there, I fixed it
Tuller [01-13-11 - 00:38]
diff --git a/Tipachu.lua b/Tipachu.lua
index 0293a85..b3f8ac9 100644
--- a/Tipachu.lua
+++ b/Tipachu.lua
@@ -5,39 +5,54 @@
-local function AddIcon(self, icon)
- if icon then
- local title = _G[self:GetName() .. 'TextLeft1']
- if title and not title:GetText():find('|T' .. icon) then --make sure the icon does not display twice on recipies, which fire OnTooltipSetItem twice
- title:SetFormattedText('|T%s:%d|t %s', icon, _G['TipachuSize'] or DEFAULT_ICON_SIZE, title:GetText())
- end
+local function addIcon(self, icon)
+ local title = icon and _G[self:GetName() .. 'TextLeft1']
+ if title then
+ title:SetFormattedText('|T%s:%d|t %s', icon, _G['TipachuSize'] or DEFAULT_ICON_SIZE, title:GetText())
- Item Hooking
+--[[ tooltip hooking ]]--
local function hookItem(tip)
+ local tooltipModified = false
+ tip:HookScript('OnTooltipCleared', function(self, ...)
+ tooltipModified = false
+ end)
tip:HookScript('OnTooltipSetItem', function(self, ...)
- local name, link = self:GetItem()
- local icon = link and GetItemIcon(link)
- AddIcon(self, icon)
+ if not tooltipModified then
+ tooltipModified = true
+ local name, link = self:GetItem()
+ local icon = link and GetItemIcon(link)
+ addIcon(self, icon)
+ end
+local function hookSpell(tip)
+ local tooltipModified = false
- Spell Hooking
+ tip:HookScript('OnTooltipCleared', function(self, ...)
+ tooltipModified = false
+ end)
-local function hookSpell(tip)
tip:HookScript('OnTooltipSetSpell', function(self, ...)
- local name, rank, icon = GetSpellInfo(self:GetSpell())
- AddIcon(self, icon)
+ if not tooltipModified then
+ tooltipModified = true
+ local spellName, spellRank, spellID = GameTooltip:GetSpell()
+ if spellId then
+ local icon = select(3, GetSpellInfo(spellID))
+ addIcon(self, icon)
+ end
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
+for _, tooltip in pairs{GameTooltip, ItemRefTooltip} do
+ hookItem(tooltip)
+ hookSpell(tooltip)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tipachu.toc b/Tipachu.toc
index 06629e2..8b1d242 100644
--- a/Tipachu.toc
+++ b/Tipachu.toc
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-## Interface: 30200
+## Interface: 40000
## Title: Tipachu
## Author: Tuller
## Notes: Adds an items icon to its tooltip
## SavedVariables: TipachuSize
-## Version: 7
+## Version: 1.0
\ No newline at end of file