diff --git a/Locales/devel-enUS.lua b/Locales/devel-enUS.lua
index 8f88255..6f137d5 100644
--- a/Locales/devel-enUS.lua
+++ b/Locales/devel-enUS.lua
@@ -22,76 +22,483 @@ local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale(MODNAME, "enUS", true)
if not L then return end
--- Command line options
-L["Profile"] = true
--- Config Options
-L["About"] = true
-L["Main Options"] = true
-L["General Options"] = true
-L["Main Filter Options"] = true
-L["Sorting Options"] = true
-L["Profile Options"] = true
-L["Tooltip Options"] = true
-L["Waypoints"] = true
-L["Documentation"] = true
--- Config UI Elements and their associated descriptions
-L["MAIN_OPTIONS_DESC"] = "Main configuration options"
-L["Scan"] = true
-L["SCAN_RECIPES_DESC"] = [[Scans an open tradeskill for missing recipes.
-Shift-click to generate a text dump.
-Alt-click to remove all waypoints from the mini-map and world map.]]
-L["Text Dump"] = true
-L["View Exclusion List"] = true
-L["Clear Exclusion List"] = true
-L["Scan Button Position"] = true
-L["SCANBUTTONPOSITION_DESC"] = "Allows you to customize where the scan button is placed on the tradeskill frame."
-L["VIEW_EXCLUSION_LIST_DESC"] = "Prints out a list of all recipes on the exclusion list."
-L["CLEAR_EXCLUSION_LIST_DESC"] = "Removes all recipes from the exclusion list."
-L["MAINFILTER_OPTIONS_DESC"] = "Allows you to specify how ARL handles different filters."
-L["DISPLAY_OPTIONS_DESC"] = "Allows you to customize how the GUI behaves."
-L["SORTING_OPTIONS_DESC"] = "Allows you to customize the way displayed recipes are sorted."
-L["Text Dump Options"] = true
-L["TEXTDUMP_OPTIONS_DESC"] = "Options to change the behaviour of the text dump."
-L["TEXT_DUMP_DESC"] = "Change how the text dump text appears."
-L["CSV"] = true
-L["BBCode"] = true
-L["XML"] = true
--- UI Documentation
-L["Using Filters"] = true
-L["USING_FILTERS_DESC"] = [[Filters may be toggled on or off. There are two types of filters: one which will prevent the recipe from showing up at all, and one which will prevent a specific type of acquire information from showing up.
-With the first type of filter, these match the proprieties of the recipe (ie: binding). If you toggle ARL to not show BoP recipes, no recipes that are BoP will show up in the scan. The second type of filter deals with acquire information. If a recipe is available as a mob drop, or from a vendor and you toggle to not show vendor recipes, the recipe will still show up but vendor information will be hidden for it. The reason is that there is still another way to acquire this recipe (mob drop) so it should still be included in the scan.
-Please note that the tooltips will always hide the opposite faction methods of acquiring a recipe. This has been done to save space in the tooltip since they can get quite large.]]
-L["Reporting Bugs"] = true
-L["REPORTING_BUGS_DESC"] = [[When reporting a bug, please make sure you do the following:
-1) Download the latest version, available from http://www.wowace.com/addons/arl/files/
-2) Make sure there is not a bug report filed for your issue already. You can check these at http://www.wowace.com/addons/arl/tickets/
-3) Disable addons such as Skillet or ATSW.
-4) Read the bug reporting documentation at http://www.wowace.com/addons/arl/pages/feedback-and-bug-reporting/
-5) If your problem is not listed and you are using the latest version verify your addon settings. Verify filters, profiles, etc.
-6) You have found a bug that no one has reported before. Create a new ticket at http://www.wowace.com/addons/arl/tickets/ with a descriptive heading about the problem. In the ticket make sure you include the error message that you received (just the error message, I don't need a listing of the addons you use), the recipe/profession you were working with, and any other info that you think may help.
-When posting a bug report, do NOT include all of the addons from swatter. This just makes it difficult to read. If you want a good error reporting mod, get BugSack. Do not post errors/missing recipes in the comments, or send them to me via a PM. Post them as a ticket which I can address and track easily.]]
-L["Common Issues"] = true
-L["COMMON_ISSUES_DESC"] = [[Please refer to these common issues before submitting a bug report.
+L["\"Cookie\" McWeaksauce"] = "\"Cookie\" McWeaksauce"
+L["ACHIEVEMENT_DESC"] = "Recipes obtained via Achievements should be included in the scan."
+L["ACQUIRETOOLTIPPOSITION_DESC"] = "Changes the location of the tooltip containing the acquire information."
+L["ALL_FILTERED"] = "Although you have already scanned this profession, your filters are currently preventing any recipes from being displayed. Please change your filters and try again."
+L["ALT_CLICK"] = "Alt-Click to add/remove this recipe to your ignore list."
+L["ALT_TRADESKILL_DESC"] = [=[This will display a list of alts which have had trade skills scanned.
+Clicking on the alt's name will output the tradeskill to chat.]=]
+L["AMMO_DESC"] = "Recipes that make ammunition should be included in the scan."
+L["AQ40_RANDOM_BOP"] = "Random BoP drop off of bosses in AQ40."
+L["ARCH_DROP"] = "This recipe is a random drop from a \"Canopic Jar\" while collecting artifacts for Archaeology."
+L["ARL_ALLEXCLUDED"] = "Although you have already scanned this profession, your exclusions are currently preventing any recipes from being displayed. Please change your exclusions and try again."
+L["ARL_ALLKNOWN"] = "You know all the recipes for this profession."
+L["ARL_SEARCHFILTERED"] = "Your search has no results."
+L["ARMOR_TEXT_DESC"] = [=[Left-click here to select all armor filters.
+Right-click here to deselect all armor filters.]=]
+L["AUTOLOAD_DB_DESC"] = "Automatically loads all of the ARL recipe databases when doing a datamining scan."
+L["AUTOSCANMAP_DESC"] = "Auto show all waypoints when doing a recipe scan."
+L["AUTOSCAN_TRAINERS_DESC"] = "Turns on scanning at trainers to compare skill levels, and recipe acquire methods."
+L["AUTOSCAN_VENDORS_DESC"] = "Turns on scanning at vendors to compare skill levels, and recipe acquire methods."
+L["AXE_DESC"] = "Recipes that make axes should be included in the scan."
+L["Aaron Hollman"] = "Aaron Hollman"
+L["Aayndia Floralwind"] = "Aayndia Floralwind"
+L["Abigail Shiel"] = "Abigail Shiel"
+L["About"] = "About"
+L["Abyssal Flamebringer"] = "Abyssal Flamebringer"
+L["Acquisition"] = "Acquisition"
+L["Adele Fielder"] = "Adele Fielder"
+L["Adelene Sunlance"] = "Adelene Sunlance"
+L["Aendel Windspear"] = "Aendel Windspear"
+L["Agatian Fallanos"] = "Agatian Fallanos"
+L["Aged Dalaran Wizard"] = "Aged Dalaran Wizard"
+L["Ainderu Summerleaf"] = "Ainderu Summerleaf"
+L["Ainethil"] = "Ainethil"
+L["Akham"] = "Akham"
+L["Alanna Raveneye"] = "Alanna Raveneye"
+L["Alard Schmied"] = "Alard Schmied"
+L["Alchemist Finklestein"] = "Alchemist Finklestein"
+L["Alchemist Gribble"] = "Alchemist Gribble"
+L["Alchemist Kanhu"] = "Alchemist Kanhu"
+L["Alchemist Mallory"] = "Alchemist Mallory"
+L["Alchemist Narett"] = "Alchemist Narett"
+L["Alchemist Pestlezugg"] = "Alchemist Pestlezugg"
+L["Aldraan"] = "Aldraan"
+L["Alegorn"] = "Alegorn"
+L["Aleinia"] = "Aleinia"
+L["Alestos"] = "Alestos"
+L["Alestus"] = "Alestus"
+L["Alexandra Bolero"] = "Alexandra Bolero"
+L["Alexandra McQueen"] = "Alexandra McQueen"
+L["Alexis Marlowe"] = "Alexis Marlowe"
+L["Algernon"] = "Algernon"
+L["Almaador"] = "Almaador"
+L["Alt-Tradeskills"] = "Alt-Tradeskills"
+L["Altaa"] = "Altaa"
+L["Alurmi"] = "Alurmi"
+L["Alys Vol'tyr"] = "Alys Vol'tyr"
+L["Amal'thazad"] = "Amal'thazad"
+L["Amelia Atherton"] = "Amelia Atherton"
+L["Ammo"] = "Ammo"
+L["Amy Davenport"] = "Amy Davenport"
+L["Anchorite Ensham"] = "Anchorite Ensham"
+L["Anchorite Fateema"] = "Anchorite Fateema"
+L["Anchorite Paetheus"] = "Anchorite Paetheus"
+L["Anchorite Yazmina"] = "Anchorite Yazmina"
+L["Andellion"] = "Andellion"
+L["Andrew Hilbert"] = "Andrew Hilbert"
+L["Andrion Darkspinner"] = "Andrion Darkspinner"
+L["Androd Fadran"] = "Androd Fadran"
+L["Anger Guard"] = "Anger Guard"
+L["Anguished Highborne"] = "Anguished Highborne"
+L["Annora"] = "Annora"
+L["Anuur"] = "Anuur"
+L["Anvilrage Captain"] = "Anvilrage Captain"
+L["Anvilrage Marshal"] = "Anvilrage Marshal"
+L["Apothecary Antonivich"] = "Apothecary Antonivich"
+L["Apothecary Bressa"] = "Apothecary Bressa"
+L["Apothecary Wormwick"] = "Apothecary Wormwick"
+L["Apprentice Darius"] = "Apprentice Darius"
+L["Arathel Sunforge"] = "Arathel Sunforge"
+L["Arcanist Sheynathren"] = "Arcanist Sheynathren"
+L["Arcatraz Sentinel"] = "Arcatraz Sentinel"
+L["Archmage Alvareaux"] = "Archmage Alvareaux"
+L["Are We There, Yeti?"] = "Are We There, Yeti?"
+L["Aresella"] = "Aresella"
+L["Argent Quartermaster Hasana"] = "Argent Quartermaster Hasana"
+L["Argent Quartermaster Lightspark"] = "Argent Quartermaster Lightspark"
+L["Argo Strongstout"] = "Argo Strongstout"
+L["Aristaleon Sunweaver"] = "Aristaleon Sunweaver"
+L["Arkkoran Oracle"] = "Arkkoran Oracle"
+L["Arnok"] = "Arnok"
+L["Arras"] = "Arras"
+L["Arred"] = "Arred"
+L["Arrond"] = "Arrond"
+L["Arthur Denny"] = "Arthur Denny"
+L["Arthur Henslowe"] = "Arthur Henslowe"
+L["Arthur Moore"] = "Arthur Moore"
+L["Artificer Daelo"] = "Artificer Daelo"
+L["Arugi"] = "Arugi"
+L["Asarnan"] = "Asarnan"
+L["Ashtongue Warrior"] = "Ashtongue Warrior"
+L["Aska Mistrunner"] = "Aska Mistrunner"
+L["Auchenai Monk"] = "Auchenai Monk"
+L["Auto Load Recipe Database"] = "Auto Load Recipe Database"
+L["Auto Scan Map"] = "Auto Scan Map"
+L["Auto Scan Trainers"] = "Auto Scan Trainers"
+L["Auto Scan Vendors"] = "Auto Scan Vendors"
+L["Awan Iceborn"] = "Awan Iceborn"
+L["Awilo Lon'gomba"] = "Awilo Lon'gomba"
+L["Axe"] = "Axe"
+L["BBCode"] = "BBCode"
+L["BC_WOW_DESC"] = "Recipes available with The Burning Crusade."
+L["BOAFilter"] = "Item Bind to Account"
+L["BOA_DESC"] = "Recipes that make Bind to Account items should be included in the scan."
+L["BOEFilter"] = "Item Bind on Equip"
+L["BOE_DESC"] = "Recipes that make Bind on Equip items should be included in the scan."
+L["BOPFilter"] = "Item Bind on Pickup"
+L["BOP_DESC"] = "Recipes that make Bind on Pickup items should be included in the scan."
+L["BOW_DESC"] = "Recipes that make bows should be included in the scan."
+L["BRD_RANDOM_ROOM"] = "There is a chance that you will find it in 5 different rooms in blackrock depths, it is a random spawn though, and sometimes it doesn't even spawn at all."
+L["BT_RANDOM"] = "Random drop from Black Temple trash/bosses."
+L["Balgaras the Foul"] = "Balgaras the Foul"
+L["Banalash"] = "Banalash"
+L["Barien"] = "Barien"
+L["Barim Spilthoof"] = "Barim Spilthoof"
+L["Bario Matalli"] = "Bario Matalli"
+L["Bash'ir Spell-Thief"] = "Bash'ir Spell-Thief"
+L["Baxter"] = "Baxter"
+L["Belil"] = "Belil"
+L["Bemarrin"] = "Bemarrin"
+L["Bena Winterhoof"] = "Bena Winterhoof"
+L["Bengus Deepforge"] = "Bengus Deepforge"
+L["Benjamin Clegg"] = "Benjamin Clegg"
+L["Bernadette Dexter"] = "Bernadette Dexter"
+L["Bethany Cromwell"] = "Bethany Cromwell"
+L["Binding"] = "Binding"
+L["Binkie Brightgear"] = "Binkie Brightgear"
+L["Blackened Ancient"] = "Blackened Ancient"
+L["Blackhand Elite"] = "Blackhand Elite"
+L["Blackrock Battlemaster"] = "Blackrock Battlemaster"
+L["Blackrock Slayer"] = "Blackrock Slayer"
+L["Blackrock Soldier"] = "Blackrock Soldier"
+L["Blacksmith Calypso"] = "Blacksmith Calypso"
+L["Blackwater Deckhand"] = "Blackwater Deckhand"
+L["Blixrez Goodstitch"] = "Blixrez Goodstitch"
+L["Blizrik Buckshot"] = "Blizrik Buckshot"
+L["Bloodmaul Geomancer"] = "Bloodmaul Geomancer"
+L["Bloodsail Raider"] = "Bloodsail Raider"
+L["Bombus Finespindle"] = "Bombus Finespindle"
+L["Bonechewer Backbreaker"] = "Bonechewer Backbreaker"
+L["Booker Kells"] = "Booker Kells"
+L["Borgosh Corebender"] = "Borgosh Corebender"
+L["Borgus Steelhand"] = "Borgus Steelhand"
+L["Borto"] = "Borto"
+L["Borus Ironbender"] = "Borus Ironbender"
+L["Borya"] = "Borya"
+L["Bottom"] = "Bottom"
+L["Bottom Left"] = "Bottom Left"
+L["Bottom Right"] = "Bottom Right"
+L["Boulderfist Warrior"] = "Boulderfist Warrior"
+L["Bow"] = "Bow"
+L["Bowen Brisboise"] = "Bowen Brisboise"
+L["Bradley Towns"] = "Bradley Towns"
+L["Braeg Stoutbeard"] = "Braeg Stoutbeard"
+L["Brandig"] = "Brandig"
+L["Brawn"] = "Brawn"
+L["Brek Stonehoof"] = "Brek Stonehoof"
+L["Brienna Starglow"] = "Brienna Starglow"
+L["Brikk Keencraft"] = "Brikk Keencraft"
+L["Bro'kin"] = "Bro'kin"
+L["Brock Stoneseeker"] = "Brock Stoneseeker"
+L["Brom Brewbaster"] = "Brom Brewbaster"
+L["Brom Killian"] = "Brom Killian"
+L["Bronk"] = "Bronk"
+L["Bronk Guzzlegear"] = "Bronk Guzzlegear"
+L["Brumman"] = "Brumman"
+L["Brumn Winterhoof"] = "Brumn Winterhoof"
+L["Brundall Chiselgut"] = "Brundall Chiselgut"
+L["Brunna Ironaxe"] = "Brunna Ironaxe"
+L["Bryan Landers"] = "Bryan Landers"
+L["Brynna Wilson"] = "Brynna Wilson"
+L["Burbik Gearspanner"] = "Burbik Gearspanner"
+L["Burko"] = "Burko"
+L["Buzzek Bracketswing"] = "Buzzek Bracketswing"
+L["Byancie"] = "Byancie"
+L["CATA_WOW_DESC"] = "Recipes available with Cataclysm."
+L["CLASS_DESC"] = "Include this class in the scan. This will filter on two factors: 1) Can the class use the recipe and 2) can the class learn the recipe."
+L["CLASS_TEXT_DESC"] = [=[Left-click here to select all classes.
+Right-click here to select your own class.]=]
+L["CLEAR_EXCLUSION_LIST_DESC"] = "Removes all recipes from the exclusion list."
+L["CLEAR_WAYPOINTS_DESC"] = "Remove all ARL waypoints from TomTom."
+L["CLOAK_DESC"] = "Recipes that make cloaks should be included in the scan."
+L["CLOSEGUI_DESC"] = "Close the ARL window when the crafting window is closed."
+L["CLOSE_DESC"] = "Close the Recipe List Window."
+L["CLOTH_DESC"] = "Recipes that make cloth items should be included in the scan."
+L["COMMAND_LINE_SCAN"] = "To run a scan from a command line you need to specify the profession like: /arl scan enchanting"
+L["COMMON_ISSUES_DESC"] = [=[Please refer to these common issues before submitting a bug report.
1) Recipe X does not show up! - Check your filter settings to make sure that the recipe is not being filtered.
2) Inscription is missing so many glyphs! Why aren't they listed? Turn off your 'classes' filter. By default (and due to popular request) ARL will only show recipes which your class can use and most glyphs are not usable by your class.
-3) I don't want to see opposite faction recipes! Turn on the factions filter. This will set it up to only display your factions obtainable recipes. If something still shows up and it shouldn't, please submit a bug report.]]
-L["Exclusion Issues"] = true
-L["EXCLUSION_ISSUES_DESC"] = "To add a recipe to the exclusion (ignore) list, just alt-click on it from the recipe window. To get this recipe back, open up the ARL options and set the toggle of \"Show Excluded Recipes\" to be on. This will show all the recipes you've excluded in your scan during your next scan. Once you have done this, Alt Click on the recipe again to remove it from the exclusion list."
-L["Map Issues"] = true
-L["MAP_ISSUES_DESC"] = "ARL relies on TomTom to add icons and waypoints to the World Map and the Mini-map. You can customize these by going to the ARL configuration menu and scrolling to the display options. If you do not have TomTom installed, nothing will be added. Auto-adding icons is disabled by default."
-L["Game Commands"] = true
-L["GAME_COMMANDS_DESC"] = [[Command Line:
+3) I don't want to see opposite faction recipes! Turn on the factions filter. This will set it up to only display your factions obtainable recipes. If something still shows up and it shouldn't, please submit a bug report.]=]
+L["COMPARE_TRAINER_ACQUIRE_DESC"] = "Compare selected trainer acquire methods with those in the ARL database."
