
Moved the contents of addon:CreateScanButton() into addon:OnEnable().

torhal [10-02-09 - 23:49]
Moved the contents of addon:CreateScanButton() into addon:OnEnable().
Moved the contents of addon:SwitchProfs() to be the OnClick script for ARL_SwitcherButton.
Moved the contents of addon:ShowScanButton() into addon:TRADE_SKILL_SHOW().
Renamed MaxProfessions to NUM_PROFESSIONS.
diff --git a/ARLFrame.lua b/ARLFrame.lua
index 00ad7bf..877eb9a 100644
--- a/ARLFrame.lua
+++ b/ARLFrame.lua
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ local SortedProfessions = {
 	{ name = GetSpellInfo(51309),	texture = "tailor" },	-- 12

-local MaxProfessions = 12

 -- Some variables I want to use in creating the GUI later... (ZJ 8/26/08)
 local ExpButtonText = {
@@ -1674,113 +1674,6 @@ local function ReDisplay()

--- Description: Creates the scan button for ARL.
-function addon:CreateScanButton()
-	-- Create the scan button
-	if (not addon.ScanButton) then
-		addon.ScanButton = CreateFrame("Button", "ARL_ScanButton", UIParent, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
-	end
-	-- Add to Skillet interface
-	if (Skillet and Skillet:IsActive()) then
-		addon.ScanButton:SetParent(SkilletFrame)
-		addon.ScanButton:Show()
-		Skillet:AddButtonToTradeskillWindow(addon.ScanButton)
-		addon.ScanButton:SetWidth(80)
-	elseif (MRTUIUtils_RegisterWindowOnShow) then
-		MRTUIUtils_RegisterWindowOnShow(
-			function()
-				addon.ScanButton:SetParent(MRTSkillFrame)
-				addon.ScanButton:ClearAllPoints()
-				addon.ScanButton:SetPoint("RIGHT",MRTSkillFrameCloseButton,"LEFT",4,0)
-				addon.ScanButton:SetWidth(addon.ScanButton:GetTextWidth() + 10)
-				addon.ScanButton:Show()
-			end
-		)
-  	end
-	-- Set some of the common button properties
-	addon.ScanButton:SetHeight(20)
-	addon.ScanButton:RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonUp")
-	addon.ScanButton:SetScript("OnClick",
-			function()
-				addon:ToggleFrame()
-			end
-		)
-	addon.ScanButton:SetScript("OnEnter",
-			function(this)
-				GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor(GameTooltip, this)
-				GameTooltip:SetText(L["SCAN_RECIPES_DESC"])
-				GameTooltip:Show()
-			end
-		)
-	addon.ScanButton:SetScript("OnLeave",
-			function()
-				GameTooltip:Hide()
-			end
-		)
-	addon.ScanButton:SetText(L["Scan"])
-	local buttonparent = addon.ScanButton:GetParent()
-	local framelevel = buttonparent:GetFrameLevel()
-	local framestrata = buttonparent:GetFrameStrata()
-	-- Set the frame level of the button to be 1 deeper than its parent
-	addon.ScanButton:SetFrameLevel(framelevel + 1)
-	addon.ScanButton:SetFrameStrata(framestrata)
-	addon.ScanButton:Enable()
-function addon:ShowScanButton()
-	-- Anchor to ATSW
-	if (ATSWFrame) then
-		addon.ScanButton:SetParent(ATSWFrame)
-		addon.ScanButton:ClearAllPoints()
-		if (TradeJunkieMain and TJ_OpenButtonATSW) then
-			addon.ScanButton:SetPoint("RIGHT", TJ_OpenButtonATSW, "LEFT", 0, 0)
-		else
-			addon.ScanButton:SetPoint("RIGHT", ATSWOptionsButton, "LEFT", 0, 0)
-		end
-		addon.ScanButton:SetHeight(ATSWOptionsButton:GetHeight())
-		addon.ScanButton:SetWidth(ATSWOptionsButton:GetWidth())
-	-- Anchor to Cauldron
-	elseif (CauldronFrame) then
-		addon.ScanButton:SetParent(CauldronFrame)
-		addon.ScanButton:ClearAllPoints()
-		addon.ScanButton:SetPoint("TOP", CauldronFrame, "TOPRIGHT", -58, -52)
-		addon.ScanButton:SetWidth(90)
-	-- Anchor to trade window
-	else
-		addon.ScanButton:SetParent(TradeSkillFrame)
-		addon.ScanButton:ClearAllPoints()
-		local loc = addon.db.profile.scanbuttonlocation
-		if (loc == "TR") then
-			addon.ScanButton:SetPoint("RIGHT",TradeSkillFrameCloseButton,"LEFT",4,0)
-		elseif (loc == "TL") then
-			addon.ScanButton:SetPoint("LEFT",TradeSkillFramePortrait,"RIGHT",2,12)
-		elseif (loc == "BR") then
-			addon.ScanButton:SetPoint("TOP",TradeSkillCancelButton,"BOTTOM",0,-5)
-		elseif (loc == "BL") then
-			addon.ScanButton:SetPoint("TOP",TradeSkillCreateAllButton,"BOTTOM",0,-5)
-		end
-		addon.ScanButton:SetWidth(addon.ScanButton:GetTextWidth() + 10)
-	end
-	addon.ScanButton:Show()
 local function HideARL_ExpOptCB(ignorevalue)

