diff --git a/libs/LibMapData-1.0/library.lua b/libs/LibMapData-1.0/library.lua
index 6f86d63..6179d6f 100644
--- a/libs/LibMapData-1.0/library.lua
+++ b/libs/LibMapData-1.0/library.lua
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Library contains a dataset for Map file names and floors giving the raw map data
it also has a few functions to help determine distance and directions.
-local MAJOR, MINOR = "LibMapData-1.0", tonumber("94") or 999
+local MAJOR, MINOR = "LibMapData-1.0", tonumber("97") or 999
assert(LibStub, MAJOR.." requires LibStub")
local lib = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
@@ -1019,6 +1019,34 @@ do
['floors'] = 0, ['name'] = "SilvermoonCity", ['rzti'] = 530, ['map_type'] = 0, ['continent'] = 2, ['transform'] = 1,
[1] = {1211.45849609375,806.7705078125,6400.75,10153.708984375,7612.20849609375,9346.9384765625},
+ mapData[820] = {
+ ['floors'] = 6, ['name'] = "EndTime", ['rzti'] = 938, ['map_type'] = 1, ['continent'] = 4, ['transform'] = 0,
+ [1] = {3295.8331298829,2197.9165039063,-2260.4165039063,4697.9165039063,1035.4166259766,2500},
+ [2] = {562.5,375,-231.25,2918.75,-793.75,3293.75},
+ [3] = {865.62054443357,577.0803222656,-534.89825439453,3499.9997558594,-1400.5187988281,4077.080078125},
+ [4] = {475,316.6665039063,-1181.25,4229.1650390625,-1656.25,4545.8315429688},
+ [5] = {696.884765625,464.58984375,290.109375,2570.830078125,-406.775390625,3035.419921875},
+ [6] = {453.13500976562,302.08984375,646.35900878906,3970.830078125,193.22399902344,4272.919921875},
+ }
+ mapData[816] = {
+ ['floors'] = 0, ['name'] = "WellofEternity", ['rzti'] = 939, ['map_type'] = 1, ['continent'] = 4, ['transform'] = 0,
+ [1] = {1252.0830078125,833.3332519532,4650,3766.6665039063,5902.0830078125,2933.3332519531},
+ }
+ mapData[819] = {
+ ['floors'] = 2, ['name'] = "HourofTwilight", ['rzti'] = 940, ['map_type'] = 1, ['continent'] = 4, ['transform'] = 0,
+ [1] = {3043.7498779297,2029.1665039062,-1791.6666259766,5327.0830078125,1252.0832519531,3297.9165039063},
+ [2] = {0,0,0,0,0,0},
+ }
+ mapData[824] = {
+ ['floors'] = 7, ['name'] = "DragonSoul", ['rzti'] = 967, ['map_type'] = 2, ['continent'] = 0, ['transform'] = 0,
+ [1] = { 3106.7084960938,2063.0651855469,833.5927734375,-565.0927734375,3940.3012695313,-2628.1579589844 },
+ [2] = { 223.75,91.25,2113.75, -1716.25,1890, -1625 },
+ [3] = { 1352,1209.5,3262, -2834.5, 1910, -1625 },
+ [4] = { 185.19921875,123.466796875,-13523.900390625, 13528.266601563,-13709.099609375,13651.733398438},
+ [5] = { 1.5,1,0.25, 0, -1.25, 1 },
+ [6] = { 1.5,1,0.25, 0, -1.25, 1 },
+ [7] = { 1108.3515625,738.900390625,-11427.07421875,-12254.900390625,-12535.42578125,-11516 },
+ }
-- Create Reverse map
for k,v in pairs(mapData) do
idToMap[v['name']] = k