
Split the code for the tabs off into its own file.

James D. Callahan III [07-10-10 - 01:12]
Split the code for the tabs off into its own file.
diff --git a/Frame.lua b/Frame.lua
index 95fd9f6..9a29394 100644
--- a/Frame.lua
+++ b/Frame.lua
@@ -937,367 +937,6 @@ WidgetContainer:SetHeight(30)

--- Tabs
-local AcquisitionTab, LocationTab, RecipesTab
-	local function Tab_Enable(self)
-		self.left:ClearAllPoints()
-		self.left:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT")
-		self.left:SetTexture("Interface\\PAPERDOLLINFOFRAME\\UI-Character-ActiveTab")
-		self.middle:SetTexture("Interface\\PAPERDOLLINFOFRAME\\UI-Character-ActiveTab")
-		self.right:SetTexture("Interface\\PAPERDOLLINFOFRAME\\UI-Character-ActiveTab")
-		self:Disable()
-	end
-	function Tab_Disable(self)
-		self.left:ClearAllPoints()
-		self.left:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
-		self.left:SetTexture("Interface\\PAPERDOLLINFOFRAME\\UI-Character-InactiveTab")
-		self.middle:SetTexture("Interface\\PAPERDOLLINFOFRAME\\UI-Character-InactiveTab")
-		self.right:SetTexture("Interface\\PAPERDOLLINFOFRAME\\UI-Character-InactiveTab")
-		self:Enable()
-	end
-	local function Tab_SetText(self, ...)
-		local text = self.Real_SetText(self, ...)
-		self:SetWidth(40 + self:GetFontString():GetStringWidth())
-		return ...
-	end
-	local function Tab_OnClick(self, button, down)
-		local id_num = self:GetID()
-		for index in ipairs(MainPanel.tabs) do
-			local tab = MainPanel.tabs[index]
-			if index == id_num then
-				self:ToFront()
-			else
-				tab:ToBack()
-			end
-		end
-		addon.db.profile.current_tab = id_num
-		MainPanel.current_tab = id_num
-		ListFrame:Update(nil, false)
-		PlaySound("igCharacterInfoTab")
-	end
-	-- Expands or collapses a list entry in the current active tab.
-	local function Tab_ModifyEntry(self, entry, expanded)
-		local member = ORDERED_PROFESSIONS[MainPanel.profession] .. " expanded"
-		if entry.acquire_id then
-			self[member][private.acquire_names[entry.acquire_id]] = expanded or nil
-		end
-		if entry.location_id then
-			self[member][entry.location_id] = expanded or nil
-		end
-		if entry.recipe_id then
-			self[member][entry.recipe_id] = expanded or nil
-		end
-	end
-	local function CreateTab(id_num, text, ...)
-		local tab = CreateFrame("Button", nil, MainPanel)
-		tab:SetID(id_num)
-		tab:SetHeight(32)
-		tab:SetPoint(...)
