
- Fix for plugins that could show over another.

urnati [12-20-22 - 13:46]
- Fix for plugins that could show over another.
- Fix for error when changing scaling.
- About : Add slash command description to About.
- Changes : Added to show change history.
- Extras : Begin gathering more plugin details so users have more info to determine whether to remove plugin settings.
diff --git a/Titan/Titan.toc b/Titan/Titan.toc
index adc7538..ba8696b 100644
--- a/Titan/Titan.toc
+++ b/Titan/Titan.toc
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ## Interface: 100002
-## Title: Titan Panel [|cffeda55f_Core_|r] |cff00aa006.00.10.100002|r
+## Title: Titan Panel [|cffeda55f_Core_|r] |cff00aa006.00.11.100002|r
 ## Author: Titan Panel Development Team
-## Version:
+## Version:
 ## SavedVariables: TitanAll, TitanSettings, TitanSkins, ServerTimeOffsets, ServerHourFormat
 ## OptionalDeps: Ace3, AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets, LibSharedMedia-3.0, LibQTip-1.0, !LibUIDropDownMenu
 ## Notes: Adds a display bar on the top and/or bottom of the screen. Allows users to show and control information/launcher plugins.
diff --git a/Titan/TitanConfig.lua b/Titan/TitanConfig.lua
index ead4edb..d70f4f5 100644
--- a/Titan/TitanConfig.lua
+++ b/Titan/TitanConfig.lua
@@ -29,24 +29,51 @@ Highlight - notes. tips. and details
 local notes = ""
 	..TitanUtils_GetRedText("NOTE : ")
-		.." There have been many comments about errors including tool tips. The short answer is Blizzard tainted the path used by TitanRepair and bags. They both use tool tips - don't ask, I have no answer!\n"
-		.."My thought is TitanRepair and Blizzard using similar routines doing their normal processing can cause the errors being seen.\n"
-		.."I have seen odd tool tip behavior with a pet in a cage - and Titan NOT enabled. The pet tool tip forces itself onto the screen at odd times... Even when one has not moused over the cage.\n"
-		.."If someone more knowledgeable has tips to work around this - feel free to contact us!\n"
-		)
-	.."\n"
-	..TitanUtils_GetRedText("NOTE : ")
-	..TitanUtils_GetNormalText(""
-		.."Due to the UI changes in DragonFlight (API 10.00.00), Titan Panel no longer auto adjusts the UI elements / frames. Please use the WoW UI edit mode to adjust frames away from Titan Panel bar(s).\n"
-		.."Currently the menu & bag frame and the status / xp frame are NOT adjustable via edit mode. In the Titan Configuration for Bottom Bars you may adjust the menu & bag frame and the status / xp frame *vertically only*.\n"
+		.."Currently the menu & bag frame and the status / xp frame are NOT adjustable via WoW Edit Mode. In the Titan Configuration - Bottom Bars - you may adjust the menu & bag frame and the status / xp frame *vertically only*.\n"
 local changes = ""
+	..TitanUtils_GetGoldText(" : 2020/12/20\n")
+	..TitanUtils_GetGreenText("Plugins over another : \n")
+	..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText(""
+		.."- Fix for plugins that could show over another.\n"
+		)
+	..TitanUtils_GetGreenText("Scaling : \n")
+	..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText(""
+		.."- Fix for error when changing scaling.\n"
+		)
+	..TitanUtils_GetGreenText("Config : \n")
+	..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText(""
+		.."- About : Add slash command description to About.\n"
+		.."- Changes : Added to show change history.\n"
+		.."- Extras : Begin gathering more plugin details so users have more info to determine whether to remove plugin settings.\n"
+		)
+	..TitanUtils_GetGoldText(" : 2020/12/13\n")
+	..TitanUtils_GetGreenText("TitanBag : \n")
+	..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText(""
+		.."- Made 'open bags' (left click) an option (default off) until container taint resolved.\n"
+		)
+	..TitanUtils_GetGreenText("TitanGold : \n")
+	..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText(""
+		.."- Fan fix for total being reset in certain situations - thanks to GrimNotepad.\n"
+		)
+	..TitanUtils_GetGreenText("TitanRepair : \n")
+	..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText(""
+		.."- Removed unused tool tip code from old API.\n"
+		)
+	..TitanUtils_GetGreenText("TitanVolume : \n")
+	..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText(""
+		.."- Fix to make sliders work via mouse wheel again.\n"
+		)
+	..TitanUtils_GetGreenText("TitanPanel : \n")
+	..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText(""
+		.."- Fix for some LDB addons not being updating properly.\n"
+		)
 	..TitanUtils_GetGoldText("  : 2020/12/01\n")
 	..TitanUtils_GetGreenText("TitanRepair : \n")
 		.."- Quick fix for repair pop up.\n"
-	..TitanUtils_GetGoldText("  : 2020/12/01\n")
+	..TitanUtils_GetGoldText("  : 2020/12/01\n")
 	..TitanUtils_GetGreenText("TitanRepair rewritten - Notable changes: \n")
 		.."- See plugin notes.\n"
@@ -72,6 +99,7 @@ TITAN_PANEL_CONFIG = {
 		extras			= L["TITAN_PANEL_EXTRAS_SHORT"],
 		advanced		= L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_ADV"],
+		changes			= (CHANGE or "Change").." "..(HISTORY or "History")
 -- TITAN_PANEL_CONFIG.topic.trans
@@ -112,7 +140,7 @@ VAR: scale - the scale the user has selected for Titan
 OUT: None
 local function TitanAdjustPanelScale(scale)
-	Titan_AdjustScale()
+	TitanAdjustPanelScale()