@@ -2050,119 +1943,6 @@ local function SetSwitcherTexture(tex)


--- Description: Switch the displayed profession in the main panel
-function addon:SwitchProfs(button)
-	-- Known professions should be in playerData["Professions"]
-	-- This loop is gonna be weird. The reason is because we need to
-	-- ensure that we cycle through all the known professions, but also
-	-- that we do so in order. That means that if the currently displayed
-	-- profession is the last one in the list, we're actually going to
-	-- iterate completely once to get to the currently displayed profession
-	-- and then iterate again to make sure we display the next one in line.
-	-- Further, there is the nuance that the person may not know any
-	-- professions yet at all. User are so annoying.
-	local startLoop = 0
-	local endLoop = 0
-	local displayProf = 0
-	self:ClosePopups()
-	-- ok, so first off, if we've never done this before, there is no "current"
-	-- and a single iteration will do nicely, thank you
-	if button == "LeftButton" then
-		-- normal profession switch
-		if (currentProfIndex == 0) then
-			startLoop = 1
-			endLoop = addon.MaxProfessions + 1
-		else
-			startLoop = currentProfIndex + 1
-			endLoop = currentProfIndex
-		end
-		local index = startLoop
-		while (index ~= endLoop) do
-			if (index > MaxProfessions) then
-				index = 1
-			else
-				if (playerData["Professions"][SortedProfessions[index].name] == true) then
-					displayProf = index
-					currentProfIndex = index
-					break
-				else
-					index = index + 1
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	elseif button == "RightButton" then
-		-- reverse profession switch
-		if (currentProfIndex == 0) then
-			startLoop = addon.MaxProfessions + 1
-			endLoop = 0
-		else
-			startLoop = currentProfIndex - 1
-			endLoop = currentProfIndex
-		end
-		local index = startLoop
-		while (index ~= endLoop) do
-			if (index < 1) then
-				index = MaxProfessions
-			else
-				if (playerData["Professions"][SortedProfessions[index].name] == true) then
-					displayProf = index
-					currentProfIndex = index
-					break
-				else
-					index = index - 1
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	-- Redisplay the button with the new skill
-	SetSwitcherTexture(SortedProfessions[currentProfIndex].texture)
-	playerData.playerProfession = SortedProfessions[currentProfIndex].name
-	currentProfession = playerData.playerProfession
-	-- Lets get the new skill level
-	-- Expand all headers first
-	local NumSkillLines = GetNumSkillLines()
-	local expandtable = AcquireTable()
-	for i = NumSkillLines, 1, -1 do
-		local skillName, _, isExpanded = GetSkillLineInfo(i)
-		if (not isExpanded) then
-			expandtable[skillName] = true
-			ExpandSkillHeader(i)
-		end
-	end
-	NumSkillLines = GetNumSkillLines()
-	-- Get the skill level
-	for i = 1, NumSkillLines, 1 do
-		local skillName, _, _, skillRank = GetSkillLineInfo(i)
-		if (skillName == currentProfession) then
-			playerData.playerProfessionLevel = skillRank
-			break
-		end
-	end
-	-- Collapse expanded headers
-	for i = NumSkillLines, 1, -1 do
-		local skillName, _, isExpanded = GetSkillLineInfo(i)
-		if (expandtable[skillName] == true) then
-			CollapseSkillHeader(i)
-		end
-	end
-	ReleaseTable(expandtable)
-	ReDisplay()
-	MainPanel:ResetTitle()
 local faction_strings	-- This is populated in expandEntry()