-		tab:SetFrameLevel(tab:GetFrameLevel() + 4)
-		tab.left = tab:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
-		tab.left:SetWidth(20)
-		tab.left:SetHeight(32)
-		tab.left:SetTexCoord(0, 0.15625, 0, 1)
-		tab.right = tab:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
-		tab.right:SetWidth(20)
-		tab.right:SetHeight(32)
-		tab.right:SetPoint("TOP", tab.left)
-		tab.right:SetPoint("RIGHT", tab)
-		tab.right:SetTexCoord(0.84375, 1, 0, 1)
-		tab.middle = tab:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
-		tab.middle:SetHeight(32)
-		tab.middle:SetPoint("LEFT", tab.left, "RIGHT")
-		tab.middle:SetPoint("RIGHT", tab.right, "LEFT")
-		tab.middle:SetTexCoord(0.15625, 0.84375, 0, 1)
-		tab:SetHighlightTexture("Interface\\PaperDollInfoFrame\\UI-Character-Tab-Highlight", "ADD")
-		local tab_highlight = tab:GetHighlightTexture()
-		tab_highlight:ClearAllPoints()
-		tab_highlight:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", tab, "TOPLEFT", 8, 1)
-		tab_highlight:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", tab, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -8, 1)
-		tab:SetDisabledFontObject(GameFontHighlightSmall)
-		tab:SetHighlightFontObject(GameFontHighlightSmall)
-		tab:SetNormalFontObject(GameFontNormalSmall)
-		tab.Real_SetText = tab.SetText
-		tab.SetText = Tab_SetText
-		tab:SetText(text)
-		tab.ToFront = Tab_Enable
-		tab.ToBack = Tab_Disable
-		tab.ModifyEntry = Tab_ModifyEntry
-		tab:ToBack()
-		tab:SetScript("OnClick", Tab_OnClick)
-		return tab
-	end
-	AcquisitionTab = CreateTab(1, L["Acquisition"], "TOPLEFT", MainPanel, "BOTTOMLEFT", 4, 81)
-	LocationTab = CreateTab(2, L["Location"], "LEFT", AcquisitionTab, "RIGHT", -14, 0)
-	RecipesTab = CreateTab(3, _G.TRADESKILL_SERVICE_LEARN, "LEFT", LocationTab, "RIGHT", -14, 0)
-	-- Used for Location and Acquisition sort - since many recipes have multiple locations/acquire types it is
-	-- necessary to ensure each is counted only once.
-	local recipe_registry = {}
-	local function FactionTally(source_data, unit_list, location)
-		local good, bad = 0, 0
-		for id_num in pairs(source_data) do
-			local unit_faction = unit_list[id_num].faction
-			if not location or unit_list[id_num].location == location then
-				if not unit_faction or unit_faction == BFAC[Player.faction] or unit_faction == BFAC["Neutral"] then
-					good = good + 1
-				else
-					bad = bad + 1
-				end
-			end
-		end
-		return good, bad
-	end
-	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	-- Variables used to hold tables for sorting the various tabs:
-	-- The tables are only sorted once, upon creation.
-	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	local sorted_acquires
-	local sorted_locations
-	function AcquisitionTab:Initialize(expand_mode)
-		local search_box = MainPanel.search_editbox
-		local recipe_count = 0
-		local insert_index = 1
-		table.wipe(recipe_registry)
-		if not sorted_acquires then
-			-- Sorting function: Only used once and then thrown away.
-			local function Sort_Acquisition(a, b)
-				local acquire_list = private.acquire_list
-				local acquire_a = acquire_list[a]
-				local acquire_b = acquire_list[b]
-				return acquire_a.name < acquire_b.name
-			end
-			sorted_acquires = {}
-			for acquire_name in pairs(private.acquire_list) do
-				table.insert(sorted_acquires, acquire_name)
-			end
-			table.sort(sorted_acquires, Sort_Acquisition)
-		end
-		local prof_name = ORDERED_PROFESSIONS[MainPanel.profession]
-		self[prof_name.." expanded"] = self[prof_name.." expanded"] or {}
-		for index = 1, #sorted_acquires do
-			local acquire_type = sorted_acquires[index]
-			local count = 0
-			-- Check to see if any recipes for this acquire type will be shown - otherwise, don't show the type in the list.
