
- Clean up some erroneous files and remove some files that had duplicate code. Just a cleanup update

Lanerra [01-26-12 - 06:31]
- Clean up some erroneous files and remove some files that had duplicate code. Just a cleanup update
diff --git a/oUF_Lanerra.toc b/oUF_Lanerra.toc
index 306b786..57a89e8 100644
--- a/oUF_Lanerra.toc
+++ b/oUF_Lanerra.toc
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ## Interface: 40300
-## Version: 1.2.3
+## Version: 1.2.31

 ## Title: oUF_Lanerra
 ## Notes: oUF layout by Lanerra