 local function expandEntry(dsIndex)
@@ -3392,7 +3172,116 @@ function addon:InitializeFrame()
 	ARL_SwitcherButton:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", MainPanel, "TOPLEFT", 1, -2)
 	ARL_SwitcherButton:RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonUp", "RightButtonUp")
-	ARL_SwitcherButton:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button) addon:SwitchProfs(button) end)
+	ARL_SwitcherButton:SetScript("OnClick",
+				     function(self, button, down)
+					     -- Known professions should be in playerData["Professions"]
+					     -- This loop is gonna be weird. The reason is because we need to
+					     -- ensure that we cycle through all the known professions, but also
+					     -- that we do so in order. That means that if the currently displayed
+					     -- profession is the last one in the list, we're actually going to
+					     -- iterate completely once to get to the currently displayed profession
+					     -- and then iterate again to make sure we display the next one in line.
+					     -- Further, there is the nuance that the person may not know any
+					     -- professions yet at all. User are so annoying.
+					     local startLoop = 0
+					     local endLoop = 0
+					     local displayProf = 0
+					     self:ClosePopups()
+					     -- ok, so first off, if we've never done this before, there is no "current"
+					     -- and a single iteration will do nicely, thank you
+					     if button == "LeftButton" then
+						     -- normal profession switch
+						     if currentProfIndex == 0 then
+							     startLoop = 1
+							     endLoop = NUM_PROFESSIONS + 1
+						     else
+							     startLoop = currentProfIndex + 1
+							     endLoop = currentProfIndex
+						     end
+						     local index = startLoop
+						     while (index ~= endLoop) do
+							     if index > NUM_PROFESSIONS then
+								     index = 1
+							     elseif playerData["Professions"][SortedProfessions[index].name] then
+								     displayProf = index
+								     currentProfIndex = index
+								     break
+							     else
+								     index = index + 1
+							     end
+						     end
+					     elseif button == "RightButton" then
+						     -- reverse profession switch
+						     if currentProfIndex == 0 then
+							     startLoop = NUM_PROFESSIONS + 1
+							     endLoop = 0
+						     else
+							     startLoop = currentProfIndex - 1
+							     endLoop = currentProfIndex
+						     end
+						     local index = startLoop
+						     while index ~= endLoop do
+							     if index < 1 then
+								     index = NUM_PROFESSIONS
+							     elseif playerData["Professions"][SortedProfessions[index].name] then
+								     displayProf = index
+								     currentProfIndex = index
+								     break
+							     else
+								     index = index - 1
+							     end
+						     end
+					     end
+					     -- Redisplay the button with the new skill
+					     SetSwitcherTexture(SortedProfessions[currentProfIndex].texture)
+					     playerData.playerProfession = SortedProfessions[currentProfIndex].name
+					     currentProfession = playerData.playerProfession
+					     -- Lets get the new skill level
+					     -- Expand all headers first
+					     local NumSkillLines = GetNumSkillLines()
+					     local expandtable = AcquireTable()
+					     for i = NumSkillLines, 1, -1 do
+						     local skillName, _, isExpanded = GetSkillLineInfo(i)
+						     if not isExpanded then
+							     expandtable[skillName] = true
+							     ExpandSkillHeader(i)
+						     end
+					     end
+					     NumSkillLines = GetNumSkillLines()
+					     -- Get the skill level
+					     for i = 1, NumSkillLines, 1 do
+						     local skillName, _, _, skillRank = GetSkillLineInfo(i)
+						     if skillName == currentProfession then
+							     playerData.playerProfessionLevel = skillRank
+							     break
+						     end
+					     end
+					     -- Collapse expanded headers
+					     for i = NumSkillLines, 1, -1 do
+						     local skillName, _, isExpanded = GetSkillLineInfo(i)
+						     if expandtable[skillName] then
+							     CollapseSkillHeader(i)
+						     end
+					     end
+					     ReleaseTable(expandtable)
+					     ReDisplay()
+					     MainPanel:ResetTitle()
+				     end)

