fix channel for BattleNet whispers
Joe Vaughan [10-24-16 - 17:14]
Fix channel for BattleNet whispers
fixed a typo (which would lead to a but in BattleNet whispers.
diff --git a/SVUI_Chat/SVUI_Chat.lua b/SVUI_Chat/SVUI_Chat.lua
index af2f163..d9fa438 100644
--- a/SVUI_Chat/SVUI_Chat.lua
+++ b/SVUI_Chat/SVUI_Chat.lua
@@ -1441,7 +1441,7 @@ function MOD:CHAT_MSG_WHISPER(event, ...)
function MOD:CHAT_MSG_BN_WHISPER(event, ...)
- if(not InCombatLockdown() and WHISPER_SOUND) then PlaySoundFile(WHISPER_SOUND, SV.db.Chat.psst or "Master") end
+ if(not InCombatLockdown() and WHISPER_SOUND) then PlaySoundFile(WHISPER_SOUND, SV.db.Chat.psst_channel or "Master") end
if(self.db.general.saveChats) then
self:SAVE_CHAT_HISTORY(event, ...)