-			for spell_id, affiliation in pairs(private.acquire_list[acquire_type].recipes) do
-				local recipe = private.recipe_list[spell_id]
-				if recipe:HasState("VISIBLE") and search_box:MatchesRecipe(recipe) then
-					count = count + 1
-					if not recipe_registry[recipe] then
-						recipe_registry[recipe] = true
-						recipe_count = recipe_count + 1
-					end
-				else
-					self[prof_name.." expanded"][spell_id] = nil
-				end
-			end
-			if count > 0 then
-				local t = AcquireTable()
-				local acquire_str = string.gsub(private.acquire_strings[acquire_type]:lower(), "_", "")
-				local color_code = private.category_colors[acquire_str] or "ffffff"
-				local is_expanded = self[prof_name.." expanded"][private.acquire_names[acquire_type]]
-				t.text = string.format("%s (%d)", SetTextColor(color_code, private.acquire_names[acquire_type]), count)
-				t.acquire_id = acquire_type
-				insert_index = ListFrame:InsertEntry(t, nil, insert_index, "header", is_expanded or expand_mode, is_expanded or expand_mode)
-			else
-				self[prof_name.." expanded"][private.acquire_names[acquire_type]] = nil
-			end
-		end
-		return recipe_count
-	end
-	function LocationTab:Initialize(expand_mode)
-		local search_box = MainPanel.search_editbox
-		local recipe_count = 0
-		local insert_index = 1
-		table.wipe(recipe_registry)
-		if not sorted_locations then
-			-- Sorting function: Only used once and then thrown away.
-			local function Sort_Location(a, b)
-				local location_list = private.location_list
-				local loc_a = location_list[a]
-				local loc_b = location_list[b]
-				return loc_a.name < loc_b.name
-			end
-			sorted_locations = {}
-			for loc_name in pairs(private.location_list) do
-				table.insert(sorted_locations, loc_name)
-			end
-			table.sort(sorted_locations, Sort_Location)
-		end
-		local prof_name = ORDERED_PROFESSIONS[MainPanel.profession]
-		self[prof_name.." expanded"] = self[prof_name.." expanded"] or {}
-		for index = 1, #sorted_locations do
-			local loc_name = sorted_locations[index]
-			local count = 0
-			-- Check to see if any recipes for this location will be shown - otherwise, don't show the location in the list.
-			for spell_id, affiliation in pairs(private.location_list[loc_name].recipes) do
-				local recipe = private.recipe_list[spell_id]
-				if recipe:HasState("VISIBLE") and search_box:MatchesRecipe(recipe) then
-					local trainer_data = recipe.acquire_data[A.TRAINER]
-					local good_count, bad_count = 0, 0
-					local fac_toggle = addon.db.profile.filters.general.faction
-					if not fac_toggle then
-						if trainer_data then
-							local good, bad = FactionTally(trainer_data, private.trainer_list, loc_name)
-							if good == 0 and bad > 0 then
-								bad_count = bad_count + 1
-							else
-								good_count = good_count + 1
-							end
-						end
-						local vendor_data = recipe.acquire_data[A.VENDOR]
-						if vendor_data then
-							local good, bad = FactionTally(vendor_data, private.vendor_list, loc_name)
-							if good == 0 and bad > 0 then
-								bad_count = bad_count + 1
-							else
-								good_count = good_count + 1
-							end
-						end
-						local quest_data = recipe.acquire_data[A.QUEST]
-						if quest_data then
-							local good, bad = FactionTally(quest_data, private.quest_list, loc_name)
-							if good == 0 and bad > 0 then
-								bad_count = bad_count + 1
-							else
-								good_count = good_count + 1
-							end
-						end
-					end
-					if fac_toggle or not (good_count == 0 and bad_count > 0) then
-						count = count + 1
-						if not recipe_registry[recipe] then
-							recipe_registry[recipe] = true
-							recipe_count = recipe_count + 1
-						end
-					end
-				else
-					self[prof_name.." expanded"][spell_id] = nil
-				end
-			end
-			if count > 0 then
-				local t = AcquireTable()
-				local is_expanded = self[prof_name.." expanded"][loc_name]
-				t.text = string.format("%s (%d)", SetTextColor(private.category_colors["location"], loc_name), count)
