fixed instancing.lua — works now
Kelly Crabbé [12-04-13 - 08:51]
fixed instancing.lua — works now
diff --git a/LookInTehCorner.toc b/LookInTehCorner.toc
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 925291b..927add0
--- a/LookInTehCorner.toc
+++ b/LookInTehCorner.toc
@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ compass.lua
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/instancing.lua b/instancing.lua
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 9ff4196..77fb94d
--- a/instancing.lua
+++ b/instancing.lua
@@ -11,34 +11,50 @@ idtext:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", Minimap, "TOPRIGHT", 0, -4)
idtext:SetFont("Fonts\\FRIZQT__.ttf", 14, "THINOUTLINE")
idtext:SetTextColor(color.r, color.g, color.b)
+local _, class = UnitClass("player")
+local color = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[class]
+local id = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+id:SetPoint("TOP", Minimap, "TOP")
+local idtext = id:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+idtext:SetPoint("TOP", Minimap, "TOP", 0, -4)
+idtext:SetFont("Fonts\\FRIZQT__.ttf", 14, "THINOUTLINE")
+idtext:SetTextColor(color.r, color.g, color.b)
function indiff()
- local instance, instancetype = IsInInstance()
+ local inInstance, instancetype = IsInInstance()
local _, _, difficultyIndex, _, _, playerDifficulty, isDynamic = GetInstanceInfo()
- if instance and instancetype == "raid" then
- if isDynamic and difficultyIndex == 1 then
- if playerDifficulty == 0 then
- idtext:SetText("10") end
- if playerDifficulty == 1 then
- idtext:SetText("10H") end
- end
- if isDynamic and difficultyIndex == 2 then
- if playerDifficulty == 0 then
- idtext:SetText("25") end
- if playerDifficulty == 1 then
- idtext:SetText("25H") end
- end
- if not isDynamic then
- if difficultyIndex == 1 then
- idtext:SetText("10") end
- if difficultyIndex == 2 then
- idtext:SetText("25") end
- if difficultyIndex == 3 then
- idtext:SetText("10H") end
- if difficultyIndex == 4 then
- idtext:SetText("25H") end
- end
+ if inInstance then
+ if difficultyIndex == 1 then
+ idtext:SetText("5")
+ elseif difficultyIndex == 2 then
+ idtext:SetText("5HC")
+ elseif difficultyIndex == 3 then
+ idtext:SetText("10")
+ elseif difficultyIndex == 4 then
+ idtext:SetText("25")
+ elseif difficultyIndex == 5 then
+ idtext:SetText("10HC")
+ elseif difficultyIndex == 6 then
+ idtext:SetText("25HC")
+ elseif difficultyIndex == 7 then
+ idtext:SetText("LFR")
+ elseif difficultyIndex == 8 then
+ idtext:SetText("CM")
+ elseif difficultyIndex == 9 then
+ idtext:SetText("40")
+ elseif difficultyIndex == 11 then
+ idtext:SetText("HScen")
+ elseif difficultyIndex == 12 then
+ idtext:SetText("Scen")
+ elseif difficultyIndex == 13 then
+ idtext:SetText("Flex")
- if not instance then
- idtext:SetText("") end
+ end
+ if not inInstance then
+ idtext:SetText("")
+ end
id:SetScript("OnEvent", function() indiff() end)
\ No newline at end of file