 	-- Stuff in the non-expanded frame (or both)
diff --git a/AckisRecipeList.lua b/AckisRecipeList.lua
index d147489..c062797 100644
--- a/AckisRecipeList.lua
+++ b/AckisRecipeList.lua
@@ -326,16 +326,16 @@ function addon:OnEnable()
 	self:RegisterEvent("TRADE_SKILL_SHOW")	-- Make addon respond to the tradeskill windows being shown
 	self:RegisterEvent("TRADE_SKILL_CLOSE")	-- Addon responds to tradeskill windows being closed.

-	if (addon.db.profile.scantrainers) then
+	if addon.db.profile.scantrainers then

-	if (addon.db.profile.scanvendors) then
+	if addon.db.profile.scanvendors then

 	-- Add an option so that ARL will work with Manufac
-	if (Manufac) then
+	if Manufac then
 		Manufac.options.args.ARLScan = {
 			type = 'execute',
 			name = L["Scan"],
@@ -361,8 +361,51 @@ function addon:OnEnable()
 	-- Populate the reputation level

-	--Create the button now for later use
-	self:CreateScanButton()
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	-- Create the scan button, then set its parent and scripts.
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	local scan_button = CreateFrame("Button", "ARL_ScanButton", UIParent, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
+	-- Add to Skillet interface
+	if Skillet and Skillet:IsActive() then
+		scan_button:SetParent(SkilletFrame)
+		scan_button:Show()
+		Skillet:AddButtonToTradeskillWindow(scan_button)
+		scan_button:SetWidth(80)
+	elseif MRTUIUtils_RegisterWindowOnShow then
+		MRTUIUtils_RegisterWindowOnShow(function()
+							scan_button:SetParent(MRTSkillFrame)
+							scan_button:ClearAllPoints()
+							scan_button:SetPoint("RIGHT", MRTSkillFrameCloseButton, "LEFT", 4, 0)
+							scan_button:SetWidth(scan_button:GetTextWidth() + 10)
+							scan_button:Show()
+						end)
+  	end
+	scan_button:SetHeight(20)
+	scan_button:RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonUp")
+	scan_button:SetScript("OnClick", function() addon:ToggleFrame()	end)
+	scan_button:SetScript("OnEnter",
+			function(this)
+				GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor(GameTooltip, this)
+				GameTooltip:SetText(L["SCAN_RECIPES_DESC"])
+				GameTooltip:Show()
+			end)
+	scan_button:SetScript("OnLeave", function() GameTooltip:Hide() end)
+	scan_button:SetText(L["Scan"])
+	local buttonparent = scan_button:GetParent()
+	local framelevel = buttonparent:GetFrameLevel()
+	local framestrata = buttonparent:GetFrameStrata()
+	-- Set the frame level of the button to be 1 deeper than its parent
+	scan_button:SetFrameLevel(framelevel + 1)
+	scan_button:SetFrameStrata(framestrata)
+	scan_button:Enable()
+	addon.ScanButton = scan_button
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	-- Initialize the main panel frame
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 	self.InitializeFrame = nil

