diff --git a/TitanLocation/TitanLocation.lua b/TitanLocation/TitanLocation.lua
index 221191e..ae8c156 100755
--- a/TitanLocation/TitanLocation.lua
+++ b/TitanLocation/TitanLocation.lua
@@ -611,68 +611,28 @@ print("TLoc"
TitanMapPlayerLocation:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", WorldMapFrame, "BOTTOM", 0, 10)
TitanMapCursorLocation:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", WorldMapFrame, "BOTTOM", -10, 10)
--- TitanMapPlayerLocation:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", WorldMapFrame, "BOTTOM", -buff, 10)
--- TitanMapCursorLocation:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", WorldMapFrame, "BOTTOM", 0, 10)
- if (mloc == "TOPRIGHT") then
- TitanMapPlayerLocation:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", WorldMapFrame, "TOPRIGHT", -10, -28)
- TitanMapCursorLocation:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", TitanMapPlayerLocation, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0)
- elseif (mloc == "TOPLEFT") then
- TitanMapPlayerLocation:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", WorldMapFrame, "TOPLEFT", 10, -28)
- TitanMapCursorLocation:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", TitanMapPlayerLocation, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 0)
- elseif (mloc == "BOTTOMLEFT") then
- TitanMapPlayerLocation:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", WorldMapFrame, "BOTTOMLEFT", 10, 10)
- TitanMapCursorLocation:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", TitanMapPlayerLocation, "BOTTOMRIGHT", buff, 0)
- elseif (mloc == "BOTTOMRIGHT") then
- TitanMapPlayerLocation:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", TitanMapCursorLocation, "BOTTOMLEFT", -buff, 0)
- TitanMapCursorLocation:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", WorldMapFrame, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -xbuff, 10)
- elseif (mloc == "BOTTOM") then
- TitanMapPlayerLocation:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", WorldMapFrame, "BOTTOM", -buff, 10)
- TitanMapCursorLocation:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", WorldMapFrame, "BOTTOM", 0, 10)
- end
- elseif Titan_Panel.game_ver == "Classic_Era" then
- -- Determine where to show the text
- TitanMapPlayerLocation:ClearAllPoints()
- TitanMapCursorLocation:ClearAllPoints()
- if (mloc == "TOPRIGHT") then
- TitanMapPlayerLocation:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", WorldMapFrame, "TOPRIGHT", -10, -28)
- TitanMapCursorLocation:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", TitanMapPlayerLocation, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0)
- elseif (mloc == "TOPLEFT") then
- TitanMapPlayerLocation:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", WorldMapFrame, "TOPLEFT", 10, -28)
- TitanMapCursorLocation:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", TitanMapPlayerLocation, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 0)
- elseif (mloc == "BOTTOMLEFT") then
- TitanMapPlayerLocation:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", WorldMapFrame, "BOTTOMLEFT", 15, 10)
- TitanMapCursorLocation:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", TitanMapPlayerLocation, "BOTTOMRIGHT", buff, 0)
- elseif (mloc == "BOTTOMRIGHT") then
- TitanMapPlayerLocation:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", TitanMapCursorLocation, "BOTTOMLEFT", -buff, 0)
- TitanMapCursorLocation:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", WorldMapFrame, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -xbuff, 10)
- elseif (mloc == "BOTTOM") then
- TitanMapPlayerLocation:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", WorldMapFrame, "BOTTOM", -buff, 10)
- TitanMapCursorLocation:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", WorldMapFrame, "BOTTOM", 0, 10)
- end
else -- current retail
-- Position the text
- if MapMinMaxFrame.MaximizeButton:IsShown() then
- if WorldMapFrame.TitanSizePrev == "small" then
+ if WorldMapFrame:IsMaximized() then
+ -- map should be 'full' screen
+ if WorldMapFrame.TitanSizePrev == "large" then
-- no change
