
Fixed a typo of one of the factions in Cataclysm

mike [11-30-10 - 09:07]
Fixed a typo of one of the factions in Cataclysm
diff --git a/Interface/FilterMenus.lua b/Interface/FilterMenus.lua
index f16a7f3..66ca241 100644
--- a/Interface/FilterMenus.lua
+++ b/Interface/FilterMenus.lua
@@ -960,7 +960,7 @@ function private.InitializeFilterPanel()
 			["catacommon1"]		= { tt = ReputationDesc(Wildhammer_Dragonmaw),			text = Wildhammer_Dragonmaw,			row = 2,	col = 1 },
 			["catacommon2"]		= { tt = ReputationDesc(Tol_Barad),				text = Tol_Barad,				row = 3,	col = 1 },
 			["guardiansofhyjal"]	= { tt = ReputationDesc(BFAC["Guardians of Hyjal"]),		text = DisabledText(BFAC["Guardians of Hyjal"]),	row = 4,	col = 1 },
-			["ramkahen"]		= { tt = ReputationDesc(BFAC["Ramkahen"]),			text = BFAC["Ramhaken"],		row = 5,	col = 1 },
+			["ramkahen"]		= { tt = ReputationDesc(BFAC["Ramkahen"]),			text = BFAC["Ramkahen"],		row = 5,	col = 1 },
 			["earthenring"]		= { tt = ReputationDesc(BFAC["The Earthen Ring"]),		text = BFAC["The Earthen Ring"],			row = 6,	col = 1 },
 			["therazane"]		= { tt = ReputationDesc(BFAC["Therazane"]),			text = BFAC["Therazane"],			row = 7,	col = 1 },