+L["COMPARE_TRAINER_SKILL_DESC"] = "Compare skill levels of selected trainer with those in ARL database."
+L["CONTRACTALL_DESC"] = "Minimize all recipes listed below."
+L["CRAFTED_ENGINEERS"] = "Recipe is created by Engineers."
+L["CROSSBOW_DESC"] = "Recipes that make crossbows should be included in the scan."
+L["CSV"] = "CSV"
+L["CTRL_CLICK"] = "Ctrl-Click to add this recipe's link to your chat."
+L["CTRL_SHIFT_CLICK"] = "Ctrl-Shift-Click to add the item to the map and mini-map."
+L["Cabal Fanatic"] = "Cabal Fanatic"
+L["Camberon"] = "Camberon"
+L["Captain Halyndor"] = "Captain Halyndor"
+L["Captain O'Neal"] = "Captain O'Neal"
+L["Captured Gnome"] = "Captured Gnome"
+L["Carolai Anise"] = "Carolai Anise"
+L["Carter Tiffens"] = "Carter Tiffens"
+L["Caryssia Moonhunter"] = "Caryssia Moonhunter"
+L["Casandra Downs"] = "Casandra Downs"
+L["Catarina Stanford"] = "Catarina Stanford"
+L["Catherine Leland"] = "Catherine Leland"
+L["Celie Steelwing"] = "Celie Steelwing"
+L["Charles Worth"] = "Charles Worth"
+L["Charred Ancient"] = "Charred Ancient"
+L["Chaw Stronghide"] = "Chaw Stronghide"
+L["Chief Engineer Leveny"] = "Chief Engineer Leveny"
+L["Christoph Jeffcoat"] = "Christoph Jeffcoat"
+L["Cielstrasza"] = "Cielstrasza"
+L["Clarise Gnarltree"] = "Clarise Gnarltree"
+L["Classes"] = "Classes"
+L["Clear Exclusion List"] = "Clear Exclusion List"
+L["Clear Waypoints"] = "Clear Waypoints"
+L["Cliff Breaker"] = "Cliff Breaker"
+L["Cloak"] = "Cloak"
+L["Cloned Ooze"] = "Cloned Ooze"
+L["Close GUI"] = "Close with Tradeskill UI"
+L["Cloth"] = "Cloth"
+L["Clyde Ranthal"] = "Clyde Ranthal"
+L["Coilfang Oracle"] = "Coilfang Oracle"
+L["Coilfang Sorceress"] = "Coilfang Sorceress"
+L["Coilskar Siren"] = "Coilskar Siren"
+L["Common Issues"] = "Common Issues"
+L["Compare Trainer Acquire"] = "Compare Trainer Acquire"
+L["Compare Trainer Skills"] = "Compare Trainer Skills"
+L["Constance Brisboise"] = "Constance Brisboise"
+L["Cook Ghilm"] = "Cook Ghilm"
+L["Cookie One-Eye"] = "Cookie One-Eye"
+L["Coreiel"] = "Coreiel"
+L["Corporal Bluth"] = "Corporal Bluth"
+L["Cowardly Crosby"] = "Cowardly Crosby"
+L["Crazed Ancient"] = "Crazed Ancient"
+L["Crazed Murkblood Foreman"] = "Crazed Murkblood Foreman"
+L["Crazed Murkblood Miner"] = "Crazed Murkblood Miner"
+L["Crazk Sparks"] = "Crazk Sparks"
+L["Crimson Inquisitor"] = "Crimson Inquisitor"
+L["Crimson Sorcerer"] = "Crimson Sorcerer"
+L["Cro Threadstrong"] = "Cro Threadstrong"
+L["Crog Steelspine"] = "Crog Steelspine"
+L["Crossbow"] = "Crossbow"
+L["Crystal Boughman"] = "Crystal Boughman"
+L["Crystal Brightspark"] = "Crystal Brightspark"
+L["Cult Alchemist"] = "Cult Alchemist"
+L["Cult Researcher"] = "Cult Researcher"
+L["Cultist Shard Watcher"] = "Cultist Shard Watcher"
+L["Custom35"] = "Drops from dragons in Ogri'la and Blade's Edge Mountains Summon Bosses"
+L["Custom36"] = "From a NPC in Dalaran sewers after doing The Taste Test"
+L["Custom41"] = "Removed from the game when Naxx 40 was taken out."
+L["Custom44"] = "You can train this recipe if you have earned the \"Loremaster of Northrend\" achievement"
+L["Custom45"] = "You can train this recipe if you have earned the \"Northrend Dungeonmaster\" achievement"
+L["Cyndra Kindwhisper"] = "Cyndra Kindwhisper"
+L["DAGGER_DESC"] = "Recipes that make daggers should be included in the scan."
+L["DAILY_COOKING_DAL"] = "Randomly obtained by completing any of the cooking daily quests in Dalaran."
+L["DAILY_COOKING_FISH"] = "Choose Barrel of Fish when completing any of these quests."
+L["DAILY_COOKING_MEAT"] = "Choose Crate of Meat when completing any of these quests."
+L["DAILY_FISHING_SHATT"] = "Randomly obtained by completing any of the BC fishing daily quests."
+L["DATAMINER_NODB_ERROR"] = "Recipe database not loaded. Please scan the tradeskill first then try the datamining."
+L["DATAMINER_SKILLELVEL"] = [=[Recipe level different!
+ Name: %s
+ ARL Level: %s
+ Trainer Level: %s]=]
+L["DATAMINER_SKILLLEVEL_ERROR"] = "This can only be used for a trade skill trainer. Please open up the trainer and try again."
+L["DATAMINER_TRAINER_INFO"] = [=[Trainer Name: %s
+Trainer ID: %s]=]
+L["DATAMINER_TRAINER_NOTTARGETTED"] = "You must target the trainer when you run this command."
+L["DATAMINER_TRAINER_NOTTEACH"] = "%s (%s) - Extra"
+L["DATAMINER_TRAINER_TEACH"] = "%s (%s) - Missing"
+L["DATAMINER_VENDOR_NOTTARGETTED"] = "You must target the vendor when you run this command."
+L["DATAMINE_OPTIONS_DESC"] = "Allows you to customize in-game ARL datamining."
+L["DATAMINE_WARNING_DESC"] = "Please note that enabling Auto Load Recipe Database will increase the amount of memory used by ARL. Enabling Auto Scan Trainers may cause a slight bit of lag when the trainer is opened. This will be more noticeable on the first scan of a trainer."
+L["DEEPHOLM_RANDOM_INSC"] = "This recipe drops from mobs in Deepholm."
+L["DEFAULT_RECIPE"] = "Learned by default when learning the profession."
+L["DISCOVERY_ALCH_ELIXIRFLASK"] = "Discovered by making elixirs or flasks using Burning Crusade or higher ingredients."
+L["DISCOVERY_ALCH_NORTHREND_RESEARCH"] = "Obtained randomly by conducting Northrend alchemy research."
+L["DISCOVERY_ALCH_NORTHREND_XMUTE"] = "Discovered by doing transmutes using Northrend or higher ingredients (transmute tooltip mentions that there is a chance to discovery something)."
+L["DISCOVERY_ALCH_POTION"] = "Discovered by making potions using Burning Crusade or higher ingredients."
+L["DISCOVERY_ALCH_PROT"] = "Discovered by Major Protection Potions using Burning Crusade or higher ingredients."
+L["DISCOVERY_ALCH_WRATH"] = "Discovered by doing transmutes using Wrath of the Lich King ingredients."
+L["DISCOVERY_ALCH_XMUTE"] = "Discovered by doing transmutes using Burning Crusade or higher ingredients."
+L["DISCOVERY_DESC"] = "Recipes obtained through Discovery should be included in the scan."
+L["DISCOVERY_INSC_BOOK"] = "Discovered randomly by reading the Book of Glyph Mastery."
+L["DISCOVERY_INSC_MINOR"] = "Obtained randomly by conducting Minor Inscription Research."
+L["DISCOVERY_INSC_NORTHREND"] = "Obtained randomly by conducting Northrend Inscription Research."
+L["DISPLAY_EXCLUSION_DESC"] = "Display recipes that are in the exclusion list."
+L["DISPLAY_OPTIONS_DESC"] = "Allows you to customize how the GUI behaves."
+L["DM_CACHE"] = "Randomly obtained in Dire Maul (North) in Knot Thimblejack's cache."
+L["DM_TRIBUTE"] = "DM Tribute Run - Chest"
+L["Daedal"] = "Daedal"
+L["Daenril"] = "Daenril"
+L["Daga Ramba"] = "Daga Ramba"
+L["Dagger"] = "Dagger"
+L["Daggle Ironshaper"] = "Daggle Ironshaper"
+L["Dalinna"] = "Dalinna"
+L["Dalria"] = "Dalria"
+L["Damned Apothecary"] = "Damned Apothecary"
+L["Daniel Bartlett"] = "Daniel Bartlett"
+L["Danielle Zipstitch"] = "Danielle Zipstitch"
+L["Dank Drizzlecut"] = "Dank Drizzlecut"
+L["Dannelor"] = "Dannelor"
+L["Danwe"] = "Danwe"
+L["Darin Goodstitch"] = "Darin Goodstitch"
+L["Dark Adept"] = "Dark Adept"
+L["Dark Conclave Shadowmancer"] = "Dark Conclave Shadowmancer"
+L["Dark Iron Demolitionist"] = "Dark Iron Demolitionist"
+L["Dark Iron Dwarf"] = "Dark Iron Dwarf"
+L["Dark Iron Saboteur"] = "Dark Iron Saboteur"
+L["Dark Iron Slaver"] = "Dark Iron Slaver"
+L["Dark Iron Taskmaster"] = "Dark Iron Taskmaster"
+L["Dark Iron Tunneler"] = "Dark Iron Tunneler"
+L["Dark Iron Watchman"] = "Dark Iron Watchman"
+L["Dark Strand Voidcaller"] = "Dark Strand Voidcaller"
+L["Darkmoon Faire"] = "Darkmoon Faire"
+L["Darmari"] = "Darmari"
+L["Darnall"] = "Darnall"
+L["Daryl Riknussun"] = "Daryl Riknussun"
+L["Daryl Stack"] = "Daryl Stack"
+L["Datamine Options"] = "Datamine Options"
+L["Day of the Dead"] = "Day of the Dead"
+L["Deadwind Warlock"] = "Deadwind Warlock"
+L["Deadwood Shaman"] = "Deadwood Shaman"
+L["Dealer Malij"] = "Dealer Malij"
+L["Deathforge Guardian"] = "Deathforge Guardian"
+L["Deathforge Imp"] = "Deathforge Imp"
+L["Deathforge Smith"] = "Deathforge Smith"
+L["Deathforge Tinkerer"] = "Deathforge Tinkerer"
+L["Decaying Horror"] = "Decaying Horror"
+L["Deek Fizzlebizz"] = "Deek Fizzlebizz"
+L["Defias Enchanter"] = "Defias Enchanter"
+L["Defias Looter"] = "Defias Looter"
+L["Defias Pirate"] = "Defias Pirate"
+L["Defias Renegade Mage"] = "Defias Renegade Mage"
+L["Defias Squallshaper"] = "Defias Squallshaper"
+L["Delfrum Flintbeard"] = "Delfrum Flintbeard"
+L["Deneb Walker"] = "Deneb Walker"
+L["Derak Nightfall"] = "Derak Nightfall"
+L["Derek Odds"] = "Derek Odds"
+L["Deynna"] = "Deynna"
+L["Diane Cannings"] = "Diane Cannings"
+L["Didi the Wrench"] = "Didi the Wrench"
+L["Dirge Quikcleave"] = "Dirge Quikcleave"
+L["Discovery"] = "Discovery"
+L["Disembodied Protector"] = "Disembodied Protector"
+L["Disembodied Vindicator"] = "Disembodied Vindicator"
+L["Display Exclusions"] = "Display Exclusions"
+L["Doba"] = "Doba"
+L["Doc Zapnozzle"] = "Doc Zapnozzle"
+L["Doctor Gregory Victor"] = "Doctor Gregory Victor"
+L["Doctor Gustaf VanHowzen"] = "Doctor Gustaf VanHowzen"
+L["Doctor Herbert Halsey"] = "Doctor Herbert Halsey"
+L["Documentation"] = "Documentation"
+L["Don Carlos"] = "Don Carlos"
+L["Doomforge Craftsman"] = "Doomforge Craftsman"
+L["Doomforge Engineer"] = "Doomforge Engineer"
+L["Drac Roughcut"] = "Drac Roughcut"
+L["Drake Lindgren"] = "Drake Lindgren"
+L["Drakk Stonehand"] = "Drakk Stonehand"
+L["Drovnar Strongbrew"] = "Drovnar Strongbrew"
+L["Duchess Mynx"] = "Duchess Mynx"
+L["Duhng"] = "Duhng"
+L["Dulvi"] = "Dulvi"
+L["Durnholde Rifleman"] = "Durnholde Rifleman"
+L["Dustin Vail"] = "Dustin Vail"
+L["Dwukk"] = "Dwukk"
+L["ENG_DISC"] = "This is discovered randomly while crafting other Engineering items."
+L["ENG_FLOOR_ITEM_BRD"] = "The schematic can be found on the floor near Golem Lord Argelmach in Blackrock Depths. Only engineers with 300 skill may learn the schematic after clicking on it."
+L["ENG_GNOMER"] = "Dropped from mobs in Gnomeregan."
+L["EXCLUDECOUNT_DESC"] = "Include excluded recipes in the count of total recipes."
+L["EXCLUSION_ISSUES_DESC"] = "To add a recipe to the exclusion (ignore) list, just alt-click on it from the recipe window. To get this recipe back, open up the ARL options and set the toggle of \"Show Excluded Recipes\" to be on. This will show all the recipes you've excluded in your scan during your next scan. Once you have done this, Alt Click on the recipe again to remove it from the exclusion list."
+L["EXPANDALL_DESC"] = [=[Expand all recipes listed below.
+Hold the Shift key to expand sub-entries.]=]
+L["Eclipsion Archmage"] = "Eclipsion Archmage"
+L["Eclipsion Blood Knight"] = "Eclipsion Blood Knight"
+L["Eclipsion Bloodwarder"] = "Eclipsion Bloodwarder"
+L["Eclipsion Cavalier"] = "Eclipsion Cavalier"
+L["Eclipsion Centurion"] = "Eclipsion Centurion"
+L["Eclipsion Soldier"] = "Eclipsion Soldier"
+L["Eclipsion Spellbinder"] = "Eclipsion Spellbinder"
+L["Edna Mullby"] = "Edna Mullby"
+L["Eebee Jinglepocket"] = "Eebee Jinglepocket"
+L["Egomis"] = "Egomis"
+L["Eiin"] = "Eiin"
+L["Eldara Dawnrunner"] = "Eldara Dawnrunner"
+L["Eldrin"] = "Eldrin"
+L["Elise Brightletter"] = "Elise Brightletter"
+L["Elizabeth Jackson"] = "Elizabeth Jackson"
+L["Elynna"] = "Elynna"
+L["Emil Autumn"] = "Emil Autumn"
+L["Emrul Riknussun"] = "Emrul Riknussun"
+L["Enchanter Nalthanis"] = "Enchanter Nalthanis"
+L["Enchantress Volali"] = "Enchantress Volali"
+L["Engineer Sinbei"] = "Engineer Sinbei"
+L["Enraged Air Spirit"] = "Enraged Air Spirit"
+L["Enraged Earth Spirit"] = "Enraged Earth Spirit"
+L["Enraged Fire Spirit"] = "Enraged Fire Spirit"
+L["Enraged Mammoth"] = "Enraged Mammoth"
+L["Enraged Water Spirit"] = "Enraged Water Spirit"
+L["Eorain Dawnstrike"] = "Eorain Dawnstrike"
+L["Eredar Deathbringer"] = "Eredar Deathbringer"
+L["Eriden"] = "Eriden"
+L["Erika Tate"] = "Erika Tate"
+L["Erilia"] = "Erilia"
+L["Erin Kelly"] = "Erin Kelly"
+L["Ethereal Priest"] = "Ethereal Priest"
+L["Ethereum Jailor"] = "Ethereum Jailor"
+L["Ethereum Nullifier"] = "Ethereum Nullifier"
+L["Eunice Burch"] = "Eunice Burch"
+L["Exclusion Issues"] = "Exclusion Issues"
+L["FACTION_DESC"] = "Include both horde and alliance faction recipes in the scan."
+L["FILTERCOUNT_DESC"] = "Include filtered recipes in the count of total recipes."
+L["FILTERING_BC_DESC"] = "Configuration for which Burning Crusade Reputation reward recipes are included in the scan."
+L["FILTERING_BINDING_DESC"] = "Configuration for which types of binding are included in the scan."
+L["FILTERING_CATA_DESC"] = "Configuration for which Cataclysm Reputation reward recipes are included in the scan."
+L["FILTERING_GENERAL_DESC"] = "Configuration for several more general filter types."
+L["FILTERING_ITEM_DESC"] = "Configuration for which item types are included in the scan."
+L["FILTERING_MISC_DESC"] = "Configuration for miscellaneous options which are also present in the display options."
+L["FILTERING_OBTAIN_DESC"] = "Configuration for which methods of obtaining recipes are included in the scan."
+L["FILTERING_OLDWORLD_DESC"] = "Configuration for which Old World Reputation reward recipes are included in the scan."
+L["FILTERING_PLAYERTYPE_DESC"] = "Configuration for items matching which player types are included in the scan."
+L["FILTERING_QUALITY_DESC"] = "Configuration for which recipe quality types are included in the scan."
+L["FILTERING_REP_DESC"] = "Configuration for which reputation reward recipes are included in the scan."
+L["FILTERING_WOTLK_DESC"] = "Configuration for which Wrath of the Lich King Reputation reward recipes are included in the scan."
+L["FILTER_CLOSE_DESC"] = "Close filter option panel."
+L["FILTER_OPEN_DESC"] = "Open filter option panel."
+L["FIST_DESC"] = "Recipes that make fist weapons should be included in the scan."
+L["FONT_SIZE_DESC"] = "Changes the size of the fonts for ARL."