 	-- Adjust frame positions
 	TitanPanel_AdjustFrames(true, "AdjustPanelScale")
@@ -160,6 +188,20 @@ local optionsControl = {
 			name = L["TITAN_PANEL_CONFIG_MAIN_LABEL"].."\n\n",
 			cmdHidden = true
+		confnotes = {
+			name = "Notes",
+			order = 3,
+			type = "group", inline = true,
+			args = {
+				confversiondesc = {
+				order = 1,
+				type = "description",
+				name = ""
+					..notes,
+				cmdHidden = true
+				},
+			}
+		},
 		confinfodesc = {
 			name = "About",
 			order = 5,
@@ -216,8 +258,8 @@ local optionsControl = {
-		confnotes = {
-			name = "Notes",
+		confslash = {
+			name = "Slash Commands",
 			order = 3,
 			type = "group", inline = true,
 			args = {
@@ -225,21 +267,42 @@ local optionsControl = {
 				order = 1,
 				type = "description",
 				name = ""
-					..notes,
-				cmdHidden = true
-				},
-			}
-		},
-		confchanges = {
-			order = 7,
-			name = CHANGES_COLON,
-			type = "group", inline = true,
-			args = {
-				confversiondesc = {
-				order = 1,
-				type = "description",
-				name = ""
-					..changes,
+					..TitanUtils_GetGoldText("reset\n")
+					..L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_RESET_0"].."\n"
+					..L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_RESET_1"].."\n"
+					..L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_RESET_2"].."\n"
+					..L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_RESET_3"].."\n"
+					..L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_RESET_4"].."\n"
+					..L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_RESET_5"].."\n"
+					.."\n"
+					..TitanUtils_GetGoldText("gui\n")
+					..L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_GUI_0"].."\n"
+					..L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_GUI_1"].."\n"
+					..L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_GUI_2"].."\n"
+					..L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_GUI_3"].."\n"
+					.."\n"
+					..TitanUtils_GetGoldText("profile\n")
+					..L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_PROFILE_0"].."\n"
+					..L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_PROFILE_1"].."\n"
+					..L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_PROFILE_2"].."\n"
+					..L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_PROFILE_3"].."\n"
+					.."\n"
+					..TitanUtils_GetGoldText("silent\n")
+					..L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_SILENT_0"].."\n"
+					..L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_SILENT_1"].."\n"
+					.."\n"
+					..TitanUtils_GetGoldText("orderhall\n")
+					.."\n"
+					..TitanUtils_GetGoldText("help\n")
+					..L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_HELP_0"].."\n"
+					..L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_HELP_1"].."\n"
+					.."\n"
+					..TitanUtils_GetGoldText("all\n")
+					..L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_ALL_0"].."\n"
+					..L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_ALL_1"].."\n"
+					.."",
 				cmdHidden = true
@@ -1274,14 +1337,15 @@ local optionsExtras = {
 	args = {}
 --[[ local
-NAME: TitanUpdateAddonAttempts
+NAME: TitanUpdateExtras
 DESC: Show plugins that are not registered (loaded) but have config data. The data can be deleted by the user.
 VAR:  None
 OUT:  None
 - As users change the plugins they use the old ones still have saved variable data stored by Titan.
+- This allows even built-ins to be listed in case Titan removes them or the user disables them.
 - The old plugin data can be removed by the user when they will not longer use that plugin.
-- This routine is called to 'redraw' the list as a user deletes data.
+- This routine will 'redraw' the list as a user deletes data.
 - A message is sent to chat that the plugin data has been deleted.
@@ -1297,18 +1361,47 @@ local function TitanUpdateExtras()
 		name = L["TITAN_PANEL_EXTRAS_DESC"].."\n",
 		cmdHidden = true
-	for idx, value in pairs(TitanPluginExtras) do
-		if TitanPluginExtras[idx] then
-			local num = TitanPluginExtras[idx].num
-			local name = TitanPluginExtras[idx].id
-			args[name] = {
+	local iname = ""
+	local ival = 0
+	for idx, value in pairs(TitanPluginSettings) do
+		if TitanPluginSettings[idx] and TitanUtils_IsPluginRegistered(idx) then
+			-- Plugin is being used.
+		else
+			ival = ival + 1
+			iname = tostring(ival)
+			local extra = {}
+			if TitanPluginExtras and TitanPluginExtras[idx] then
+				-- found extra data for user
+				extra = TitanPluginExtras[idx]
+			else
+				extra = {
+						name ="?",
+						menuText = "?",
+						version = "?",
+						category = "?",
+						}
+			end
+print("TConfig extras"
+.." "..tostring(idx)..""
+.." "..tostring(TitanUtils_IsPluginRegistered(idx))..""
+.." "..tostring(extra.name)..""
+			args[idx] = {
 				type = "group",
-				name = TitanUtils_GetGoldText(tostring(num)..": "..(name or "?")),
-				order = idx,
+				name = TitanUtils_GetGoldText(idx or "?"),
+				order = ival,
 				args = {
 					name = {
 						type = "description",
-						name = TitanUtils_GetGoldText(name or "?"),
+						name = ""
+							..TitanUtils_GetGoldText("Name: "..idx or "?").."\n"
+							..TitanUtils_GetGoldText("Version: "..extra.version or "?").."\n"
+							..TitanUtils_GetGoldText("Text: "..extra.menuText or "?").."\n"
+							..TitanUtils_GetGoldText("Category: "..extra.category or "?").."\n"
+							,
 						cmdHidden = true,
 						order = 10,
@@ -1316,11 +1409,16 @@ local function TitanUpdateExtras()
 						order = 15, type = "execute", width = "full",
 						func = function(info, v)
-							TitanPluginSettings[info[1]] = nil -- delete the config entry
+							local pname = info[1]
+							TitanPluginSettings[pname] = nil -- delete the plugin settings
+							if TitanPluginExtras and TitanPluginExtras[pname] then
+								TitanPluginExtras[pname] = nil -- delete the extra plugin info
+							else
+								-- nothing to do; no error
+							end
 								" '"..info[1].."' "..L["TITAN_PANEL_EXTRAS_DELETE_MSG"]
 								, "info")
-							TitanVariables_ExtraPluginSettings() -- rebuild the list
 							TitanUpdateExtras() -- rebuild the options config
 							AceConfigRegistry:NotifyChange("Titan Panel Addon Extras") -- tell Ace to redraw
@@ -1330,6 +1428,15 @@ local function TitanUpdateExtras()