@@ -398,13 +441,10 @@ function addon:TRAINER_SHOW()

 function addon:MERCHANT_SHOW()

 	local GetTradeSkillListLink = _G.GetTradeSkillListLink
 	local UnitName = _G.UnitName
 	local GetRealmName = _G.GetRealmName
@@ -414,22 +454,24 @@ do
 		local ownskill = IsTradeSkillLinked()

 		-- If this is our own skill, save it, if not don't save it
-		if (not ownskill) then
+		if not ownskill then
 			-- Create an entry in the db to track alt trade skills
 			local pname = UnitName("player")
 			local prealm = GetRealmName()
 			local tradelink = GetTradeSkillListLink()
 			local tradename = GetTradeSkillLine()

-			if (tradelink) then
+			if tradelink then
 				-- Actual alt information saved here. -Torhal
-				if (not addon.db.global.tradeskill) then
+				if not addon.db.global.tradeskill then
 					addon.db.global.tradeskill = {}
-				if (not addon.db.global.tradeskill[prealm]) then
+				if not addon.db.global.tradeskill[prealm] then
 					addon.db.global.tradeskill[prealm] = {}
-				if (not addon.db.global.tradeskill[prealm][pname]) then
+				if not addon.db.global.tradeskill[prealm][pname] then
 					addon.db.global.tradeskill[prealm][pname] = {}
 				addon.db.global.tradeskill[prealm][pname][tradename] = tradelink
@@ -437,12 +479,46 @@ do

-		if (addon.ScanButton and not Skillet) then
-			self:ShowScanButton()
+		if Skillet then
+			return
+		local scan_button = self.ScanButton

-	end
+		if ATSWFrame then
+			scan_button:SetParent(ATSWFrame)
+			scan_button:ClearAllPoints()

+			if TradeJunkieMain and TJ_OpenButtonATSW then
+				scan_button:SetPoint("RIGHT", TJ_OpenButtonATSW, "LEFT", 0, 0)
+			else
+				scan_button:SetPoint("RIGHT", ATSWOptionsButton, "LEFT", 0, 0)
+			end
+			scan_button:SetHeight(ATSWOptionsButton:GetHeight())
+			scan_button:SetWidth(ATSWOptionsButton:GetWidth())
+		elseif CauldronFrame then
+			scan_button:SetParent(CauldronFrame)
+			scan_button:ClearAllPoints()
+			scan_button:SetPoint("TOP", CauldronFrame, "TOPRIGHT", -58, -52)
+			scan_button:SetWidth(90)
+		else
+			scan_button:SetParent(TradeSkillFrame)
+			scan_button:ClearAllPoints()
+			local loc = addon.db.profile.scanbuttonlocation
+			if loc == "TR" then
+				scan_button:SetPoint("RIGHT",TradeSkillFrameCloseButton,"LEFT",4,0)
+			elseif loc == "TL" then
+				scan_button:SetPoint("LEFT",TradeSkillFramePortrait,"RIGHT",2,12)
+			elseif loc == "BR" then
+				scan_button:SetPoint("TOP",TradeSkillCancelButton,"BOTTOM",0,-5)
+			elseif loc == "BL" then
+				scan_button:SetPoint("TOP",TradeSkillCreateAllButton,"BOTTOM",0,-5)
+			end
+			scan_button:SetWidth(addon.ScanButton:GetTextWidth() + 10)
+		end
+		scan_button:Show()
+	end

 function addon:TRADE_SKILL_CLOSE()