+L["Fael Morningsong"] = "Fael Morningsong"
+L["Falorn Nightwhisper"] = "Falorn Nightwhisper"
+L["Fariel Starsong"] = "Fariel Starsong"
+L["Farii"] = "Farii"
+L["Fazu"] = "Fazu"
+L["Fedryen Swiftspear"] = "Fedryen Swiftspear"
+L["Feera"] = "Feera"
+L["Felannia"] = "Felannia"
+L["Felicia Doan"] = "Felicia Doan"
+L["Felika"] = "Felika"
+L["Fendrig Redbeard"] = "Fendrig Redbeard"
+L["Fera Palerunner"] = "Fera Palerunner"
+L["Festive Recipes"] = "Festive Recipes"
+L["Feyden Darkin"] = "Feyden Darkin"
+L["Fimble Finespindle"] = "Fimble Finespindle"
+L["Finbus Geargrind"] = "Finbus Geargrind"
+L["Findle Whistlesteam"] = "Findle Whistlesteam"
+L["Firebrand Grunt"] = "Firebrand Grunt"
+L["Firebrand Invoker"] = "Firebrand Invoker"
+L["Firebrand Legionnaire"] = "Firebrand Legionnaire"
+L["Firebrand Pyromancer"] = "Firebrand Pyromancer"
+L["Firegut Brute"] = "Firegut Brute"
+L["Fist"] = "Fist"
+L["Fono"] = "Fono"
+L["Foreman Marcrid"] = "Foreman Marcrid"
+L["Fradd Swiftgear"] = "Fradd Swiftgear"
+L["Franklin Lloyd"] = "Franklin Lloyd"
+L["Fremal Doohickey"] = "Fremal Doohickey"
+L["Frostbrood Spawn"] = "Frostbrood Spawn"
+L["Frostfeather Screecher"] = "Frostfeather Screecher"
+L["Frostfeather Witch"] = "Frostfeather Witch"
+L["Frostmaul Giant"] = "Frostmaul Giant"
+L["Frozo the Renowned"] = "Frozo the Renowned"
+L["Fyldan"] = "Fyldan"
+L["GAME_COMMANDS_DESC"] = [=[Command Line:
Type /arl to open up the GUI. Acceptable commands include:
- /arl about
Opens up the about panel, listing information about the mod.
@@ -137,1320 +544,797 @@ This is the functionality that occurs when you click on a recipe.
- Alt Click
Adds or removes a recipe from the exclusion list.
- Ctrl-Shift Click
- Adds the specific recipe acquire methods to the World Map and Mini-map.]]
--- Config UI Elements and their associated descriptions
-L["Include Filtered"] = true
-L["FILTERCOUNT_DESC"] = "Include filtered recipes in the count of total recipes."
-L["Include Excluded"] = true
-L["EXCLUDECOUNT_DESC"] = "Include excluded recipes in the count of total recipes."
-L["Close GUI"] = "Close with Tradeskill UI"
-L["CLOSEGUI_DESC"] = "Close the ARL window when the crafting window is closed."
-L["Display Exclusions"] = true
-L["DISPLAY_EXCLUSION_DESC"] = "Display recipes that are in the exclusion list."
-L["Reset Window Position"] = true
-L["RESET_WINDOW_DESC"] = "Resets the ARL GUI to default position."
-L["UI_SCALE_DESC"] = "Changes the scale of the UI. Ranges from .5 to 1.5 (1 is default)"
-L["Tooltip Scale"] = true
-L["TOOLTIP_SCALE_DESC"] = "Changes the scale of the ARL tooltip. Ranges from .5 to 1.5 (.9 is default)"
-L["Tooltip (Recipe) Position"] = true
-L["SPELLTOOLTIPPOSITION_DESC"] = "Changes the location of the tooltip containing the recipe information."
-L["Tooltip (Acquire) Position"] = true
-L["ACQUIRETOOLTIPPOSITION_DESC"] = "Changes the location of the tooltip containing the acquire information."
-L["Recipes In Tooltips"] = true
-L["UNIT_TOOLTIPS_DESC"] = "Toggles whether or not to display unknown recipes in the tooltips of the vendors, trainers, or mobs which carry them."
-L["UNIT_MAX_TOOLTIPS_DESC"] = "Maximum number of recipes to show in tooltips."
-L["TOOLTIP_HINT"] = "Hide Hint Text"
-L["TOOLTIP_HINT_DESC"] = "Hides the hint text at the bottom of the tooltip."
-L["FONT_SIZE_DESC"] = "Changes the size of the fonts for ARL."
-L["Sorting"] = true
-L["Sort"] = true
-L["SORTING_DESC"] = "Change the way in which displayed recipes are sorted."
-L["TOOLTIP_OPTIONS_DESC"] = "Allows you to specify how the tooltips for ARL behave. The acquire tooltip lists the different information on how to acquire the recipe, whereas the spell tooltip lists the recipe information itself."
-L["MAP_OPTIONS_DESC"] = "Allows you to change how ARL integrates into the world map and into the mini-map."
-L["Small Font"] = true
-L["SMALL_FONT_DESC"] = "Toggle on to use a smaller font for entries in the recipe list."
-L["Right"] = true
-L["Left"] = true
-L["Top"] = true
-L["Bottom"] = true
-L["Top Right"] = true
-L["Top Left"] = true
-L["Bottom Right"] = true
-L["Bottom Left"] = true
-L["Skill (Asc)"] = true
-L["Skill (Desc)"] = true
-L["Location"] = true
-L["Acquisition"] = true
-L["Unhandled Recipe"] = true
--- Waypoints
-L["WAYPOINT_TOGGLE_FORMAT"] = "Create waypoints for %s recipes."
-L["WAYPOINT_MAP_FORMAT"] = "Create waypoints for missing recipes on the %s."
-L["Clear Waypoints"] = true
-L["CLEAR_WAYPOINTS_DESC"] = "Remove all ARL waypoints from TomTom."
-L["Hide Pop-Up"] = true
-L["HIDEPOPUP_DESC"] = "Prevents pop-ups notifying you why the scan window is empty from showing. Pop-ups will always show for the first time after a new version has been added."
-L["Auto Scan Map"] = true
-L["AUTOSCANMAP_DESC"] = "Auto show all waypoints when doing a recipe scan."
-L["SKILL_TOGGLE_DESC"] = "Displays recipes according to their skill level rather than by name."
--- Filter Config Options
-L["Obtain"] = true
-L["Binding"] = true
-L["Item"] = true
-L["Weapon"] = true
--- Filter Configuration Descriptions
-L["FILTERING_GENERAL_DESC"] = "Configuration for several more general filter types."
-L["FILTERING_OBTAIN_DESC"] = "Configuration for which methods of obtaining recipes are included in the scan."
-L["FILTERING_BINDING_DESC"] = "Configuration for which types of binding are included in the scan."
-L["FILTERING_ITEM_DESC"] = "Configuration for which item types are included in the scan."
-L["FILTERING_PLAYERTYPE_DESC"] = "Configuration for items matching which player types are included in the scan."
-L["FILTERING_REP_DESC"] = "Configuration for which reputation reward recipes are included in the scan."
-L["FILTERING_OLDWORLD_DESC"] = "Configuration for which Old World Reputation reward recipes are included in the scan."
-L["FILTERING_BC_DESC"] = "Configuration for which Burning Crusade Reputation reward recipes are included in the scan."
-L["FILTERING_WOTLK_DESC"] = "Configuration for which Wrath of the Lich King Reputation reward recipes are included in the scan."
-L["REP_TEXT_DESC"] = [[Left-click here to select all reputation filters.
-Right-click here to deselect all reputation filters.]]
-L["FILTERING_MISC_DESC"] = "Configuration for miscellaneous options which are also present in the display options."
-L["ORIGINAL_WOW_DESC"] = "Recipes available with the original game."
-L["BC_WOW_DESC"] = "Recipes available with The Burning Crusade."
-L["LK_WOW_DESC"] = "Recipes available with Wrath of the Lich King."
-L["Alt-Tradeskills"] = true
-L["ALT_TRADESKILL_DESC"] = [[This will display a list of alts which have had trade skills scanned.
-Clicking on the alt's name will output the tradeskill to chat.]]
-L["Other Realms"] = true
--- General Filter UI Elements and their associated descriptions
-L["FACTION_DESC"] = "Include both horde and alliance faction recipes in the scan."
-L["Classes"] = true
-L["CLASS_DESC"] = "Include this class in the scan. This will filter on two factors: 1) Can the class use the recipe and 2) can the class learn the recipe."
-L["CLASS_TEXT_DESC"] = [[Left-click here to select all classes.
-Right-click here to select your own class.]]
-L["Specialties"] = true
-L["SPECIALTY_DESC"] = "Include recipes for un-trained specializations."
-L["SKILL_DESC"] = "Include all recipes in the scan, regardless of your current skill level."
-L["Show Known"] = "Known"
-L["KNOWN_DESC"] = "Include all known recipes in the scan."
-L["UNKNOWN_DESC"] = "Include all unknown recipes in the scan."
-L["RETIRED_DESC"] = "Include recipes which can no longer be acquired."
-L["Retired"] = true
--- Obtain Filter UI Elements and their associated descriptions
-L["INSTANCE_DESC"] = "Recipes obtained from (5 man) instances should be included in the scan."
-L["RAID_DESC"] = "Recipes obtained in raids (ie: Molten Core, Serpent Shrine Cavern, etc.) should be included in the scan."
-L["Quest"] = true
-L["QUEST_DESC"] = "Recipes obtained as quest rewards should be included in the scan."
-L["SEASONAL_DESC"] = "Recipes obtained in world events should be included in the scan."
-L["Trainer"] = true
-L["TRAINER_DESC"] = "Recipes learned from trainers should be included in the scan."
-L["Vendor"] = true
-L["VENDOR_DESC"] = "Recipes purchased from vendors should be included in the scan."
-L["PVP_DESC"] = "Recipes obtained through PVP should be included in the scan."
-L["Discovery"] = true
-L["DISCOVERY_DESC"] = "Recipes obtained through Discovery should be included in the scan."
-L["World Drop"] = true
-L["WORLD_DROP_DESC"] = "Recipes that are World Drops should be included in the scan."
-L["Mob Drop"] = true
-L["MOB_DROP_DESC"] = "Recipes that are Mob Drops should be included in the scan."
-L["ACHIEVEMENT_DESC"] = "Recipes obtained via Achievements should be included in the scan."
--- Binding Filter UI Elements and their associated descriptions
-L["BOEFilter"] = "Item Bind on Equip"
-L["BOE_DESC"] = "Recipes that make Bind on Equip items should be included in the scan."
-L["BOPFilter"] = "Item Bind on Pickup"
-L["BOP_DESC"] = "Recipes that make Bind on Pickup items should be included in the scan."
-L["BOAFilter"] = "Item Bind to Account"
-L["BOA_DESC"] = "Recipes that make Bind to Account items should be included in the scan."
-L["RecipeBOEFilter"] = "Recipe Bind on Equip"
-L["RECIPE_BOE_DESC"] = "Recipes that are Bind on Equip should be included in the scan."
-L["RecipeBOPFilter"] = "Recipe Bind on Pickup"
-L["RECIPE_BOP_DESC"] = "Recipes that are Bind on Pickup should be included in the scan."
-L["RecipeBOAFilter"] = "Recipe Bind to Account"
-L["RECIPE_BOA_DESC"] = "Recipes that are Bind to Account should be included in the scan."
--- Item - Armor UI Elements and their associated descriptions
-L["ARMOR_TEXT_DESC"] = [[Left-click here to select all armor filters.
-Right-click here to deselect all armor filters.]]
-L["Cloth"] = true
-L["CLOTH_DESC"] = "Recipes that make cloth items should be included in the scan."
-L["Leather"] = true
-L["LEATHER_DESC"] = "Recipes that make leather items should be included in the scan."
-L["Mail"] = true
-L["MAIL_DESC"] = "Recipes that make mail items should be included in the scan."
-L["Plate"] = true
-L["PLATE_DESC"] = "Recipes that make plate items should be included in the scan."
-L["Cloak"] = true
-L["CLOAK_DESC"] = "Recipes that make cloaks should be included in the scan."
-L["Ring"] = true
-L["RING_DESC"] = "Recipes that make rings should be included in the scan."
-L["Trinket"] = true
-L["TRINKET_DESC"] = "Recipes that make trinkets should be included in the scan."
-L["Necklace"] = true
-L["NECKLACE_DESC"] = "Recipes that make necklaces should be included in the scan."
-L["Shield"] = true
-L["SHIELD_DESC"] = "Recipes that make shields should be included in the scan."
--- Item - Weapon UI Elements and their associated descriptions
-L["WEAPON_TEXT_DESC"] = [[Left-click here to select all weapon filters.
-Right-click here to deselect all weapon filters.]]
-L["One Hand"] = true
-L["ONEHAND_DESC"] = "Recipes that make one handed items should be included in the scan."
-L["Two Hand"] = true
-L["TWOHAND_DESC"] = "Recipes that make two handed items should be included in the scan."
-L["Axe"] = true
-L["AXE_DESC"] = "Recipes that make axes should be included in the scan."
-L["Sword"] = true
-L["SWORD_DESC"] = "Recipes that make swords should be included in the scan."
-L["Mace"] = true
-L["MACE_DESC"] = "Recipes that make maces should be included in the scan."
-L["Polearm"] = true
-L["POLEARM_DESC"] = "Recipes that make polearms should be included in the scan."
-L["Dagger"] = true
-L["DAGGER_DESC"] = "Recipes that make daggers should be included in the scan."
-L["Fist"] = true
-L["FIST_DESC"] = "Recipes that make fist weapons should be included in the scan."
-L["Staff"] = true
-L["STAFF_DESC"] = "Recipes that make stave's should be included in the scan."
-L["Wand"] = true
-L["WAND_DESC"] = "Recipes that make wands should be included in the scan."
-L["Thrown"] = true
-L["THROWN_DESC"] = "Recipes that make thrown weapons should be included in the scan."
-L["Bow"] = true
-L["BOW_DESC"] = "Recipes that make bows should be included in the scan."
-L["Crossbow"] = true
-L["CROSSBOW_DESC"] = "Recipes that make crossbows should be included in the scan."
-L["Ammo"] = true
-L["AMMO_DESC"] = "Recipes that make ammunition should be included in the scan."
-L["Gun"] = true
-L["GUN_DESC"] = "Recipes that make guns should be included in the scan."
--- Item Quality Filtering UI Elements and their associated descriptions
-L["FILTERING_QUALITY_DESC"] = "Configuration for which recipe quality types are included in the scan."
-L["QUALITY_GENERAL_DESC"] = "Include %s quality recipe items in the scan."
--- Player Type Filtering UI Elements and their associated descriptions
-L["ROLE_DESC_FORMAT"] = "Show recipes favored by %s classes."
--- Reputation Filtering UI Elements and their associated description
-L["SPECIFIC_REP_DESC"] = "Include %s faction."
--- ZJUI UI Elements (when different from the above ones) and their associated descriptions
-L["FILTER_OPEN_DESC"] = "Open filter option panel."
-L["FILTER_CLOSE_DESC"] = "Close filter option panel."
-L["EXPANDALL_DESC"] = [[Expand all recipes listed below.
-Hold the Shift key to expand sub-entries.]]
-L["CONTRACTALL_DESC"] = "Minimize all recipes listed below."
-L["CLOSE_DESC"] = "Close the Recipe List Window."
-L["RESET_DESC"] = "Reset All Filters to default values."
-L["NOT_YET_SCANNED"] = "Not yet scanned!"
--- Common Tool tip Strings (where different from above)
-L["CTRL_CLICK"] = "Ctrl-Click to add this recipe's link to your chat."
-L["ALT_CLICK"] = "Alt-Click to add/remove this recipe to your ignore list."
-L["SHIFT_CLICK"] = "Shift-Click to add the item crafted by this recipe's link to your chat."
-L["CTRL_SHIFT_CLICK"] = "Ctrl-Shift-Click to add the item to the map and mini-map."
-L["Obtained From"] = true
-L["RECIPE_EXCLUDED"] = "Recipe is in Exclusion list"
---Dataminer Strings
-L["DATAMINER_SKILLELVEL"] = [[Recipe level different!
- Name: %s
- ARL Level: %s
- Trainer Level: %s]]
-L["DATAMINER_SKILLLEVEL_ERROR"] = "This can only be used for a trade skill trainer. Please open up the trainer and try again."
-L["DATAMINER_TRAINER_NOTTARGETTED"] = "You must target the trainer when you run this command."
-L["DATAMINER_VENDOR_NOTTARGETTED"] = "You must target the vendor when you run this command."
-L["DATAMINER_TRAINER_INFO"] = [[Trainer Name: %s
-Trainer ID: %s]]
-L["DATAMINER_TRAINER_TEACH"] = "%s (%s) - Missing"
-L["DATAMINER_TRAINER_NOTTEACH"] = "%s (%s) - Extra"
-L["Auto Scan Trainers"] = true
-L["Datamine Options"] = true
-L["DATAMINE_OPTIONS_DESC"] = "Allows you to customize in-game ARL datamining."
-L["AUTOSCAN_TRAINERS_DESC"] = "Turns on scanning at trainers to compare skill levels, and recipe acquire methods."
-L["Generate Tradeskill Links"] = true
+ Adds the specific recipe acquire methods to the World Map and Mini-map.]=]
L["GENERATE_LINKS_DESC"] = "Generate complete profession links."
-L["Compare Trainer Skills"] = true
-L["COMPARE_TRAINER_SKILL_DESC"] = "Compare skill levels of selected trainer with those in ARL database."
-L["Compare Trainer Acquire"] = true
-L["COMPARE_TRAINER_ACQUIRE_DESC"] = "Compare selected trainer acquire methods with those in the ARL database."
-L["DATAMINER_NODB_ERROR"] = "Recipe database not loaded. Please scan the tradeskill first then try the datamining."
-L["AUTOLOAD_DB_DESC"] = "Automatically loads all of the ARL recipe databases when doing a datamining scan."
-L["Auto Load Recipe Database"] = true
-L["Scan Entire Database"] = true
+L["GUN_DESC"] = "Recipes that make guns should be included in the scan."