+	if ival == 0 then
+		args["none"] = {
+			order = 10,
+			type = "description",
+			name = "\n\n\n"..TitanUtils_GetGoldText(NONE or "None."),
+			cmdHidden = true
+		}
+	end
 	AceConfigRegistry:NotifyChange("Titan Panel Addon Extras")
@@ -1724,8 +1831,8 @@ local function TitanUpdateConfigAddons()
 					set = function(info, v)
 						local bar = TitanUtils_GetWhichBar(info[1])
 						TitanToggleVar(info[1], "DisplayOnRightSide");
-						TitanPanel_RemoveButton(info[1]);
-						TitanUtils_AddButtonOnBar(bar, info[1]);
+--						TitanPanel_RemoveButton(info[1]);
+--						TitanUtils_AddButtonOnBar(bar, info[1]);
@@ -1906,6 +2013,32 @@ local optionsAdvanced = {

+--[[ local
+NAME: change history
+DESC: Show change history of releases
+local changeHistory = {
+	name = TITAN_PANEL_CONFIG.topic.changes, --L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_ADV"],
+	type = "group",
+	args = {
+		confchanges = {
+			order = 7,
+			name = CHANGES_COLON,
+			type = "group", inline = true,
+			args = {
+				confversiondesc = {
+				order = 1,
+				type = "description",
+				name = ""
+					..changes,
+				cmdHidden = true
+				},
+			}
+		},
+	},
 --[[ Titan
 NAME: TitanUpdateConfig
 DESC: This routine will handle the requests to update the various data items in Titan options screens.
@@ -1969,6 +2102,7 @@ AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable("Titan Panel Addon Attempts", optionsAddonAttempt
 AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable("Titan Panel Addon Extras", optionsExtras)
 AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable("Titan Panel Addon Chars", optionsChars)
 AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable("Titan Panel Addon Advanced", optionsAdvanced)
+AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable("Titan Panel Addon Changes", changeHistory)
 -- Set the main options pages
 --[[ The first param must be the same as the cooresponding 'Ace register'
@@ -1989,4 +2123,5 @@ AceConfigDialog:AddToBlizOptions("Titan Panel Skin Custom", optionsSkinsCustom.n
 AceConfigDialog:AddToBlizOptions("Titan Panel Addon Extras", optionsExtras.name, optionsControl.name)
 AceConfigDialog:AddToBlizOptions("Titan Panel Addon Attempts", optionsAddonAttempts.name, optionsControl.name)
 AceConfigDialog:AddToBlizOptions("Titan Panel Addon Advanced", optionsAdvanced.name, optionsControl.name)
+AceConfigDialog:AddToBlizOptions("Titan Panel Addon Changes", changeHistory.name, optionsControl.name)

diff --git a/Titan/TitanPanel.lua b/Titan/TitanPanel.lua
index 87f784e..3b97559 100644
--- a/Titan/TitanPanel.lua
+++ b/Titan/TitanPanel.lua
@@ -314,7 +314,9 @@ function TitanPanel_PlayerEnteringWorld()

 		-- only do this sort of initialization on the first PEW event
-		if not TitanAllGetVar("Silenced") then
+		if TitanAllGetVar("Silenced") then
+			-- per user request
+		else
 			TitanPrint("", "header")

@@ -370,8 +372,37 @@ function TitanPanel_PlayerEnteringWorld()

