diff --git a/Lockpicking.lua b/Lockpicking.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d569198
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lockpicking.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+local _, ns = ...
+local openable = {
+ ['68729'] = true, -- MoP
+ ['63349'] = true, -- MoP
+ ['45986'] = true,
+ ['43624'] = true,
+ ['43622'] = true,
+ ['43575'] = true,
+ ['31952'] = true,
+ ['12033'] = true,
+ ['29569'] = true,
+ ['5760'] = true,
+ ['13918'] = true,
+ ['5759'] = true,
+ ['5758'] = true,
+ ['13875'] = true,
+ ['4638'] = true,
+ ['16884'] = true,
+ ['4637'] = true,
+ ['4636'] = true,
+ ['6355'] = true,
+ ['16883'] = true,
+ ['4634'] = true,
+ ['4633'] = true,
+ ['6354'] = true,
+ ['16882'] = true,
+ ['4632'] = true,
+ ['88165'] = true,
+ ['88567'] = true,
+ ['88165'] = true,
+ ['88567'] = true,
+function ns.Openable(link)
+ return openable[link:match('item:(%d+)')]
diff --git a/Molinari.lua b/Molinari.lua
index fd45757..e59e876 100644
--- a/Molinari.lua
+++ b/Molinari.lua
@@ -29,8 +29,7 @@ function button:PLAYER_LOGIN()
if(IsSpellKnown(1804)) then
- -- Commence localization hack
- rogue = ITEM_MIN_SKILL:gsub('%%s', (GetSpellInfo(1810))):gsub('%%d', '%(.*%)')
+ rogue = true
GameTooltip:HookScript('OnTooltipSetItem', function(self)
@@ -38,18 +37,18 @@ function button:PLAYER_LOGIN()
if(item and not InCombatLockdown() and IsAltKeyDown() and not (AuctionFrame and AuctionFrame:IsShown())) then
local spell, r, g, b = ScanTooltip(self, spells)
- if(not spell and disenchanter and ns.Disenchantable(link)) then
- spell, r, g, b = GetSpellInfo(13262), 1/2, 1/2, 1
- elseif(not spell and rogue) then
- for index = 1, self:NumLines() do
- if(string.match(_G['GameTooltipTextLeft' .. index]:GetText() or '', rogue)) then
- spell, r, g, b = GetSpellInfo(1804), 0, 1, 1
- end
+ if(not spell) then
+ if(disenchanter and ns.Disenchantable(link)) then
+ spell, r, g, b = GetSpellInfo(13262), 1/2, 1/2, 1
+ elseif(rogue and ns.Openable) then
+ spell, r, g, b = GetSpellInfo(1804), 0, 1, 1
+ else
+ return
local bag, slot = GetMouseFocus():GetParent(), GetMouseFocus()
- if(spell and GetContainerItemLink(bag:GetID(), slot:GetID()) == link) then
+ if(GetContainerItemLink(bag:GetID(), slot:GetID()) == link) then
button:SetAttribute('macrotext', string.format('/cast %s\n/use %s %s', spell, bag:GetID(), slot:GetID()))
diff --git a/Molinari.toc b/Molinari.toc
index f90cb92..8cf5291 100644
--- a/Molinari.toc
+++ b/Molinari.toc
@@ -6,3 +6,4 @@