-				t.location_id = loc_name
-				insert_index = ListFrame:InsertEntry(t, nil, insert_index, "header", is_expanded or expand_mode, is_expanded or expand_mode)
-			else
-				self[prof_name.." expanded"][loc_name] = nil
-			end
-		end
-		return recipe_count
-	end
-	function RecipesTab:Initialize(expand_mode)
-		local sorted_recipes = addon.sorted_recipes
-		local recipe_list = private.recipe_list
-		local search_box = MainPanel.search_editbox
-		local recipe_count = 0
-		local insert_index = 1
-		local prof_name = ORDERED_PROFESSIONS[MainPanel.profession]
-		self[prof_name.." expanded"] = self[prof_name.." expanded"] or {}
-		SortRecipeList(recipe_list)
-		for i = 1, #sorted_recipes do
-			local recipe_index = sorted_recipes[i]
-			local recipe = recipe_list[recipe_index]
-			if recipe:HasState("VISIBLE") and search_box:MatchesRecipe(recipe) then
-				local t = AcquireTable()
-				local is_expanded = self[prof_name.." expanded"][recipe_index]
-				t.text = recipe:GetDisplayName()
-				t.recipe_id = recipe_index
-				recipe_count = recipe_count + 1
-				insert_index = ListFrame:InsertEntry(t, nil, insert_index, "header", is_expanded or expand_mode, is_expanded or expand_mode)
-			else
-				self[prof_name.." expanded"][recipe_index] = nil
-			end
-		end
-		return recipe_count
-	end
-	MainPanel.tabs = {
-		AcquisitionTab,
-		LocationTab,
-		RecipesTab,
-	}
-end	-- do-block
 -- MainPanel scripts/functions.
@@ -2060,7 +1699,7 @@ end	-- do
 ListFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", "ARL_MainPanelScrollFrame", MainPanel)

-MainPanel.scroll_frame = ListFrame
+MainPanel.list_frame = ListFrame

@@ -3375,6 +3014,11 @@ local function InitializeFrame()
 	local Explorer_Hand_Text = isAlliance and BFAC["Explorers' League"] or BFAC["The Hand of Vengeance"]

+	-- Initialize components defined in other files.
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	private.InitializeTabs()
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 	-- Create the seven buttons for opening/closing the filter menus
diff --git a/Interface/Tabs.lua b/Interface/Tabs.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b76b8f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Interface/Tabs.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+-- Localized Lua globals.
+local _G = getfenv(0)
+local table = _G.table
+local string = _G.string
+local pairs, ipairs = _G.pairs, _G.ipairs
+-- AddOn namespace.
+local LibStub = LibStub
+local MODNAME	= "Ackis Recipe List"
+local addon	= LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon(MODNAME)
+local BFAC	= LibStub("LibBabble-Faction-3.0"):GetLookupTable()
+local L		= LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale(MODNAME)
+-- Set up the private intra-file namespace.
+local private	= select(2, ...)
+-- Constants
+local ORDERED_PROFESSIONS	= private.ordered_professions
+local A = private.acquire_types
+-- Upvalues
+local AcquireTable = private.AcquireTable
+local SetTextColor = private.SetTextColor
+function private.InitializeTabs()
+	local MainPanel = addon.Frame
+	local ListFrame = MainPanel.list_frame
+	local function Tab_Enable(self)
+		self.left:ClearAllPoints()
+		self.left:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT")
+		self.left:SetTexture("Interface\\PAPERDOLLINFOFRAME\\UI-Character-ActiveTab")
+		self.middle:SetTexture("Interface\\PAPERDOLLINFOFRAME\\UI-Character-ActiveTab")
+		self.right:SetTexture("Interface\\PAPERDOLLINFOFRAME\\UI-Character-ActiveTab")
+		self:Disable()
+	end
+	function Tab_Disable(self)
+		self.left:ClearAllPoints()
+		self.left:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
+		self.left:SetTexture("Interface\\PAPERDOLLINFOFRAME\\UI-Character-InactiveTab")
+		self.middle:SetTexture("Interface\\PAPERDOLLINFOFRAME\\UI-Character-InactiveTab")
+		self.right:SetTexture("Interface\\PAPERDOLLINFOFRAME\\UI-Character-InactiveTab")
+		self:Enable()
+	end
+	local function Tab_SetText(self, ...)