+	-- sanity checks to ensure the base tables are set
+	if (TitanSettings) then
+		-- all is good
+	else
+		TitanSettings = {}
+	end
+	-- check for player list per issue #745
+	if TitanSettings.Players then
+		-- all is good
+	else
+		-- Create the table so profile(s) can be added
+		TitanSettings.Players = {}
+	end
+	if (TitanAll) then
+		-- all is good
+	else
+		TitanAll = {};
+	end
 	local _ = nil
 	TitanSettings.Player,_,_ = TitanUtils_GetPlayer()
+	local player_settings = TitanSettings.Players[TitanSettings.Player]
+	-- Used for Config > Extras
+	if player_settings.Extra then
+		-- We have some data
+	else
+		player_settings.Extra = {}
+	end
+	-- TitanPluginExtras must be set BEFORE registering plugins.
+	-- This table will build up until the user cleans up via Config > Extras
+	TitanPluginExtras = player_settings.Extra
 	-- Some addons wait to create their LDB component or a Titan addon could
 	-- create additional buttons as needed.
 	-- So we need to sync their variables and set them up
@@ -472,7 +503,7 @@ function TitanPanelBarButton:CVAR_UPDATE(cvarname, cvarvalue)
 	or cvarname == "WINDOWED_MODE"
 	or cvarname == "uiScale" then
 		if TitanPlayerSettings and TitanPanelGetVar("Scale") then
-			Titan_AdjustScale()
+			TitanAdjustPanelScale()
 			-- Adjust frame positions
 			TitanPanel_AdjustFrames(true, "CVar update "..tostring(cvarname))
@@ -486,7 +517,6 @@ function TitanPanelBarButton:PLAYER_LOGOUT()
 			TitanPanelRegister.ToBe = TitanPluginToBeRegistered
 			TitanPanelRegister.ToBeNum = TitanPluginToBeRegisteredNum
 			TitanPanelRegister.TitanPlugins = TitanPlugins
-			TitanPanelRegister.Extras = TitanPluginExtras
 	Titan__InitializedPEW = nil
@@ -647,7 +677,7 @@ local function handle_reset_cmds(cmd_list)
 		if not InCombatLockdown() then
 			TitanPanelSetVar("Scale", 1);
 			-- Adjust panel scale
-			Titan_AdjustScale()
+			TitanAdjustPanelScale()
 			-- Adjust frame positions
 			TitanPanel_AdjustFrames(true, "Config: adj scale")
 			TitanPrint(L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_RESP3"], "info")
@@ -1392,9 +1422,10 @@ function TitanPanel_InitPanelButtons()
 				-- position the plugin relative to the prior plugin
 				-- or the bar if it is the 1st
 				r_prior = prior[TitanPanelSettings.Location[i]].right
+				r_spacing = r_prior.x * scale
 				-- =========================
-				button:SetPoint("RIGHT", _G[r_prior.button]:GetName(), r_prior.anchor, (-(r_prior.x) * scale), r_prior.y);
+				button:SetPoint("RIGHT", _G[r_prior.button]:GetName(), r_prior.anchor, (-r_spacing), r_prior.y);

