-A small fix to allow the addon to be a bit more flexible with other addons.
Xruptor [04-29-12 - 14:36]
-A small fix to allow the addon to be a bit more flexible with other addons.
-The new fix should allow it to properly work with Elvui.
-A special thanks to pingumania at wowinterface.com for providing a quick fix.
diff --git a/xanMortarPestle.lua b/xanMortarPestle.lua
index 0410e5e..fa5b0df 100644
--- a/xanMortarPestle.lua
+++ b/xanMortarPestle.lua
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ button:RegisterEvent('MODIFIER_STATE_CHANGED')
button:SetAttribute('alt-type1', 'macro')
--secured on leave function to hide the frame when we are in combat
button:SetAttribute("_onleave", "self:ClearAllPoints() self:SetAlpha(0) self:Hide()")
@@ -238,7 +238,12 @@ UIErrorsFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, msg, r, g, b, ...)
--it's not a system message so lets grab it and compare with non-disenchant
if msg == SPELL_FAILED_CANT_BE_DISENCHANTED and XMP_DB and button:IsShown() and lastItem then
--get the id from the previously stored link
- local id = type(lastItem) == "number" and lastItem or select(3, lastItem:find("item:(%d+):"))
+ local id
+ if type(lastItem) == "number" then
+ id = lastItem
+ else
+ id = select(3, lastItem:find("item:(%d+):"))
+ end
id = tonumber(id)
--check to see if it's already in the database, if it isn't then add it to the DE list.
if id and not XMP_DB[id] then
diff --git a/xanMortarPestle.toc b/xanMortarPestle.toc
index ac83629..8891574 100644
--- a/xanMortarPestle.toc
+++ b/xanMortarPestle.toc
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
## Title: xanMortarPestle
## Notes: Mill/Prospect/Disenchant using (Alt + Right-Click) on an item.
## Author: Xruptor
-## Version: 2.1
+## Version: 2.2
## SavedVariables: XMP_DB