+L["Gagsprocket"] = "Gagsprocket"
+L["Gambarinka"] = "Gambarinka"
+L["Game Commands"] = "Game Commands"
+L["Gan'arg Analyzer"] = "Gan'arg Analyzer"
+L["Gara Skullcrush"] = "Gara Skullcrush"
+L["Gargantuan Abyssal"] = "Gargantuan Abyssal"
+L["Gaston"] = "Gaston"
+L["Gearcutter Cogspinner"] = "Gearcutter Cogspinner"
+L["Geba'li"] = "Geba'li"
+L["Geen"] = "Geen"
+L["Gelanthis"] = "Gelanthis"
+L["Gelman Stonehand"] = "Gelman Stonehand"
+L["General Options"] = "General Options"
+L["Generate Tradeskill Links"] = "Generate Tradeskill Links"
+L["Geofram Bouldertoe"] = "Geofram Bouldertoe"
+L["George Candarte"] = "George Candarte"
+L["Georgio Bolero"] = "Georgio Bolero"
+L["Ghak Healtouch"] = "Ghak Healtouch"
+L["Gharash"] = "Gharash"
+L["Ghok'kah"] = "Ghok'kah"
+L["Gidge Spellweaver"] = "Gidge Spellweaver"
+L["Gigget Zipcoil"] = "Gigget Zipcoil"
+L["Gimble Thistlefuzz"] = "Gimble Thistlefuzz"
+L["Gina MacGregor"] = "Gina MacGregor"
+L["Gloria Femmel"] = "Gloria Femmel"
+L["Glutinous Ooze"] = "Glutinous Ooze"
+L["Glyx Brewright"] = "Glyx Brewright"
+L["Gnaz Blunderflame"] = "Gnaz Blunderflame"
+L["Godan"] = "Godan"
+L["Goli Krumn"] = "Goli Krumn"
+L["Gordunni Back-Breaker"] = "Gordunni Back-Breaker"
+L["Gordunni Elementalist"] = "Gordunni Elementalist"
+L["Gordunni Head-Splitter"] = "Gordunni Head-Splitter"
+L["Gordunni Soulreaper"] = "Gordunni Soulreaper"
+L["Grarnik Goodstitch"] = "Grarnik Goodstitch"
+L["Great-father Winter's Helper"] = "Great-father Winter's Helper"
+L["Greatfather Winter"] = "Greatfather Winter"
+L["Gremlock Pilsnor"] = "Gremlock Pilsnor"
+L["Gretta Ganter"] = "Gretta Ganter"
+L["Grikka"] = "Grikka"
+L["Grimtak"] = "Grimtak"
+L["Grimtotem Geomancer"] = "Grimtotem Geomancer"
+L["Grondal Moonbreeze"] = "Grondal Moonbreeze"
+L["Grumbol Stoutpick"] = "Grumbol Stoutpick"
+L["Grumnus Steelshaper"] = "Grumnus Steelshaper"
+L["Grutah"] = "Grutah"
+L["Guillaume Sorouy"] = "Guillaume Sorouy"
+L["Gun"] = "Gun"
+L["Gundrak Savage"] = "Gundrak Savage"
+L["Gunter Hansen"] = "Gunter Hansen"
+L["HENRY_STERN_RFD"] = "Obtained by talking to Henry Stern in Razorfen Downs."
+L["HIDEPOPUP_DESC"] = "Prevents pop-ups notifying you why the scan window is empty from showing. Pop-ups will always show for the first time after a new version has been added."
+L["HYJAL_RANDOM"] = "Random drop from Hyjal Summit trash/bosses."
+L["Haalrun"] = "Haalrun"
+L["Haferet"] = "Haferet"
+L["Hagrus"] = "Hagrus"
+L["Hahrana Ironhide"] = "Hahrana Ironhide"
+L["Hama"] = "Hama"
+L["Hamanar"] = "Hamanar"
+L["Hammered Patron"] = "Hammered Patron"
+L["Hammon Karwn"] = "Hammon Karwn"
+L["Harggan"] = "Harggan"
+L["Harklan Moongrove"] = "Harklan Moongrove"
+L["Harlown Darkweave"] = "Harlown Darkweave"
+L["Harn Longcast"] = "Harn Longcast"
+L["Haughty Modiste"] = "Haughty Modiste"
+L["Heldan Galesong"] = "Heldan Galesong"
+L["Helenia Olden"] = "Helenia Olden"
+L["Hgarth"] = "Hgarth"
+L["Hide Pop-Up"] = "Hide Pop-Up"
+L["High Admiral \"Shelly\" Jorrik"] = "High Admiral \"Shelly\" Jorrik"
+L["High Enchanter Bardolan"] = "High Enchanter Bardolan"
+L["Highlord Darion Mograine"] = "Highlord Darion Mograine"
+L["Hillsbrad Tailor"] = "Hillsbrad Tailor"
+L["Himmik"] = "Himmik"
+L["Hiwahi Three-Feathers"] = "Hiwahi Three-Feathers"
+L["Hotoppik Copperpinch"] = "Hotoppik Copperpinch"
+L["Hula'mahi"] = "Hula'mahi"
+L["Humphry"] = "Humphry"
+L["Hurnak Grimmord"] = "Hurnak Grimmord"
+L["INSTANCE_DESC"] = "Recipes obtained from (5 man) instances should be included in the scan."
+L["Ildine Sorrowspear"] = "Ildine Sorrowspear"
+L["Illidari Watcher"] = "Illidari Watcher"
+L["Imindril Spearsong"] = "Imindril Spearsong"
+L["Include Excluded"] = "Include Excluded"
+L["Include Filtered"] = "Include Filtered"
+L["Indormi"] = "Indormi"
+L["Indu'le Fisherman"] = "Indu'le Fisherman"
+L["Indu'le Mystic"] = "Indu'le Mystic"
+L["Indu'le Warrior"] = "Indu'le Warrior"
+L["Inessera"] = "Inessera"
+L["Innkeeper Biribi"] = "Innkeeper Biribi"
+L["Innkeeper Fizzgrimble"] = "Innkeeper Fizzgrimble"
+L["Innkeeper Grilka"] = "Innkeeper Grilka"
+L["Iron Rune-Shaper"] = "Iron Rune-Shaper"
+L["Ironus Coldsteel"] = "Ironus Coldsteel"
+L["Ironwool Mammoth"] = "Ironwool Mammoth"
+L["Isabel Jones"] = "Isabel Jones"
+L["Item"] = "Item"
+L["Jack Trapper"] = "Jack Trapper"
+L["Jadefire Rogue"] = "Jadefire Rogue"
+L["Jalane Ayrole"] = "Jalane Ayrole"
+L["James Van Brunt"] = "James Van Brunt"
+L["Jamesina Watterly"] = "Jamesina Watterly"
+L["Jandia"] = "Jandia"
+L["Janet Hommers"] = "Janet Hommers"
+L["Jangdor Swiftstrider"] = "Jangdor Swiftstrider"
+L["Jannos Ironwill"] = "Jannos Ironwill"
+L["Jaquilina Dramet"] = "Jaquilina Dramet"
+L["Jase Farlane"] = "Jase Farlane"
+L["Jaxin Chong"] = "Jaxin Chong"
+L["Jazdalaad"] = "Jazdalaad"
+L["Jazzrik"] = "Jazzrik"
+L["Jedidiah Handers"] = "Jedidiah Handers"
+L["Jeeda"] = "Jeeda"
+L["Jenna Lemkenilli"] = "Jenna Lemkenilli"
+L["Jennabink Powerseam"] = "Jennabink Powerseam"
+L["Jessara Cordell"] = "Jessara Cordell"
+L["Jezebel Bican"] = "Jezebel Bican"
+L["Jhordy Lapforge"] = "Jhordy Lapforge"
+L["Jim Saltit"] = "Jim Saltit"
+L["Jinky Twizzlefixxit"] = "Jinky Twizzlefixxit"
+L["Jo'mah"] = "Jo'mah"
+L["Johan Barnes"] = "Johan Barnes"
+L["Johan Focht"] = "Johan Focht"
+L["Jonathan Garrett"] = "Jonathan Garrett"
+L["Jonathan Lewis"] = "Jonathan Lewis"
+L["Jormund Stonebrow"] = "Jormund Stonebrow"
+L["Josef Gregorian"] = "Josef Gregorian"
+L["Joseph Moore"] = "Joseph Moore"
+L["Joseph Wilson"] = "Joseph Wilson"
+L["Josephine Lister"] = "Josephine Lister"
+L["Josric Fame"] = "Josric Fame"
+L["Jun'ha"] = "Jun'ha"
+L["Juno Dufrain"] = "Juno Dufrain"
+L["Jutak"] = "Jutak"
+L["K. Lee Smallfry"] = "K. Lee Smallfry"
+L["KNOWN_DESC"] = "Include all known recipes in the scan."
+L["Kablamm Farflinger"] = "Kablamm Farflinger"
+L["Kaita Deepforge"] = "Kaita Deepforge"
+L["Kalaen"] = "Kalaen"
+L["Kalinda"] = "Kalinda"
+L["Kanaria"] = "Kanaria"
+L["Kania"] = "Kania"
+L["Karaaz"] = "Karaaz"
+L["Kark Helmbreaker"] = "Kark Helmbreaker"
+L["Karn Stonehoof"] = "Karn Stonehoof"
+L["Karolek"] = "Karolek"
+L["Katherine Lee"] = "Katherine Lee"
+L["Kaye Toogie"] = "Kaye Toogie"
+L["Keelen Sheets"] = "Keelen Sheets"
+L["Keena"] = "Keena"
+L["Kelgruk Bloodaxe"] = "Kelgruk Bloodaxe"
+L["Kelsey Yance"] = "Kelsey Yance"
+L["Kendor Kabonka"] = "Kendor Kabonka"
+L["Khara Deepwater"] = "Khara Deepwater"
+L["Khole Jinglepocket"] = "Khole Jinglepocket"
+L["Kil'hala"] = "Kil'hala"
+L["Killian Sanatha"] = "Killian Sanatha"
+L["Kilxx"] = "Kilxx"
+L["Kireena"] = "Kireena"
+L["Kirembri Silvermane"] = "Kirembri Silvermane"
+L["Kithas"] = "Kithas"
+L["Kitta Firewind"] = "Kitta Firewind"
+L["Knaz Blunderflame"] = "Knaz Blunderflame"
+L["Knight Dameron"] = "Knight Dameron"
+L["Kor'geld"] = "Kor'geld"
+L["Koren"] = "Koren"
+L["Korim"] = "Korim"
+L["Kradu Grimblade"] = "Kradu Grimblade"
+L["Krek Cragcrush"] = "Krek Cragcrush"
+L["Krenk Choplimb"] = "Krenk Choplimb"
+L["Kriggon Talsone"] = "Kriggon Talsone"
+L["Krinkle Goodsteel"] = "Krinkle Goodsteel"
+L["Kristen Smythe"] = "Kristen Smythe"
+L["Krugosh"] = "Krugosh"
+L["Krunn"] = "Krunn"
+L["Kul Inkspiller"] = "Kul Inkspiller"
+L["Kul'de"] = "Kul'de"
+L["Kuldar Steeltooth"] = "Kuldar Steeltooth"
+L["Kulwia"] = "Kulwia"
+L["Kurdram Stonehammer"] = "Kurdram Stonehammer"
+L["Kurzen Commando"] = "Kurzen Commando"
+L["Kylanna"] = "Kylanna"
+L["Kylanna Windwhisper"] = "Kylanna Windwhisper"
+L["Kylene"] = "Kylene"
+L["Kzixx"] = "Kzixx"
+L["LEATHER_DESC"] = "Recipes that make leather items should be included in the scan."
+L["LIMITED_SUPPLY"] = "Sold in limited quantity."
+L["LK_WOW_DESC"] = "Recipes available with Wrath of the Lich King."
+L["Lady Alistra"] = "Lady Alistra"
+L["Lady Palanseer"] = "Lady Palanseer"
+L["Lalla Brightweave"] = "Lalla Brightweave"
+L["Landraelanis"] = "Landraelanis"
+L["Lanolis Dewdrop"] = "Lanolis Dewdrop"
+L["Larana Drome"] = "Larana Drome"
+L["Lardan"] = "Lardan"
+L["Lavinia Crowe"] = "Lavinia Crowe"
+L["Leather"] = "Leather"
+L["Lebowski"] = "Lebowski"
+L["Leeli Longhaggle"] = "Leeli Longhaggle"
+L["Left"] = "Left"
+L["Legashi Rogue"] = "Legashi Rogue"
+L["Leo Sarn"] = "Leo Sarn"
+L["Leonard Porter"] = "Leonard Porter"
+L["Librarian Erickson"] = "Librarian Erickson"
+L["Lieutenant General Andorov"] = "Lieutenant General Andorov"
+L["Lillehoff"] = "Lillehoff"
+L["Lilliam Sparkspindle"] = "Lilliam Sparkspindle"
+L["Lilly"] = "Lilly"
+L["Lilyssia Nightbreeze"] = "Lilyssia Nightbreeze"
+L["Lindea Rabonne"] = "Lindea Rabonne"
+L["Linna Bruder"] = "Linna Bruder"
+L["Linzy Blackbolt"] = "Linzy Blackbolt"
+L["Lizbeth Cromwell"] = "Lizbeth Cromwell"
+L["Location"] = "Location"
+L["Logannas"] = "Logannas"
+L["Logistics Officer Brighton"] = "Logistics Officer Brighton"
+L["Logistics Officer Silverstone"] = "Logistics Officer Silverstone"
+L["Logistics Officer Ulrike"] = "Logistics Officer Ulrike"
+L["Lokhtos Darkbargainer"] = "Lokhtos Darkbargainer"
+L["Loolruna"] = "Loolruna"
+L["Lord Thorval"] = "Lord Thorval"
+L["Lorelae Wintersong"] = "Lorelae Wintersong"
+L["Lorokeem"] = "Lorokeem"
+L["Lucan Cordell"] = "Lucan Cordell"
+L["Lucc"] = "Lucc"
+L["Lugrah"] = "Lugrah"
+L["Lyna"] = "Lyna"
+L["Lynalis"] = "Lynalis"
+L["MACE_DESC"] = "Recipes that make maces should be included in the scan."
+L["MAIL_DESC"] = "Recipes that make mail items should be included in the scan."
+L["MAINFILTER_OPTIONS_DESC"] = "Allows you to specify how ARL handles different filters."
+L["MAIN_OPTIONS_DESC"] = "Main configuration options"
+L["MAP_ISSUES_DESC"] = "ARL relies on TomTom to add icons and waypoints to the World Map and the Mini-map. You can customize these by going to the ARL configuration menu and scrolling to the display options. If you do not have TomTom installed, nothing will be added. Auto-adding icons is disabled by default."
+L["MAP_OPTIONS_DESC"] = "Allows you to change how ARL integrates into the world map and into the mini-map."
+L["MC_RANDOM"] = "Random drop off of Molten Core bosses."
+L["MISSING_LIBRARY"] = "%s is missing. Addon cannot run."
+L["MOB_DROP_DESC"] = "Recipes that are Mob Drops should be included in the scan."
+L["Mace"] = "Mace"
+L["Mack Diver"] = "Mack Diver"
+L["Madame Ruby"] = "Madame Ruby"
+L["Magar"] = "Magar"
+L["Mageslayer"] = "Mageslayer"
+L["Magistrix Eredania"] = "Magistrix Eredania"
+L["Magnus Frostwake"] = "Magnus Frostwake"
+L["Mahani"] = "Mahani"
+L["Mahu"] = "Mahu"
+L["Mail"] = "Mail"
+L["Main Filter Options"] = "Main Filter Options"
+L["Main Options"] = "Main Options"
+L["Makaru"] = "Makaru"
+L["Mallen Swain"] = "Mallen Swain"
+L["Malygen"] = "Malygen"
+L["Manfred Staller"] = "Manfred Staller"
+L["Map Issues"] = "Map Issues"
+L["Margaux Parchley"] = "Margaux Parchley"
+L["Mari Stonehand"] = "Mari Stonehand"
+L["Maria Lumere"] = "Maria Lumere"
+L["Marith Lazuria"] = "Marith Lazuria"
+L["Martine Tramblay"] = "Martine Tramblay"
+L["Mary Edras"] = "Mary Edras"
+L["Masat T'andr"] = "Masat T'andr"
+L["Master Chef Mouldier"] = "Master Chef Mouldier"
+L["Master Elemental Shaper Krixix"] = "Master Elemental Shaper Krixix"
+L["Mathar G'ochar"] = "Mathar G'ochar"
+L["Matt Johnson"] = "Matt Johnson"
+L["Mavralyn"] = "Mavralyn"
+L["Mazk Snipeshot"] = "Mazk Snipeshot"
+L["Me'lynn"] = "Me'lynn"
+L["Meilosh"] = "Meilosh"
+L["Melaris"] = "Melaris"
+L["Mera Mistrunner"] = "Mera Mistrunner"
+L["Miall"] = "Miall"
+L["Miao'zan"] = "Miao'zan"
+L["Michael Schwan"] = "Michael Schwan"
+L["Michelle Belle"] = "Michelle Belle"
+L["Mildred Fletcher"] = "Mildred Fletcher"
+L["Millie Gregorian"] = "Millie Gregorian"
+L["Mindri Dinkles"] = "Mindri Dinkles"
+L["Mining"] = "Mining"
+L["Miralisse"] = "Miralisse"
+L["Mire Lord"] = "Mire Lord"
+L["Misensi"] = "Misensi"
+L["Mishta"] = "Mishta"
+L["MissingFromDB"] = [=[": is missing from the database.
+Please inform the author of the add-on about this recipe."]=]
+L["Misty Merriweather"] = "Misty Merriweather"
+L["Mixie Farshot"] = "Mixie Farshot"
+L["Mo'arg Weaponsmith"] = "Mo'arg Weaponsmith"
+L["Mob Drop"] = "Mob Drop"
+L["Modoru"] = "Modoru"
+L["Molt Thorn"] = "Molt Thorn"
+L["Montarr"] = "Montarr"
+L["Moonrage Tailor"] = "Moonrage Tailor"
+L["Moordo"] = "Moordo"
+L["Morgan Day"] = "Morgan Day"
+L["Mossflayer Shadowhunter"] = "Mossflayer Shadowhunter"
+L["Muaat"] = "Muaat"
+L["Muculent Ooze"] = "Muculent Ooze"
+L["Mudduk"] = "Mudduk"
+L["Muheru the Weaver"] = "Muheru the Weaver"
+L["Mukdrak"] = "Mukdrak"
+L["Mumman"] = "Mumman"
+L["Murk Worm"] = "Murk Worm"
+L["Murkblood Raider"] = "Murkblood Raider"
+L["Muuran"] = "Muuran"
+L["Mycah"] = "Mycah"
+L["Mythrin'dir"] = "Mythrin'dir"
+L["NECKLACE_DESC"] = "Recipes that make necklaces should be included in the scan."
+L["NOTSCANNED"] = "You have not yet scanned this profession. Please open this profession and click on Scan."
+L["NOT_YET_SCANNED"] = "Not yet scanned!"
+L["NO_DISPLAY"] = "No recipes to display. If you get this message please submit a ticket at http://www.wowace.com/addons/arl/tickets listing what filters you have, what is in your exclusion list, which profession, and the number of known/unknown recipes."