 				-- =========================
 				-- capture the button for the next plugin
@@ -1877,12 +1908,12 @@ local function TitanPanel_PlayerSettingsMenu()
 			if plugin.controlVariables.ShowIcon then
 				info = {};
 				info.text = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_SHOW_ICON"];
-				info.value = {id, "ShowIcon", nil};
+				info.value = {plugin.id, "ShowIcon", nil};
 				info.func = function()
-					TitanPanelRightClickMenu_ToggleVar({id, "ShowIcon", nil})
+					TitanPanelRightClickMenu_ToggleVar({plugin.id, "ShowIcon", nil})
 				info.keepShownOnClick = 1;
-				info.checked = TitanGetVar(id, "ShowIcon");
+				info.checked = TitanGetVar(plugin.id, "ShowIcon");
 				info.disabled = nil;
 				TitanPanelRightClickMenu_AddButton(info, TitanPanelRightClickMenu_GetDropdownLevel());
@@ -1891,12 +1922,12 @@ local function TitanPanel_PlayerSettingsMenu()
 			if plugin.controlVariables.ShowLabelText then
 				info = {};
-				info.value = {id, "ShowLabelText", nil};
+				info.value = {plugin.id, "ShowLabelText", nil};
 				info.func = function()
-					TitanPanelRightClickMenu_ToggleVar({id, "ShowLabelText", nil})
+					TitanPanelRightClickMenu_ToggleVar({plugin.id, "ShowLabelText", nil})
 				info.keepShownOnClick = 1;
-				info.checked = TitanGetVar(id, "ShowLabelText");
+				info.checked = TitanGetVar(plugin.id, "ShowLabelText");
 				info.disabled = nil;
 				TitanPanelRightClickMenu_AddButton(info, TitanPanelRightClickMenu_GetDropdownLevel());
@@ -1905,12 +1936,12 @@ local function TitanPanel_PlayerSettingsMenu()
 			if plugin.controlVariables.ShowRegularText then
 				info = {};
-				info.value = {id, "ShowRegularText", nil};
+				info.value = {plugin.id, "ShowRegularText", nil};
 				info.func = function()
-					TitanPanelRightClickMenu_ToggleVar({id, "ShowRegularText", nil})
+					TitanPanelRightClickMenu_ToggleVar({plugin.id, "ShowRegularText", nil})
 				info.keepShownOnClick = 1;
-				info.checked = TitanGetVar(id, "ShowRegularText");
+				info.checked = TitanGetVar(plugin.id, "ShowRegularText");
 				info.disabled = nil;
 				TitanPanelRightClickMenu_AddButton(info, TitanPanelRightClickMenu_GetDropdownLevel());
@@ -1919,12 +1950,12 @@ local function TitanPanel_PlayerSettingsMenu()
 			if plugin.controlVariables.ShowColoredText then
 				info = {};
-				info.value = {id, "ShowColoredText", nil};
+				info.value = {plugin.id, "ShowColoredText", nil};
 				info.func = function()
-					TitanPanelRightClickMenu_ToggleVar({id, "ShowColoredText", nil})
+					TitanPanelRightClickMenu_ToggleVar({plugin.id, "ShowColoredText", nil})
 				info.keepShownOnClick = 1;
-				info.checked = TitanGetVar(id, "ShowColoredText");
+				info.checked = TitanGetVar(plugin.id, "ShowColoredText");
 				info.disabled = nil;
 				TitanPanelRightClickMenu_AddButton(info, TitanPanelRightClickMenu_GetDropdownLevel());
@@ -1934,12 +1965,12 @@ local function TitanPanel_PlayerSettingsMenu()
 				info = {};
 				info.text = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_LDB_SIDE"];
 				info.func = function ()
-					TitanToggleVar(id, "DisplayOnRightSide")
-					local bar = TitanUtils_GetWhichBar(id)
-					TitanPanel_RemoveButton(id);
-					TitanUtils_AddButtonOnBar(bar, id);
+					TitanToggleVar(plugin.id, "DisplayOnRightSide")
+--					local bar = TitanUtils_GetWhichBar(id)
+--					TitanPanel_RemoveButton(id);
+--					TitanUtils_AddButtonOnBar(bar, id);
-				info.checked = TitanGetVar(id, "DisplayOnRightSide");
+				info.checked = TitanGetVar(plugin.id, "DisplayOnRightSide");
 				info.disabled = nil;
 				TitanPanelRightClickMenu_AddButton(info, TitanPanelRightClickMenu_GetDropdownLevel());
diff --git a/Titan/TitanUtils.lua b/Titan/TitanUtils.lua
index 4525759..3bdcbfd 100644
--- a/Titan/TitanUtils.lua
+++ b/Titan/TitanUtils.lua
@@ -766,20 +766,22 @@ OUT:  None
 function TitanPanelRightClickMenu_AddToggleRightSide(id, level)
 	local plugin = TitanUtils_GetPlugin(id)
-	if plugin.controlVariables and plugin.controlVariables.DisplayOnRightSide then
-		-- copy of TitanPanelRightClickMenu_AddToggleVar adding a remove button
+	if plugin.controlVariables and plugin.controlVariables.DisplayOnRightSide == true then
+		TitanPanelRightClickMenu_AddToggleVar(L["TITAN_CLOCK_MENU_DISPLAY_ON_RIGHT_SIDE"], id, "DisplayOnRightSide", nil, level);
 		local info = {};
 		info.value = {id, "DisplayOnRightSide"};
 		info.func = function()
-			local bar = TitanUtils_GetWhichBar(id)
 			TitanPanelRightClickMenu_ToggleVar({id, "DisplayOnRightSide"})
-			TitanPanel_RemoveButton(id);
-			TitanUtils_AddButtonOnBar(bar, id)
+--			local bar = TitanUtils_GetWhichBar(id)
+--			TitanPanel_RemoveButton(id);
+--			TitanUtils_AddButtonOnBar(bar, id)
 		info.checked = TitanGetVar(id, "DisplayOnRightSide");
 		info.keepShownOnClick = 1;
 		UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, level);

@@ -1473,7 +1475,6 @@ local function TitanUtils_RegisterPluginProtected(plugin)
 							TitanPlugins[id].menuText = TitanPlugins[id].id;
 						TitanPlugins[id].menuText = NoColor(TitanPlugins[id].menuText)
 						table.insert(TitanPluginsIndex, self.registry.id);
 							function(a, b)
@@ -1490,6 +1491,26 @@ local function TitanUtils_RegisterPluginProtected(plugin)
 									< string.lower(TitanPlugins[b].menuText);
+						--[[ TitanPluginExtras : Add to 'extras' to give user more info on which plugin settings to get rid of.
+						As the user adds plugins (Titan or LDB) this array will build up -
+						with the cooresponding settings info - until the user purges data from from the table.
+						The table is saved under TitanSettings.
+						--]]
+						local ldb_cat = ""
+						if TitanPlugins[id] and TitanPlugins[id].ldb then
+							ldb_cat = ""
+								.." ["..TitanPlugins[id].ldb.."]"
+						else
+							ldb_cat = ""
+						end
+						TitanPluginExtras[id] = {
+							name = tostring(id or "?"),
+							menuText = tostring(TitanPlugins[id].menuText or "?"),
+							version = tostring(TitanPlugins[id].version or "?"),
+							category = tostring(TitanPlugins[id].category or "?")..ldb_cat,
+							}
 				if issue ~= "" then
diff --git a/Titan/TitanVariables.lua b/Titan/TitanVariables.lua
index 95ec97f..accddd1 100644
--- a/Titan/TitanVariables.lua
+++ b/Titan/TitanVariables.lua
@@ -210,6 +210,7 @@ TitanPluginRegisteredNum = 0

 --[[ Titan
 TitanPluginExtras table holds the plugin data for plugins that are in saved variables but not loaded on the current character.
+Saved as TitanPlayerSettings.Extra
 TitanPluginExtrasNum is the number of plugins not loaded.
 TitanPluginExtras = {}
@@ -342,20 +343,6 @@ if fullversion then