+		local text = self.Real_SetText(self, ...)
+		self:SetWidth(40 + self:GetFontString():GetStringWidth())
+		return ...
+	end
+	local function Tab_OnClick(self, button, down)
+		local id_num = self:GetID()
+		for index in ipairs(MainPanel.tabs) do
+			local tab = MainPanel.tabs[index]
+			if index == id_num then
+				self:ToFront()
+			else
+				tab:ToBack()
+			end
+		end
+		addon.db.profile.current_tab = id_num
+		MainPanel.current_tab = id_num
+		ListFrame:Update(nil, false)
+		PlaySound("igCharacterInfoTab")
+	end
+	-- Expands or collapses a list entry in the current active tab.
+	local function Tab_ModifyEntry(self, entry, expanded)
+		local member = ORDERED_PROFESSIONS[MainPanel.profession] .. " expanded"
+		if entry.acquire_id then
+			self[member][private.acquire_names[entry.acquire_id]] = expanded or nil
+		end
+		if entry.location_id then
+			self[member][entry.location_id] = expanded or nil
+		end
+		if entry.recipe_id then
+			self[member][entry.recipe_id] = expanded or nil
+		end
+	end
+	local function CreateTab(id_num, text, ...)
+		local tab = CreateFrame("Button", nil, MainPanel)
+		tab:SetID(id_num)
+		tab:SetHeight(32)
+		tab:SetPoint(...)
+		tab:SetFrameLevel(tab:GetFrameLevel() + 4)
+		tab.left = tab:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
+		tab.left:SetWidth(20)
+		tab.left:SetHeight(32)
+		tab.left:SetTexCoord(0, 0.15625, 0, 1)
+		tab.right = tab:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
+		tab.right:SetWidth(20)
+		tab.right:SetHeight(32)
+		tab.right:SetPoint("TOP", tab.left)
+		tab.right:SetPoint("RIGHT", tab)
+		tab.right:SetTexCoord(0.84375, 1, 0, 1)
+		tab.middle = tab:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
+		tab.middle:SetHeight(32)
+		tab.middle:SetPoint("LEFT", tab.left, "RIGHT")
+		tab.middle:SetPoint("RIGHT", tab.right, "LEFT")
+		tab.middle:SetTexCoord(0.15625, 0.84375, 0, 1)
+		tab:SetHighlightTexture("Interface\\PaperDollInfoFrame\\UI-Character-Tab-Highlight", "ADD")
+		local tab_highlight = tab:GetHighlightTexture()
+		tab_highlight:ClearAllPoints()
+		tab_highlight:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", tab, "TOPLEFT", 8, 1)
+		tab_highlight:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", tab, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -8, 1)
+		tab:SetDisabledFontObject(GameFontHighlightSmall)
+		tab:SetHighlightFontObject(GameFontHighlightSmall)
+		tab:SetNormalFontObject(GameFontNormalSmall)
+		tab.Real_SetText = tab.SetText
+		tab.SetText = Tab_SetText
+		tab:SetText(text)
+		tab.ToFront = Tab_Enable
+		tab.ToBack = Tab_Disable
+		tab.ModifyEntry = Tab_ModifyEntry
+		tab:ToBack()
+		tab:SetScript("OnClick", Tab_OnClick)
+		return tab
+	end
+	local AcquisitionTab = CreateTab(1, L["Acquisition"], "TOPLEFT", MainPanel, "BOTTOMLEFT", 4, 81)
+	local LocationTab = CreateTab(2, L["Location"], "LEFT", AcquisitionTab, "RIGHT", -14, 0)
+	local RecipesTab = CreateTab(3, _G.TRADESKILL_SERVICE_LEARN, "LEFT", LocationTab, "RIGHT", -14, 0)
+	-- Used for Location and Acquisition sort - since many recipes have multiple locations/acquire types it is
+	-- necessary to ensure each is counted only once.