+L["Naal Mistrunner"] = "Naal Mistrunner"
+L["Nadyia Maneweaver"] = "Nadyia Maneweaver"
+L["Nahogg"] = "Nahogg"
+L["Naka"] = "Naka"
+L["Nakodu"] = "Nakodu"
+L["Namdo Bizzfizzle"] = "Namdo Bizzfizzle"
+L["Namha Moonwater"] = "Namha Moonwater"
+L["Nandar Branson"] = "Nandar Branson"
+L["Nardstrum Copperpinch"] = "Nardstrum Copperpinch"
+L["Narj Deepslice"] = "Narj Deepslice"
+L["Narkk"] = "Narkk"
+L["Narv Hidecrafter"] = "Narv Hidecrafter"
+L["Nascent Val'kyr"] = "Nascent Val'kyr"
+L["Nasmara Moonsong"] = "Nasmara Moonsong"
+L["Nata Dawnstrider"] = "Nata Dawnstrider"
+L["Neal Allen"] = "Neal Allen"
+L["Necklace"] = "Necklace"
+L["Neferatti"] = "Neferatti"
+L["Neii"] = "Neii"
+L["Nemiha"] = "Nemiha"
+L["Nergal"] = "Nergal"
+L["Nerog"] = "Nerog"
+L["Nerrist"] = "Nerrist"
+L["Nessa Shadowsong"] = "Nessa Shadowsong"
+L["Nexus Stalker"] = "Nexus Stalker"
+L["Nimar the Slayer"] = "Nimar the Slayer"
+L["Nina Lightbrew"] = "Nina Lightbrew"
+L["Niobe Whizzlespark"] = "Niobe Whizzlespark"
+L["Nioma"] = "Nioma"
+L["Nissa Firestone"] = "Nissa Firestone"
+L["Nivi Weavewell"] = "Nivi Weavewell"
+L["Nixx Sprocketspring"] = "Nixx Sprocketspring"
+L["NoItemLink"] = "This item does not have an item link or it was not in your cache."
+L["Nula the Butcher"] = "Nula the Butcher"
+L["Nurse Applewood"] = "Nurse Applewood"
+L["Nurse Neela"] = "Nurse Neela"
+L["Nus"] = "Nus"
+L["Nyoma"] = "Nyoma"
+L["ONEHAND_DESC"] = "Recipes that make one handed items should be included in the scan."
+L["ONYXIA_HEAD_QUEST"] = "Quest to obtain the recipe opens up after turning in the Head of Onyxia."
+L["ORIGINAL_WOW_DESC"] = "Recipes available with the original game."
+L["Obtain"] = "Obtain"
+L["Obtained From"] = "Obtained From"
+L["Ockil"] = "Ockil"
+L["Ogg'marr"] = "Ogg'marr"
+L["Oglethorpe Obnoticus"] = "Oglethorpe Obnoticus"
+L["Okothos Ironrager"] = "Okothos Ironrager"
+L["Okuno"] = "Okuno"
+L["Olisarra the Kind"] = "Olisarra the Kind"
+L["Oluros"] = "Oluros"
+L["One Hand"] = "One Hand"
+L["Onodo"] = "Onodo"
+L["Onslaught Mason"] = "Onslaught Mason"
+L["Ontuvo"] = "Ontuvo"
+L["OpenTradeSkillWindow"] = "Please open trade skill window to scan."
+L["Opuno Ironhorn"] = "Opuno Ironhorn"
+L["Orland Schaeffer"] = "Orland Schaeffer"
+L["Orn Tenderhoof"] = "Orn Tenderhoof"
+L["Other Realms"] = "Other Realms"
+L["Otho Moji'ko"] = "Otho Moji'ko"
+L["Ounhulo"] = "Ounhulo"
+L["Outfitter Eric"] = "Outfitter Eric"
+L["PLATE_DESC"] = "Recipes that make plate items should be included in the scan."
+L["POLEARM_DESC"] = "Recipes that make polearms should be included in the scan."
+L["PVP_DESC"] = "Recipes obtained through PVP should be included in the scan."
+L["Pand Stonebinder"] = "Pand Stonebinder"
+L["Paulsta'ats"] = "Paulsta'ats"
+L["Penney Copperpinch"] = "Penney Copperpinch"
+L["Peter Galen"] = "Peter Galen"
+L["Phantom Attendant"] = "Phantom Attendant"
+L["Phantom Stagehand"] = "Phantom Stagehand"
+L["Phantom Valet"] = "Phantom Valet"
+L["Phea"] = "Phea"
+L["Pikkle"] = "Pikkle"
+L["Plains Mammoth"] = "Plains Mammoth"
+L["Plate"] = "Plate"
+L["Polearm"] = "Polearm"
+L["Portal Seeker"] = "Portal Seeker"
+L["Poshken Hardbinder"] = "Poshken Hardbinder"
+L["Pratt McGrubben"] = "Pratt McGrubben"
+L["Primal Ooze"] = "Primal Ooze"
+L["Professor Pallin"] = "Professor Pallin"
+L["Profile"] = "Profile"
+L["Profile Options"] = "Profile Options"
+L["Prospector Nachlan"] = "Prospector Nachlan"
+L["Provisioner Lorkran"] = "Provisioner Lorkran"
+L["Provisioner Nasela"] = "Provisioner Nasela"
+L["Pyall Silentstride"] = "Pyall Silentstride"
+L["Pyrewood Tailor"] = "Pyrewood Tailor"
+L["QUALITY_GENERAL_DESC"] = "Include %s quality recipe items in the scan."
+L["QUEST_DESC"] = "Recipes obtained as quest rewards should be included in the scan."
+L["Qia"] = "Qia"
+L["Quarelestra"] = "Quarelestra"
+L["Quartermaster Davian Vaclav"] = "Quartermaster Davian Vaclav"
+L["Quartermaster Endarin"] = "Quartermaster Endarin"
+L["Quartermaster Enuril"] = "Quartermaster Enuril"
+L["Quartermaster Jaffrey Noreliqe"] = "Quartermaster Jaffrey Noreliqe"
+L["Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock"] = "Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock"
+L["Quartermaster Urgronn"] = "Quartermaster Urgronn"
+L["Quelis"] = "Quelis"
+L["Quest"] = "Quest"
+L["RAID_DESC"] = "Recipes obtained in raids (ie: Molten Core, Serpent Shrine Cavern, etc.) should be included in the scan."
+L["RECIPE_BOA_DESC"] = "Recipes that are Bind to Account should be included in the scan."
+L["RECIPE_BOE_DESC"] = "Recipes that are Bind on Equip should be included in the scan."
+L["RECIPE_BOP_DESC"] = "Recipes that are Bind on Pickup should be included in the scan."
+L["RECIPE_EXCLUDED"] = "Recipe is in Exclusion list"
+L["REMOVED_FROM_GAME"] = "This recipe has been removed from the game, but may still be obtainable if someone still has the recipe item."
+L["REPORTING_BUGS_DESC"] = [=[When reporting a bug, please make sure you do the following:
+1) Download the latest version, available from http://www.wowace.com/addons/arl/files/
+2) Make sure there is not a bug report filed for your issue already. You can check these at http://www.wowace.com/addons/arl/tickets/
+3) Disable addons such as Skillet or ATSW.
+4) Read the bug reporting documentation at http://www.wowace.com/addons/arl/pages/feedback-and-bug-reporting/
+5) If your problem is not listed and you are using the latest version verify your addon settings. Verify filters, profiles, etc.
+6) You have found a bug that no one has reported before. Create a new ticket at http://www.wowace.com/addons/arl/tickets/ with a descriptive heading about the problem. In the ticket make sure you include the error message that you received (just the error message, I don't need a listing of the addons you use), the recipe/profession you were working with, and any other info that you think may help.
+When posting a bug report, do NOT include all of the addons from swatter. This just makes it difficult to read. If you want a good error reporting mod, get BugSack. Do not post errors/missing recipes in the comments, or send them to me via a PM. Post them as a ticket which I can address and track easily.]=]
+L["REP_TEXT_DESC"] = [=[Left-click here to select all reputation filters.
+Right-click here to deselect all reputation filters.]=]
+L["RESET_DESC"] = "Reset All Filters to default values."
+L["RESET_WINDOW_DESC"] = "Resets the ARL GUI to default position."
+L["RETIRED_DESC"] = "Include recipes which can no longer be acquired."
+L["RING_DESC"] = "Recipes that make rings should be included in the scan."
+L["ROLE_DESC_FORMAT"] = "Show recipes favored by %s classes."
+L["Raenah"] = "Raenah"
+L["Raging Skeleton"] = "Raging Skeleton"
+L["Ranik"] = "Ranik"
+L["Rann Flamespinner"] = "Rann Flamespinner"
+L["Rartar"] = "Rartar"
+L["Rathis Tomber"] = "Rathis Tomber"
+L["Rawrk"] = "Rawrk"
+L["RecipeBOAFilter"] = "Recipe Bind to Account"
+L["RecipeBOEFilter"] = "Recipe Bind on Equip"
+L["RecipeBOPFilter"] = "Recipe Bind on Pickup"
+L["Recipes In Tooltips"] = "Recipes In Tooltips"
+L["Recorder Lidio"] = "Recorder Lidio"
+L["Refik"] = "Refik"
+L["Rekka the Hammer"] = "Rekka the Hammer"
+L["Reporting Bugs"] = "Reporting Bugs"
+L["Reset Window Position"] = "Reset Window Position"
+L["Retired"] = "Retired"
+L["Ribbly's Crony"] = "Ribbly's Crony"
+L["Rift Keeper"] = "Rift Keeper"
+L["Rift Lord"] = "Rift Lord"
+L["Right"] = "Right"
+L["Rikqiz"] = "Rikqiz"
+L["Ring"] = "Ring"
+L["Rogg"] = "Rogg"
+L["Rogvar"] = "Rogvar"
+L["Rohok"] = "Rohok"
+L["Rollick MacKreel"] = "Rollick MacKreel"
+L["Ronald Burch"] = "Ronald Burch"
+L["Rosemary Bovard"] = "Rosemary Bovard"
+L["Rosina Rivet"] = "Rosina Rivet"
+L["Rotting Behemoth"] = "Rotting Behemoth"
+L["Roxxik"] = "Roxxik"
+L["Runda"] = "Runda"
+L["Rungor"] = "Rungor"
+L["Ruppo Zipcoil"] = "Ruppo Zipcoil"
+L["SCANBUTTONPOSITION_DESC"] = "Allows you to customize where the scan button is placed on the tradeskill frame."
L["SCAN_ENTIRE_DB_DESC"] = "Loads the entire recipe database, and scans every single recipes tooltip checking the flags. This will lag your computer and use a lot of memory."
-L["Scan Vendor"] = true
-L["SCAN_VENDOR_DESC"] = "Scans the currently opened vendor for recipes and compares the information with the internal database."
-L["Scan A Profession"] = true
L["SCAN_PROF_DB_DESC"] = "Scans a specified profession (lower case name or spell id) in the recipe database, scanning the tooltips and comparing them with the internal database."
-L["Scan A Spell ID"] = true
+L["SCAN_RECIPES_DESC"] = [=[Scans an open tradeskill for missing recipes.
+Shift-click to generate a text dump.
+Alt-click to remove all waypoints from the mini-map and world map.]=]
L["SCAN_SPELL_ID_DESC"] = "Scans a specified spell ID, scanning its tooltip and comparing it with the internal database."
-L["Auto Scan Vendors"] = true
-L["AUTOSCAN_VENDORS_DESC"] = "Turns on scanning at vendors to compare skill levels, and recipe acquire methods."
-L["DATAMINE_WARNING_DESC"] = "Please note that enabling Auto Load Recipe Database will increase the amount of memory used by ARL. Enabling Auto Scan Trainers may cause a slight bit of lag when the trainer is opened. This will be more noticeable on the first scan of a trainer."
--- Popup Strings
-L["NOTSCANNED"] = "You have not yet scanned this profession. Please open this profession and click on Scan."
-L["ALL_FILTERED"] = "Although you have already scanned this profession, your filters are currently preventing any recipes from being displayed. Please change your filters and try again."
-L["ARL_ALLKNOWN"] = "You know all the recipes for this profession."
-L["ARL_ALLEXCLUDED"] = "Although you have already scanned this profession, your exclusions are currently preventing any recipes from being displayed. Please change your exclusions and try again."
-L["ARL_SEARCHFILTERED"] = "Your search has no results."
-L["NO_DISPLAY"] = "No recipes to display. If you get this message please submit a ticket at http://www.wowace.com/addons/arl/tickets listing what filters you have, what is in your exclusion list, which profession, and the number of known/unknown recipes."
--- Error/warning Text
-L["MissingFromDB"] = [[": is missing from the database.
-Please inform the author of the add-on about this recipe."]]
-L["UnknownTradeSkill"] = "You have opened up a trade skill window which is not supported by this add-on. The trade skill is %s. Please provide the author of the add-on with this information."
-L["OpenTradeSkillWindow"] = "Please open trade skill window to scan."
-L["SpellIDCache"] = "Spell ID: %s is not in your local cache. Please submit a ticket at http://www.wowace.com/addons/arl/tickets/ and include the spell ID and the profession in which you were scanning."
-L["NoItemLink"] = "This item does not have an item link or it was not in your cache."
-L["MISSING_LIBRARY"] = "%s is missing. Addon cannot run."
--- Custom database strings:
--- Alchemy Discoveries
-L["DISCOVERY_ALCH_ELIXIRFLASK"] = "Discovered by making elixirs or flasks using Burning Crusade or higher ingredients."
-L["DISCOVERY_ALCH_POTION"] = "Discovered by making potions using Burning Crusade or higher ingredients."
-L["DISCOVERY_ALCH_XMUTE"] = "Discovered by doing transmutes using Burning Crusade or higher ingredients."
-L["DISCOVERY_ALCH_PROT"] = "Discovered by Major Protection Potions using Burning Crusade or higher ingredients."
-L["DISCOVERY_ALCH_WRATH"] = "Discovered by doing transmutes using Wrath of the Lich King ingredients."
-L["DISCOVERY_ALCH_NORTHREND_RESEARCH"] = "Obtained randomly by conducting Northrend alchemy research."
-L["DISCOVERY_ALCH_NORTHREND_XMUTE"] = "Discovered by doing transmutes using Northrend or higher ingredients (transmute tooltip mentions that there is a chance to discovery something)."
--- Inscription Discoveries
-L["DISCOVERY_INSC_MINOR"] = "Obtained randomly by conducting Minor Inscription Research."
-L["DISCOVERY_INSC_NORTHREND"] = "Obtained randomly by conducting Northrend Inscription Research."
-L["DISCOVERY_INSC_BOOK"] = "Discovered randomly by reading the Book of Glyph Mastery."
--- Cooking/Fishing Daily Quests
-L["DAILY_COOKING_MEAT"] = "Choose Crate of Meat when completing any of these quests."
-L["DAILY_COOKING_FISH"] = "Choose Barrel of Fish when completing any of these quests."
-L["DAILY_FISHING_SHATT"] = "Randomly obtained by completing any of the BC fishing daily quests."
-L["DAILY_COOKING_DAL"] = "Randomly obtained by completing any of the cooking daily quests in Dalaran."
--- Engineering Related
-L["ENG_GNOMER"] = "Dropped from mobs in Gnomeregan."
-L["ENG_FLOOR_ITEM_BRD"] = "The schematic can be found on the floor near Golem Lord Argelmach in Blackrock Depths. Only engineers with 300 skill may learn the schematic after clicking on it."
--- Default
-L["DEFAULT_RECIPE"] = "Learned by default when learning the profession."
--- Crafted by other professions
-L["CRAFTED_ENGINEERS"] = "Recipe is created by Engineers."
--- Instances
-L["HENRY_STERN_RFD"] = "Obtained by talking to Henry Stern in Razorfen Downs."
-L["DM_CACHE"] = "Randomly obtained in Dire Maul (North) in Knot Thimblejack's cache."
-L["BRD_RANDOM_ROOM"] = "There is a chance that you will find it in 5 different rooms in blackrock depths, it is a random spawn though, and sometimes it doesn't even spawn at all."
+L["SCAN_VENDOR_DESC"] = "Scans the currently opened vendor for recipes and compares the information with the internal database."
L["SCHOLO_BOOK_SPAWN"] = "After you kill Jandice Barov in Scholomance, a book spawns that let's you learn this recipe"
-L["STRATH_BS_PLANS"] = "Blacksmith plans in Stratholme" -- Update
-L["DM_TRIBUTE"] = "DM Tribute Run - Chest" -- Update
--- Quests
-L["ONYXIA_HEAD_QUEST"] = "Quest to obtain the recipe opens up after turning in the Head of Onyxia."
--- Raids
-L["AQ40_RANDOM_BOP"] = "Random BoP drop off of bosses in AQ40."
-L["SUNWELL_RANDOM"] = "Random Sunwell trash drop."
-L["MC_RANDOM"] = "Random drop off of Molten Core bosses."
-L["HYJAL_RANDOM"] = "Random drop from Hyjal Summit trash/bosses."
-L["BT_RANDOM"] = "Random drop from Black Temple trash/bosses."
-L["ZA_RANDOM"] = "Random drop off of Zul'Aman bosses."
+L["SEASONAL_DESC"] = "Recipes obtained in world events should be included in the scan."
+L["SHIELD_DESC"] = "Recipes that make shields should be included in the scan."
+L["SHIFT_CLICK"] = "Shift-Click to add the item crafted by this recipe's link to your chat."
+L["SKILL_DESC"] = "Include all recipes in the scan, regardless of your current skill level."
+L["SKILL_TOGGLE_DESC"] = "Displays recipes according to their skill level rather than by name."
+L["SMALL_FONT_DESC"] = "Toggle on to use a smaller font for entries in the recipe list."
+L["SORTING_DESC"] = "Change the way in which displayed recipes are sorted."
+L["SORTING_OPTIONS_DESC"] = "Allows you to customize the way displayed recipes are sorted."
+L["SPECIALTY_DESC"] = "Include recipes for un-trained specializations."
+L["SPECIFIC_REP_DESC"] = "Include %s faction."
+L["SPELLTOOLTIPPOSITION_DESC"] = "Changes the location of the tooltip containing the recipe information."
L["SSC_RANDOM"] = "Random drop from mobs in Serpentshrine Cavern."
+L["STAFF_DESC"] = "Recipes that make stave's should be included in the scan."
+L["STRATH_BS_PLANS"] = "Blacksmith plans in Stratholme"
+L["SUNWELL_RANDOM"] = "Random Sunwell trash drop."
+L["SWORD_DESC"] = "Recipes that make swords should be included in the scan."