---[[ local
-NAME: TitanRegisterExtra
-DESC: Add the saved variable data of an unloaded plugin to the 'extra' list in case the user wants to delete the data via Tian Extras option.
-VAR: id - the name of the plugin (string)
-OUT:  None
-local function TitanRegisterExtra(id)
-	TitanPluginExtrasNum = TitanPluginExtrasNum + 1
-	TitanPluginExtras[TitanPluginExtrasNum] =
-		{num=TitanPluginExtrasNum,
-		id = (id or "?"),
-		}
 -- routines to sync toon data
 local function CleanupProfile ()
 	if TitanPanelSettings and TitanPanelSettings["Buttons"] then
@@ -586,26 +573,6 @@ function TitanVariables_SyncPluginSettings() -- one plugin uses this

 --[[ Titan
-NAME: TitanVariables_ExtraPluginSettings
-DESC: Routine to mark plugin data that is not loaded (no lua file) but has plugin saved vars (last save to disk).
-VAR:  None
-OUT:  None
-NOTE: This data is made available in case the user wants to delete the data via Tian Extras option.
-function TitanVariables_ExtraPluginSettings()
-	TitanPluginExtrasNum = 0
-	TitanPluginExtras = {}
-	-- Get the saved plugins that are not loaded
-	for id, plugin in pairs(TitanPluginSettings) do
-		if (id and TitanUtils_IsPluginRegistered(id)) then
-		else
-			TitanRegisterExtra(id)
-		end
-	end
---[[ Titan
 NAME: TitanVariables_InitTitanSettings
 DESC: Ensure TitanSettings (one of the saved vars in the toc) exists and set the Titan version.
 VAR:  None
@@ -691,6 +658,7 @@ TitanDebug("_UseSettings "
 	TitanPlayerSettings = TitanSettings.Players[to_profile];
 	TitanPluginSettings = TitanPlayerSettings["Plugins"];
 	TitanPanelSettings = TitanPlayerSettings["Panel"];

 	if action == TITAN_PROFILE_RESET then
@@ -733,14 +701,19 @@ TitanDebug("_UseSettings "
-		TitanVariables_ExtraPluginSettings()

 	TitanSkins = TitanVariables_SyncSkins()

 	-- for debug if a user needs to send in the Titan saved vars
-	TitanPlayerSettings["Register"] = {}
+	if TitanPlayerSettings["Register"] then
+		-- From WoW saved vars
+	else
+		-- New install or after reset
+		TitanPlayerSettings["Register"] = {}
+	end
 	TitanPanelRegister = TitanPlayerSettings["Register"]

 	TitanSettings.Profile = to_profile
diff --git a/Titan/locale/Localization.lua b/Titan/locale/Localization.lua
index 95e52ae..a072909 100644
--- a/Titan/locale/Localization.lua
+++ b/Titan/locale/Localization.lua
@@ -54,28 +54,28 @@ L["TITAN_PANEL_REGISTER_START"] = "Register "..TITAN_PANEL.." plugins..."
 L["TITAN_PANEL_REGISTER_END"] = "Registration process done."

