
Whitespace and newline formatting fixes

Daniel Yates [07-21-16 - 15:24]
Whitespace and newline formatting fixes

Nothing interesting to see here whatsoever.
diff --git a/xanMortarPestle.lua b/xanMortarPestle.lua
index 8f6d42e..ed11d89 100644
--- a/xanMortarPestle.lua
+++ b/xanMortarPestle.lua
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ button:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton")

 --secured on leave function to hide the frame when we are in combat
-button:SetAttribute("_onleave", "self:ClearAllPoints() self:SetAlpha(0) self:Hide()")
+button:SetAttribute("_onleave", "self:ClearAllPoints() self:SetAlpha(0) self:Hide()")

 button:HookScript("OnLeave", function(self)
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ function button:MODIFIER_STATE_CHANGED(event, modi)
 	if not modi then return end
 	if modi ~= "LALT" or modi ~= "RALT" then return end
 	if not self:IsShown() then return end
 	--clear the auto shine if alt key has been released
 	if not IsAltKeyDown() and not InCombatLockdown() then
@@ -160,10 +160,10 @@ local TimerOnUpdate = function(self, time)

 function frm:PLAYER_LOGIN()
 	--check for DB
 	if not XMP_DB then XMP_DB = {} end
 	if(IsSpellKnown(51005)) then
 		spells[51005] = GetSpellInfo(51005)
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ function frm:PLAYER_LOGIN()
 	if(IsSpellKnown(31252)) then
 		spells[31252] = GetSpellInfo(31252)
 	if(IsSpellKnown(13262)) then
 		spells[13262] = GetSpellInfo(13262)
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ function frm:PLAYER_LOGIN()
 	if(IsSpellKnown(1804)) then
 		spells[1804] = GetSpellInfo(1804)
 	GameTooltip:HookScript('OnTooltipSetItem', function(self)
 		--do some checks before we do anything
 		if InCombatLockdown() then return end	--if were in combat then exit
@@ -191,40 +191,40 @@ function frm:PLAYER_LOGIN()
 		if CursorHasItem() then return end	--if the mouse has an item then exit
 		if MailFrame:IsVisible() then return end --don't continue if the mailbox is open.  For addons such as Postal.
 		if AuctionFrame and AuctionFrame:IsShown() then return end --dont enable if were at the auction house
 		local item, link = self:GetItem()
 		--make sure we have an item to work with
 		if not item and not link then return end
 		local owner = self:GetOwner() --get the owner of the tooltip

 		--if it's the character frames <alt> equipment switch then ignore it
 		if owner and owner:GetName() and strfind(string.lower(owner:GetName()), "character") and strfind(string.lower(owner:GetName()), "slot") then return end
 		if owner and owner:GetParent() and owner:GetParent():GetName() and strfind(string.lower(owner:GetParent():GetName()), "paperdoll") then return end
 		if owner and owner:GetName() and strfind(string.lower(owner:GetName()), "equipmentflyout") then return end
 		--reset if no item (link will be nil)
 		lastItem = link

 		--make sure we have an item, it's not an equipped one, and the darn lootframe isn't showing
 		if item and link and not IsEquippedItem(link) and not LootFrame:IsShown() then
 			--get the bag slot info
 			local bag = owner:GetParent():GetID()
 			local slot = owner:GetID()
 			local id = type(link) == "number" and link or select(3, link:find("item:(%d+):"))
 			id = tonumber(id)
 			if not id then return end
 			if not xMPDB then return end
 			local _, _, qual, itemLevel, _, itemType = GetItemInfo(link)
 			local spellID = processCheck(id, itemType, qual, link)
 			--check to show or hide the button
 			if spellID then
 				--set the item for disenchant check
 				lastItem = link

@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ function frm:PLAYER_LOGIN()
 				AutoCastShine_AutoCastStart(button, colors[spellID].r, colors[spellID].g, colors[spellID].b)
 				button:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)