+L["Saenorion"] = "Saenorion"
+L["Sairuk"] = "Sairuk"
+L["Sal Ferraga"] = "Sal Ferraga"
+L["Sally Tompkins"] = "Sally Tompkins"
+L["Sarah Tanner"] = "Sarah Tanner"
+L["Saru Steelfury"] = "Saru Steelfury"
+L["Sassa Weldwell"] = "Sassa Weldwell"
+L["Sathein"] = "Sathein"
+L["Scan"] = "Scan"
+L["Scan A Profession"] = "Scan A Profession"
+L["Scan A Spell ID"] = "Scan A Spell ID"
+L["Scan Button Position"] = "Scan Button Position"
+L["Scan Entire Database"] = "Scan Entire Database"
+L["Scan Vendor"] = "Scan Vendor"
+L["Scargil"] = "Scargil"
+L["Scarlet Archmage"] = "Scarlet Archmage"
+L["Scarlet Cavalier"] = "Scarlet Cavalier"
+L["Scarlet Smith"] = "Scarlet Smith"
+L["Scarlet Spellbinder"] = "Scarlet Spellbinder"
+L["Scholomance Adept"] = "Scholomance Adept"
+L["Se'Jib"] = "Se'Jib"
+L["Sebastian Crane"] = "Sebastian Crane"
+L["Sedana"] = "Sedana"
+L["Seer Janidi"] = "Seer Janidi"
+L["Seersa Copperpinch"] = "Seersa Copperpinch"
+L["Sempstress Ambershine"] = "Sempstress Ambershine"
+L["Senthii"] = "Senthii"
+L["Serge Hinott"] = "Serge Hinott"
+L["Sethekk Ravenguard"] = "Sethekk Ravenguard"
+L["Sewa Mistrunner"] = "Sewa Mistrunner"
+L["Shaani"] = "Shaani"
+L["Shadi Mistrunner"] = "Shadi Mistrunner"
+L["Shadow Council Warlock"] = "Shadow Council Warlock"
+L["Shadowmage"] = "Shadowmage"
+L["Shadowsworn Thug"] = "Shadowsworn Thug"
+L["Shaina Fuller"] = "Shaina Fuller"
+L["Shankys"] = "Shankys"
+L["Shattered Hand Centurion"] = "Shattered Hand Centurion"
+L["Shattertusk Mammoth"] = "Shattertusk Mammoth"
+L["Shayis Steelfury"] = "Shayis Steelfury"
+L["Shazdar"] = "Shazdar"
+L["Sheendra Tallgrass"] = "Sheendra Tallgrass"
+L["Shelene Rhobart"] = "Shelene Rhobart"
+L["Shen'dralar Provisioner"] = "Shen'dralar Provisioner"
+L["Sheri Zipstitch"] = "Sheri Zipstitch"
+L["Shield"] = "Shield"
+L["Show Known"] = "Known"
+L["Sid Limbardi"] = "Sid Limbardi"
+L["Silverbrook Defender"] = "Silverbrook Defender"
+L["Silverbrook Hunter"] = "Silverbrook Hunter"
+L["Silverbrook Trapper"] = "Silverbrook Trapper"
+L["Silverbrook Villager"] = "Silverbrook Villager"
+L["Simon Tanner"] = "Simon Tanner"
+L["Simon Unit"] = "Simon Unit"
+L["Skeletal Flayer"] = "Skeletal Flayer"
+L["Skeletal Runesmith"] = "Skeletal Runesmith"
+L["Skill (Asc)"] = "Skill (Asc)"
+L["Skill (Desc)"] = "Skill (Desc)"
+L["Skreah"] = "Skreah"
+L["Slagg"] = "Slagg"
+L["Slavering Ghoul"] = "Slavering Ghoul"
+L["Small Font"] = "Small Font"
+L["Smiles O'Byron"] = "Smiles O'Byron"
+L["Smith Argus"] = "Smith Argus"
+L["Smudge Thunderwood"] = "Smudge Thunderwood"
+L["Sock Brightbolt"] = "Sock Brightbolt"
+L["Son of Arkkoroc"] = "Son of Arkkoroc"
+L["Soolie Berryfizz"] = "Soolie Berryfizz"
+L["Sort"] = "Sort"
+L["Sorting"] = "Sorting"
+L["Sorting Options"] = "Sorting Options"
+L["Sovik"] = "Sovik"
+L["Specialties"] = "Specialties"
+L["Spectral Researcher"] = "Spectral Researcher"
+L["SpellIDCache"] = "Spell ID: %s is not in your local cache. Please submit a ticket at http://www.wowace.com/addons/arl/tickets/ and include the spell ID and the profession in which you were scanning."
+L["Spirestone Warlord"] = "Spirestone Warlord"
+L["Springspindle Fizzlegear"] = "Springspindle Fizzlegear"
+L["Staff"] = "Staff"
+L["Stephen Ryback"] = "Stephen Ryback"
+L["Stoic Mammoth"] = "Stoic Mammoth"
+L["Stone Guard Mukar"] = "Stone Guard Mukar"
+L["Stormforged Ambusher"] = "Stormforged Ambusher"
+L["Stormforged Artificer"] = "Stormforged Artificer"
+L["Stormforged Champion"] = "Stormforged Champion"
+L["Stormforged Infiltrator"] = "Stormforged Infiltrator"
+L["Strashaz Myrmidon"] = "Strashaz Myrmidon"
+L["Strashaz Serpent Guard"] = "Strashaz Serpent Guard"
+L["Strashaz Warrior"] = "Strashaz Warrior"
+L["Stuart Fleming"] = "Stuart Fleming"
+L["Sunfury Arcanist"] = "Sunfury Arcanist"
+L["Sunfury Arch Mage"] = "Sunfury Arch Mage"
+L["Sunfury Archer"] = "Sunfury Archer"
+L["Sunfury Bloodwarder"] = "Sunfury Bloodwarder"
+L["Sunfury Bowman"] = "Sunfury Bowman"
+L["Sunfury Researcher"] = "Sunfury Researcher"
+L["Sunseeker Astromage"] = "Sunseeker Astromage"
+L["Sunseeker Botanist"] = "Sunseeker Botanist"
+L["Super-Seller 680"] = "Super-Seller 680"
+L["Supply Officer Mills"] = "Supply Officer Mills"
+L["Swampwalker"] = "Swampwalker"
+L["Swampwalker Elder"] = "Swampwalker Elder"
+L["Sword"] = "Sword"
+L["Sylann"] = "Sylann"
+L["Syndicate Spy"] = "Syndicate Spy"
+L["TEXTDUMP_OPTIONS_DESC"] = "Options to change the behaviour of the text dump."
+L["TEXT_DUMP_DESC"] = "Change how the text dump text appears."
+L["THROWN_DESC"] = "Recipes that make thrown weapons should be included in the scan."
L["TK_RANDOM"] = "Random drop from mobs in Tempest Keep: The Eye."
-L["ULDUAR_RANDOM"] = "Random drop off of Ulduar bosses."
L["TOC25_RANDOM"] = "Random drop from the Trial of the Crusader, 25 man normal version."
-L["Custom35"] = "Drops from dragons in Ogri'la and Blade's Edge Mountains Summon Bosses"
-L["Custom36"] = "From a NPC in Dalaran sewers after doing The Taste Test" -- Update
-L["Custom41"] = "Removed from the game when Naxx 40 was taken out."
-L["Custom44"] = "You can train this recipe if you have earned the \"Loremaster of Northrend\" achievement"
-L["Custom45"] = "You can train this recipe if you have earned the \"Northrend Dungeonmaster\" achievement"
-L["LIMITED_SUPPLY"] = "Sold in limited quantity."
-L["ARCH_DROP"] = "This recipe is a random drop from a \"Canopic Jar\" while collecting artifacts for Archaeology."
-L["REMOVED_FROM_GAME"] = "This recipe has been removed from the game, but may still be obtainable if someone still has the recipe item."
+L["TOOLTIP_HINT"] = "Hide Hint Text"
+L["TOOLTIP_HINT_DESC"] = "Hides the hint text at the bottom of the tooltip."
+L["TOOLTIP_OPTIONS_DESC"] = "Allows you to specify how the tooltips for ARL behave. The acquire tooltip lists the different information on how to acquire the recipe, whereas the spell tooltip lists the recipe information itself."
+L["TOOLTIP_SCALE_DESC"] = "Changes the scale of the ARL tooltip. Ranges from .5 to 1.5 (.9 is default)"
+L["TRAINER_DESC"] = "Recipes learned from trainers should be included in the scan."
+L["TRINKET_DESC"] = "Recipes that make trinkets should be included in the scan."
+L["TWOHAND_DESC"] = "Recipes that make two handed items should be included in the scan."
+L["Taladan"] = "Taladan"
+L["Tally Berryfizz"] = "Tally Berryfizz"
+L["Tamar"] = "Tamar"
+L["Tanaika"] = "Tanaika"
+L["Tanak"] = "Tanak"
+L["Tangled Horror"] = "Tangled Horror"
+L["Tansy Puddlefizz"] = "Tansy Puddlefizz"
+L["Tarban Hearthgrain"] = "Tarban Hearthgrain"
+L["Tari'qa"] = "Tari'qa"
+L["Tatiana"] = "Tatiana"
+L["Teg Dawnstrider"] = "Teg Dawnstrider"
+L["Telonis"] = "Telonis"
+L["Tepa"] = "Tepa"
+L["Terrormaster"] = "Terrormaster"
+L["Text Dump"] = "Text Dump"
+L["Text Dump Options"] = "Text Dump Options"
+L["Thaddeus Webb"] = "Thaddeus Webb"
+L["Thamner Pol"] = "Thamner Pol"
+L["Tharynn Bouden"] = "Tharynn Bouden"
+L["Thaurissan Firewalker"] = "Thaurissan Firewalker"
+L["The Chef"] = "The Chef"
+L["Theramore Infiltrator"] = "Theramore Infiltrator"
+L["Theramore Marine"] = "Theramore Marine"
+L["Theramore Preserver"] = "Theramore Preserver"
+L["Theresa Denman"] = "Theresa Denman"
+L["Therum Deepforge"] = "Therum Deepforge"
+L["Thomas Kolichio"] = "Thomas Kolichio"
+L["Thomas Yance"] = "Thomas Yance"
+L["Thorkaf Dragoneye"] = "Thorkaf Dragoneye"
+L["Thoth"] = "Thoth"
+L["Threm Blackscalp"] = "Threm Blackscalp"
+L["Thrown"] = "Thrown"
+L["Thuzadin Shadowcaster"] = "Thuzadin Shadowcaster"
+L["Tidelord Rrurgaz"] = "Tidelord Rrurgaz"
+L["Tiffany Cartier"] = "Tiffany Cartier"
+L["Tilli Thistlefuzz"] = "Tilli Thistlefuzz"
+L["Time-Lost Shadowmage"] = "Time-Lost Shadowmage"
+L["Timofey Oshenko"] = "Timofey Oshenko"
+L["Timothy Jones"] = "Timothy Jones"
+L["Timothy Worthington"] = "Timothy Worthington"
+L["Tink Brightbolt"] = "Tink Brightbolt"
+L["Tinkerwiz"] = "Tinkerwiz"
+L["Tinkmaster Overspark"] = "Tinkmaster Overspark"
+L["Tisha Longbridge"] = "Tisha Longbridge"
+L["Tognus Flintfire"] = "Tognus Flintfire"
+L["Tomas"] = "Tomas"
+L["Tooltip (Acquire) Position"] = "Tooltip (Acquire) Position"
+L["Tooltip (Recipe) Position"] = "Tooltip (Recipe) Position"
+L["Tooltip Options"] = "Tooltip Options"
+L["Tooltip Scale"] = "Tooltip Scale"
+L["Top"] = "Top"
+L["Top Left"] = "Top Left"
+L["Top Right"] = "Top Right"
+L["Torloth the Magnificent"] = "Torloth the Magnificent"
+L["Torn Fin Coastrunner"] = "Torn Fin Coastrunner"
+L["Torn Fin Muckdweller"] = "Torn Fin Muckdweller"
+L["Torn Fin Oracle"] = "Torn Fin Oracle"
+L["Torn Fin Tidehunter"] = "Torn Fin Tidehunter"
+L["Trader Narasu"] = "Trader Narasu"
+L["Trainer"] = "Trainer"
+L["Traugh"] = "Traugh"
+L["Trinket"] = "Trinket"
+L["Truk Wildbeard"] = "Truk Wildbeard"
+L["Tunkk"] = "Tunkk"
+L["Twilight Fire Guard"] = "Twilight Fire Guard"
+L["Two Hand"] = "Two Hand"
+L["UI_SCALE_DESC"] = "Changes the scale of the UI. Ranges from .5 to 1.5 (1 is default)"
+L["ULDUAR_RANDOM"] = "Random drop off of Ulduar bosses."
+L["UNIT_MAX_TOOLTIPS_DESC"] = "Maximum number of recipes to show in tooltips."
+L["UNIT_TOOLTIPS_DESC"] = "Toggles whether or not to display unknown recipes in the tooltips of the vendors, trainers, or mobs which carry them."
+L["UNKNOWN_DESC"] = "Include all unknown recipes in the scan."
+L["USING_FILTERS_DESC"] = [=[Filters may be toggled on or off. There are two types of filters: one which will prevent the recipe from showing up at all, and one which will prevent a specific type of acquire information from showing up.
+With the first type of filter, these match the proprieties of the recipe (ie: binding). If you toggle ARL to not show BoP recipes, no recipes that are BoP will show up in the scan. The second type of filter deals with acquire information. If a recipe is available as a mob drop, or from a vendor and you toggle to not show vendor recipes, the recipe will still show up but vendor information will be hidden for it. The reason is that there is still another way to acquire this recipe (mob drop) so it should still be included in the scan.
+Please note that the tooltips will always hide the opposite faction methods of acquiring a recipe. This has been done to save space in the tooltip since they can get quite large.]=]
+L["Ulthir"] = "Ulthir"
+L["Una"] = "Una"
+L["Una Kobuna"] = "Una Kobuna"
+L["Unchained Doombringer"] = "Unchained Doombringer"
+L["Unhandled Recipe"] = "Unhandled Recipe"
+L["UnknownTradeSkill"] = "You have opened up a trade skill window which is not supported by this add-on. The trade skill is %s. Please provide the author of the add-on with this information."
+L["Uriku"] = "Uriku"
+L["Using Filters"] = "Using Filters"
+L["Uthok"] = "Uthok"
L["VASHJ'IR_RANDOM_INSC"] = "This recipe drops from mobs in Vashj'ir."
-L["DEEPHOLM_RANDOM_INSC"] = "This recipe drops from mobs in Deepholm."
-L["ENG_DISC"] = "This is discovered randomly while crafting other Engineering items."