 -- slash command help
-L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_RESET_0"] = LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."Usage: |cffffffff/titan {reset | reset tipfont/tipalpha/panelscale/spacing}";
-L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_RESET_1"] = " - "..LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."reset: |cffffffffResets "..TITAN_PANEL.." to default values/position.";
-L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_RESET_2"] = " - "..LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."reset tipfont: |cffffffffResets "..TITAN_PANEL.." tooltip font scale to default.";
-L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_RESET_3"] = " - "..LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."reset tipalpha: |cffffffffResets "..TITAN_PANEL.." tooltip transparency to default.";
-L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_RESET_4"] = " - "..LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."reset panelscale: |cffffffffResets "..TITAN_PANEL.." scale to default.";
-L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_RESET_5"] = " - "..LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."reset spacing: |cffffffffResets "..TITAN_PANEL.." button spacing to default.";
-L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_GUI_0"] = LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."Usage: |cffffffff/titan {gui control/trans/skin}";
-L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_GUI_1"] = " - "..LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."gui control: |cffffffffOpens the "..TITAN_PANEL.." control GUI.";
-L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_GUI_2"] = " - "..LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."gui trans: |cffffffffOpens the Transparency control GUI.";
-L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_GUI_3"] = " - "..LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."gui skin: |cffffffffOpens the Skin control GUI.";
-L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_PROFILE_0"] = LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."Usage: |cffffffff/titan {profile use <profile>}";
-L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_PROFILE_1"] = " - "..LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."profile use <name> <server>: |cffffffffSets the profile to the requested saved profile.";
-L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_PROFILE_2"] = " - "..LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."<name>: |cffffffffcan be either the character name or the custom profile name."
-L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_PROFILE_3"] = " - "..LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."<server>: |cffffffffcan be either the server name or 'TitanCustomProfile'."
-L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_SILENT_0"] = LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."Usage: |cffffffff/titan {silent}";
-L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_SILENT_1"] = LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."silent: |cffffffffToggles "..TITAN_PANEL.." to load silently.";
-L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_ORDERHALL_0"] = LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."Usage: |cffffffff/titan {orderhall}";
-L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_ORDERHALL_1"] = LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."orderhall: |cffffffffToggles "..TITAN_PANEL.." to hide Order Hall Command Bar.";
-L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_HELP_0"] = LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."Usage: |cffffffff/titan {help | help <topic>}";
-L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_HELP_1"] = " - "..LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."<topic>: reset/gui/profile/silent/orderhall/help ";
-L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_ALL_0"] = LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."Usage: |cffffffff/titan <topic>";
-L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_ALL_1"] = " - "..LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."<topic>: |cffffffffreset/gui/profile/silent/orderhall/help ";
+L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_RESET_0"] = LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."Usage: |r|cffffffff/titan {reset | reset tipfont/tipalpha/panelscale/spacing}|r";
+L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_RESET_1"] = " - "..LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."reset: |r|cffffffffResets "..TITAN_PANEL.." to default values/position.|r";
+L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_RESET_2"] = " - "..LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."reset tipfont: |r|cffffffffResets "..TITAN_PANEL.." tooltip font scale to default.|r";
+L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_RESET_3"] = " - "..LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."reset tipalpha: |r|cffffffffResets "..TITAN_PANEL.." tooltip transparency to default.|r";
+L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_RESET_4"] = " - "..LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."reset panelscale: |r|cffffffffResets "..TITAN_PANEL.." scale to default.|r";
+L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_RESET_5"] = " - "..LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."reset spacing: |r|cffffffffResets "..TITAN_PANEL.." button spacing to default.|r";
+L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_GUI_0"] = LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."Usage: |r|cffffffff/titan {gui control/trans/skin}|r";
+L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_GUI_1"] = " - "..LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."gui control: |r|cffffffffOpens the "..TITAN_PANEL.." control GUI.|r";
+L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_GUI_2"] = " - "..LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."gui trans: |r|cffffffffOpens the Transparency control GUI.|r";
+L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_GUI_3"] = " - "..LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."gui skin: |r|cffffffffOpens the Skin control GUI.|r";
+L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_PROFILE_0"] = LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."Usage: |r|cffffffff/titan {profile use <profile>}|r";
+L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_PROFILE_1"] = " - "..LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."profile use <name> <server>: |r|cffffffffSets the profile to the requested saved profile.|r";
+L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_PROFILE_2"] = " - "..LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."<name>: |r|cffffffffcan be either the character name or the custom profile name.|r"
+L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_PROFILE_3"] = " - "..LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."<server>: |r|cffffffffcan be either the server name or 'TitanCustomProfile'.|r"
+L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_SILENT_0"] = LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."Usage: |r|cffffffff/titan {silent}|r";
+L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_SILENT_1"] = LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."silent: |r|cffffffffToggles "..TITAN_PANEL.." to load silently.|r";
+L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_ORDERHALL_0"] = LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."Usage: |r|cffffffff/titan {orderhall}|r";
+L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_ORDERHALL_1"] = LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."orderhall: |r|cffffffffToggles "..TITAN_PANEL.." to hide Order Hall Command Bar.|r";
+L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_HELP_0"] = LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."Usage: |r|cffffffff/titan {help | help <topic>}|r";
+L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_HELP_1"] = " - "..LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."<topic>: |r|cffffffffreset/gui/profile/silent/orderhall/help |r";
+L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_ALL_0"] = LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."Usage: |r|cffffffff/titan <topic>|r";
+L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_ALL_1"] = " - "..LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."<topic>: |r|cffffffffreset/gui/profile/silent/orderhall/help |r";

