Fixing Tradeskill buttons
MilleXIV [08-28-16 - 15:18]
Fixing Tradeskill buttons
Pulling actual name instead of guessing (which doesn't work)
diff --git a/modules/tradeskill.lua b/modules/tradeskill.lua
index 1a1e8c6..2dbee7a 100644
--- a/modules/tradeskill.lua
+++ b/modules/tradeskill.lua
@@ -139,7 +139,8 @@ function TradeskillModule:StyleTradeskillFrame(framePrefix, profIndex)
self[framePrefix..'Frame']:SetSize(iconSize + self[framePrefix..'Text']:GetStringWidth() + 5, xb:GetHeight())
- self[framePrefix..'Frame']:SetAttribute('spell', name) --- While this is usually the type of thing I'd put into RegisterFrameEvents(), I need it to update
+ local spellName, subSpellName = GetSpellBookItemName(spellOffset + 1, BOOKTYPE_PROFESSION)
+ self[framePrefix..'Frame']:SetAttribute('spell', spellName) --- While this is usually the type of thing I'd put into RegisterFrameEvents(), I need it to update
function TradeskillModule:CreateFrames()