TitanMapPlayerLocation:SetPoint("RIGHT", MapMinMaxFrame, "LEFT", 0, 0)
- TitanMapCursorLocation:SetPoint("LEFT", WorldMapFrame.BorderFrame.Tutorial, "RIGHT", 0, 0)
- WorldMapFrame.TitanSize = "small"
+ TitanMapCursorLocation:SetPoint("TOP", TitanMapPlayerLocation, "BOTTOM", 0, -5)
+ WorldMapFrame.TitanSize = "large"
- else -- map should be 'full' screen
- if WorldMapFrame.TitanSizePrev == "large" then
+ else
+ if WorldMapFrame.TitanSizePrev == "small" then
-- no change
TitanMapPlayerLocation:SetPoint("RIGHT", MapMinMaxFrame, "LEFT", 0, 0)
- TitanMapCursorLocation:SetPoint("TOP", TitanMapPlayerLocation, "BOTTOM", 0, -5)
- WorldMapFrame.TitanSize = "large"
+ TitanMapCursorLocation:SetPoint("LEFT", WorldMapFrame.BorderFrame.Tutorial, "RIGHT", 0, 0)
+ WorldMapFrame.TitanSize = "small"
@@ -707,48 +667,47 @@ end
-- VARS : none
-- **************************************************************************
-local TPL_CMF_IsFirstTime = true;
function TitanPanelLocation_CreateMapFrames()
- if (TPL_CMF_IsFirstTime) then
- TPL_CMF_IsFirstTime = false;
+ if _G[TitanMapFrame] then
+ return -- if already created
+ end
- -- avoid an addon conflict
- if (_G["CT_MapMod"]) then
- return;
- end
+ -- avoid an addon conflict
+ if (_G["CT_MapMod"]) then
+ return;
+ end
- -- create the frame to hold the font strings, and simulate an "OnUpdate" script handler using C_Timer for efficiency
+ -- create the frame to hold the font strings, and simulate an "OnUpdate" script handler using C_Timer for efficiency
-- local frame = CreateFrame("FRAME", "TitanMapFrame", WorldMapFrame.BorderFrame)
- local frame = CreateFrame("FRAME", "TitanMapFrame", WorldMapFrame)
- frame:SetFrameStrata("DIALOG") -- DF need to raise the strata to be seen
- local function updateFunc()
- TitanMapFrame_OnUpdate(frame, 0.07); -- simulating an OnUpdate call
- end
- frame:HookScript("OnShow", function()
- frame.updateTicker = frame.updateTicker or C_Timer.NewTicker(0.07, updateFunc);
- if MapMinMaxFrame.MaximizeButton:IsShown() then
- WorldMapFrame.TitanSize = "small"
- WorldMapFrame.TitanSizePrev = "none"
- else
- WorldMapFrame.TitanSize = "large"
- WorldMapFrame.TitanSizePrev = "none"
- end
- end);
- frame:HookScript("OnHide", function()
- if (frame.updateTicker) then
- frame.updateTicker:Cancel();
- frame.updateTicker = nil;
- end
- end);
- -- create the font strings and update their position based in minimizing/maximizing the main map
- local playertext = frame:CreateFontString("TitanMapPlayerLocation", "ARTWORK", "GameFontNormal");
- local cursortext = frame:CreateFontString("TitanMapCursorLocation", "ARTWORK", "GameFontNormal");
- playertext:ClearAllPoints();
- cursortext:ClearAllPoints();
- playertext:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", WorldMapFrameCloseButton, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0)
- cursortext:SetPoint("TOP", playertext, "BOTTOM", 0, 0)
+ local frame = CreateFrame("FRAME", "TitanMapFrame", WorldMapFrame)
+ frame:SetFrameStrata("DIALOG") -- DF need to raise the strata to be seen
+ local function updateFunc()
+ TitanMapFrame_OnUpdate(frame, 0.07); -- simulating an OnUpdate call
+ frame:HookScript("OnShow", function()
+ frame.updateTicker = frame.updateTicker or C_Timer.NewTicker(0.07, updateFunc);
+ if WorldMapFrame:IsMaximized() then
+ WorldMapFrame.TitanSize = "large"
+ WorldMapFrame.TitanSizePrev = "none"
+ else
+ WorldMapFrame.TitanSize = "small"
+ WorldMapFrame.TitanSizePrev = "none"
+ end
+ end);
+ frame:HookScript("OnHide", function()
+ if (frame.updateTicker) then
+ frame.updateTicker:Cancel();
+ frame.updateTicker = nil;
+ end
+ end);
+ -- create the font strings and update their position based in minimizing/maximizing the main map
+ local playertext = frame:CreateFontString("TitanMapPlayerLocation", "ARTWORK", "GameFontNormal");
+ local cursortext = frame:CreateFontString("TitanMapCursorLocation", "ARTWORK", "GameFontNormal");
+ playertext:ClearAllPoints();
+ cursortext:ClearAllPoints();
+ playertext:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", WorldMapFrameCloseButton, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0)
+ cursortext:SetPoint("TOP", playertext, "BOTTOM", 0, 0)