 -- slash command responses
 L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_RESP1"] = LIGHTYELLOW_FONT_COLOR_CODE..TITAN_PANEL.." tooltip font scale has been reset.";
diff --git a/TitanBag/TitanBag.toc b/TitanBag/TitanBag.toc
index ed76e63..9ec3576 100644
--- a/TitanBag/TitanBag.toc
+++ b/TitanBag/TitanBag.toc
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 ## Interface: 100002
-## Title: Titan Panel [|cffeda55fBag|r] |cff00aa006.00.10.100002|r
+## Title: Titan Panel [|cffeda55fBag|r] |cff00aa006.00.11.100002|r
 ## Notes: Adds bag and free slot information to Titan Panel
 ## Author: Titan Panel Development Team (http://www.titanpanel.org)
 ## SavedVariables:
 ## OptionalDeps:
 ## Dependencies: Titan
-## Version:
+## Version:
 ## X-Child-Of: Titan
diff --git a/TitanClock/TitanClock.toc b/TitanClock/TitanClock.toc
index 7576138..c70c5ab 100644
--- a/TitanClock/TitanClock.toc
+++ b/TitanClock/TitanClock.toc
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 ## Interface: 100002
-## Title: Titan Panel [|cffeda55fClock|r] |cff00aa006.00.10.100002|r
+## Title: Titan Panel [|cffeda55fClock|r] |cff00aa006.00.11.100002|r
 ## Notes: Adds a clock to Titan Panel
 ## Author: Titan Panel Development Team (http://www.titanpanel.org)
 ## SavedVariables:
 ## OptionalDeps:
 ## Dependencies: Titan
-## Version:
+## Version:
 ## X-Child-Of: Titan
diff --git a/TitanGold/TitanGold.toc b/TitanGold/TitanGold.toc
index c222b79..fd5e6e0 100644
--- a/TitanGold/TitanGold.toc
+++ b/TitanGold/TitanGold.toc
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 ## Interface: 100002
-## Title: Titan Panel [|cffeda55fGold|r] |cff00aa006.00.10.100002|r
+## Title: Titan Panel [|cffeda55fGold|r] |cff00aa006.00.11.100002|r
 ## Notes: Keeps track of all gold held by a player's toons on a per server/faction basis.
 ## Author: Titan Panel Development Team (http://www.titanpanel.org)
 ## SavedVariables: GoldSave
 ## OptionalDeps:
 ## Dependencies: Titan
-## Version:
+## Version:
 ## X-Child-Of: Titan
diff --git a/TitanLocation/TitanLocation.toc b/TitanLocation/TitanLocation.toc
index e0270e9..a4e82e6 100644
--- a/TitanLocation/TitanLocation.toc
+++ b/TitanLocation/TitanLocation.toc
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 ## Interface: 100002
-## Title: Titan Panel [|cffeda55fLocation|r] |cff00aa006.00.10.100002|r
+## Title: Titan Panel [|cffeda55fLocation|r] |cff00aa006.00.11.100002|r
 ## Notes: Adds coordinates and location information to Titan Panel
 ## Author: Titan Panel Development Team (http://www.titanpanel.org)
 ## SavedVariables:
 ## OptionalDeps:
 ## Dependencies: Titan
-## Version:
+## Version:
 ## X-Child-Of: Titan
diff --git a/TitanLootType/TitanLootType.toc b/TitanLootType/TitanLootType.toc
index b80e883..467101a 100644
--- a/TitanLootType/TitanLootType.toc
+++ b/TitanLootType/TitanLootType.toc
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 ## Interface: 100002
-## Title: Titan Panel [|cffeda55fLootType|r] |cff00aa006.00.10.100002|r
+## Title: Titan Panel [|cffeda55fLootType|r] |cff00aa006.00.11.100002|r
 ## Notes: Adds group loot and instance difficulty information to Titan Panel
 ## Author: Titan Panel Development Team (http://www.titanpanel.org)
 ## SavedVariables:
 ## OptionalDeps:
 ## Dependencies: Titan
-## Version:
+## Version:
 ## X-Child-Of: Titan
diff --git a/TitanPerformance/TitanPerformance.lua b/TitanPerformance/TitanPerformance.lua
index 3132024..fc4c916 100644
--- a/TitanPerformance/TitanPerformance.lua
+++ b/TitanPerformance/TitanPerformance.lua
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ function TitanPanelPerformanceButton_OnLoad(self)
 			ShowLabelText = true,
 			ShowRegularText = false,
 			ShowColoredText = true,
-			DisplayOnRightSide = false,
+			DisplayOnRightSide = true,
 		savedVariables = {
 			ShowFPS = 1,
diff --git a/TitanPerformance/TitanPerformance.toc b/TitanPerformance/TitanPerformance.toc
index 9ec7039..b6abcc1 100644
--- a/TitanPerformance/TitanPerformance.toc
+++ b/TitanPerformance/TitanPerformance.toc
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 ## Interface: 100002
-## Title: Titan Panel [|cffeda55fPerformance|r] |cff00aa006.00.10.100002|r
+## Title: Titan Panel [|cffeda55fPerformance|r] |cff00aa006.00.11.100002|r
 ## Notes: Adds FPS and Garbage collection information to Titan Panel
 ## Author: Titan Panel Development Team (http://www.titanpanel.org)
 ## SavedVariables:
 ## OptionalDeps:
 ## Dependencies: Titan
-## Version:
+## Version:
 ## X-Child-Of: Titan
diff --git a/TitanRepair/TitanRepair.toc b/TitanRepair/TitanRepair.toc
index 536481e..0b480b9 100644
--- a/TitanRepair/TitanRepair.toc
+++ b/TitanRepair/TitanRepair.toc
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 ## Interface: 100002
-## Title: Titan Panel [|cffeda55fRepair|r] |cff00aa006.00.10.100002|r
+## Title: Titan Panel [|cffeda55fRepair|r] |cff00aa006.00.11.100002|r
 ## Notes: Provides a configurable durability display. Also adds the ability to auto repair items and inventory at vendors
 ## Author: Titan Panel Development Team (http://www.titanpanel.org)
 ## SavedVariables:
 ## OptionalDeps:
 ## Dependencies: Titan
-## Version:
+## Version:
 ## X-Child-Of: Titan
diff --git a/TitanVolume/TitanVolume.toc b/TitanVolume/TitanVolume.toc
index b075772..bc87b15 100644
--- a/TitanVolume/TitanVolume.toc
+++ b/TitanVolume/TitanVolume.toc
@@ -5,6 +5,6 @@
 ## SavedVariables:
 ## OptionalDeps:
 ## Dependencies: Titan
-## Version:
+## Version:
 ## X-Child-Of: Titan
diff --git a/TitanXP/TitanXP.toc b/TitanXP/TitanXP.toc
index e6cc740..fbe44b7 100644
--- a/TitanXP/TitanXP.toc
+++ b/TitanXP/TitanXP.toc
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 ## Interface: 100002
-## Title: Titan Panel [|cffeda55fXP|r] |cff00aa006.00.10.100002|r
+## Title: Titan Panel [|cffeda55fXP|r] |cff00aa006.00.11.100002|r
 ## Notes: Adds information to Titan Panel about XP earned and time to level
 ## Author: Titan Panel Development Team (http://www.titanpanel.org)
 ## SavedVariables:
 ## OptionalDeps:
 ## Dependencies: Titan
-## Version:
+## Version:
 ## X-Child-Of: Titan