-Added an 'Open All' mail button to the inbox window.
Xruptor [12-14-10 - 13:44]
-Added an 'Open All' mail button to the inbox window.
diff --git a/xanAutoMail.lua b/xanAutoMail.lua
index fff9678..abbe710 100644
--- a/xanAutoMail.lua
+++ b/xanAutoMail.lua
@@ -6,6 +6,11 @@ local DB_PLAYER
local currentPlayer
local currentRealm
+local inboxAllButton
+local old_InboxFrame_OnClick
+local triggerStop = false
+local numInboxItems = 0
+local timeChk, timeDelay = 0, 1
local xanAutoMail = CreateFrame("frame","xanAutoMailFrame",UIParent)
xanAutoMail:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...) if self[event] then return self[event](self, event, ...) end end)
@@ -31,6 +36,14 @@ function xanAutoMail:PLAYER_LOGIN()
self:HookScript(SendMailNameEditBox, "OnEditFocusGained")
self:RawHook("AutoComplete_Update", true)
+ --make the open all button
+ local inboxAllButton = CreateFrame("Button", "xanAutoMail_OpenAllBTN", InboxFrame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
+ inboxAllButton:SetWidth(100)
+ inboxAllButton:SetHeight(20)
+ inboxAllButton:SetPoint("CENTER", InboxFrame, "TOP", 0, -55)
+ inboxAllButton:SetText("Open All")
+ inboxAllButton:SetScript("OnClick", function() xanAutoMail.GetMail() end)
self.PLAYER_LOGIN = nil
@@ -161,5 +174,98 @@ function xanAutoMail:AutoComplete_Update(editBox, editBoxText, utf8Position, ...
+function mailLoop(this, arg1)
+ timeChk = timeChk + arg1
+ if triggerStop then return end
+ if (timeChk > timeDelay) then
+ timeChk = 0
+ --check for last or no messages
+ if numInboxItems <= 0 or GetInboxNumItems() <= 0 then
+ triggerStop = true
+ xanAutoMail:StopMail()
+ return
+ end
+ --lets get the mail
+ local _, _, _, _, money, COD, _, numItems = GetInboxHeaderInfo(numInboxItems)
+ if money > 0 or (numItems and numItems > 0) and COD <= 0 then
+ AutoLootMailItem(numInboxItems)
+ end
+ --decrease count
+ numInboxItems = numInboxItems - 1
+ end
+function xanAutoMail:GetMail()
+ if GetInboxNumItems() == 0 then return end
+ xanAutoMail_OpenAllBTN:Disable() --disable the button to prevent further clicks
+ triggerStop = false
+ timeChk, timeDelay = 0, 0.5
+ numInboxItems = GetInboxNumItems()
+ old_InboxFrame_OnClick = InboxFrame_OnClick
+ InboxFrame_OnClick = function() end
+ --register for inventory full error
+ xanAutoMail:RegisterEvent("UI_ERROR_MESSAGE")
+ --initiate the loop
+ xanAutoMail:SetScript("OnUpdate", mailLoop)
+function xanAutoMail:StopMail()
+ xanAutoMail_OpenAllBTN:Enable() --enable the button again
+ if old_InboxFrame_OnClick then
+ InboxFrame_OnClick = old_InboxFrame_OnClick
+ old_InboxFrame_OnClick = nil
+ end
+ xanAutoMail:UnregisterEvent("UI_ERROR_MESSAGE")
+ xanAutoMail:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
+--this is to stop the loop if our bags are filled
+function xanAutoMail:UI_ERROR_MESSAGE(event, arg1)
+ if arg1 == ERR_INV_FULL then
+ triggerStop = true
+ xanAutoMail:StopMail()
+ DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("xanAutoMail: Your bags are full")
+ end
if IsLoggedIn() then xanAutoMail:PLAYER_LOGIN() else xanAutoMail:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LOGIN") end
diff --git a/xanAutoMail.toc b/xanAutoMail.toc
index 9f05ca2..61e006c 100644
--- a/xanAutoMail.toc
+++ b/xanAutoMail.toc
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
## Title: xanAutoMail
## Notes: Expands blizzards automatic name generation for sending Mail to include people outside the guild.
## Author: Xruptor
-## Version: 1.0
+## Version: 1.1
## SavedVariables: xanAutoMailDB