diff --git a/BagSync.lua b/BagSync.lua
index 526b7c0..86dd0b9 100644
--- a/BagSync.lua
+++ b/BagSync.lua
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ local function ParseItemLink(link)
--make sure we have a bonusID count
if countSplit and #countSplit > 13 then
- local count = countSplit[13] -- do we have a bonusID number count?
+ local count = countSplit[13] or 0 -- do we have a bonusID number count?
count = count == "" and 0 or count --make sure we have a count if not default to zero
count = tonumber(count)
@@ -118,8 +118,14 @@ local function ParseItemLink(link)
return result:match("(%d+):")
- --nothing to return so result will return nil
- return result
+ --nothing to return so return nil
+ return nil
+local function ToShortItemID(link)
+ if not link then return nil end
+ if tonumber(link) then return link end
+ return link:match("(%d+):") or nil
local function IsInBG()
@@ -174,6 +180,7 @@ function BSYC:StartupDB()
if self.options.enableTooltipSeperator == nil then self.options.enableTooltipSeperator = true end
if self.options.enableCrossRealmsItems == nil then self.options.enableCrossRealmsItems = true end
if self.options.enableBNetAccountItems == nil then self.options.enableBNetAccountItems = false end
+ if self.options.enableTooltipItemID == nil then self.options.enableTooltipItemID = false end
--setup the default colors
if self.options.colors == nil then self.options.colors = {} end
@@ -183,7 +190,8 @@ function BSYC:StartupDB()
if self.options.colors.guild == nil then self.options.colors.guild = { r = 101/255, g = 184/255, b = 192/255 } end
if self.options.colors.cross == nil then self.options.colors.cross = { r = 1, g = 125/255, b = 10/255 } end
if self.options.colors.bnet == nil then self.options.colors.bnet = { r = 53/255, g = 136/255, b = 1 } end
+ if self.options.colors.itemid == nil then self.options.colors.itemid = { r = 82/255, g = 211/255, b = 134/255 } end
self.db = {}
--the player DB defaults to the current realm, if you want more then you need to iterate BagSyncDB
@@ -931,6 +939,9 @@ function BSYC:AddItemToTooltip(frame, link) --workaround
+ --use our stripped itemlink, not the full link
+ local shortItemID = ToShortItemID(itemLink)
--only show tooltips in search frame if the option is enabled
if self.options.tooltipOnlySearch and frame:GetOwner() and frame:GetOwner():GetName() and string.sub(frame:GetOwner():GetName(), 1, 16) ~= "BagSyncSearchRow" then
@@ -939,9 +950,11 @@ function BSYC:AddItemToTooltip(frame, link) --workaround
--ignore the hearthstone and blacklisted items
- if itemLink and tonumber(itemLink) and (tonumber(itemLink) == 6948 or tonumber(itemLink) == 110560 or tonumber(itemLink) == 140192 or self.db.blacklist[self.currentRealm][tonumber(itemLink)]) then
- frame:Show()
- return
+ if shortItemID and tonumber(shortItemID) then
+ if tonumber(shortItemID) == 6948 or tonumber(shortItemID) == 110560 or tonumber(shortItemID) == 140192 or self.db.blacklist[self.currentRealm][tonumber(shortItemID)] then
+ frame:Show()
+ return
+ end
--lag check (check for previously displayed data) if so then display it
@@ -952,6 +965,9 @@ function BSYC:AddItemToTooltip(frame, link) --workaround
if ename and ecount then
local color = self.options.colors.total
frame:AddDoubleLine(ename, ecount, color.r, color.g, color.b, color.r, color.g, color.b)
+ else
+ local color = self.options.colors.second
+ frame:AddLine(self.PreviousItemTotals[i], color.r, color.g, color.b)
@@ -1069,9 +1085,14 @@ function BSYC:AddItemToTooltip(frame, link) --workaround
table.insert(self.PreviousItemTotals, tooltipColor(self.options.colors.total, L.TooltipTotal).."@"..tooltipColor(self.options.colors.second, grandTotal))
+ --add ItemID if it's enabled
+ if table.getn(self.PreviousItemTotals) > 0 and self.options.enableTooltipItemID and shortItemID and tonumber(shortItemID) then
+ table.insert(self.PreviousItemTotals, 1 , tooltipColor(self.options.colors.itemid, L.TooltipItemID).." "..tooltipColor(self.options.colors.second, shortItemID))
+ end
--now check for seperater and only add if we have something in the table already
if table.getn(self.PreviousItemTotals) > 0 and self.options.enableTooltipSeperator then
- table.insert(self.PreviousItemTotals, 1 , " @ ")
+ table.insert(self.PreviousItemTotals, 1 , " ")
--add it all together now
@@ -1081,6 +1102,9 @@ function BSYC:AddItemToTooltip(frame, link) --workaround
if ename and ecount then
local color = self.options.colors.total
frame:AddDoubleLine(ename, ecount, color.r, color.g, color.b, color.r, color.g, color.b)
+ else
+ local color = self.options.colors.second
+ frame:AddLine(self.PreviousItemTotals[i], color.r, color.g, color.b)
diff --git a/locale/enUS.lua b/locale/enUS.lua
index 0bbb64a..013ace8 100644
--- a/locale/enUS.lua
+++ b/locale/enUS.lua
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ L.TooltipVoid = "Void:"
L.TooltipReagent = "Reagent:"
L.TooltipAuction = "AH:"
L.TooltipTotal = "Total:"
+L.TooltipItemID = "[ItemID]:"
L.TooltipDelimiter = ", "
L.Search = "Search"
L.Refresh = "Refresh"
@@ -85,12 +86,14 @@ L.DisplayTooltipOnlySearch = "Display BagSync tooltip ONLY in the search window.
L.DisplayLineSeperator = "Display empty line seperator."
L.DisplayCrossRealm = "Display Cross-Realms characters."
L.DisplayBNET = "Display Battle.Net Account characters |cFFDF2B2B(Not Recommended)|r."
+L.DisplayItemID = "Display ItemID in tooltip.|r."
L.ColorPrimary = "Primary BagSync tooltip color."
L.ColorSecondary = "Secondary BagSync tooltip color."
L.ColorTotal = "BagSync [Total] tooltip color."
L.ColorGuild = "BagSync [Guild] tooltip color."
L.ColorCrossRealm = "BagSync [Cross-Realms] tooltip color."
L.ColorBNET = "BagSync [Battle.Net] tooltip color."
+L.ColorItemID = "BagSync [ItemID] tooltip color."
L.ConfigHeader = "Settings for various BagSync features."
L.ConfigDisplay = "Display"
L.ConfigTooltipHeader = "Settings for the displayed BagSync tooltip information."
diff --git a/modules/config.lua b/modules/config.lua
index 11a55b7..1469a60 100644
--- a/modules/config.lua
+++ b/modules/config.lua
@@ -266,7 +266,16 @@ options.args.display = {
set = set,
arg = "display.enableBNetAccountItems",
+ itemid = {
+ order = 11,
+ type = "toggle",
+ name = L.DisplayItemID,
+ width = "full",
+ descStyle = "hide",
+ get = get,
+ set = set,
+ arg = "display.enableTooltipItemID",
+ },
@@ -342,6 +351,17 @@ options.args.color = {
set = set,
arg = "color.bnet",
+ itemid = {
+ order = 7,
+ type = "color",
+ name = L.ColorItemID,
+ width = "full",
+ hasAlpha = false,
+ descStyle = "hide",
+ get = get,
+ set = set,
+ arg = "color.itemid",
+ },