--- Monster/Quest/Trainer/Vendor strings:
-L["\"Cookie\" McWeaksauce"] = true
-L["Aaron Hollman"] = true
-L["Aayndia Floralwind"] = true
-L["Abigail Shiel"] = true
-L["Abyssal Flamebringer"] = true
-L["Adele Fielder"] = true
-L["Adelene Sunlance"] = true
-L["Aendel Windspear"] = true
-L["Aged Dalaran Wizard"] = true
-L["Ainderu Summerleaf"] = true
-L["Ainethil"] = true
-L["Akham"] = true
-L["Alanna Raveneye"] = true
-L["Alard Schmied"] = true
-L["Alchemist Finklestein"] = true
-L["Alchemist Gribble"] = true
-L["Alchemist Kanhu"] = true
-L["Alchemist Mallory"] = true
-L["Alchemist Narett"] = true
-L["Alchemist Pestlezugg"] = true
-L["Aldraan"] = true
-L["Alegorn"] = true
-L["Aleinia"] = true
-L["Alestos"] = true
-L["Alestus"] = true
-L["Alexandra Bolero"] = true
-L["Alexandra McQueen"] = true
-L["Alexis Marlowe"] = true
-L["Algernon"] = true
-L["Almaador"] = true
-L["Altaa"] = true
-L["Alurmi"] = true
-L["Alys Vol'tyr"] = true
-L["Amal'thazad"] = true
-L["Amelia Atherton"] = true
-L["Amy Davenport"] = true
-L["Anchorite Ensham"] = true
-L["Anchorite Fateema"] = true
-L["Anchorite Paetheus"] = true
-L["Anchorite Yazmina"] = true
-L["Andellion"] = true
-L["Andrew Hilbert"] = true
-L["Andrion Darkspinner"] = true
-L["Androd Fadran"] = true
-L["Anger Guard"] = true
-L["Anguished Highborne"] = true
-L["Annora"] = true
-L["Anuur"] = true
-L["Anvilrage Captain"] = true
-L["Anvilrage Marshal"] = true
-L["Apothecary Antonivich"] = true
-L["Apothecary Bressa"] = true
-L["Apothecary Wormwick"] = true
-L["Apprentice Darius"] = true
-L["Arathel Sunforge"] = true
-L["Arcanist Sheynathren"] = true
-L["Arcatraz Sentinel"] = true
-L["Archmage Alvareaux"] = true
-L["Are We There, Yeti?"] = true
-L["Aresella"] = true
-L["Argent Quartermaster Hasana"] = true
-L["Argent Quartermaster Lightspark"] = true
-L["Argo Strongstout"] = true
-L["Aristaleon Sunweaver"] = true
-L["Arkkoran Oracle"] = true
-L["Arnok"] = true
-L["Arras"] = true
-L["Arred"] = true
-L["Arrond"] = true
-L["Arthur Denny"] = true
-L["Arthur Henslowe"] = true
-L["Arthur Moore"] = true
-L["Artificer Daelo"] = true
-L["Arugi"] = true
-L["Asarnan"] = true
-L["Ashtongue Warrior"] = true
-L["Aska Mistrunner"] = true
-L["Auchenai Monk"] = true
-L["Awan Iceborn"] = true
-L["Awilo Lon'gomba"] = true
-L["Balgaras the Foul"] = true
-L["Banalash"] = true
-L["Bario Matalli"] = true
-L["Barien"] = true
-L["Barim Spilthoof"] = true
-L["Bash'ir Spell-Thief"] = true
-L["Baxter"] = true
-L["Belil"] = true
-L["Bemarrin"] = true
-L["Bena Winterhoof"] = true
-L["Bengus Deepforge"] = true
-L["Benjamin Clegg"] = true
-L["Bernadette Dexter"] = true
-L["Bethany Cromwell"] = true
-L["Binkie Brightgear"] = true
-L["Blackened Ancient"] = true
-L["Blackhand Elite"] = true
-L["Blackrock Battlemaster"] = true
-L["Blackrock Slayer"] = true
-L["Blackrock Soldier"] = true
-L["Blacksmith Calypso"] = true
-L["Blackwater Deckhand"] = true
-L["Blixrez Goodstitch"] = true
-L["Blizrik Buckshot"] = true
-L["Bloodmaul Geomancer"] = true
-L["Bloodsail Raider"] = true
-L["Bombus Finespindle"] = true
-L["Bonechewer Backbreaker"] = true
-L["Booker Kells"] = true
-L["Borgosh Corebender"] = true
-L["Borgus Steelhand"] = true
-L["Borto"] = true
-L["Borus Ironbender"] = true
-L["Borya"] = true
-L["Boulderfist Warrior"] = true
-L["Bowen Brisboise"] = true
-L["Bradley Towns"] = true
-L["Braeg Stoutbeard"] = true
-L["Brandig"] = true
-L["Brawn"] = true
-L["Brek Stonehoof"] = true
-L["Brienna Starglow"] = true
-L["Brikk Keencraft"] = true
-L["Bro'kin"] = true
-L["Brock Stoneseeker"] = true
-L["Brom Brewbaster"] = true
-L["Brom Killian"] = true
-L["Bronk"] = true
-L["Bronk Guzzlegear"] = true
-L["Brumman"] = true
-L["Brumn Winterhoof"] = true
-L["Brundall Chiselgut"] = true
-L["Brunna Ironaxe"] = true
-L["Bryan Landers"] = true
-L["Brynna Wilson"] = true
-L["Burbik Gearspanner"] = true
-L["Burko"] = true
-L["Buzzek Bracketswing"] = true
-L["Byancie"] = true
-L["Cabal Fanatic"] = true
-L["Camberon"] = true
-L["Captain Halyndor"] = true
-L["Captain O'Neal"] = true
-L["Captured Gnome"] = true
-L["Carolai Anise"] = true
-L["Carter Tiffens"] = true
-L["Caryssia Moonhunter"] = true
-L["Casandra Downs"] = true
-L["Catarina Stanford"] = true
-L["Catherine Leland"] = true
-L["Celie Steelwing"] = true
-L["Charles Worth"] = true
-L["Charred Ancient"] = true
-L["Chaw Stronghide"] = true
-L["Chief Engineer Leveny"] = true
-L["Christoph Jeffcoat"] = true
-L["Cielstrasza"] = true
-L["Clarise Gnarltree"] = true
-L["Cliff Breaker"] = true
-L["Cloned Ooze"] = true
-L["Clyde Ranthal"] = true
-L["Coilfang Oracle"] = true
-L["Coilfang Sorceress"] = true
-L["Coilskar Siren"] = true
-L["Constance Brisboise"] = true
-L["Cook Ghilm"] = true
-L["Cookie One-Eye"] = true
-L["Coreiel"] = true
-L["Corporal Bluth"] = true
-L["Cowardly Crosby"] = true
-L["Crazed Ancient"] = true
-L["Crazed Murkblood Foreman"] = true
-L["Crazed Murkblood Miner"] = true
-L["Crazk Sparks"] = true
-L["Crimson Inquisitor"] = true
-L["Crimson Sorcerer"] = true
-L["Cro Threadstrong"] = true
-L["Crog Steelspine"] = true
-L["Crystal Boughman"] = true
-L["Crystal Brightspark"] = true
-L["Cult Alchemist"] = true
-L["Cult Researcher"] = true
-L["Cultist Shard Watcher"] = true
-L["Cyndra Kindwhisper"] = true
-L["Daedal"] = true
-L["Daenril"] = true
-L["Daga Ramba"] = true
-L["Daggle Ironshaper"] = true
-L["Dalinna"] = true
-L["Dalria"] = true
-L["Damned Apothecary"] = true
-L["Daniel Bartlett"] = true
-L["Danielle Zipstitch"] = true
-L["Dank Drizzlecut"] = true
-L["Dannelor"] = true
-L["Danwe"] = true
-L["Darin Goodstitch"] = true
-L["Dark Adept"] = true
-L["Dark Conclave Shadowmancer"] = true
-L["Dark Iron Demolitionist"] = true
-L["Dark Iron Dwarf"] = true
-L["Dark Iron Saboteur"] = true
-L["Dark Iron Slaver"] = true
-L["Dark Iron Taskmaster"] = true
-L["Dark Iron Tunneler"] = true
-L["Dark Iron Watchman"] = true
-L["Dark Strand Voidcaller"] = true
-L["Darkmoon Faire"] = true
-L["Darmari"] = true
-L["Darnall"] = true
-L["Daryl Riknussun"] = true
-L["Daryl Stack"] = true
-L["Day of the Dead"] = true
-L["Deadwind Warlock"] = true
-L["Deadwood Shaman"] = true
-L["Dealer Malij"] = true
-L["Deathforge Guardian"] = true
-L["Deathforge Imp"] = true
-L["Deathforge Smith"] = true
-L["Deathforge Tinkerer"] = true
-L["Decaying Horror"] = true
-L["Deek Fizzlebizz"] = true
-L["Defias Enchanter"] = true
-L["Defias Looter"] = true
-L["Defias Pirate"] = true
-L["Defias Renegade Mage"] = true
-L["Defias Squallshaper"] = true
-L["Delfrum Flintbeard"] = true
-L["Deneb Walker"] = true
-L["Derak Nightfall"] = true
-L["Derek Odds"] = true
-L["Deynna"] = true
-L["Diane Cannings"] = true
-L["Didi the Wrench"] = true
-L["Dirge Quikcleave"] = true
-L["Disembodied Protector"] = true
-L["Disembodied Vindicator"] = true
-L["Doba"] = true
-L["Doc Zapnozzle"] = true
-L["Doctor Gregory Victor"] = true
-L["Doctor Gustaf VanHowzen"] = true
-L["Doctor Herbert Halsey"] = true
-L["Don Carlos"] = true
-L["Doomforge Craftsman"] = true
-L["Doomforge Engineer"] = true
-L["Drac Roughcut"] = true
-L["Drake Lindgren"] = true
-L["Drakk Stonehand"] = true
-L["Drovnar Strongbrew"] = true
-L["Duchess Mynx"] = true
-L["Duhng"] = true
-L["Dulvi"] = true
-L["Durnholde Rifleman"] = true
-L["Dustin Vail"] = true
-L["Dwukk"] = true
-L["Eclipsion Archmage"] = true
-L["Eclipsion Blood Knight"] = true
-L["Eclipsion Bloodwarder"] = true
-L["Eclipsion Cavalier"] = true
-L["Eclipsion Centurion"] = true
-L["Eclipsion Soldier"] = true
-L["Eclipsion Spellbinder"] = true
-L["Edna Mullby"] = true
-L["Eebee Jinglepocket"] = true
-L["Egomis"] = true
-L["Eiin"] = true
-L["Eldara Dawnrunner"] = true
-L["Eldrin"] = true
-L["Elise Brightletter"] = true
-L["Elizabeth Jackson"] = true
-L["Elynna"] = true
-L["Emil Autumn"] = true
-L["Emrul Riknussun"] = true
-L["Enchanter Nalthanis"] = true
-L["Enchantress Volali"] = true
-L["Engineer Sinbei"] = true
-L["Enraged Mammoth"] = true
-L["Enraged Earth Spirit"] = true
-L["Enraged Water Spirit"] = true
-L["Enraged Air Spirit"] = true
-L["Enraged Fire Spirit"] = true
-L["Eorain Dawnstrike"] = true
-L["Eredar Deathbringer"] = true
-L["Eriden"] = true
-L["Erika Tate"] = true
-L["Erilia"] = true
-L["Erin Kelly"] = true
-L["Ethereal Priest"] = true
-L["Ethereum Jailor"] = true
-L["Ethereum Nullifier"] = true
-L["Eunice Burch"] = true
-L["Fael Morningsong"] = true
-L["Falorn Nightwhisper"] = true
-L["Fariel Starsong"] = true
-L["Farii"] = true
-L["Fazu"] = true
-L["Fedryen Swiftspear"] = true
-L["Feera"] = true
-L["Felannia"] = true
-L["Felicia Doan"] = true
-L["Felika"] = true
-L["Fendrig Redbeard"] = true
-L["Fera Palerunner"] = true
-L["Festive Recipes"] = true
-L["Feyden Darkin"] = true
-L["Fimble Finespindle"] = true
-L["Finbus Geargrind"] = true
-L["Findle Whistlesteam"] = true
-L["Firebrand Grunt"] = true
-L["Firebrand Invoker"] = true
-L["Firebrand Legionnaire"] = true
-L["Firebrand Pyromancer"] = true
-L["Firegut Brute"] = true
-L["Fono"]= true
-L["Foreman Marcrid"] = true
-L["Fradd Swiftgear"] = true
-L["Franklin Lloyd"] = true
-L["Fremal Doohickey"] = true
-L["Frostbrood Spawn"] = true
-L["Frostfeather Screecher"] = true
-L["Frostfeather Witch"] = true
-L["Frostmaul Giant"] = true
-L["Frozo the Renowned"] = true
-L["Fyldan"] = true
-L["Gagsprocket"] = true
-L["Gambarinka"] = true
-L["Gan'arg Analyzer"] = true
-L["Gara Skullcrush"] = true
-L["Gargantuan Abyssal"] = true
-L["Gaston"] = true
-L["Gearcutter Cogspinner"] = true
-L["Geba'li"] = true
-L["Geen"] = true
-L["Gelanthis"] = true
-L["Gelman Stonehand"] = true
-L["Geofram Bouldertoe"] = true
-L["George Candarte"] = true
-L["Georgio Bolero"] = true
-L["Ghak Healtouch"] = true
-L["Gharash"] = true
-L["Gidge Spellweaver"] = true
-L["Gigget Zipcoil"] = true
-L["Gimble Thistlefuzz"] = true
-L["Gina MacGregor"] = true
-L["Gloria Femmel"] = true
-L["Glutinous Ooze"] = true
-L["Glyx Brewright"] = true
-L["Gnaz Blunderflame"] = true
-L["Godan"] = true
-L["Ghok'kah"] = true
-L["Goli Krumn"] = true
-L["Gordunni Back-Breaker"] = true
-L["Gordunni Elementalist"] = true
-L["Gordunni Head-Splitter"] = true
-L["Gordunni Soulreaper"] = true
-L["Grarnik Goodstitch"] = true
-L["Great-father Winter's Helper"] = true
-L["Greatfather Winter"] = true
-L["Gremlock Pilsnor"] = true
-L["Gretta Ganter"] = true
-L["Grikka"] = true
-L["Grimtak"] = true
-L["Grimtotem Geomancer"] = true
-L["Grondal Moonbreeze"] = true
-L["Grumbol Stoutpick"] = true
-L["Grumnus Steelshaper"] = true
-L["Grutah"] = true
-L["Guillaume Sorouy"] = true
-L["Gundrak Savage"] = true
-L["Gunter Hansen"] = true
-L["Haalrun"] = true
-L["Haferet"] = true
-L["Hagrus"] = true
-L["Hahrana Ironhide"] = true
-L["Hama"] = true
-L["Hamanar"] = true
-L["Hammered Patron"] = true
-L["Hammon Karwn"] = true
-L["Harggan"] = true
-L["Harklan Moongrove"] = true
-L["Harlown Darkweave"] = true
-L["Harn Longcast"] = true
-L["Haughty Modiste"] = true
-L["Heldan Galesong"] = true
-L["Helenia Olden"] = true
-L["Hgarth"] = true
-L["High Admiral \"Shelly\" Jorrik"] = true
-L["High Enchanter Bardolan"] = true
-L["Highlord Darion Mograine"] = true
-L["Hillsbrad Tailor"] = true
-L["Himmik"] = true
-L["Hiwahi Three-Feathers"] = true
-L["Hotoppik Copperpinch"] = true
-L["Hula'mahi"] = true
-L["Humphry"] = true
-L["Hurnak Grimmord"] = true
-L["Ildine Sorrowspear"] = true
-L["Illidari Watcher"] = true
-L["Imindril Spearsong"] = true
-L["Indormi"] = true
-L["Indu'le Fisherman"] = true
-L["Indu'le Mystic"] = true
-L["Indu'le Warrior"] = true
-L["Inessera"] = true
-L["Innkeeper Biribi"] = true
-L["Innkeeper Fizzgrimble"] = true
-L["Innkeeper Grilka"] = true
-L["Iron Rune-Shaper"] = true
-L["Ironus Coldsteel"] = true
-L["Ironwool Mammoth"] = true
-L["Isabel Jones"] = true
-L["Jack Trapper"] = true
-L["Jadefire Rogue"] = true
-L["Jalane Ayrole"] = true
-L["James Van Brunt"] = true
-L["Jamesina Watterly"] = true
-L["Jandia"] = true
-L["Janet Hommers"] = true
-L["Jangdor Swiftstrider"] = true
-L["Jannos Ironwill"] = true
-L["Jaquilina Dramet"] = true
-L["Jase Farlane"] = true
-L["Jaxin Chong"] = true
-L["Jazdalaad"] = true
-L["Jazzrik"] = true
-L["Jedidiah Handers"] = true
-L["Jeeda"] = true
-L["Jenna Lemkenilli"] = true
-L["Jennabink Powerseam"] = true
-L["Jessara Cordell"] = true
-L["Jezebel Bican"] = true
-L["Jhordy Lapforge"] = true
-L["Jim Saltit"] = true
-L["Jinky Twizzlefixxit"] = true
-L["Jo'mah"] = true
-L["Johan Barnes"] = true
-L["Johan Focht"] = true
-L["Jonathan Garrett"] = true
-L["Jonathan Lewis"] = true
-L["Jormund Stonebrow"] = true
-L["Josef Gregorian"] = true
-L["Joseph Moore"] = true
-L["Joseph Wilson"] = true
-L["Josephine Lister"] = true
-L["Josric Fame"] = true
-L["Jun'ha"] = true
-L["Juno Dufrain"] = true
-L["Timofey Oshenko"] = true
-L["Jutak"] = true
-L["K. Lee Smallfry"] = true
-L["Kablamm Farflinger"] = true
-L["Kaita Deepforge"] = true
-L["Kalaen"] = true
-L["Kalinda"] = true
-L["Kanaria"] = true
-L["Kania"] = true
-L["Karaaz"] = true
-L["Kark Helmbreaker"] = true
-L["Karn Stonehoof"] = true
-L["Karolek"] = true
-L["Katherine Lee"] = true
-L["Kaye Toogie"] = true
-L["Keelen Sheets"] = true
-L["Keena"] = true
-L["Kelgruk Bloodaxe"] = true
-L["Kelsey Yance"] = true
-L["Kendor Kabonka"] = true
-L["Khara Deepwater"] = true
-L["Khole Jinglepocket"] = true
-L["Kil'hala"] = true
-L["Killian Sanatha"] = true
-L["Kilxx"] = true
-L["Kireena"] = true
-L["Kirembri Silvermane"] = true
-L["Kithas"] = true
-L["Kitta Firewind"] = true
-L["Knaz Blunderflame"] = true
-L["Knight Dameron"] = true
-L["Kor'geld"] = true
-L["Koren"] = true
-L["Korim"] = true
-L["Kradu Grimblade"] = true
-L["Krek Cragcrush"] = true
-L["Kriggon Talsone"] = true
-L["Krinkle Goodsteel"] = true
-L["Kristen Smythe"] = true
-L["Krugosh"] = true
-L["Krunn"] = true
-L["Kul Inkspiller"] = true
-L["Kul'de"] = true
-L["Kuldar Steeltooth"] = true
-L["Kulwia"] = true
-L["Kurdram Stonehammer"] = true
-L["Kurzen Commando"] = true
-L["Kylanna"] = true
-L["Kylanna Windwhisper"] = true
-L["Kylene"] = true
-L["Kzixx"] = true
-L["Lady Alistra"] = true
-L["Lady Palanseer"] = true
-L["Lalla Brightweave"] = true
-L["Landraelanis"] = true
-L["Lanolis Dewdrop"] = true
-L["Larana Drome"] = true
-L["Lardan"] = true
-L["Lavinia Crowe"] = true
-L["Lebowski"] = true
-L["Leeli Longhaggle"] = true
-L["Legashi Rogue"] = true
-L["Leo Sarn"] = true
-L["Leonard Porter"] = true
-L["Librarian Erickson"] = true
-L["Lieutenant General Andorov"] = true
-L["Lillehoff"] = true
-L["Lilliam Sparkspindle"] = true
-L["Lilly"] = true
-L["Lilyssia Nightbreeze"] = true
-L["Lindea Rabonne"] = true
-L["Linna Bruder"] = true
-L["Linzy Blackbolt"] = true
-L["Lizbeth Cromwell"] = true
-L["Logannas"] = true
-L["Logistics Officer Brighton"] = true
-L["Logistics Officer Silverstone"] = true
-L["Logistics Officer Ulrike"] = true
-L["Lokhtos Darkbargainer"] = true
-L["Loolruna"] = true
-L["Lord Thorval"] = true
-L["Lorelae Wintersong"] = true
-L["Lorokeem"] = true
-L["Lucan Cordell"] = true
-L["Lucc"] = true
-L["Lugrah"] = true
-L["Lyna"] = true
-L["Lynalis"] = true