+	local recipe_registry = {}
+	local function FactionTally(source_data, unit_list, location)
+		local good, bad = 0, 0
+		for id_num in pairs(source_data) do
+			local unit_faction = unit_list[id_num].faction
+			if not location or unit_list[id_num].location == location then
+				if not unit_faction or unit_faction == BFAC[Player.faction] or unit_faction == BFAC["Neutral"] then
+					good = good + 1
+				else
+					bad = bad + 1
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		return good, bad
+	end
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	-- Variables used to hold tables for sorting the various tabs:
+	-- The tables are only sorted once, upon creation.
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	local sorted_acquires
+	local sorted_locations
+	function AcquisitionTab:Initialize(expand_mode)
+		local search_box = MainPanel.search_editbox
+		local recipe_count = 0
+		local insert_index = 1
+		table.wipe(recipe_registry)
+		if not sorted_acquires then
+			-- Sorting function: Only used once and then thrown away.
+			local function Sort_Acquisition(a, b)
+				local acquire_list = private.acquire_list
+				local acquire_a = acquire_list[a]
+				local acquire_b = acquire_list[b]
+				return acquire_a.name < acquire_b.name
+			end
+			sorted_acquires = {}
+			for acquire_name in pairs(private.acquire_list) do
+				table.insert(sorted_acquires, acquire_name)
+			end
+			table.sort(sorted_acquires, Sort_Acquisition)
+		end
+		local prof_name = ORDERED_PROFESSIONS[MainPanel.profession]
+		self[prof_name.." expanded"] = self[prof_name.." expanded"] or {}
+		for index = 1, #sorted_acquires do
+			local acquire_type = sorted_acquires[index]
+			local count = 0
+			-- Check to see if any recipes for this acquire type will be shown - otherwise, don't show the type in the list.
+			for spell_id, affiliation in pairs(private.acquire_list[acquire_type].recipes) do
+				local recipe = private.recipe_list[spell_id]
+				if recipe:HasState("VISIBLE") and search_box:MatchesRecipe(recipe) then
+					count = count + 1
+					if not recipe_registry[recipe] then
+						recipe_registry[recipe] = true
+						recipe_count = recipe_count + 1
+					end
+				else
+					self[prof_name.." expanded"][spell_id] = nil
+				end
+			end
+			if count > 0 then
+				local t = AcquireTable()
+				local acquire_str = string.gsub(private.acquire_strings[acquire_type]:lower(), "_", "")
+				local color_code = private.category_colors[acquire_str] or "ffffff"
+				local is_expanded = self[prof_name.." expanded"][private.acquire_names[acquire_type]]
+				t.text = string.format("%s (%d)", SetTextColor(color_code, private.acquire_names[acquire_type]), count)
+				t.acquire_id = acquire_type
+				insert_index = ListFrame:InsertEntry(t, nil, insert_index, "header", is_expanded or expand_mode, is_expanded or expand_mode)
+			else
+				self[prof_name.." expanded"][private.acquire_names[acquire_type]] = nil
+			end
+		end
+		return recipe_count
+	end
+	function LocationTab:Initialize(expand_mode)
+		local search_box = MainPanel.search_editbox
+		local recipe_count = 0
+		local insert_index = 1
+		table.wipe(recipe_registry)
+		if not sorted_locations then
+			-- Sorting function: Only used once and then thrown away.
+			local function Sort_Location(a, b)
+				local location_list = private.location_list
+				local loc_a = location_list[a]
+				local loc_b = location_list[b]
+				return loc_a.name < loc_b.name
+			end
+			sorted_locations = {}
+			for loc_name in pairs(private.location_list) do
+				table.insert(sorted_locations, loc_name)
+			end
+			table.sort(sorted_locations, Sort_Location)
+		end
+		local prof_name = ORDERED_PROFESSIONS[MainPanel.profession]
+		self[prof_name.." expanded"] = self[prof_name.." expanded"] or {}
+		for index = 1, #sorted_locations do
+			local loc_name = sorted_locations[index]
+			local count = 0
+			-- Check to see if any recipes for this location will be shown - otherwise, don't show the location in the list.
