Document /way arrow and block.
Ludovicus [07-05-19 - 19:05]
Document /way arrow and block.
diff --git a/TomTom.lua b/TomTom.lua
index 2e5a7c3..b6b4efb 100755
--- a/TomTom.lua
+++ b/TomTom.lua
@@ -355,6 +355,19 @@ function TomTom:ShowHideWorldCoords()
+function TomTom:DebugCoordBlock()
+ local msg
+ msg = string.format(L["|cffffff78TomTom:|r CoordBlock %s visible"], (TomTomBlock:IsVisible() and L["is"]) or L["not"])
+ ChatFrame1:AddMessage(msg)
+ if TomTomBlock:IsVisible() then
+ local point, relativeTo, relativePoint, xOfs, yOfs = TomTomBlock:GetPoint(1)
+ relativeTo = (relativeTo and relativeTo:GetName()) or "UIParent"
+ msg = string.format("|cffffff78TomTom:|r CoordBlock point=%s frame=%s rpoint=%s xo=%.2f yo=%.2f", point, relativeTo, relativePoint, xOfs, yOfs)
+ ChatFrame1:AddMessage(msg)
+ end
function TomTom:ShowHideCoordBlock()
-- Bail out if we're not supposed to be showing this frame
if self.profile.block.enable then
@@ -1075,6 +1088,8 @@ local function usage()
ChatFrame1:AddMessage(L["|cffffff78/way reset <zone>|r - Resets all waypoints in zone"])
ChatFrame1:AddMessage(L["|cffffff78/way local|r - Lists active waypoints in current zone"])
ChatFrame1:AddMessage(L["|cffffff78/way list|r - Lists all active waypoints"])
+ ChatFrame1:AddMessage(L["|cffffff78/way arrow|r - Prints status of the Crazy Arrow"])
+ ChatFrame1:AddMessage(L["|cffffff78/way block|r - Prints status of the Coordinate Block"])
TomTom.CZWFromMapID = {}
@@ -1309,6 +1324,9 @@ SlashCmdList["TOMTOM_WAY"] = function(msg)
elseif ltoken == "arrow" then
+ elseif ltoken == "block" then
+ TomTom:DebugCoordBlock()
+ return
elseif ltoken == "reset" then
local ltoken2 = tokens[2] and tokens[2]:lower()
if ltoken2 == "all" then