-L["Mack Diver"] = true
-L["Madame Ruby"] = true
-L["Magar"] = true
-L["Mageslayer"] = true
-L["Magistrix Eredania"] = true
-L["Magnus Frostwake"] = true
-L["Mahani"] = true
-L["Mahu"] = true
-L["Makaru"] = true
-L["Mallen Swain"] = true
-L["Malygen"] = true
-L["Manfred Staller"] = true
-L["Margaux Parchley"] = true
-L["Mari Stonehand"] = true
-L["Maria Lumere"] = true
-L["Marith Lazuria"] = true
-L["Martine Tramblay"] = true
-L["Mary Edras"] = true
-L["Masat T'andr"] = true
-L["Master Chef Mouldier"] = true
-L["Master Elemental Shaper Krixix"] = true
-L["Mathar G'ochar"] = true
-L["Matt Johnson"] = true
-L["Mavralyn"] = true
-L["Mazk Snipeshot"] = true
-L["Me'lynn"] = true
-L["Meilosh"] = true
-L["Melaris"] = true
-L["Mera Mistrunner"] = true
-L["Miall"] = true
-L["Miao'zan"] = true
-L["Michael Schwan"] = true
-L["Michelle Belle"] = true
-L["Mildred Fletcher"] = true
-L["Millie Gregorian"] = true
-L["Mindri Dinkles"] = true
-L["Mining"] = true
-L["Miralisse"] = true
-L["Mire Lord"] = true
-L["Misensi"] = true
-L["Mishta"] = true
-L["Misty Merriweather"] = true
-L["Mixie Farshot"] = true
-L["Mo'arg Weaponsmith"] = true
-L["Modoru"] = true
-L["Molt Thorn"] = true
-L["Montarr"] = true
-L["Moonrage Tailor"] = true
-L["Moordo"] = true
-L["Morgan Day"] = true
-L["Mossflayer Shadowhunter"] = true
-L["Muaat"] = true
-L["Muculent Ooze"] = true
-L["Mudduk"] = true
-L["Muheru the Weaver"] = true
-L["Mukdrak"] = true
-L["Mumman"] = true
-L["Murk Worm"] = true
-L["Murkblood Raider"] = true
-L["Muuran"] = true
-L["Mycah"] = true
-L["Mythrin'dir"] = true
-L["Naal Mistrunner"] = true
-L["Nadyia Maneweaver"] = true
-L["Nahogg"] = true
-L["Naka"] = true
-L["Nakodu"] = true
-L["Namdo Bizzfizzle"] = true
-L["Namha Moonwater"] = true
-L["Nandar Branson"] = true
-L["Nardstrum Copperpinch"] = true
-L["Narj Deepslice"] = true
-L["Narkk"] = true
-L["Narv Hidecrafter"] = true
-L["Nascent Val'kyr"] = true
-L["Nasmara Moonsong"] = true
-L["Nata Dawnstrider"] = true
-L["Neal Allen"] = true
-L["Neferatti"] = true
-L["Neii"] = true
-L["Nemiha"] = true
-L["Nergal"] = true
-L["Nerog"] = true
-L["Nerrist"] = true
-L["Nessa Shadowsong"] = true
-L["Nexus Stalker"] = true
-L["Nimar the Slayer"] = true
-L["Nina Lightbrew"] = true
-L["Niobe Whizzlespark"] = true
-L["Nioma"] = true
-L["Nissa Firestone"] = true
-L["Nivi Weavewell"] = true
-L["Nixx Sprocketspring"] = true
-L["Nula the Butcher"] = true
-L["Nurse Applewood"] = true
-L["Nurse Neela"] = true
-L["Nus"] = true
-L["Nyoma"] = true
-L["Ockil"] = true
-L["Ogg'marr"] = true
-L["Oglethorpe Obnoticus"] = true
-L["Okothos Ironrager"] = true
-L["Okuno"] = true
-L["Olisarra the Kind"] = true
-L["Oluros"] = true
-L["Onodo"] = true
-L["Onslaught Mason"] = true
-L["Ontuvo"] = true
-L["Opuno Ironhorn"] = true
-L["Orland Schaeffer"] = true
-L["Orn Tenderhoof"] = true
-L["Otho Moji'ko"] = true
-L["Ounhulo"] = true
-L["Outfitter Eric"] = true
-L["Pand Stonebinder"] = true
-L["Paulsta'ats"] = true
-L["Penney Copperpinch"] = true
-L["Peter Galen"] = true
-L["Phantom Attendant"] = true
-L["Phantom Stagehand"] = true
-L["Phantom Valet"] = true
-L["Phea"] = true
-L["Pikkle"] = true
-L["Plains Mammoth"] = true
-L["Portal Seeker"] = true
-L["Poshken Hardbinder"] = true
-L["Pratt McGrubben"] = true
-L["Primal Ooze"] = true
-L["Professor Pallin"] = true
-L["Prospector Nachlan"] = true
-L["Provisioner Lorkran"] = true
-L["Provisioner Nasela"] = true
-L["Pyall Silentstride"] = true
-L["Pyrewood Tailor"] = true
-L["Qia"] = true
-L["Quarelestra"] = true
-L["Quartermaster Davian Vaclav"] = true
-L["Quartermaster Endarin"] = true
-L["Quartermaster Enuril"] = true
-L["Quartermaster Jaffrey Noreliqe"] = true
-L["Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock"] = true
-L["Quartermaster Urgronn"] = true
-L["Quelis"] = true
-L["Raenah"] = true
-L["Raging Skeleton"] = true
-L["Ranik"] = true
-L["Rann Flamespinner"] = true
-L["Rartar"] = true
-L["Rathis Tomber"] = true
-L["Rawrk"] = true
-L["Recorder Lidio"] = true
-L["Refik"] = true
-L["Rekka the Hammer"] = true
-L["Ribbly's Crony"] = true
-L["Rift Keeper"] = true
-L["Rift Lord"] = true
-L["Rikqiz"] = true
-L["Rogg"] = true
-L["Rogvar"] = true
-L["Rohok"] = true
-L["Rollick MacKreel"] = true
-L["Ronald Burch"] = true
-L["Rosemary Bovard"] = true
-L["Rosina Rivet"] = true
-L["Rotting Behemoth"] = true
-L["Roxxik"] = true
-L["Runda"] = true
-L["Rungor"] = true
-L["Ruppo Zipcoil"] = true
-L["Saenorion"] = true
-L["Sairuk"] = true
-L["Sal Ferraga"] = true
-L["Sally Tompkins"] = true
-L["Sarah Tanner"] = true
-L["Saru Steelfury"] = true
-L["Sassa Weldwell"] = true
-L["Sathein"] = true
-L["Scargil"] = true
-L["Scarlet Archmage"] = true
-L["Scarlet Cavalier"] = true
-L["Scarlet Smith"] = true
-L["Scarlet Spellbinder"] = true
-L["Scholomance Adept"] = true
-L["Sock Brightbolt"] = true
-L["Se'Jib"] = true
-L["Sebastian Crane"] = true
-L["Sedana"] = true
-L["Seer Janidi"] = true
-L["Seersa Copperpinch"] = true
-L["Sempstress Ambershine"] = true
-L["Serge Hinott"] = true
-L["Sethekk Ravenguard"] = true
-L["Sewa Mistrunner"] = true
-L["Shaani"] = true
-L["Shadi Mistrunner"] = true
-L["Shadow Council Warlock"] = true
-L["Shadowmage"] = true
-L["Shadowsworn Thug"] = true
-L["Shaina Fuller"] = true
-L["Shankys"] = true
-L["Shattered Hand Centurion"] = true
-L["Shattertusk Mammoth"] = true
-L["Shayis Steelfury"] = true
-L["Shazdar"] = true
-L["Sheendra Tallgrass"] = true
-L["Shelene Rhobart"] = true
-L["Shen'dralar Provisioner"] = true
-L["Sheri Zipstitch"] = true
-L["Sid Limbardi"] = true
-L["Silverbrook Trapper"] = true
-L["Silverbrook Villager"] = true
-L["Silverbrook Hunter"] = true
-L["Silverbrook Defender"] = true
-L["Simon Tanner"] = true
-L["Simon Unit"] = true
-L["Skeletal Flayer"] = true
-L["Skeletal Runesmith"] = true
-L["Skreah"] = true
-L["Slagg"] = true
-L["Slavering Ghoul"] = true
-L["Smiles O'Byron"] = true
-L["Smith Argus"] = true
-L["Smudge Thunderwood"] = true
-L["Son of Arkkoroc"] = true
-L["Soolie Berryfizz"] = true
-L["Sovik"] = true
-L["Spectral Researcher"] = true
-L["Spirestone Warlord"] = true
-L["Springspindle Fizzlegear"] = true
-L["Stephen Ryback"] = true
-L["Stoic Mammoth"] = true
-L["Stone Guard Mukar"] = true
-L["Stormforged Ambusher"] = true
-L["Stormforged Artificer"] = true
-L["Stormforged Champion"] = true
-L["Stormforged Infiltrator"] = true
-L["Strashaz Myrmidon"] = true
-L["Strashaz Serpent Guard"] = true
-L["Strashaz Warrior"] = true
-L["Stuart Fleming"] = true
-L["Sunfury Arcanist"] = true
-L["Sunfury Arch Mage"] = true
-L["Sunfury Archer"] = true
-L["Sunfury Bloodwarder"] = true
-L["Sunfury Bowman"] = true
-L["Sunfury Researcher"] = true
-L["Sunseeker Astromage"] = true
-L["Sunseeker Botanist"] = true
-L["Super-Seller 680"] = true
-L["Supply Officer Mills"] = true
-L["Swampwalker"] = true
-L["Swampwalker Elder"] = true
-L["Sylann"] = true
-L["Syndicate Spy"] = true
-L["Taladan"] = true
-L["Tally Berryfizz"] = true
-L["Tamar"] = true
-L["Tanaika"] = true
-L["Tanak"] = true
-L["Tangled Horror"] = true
-L["Tansy Puddlefizz"] = true
-L["Tarban Hearthgrain"] = true
-L["Tari'qa"] = true
-L["Tatiana"] = true
-L["Teg Dawnstrider"] = true
-L["Telonis"] = true
-L["Tepa"] = true
-L["Terrormaster"] = true
-L["Thaddeus Webb"] = true
-L["Thamner Pol"] = true
-L["Tharynn Bouden"] = true
-L["Thaurissan Firewalker"] = true
-L["The Chef"] = true
-L["Theramore Infiltrator"] = true
-L["Theramore Marine"] = true
-L["Theramore Preserver"] = true
-L["Theresa Denman"] = true
-L["Therum Deepforge"] = true
-L["Thomas Kolichio"] = true
-L["Thomas Yance"] = true
-L["Thorkaf Dragoneye"] = true
-L["Thoth"] = true
-L["Threm Blackscalp"] = true
-L["Thuzadin Shadowcaster"] = true
-L["Tidelord Rrurgaz"] = true
-L["Tiffany Cartier"] = true
-L["Tilli Thistlefuzz"] = true
-L["Time-Lost Shadowmage"] = true
-L["Timothy Jones"] = true
-L["Timothy Worthington"] = true
-L["Tink Brightbolt"] = true
-L["Tinkerwiz"] = true
-L["Tinkmaster Overspark"] = true
-L["Tisha Longbridge"] = true
-L["Tognus Flintfire"] = true
-L["Tomas"] = true
-L["Torloth the Magnificent"] = true
-L["Torn Fin Coastrunner"] = true
-L["Torn Fin Muckdweller"] = true
-L["Torn Fin Oracle"] = true
-L["Torn Fin Tidehunter"] = true
-L["Trader Narasu"] = true
-L["Traugh"] = true
-L["Truk Wildbeard"] = true
-L["Tunkk"] = true
-L["Twilight Fire Guard"] = true
-L["Ulthir"] = true
-L["Una"] = true
-L["Una Kobuna"] = true
-L["Unchained Doombringer"] = true
-L["Uriku"] = true
-L["Uthok"] = true
-L["Vaean"] = true
-L["Valdaron"] = true
-L["Vance Undergloom"] = true
-L["Vanessa Sellers"] = true
-L["Vargus"] = true
-L["Vazario Linkgrease"] = true
-L["Veenix"] = true
-L["Vekh'nir Dreadhawk"] = true
-L["Vendor-Tron 1000"] = true
-L["Vengeful Ancient"] = true
-L["Venture Co. Excavator"] = true
-L["Venture Co. Strip Miner"] = true
-L["Veteran Crusader Aliocha Segard"] = true
-L["Vharr"] = true
-L["Viggz Shinesparked"] = true
-L["Vilebranch Hideskinner"] = true
-L["Vir'aani Arcanist"] = true
-L["Vira Younghoof"] = true
-L["Vivianna"] = true
-L["Vizzklick"] = true
-L["Vodesiin"] = true
-L["Voidshrieker"] = true
-L["Volchan"] = true
-L["Vosur Brakthel"] = true
-L["Waldor"] = true
-L["Wastewander Bandit"] = true
-L["Wastewander Rogue"] = true
-L["Wastewander Shadow Mage"] = true
-L["Wastewander Thief"] = true
-L["Weapon Technician"] = true
-L["Weaver Aoa"] = true
-L["Wenna Silkbeard"] = true
-L["Werg Thickblade"] = true
-L["Wik'Tar"] = true
-L["Wilhelmina Renel"] = true
-L["Wind Trader Lathrai"] = true
-L["Winter Reveler"] = true
-L["Winterfall Den Watcher"] = true
-L["Winterfall Totemic"] = true
-L["Winterfall Ursa"] = true
-L["Witherbark Berserker"] = true
-L["Witherbark Headhunter"] = true
-L["Witherbark Shadow Hunter"] = true
-L["Withered Ancient"] = true
-L["Wolgren Jinglepocket"] = true
-L["Wrahk"] = true
-L["Wrathwalker"] = true
-L["Wulan"] = true
-L["Wulmort Jinglepocket"] = true
-L["Wunna Darkmane"] = true
-L["Xandar Goodbeard"] = true
-L["Xen'to"] = true
-L["Xerintha Ravenoak"] = true
-L["Xizk Goodstitch"] = true
-L["Xizzer Fizzbolt"] = true
-L["Xylinnia Starshine"] = true
-L["Xyrol"] = true
-L["Yarr Hammerstone"] = true
-L["Yatheon"] = true
-L["Yelmak"] = true
-L["Ythyar"] = true
-L["Yuka Screwspigot"] = true
-L["Yurial Soulwater"] = true
-L["Zamja"] = true
-L["Zan Shivsproket"] = true
-L["Zannok Hidepiercer"] = true
-L["Zansoa"] = true
-L["Zantasia"] = true
-L["Zap Farflinger"] = true
-L["Zaralda"] = true
-L["Zarbo Porkpatty"] = true
-L["Zarena Cromwind"] = true
-L["Zargh"] = true
-L["Zarrin"] = true
-L["Zebig"] = true
-L["Zixil"] = true
-L["Zorbin Fandazzle"] = true
-L["Zula Slagfury"] = true
-L["Zurai"] = true
-L["Zurii"] = true
-L["FILTERING_CATA_DESC"] = "Configuration for which Cataclysm Reputation reward recipes are included in the scan."
-L["CATA_WOW_DESC"] = "Recipes available with Cataclysm."
-L["Krenk Choplimb"] = true
-L["Agatian Fallanos"] = true
-L["Senthii"] = true
-L["COMMAND_LINE_SCAN"] = "To run a scan from a command line you need to specify the profession like: /arl scan enchanting"
+L["VENDOR_DESC"] = "Recipes purchased from vendors should be included in the scan."
+L["VIEW_EXCLUSION_LIST_DESC"] = "Prints out a list of all recipes on the exclusion list."
+L["Vaean"] = "Vaean"
+L["Valdaron"] = "Valdaron"
+L["Vance Undergloom"] = "Vance Undergloom"
+L["Vanessa Sellers"] = "Vanessa Sellers"
+L["Vargus"] = "Vargus"
+L["Vazario Linkgrease"] = "Vazario Linkgrease"
+L["Veenix"] = "Veenix"
+L["Vekh'nir Dreadhawk"] = "Vekh'nir Dreadhawk"
+L["Vendor"] = "Vendor"
+L["Vendor-Tron 1000"] = "Vendor-Tron 1000"
+L["Vengeful Ancient"] = "Vengeful Ancient"
+L["Venture Co. Excavator"] = "Venture Co. Excavator"
+L["Venture Co. Strip Miner"] = "Venture Co. Strip Miner"
+L["Veteran Crusader Aliocha Segard"] = "Veteran Crusader Aliocha Segard"
+L["Vharr"] = "Vharr"
+L["View Exclusion List"] = "View Exclusion List"
+L["Viggz Shinesparked"] = "Viggz Shinesparked"
+L["Vilebranch Hideskinner"] = "Vilebranch Hideskinner"
+L["Vir'aani Arcanist"] = "Vir'aani Arcanist"
+L["Vira Younghoof"] = "Vira Younghoof"
+L["Vivianna"] = "Vivianna"
+L["Vizzklick"] = "Vizzklick"
+L["Vodesiin"] = "Vodesiin"
+L["Voidshrieker"] = "Voidshrieker"
+L["Volchan"] = "Volchan"
+L["Vosur Brakthel"] = "Vosur Brakthel"
+L["WAND_DESC"] = "Recipes that make wands should be included in the scan."
+L["WAYPOINT_MAP_FORMAT"] = "Create waypoints for missing recipes on the %s."
+L["WAYPOINT_TOGGLE_FORMAT"] = "Create waypoints for %s recipes."
+L["WEAPON_TEXT_DESC"] = [=[Left-click here to select all weapon filters.
+Right-click here to deselect all weapon filters.]=]
+L["WORLD_DROP_DESC"] = "Recipes that are World Drops should be included in the scan."
+L["Waldor"] = "Waldor"
+L["Wand"] = "Wand"
+L["Wastewander Bandit"] = "Wastewander Bandit"
+L["Wastewander Rogue"] = "Wastewander Rogue"
+L["Wastewander Shadow Mage"] = "Wastewander Shadow Mage"
+L["Wastewander Thief"] = "Wastewander Thief"
+L["Waypoints"] = "Waypoints"
+L["Weapon"] = "Weapon"
+L["Weapon Technician"] = "Weapon Technician"
+L["Weaver Aoa"] = "Weaver Aoa"
+L["Wenna Silkbeard"] = "Wenna Silkbeard"
+L["Werg Thickblade"] = "Werg Thickblade"
+L["Wik'Tar"] = "Wik'Tar"
+L["Wilhelmina Renel"] = "Wilhelmina Renel"
+L["Wind Trader Lathrai"] = "Wind Trader Lathrai"
+L["Winter Reveler"] = "Winter Reveler"
+L["Winterfall Den Watcher"] = "Winterfall Den Watcher"
+L["Winterfall Totemic"] = "Winterfall Totemic"
+L["Winterfall Ursa"] = "Winterfall Ursa"
+L["Witherbark Berserker"] = "Witherbark Berserker"
+L["Witherbark Headhunter"] = "Witherbark Headhunter"
+L["Witherbark Shadow Hunter"] = "Witherbark Shadow Hunter"
+L["Withered Ancient"] = "Withered Ancient"
+L["Wolgren Jinglepocket"] = "Wolgren Jinglepocket"
+L["World Drop"] = "World Drop"
+L["Wrahk"] = "Wrahk"
+L["Wrathwalker"] = "Wrathwalker"
+L["Wulan"] = "Wulan"
+L["Wulmort Jinglepocket"] = "Wulmort Jinglepocket"
+L["Wunna Darkmane"] = "Wunna Darkmane"
+L["XML"] = "XML"
+L["Xandar Goodbeard"] = "Xandar Goodbeard"
+L["Xen'to"] = "Xen'to"
+L["Xerintha Ravenoak"] = "Xerintha Ravenoak"
+L["Xizk Goodstitch"] = "Xizk Goodstitch"
+L["Xizzer Fizzbolt"] = "Xizzer Fizzbolt"
+L["Xylinnia Starshine"] = "Xylinnia Starshine"
+L["Xyrol"] = "Xyrol"
+L["Yarr Hammerstone"] = "Yarr Hammerstone"
+L["Yatheon"] = "Yatheon"
+L["Yelmak"] = "Yelmak"
+L["Ythyar"] = "Ythyar"
+L["Yuka Screwspigot"] = "Yuka Screwspigot"
+L["Yurial Soulwater"] = "Yurial Soulwater"
+L["ZA_RANDOM"] = "Random drop off of Zul'Aman bosses."
+L["Zamja"] = "Zamja"
+L["Zan Shivsproket"] = "Zan Shivsproket"
+L["Zannok Hidepiercer"] = "Zannok Hidepiercer"
+L["Zansoa"] = "Zansoa"
+L["Zantasia"] = "Zantasia"
+L["Zap Farflinger"] = "Zap Farflinger"
+L["Zaralda"] = "Zaralda"
+L["Zarbo Porkpatty"] = "Zarbo Porkpatty"
+L["Zarena Cromwind"] = "Zarena Cromwind"
+L["Zargh"] = "Zargh"
+L["Zarrin"] = "Zarrin"
+L["Zebig"] = "Zebig"
+L["Zixil"] = "Zixil"
+L["Zorbin Fandazzle"] = "Zorbin Fandazzle"
+L["Zula Slagfury"] = "Zula Slagfury"
+L["Zurai"] = "Zurai"
+L["Zurii"] = "Zurii"