+			for spell_id, affiliation in pairs(private.location_list[loc_name].recipes) do
+				local recipe = private.recipe_list[spell_id]
+				if recipe:HasState("VISIBLE") and search_box:MatchesRecipe(recipe) then
+					local trainer_data = recipe.acquire_data[A.TRAINER]
+					local good_count, bad_count = 0, 0
+					local fac_toggle = addon.db.profile.filters.general.faction
+					if not fac_toggle then
+						if trainer_data then
+							local good, bad = FactionTally(trainer_data, private.trainer_list, loc_name)
+							if good == 0 and bad > 0 then
+								bad_count = bad_count + 1
+							else
+								good_count = good_count + 1
+							end
+						end
+						local vendor_data = recipe.acquire_data[A.VENDOR]
+						if vendor_data then
+							local good, bad = FactionTally(vendor_data, private.vendor_list, loc_name)
+							if good == 0 and bad > 0 then
+								bad_count = bad_count + 1
+							else
+								good_count = good_count + 1
+							end
+						end
+						local quest_data = recipe.acquire_data[A.QUEST]
+						if quest_data then
+							local good, bad = FactionTally(quest_data, private.quest_list, loc_name)
+							if good == 0 and bad > 0 then
+								bad_count = bad_count + 1
+							else
+								good_count = good_count + 1
+							end
+						end
+					end
+					if fac_toggle or not (good_count == 0 and bad_count > 0) then
+						count = count + 1
+						if not recipe_registry[recipe] then
+							recipe_registry[recipe] = true
+							recipe_count = recipe_count + 1
+						end
+					end
+				else
+					self[prof_name.." expanded"][spell_id] = nil
+				end
+			end
+			if count > 0 then
+				local t = AcquireTable()
+				local is_expanded = self[prof_name.." expanded"][loc_name]
+				t.text = string.format("%s (%d)", SetTextColor(private.category_colors["location"], loc_name), count)
+				t.location_id = loc_name
+				insert_index = ListFrame:InsertEntry(t, nil, insert_index, "header", is_expanded or expand_mode, is_expanded or expand_mode)
+			else
+				self[prof_name.." expanded"][loc_name] = nil
+			end
+		end
+		return recipe_count
+	end
+	function RecipesTab:Initialize(expand_mode)
+		local sorted_recipes = addon.sorted_recipes
+		local recipe_list = private.recipe_list
+		local search_box = MainPanel.search_editbox
+		local recipe_count = 0
+		local insert_index = 1
+		local prof_name = ORDERED_PROFESSIONS[MainPanel.profession]
+		self[prof_name.." expanded"] = self[prof_name.." expanded"] or {}
+		private.SortRecipeList(recipe_list)
+		for i = 1, #sorted_recipes do
+			local recipe_index = sorted_recipes[i]
+			local recipe = recipe_list[recipe_index]
+			if recipe:HasState("VISIBLE") and search_box:MatchesRecipe(recipe) then
+				local t = AcquireTable()
+				local is_expanded = self[prof_name.." expanded"][recipe_index]
+				t.text = recipe:GetDisplayName()
+				t.recipe_id = recipe_index
+				recipe_count = recipe_count + 1
+				insert_index = ListFrame:InsertEntry(t, nil, insert_index, "header", is_expanded or expand_mode, is_expanded or expand_mode)
+			else
+				self[prof_name.." expanded"][recipe_index] = nil
+			end
+		end
+		return recipe_count
+	end
+	MainPanel.tabs = {
+		AcquisitionTab,
+		LocationTab,
+		RecipesTab,
+	}
+	private.InitializeTabs = nil
diff --git a/interface.xml b/interface.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84fe4d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interface.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<Ui xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/
+<Include file="Interface\Common.lua"/>
+<Include file="Interface\Tabs.lua"/>